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hello and welcome to Vancouver carpenter if you're new to drywall picking the right mud can be kind of a daunting task with so many different types we've got light mud we've got all-purpose we've got heavy weight we've got topping we've got joint so it's hard to know exactly which might to choose so I'm gonna help break that down for you so you can know which one to pick we're also going to do this in the order that we take with so first we're gonna start with quick-set muds so these are the powdered bugs that are bought in bagged form so one of the ones we use a lot here in Western Canada and this isn't available everywhere but it's called concrete fill so the specific purpose of this mud right here is actually for skimming out concrete ceilings so it's got really good adhesion and it's got some light aggregate in it which I believe is something like perlite so it's squishy not like sand so that's for skimming out ceilings it has a really great float ability but you're not gonna find it everywhere Hamilton ultra fill is another product it's the same product basically just in a different bag from a different company so we use this for floating big areas filling large voids I also use it for jobs where I'm taping with mesh tape it's a quick sanding compound that has about an hour to set so next let's get into another quick set so this one is just your standard 20 minute mud this is a certainteed product lights and plus it says light sand because it's supposed to be sandable but it's not very sandable so this is another product that is suitable for taping with mesh tape on patches and jobs that you're just not worried about cracking so this stuff is very hard it doesn't shrink and I mostly just use it for pre-fill or jobs where I'm trying to get in and out in a day it sets in about twenty to thirty minutes so you can apply subsequent coats now something that most people don't understand about setting muds they are quick set not quick dry if you apply three coats in one day you still need to wait three or four days for that to dry properly all it does is allow you to apply a bunch of coats in one day so you don't have to do multiple trips and it also allows you to do deep fills like you could fill things up too easily Finch deep if not deeper without it's shrinking and cracking so it doesn't do all the weird things that regular mud will do so once you've done your pre filling the next thing to go on to is some sort of a taping mud so here in Canada we have what's called light taping mud so this one says lightweight taping and this box here is also taping button so in Canada all of our mud is light so what that means is in the States there's actually heavyweight mud and we'll get into that a little bit when I get into all-purpose so this mud is specifically for laying paper tape it has it doesn't coat nicely it gets bubbles and it shrinks a lot and it's harder to sand so it's specifically for laying tape it has tons of glue in it and because it's light it's not too heavy if you're using say automatic taping tools or just carrying around a Panama is not too heavy so next we're gonna get into all-purpose mud so right here I have light all-purpose so it's important to make a distinction I've been saying light a lot and that's because pretty much all muds up here in Canada are light and what that means is I'm not sure when they stop using the regular heavy weight formula and switched over to light it was maybe in the 80s or 90s but a heavy weight mud like your regular cheap rock green lid USG or your proform black lid these muds that you guys have down in the state that is a regular heavy weight mud is literally twice the weight you lift up a bucket of that if you're a Canadian and you go to pick up a bucket of heavy weight and you've been lifting lightweight buckets your whole life you're gonna oh my goodness because this stuff is just heavy it's a totally different beast and a lot of the time I've been on drywall forms where Canadian tapers are giving the Americans a really hard time why are you taping with all purpose for the thing is as Canadians don't know that in the state's there's a lot of places that don't have taping mud and they don't have light mud they only have this all-purpose stuff it's a real bear to work with it sands horribly so it's a totally different animal than the light muds we have here in Canada very sticky and very strong so let's get into the Canadian lightweight all-purpose so you can take with it but it is not as good as a regular mud so I see a light all-purpose mud for taping is good enough to give the customer a tailgate warranty and what that means is when you can't see the tailgate of the contractor anymore your warranty's expired so I carry this stuff around because it's alright for taping things like inside corners and it's good for taping things in a pinch and it also has better adhesion to over say glossy paints and things like that then your classic finish all-purpose mud is also one of the only things you should be coating steel beads with although the real question is why are you still installing steel beads so next let's get into finish months so right here we've got a classic finish which just means it's a topping mud so this mud is not suitable for taping it is not suitable for coating steel or vinyl beads but what it is suitable for is getting nice smooth coats with relatively few bubbles on your first coat and it polishes up really nicely on your final coat it's also easier to sand so in terms of hardness of sanding taping and the heavyweight all-purpose you don't want to sand that stuff Lite all-purpose is pretty darn easy to sin a comparable product in the states would be USG plus 3 that's a light all-purpose but this stuff is very easy to sand if you use a coarse grit of sandpaper like a 120 or sometimes even a 150 on a finished mud your gonna scratch the crap out of it so it's very easy to sand but that also means that you need to be more careful with it when sanding and then it's not going to leave as durable a finish on the customers wall although in all honesty we're talking about drywall not plaster or concrete no matter what drywall you're using it's gonna leave a cheap finish on the wall because dry walls a cheap product but that's a whole other debate so the ideal scenario for using something like an all-purpose is when you're doing a really small job like a bunch of patches or a small bathroom so you're gonna use mesh tape and quick-set on your flats and your butt joints and you're gonna use paper tape and all purpose for your inside corners I would probably also install my corner beads with quick-set and you're gonna get a first coat on everything and a coat on your inside corners with the all-purpose and then you're gonna do a finished coat with the all-purpose so it's handy to have if you don't want to carry two different buckets around you just want one bucket for one job so for large jobs what I like to have is I like to have a bag cog fill for the deep fills and for pre filling everything I like to have taping mud and paper tape because it's the strongest and longest lasting and then I like to have finished mud because it spreads the nicest and because I get the least pinholes and it stands easily so this is for big jobs and the quick set and then all-purpose for the little jobs so I hope that helps answer some of your questions if you've been wondering about what are all these different types of drywall muds and maybe get a little overwhelmed when you're at the Home Depot so thanks for watching see in the next video
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 460,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, mud, joint, compound, joint compound, tape, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, plaster, different, types, corner, inside, outside, taping, mudding, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder
Id: s-4yh3XY5wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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