Kick off a Healthy 2023 | 1 hour Mega Mix

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okay you lovely people we are gonna make a beautiful pasta dish we're gonna make veggie hollandaise this is remind you cookbook super food family classics we've taken one of the most classic family recipes spaghetti bolognaise and we've made it veggie it's really nutritious it's perfectly balanced it's three of your five fruit and vege of day which is fantastic and it's big enough wonderful ways to get your protein without eating meat which is always really handy in modern day life so look we got two sticks of celery two carrots 2 onions two cloves of garlic I'm using 20 grams of dried porcini here that's the only sort of ingredient you've got to find really but they're in the supermarkets and this gives you the body of flavor right it's a really humble delicious meal so a couple of tablespoons olive oil into a pan put that on a medium heat of celery nice and fine we're going to slice up some garlic here and two sprigs of rosemary finely chopped 2 carrots 1/2 centimeter dice this is a rustic peasant dish and it's gonna make you really really happy I'm using red onions you can use white if you want finely chop it we've got that on a medium heat and I'm gonna put a lid on I'll give that a little shake and just sort of slowly sweat that off without colour for about 15-20 minutes before I kind of disappear I'm just going to cover the dry porcini that's very savory it's got a real deep incredible broth so this has had about 20 minutes now and it's just frying away nice and gently I can just turn the gas up a little bit hundred mils of Chianti goes in there let it cook away so while that's frying away and a couple of leaves of bay leaves they can go in now let's just roughly chop these mushrooms these have rehydrated now it's only 20 grams guys but it's big flavor we're going to go in with a broth now guys we're end in the frying process now often there's kind of little bits of grit discard that we're gonna go in the tomatoes loosely bash those up and they'll fall apart as they cook I'm just going to put a swig of boiling water in each tin just swill it around so tomatoes are in now lentils they're brilliant they absorb flavor just like meat work so we're just going to break up some of those tomatoes and we're gonna turn the heat back down to sort of medium and I'm gonna let that just kind of simmer and blip away for about 30 minutes and then I'll show you what to do next so let's have a little taste this is your opportunity to have a little season and the Heat's off now I can put a little parsley through this lovely ragu you could use basil if you wanted to you can mix it up walk lovely marjoram or something like that in the pan next to it I have some pasta 80 grams per person I've traded up from white pasta spaghetti to whole wheat pasta three times the amount of fiber in whole wheat products more B vitamins so really really good so what I'm gonna do is steal a little bit of water and just adjusting the texture and I want it to be nice and loose so it just catches the pasta in a beautiful way that pasta has had it's sort of eight minutes now it's ready and raring to go so drain your pasta and just keep a little bit of that cooking water okay and I'll show you why in a minute so I'm just going to do a couple of portions of this look at that just mix it up parmesan 15 grams or so the season of the parmesan just brings the lovely flavors together now it's starting to get thick now right and a bit claggy and that's not cool so we're gonna add some of that cooking water and that's going to keep it nice and loose and gorgeous so let's plate this up and before all the veggies start telling me off saying that parmesan is not vegetarian this is actually a cheese called Bella Lodi which is using a vegetarian rennet and it's very similar to Parmesan so here we go the lovely veggie Bolognese get in there mmm really good sort of slightly smoky from the rosemary and from the porcini sweet from the tomatoes and you got all the veg that's kind of just cooked into the lentils to be that kind of ragweed sort of texture that we love please give it a go don't write it off until you've tried it okay we're gonna do an amazing soup that I learn inspiration of a trip I had to Costa Rica and we went this incredible area and I had this black bean soup with beautiful eggs poached in it at the last minute with tortillas and a little salsa really healthy it's got three or five a day and it's packed full of the good stuff so very simply get some celery and just strip it into little lengths like this and then we're gonna just roughly chop it into like centimeter dice in a pan we're gonna use a Dutch oven like this put it on a medium heat we're gonna add about two tablespoons of olive oil we're gonna go in with the celery then we're gonna go in with the garlic and then as you're adding these flavors the smell was amazing we're gonna get some time here you could use our Ghana if you wanted to then we're going to go in with the two little bay leaves okay these go in fragrance beautiful then we're going to go in with two finely chopped onions I'm using red onions but of course you could use white onion or even leeks if you wanted to I like the idea of a little kick a little spice to it so I'm gonna add just a little bit of chili about half a chili goes in then peppers we love our peppers I just get my funds I'm pushing this little stalk and then I pull it up like that so remove the seeds roughly chop the peppers into kind of centimeter chunks a nice little pinch of seasoning goes in while that's frying I'm going to get on with a kind of kicker okay so let's have a little look at that we've got a bowl here and we want to make a kind of saucer okay so I've got a small bunch of coriander here I want to use the top path for my saucer and this bottom half the stalks they're nice and clean we're gonna finely slice that okay you know the stalks have got loads of flavor don't throw them away so they go in beautiful and then the leaves are gonna go in my funky little saucer I'm just gonna roughly chop the leaves like that and then I'm gonna take some chilies it could be like a jalapeno it could be a red chili you know it really can be anything you like you know take a little bit of lime juice I'm using these different colored chilies just because I've gotten the chilies go in the coriander goes in then we're gonna go in with the juice of one lime and all I want to do is add a little swig of olive oil okay and a pinch of salt and then just use a little spoon to mix that up it's very very simple guys so we've got 800 grams of tinned or tetrapack beans black beans going in of course you can use any beans but black beans are actually the highest protein beans that you can get look at that look at the colour Juicin all I'm going with about 400 mils of water right we'll bring this to the boil and let it a funder along and boil hard for 10 minutes this dish I had cooked for me little area of Costa Rica called the Nicoya Peninsula these lovely ladies sort of in their 50s cooked it with me and they cooked it for their dad who's a hundred and sixty years old let's turn it down now gentle gentle gentle Jim let's take out the bay leaf so they easily come out it's done its job now fragrance so we can get rid of that and then I'm gonna use a little hand blender and just blitz up so look I've just blitz like a quarter of it okay and what you get is this you've got chunks but also you've got smoothness and kind of comfort there as well so a little bit of both so at this point we're gonna have a little taste or have a think it's good adjust your seasoning and then I want it to be on a gentle Heat here so I'll turn that right down and then we're gonna go in with our eggs and very simply crack and in it goes and you're going to poach that egg in that soup then we've got tortillas and we can toast these we can put them on a griddle pan or you can just put it on a gas hob just to warm them through okay it takes seconds so let's serve it up this wonderful hearty dish there's your egg just like that a couple of ladles of your soup and then go in with the egg bomb on top boom you want to add that flourish with this salsa a little drizzle of olive oil right let's have a little look there's egg cut in there oh yes and then just chop it up get your tortilla mmm so good we're gonna make gorgeous Chinese style steamed mushrooms buns with gorgeous steamed greens it's vegan it's vegetarian it's full of all the good stuff and really really healthy sound good let's do it we're gonna start with dried mushrooms Chinese darling cover those with a little boiling water let that rehydrate for just a couple of minutes and it kind of gives like kind of deep rafi flavor that I absolutely love so let's get cooking we've got about 5 under grams of chestnut mushrooms but you really could use any mushrooms you can get mushrooms are a brilliant source of vitamin D and B I'm just gonna like literally rip them up so we're gonna start to drive those mushrooms then we go in with just a tablespoon of sesame oil ginger just a thumb sized piece my thumb not your thumb my thumb slice up this ginger definitely to my vegan and vegetarian brothers and sisters you know this is vegan this is happy happy cooking right here carry on tossing and then I'm using coriander we'll have the leaves for later the stalks just finely chopped go in gorgeous look at that I'll slice up these dried mushrooms you can see they're nice and soft now one little handful will make a lovely difference here you've got this one a little brother really really big flavor don't worry about the moisture because what we want to do is cook that lovely mushroom broth away you can see almost evaporating as we talk see the little bubbles there so here we are when you're cooking for about four minutes so first up a little rice wine vinegar about a tablespoon gives it a little tang and I like that I like that and then a little seasoning with some light soy sauce have a nice little toss up turn the heat off couple of spring onions and chili add that to your own preference okay so that is our filling guys and you can see this happens in pretty much five minutes just run your knife through it next up let's make these beautiful buns this recipe I've developed is so so simple in a bowl we're gonna go in with one tin of coconut milk this is a beautiful measurement and I'm gonna do a heaped tin of self-raising wholemeal flour because I want it to be really sore healthy full of goodness so the next one regular white self-raising flour so in we go and then we want to lightly season this dough take a little fork mix it around and you will make a lovely little dough it's gonna be a little bit darker than your traditional one because of the whole wheat flour but it will still be nice and light and fluffy I'm gonna roll it out to an even sausage cut it in half because we want to divide into 12 so we've got these lovely balls they take no time to do at all stuffing them is quite simple you just take one of your little buns just Pat it you can stretch it a bit it's quite forgiving in the palm of your hand do you make an actual little dip nice two heaped spoons of these gorgeous filling goes in it's really simple it's not technical tool just bring up the sides and pinch it now remember you have a raising agent in here and as it cooks or sponge up and it will find its natural smooth gorgeous or spherical shape what I quite like to do is put it into these sort of large muffin papers okay it kind of does the job so for a couple of minutes I'm just gonna do that and then we can cook them [Music] and there's the very last gorgeous little steamed bun I have a wok here I put about an inch of water in the bottom here turn that on to full whack I want to get a celebration of greens going we've got choice sum here what I like to do is just bend it literally around our little steamer you can put some lovely asparagus in sprouting broccolis purple fruit please all of these veggies are super high in vitamin C you know antioxidants you know so good so look I'm gonna put that on a high heat steam helps to save nutrients when you're cooking veggies so those veggies I only want to cook those for about 4 4 and 1/2 minutes and then those buns 12 minutes it's beautiful time to serve up I've got some lovely sweet chili sauce here fresh chili they're toasted sesame seeds spring onions coriander I've got some soy sauce here I've got some hoisin just have fun look it one burst open because it was so excited we've got a lovely green look at the color they're just still full of life is really beautiful mmm it's truly tasty and even though we've got the whole wheat in there it's a little heavier but it's still soft what's that you guys want a baked bean recipe with barbecue flavors where you read the barbecue indoors well it is that time of year food tubers I'm DJ BBQ you ask and you shall receive barbecued baked beans it's a tasty healthy rad dish we've got vegetables we've got flavors we've got beans we've got pulses we've got all that awesome noise coming your way in our foundations of flavor we've got two chopped red onions we've got two chopped whole carrots two chopped cloves of garlic and the all-important chili everybody say me all the time okay now we're gonna add a bit more flavor to our foundations of Awesomeness one level teaspoon of chili flakes leave out the chili if you want to a level teaspoon of cumin seeds get in there cumin seeds a heaped teaspoon of paprika and then we hit it with some olive oil and mix all those lovely flavors together let's have a party whoo so there's our lovely base flavors so these go into the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes until it turns soft 350 degrees Fahrenheit for my friends over on the other side of Lake Atlantic there you go have fun little dudes while those cats are cooking in the oven I'm gonna prep our sweet potatoes so we're gonna get six sweet potatoes rocking to rid him with some olive oil sea salt and pepper and then we give them a lovely massage can we here come here we play like some you know baby making music right now all the massage our sweet potatoes make sure all that sweet sweet love comes pouring out our sweet potatoes have been seizing the massage with olive oil so they go into the oven for about an hour at the same temperature as the vegetables and these guys get to come out and that's what you want to see nicely softened up and these guys need the next layer of flavor two cans and beans you can use any beans so get these guys in there all goes in then we're gonna add big ol bottle of asada two sprigs of rosemary finely chopped so stir up all those flavors and now we bring the outdoors in with 100 milliliters of barbecue sauce now you can use store-bought stuff or you can make mine or you can make jamie's but Jamie's is so good 100 milliliters of barbecue sauce goes in smoky sweet goodness so the barbecue sauce the beans the Posada or the chopped tomatoes all those flavors with that chopped rosemary goes into our tray and it goes back into the oven to join our six sweet potatoes until they are done remember 180 degrees Celsius 350 degrees Fahrenheit so in the meantime I'm gonna do some poppet and break dancing for the next 45 minutes all right listen I've got one more layer of RAD flavor you don't have to do this but if you do it's gonna take this thing to the upper atmospheres of RAD deliciousness and that is cheesy croutons so we've got our tray you know any kind of like leftover bread you got make some croutons so I'm we're gonna use half this bad boy all right so we're gonna grab some olive oil we're a drizzle too on our bread whew now we want to do about 40 grams of cheese and we're gonna make it rain cheddar cheese it's my favourite rain so 40 grams on to our ripped up bread so it goes in the oven you guys need 20 more minutes and then you all become one get a room food duties so the beans they just smell phenomenal and the sweet potatoes are looking lush we've also got the croutons all man's a tear-jerking down the side of my cheek I'm so happy with these beans get down here man look at these guys I mean all that kind of juice has reduced and intensify the flavors with that barbecue sauce man and there's those onions and that kind of spicy chilies of all and better themselves into these beans these are so good but we're not done man we've got to add the sweet potatoes roll them in there we're gonna give them a little bit of a smush and then we're gonna add our croutons that you can take to the table and you can serve it up and you can share it or say you just want a meal for one right so you grab yourself a plate you grab yourself a sweet potato you get a knife and you go for the the lightning-bolt cut push it up like that you get a big spoonful of the beans and we're gonna drizzle some yogurt on top and you throw a couple of them croutons on the side there oh goodness gracious let's get it in there mmm those beans are so smoky and sweet and delicious with a tiny bit of a kick oh man that is so good I'm Anna Jones and I'm gonna show you how to make one of my favorite ever breakfast it's Bircher muesli this is a dairy-free breakfast and it's warming and delicious and exactly what you need to get you going for the day for this I'm using almond milk which is dairy-free but you can use any milk you want so I'm gonna start with the oats the oats are gonna be the base of this everyone's got them in their cupboard they're super cheap I'm using rolled oats instead of the instant ones the instant ones can be a bit more powdery and we're going to soak these so they're going to soften up a little bit we're going to use about 100 grams which is enough for two people these little chia seeds are pretty amazing they're really really high in protein and they're packed with nutrients so adding a couple of tablespoons of these to your breakfast will give you a massive protein boost and keep you full until lunchtime these are pumpkin seeds pumpkin seeds are really high in iron if you can't get hold of chia seeds then you could just double up on the pumpkin seeds and we're going to add just about a tablespoon so the real beauty of this Bircher is that you can actually just make it with whatever else you've got and you can actually adapt this recipe to soup what you like to eat in the morning and what we need to add next is a little bit of sweetness I'm going to use maple syrup a tablespoon here honey is the famous maple syrup it's sweet but it's better than adding a tablespoon of just plain refined sugar a little bit of vanilla extract here this is just gonna add some warmth and some kind of depth and some heady spice to this I love adding lemon zest to lots of things you might think it's a bit of a weird thing to add at breakfast they're refreshing and I think having that in the morning is really really nice the next thing is some almond milk you could use any milk you like here really I like almond milk because it adds a bit of extra protein a bit of extra energy I've got about 350 mils here which is going to be the perfect amount to soak these oats by soaking that and seeds overnight we make this lovely creamy texture but at the same time we're actually speeding up the digestion process so that's all ready to go and you really smell the vanilla and the zestiness of the lemon in here so what I'm going to do is just cover this I'm just going to use a plate you could use some cling film or whatever and I'm just going to pop it in the fridge overnight this birch has been in the fridge overnight you can see here that the oats have puffed up a bit you can see that the chia seeds have kind of swollen up a bit in there and it's lovely and creamy and thick so I'm really happy with that I'm just going to pop that here well I chopped up a bit of fruit to go with it I'm just going to do a couple of pears but you can really use whatever is in season add a little pinch of cinnamon I'm gonna squeeze over a tiny little bit of lemon juice and I'm also just gonna add a few of these sour cherries I always do this fresh on the morning I'm gonna eat it the Bircher is brilliant to do overnight so this is all the work done the night before and then all you need to do in the morning is just chop up a little bit of fruit or even throw some berries or dried fruit on top if you're really in a rush put the other half back in the fridge for tomorrow because this birch is actually good for a couple of days I'm gonna top this off with a little bit of the pear and sour cherries know this is gonna be absolutely delicious and then to finish off just a tiny bit more maple syrup so here it is my delicious overnight Bertram Easley it's packed with nutrition it's full of energy and it's completely delicious so we're just gonna have mmm that is really really good zingy it's lemony I can taste the vanilla the cinnamon on the pears the sweetness from the maple syrup that is really good we are gonna do a beautiful quick delicious nutritious dish gorgeous chargrilled a skull of a pork amazing marinated new potatoes with beautiful super greens it's a really gorgeous healthy dish I think you're gonna love it so let's do it I've got some lovely free-range pork in it's one of the more affordable high welfare meats is low in saturated fat which is good it's quite lean I want to show you a way of tenderizing the meat so just get yourself a little bit of greaseproof paper just gonna put this over like this give it a nice little pressure up its tenderized it and it's also allowed it to cook quicker it's gonna be great I'm gonna flavor it very simply I am using my pestle and water I'm gonna go in with some time but you could use rosemary or any other woody herb I'm gonna go in with a little salt and a little pepper got a clove of garlic here as well and I'm just gonna bash that up and then just a little olive oil tablespoon for little scrapes of lemon zest so that we're just gonna put onto our pork have a little bit of a rub up that's mega flavor right there just a little portion there very nice okay next up I've got some lovely new potatoes here per person sort of four or five about 100 grams new potatoes are great all the vitamin C is in the skin so boil the water first and then plop those potatoes in I've got a bunch of mint here the stalks that goes into the water that starts to get absorbed in there straightaway very very nice what I'm gonna do guys is a really really simple dressing I only need literally half a lemon for this and squeeze that into our Bowl this mint here the center leaves are like kind of beautiful they're more like a kind of salad leaf pick those out and then just rip the bigger leaves off and I'll put them into the dressing the half a chili beautiful and then just 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil pecorino just literally 20 grams in there and that season it instead of salt is gonna be gorgeous so let's talk about the beautiful veggies I'm using frozen peas because they're picked and frozen so quickly too they're full of nutrients delicious this is 80 grams of sprouting broccoli that's one of your five a day then 80 grams of frozen peas goes in that's one in your five a day and broad beans as well we are looking good guys here's the really cool thing about nutrition let's say the peas and broad beans they're really high in vitamin K great for your bone health nice strong bones and really good for your blood health as well okay they're fat soluble nutrients this is beauty but wait for it so a little bit of olive oil in the dressing that makes them taste delicious also helps you absorb more of that goodness and then you've got a vitamin C in the potatoes and the veggies as well and that needs acid the lemon juice helps you absorb more vitamin C so weight basically what I'm telling you guys is a lovely dressing you know in moderation which this is on your salad or your veggies is a really really healthy good thing and it makes your food taste better boom now this only needs 2 minutes cooking I'm going to drain this this griddle pan is nice and hot that we've got no oil on this griddle pan at all completely dry hey this is lightly oil okay that's all you need so we go in with our pork into the pan push it down to get the benefits of those beautiful bar marks fantastic that's going to take a minute each side so I'm going to cook my veggies into this bowl I'm going to remove the mint stalks that my friends as a salad in its own right is a beautiful thing just dress them up now really really really really nice gorgeous colors just very very beautiful now we do not want to overcook this pork okay so now look have a look at this we've got lovely charring there we'll move it to the other side one minute maximum the pork is done look how juicy that still is so we just lay that on top and some of those lovely little mint leaves over the top and then last but not least we only put 20 grams of pecorino in to dress and season those veggies so you can do a little bit over the top the pecorino works so well with those lovely veggies look at that Wow this juicy still charred the mint chilli pecorino and the lemon just makes the pork work so so well hi guys donal here I have a brilliant quick simple and healthy little recipe to keep you warm during these colder winter months it's a corn chowder it's very very easy to make and best of all it is luscious creamy and sweet it starts off with cutting up some celery and some onion now if you're looking for the recipe it is on so head over and check it out [Music] once you have that celery and onion chopped up get a little drop of olive oil into a large pot a little drop goes in and once that's nice and warm get your celery and your onions straight in there you want to fry this off until it's nice soft and tender but the extra dimension of flavor I'm gonna add in here is a little bit of thyme leaves and this will give you the most beautiful aromatic flavor and just really build the base flavors of this soup it only takes a few ingredients to make something very very simple very healthy and totally delicious while that's frying off I'm gonna chop up my potato now you can use a waxy or a flowery potato here it depends how you like the finish on your soup but I'm using one that has a nice combination of the two so I'm gonna peel that up and give it a quick peel on the outside and then just chop it into cubes in terms of size of the little cubes you're gonna make you just want small off bite-sized pieces that make this a very hearty chatter thanks time to check on my onion on my salary and it is looking and smelling very good so at this point it's time to make the creamy element of this wonderful soup so in with a little bit of plain flour and essentially this is gonna help to thicken this soup and give you a really kind of creamy and rich chowder so stir that straight through now I'm using low fat milk add that in and the flour in the milk are gonna act together and give you this wonderful rich and creamy finish to the soup once that's nicely combined grab up your potatoes and just chop them straight in you want to cook these potatoes for about 12 minutes but you want them to be tender but not mushy they need to be holding their shape my potatoes are nearly cooked so now it's time to chop up some spring onions nice and fine straight into the Pops it adds brilliant color in through that white mixture and then for our lovely sweetness a bittersweet give that all a good stir through and get it's time to taste so wrap up a little bit of sweet corn a little potato some spring onion in there and give it a taste what is absolutely brilliant about this recipe is that you're taking just a few key little ingredients that are full of flavor making something that is really healthy and it results in the most delicious hearty chowder that is sweet and luscious and creamy all the things you want it to be it is very very easy to make today I'm gonna serve it up into a bowl finish it off with some chopped chives and little parmesan crisps for a bit of bike it is a really simple and healthy recipe [Music] you know that you have to see to believe [Music] and now we're talking in the rain always haven't opted are you saying that you lost again getting ready for the Optima just a little bit of living in you get the lobby giving up we're at a when the world stops spinning you will get the lobby giving again [Music] you know that me [Music] she fit athlete world champion freerunner and also a vegan I spent a lot of time in Asia recently and I like taking inspiration from different cultures into my vegan lifestyle when trying to create new recipes and today I've come up with a super easy Chinese noodle salad we've got rice noodles we've got almost room spinach as well as all your classic Asian flavors like ginger garlic chili lime the list goes on this recipe serves about four people one big bowl everyone gonna tuck in let's get into it got about 200 grams with the rice noodles you will just cover that with water you do this first so they're gonna be cooking while you're making the rest of salad take a selection of mushrooms we've got a stir and shiitake and a couple other fancy looking ones I'm gonna slice them down mushrooms are a good source of vitamin b2 which is great for brain and nervous system buy any mushrooms you want wherever you can get the supermarket they crazy look in the bear I'm not gonna cut these ones up you can just tear them apart these are no ki mushrooms as well like nature's cheese string now this bowl is full and there's not much room for anything else you're ready with the mushroom [Music] one long red chili slice it down the middle take the seeds out two cloves of garlic slice them up nice and thin in China they use garlic and chilies so ragged on everything slice of chili nice and finally next film a ginger peel it you scrape it off the edge once you've done that you want to cut it into small matchsticks it might take you a while but it's worth it once you slice the ginger time to make matchsticks out of course yet and we cut it into three so it's more manageable size don't worry about it being exactly the same sizes of ginger because there's a soft vegetable it's going to cook quickly anyway once your courgettes a matchstick cup whether it takes six spring onions and sliced a lot save the dark green end later on for garnish next we're gonna grab half a bunch of coriander and a slice that up stalks and all I'm gonna reserve the leaves for later along with the tops of the green onions as your veg chopped up you're gonna put your wok on a high heat I had a look at oil once that's hot I'm gonna take the mushrooms we could have perlier add them to the pan let them soften now the mushrooms are soft you want out all your veg to the wall cook now for a few minutes to your veggies soft and golden wash your veggies fry enough we're gonna make the sauce one teaspoon of corn flour to help it thicken soy sauce two tablespoons of low salt like the vegetables that we've used about 1 tablespoon of agave syrup one teaspoon of sesame oil half a tablespoon or a splash of rice wine finally a splash of water mm-hmm veggies fried up now the sauce is added just gonna bring it all together make sure all your veg Co it up while that's cooking gonna drain your rice noodles give them a quick rinse under cold water 100 grams of spinach great source of iron protein I like to look to nature for answers of nutrition and you look at gorillas biggest strongest animals in the jungle they leafy greens all day just like that add it to your rice noodles add it to the pan tear and most of the remaining coriander leaves save a few for the end turn it over in the pan smelling great let's plate this up I love the way the rice noodles are so white we see the red chili or the greens throughout super healthy golden brown of the mushroom looking delightful my stomach is ready for this to finish off just bring all the tips of the spring onion and the remainder of the coriander leaves give it a lovely finish there you have it Chinese noodle salad whack in the middle of table everyone then took in you can change your how you want add whatever mushrooms or sauces on the end but I like it just as it is I'm gonna give it a try delicious those machines had such a great texture contrasting with the soft rice noodles and all the great Asian flavors you want as well hi guys hope you're well okay we are doing jam jar salads something you can rustle together very very quickly something portable it could save you a load of money this is the principle the in your working days at work you could be only having delicious healthy food we want to have all the elements of a balanced plate so also we want to get it there you know if you put the dressing at the top it's gonna make everything soggy so there's a kind of order that we can do lovely complex carbohydrates dressing and dairy two or three of your five rune day today yes this is good stuff proteins we got nuts they're completely nutritionally balanced we have an Italian one we've got an Indian one here crunchy poppadoms at the top always crunchy things at the top and wet things like the dressing down at the bottom so it doesn't kind of go soggy we want that we've got a Moroccan one all of these things I'm going to talk about are under 600 calories so I'm gonna do a British inspired one the glass is beautiful also you've got Tupperware and plastic stuff here so first up carbs now you can swap this out for rice whole wheat couscous pasta you name it about 75 grams of any card pearl barley is great because it's very very British it's gonna release energy nice and slowly so it's gonna keep you full up for longer next up beets these are raw just given a wash grate them you get amazing color the whole point of these jam-jar salads is that it shouldn't take anymore and about three minutes to put together just grab and go so in with our beets at the bottom so it's not gonna color anything else underneath it other than the pearl barley we need to do a dressing now extra-virgin olive oil don't forget is a hundred and twenty calories per tablespoon okay now I know you're hearing that from me who loves extra-virgin olive oil but then we're gonna go zero fat organic yogurt two tablespoons as it's zero fat it's kind of giving you the ability to use the extra virgin olive oil and I call it you want that we want it to be purely beautiful and balanced and healthy we want a pinch of salt and pepper a nice heaped teaspoon of grated horseradish from the jar a little squeeze of lemon juice just to give it a nice little zing it's really really good we could put a few more beets in there spinach watercress very very British then we can go in with our protein this is top side of beef so really lean that's 70 80 grams is perfect a little bit more spinach and watercress really pack that in a lovely red apple that will go Brown and a way to fix it is just a little squeeze of lemon juice and give it a little toss around you can see even that little bit of beetroot look at how that's changed the colour straightaway pop it in push it down there we go walnuts are actually one of the kings of the nut world for is all you need good for heart health sprinkle that on top okay lovely people so we have done my expression of a British jam jar salad we got fruit we got veg we got nuts let's make work lunches count let's get office envy up what is your best combination hi guys hope you well okay I'm going to give you a recipe for a very simple unbelievably delicious 100 calorie snack it's popcorn it's normally cooked in butter or fat so sat fats go through the roof so you've taken something that's healthy made it unhealthy straight away then there's all the stores and the toffee and that's lovely and I love it you love it but that's a treat this is a healthy snack so first up let's just get the recipe is really complicated medium pan on a medium heat put it on cold and one heaped tablespoon of corn and a little bit more because this is about 76 calories so I put a bit more into it 100 just like that shake it flat in a pan that will pop into a massive bowl of lovely hot steaming popcorn you look in there now it's just starting to pop and we can kind of flavor that in many many different ways so my favourite is Marmite it just works really well it kind clings to it a little teaspoon of this and it's really really good Worcestershire sauce is very good chili sauce is very nice but you might be able to have fun with your own if it's too wet it'll make it soggy so you need something that's got a bit of kind of texture to it in our bowl of popcorn here let's just get that ready it's all pot now I'm just going to go in with a teaspoon of Marmite and move it about you don't to put loads and loads of Marmite in so it gets too salty you see like it's just sort of sticks it together move it around it's so bloomin quick me the kids love it that is actually for one person that's a lot of stuff right there ah delicious a brilliant trick to have up your sleeve in my opinion it's snacking that really helps people go over the edge in sort of calories and put on the way and get in trouble but we like a snack so I'm not saying take away the things that you love I'm just saying if you keep going from every single time it probably will become a problem this is barred from Bart's fishtails and today I'm cooking up a delicious healthy pasta with tuna and tomato sauce you might have heard about this dish as a pasta Puttanesca but the today's version will be with more veggies more healthy it's quick to make it's easy to make it's really affordable to make its a perfect meal for your weekday and guys the ingredients they're really easy to find in your cupboard so let's kick off so first things first boiling up some water for the pasta just a pinch of salt so cover it with a lid thing I'm going to do is chop up like five and Chaffey Phyllis so I chop it roughly next thing is a garlic glove well chop it really fine chilly take the seats out I'm chopping it really fine I'm using all four chili on medium heat I'm going to add like two tablespoons of olive oil adding the anchovies adding the garlic and I'm adding the chili so guys the entropies are melting and this gives this natural seasoning to this dish okay so I let it simmer meanwhile I'm chopping up a zucchini into cubes now I take my black olives and I chop them roughly so now I add the olives the capers and it took any and I give them like four or five minutes until the zucchini get a bit caramelized from the outside get a nice color and then it's time to add the peeled tomatoes add this to the zucchini with the olives give this a stir my water is boiling which means I'm going to add my pasta we have whole-wheat pasta I'm going to chop up some parsley which I'm going to use as a garnish at the latest stage of the recipe okay guys so now it's time for our hero today which is a can of tuna tin seafood is delicious it's a way of preserving seafood the quality is really high it's affordable you can keep it out of your fridge but the most important if you're going to buy a container of tuna if you buy a sustainable tin of tuna and there are two things you need to take awareness of and the first thing is the MSC logo which stands for the Marine Stewardship Council if you buy a tin of tuna which says MSC certified you can be ensured that the fish is coming out of a healthy fish stock and it's fished in a good way and with tuna the best way to catch this piece of fish is by poor line which means one fisherman one pole one hook and one fish and it will also be mentioned in the packaging like pole and line called tuna okay so now it's time to drain my tuna today I'm using tuna in oil I add my tuna to the sauce because the 2/9 at Ken is already cooked so it's just to to edit to your sauce at the last moment so it will give the taste to the dish but it will still be be juicy now add half of the parsley the other half I'm going to use as a garnish let me check the pasta perfect I'll then then I'm going to drain the pasta and I add the pasta to the sauce give it a stir so I give the sauce a taste mm-hmm oh it's really good the saltiness is fantastic I just give it a bit of extra black pepper just a kick to it oh but it smells good this is happiness guys this is really really really nice so it's time to play it up Chang soo Sherina extra bit of parsley and to make this dish even more healthy I'm serving some lettuce with it also to give it a bit of acidity because I'm using with some red wine fitting and some olive oil some roasted nuts it was really quick to make it's easy to make and now I give it a taste mmm the different textures of course the pasta mmm the terms of tuna and the lovely zucchini the black olives and at the far end this delicious salty taste of the entropy I'm Katie fix and I'm all about recipes that done on a shoestring budget without scrimping on any of the flavor and today we are making one of my store cupboard favorites beans on toast now why make homemade beans on toast I hear you ask can I understand I understand the confusion because I love a tin of beans as much as the next person but those little blighters are notoriously high in salt and sugar and so today we're gonna take control back and make them ourselves so let's get started we're gonna start off with our veggies so over here we have one large onion one red pepper a chili depending on how much heat you can handle and a clove of garlic this recipe does actually serve two people very generously as a main course sized meal alternatively it will serve up kind of four to six portions on your toast in the morning or on a jacket potato or an aside for you okay full English breakfast okay so we're gonna start off with one large onion just slice that in half to see how to dice an onion properly hit this link up here okay one large onion one pepper this is optional but it does add a nice little kind of you know the sweetness you get in beans this adds to that next up is the chili now this is optional you don't have to put it in baked beans up with both bean I've got a relatively medium size on here so it shouldn't be too bad but I'm gonna walk about half of this in I'm gonna try and be brave I'm gonna put the Chili's on the membrane in the kind of white pit of the Chili's where a lot of heat is I'm just gonna chop that nice and finely lovely okay then I'm gonna add in the garlic so I've got one clove here no this is not a romantic meal you're gonna hum but it tastes great and that's it that's your prep done so all we're going to do now is get a nice big pan onto the heat and the first thing we are going to do is to sweat off our onions and peppers just soften them up a little bit one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and then into that we'll also pop in our onions and our peppers hello give those a nice stir it's a really powerful hob once those room we're also gonna add in our garlic and our chili now I have this after so that they don't catch that initial kind of heat of the oil because garlic burns very quickly asking chilli lovely let's talk about beans and there are loads of talk about because there's so many on the market and beans are a beautiful thing really really rich in fiber really good for you and they come in all different shapes and sizes so we've got here for example some black-eyed beans some beautiful big fat juicy butter beans your classic kidney beans can't have a chili without them and of course your Bilotti beans as well I'm going to give some velocity in kidney beans ago you're going to need two lots of 400 gram tins of beans be sure to drain and rinse before adding to your pan into that finish that off we just need two tins of tomatoes chopped tomatoes you can get these in any supermarket dirt cheap and they're going in as well you will notice at this point is a little bit loose and liquidy but that's fine we're now going to leave that on the heat for a good 10 15 minutes simmering nicely on a low to medium heat until it gets really nice and thick and beautiful okay so 10 minutes has passed so gooey and oozy all of the peppers have wormed their way around the beans and they've gone lovely and soft almost ready to rock and roll but of course we need to season it now you know that familiar tang that a tin of beans has but lovely kind of sweet zing well rather than putting sugar in we are going to add in some delicious balsamic vinegar so we're going to just pour in about a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar it's like treacle perfect and then obviously we're just going to add in a nice pinch of salt and pepper as well into that mix that in it also really nicely transforms the colour to make it look like a really wholesome earthy kind of orange off all that's left to do is get yourself a nice slab of toast let me just serve up a little Duchscherer and you have yourselves a beautiful hearty nostalgic plate of beans on toast and I tell you now you can get so delicious they make me feel properly comforted this is my go-to comfort food now eat them up quick because unfortunately these don't install particularly well so you'll need to eat them within the day but challenge accepted frankly all that's left to do is to have a little taste she'll be really naughty right now will be to have some nice crumbled mature cheddar Oh cheesy beans man cheesy bean that is delicious not not to love it's got all of the familiar tang and lovely sauciness and those bursts of the beans that you get many other box standard tin of beans but this people this tastes good this tastes wholesome hi guys we're gonna do a gorgeous Food Revolution recipe food revolution is my campaign to celebrate how cool it is to cook cook of your family how to live a longer healthier happier life I've picked 10 recipes that cover the broad spectrum that if you learn them can pretty much sort you out for the rest of your life and this is one of these recipes crispy skin salmon cooked to perfection with homemade pesto sprout in broccoli lovely French beans new potatoes simple humble food if you want to see any of the other recipes from the food revolution pack and the 10 recipes to save your life click up there or look in the information box below so let's see what we've got I have here come forth some new potatoes and new potatoes I've been cooking for about 10 to 15 minutes lovely French beans these require about 6 minutes put those in a little go back on top we've got our salmon here at four lovely pieces of salmon season it was just a little salt I've got a nice nonstick pan I put that on full whack and I'm gonna go into a cool pan skin facing up as that heats up its gonna render the natural fat out of the salmon so that will start frying then we can turn it onto the skin side and it will go super super crispy so it's gonna be crispy delicious and in the middle flaky and juicy so let's get on with the pesto first up half a clove of garlic I will go in with a little bit of so I'll smash that to a paste in a pesto there's always nuts now classically pine nuts some people toast them off and you can lightly toast them I prefer to leave them raw you're gonna get a real creaminess from that so that's about 20 25 grams of pine nuts just bash that up go in with the basil now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pick the lovely smaller leaves into some water they'll freshen up and then we'll sprinkle that on top at the very end bash up this battle now if you just look at the salmon over there guys you can see how the heat thus far has gone up about a centimeter overcooked fish is a real waste of money it's not very nice so just kind of getting your confidence up with those skills that's why I put this dish in ten recipes to save your life because the principles of pan frying cooking fish making vegetables taste delicious that's what we're after so look come down here we're gonna turn it over you know it's there's lots of natural oils here now and I can just turn the temperature down a little bit now and I'll cook the fish all the way through on the skin side down I'm gonna go in sprouting broccoli they only literally need a minute with the pesto once you've got it to a nice little paste I'm gonna go in with the tablespoon and a half extra virgin olive oil I like to put just a tiny squeeze of lemon juice in to this pesto it's not classic you can make it smooth or chunky have a little taste very nice and then about 20 grams of parmesan and that balance of the lemon juice parmesan basil garlic it's gonna be amazing so pesto is done these veggies are cooked if we cook the veggies in one pan we're not making loads of washing-up and that's cool too with the new potatoes you can either squash them like that or we can slice them up while they're kind of steaming and hot this is the perfect time to get your pesto in there just one spoonful is gonna completely transform this whole dish you rest it sprawl those wonderful greens all over the place those lovely new potatoes the smell is phenomenal let's get the salmon on see how juicy it is that's what we want absolutely gorgeous those little basil leaves that we saved put those in and around a little squeeze of lemon so there's one of the 10 recipes to save your life check out the others in the link below a lovely simple everyday dish that's delicious get in there you're getting this incredible crispy skin really really good mmm and then the pesto it just tastes totally different when you make it then when you buy it from a jar it's just none comparable so there you go until next time that's a lot [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 856,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xmas mega mix, 1 hour
Id: NWkL_R_r6aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 28sec (3628 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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