James and the Giant Patch!

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okay welcome to vancouver carpenter today we have james from think reno hey guys what are we doing here today james well uh well you know like you ben i went to school for a carpentry and i've spent a lot of time with electrical and plumbing but when it comes to finishing drywall i feel like i i can do it kind of like i can fly a plane until you know it crashes so here we are do your drywall projects tend to crash my drywall projects tend to crash okay well so yeah the premise of the video today is we're gonna teach james how to patch and um yeah by watching what he does because when you really master something sometimes you forget a lot of the basic things you need to teach somebody but when you watch somebody who's less experienced it can be pretty easy to see the things that a beginner would do wrong and help correct that so that's the basis of this video anyways let's see what we got here we got a patch about this size right here um and this is this is a good one to teach james how to float this out all right first thing james is going to tell us what he would choose to start this all right so normally i bought all these tools but i would take well i would take my mesh tape yep i would tape this up then i would grab probably my four inch and my eight inch and some all-purpose which is in this box here let's put a little bit over let that dry and then i'd come back with my eight inch my second coat and i'd go all around it and i'd end up with a bit of a hump and a bit of a hump and a bit of a hump and then i would look like this and i'd be like fan that's that's terrible hopefully nobody will notice okay i would pretty much leave it like that all right so here's what we're gonna do first things first get this bucket of water filled up with hot water hot water yeah hot water okay so while we wait for this to fill up um james do you think you can get all of the mud on like cover that whole patch in 15 minutes i'm not saying make it smooth just cover it i could probably cover it in 15 minutes i don't think i could uh you know okay that's good because we're using hot water to accelerate the mud because i mean neither of us has all day and i want to get two coats of kwikset on this and a coat of all-purpose mud over top of this you know within a couple hours right so that's 30 minute mud that we're going to be using and i want to cut its time down to about 20 minutes so the hot water is going to help with that so that's more pressure on me yeah yeah exactly all right so next let's choose the tools okay i'm going to say get that big pan there 14 inch pen get the 8 inch knife you don't even need the four inch get that mesh tape do you have any carpenter's glue yes awesome do okay so how do you usually put the mesh tape on okay so typically i use a i don't use a blade like the professional drywallers do but normally i just stick it on and then when i get to the end i would use my regular olfa knife and cut it off but today i'm going to attempt ah you know that's not bad not that hard that was pretty good no it's actually really easy okay so he actually did pretty darn good but there was a little bit that we can change in the form so it's how you pull the tape all right so we'll get this on here [Music] all right so it's he pulled it about 90 degrees so like that so the way to get it to tear really easy is like instead of tearing it like this or like this you know you hold the knife pointed like this and then you pull back like this so that's what it is it's pulling it against the direction of the blade i'm just flattening that on there so that it stays stuck when we put the mud on all right back to james okay let's try this again and the other thing is sometimes i'll have a crooked you know where either i'm filling it in or i've made it crooked so does it matter how much tape is on here um all right if you only have for example half an inch versus cage tapes two inches wide for the most part as long as it's covering but you know ideally it should be split in the middle and now the other thing do you want it to overlap here does it matter it doesn't matter to me if it overlaps some people complain about it building it out but you should be building it out enough that that doesn't matter so as long as it as long as it goes right up to the other piece yeah okay next we gotta mix up the mud okay so we've got a couple of buckets here we got one with that warm water and then we've got an empty one so the first thing i want you to do is um get that pan get the big pan right there and dump a couple of handfuls of water into that bucket yeah that's that's good more than that yeah a couple okay now get some of that wood glue so we've got some carpenters glue here and just pour a good dollop in there sorry let's wait for you to say stop yeah that's busy filming that's about four times as much as we need all right put it in that other red pen you got there okay let's see that's okay more is good for the first coat anyways we want it to stick to the paint this is not necessary for all brands of mud it's this pro set 30 that we have also the thir the certainty that's right there both of those brands are really problematic with adhesion over painted surfaces so that's why we're adding this glue this is not essential under normal circumstances with better muds it's because we're going over top of paint yeah it doesn't stick well over paint right if this was brand new drywall wouldn't matter no not anywhere near as much okay i want to add some of this all right make sure it's mixed so mix that glue around in there so that it's not going to be stringy and clumpy yep [Applause] and once it doesn't look too stringy then it's good now it's looking pretty good so how much do we add here uh just try to visualize a couple of pan fulls we can always add some more water [Applause] see how we're doing a little more than that yeah a little more and we better be quick [Applause] a little more a little more yeah it's good better to have too much than too little you can grab your four inch knife there you're mixing stuff smells like baby powder hey add water as you need it so it's probably yeah you need a lot more water which i figured but it's better to start with not enough water because you can always add it but you can't take it out you're gonna need more water than that like just pour the whole thing in there maybe keep mixing yeah you'll need more pour another one of those in there maybe about half of that so i don't have like a set amount we're not getting scales out and all that sort of stuff it's just basically by feel so you can see there's clumps in there and stuff but that's actually looking not bad is it feeling really thick not too bad it feels pretty light yeah well this product is really light it's like it feels like wiping baby powder and water on the walls smells like it too it's talc i think there's a lot of talc in this product so i would add a little bit more water because as the dry bits in there start to mix in it's going to get a little thicker so yeah a little more there you go also we don't want it to be too much of a workout getting that stuff on the wall we've got to get it on there in about 10-15 minutes perfect that's looking great so now what you can do is load up your pan we're not quite horrible huh almost good bit more yeah may as well go back to the pan as little as possible yeah just keep doing that you're stressing me out man that's probably good for now okay yeah and give your hand to clean in this empty bucket or the uh yeah okay i always just wash my hands in there and the other thing that's gonna do is you start getting um the old mud mixed into that water that's going to help your next coat thicken up even a little bit faster so more pressure hot water dirty mixes we're good hot water so which knife am i doing the eight inch or the um i would start do you have and do you have a ten or just the eight and the twelve and the eight and the twelve okay start with the eight let's get the tape embedded all right so he's got nice gaps here it's looking really good we want to get the mud just on that oh yeah push it in all those gaps exactly you want to get those gaps full because we're using mesh tape and quick set as long as those gaps get nice and full it'll be good so look at this there's a little bubble right there oh yeah don't worry about that right now i feel like those type of things are my nemesis yeah don't worry about that right now so you can just wipe it laterally to try and flatten it down but also when it's setting up it's easier to wipe out okay but we just want to get lots of mud on here so keep embedding that tape [Music] screwing it on this side as well so that might be from you going in different directions picture it like wiping out a piece of paper tape where you're trying to start in the middle and then wipe one way yeah wipe one way and then wipe the other that way you're not going to be um put like kinking the tape up okay so now i want to so you've got fully embedded everything now grab that 12-inch knife okay okay so you can go from the top down or the bottom up but yeah just start the flying mud over the whole thing yeah that's the idea big thick coverage we're like thinking like a plasterer here we're gonna cover this wall start with just the joint yeah actually not that bad so yeah don't worry about smoothing it out too much get the material over the whole joint that's what i want you to visualize first is like get the whole thing covered and you can go back and get more mud out of the bucket if you need it but that's what we want to do is get full coverage over all this it doesn't need to be super thick but it's going to get better in a bit so i think one thing that a lot of people do is they fuss too much about how it's looking as they're putting it on but when you're trying to get a quick sip onto the wall just get the stuff on the wall all right i need to take a look at this to actually see what it needs with my eyes okay so what i'm seeing here we need more here we want to make sure that we don't have big voids like that and right here so put more here here go a little lower down here evenly like close to your baseboard it's looking pretty good so far just basically fill up your pan so we want to get this guy and we want to just fill this up oh yeah this stuff's nice and hot not setting up yet though but it will be soon we don't hurry so let's get this full it's harder with the four inch knife it doesn't it's not setting up yet but it's gonna soon but once it's on the wall you can still work with it because it's not going to set up like a rock it's going to set up into like a plasticy state and that's what we want we want it in that sort of plasticky state where we can work with it and mold it into the wall shape that you're trying to get all right so i'm happy with that we got that all out of there and now see i just clean my hands in the bucket because it's quick does the job but yeah get some in that middle spot um get coverage a little bit wider right here so here's how you're gonna do that or i'm gonna do it quick so we don't but like right here just wipe a bit on there right here so this is what i mean you're like worrying too much about how smooth it all is but really we just need coverage so i'm going right there about eight inches wider than the joint or even a foot right here i'm just getting this stuff on the wall sorry i'm not trying to take over the job no but i'm making it look so much easier okay so that's like the coverage needed to be a little wider and now that we have more material you can always take the material off but if you haven't put enough on then it's going to be really empty okay we got that thing right there that bubble get up close and see that okay corner a knife i just cut the tape so that it stopped buckling so i got a bit more of this here i'm gonna get that right on there i'm going right up to the edge of this uh casing i'm filling it in okay i'm gonna i'm gonna give this back to you to do the finish on no you can just keep going you want me to keep going so now the next thing is feather the edges and then start pulling up pulling up and so what you're going to do is your first pass is going to be angled like this your second pass as you keep going over is going to be angled the other way consecutively until you get to the end and don't fuss over the little bits yet just start just basically start flattening it up so i want a little more right here okay at this point you don't want to see any of the mesh tape no no i want it buried all right we're doing the camera hand off still recording okay okay so i'm gonna start at the bottom and go all the way up and do feather your edges first you know how to feather the edge have you seen that in the videos i've seen i've heard you say it many times okay so what you need to do your heart stop no don't push hard you're taking the mud off sorry i wasn't filming i was watching the mud okay he started to push really hard here so no here's what you want to do you want to take this you want to bend it and you want to pull like this feather that edge now clean that blade off and you're going to do the exact same thing to this edge down here yeah feather that edge okay and light touch on your next passes so you can start from the window side start pulling up or down up or down upward down yep pick one direction pressure on the right hand side of the blade you're a lefty i am a left okay now don't even worry about the bottom yet go all one direction so go back up to the top over the same back up to the top stand up stand up is actually going to get you to move now you want to smooth your lift off or your eyes to a length okay so yeah right down the middle get that line down the middle yeah don't worry about it yet don't worry about the bottom yet come back up or down yeah i started up wipe your blade off stand up split that line down the middle of your blade i feel like i'm in the army drywall army okay yeah lift off back up split your line down the middle of your blade so it doesn't matter that there's a bunch of crevices right now no don't worry about that yet second coat's going to fill that in gotcha yeah and now you can start on the bottom exact same thing basically going up and you only need to go up like so you don't actually have to go all the way up i don't want to go all the way up no just go to where you left off you know if it looks like it still needs a bit more work keep going yeah keep going it's harder to lift up like you're doing right now and you can see we're getting that washboard effect there but there's a lot of mud on there so we'll get you to do one more pass on the way down so it's important to clean off the knife every time every pass yeah yeah okay now do the same thing starting from your right hand side pressure on the right hand side of the blade pulling down and so this is where you want to start to have kind of a light touch one more time and don't worry about those lines we can fix those up when it starts to set up so if i'm if i'm seeing the mesh i'm pushing too hard yep exactly if you see the mesh don't even bother passing over it again what kind of angle should this knife be at pretty shallow right now pretty close to the wall so right now i'm probably yeah pretty close even closer the less the closer it is to the wall the less you're going to take off all right so you could even do one quick pass angled towards the floor like this yeah angle towards the floor just to sort of feather that edge in and then leave it let me look at it with my own eyes all right let's get up close and personal so we have a lot of mud down below it's pretty thick down there but it's not actually that bad believe it or not we got a line there that we need to take care of lots of coverage here can't really see the mesh tape on this side that's great it's just showing through over here we really can see it so you can even see the painted wall so that should be dealt with ideally now i'm going to show james how to take care of that we got remember we got all this stuff on the bottom down here we got the line and we got the hollow spot there okay one thing i forgot to mention is to check the angle of your blade and this one has quite a curve so i'm going to make sure that the curve is facing the wall like this otherwise the edges dig in and that could have been what was happening there so always check your knife and know which side of the blade it's curved because this actually has a beautiful curve that will make a really nice like your edges won't dig in did i do that or do they come like that um i think they come like that a little bit but these ones bend really easy and in fact this aluminum thing you can actually bend it and make it curve even more okay first things first we need more mud right here so we're gonna get a little bit right there and we need to take some off down here um i'm going to put just a little bit more here too so that's not too much all in one spot so we're going to re-feather this edge it's starting to set up a little bit over the wall and i'm now gonna down here it was too full so it just needs another pass that's better so i am going to come up from right oh took too much off right here that's not easy and you know doing really thin consecutive coats is a good way for beginners to do this too i mean beginners to coat a whole thing like this that's hard like don't be hard on yourself if you've tried this and it's hard it just it just is um because there's a technique to it okay so what i'm doing i was pushing on the corner of the blade up against the trim right here i'm gonna do one more pass just to get that line out of there my hand's wet and it's covered in mud but i was trying to really feather that all right moving on because we got to get this done i'm going to do another pass right here i'm changing the pressure like this to get rid of all this ugliness okay we've got one more line right there pressure into the casing to get rid of that i'm not even going to worry about that line because you know that's just going to uh you sand that off it's not going to sand out we're going to polish it out when this stuff finally kicks off even all that washboard effect that we've got going on there i'm actually going to leave that so right now even though it looks kind of nasty it's actually pretty good because we have coverage over the whole thing and our next coat is going to really like smooth out all the inconsistencies anyways we got it we got the first coat on before it set up so good stuff give the tools a clean okay so does this stuff harden up like much harder than typical drywall so if you were if you let it dry on your tools would it be a bugger to really get it off or would it be so this is a light setting type mud and it will get a little bit wet and easier to scrub but it's not going to be like durabond what'd you do with durabond yeah the durabond so i let it uh i let it harden up on another knife i had and the knife is now in that garbage can right over there yeah it's not like durable but it is a little bit harder than regular drywall mud okay james grab the eight-inch knife right here yeah clean it off not even nope so see all these ridges and lumps and stuff yep all right we need to start scraping them down but visualize where your joint starts okay it's right about here yep so everything up from here is paint especially where it's thin that's all going to pull and drag but if you go over where the drywall is it's more porous it's sucked more of the moisture out and it's going to be easier to work with so start in the center of this joint let's pick somewhere right down like there so let me show you what you're going to do you're going to take the knife like so and you're going to pull and that's going to scrape those down like that so basically on a 45 degree angle like that yeah about a 45-ish and you can see it pulls a bunch of material off of there yep let's stay away from the where the mesh tape is yeah don't dig into the mesh tape so just start polishing stuff and trying to scrape it down it's a bit more than 45 you're sort of shaving it and shearing it off that's hard it's getting harder well you're going to need to be more aggressive than that so a steeper angle also i didn't want to grab the blade here's the put your hand on the blade like this then you can really feel it you feel it actually pulling and shaving the stuff down does it vary go side to side at this point or up and down does it matter does it matter yeah and you want to scrape that stuff off your blade every once in a while so i always keep like a four inch or something in hand so use that to just clean the stuff off and then i i always politely fling it on the floor for the contractor yeah exactly it's okay it's a messy job it's a steeper angle because you're not going to be shaving that stuff down at that angle or i had another idea should we try it sure oh you had this carpet shield uh-huh i have literally never used it it's about two feet long as long as you don't flex the thing too much it's gonna shave it off real nice i bet ya all right there we go so way more yeah more of an angle so you can really feel it scraping it oh yeah yeah took that off yeah and you can change directions too so i would focus a little more in one area let me show you what i had in mind all right so first off yeah let's keep the blades clean and it's definitely starting to set up we're a little bit past the magic state first i'm going to get right into this corner i don't know if you can see that i'm going to scrape this out right so it's quite an angle i'm more than 45 for sure yeah because you really got to you know keep it at a steep angle to be able to shave this stuff out i clean off the blade like so just get rid of it so i'm going right up to the wall i'm feathering that edge now all that extra stuff and you don't want to go over it too many times because what starts to happen is the more times you go over it the weaker it gets because you're kind of what's going on is this stuff is chemically setting so it's crystallizing and every time you do this you break some of that crystal structure and then get it workable again so we don't want to go over it so many times with this i was thinking just sort of i've got a bunch of caulking here that's causing a problem on the baseboard down there so i'm just taking it like this you can see it's a lot of an angle let's get that i shouldn't scrape that caulking off right from the start that's okay we've got two more coats going on here it's not going to be the worst staple [Music] okay what i had in mind with this thing believe it or not was that it's probably going to make a nice scraper so look at how right i've got more here where the high spot is there there those are my high spots so just this carpet shield is actually making a pretty useful scraper for this how straight is it and it's fairly straight so as soon as it gets kind of full clean it off that works pretty good there we go like a cheap darby a darby is the more expensive tool that you could do something like this with i know what's going on here i think i'm scraping caulking at the same time that's why it's making such a mess but that's okay we got another coat going on there so now i'm really quickly just gonna pass over this way okay see this is the dragging and pulling i was talking about because it's over the paint right here too so we always want to try and avoid that but we've got another coat that's about to go on here so it's not going to be the end of the world oh i did it again do it again but if your edges are feathered it shouldn't be that big of a deal right you shouldn't have to go over the edges so much it's the center where it was all built up the center is what should need flattening at this point here you want to you want a shot at it james i'm stealing all the glory man you're doing great okay that's pretty flat i'm pretty happy with that at this point we can mix up another coat all right yeah how's that looking oh that's a big hump there did we do that all right take a look at that come from the other side see that hump there yep i should do something about that so what we're going to do is put a little more pressure on here see how it's all shaving right there now well it's not that big there so really it's just what the wall is doing i'm not going to fuss too much about it all right let's get another another batch mixed up this time we need about half as much and we can go thinner okay so it's time to mix up another batch am i adding glue to this one as well yeah add a little bit of glue but a bit less definitely not half a bottle yeah like i only need like a couple of teas a couple tablespoons or something so one two three of those maybe we need half as much mud and so a couple tablespoons to this one this time yeah give it a mix and something i forgot to mention actually is it's easier to mix if you just put like one pan full in you know the more water you get in there the harder it is to disperse it sure so you told me that after yeah yeah just remember perfect and it's actually still warm so yeah this this one's gonna go off faster so we may even take two coats to really get this done would it typically be three coats um i would usually do two coats of quick set one coat of all-purpose okay and so yeah about half as much so i don't know how we're gonna gauge that it's pretty liquidy yeah more more mud more powder so in a pinch you could use this on your baby yeah totally that looks just about right remember we want it to be thinner because that way as soon as you put this onto the wall it's going to want to start to set a little bit faster because it's going on to the already set quick set okay so yeah that looks nice and squishy and thin it's going to be a little bit harder to get on the wall so we'll go thinner and it'll work well okay so let's get you up nice and close here so you can see what we're gonna do um basically yeah this mud's pretty thin like you can see it shaking around in there i'm gonna check my blade make sure it's the right way um i think i dropped it straight because now it doesn't have that curve anymore and i want it to have a bit of a curve so i'm actually gonna flex this a bit there we go curves back yep this needs to be flexed a bit literally i dropped the curve out of it it was fun yeah it was okay so we don't need to go so thick so just grab a thin amount i'm going to start in the corner and i'm really putting it on kind of flat and even oh man yeah that's caulking from your window it was getting all scraped up see that yeah that's um that's less than convenient all right well i'm gonna work this edge then because that's gonna be the most annoying part we need to get enough mud on there a quick pass so this one's going to go on a lot thinner i'm just going to leave that all right here's what we need to do we need to you don't need to put on so much mud right now so you can get a little bit less on there there's some of the shreds from that caulking again oh that was a long one look at that look at that ah right into the wall again that's gonna cause us endless grief okay okay what i'm trying to say is you don't need a lot of mud at this point so just get it on there about you know like that long start another row about that long right here so we don't need to like go nuts trying to get the entire thing covered we do need to go nuts trying to get these freaking strings out of the mud if it's not one thing it's the other okay so if it was me i would cover the whole thing again probably but i'm trying to make this easier for the beginner and show that you don't have to do so much all in one go all right so first things first feather my edge feather my head and now what i'm going to do i'm checking my blade and i'm going to very gently so one of the big mistakes that people make is they pull too hard at the start and what they do is they scrape all the mud off right here and that's what was happening at that tape so i actually want a bit more mud on there looks too thin but what i'm going to do is just gently take that off so now what we're doing is we're filling in a lot of those imperfections oh don't even bother with those like we're gonna let it set up just pretend they're not even there because we are gonna put a finish coat on this so now i've done that so james you're gonna jump in in a second here i'm gonna give this one more pass okay kind of hopeless don't even worry about those too much we can sort those out in a bit i might even have the knife backwards again but now just go another like foot down okay so we're just getting a little bit of mud we're gonna go about a foot down about a foot down over to here and then another one and then what we'll do is we'll pull up into this work do a full pass all the way to the yeah so i'll do this corner bit right here just to show you go right here so pressure into the corner a little bit just to kind of get that nice and smooth so lift off right when you get up to the work so always put lift off like that yeah we'll just do that this blade this blade there's a lot of pits in it have you scraped the floor with this thing i've done uh i've done a few things with that yeah look at those lines it's leaving look at that but don't worry about that okay um you know what i'm gonna do which side is that you know what i did i did my uh my cement fireplace there with that blade uh that's what's going on okay so yeah this is the good side of the blade it's not as bad all right let's get you on there see how this goes so i see yeah you see that curve see the curve so where'd you finish off somewhere around here yeah so i just want to go down about a foot yeah if you can so start with your blade at closer to 45 degrees and then and then bring it down as you go along and that'll help spread the mud further oh geez you really did a number on the old caulking man maybe there's just too much caulking on the trim you think so yep i'll have to remember that on the next video we're leaving gaps here because there's an indentation in the wall is that the wall so you need more mud there yeah exactly like that that fills it in oh that's better and so one of the things that really helps is making sure that you have an even amount of mud on the blade so right now you don't have much mud left in your pan and that's going to be making it challenging to get an even amount of mud on your blade so right there when i looked at your blade i could see on the right hand side of it it didn't have enough mud with that yep so you don't have enough mud in your pan to be able to get even coverage if you don't have even coverage that's going to leave voids as you're trying to spread the mud but you know what you need to do is get back up here and smooth this stuff off into the other work because it's going to be kicking off and causing us grief so just do like two feet of it just two feet here yeah like remember how i did that top couple of feet we'll now work the next two feet into that top two that i did don't forget to wipe off your blade i don't want to fill in any of these little yeah if you see it's like icing a cake i do take for granted this skill set like it's not easy to learn dude this is i've you know i will do any other job i will pour concrete i will build a house from the ground up and i've hired guys to do this my entire life this is not easy it's a skill set though it's more than that it's an art form it really is you know i i can watch you do this you know i don't know if you guys know this i met ben through youtube i just emailed him and i said luckily for me he lived live we don't have time to talk too much here you can talk anywhere the thing is is that i saw him i watched one of his videos because i had to patch something in my house here okay don't forget to clean your blade oh yeah and uh i ended up just watching about 20 of his videos because it was almost like therapeutic which is why i think you have so many followers yeah it's drywall asmr man it's awesome is that looking decent or is it it's not bad not bad yeah it's actually not bad okay because man so let's make sure you have the right side of the blade and then pass over one more time and really focus on putting the pressure on this side and then on your consecutive passes pressure on this side and that's going to get rid of all these lines okay so do i want to start on this ah do you have enough mud over the whole thing if you have mud over the whole thing then you can start from the bottom if not just do well there's there's these little there's a tiny little wreath here but would that be covered up with the uh yeah don't worry about it okay so i want to get rid of these if you have mud over the whole thing then you can start from down there but if you don't have enough coverage then you're going to start to get the voids as you try and um do the finished pass but we don't have much time to get any more of that material on we should do some drywall reality shows huh you know what i would watch that in fact in fact i will be your cameraman it's like that show nailed it right where you get people to bake they try and get people to make professional cakes and um it'd be about the same kind of thing except not as fancy because you don't have you know like i don't know delicious look like we're just plastering a white wall here and it gives the same effect if you can't eat it you should that's true oh unless we used real icing all right so i think you're looking great in that corner don't spend any more time there move over here yeah get the whole thing polished off so i'm trying to i'm trying to put more pressure on so here's what you're doing wrong okay you gotta hold it like this you need to feel the blade when you're like this you don't have enough control over the blade it's this thing that's far away from your hand you really want to get it like this and the blade becomes part of your hand you're like my sensei now do i want to add any more am i just taking no i'll just take it off okay so i'm holding we're looking pretty good so far finish coat we have more time to play with it the blade is a part of me the blade can you feel though that you know what closer to the blade yeah you have more control over it because you can put proper pressure on it and you can angle it in the direction so now just do every pass coming this way with the pressure on your left hand side and you're going to see those lines start to disappear you really focus on the pressure being on the left hand side consecutively split that line down the middle of the blade every time this should disappear so we don't have enough mud at the bottom there but you can do that at the end let's just focus on the big part of this joint this light is doing too much there so i need i need to add more mud on the bottom left-hand side but don't worry about that yet just get everything looking pretty good and it's not bad not bad no those are little lines and those will scrape off and then we're doing a finished coat so just a little more mud down here yeah a little more mud down there work it up into the so get a little more mud on your blade oh yeah feather that edge yep a little piece of caulking so clean your blade off and really feather actually the edge is pretty good now when i look on the camera i can't see it properly so i sometimes see things that aren't there got a couple of voids do that sideways slap to fill that in just grab a little extra mud nope grab some extra mud right where those voids are yeah just there and there no no do it don't do that nope just go up yeah they'll fill in see there we go you're gone now should i still be messing with this or at some point do you say let me get up closer oh there's a little there's some washboard stuff right here yeah one quick pass there that's better one more that's better at this point we're almost at the point where it's like don't mess with it yeah because we're not gonna make it better and we have pretty even coverage we just have stuff like this okay i want to pass over this once so i'd say start from the bottom and feather your edge all the way up yeah if i work now don't touch it don't touch it don't touch it it's good it's good yeah just leave it that can all be scraped off and the finished coat is gonna cover almost all of it even even those little things don't touch them oh don't touch them no cause you're just going to put a big finger in dent in so all that stuff in the mud was actually shredded plastic from those orange buckets the corner of his knives were too sharp and needed to be sanded down with sandpaper so they're pulling you know little shredded carrots out of the bucket okay it's now time to scrape and then skim this so i've been polishing this a little bit we can see up here it's pretty nice and smooth we still got some of the shredded carrots in there but what we want to do is get this edge see how it is right here we want to get that looking like here i just did that here's a little more shredded carrots i got some stuff on the blade from all the scraping i'm just going to kind of wipe that in there gently polish that down like so all right so i'm going to scrape all this stuff off the casing because what all this stuff is going to do is when we do our final passes all these crumbs are gonna get in the mud into our all-purpose mud and um they're gonna make a mess but anyways so i'm gonna use the corner of my knife to kind of scrape that down i'm going to collect a little bit of stuff from right here so now this stuff's kind of plasticky because it's just been wiped and i'm going to put it into the corner pass like that let's find some more right like this i know we should be getting james to do this but i really can't explain this and teach it at the same time i gotta show it so i'm collecting stuff and polishing this down this is like sanding and this is how we fill in all this little stuff but take that there and so this is not smooth and easy to work with like regular drywall mud right now it's kind of like i don't know how to explain it it's just it's semi-solid so we're even gonna find some of this stuff see that see all those scratches from the nastiness you can fill that in like that this knife has some sort of a nick in it too so that's one thing i would say is like sand your blades down make sure they don't have pits and dings in them yeah we can just sort of take care of a lot of that what way does this blade want to go yep okay it's looking pretty good let's go down here get all these crumblies and crunchies off this part's really important because it's gonna i can even take the stuff from the casing and squash it in there like so yeah after you scrape it it's kind of like a crumbly plasticine or something it's almost like clay when it's hardening yeah that that would be a good a good example of what it's probably like i mean i think there so look at that that's all like kind of gooey it's gone from hardened to a little bit gooey we can fill in all the deficiencies with that stuff because if we don't fill them in we can't expect the all-purpose to actually fill in a big void it's going to shrink back and it's going to need to be touched up so the all-purpose will fill in little scratches but it's not going to fill in big stuff unless you do two coats big one there so yeah this part is actually tricky takes some practice and skill it is really important because it determines how many finish coats you need to do the rougher this stage is the more finished coats you have to do what we want is the first coat what the first coat does is it like covers everything hides the tape the second coat fills in all the inconsistencies that the first coat has and the third coat of all-purpose provides a nice paintable surface because kwikset isn't it's not as paintable as other stuff you know mashed a chunk on there fill that little void and you know you could spritz a tiny bit of water on this stuff if you had to if it was dragging and pulling funny but it's working really well no phone i forgot to put it on silent filming 101 put your phone on silence my wife's wondering when are you coming home when it's done which is soon soon we're gonna put the finish coat on this and get all the shredded carrots out of the wall ah maybe we'll just bury it in there you got plastic in your walls james perfect yeah there we go okay that's looking pretty good we'll get press these off or the edge wasn't feathered this i'm really putting a lot of pressure ooh i went too far to the edge where it was uh not as hard shredded carrots all right let's leave that this is looking pretty good i'm fussy i'm fussing here it's pretty darn good and we are going to break out the big guns and use a special technique for james to get this nice smooth finish coat on here and so that maybe maybe he can get it done in one coat of all-purpose yeah i don't think so you don't think so well let's see let's see okay all right so what is our secret we're gonna roll it on that's what we're gonna do roll and skim super easy all right what we've got here well we have a roller uh i don't know what kind this is this is oh is it a polyester one so want to try a different one uh well what's gonna happen is this one's gonna get hairs in the mud so it's not as bad as shred shredded coconut too thin we're just gonna go with it this this one is uh this one's great there you go that's perfect regular like a real sort of fabric okay this is some really thin taping mud it's super runny um it doesn't need to be this runny in fact it would be better if it wasn't but we have this left over from when i did the ceiling here so this is pretty simple it's just dunk get the stuff off mo you know get the bulk of it off oh wow that's runny this is going to be a mess james i like messes yeah good because you're gonna have one you gotta be fast here gotta be real fast not too fast actually there's a happy medium okay but yeah so just start spreading the stuff like that we're just gonna i'm just gonna dunk half of it in this time there's a technique to it i'm making it look easy james is gonna make it look hard in a minute here perfect yeah so i've done the first one here and i've gone close up to the casing but not all the way up to it because what you're gonna do when the time comes to knife this is you're actually gonna do your first pass like so and then you can take this stuff and very gently put mud in there and then your next pass is all nice and pretty i'm making this look easy but let's see how it actually looks so i personally would probably do the entire wall first yeah so there's a right amount of pressure and a wrong amount of pressure the wrong amount of pressure steamrolls all the mud let's see how that's looking yeah we need more nuts yeah it's too thin you see the different texture mine has quite a lot more mud yeah yeah that works that's the right amount though now to spread that out a bit up past the old work up even higher yeah a little bit okay more carrots okay at least this one's not quick set so get a little more down lower yeah yeah that's better because when you have more to work with you can leave a thicker coat yeah keep going get more on the bottom down there yeah so the trick there is to just like shake more of it off before you go over the wall yeah it's so thin right now like it's gonna be easy to wipe out but it's making it harder to get onto the wall if it was actually thicker like coating mud and it stays on there better but it's a little harder to smear once you actually get it on and so yeah you can just do like a couple feet right you don't have to do the whole spread not like painting no no so and then go from the bottom up and then we're doing this just to show that there's more than one way to skin a cat and the cat ain't gonna like any of it well it is a lot easier than putting on with a knife it is it is just wait till you see what happens when we start spreading this i wouldn't recommend doing this with kwikset can you imagine if it's all set up on the wall like this that's the homeowner's special texture that you find in basement suites in east man [Laughter] that's how california stucco started oh man it dried all right we're leaving it yeah totally could he at least knock it down how's that all right it's looking good do you have the whole patch covered i think so i can go a little more to the left there yeah just make sure you have it everywhere you definitely want the whole i can see yeah there's a little bit more over here a bit more yeah cover the whole thing yeah great great okay so the first thing we're gonna do is feather the edge oh fill up the edge yeah is there enough on this side no we don't have oh that's the part where i wiped it that's right may as well just go up there yeah yeah have it consistent okay do you want me to do the edge yes okay do the edge i'll do the edge and you can do the rest of them all right we got the knife going the right way yeah everything's looking good so how you're gonna do this come right down to the bottom oh it needs a little bit more down there but i'm gonna just leave that we can fill that in a bit but i'm gonna do a really gentle pass so there almost wasn't enough on here but i know i can wipe a little harder so we're going right into the corner now um i need a bit of mud i can't dip this knife in there it's too wide now i've actually got a little bit in the pan to work with okay so now i can actually put a bit more pressure on and this is where knowing how to wipe something out is going to become so critical okay one more pass my pressure is on my index finger and it's putting pressure into the casing and so this is critical to understand this technique because the next pass again we're gonna split the difference like so and it's gonna go like this okay it's pretty darn good so we almost don't have enough mud but it's good so we're gonna split the difference oh i should have feathered that edge oh well it's just a bit we put a bit mud there feather that edge i should have done that there too edge is setting up oh it's so wet that it's actually moving it's good all right now we can focus on this so one pass sort of splitting that down the middle the pressure is on the left hand side of the blade if there's voids like it just needs another path pressure is on the right hand side of the blade now because i need to get in there to get rid of that line so why why are you not using the two finger method at this point uh so that you can see okay yeah so otherwise you would yeah yeah i would be like right here but you can see if i'm doing that right okay so we're just gonna pass up here for fun pressure's on the left-hand side when i do that right pressure's like this so every pass should have the pressure consecutively on that side and if there's hollows and voids like this see those get up close can you see him yep and it still needs one more quick pass you know what but we can just leave that sand it paint it touch it up because there's going to be touch-ups on any project and sometimes look how smooth it is you could wreck the whole thing trying to get rid of that one little thing or you could touch it up after primer so james now is the time yeah i'm sure you were doing so well yeah you can always just roll it out again there you go this is where that gentle pass is actually going to work in your favor so the pick the pressure wasn't on the left-hand side enough that's why you have a part of the bridge yeah so as long as your blade had the convex side onto the wall and you put enough pressure onto the left hand side that line shouldn't have been there so now try and pass over those two lines directly in the center of the blade with completely even pressure really light okay i can't do it all right then put it on the left-hand side am i not pushing hard enough unless there's egg so i'm sorry i don't know how to make okay now don't worry about the one on the right hand side keep going to the left keep going to the left it's hard to know how much pressure to put on because you don't put on enough yeah and you leave these little yeah well you can pass over it twice yeah it's i don't know how to transfer muscle memory over to people but with enough practice you don't even think about it yeah autopilot so here i'm trying to put pressure on the left yeah it's good it's doing it okay but i honestly wonder if you're using the other side of the blade because there's so much more lines let me see what's out of the plate i'm not sure i think it's the wrong way let's see okay oh you left the line yeah on the right on the left hand side that's where i want it oh that's where you want it okay yeah maybe i'm okay maybe it's because so see how come like there's no lines there see there's no lines where you did it and all these little ridges here i don't know should i do a finish pass finish pass should we see if it's salvageable should we see if i can work all these lines out all right yep all right okay what's going on with this blade why is this happening side has the most gouges that one's got a lot this one has the least amount of gouges okay so i was probably doing the galaxy i think you were doing the wrong side and that's why you're leaving so many lines yeah both the big ones and the little ones from the pits the big ones are from the edge of your blade the little ones are from the pits in the 12-inch knife so let's see if we can salvage this all right one line here oh god there's just it's a certain pressure too you get used to knowing how to compress the mud in just the right way and it just it honestly gets easy like i know people say it's an art i don't think it's an art i think it's a dance oh washboard like once you know where your edges are and how to work around them you learn how to smooth it out and just get rid of them and i honestly i can't transfer that onto somebody it's just something that you get from years of hard-won experience and wearing out your neck and shoulder but there it is it's looking pretty smooth i know you guys can't see that at home but it looks way better than what i just did just got a little bit of peeled carrot giving me problems there but once you sand that that'll be all right okay i'm happy with that well thanks ben you're welcome i appreciate it i mean i hope you learned a lot this is definitely like i know there's going to be so many people saying like big pitch is way too big and blow but guess what you're not going to find this patch no yeah you could have created two little mountains on either side it's like what why which is what i would have done why do you want to see speed bumps on your walls like you have to make a monolithic surface that feathers out to the like further than the patch to make it disappear that is how drywall finishing works and if you think that you can just make little mole hills and mountains everywhere like you're gonna see it so this is how you finish a wall there take that all those people that wanted to argue i'm not reading your comments anyways all right all right plus you use the word monolith monolithic that's a great word well it's yeah the idea is it has to be one continuous thing yeah so monolithic is the right term right is the right term a monolithic poor and uh it's hard to throw that word into everyday conversation well you just did yeah cool cool okay let's wrap up all right i'm trying not to step in the mud down there i got my skate shoes on i was expecting to show him the whole day what to do not be walking over all the mud he couldn't help himself now my grip tape's gonna get like speckles all over it it's gonna be awful um anyways yeah that's how you do it guys this is a patch uh hopefully you got something out of this video thanks for having me over to film another one of these thanks for coming anytime welcome i have lots more work yeah and i didn't i don't know if we mentioned in the beginning of the video that james has a channel think renault he got me started yeah well he i told yeah he gave me some motivation why you should start a channel i figured i was doing all the work here anyway i might as well film it yeah so now you've gone from actually getting your house done to filming about trying to do it every day right yeah it takes me twice as long to get anything done now but hopefully if anyone shows up on the channel and watches the videos it might all be worth it yeah some of this stuff is looking great actually you guys should see this concrete thing we will do that in the end but anyways yeah check out his channel i probably linked it before but um i'm gonna go this awkward outro i've officially done a really bad awkward outro if we make about 100 of these videos that would get a lot easier seems to just get more awkward all right thanks for watching you guys all right thanks guys until the next one this is cement board with planny patch coated on it and it looks really awesome and there's gonna be a video about it you
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 154,888
Rating: 4.8769884 out of 5
Keywords: drywall, tape, taping, tools, fast, repair, mud, crack, hole, wall, best, easy, patch, plaster, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, corner, inside, outside, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, fix, skim, coat, install
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 3sec (4083 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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