Perfect Repair on HORRIBLE Corner Bead Detail!!!

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okay welcome to vancouver carpenter so what do you do when you've got a situation where the corner bead has been ripped off and then it butts right up to something like a trim because if we try and put the corner bead onto this then we're gonna have to bury this edge of this trim in order to flare the corner bead out to here and that's going to look really stupid so what we have to do in this case is actually shave some of this mud away right here so i've got a paint scraper and you know you just start scraping so we'll go a little bit up the wall too maybe to about right about here i'm gonna stay right there so i'm happy with that now i know that the corner bead is going to be able to sit flat here and we have a little bit more space to add some mud corner bead flange is going to go right about to there this one's got it even more it's got almost a quarter inch here these were bull nose beads that got ripped off and they need a lot of fill sometimes depending on how they're installed so this is like a dusty messy situation as you can see which is why i'm not actually going all the way up the wall so the downside to this is that it's actually going to make the um the corner bead flare in the tiniest bit but over nine feet 1 8 is not going to be super noticeable as long as we do it from about halfway up the wall and now we need to pre-fill all this stuff and get it so that it's actually something that we can even install a corner bead on you can see i did about half of it yesterday and then stopped because i realized that we needed to do something down there so i'm just using concrete fill this is a local product to western canada so if you're in the states or other parts of canada you might not be able to find it it's similar to structo light you guys have that down in the states it just has a little bit of aggregate and fiberglass in it which is great for large builds but essentially it's just a hot mud just a quick set sets in about 45 minutes to an hour and i don't need too much so i'm just doing a quick little hand mix here i had a couple inches of water in the bucket [Applause] the only reason i'm not using my mixing paddle is that i've already cleaned my water and i don't want to get all the aggregate in my mud my regular mud all right i'm happy with that that's nice enough then go to this side so i don't actually want to fill in completely all the mud i just took off but i do need to fill in this other side of this thing oh i forgot something too that is to cut the carpet off that's in the way this carpet's getting replaced so obviously we can do that and i'm just gonna leave some of that overhanging stuff we'll take it off of this side and let it overhang on that side and shave it off in a bit but that's looking okay all right and this one's actually okay i've already done most of the filling that's good enough to put a corner bead on so now all we have to do is wait for this stuff to set um i'll need to cut out that carpet all right well this mud's set up but um some of this paper actually is in super rough shape probably from um the demo of the corner bead so i've actually been cutting it off here so we're gonna have to remedy that a little bit because i know that that's going to be a big blister under the flange and i'll show you guys what my solution's going to be for there it might look a little hokey but i have faith that it'll hold up when it's all nice and dry what we're actually going to do is just put some mesh tape along here before installing the bead and then once we get some taping mud on top of here and a couple coats over top we're gonna have like a quarter inch thick of solid mud over top of that so that's probably not gonna crack at all but yeah see what i mean we can't tape over top of that not a chance we're going to cut that out that would be a big silly blister how about there's a bit more it didn't do that on all the other ones so this one must have just been a bit more of a pain on the install anyways that's looking a bit better and we'll get this shave down a little more shave that down so that we can start installing this corner bead if we had to actually get a corner bead in there um and leave the carpet intact and protected obviously we'd have to have tape all around this carpet but what we'd have to do is actually probably modify the corner bead so cut the fl the paper flange off around this thing so that it could slip in there and you wouldn't have a flapping piece of paper but in this case because the carpet's going to get replaced we can afford to lose a little bit of this which is good news there we go now that's out of the way we can work in there and i'm going to clean this up because it just looks nasty all right first yeah we got to get this mesh tape on here so it's not even going to go on unless we put a bit of mud because it's a little bit too wet and dusty but once we put that bit of mud on there and eventually find the end of the roll of tape there it is at the last spot that i checked but yeah here we go so a little bit of mesh tape on here is going to help hold all that material in just embed it really quick so yeah there's times and places for mesh tape this is one of them you know when you just need a little bit of reinforcement okay now we can actually get that corner beat on so this is all set oh but this one isn't ah never ends okay now we're good to go um i'm just going to do one at a time though because i think this first one is going to be a bit tricky and i don't want to be having the mud kind of drying out underneath the second corner bead while then partner out the first one whereas a lot of the time actually i would do both of these corner beads at the same time [Applause] not enough there there we go let's get this bench somewhere actually work on it and still work on the bottom let's get the mud on down here these are always kind of funny little spots you never know how much of it's going to be covered by maybe a piece of trim or carpet so you just have to do your best on all of it and assume that maybe none of it's covered you make it look good enough for that then you've done your job more mud i feel like i'm only just getting my knife chops back i haven't been uh working all that much as a drywaller it might be just the odd patch here or there i haven't been doing like full jobs and it can take me a good few weeks to really get my skills back where is that corner bead but yeah there's a difference between when i'm working full time on this you know five days a week i can hear all the dry wallers five days a week is for sissies i work seven days a week yeah i know i did that once upon a time too it's a waste of life life is short and don't tell me you make enough doing drywall that it's worth working that much all right i almost wonder if we should get the six foot level out for this one to make sure that we don't put any little bows or anything in it so we got the six foot here and i'm actually not using this to check it for level so much as just making sure that the corner bead is straight and it is diving out or diving in a bit at the bottom so i need to like kind of pull it that's why it's nice when you have so much mud on here because you actually have the material to pull it out if you're applying it with like fancy tools or through a hopper it might not have enough mud on it to be able to pull them out and tweak it whereas this way it's actually fully loaded and you can do that so let's check it out this way too now it's out too much at the bottom or the top let's see so it looks like it could go in a bit at the top not too much probably just mostly needs to come in a bit at the bottom which is going to be tricky you know what we're talking a 16th over six feet so let's pull that out right there that's better i'm going to wipe the mud out and we'll double check it real quick because right now i'm just getting the excess of the mud out so that i can work with it a bit pull that excess out and then we're going to check it one more time because before i like firmly press the tape down i still have wiggle room to be able to tweak it here and there but once you actually like really squash that mud out and there's not much under there at all then the bead kind of is where it is and if you start tweaking it and messing with it you're risking getting blisters [Applause] okay let's check it one more time make sure it looks okay [Applause] i also checked this wall for level before i even started this and it's pretty darn good so that's why if the bead looks reasonably straight i'm actually not worried about what level shows so yes i've got about a 30 second of daylight like less than a millimeter right here i can live with that that's really good how about up here about the same thing so i think what's going on is it just flares out a little bit somewhere here let's see if i can pick that up by eye not at all so that's good that way check it this way okay and it's definitely doing something there needs to be pulled out at the bottom again got pushed in or maybe it needs to get pushed in a bit right here see it's a lot of work getting these just right you know nobody said it was easy that's why there's so much bad drywall work out there because people don't take the time to do that okay and the bottom needs to come out a bit and like i said because because i've still left some mud under there we actually have the liberty to do that a bit you can see if you look right down at the bottom you can see i pulled it out a fair bit now let's see that's a lot better all right now we've got a very small amount and now is where we have to use our discretion so am i going to be able to see that no you can never get a solid eyeball on it right here so it's now good enough i'm gonna push right up against the flange to make sure that there's no blisters in there it's gonna need a pretty solid fill though we can see that that's just what that one took and i'm now firmly embedding that in this trim is getting painted later so i'll sand the mud off there and it'll all be awesome just relax guys it's gonna be okay gonna be okay it can take a fair bit of time to really get your corner beads exactly where you want them now i'm actually pushing all that stuff out and it's looking good so now i can do the next one but you guys don't need to see that do you i don't know maybe you want to see it all right let's do it this one should be pretty quick our main criteria is just to make sure that it lines up relatively well with that one there there's not anywhere near as much stuff going on on this one oh i'm rushing rushing and i'm getting sloppy getting hungry like i said dry wallers always tired and hungry always trying to get that next coat on or get to that next stage or get to that next job it's just sort of the nature of the beast with this job you learn to be stressed out while doing it instead of calm and relaxed like the word looks like it should be i mean you know just spreading mud it's no biggie it should just be kind of fun and relaxing yet i'm always scrambling okay this i already know i want a lot of mud down here because it has to match this one right here so i'm like really laying it on and actually there's even going to be one more little trick that i show you guys at the end of this video because i'm installing this with taping mud and this bead could definitely move around on me especially where i've got it pulled out like a quarter inch oh that plug huh i can hear it crackling i hit it with my metal knife that's smart there we go fixed it i'm a sparky okay so what i do though the trick is when i've like pulled a corner bead out a quarter inch and i'm just using taping mud yet usually i like to install it with kwikset when i'm like really manipulating the beads a lot and like playing with them a lot because then it stays where you put it whereas when you install it with taping mud and you pull them out like a quarter inch sometimes what happens is they don't stay where you put them and it can be super frustrating so i got a little trick for that it'll be coming up after this is installed so i'm just eyeballing it here down at the bottom to make sure that it looks the same as this one relatively standing up here like this looking at it making sure those two noses line up because if i just installed this one like willy nilly we'd have this one pulled out a quarter inch and this one you know squished in and then you have a stupid dumb out of square corners we've all seen those they suck but like i said tweaking the beads like that can lead to some problems if you're not careful because the mud will shrink and it'll pull it and it's not going to wind up where you put it now this one i'm not as concerned about exactly where it is or how straight it is because i'm just kind of eyeballing it with this one that i've already installed if they look close enough then by the time they get coated and filled in it'll just look kind of monolithic is in one piece and it'll be good i guess it is a good thing we kept going huh there's always more you can learn you know because i don't think about these video ideas all the time about all these little nuances the only way i can teach you guys is if i'm actually just like doing it spur of the moment so how does that look that looks good it's good stand back take a look just needs a good stomp all right looks good there looks good there but why trust my eye why not check a little bit yeah we're good there we're good i got about a you know a meal of daylight a little bit more than a mill there so if i really really wanted to get fussy what i could do is pull this a bit right here pulling it that way yeah and obviously i really do want to get fussy because i'm doing it also the homeowner is watching oh yeah the homeowner's filming me there is that element of it all right that's good that's good and yeah you know when the homeowner's actually filming you he's gonna know where everything is whereas if i just installed it with that millimeter a daylight you'd never know it's there and it wouldn't be a problem because your eye can't pick up a millimeter over six feet unless you're like a super demonetized that's okay if you've been watching this far in the video you're probably a regular viewer and you'll forgive me for my language that's right yeah it's going to be bleeped out because there's kids watching i guarantee it i know there's guys out there that watch it with their kids so out of respect for you guys it's been bleak all right here we go that's that i just need some corner tapes and it'll look all pretty um oh i told you guys i was going to show you that thing okay all right so what you've been waiting for the secret so when you've got something like this and you don't want it to twist and move around on you i've mixed up some kwikset just slap that in there because most of the movement is gonna happen as this like really shrinks overnight and this quick set is going to be set up in about an hour and it's not going to let the beads move because it's going to just kind of lock it in place [Applause] so that is the way to cheat those and get a big a big tweak of the old bead to stay put i'm just going to leave that like that and why not do the other side a little bit too just put a little bit right here and hold it where else maybe just clean up this spot with a little bit of con fill get it looking nice and pretty pre-coat sometimes these tricky spots like this you know you give them that first fill of quick set and then another couple of fills and not on the whole bead but just on these like kind of problem spots especially remember we've actually got that that mesh tape under here so putting this quick set here is going to be just one more little bit of reinforcement and then that will get two more coats of mud over top of it to make it beautiful but that's really gonna hold that bead in place where we did so much um pulling out and where there's all that potential for movement anyways that is how you install corner beads in a super weird spot like that it's a lot of work but somebody's got to do it and um you know while i still got this stuff in here i may as well finish off this spot too so just want to say thanks for watching vancouver carpenter hope you guys learned something in this video you know um there's as many different ways to do something as there are situations you come across everything is unique it's not always going to be the same fix every time but the more of these little tricks you have in your toolbox the better off your projects are gonna start to become so hopefully uh this was useful to you definitely hope you guys learned something thanks for watching vancouver carpenter till the next video you guys i don't know why you're still watching
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 164,032
Rating: 4.9172416 out of 5
Keywords: drywall, repair, install, corner, inside, outside, bead, corner bead, fix, hole, wall, plaster, tape, taping, fast, mud, crack, best, easy, patch, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, skim, coat
Id: v-jl3tbvKIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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