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welcome to vancouver carpenter today we are doing a real live level five so up here we've got a ceiling with these lights around it and what those lights do is they cast a really awesome light all the way across the ceiling as soon as all of the lighting around us is done as soon as the daylight's gone you can see it perfectly so we've got another one over here it's gotta get skimmed out and then we've got another one in here and in here you can really see what it looks like you can see all the paint roller lines you can see any screw that needed to be coated more you can see just every single defect so all of those look like that at night so this is the perfect thing for a level five so what we're going to do is we're going to put two coats of mud over top of this one coat won't be good enough because there will be a lot of imperfections so the first coat is going to build it up and the second coat is going to fill in all the little imperfections anyways let's get right to it so the first thing we need to do is find all of the imperfections that are loose so like any screw pops any loose tape any loose paper because the last thing i want is to skim out all of the ceiling and have any of the surface be unsound and still be a blister because we'll see that you'll have a perfect ceiling and then a blister somewhere and then the whole thing will have to get redone so what i am going to do is shine a light right down the ceiling i don't know if you guys can see that but we've got a screw pop right here is that picking up on camera when i push on it okay great so i'm going to circle that so i know where it is i'm going to keep looking for any of that kind of stuff in this ceiling because that's the kind of stuff we have to fix there's another one anyways you get the so we idea all the screw pops fixed almost i should say prepped and um this might seem like overkill but yeah what we're doing is we're putting in some extra screws where needed usually on either side of the existing screw pop and then i'm carving this out so that that blistered paper can't come back and normally i wouldn't go to such great lengths but again on a skimmed ceiling on a level five ceiling i just don't want to be doing any of this work again like total failure if you level five the whole thing and then have a bunch of screw pops come back anyways right now i am just using a quick set 20 minute with a little bit of glue added in to make sure it sticks to these [Music] screws [Music] once that's done i can get to skimming this thing a mess that's how you thin your handle back down doesn't feel very nice now oh it's gonna fall in my mud too oh man well this is a chance to dry overnight i never did get another coat on this ceiling but that's not a bad thing so we filled this with 20 and then i gave it another fill with all-purpose real quick so they're pretty flat now i want you guys to take a look at the footage that nick filmed overnight when all the surrounding daylight is gone and these lights are on and you can see what we're really dealing with here it is brutal so what we've got is we've got this edge going all the way around that's been built up and is actually pretty smooth and then we've got like joints roller lines you name it going across these ceilings so what we're gonna have to do is have a thin coat from about like feathered from nothing out to about an eighth over this whole thing 16 to an eight just to be able to hide everything and then we're gonna need another nice skim coat after a sand so we'll take some footage every night too so that we can really see what it looks like but anyways i better get to coating this thing my mud is mixed fairly thick so it's really smooth but it's pretty thick as you can see it kind of keeps its form after i take a scoop that's so that it doesn't bubble very much and also it doesn't shrink it just goes on real nice and smooth anyways time to get to it so we'll keep it kind of thin right at the edge and i'm using my 12 inch by 5 inch trowel um i don't want to use a big trowel on this for two reasons one it's just a lot harder on the shoulder to be pushing a big trowel and two this is the one that i'm fastest with it can do the nicest work with it so we're sticking to the smaller troll keep it simple so right now it's going on real thick i'm just going to take my time i don't want to roll it on that's going to make a horrible mess just apply it by hand nice even coat so right now it's pretty thick i'm gonna feather my edge into this little spot real carefully i'm trying not to get mud in here because that's going to be so difficult to sand right now putting pretty firm even pressure here and like i've talked about before i start angled that way and then i go that way for the rest of the passes and there's going to be lines there's going to be all kinds of stuff right now i'm actually just taking off the bulk of it and we're going to do one more pass again this one i'm just going slow and steady this isn't about speed this one's about getting it perfect [Applause] that's better and this pass there's also a lot less bubbles i'll get you guys up close once this is done so you can see what my first pass is going to look like um if this was really uneven plastered walls i would be going thicker like an eight to a quarter inch but this is just drywall and even though it's ugly it's not that uneven okay let's get that camera up here take a close look so as you guys can see it's pretty smooth with just some lift-offs it's going to be pretty easy sanding for our first coat you know if the lighting was really poor we could probably get away with one coat but that lighting is so harsh it absolutely has to have that second coat to make it perfect let's get this set up so we can move better here this is uh not the wcv approved way of doing this this is just how we do it there we go so you don't have good balance don't do this if you have good judgment don't do that wait if you don't have good judgment you're gonna do it anyways i guess i just automatically put myself in that camp so let's do this with a little less talking so you can just sort of see the pace that it actually happens at so part of the reason that looks so good from just one coat is because the mud is thick like i said it's a lot more elbow grease and shoulder to move it but it just really is smoother get it up as close as i can there but not too close oh like too far under it's going to suck the sand i'm probably gonna have to get like a piece of sandpaper in there i can't even get a sponge in there without destroying something else you guys know what i'm doing measure that edge okay now let's smooth that out make sure my blade is cleaned off so i don't leave buggies oh that first pass always leaves lines until it's cleaned off so this pass is just kind of leveling it out the next pass is going to be to smooth out a lot of the inconsistencies like the porosity of the mud basically also known as the pox that's looking good do a time lapse or something montage it's gotta be a montage even rocky had a montage [Music] now [Music] oh [Music] so i'm just doing the final touches of the sanding and uh got nick to make me this glorious tool it is some 180 grit sponge sandpaper um glued onto this knife so that we can actually get into here properly and works really well so now i don't have to worry about getting mud in there because i can actually sand it and do something about it so that's great because i was really worried about that dumb little section there almost ready to start coding yeah we're good okay we are ready to start this second coat now one of the things is i'm going to be going in the other direction so for my first coat i went this way and in order to help level it out and really flatten it out i'm now going to go this way for everyone because it just has a way of like flattening it out nicer if there was some voids that i missed because of going that way then they tend to get filled in going the opposite direction and i also have my mud mixed considerably thinner so it's definitely filling in closing in after you take a scoop you can see it dripping there it's not super runny otherwise you know makes a mess but it is still pretty thin so it is now time to do the second coat and it's bubbling like crazy but i knew it would i'll get you guys up close to see how glorious that is can you see it from down there oh i almost didn't mix this mud thin enough actually it's gonna be a bit of a workout but it'll shrink less and dry faster but it'll dry overnight no matter what okay that is feathered as best we can in there wait i was going to show you guys the awesome bubbling could you see it oh i hate it i hate it so much okay the solution to that is to skim it super tight but we're not leaving much material on here because my first coat was pretty darn nice i can actually afford to skim this really tight maybe maybe and i kind of have to keep going back and forth over it until i see that there's no more bubbles and so going in both directions can really help to fill those in so this is a super tight skin [Applause] come on go away bubbles it's a lot of work this second coat's going to take a little longer than i wanted it to but once we get out from the edge it's not going to be so bad so there's not that much to see now but there's those bubbles that were causing me grief we're really up close though there's my hand for reference we're going to show you guys one more quick little clip here a nice wide open space because this is more what it looks like when you have a bit of room to play [Music] so i'm actually going back and forth over it real quick because of the bubbling so a little bit like old school plaster styler styler but i'm doing this to sort of work with the bubbles get them out a little bit faster when you go in one direction and then push back it just helps fill them in so when i go back for those finished coats it's going to look a little better oh took that one on the shoulder okay that's ready and you can see i'm using a lot of angle here and really just taking it all off and if it wasn't bubbling like this on me i wouldn't be skimming it so tight i would leave a little bit of meat on there for sanding but it's just not giving me that option so we're leaving it really tight and it looks glassy smooth but it will need a sanding and um i actually hate this because this is how i destroyed my neck and shoulder you can see how much i have to push on here to actually get the bubbles out and get it flat and so it's what's doing that is the painted surface underneath um it's not letting the air and the moisture in so the moisture and air has nothing to do but come out this side and become bubbles which means i have to burn out my shoulder in the process anyways i gotta do this over the whole thing got the other ceiling to do sounds like the coffee's done um but i'm gonna come back and sand it tomorrow we'll see how it looks i'm back to sand the second coat starting to get dark around here i want it to be fully dark so that we can really see what those ceilings are gonna look like anyways let's get in there and check it out okay i just sanded the first small one it turned out real nice we're gonna walk in here and turn on the lights a little more can they go up more there we go that looked weird on camera for a second there yeah you could see everything that's really gonna make for good sanding i just wanted to show you guys my method for sanding this so i've got three quarters of this room sanded and what i do is i just sand in one direction and sand back in the other so basically i'm looking where i not started and just slow and steady not pushing too hard because that's how you get gouges and scratches and that light shining on it just enough that i can see it but i really can't see everything unfortunately so i'm gonna do that all the way down to the end and then i'm going to come back and i'm going to go like this really quick that just ensures that i really catch everything and then even after all that when we're all said and done i'm going to take this light down here and i'm gonna look for everything every little scratch anything i missed so far it's actually really looking good i'm quite happy with that this is it i'm almost there i'm done well we're gonna have to come back and see how this looks when it's painted that's it you don't want to talk about it no i'm gonna tell me how you feel no i don't wanna you wanna know how i feel if anybody in vancouver is looking for uh somebody to skim their ceilings i absolutely will not that's how i'm feeling well i wanted to come back and see what this ceiling looks like painted because um you know you can sand it walk away and say it's good but you don't really know until you see it painted so let's turn off these lights and see how it looks which button is it or is it on that side middle one middle one and this one yeah that one there we go all right okay let's see how it looks here you know it actually looks better in person but trust me there's not actually that massive hump there or there that's weird when i'm looking with my eyes i can't see that it's the shadows but what we were really going for here was trying to get um just this space right here to have no difference in texture and i can't even focus on this you guys might have to take my word that it just looks a lot better okay well we tried you know you really can't see anything on the camera but it actually looks pretty good um i'm happy with it you know there's only one problem and there's a few scratches i don't know if we'll even be able to see them on camera but it was from the sander i was trying to use um i think i was going to do a review of a sander and i haven't done it yet but yeah that's one thing i'm disappointed there was a few scratches in this ceiling from using that big richard sander that i tried to use and i couldn't see them because when you sand ceilings a whole bunch what starts to happen is you get like snow blind where you actually you're just staring at white you've got dust falling in your eyes and you just can't even see anymore so there's a bunch of scratches there they're not so bad as long as you don't like hang out here scrutinizing them but this one i switched over back to just my foam backed sanding pad and this one looked really good i was happy with this one anyways live and learn thanks for watching vancouver carpenter that's how i skimmed this ceiling it was a big job i don't even remember it's been like a month i haven't edited the video but i wanted to come back and see it before i did so until the next video you guys thanks for watching
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 117,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, taping, mudding, patch, repair, install, hole, wall, ceiling, spackle, spackling, finishing, installation, corner, inside, outside, bead, beed, gyproc, gyprock, plaster, skim, skim coat, taping and mudding, construction, carpentry, trim, baseboard, casing, hotmud, quickset, hot mud, fast, easy, DIY, home repair, renovation, remodel, tile, remove, level 5
Id: Z3Ag6vuZfdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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