James Corden Pays The White House a Visit - #LateLateLondon

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as a british talk show host based in america i've come down to the white house to get to the heart of american politics and see if anybody working in here could use a well-earned break i'll spend my day cooking for the staff at the white house here we go look at that i'll be taking over as press officer yes you sir with the face and i will of course help make sure that the president stays on schedule your next meeting's in 29 minutes this is take a break white house edition [Applause] come in mr president well how are you i'm very well so good to see you now listen i'm here at the white house today and uh and i really want to be of service and the job that i think is for me is to be your assistant is there anything i can get you anything you need you need a coffee do you need a snack not a thing i'll be here should you need me okay i can tell you your your next meeting is in 30 minutes you carry on your next meeting's in 29 minutes why don't you go get something i'll get you a snack you don't get this good [Music] you've got 28 minutes to your next maybe i'm going to get used to okay who is that guy he's been the late night show sir what the hell is a late late show this is both a snack and a gift so tuck in melon balls little pineapple butterflies chocolate strawberries stuff like that i'm sure spruce the place up while you chuck in okay okay [Music] well you cover one harry with another harry that's what i'm saying i just think it brightens the place up you know hey hey how are you here we go i'm james how are you doing what's your name coco hey coco what's your name how are you doing hey what happens here people come down order their food here yeah they come down and order their food they get their coffee latte does the president have a food taster nah that would be one of us so we would taste his food before he uh received it so check he's not poisoned yes that's food security i guess food security what a job that is it must be eating ice cream 24 hours a day we have a customer is that an order let's get an order up so what are you looking for um i was looking for an iced latte an iced latte hazelnut latte with almond milk with almond milk almond that's how you know the democrats are in the white house there we go all right now wait you seem like you're important here at the white house i'm gonna check it to make sure it hasn't been poisoned okay it's all good nice to see you with our [Music] let me show you around oh yeah i'd love that i'd love that what have we got over here in the photos i got my family here my kids when they were younger but i thought something you might enjoy a moon rock oh this is actually from the moon and uh what do you think that might be worth the answer is i have no idea but you can should we find out want to put it up on ebay i reckon you get a lot for that i've actually got a guy's go on account he could do that no problem a lot of this stuff worth a lot of money you're getting me mixed up with the last president jen hey how are you i'm good how are you nice to see you are you well i'm good what are you doing here we figured you know people in the white house work long hours and maybe i take over the press briefing thing my hunch is this whole thing is just a walk in the park maybe i can write you some notes war with russia well bad keep it light jen uh cdc good really they've been pissing me off economy strong is it iran diplomacy good diplomacy good where does the president stand on one direction getting back together should they be kidnapped placed together and pushed out just one more time the kidnapping place feels like it goes a little dark for us okay um he's in favor say i haven't talked to him about that yet well i probably should talk to him about it before i go if you want you can go ask him it's a big one what if i get asked about kim and pete uh we love love around here so i think that's a safe place to be has he watched the new kardashians on hulu i don't think he's had a ton of time he's not seen it he's not seen no he's probably not seen it that's a problem okay all right i'm ready is this good it's a good look is this right yeah i think it's good i think it's good all right do you have a quick little pre-show prayer oh cj craig if you're watching down on us give us the strength to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth unless we need to lie okay good morning everybody how are you nice to see you jen's taking a well-earned break so uh anyone got any questions okay guys guys guys okay we're gonna change things up around here all right whoever thinks they're the hottest in the room put your hand up correct so james the president poll numbers can't seem to get any lower his legislative agenda stuck in congress how you guys plan to turn things around well i will say this kyle i think they will i think they will they will and they can get lower so you're wrong okay what can i get you matt can i get two fried eggs two fried eggs all right [Music] now we're doing it bang there we go remember the tip all right we got a long line out here guys we got a long line of people who are changing this country we toast avocado coming up we're building back breakfast baby bunch of pork a little fork i need a fork i need a four guys i can't walk under these conditions avocado toast you're welcome and we've just we've brought this in the president of the united states at this point okay you don't have cash right well there's inflation so none of us have got cash chef i need that sandwich right now please let's go coming i am not in control of salad there we go that's why you have to pay attention i said no tomatoes okay no tomatoes no i'll make you a fresh one right now i'm going to make you a fresh one right now i'm going to make you a fresh one right now there we go that's a completely fresh one you're not allergic to tomatoes then you're fine okay [Applause] i'm enjoying this i'm very much getting used to working here how quickly can you get something done here do you think like if you said i want an ice cream how quickly how quickly would i that sends an ice cream well spoon stop i mean that is rapid fast that is so much can i get a couple of these for the road as well [Music] now which of the world leaders have you got on that phone on speed dial we could call boris we call boris johnson boris always talks to me all the time does he wish he had his hair i could have gotten elected sooner you you wish you had boris johnson's head yeah look at this man nobody has ever said that in the history of talking about hair we could try and get boris johnson on the line now i mean i'm thinking 3pm well no hang on it's yeah it's like no it's 11am at home he won't be awake yet he won't be talk to me about the oh excuse me hello hi sir how's the taping going are you almost done he's still here and he's absolutely coming to leave but i'll call you back when he does okay i'll let you know what was that about uh about a war and legislation legislation yeah legislation a lot of legislation yeah anyone else who's got a question yes the president has used the strategic petroleum reserve is he watching gas prices and will he tap the spro again i don't think i don't think it's for me or you uh jenny to to to talk about who or what the president is tapping okay yes when the president says one thing and white house staff say something else who are we supposed to listen to the president or white house staff well you know what david that's not my name you say your name's not david i say your name is david and i'm stood up here and you're sat down there unless you understand with the whoever they are yes could you give us an update on the aucus agreement could you sing the question sing the question i'd like to sing the question could you give us an update on the aucus agreement next david can you tell us what is the president's plan for deficit reduction okay before we start can we can you explain the sock choice in here okay you you're right jeff's a whiny little this is the vice president's chair right vice president's chair wow sat in that chair for eight years do you prefer it in that chair it's more comfortable than this chair it's a lot more comfortable i don't know that i've i'd ever want to be in that chair i am very at home in this chair i really really am have you thought about mixing up the look when you're out there you're a big fan of the aviators i'm just wondering whether you might want to mix it up a little bit i mean i think if you came out a couple of ice creams no malarkey i'm worried about you what about this i don't know if i could see elton john wearing them how about these guys i got pony right here okay and i tell you what they've worked for me since i was 18 years old i'm just gonna stick with these bad boys i got something for you though too no yeah try those mr president [Applause] i'm good man who's goose and who's maverick [Applause] you
Channel: The Late Late Show with James Corden
Views: 4,548,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Late Late Show, Late Late Show, James Corden, Corden, late night, late night show, comedy, comedian, celebrity, celeb, celebrities, CBS, joke, jokes, funny, funny videos, funny video, humor, hollywood, famous
Id: lZsZN9afTLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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