How to Tape Drywall with a SuperTaper!

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welcome to vancouver carpenter today i'm going to teach you guys how to use a super taper this is my preferred method of taping and it's pretty fast efficient way of doing it yes i know bazooka guys you're way faster but that's not how we're doing it this is low maintenance it's cheap and it's pretty darn fast especially compared to hand taping so let's get right to it so first off your mud mix so i'm starting with the flats and butts and we don't want the mud to be mixed too thin for this otherwise it just gets sloppy but this is still a little bit too thick it's not dripping off my knife too fast it's a bit too thick so um i don't have any exact measurements for this you're just going to have to figure it out but here's the key [Applause] oh need a plug all right so let's get this mixed up okay now why isn't it working okay we're just having a little power cord malfunctions but we're good now so getting this mixed up don't put your foot on the bucket unless you know it's not dirty [Music] okay see that that's how you know it's mixed enough all right and you can see it's running off the knife a lot faster a lot sloppier there so that's going to be perfect for using the super tape now if you get like an even bigger wetter nuclear explosion then um it's too wet for taping the flats and butts but it's going to be perfect for the angles okay setting up the super taper so the first thing is the angle that this goes in so this one is a columbia tool super taper is actually a brand name now it's been a minute so let's make sure i get it right i believe that it goes this way because what you need is you need to have you need to make sure that you're getting the tape you need to make sure that you're getting the mud on the right side of the tape man i'm struggling here ah i'm so doing this the hard way start again [Music] why do i always mess up one video first put this thing in next put your tape in probably the right way oh man anybody who just wanted to watch this video for this information on how to use the super taper i'm sorry for your wasted time this just seems to be how my videos go these days all right there we go there we go so it's on there like so it goes down this one it goes out this bottom and so yes i have it the right way you can see the crease is on the bottom that's the side that's gonna get coated in mud it comes up through here close the chute and this dial determines how much mud goes on the tape so when it's all the way loose it's pretty thick it's like a quarter inch of mud and you want i'm gonna give it just a bit of snugness there i'm gonna grab this bucket right here and i'm gonna start pulling some tape so you can see the first little bit yeah that's about an eighth of an inch to a quarter inch of mud on there which is actually a pretty it's a bit much for taping flats and butts so i dialed it in just a little bit more but anyways just start pulling the stuff like so and you want to have a pretty full bucket of mud the lower down the mud gets the less coated the tape gets what i mean is you start to see voids on the tape so the weight of the mud the gravity really helps so if you get to a point where you're seeing big voids on the tape it means your mud is either too thick or it's too low in the bucket you got to add some more mud so right now we are using taping mud good old-fashioned light taping mud well it's all i've ever really used here in canada we don't have all-purpose mud but i'm just you know i'm getting a lot i could be pulling this stuff out a bit faster but i want to make sure that it's covered in tape real nice covered in mud really nice the faster i pull the less likely it's going to be covered as well words all right so that's a pretty good amount it's probably enough to finish the ceiling might be enough to start doing the corners we'll have to wait and see just gonna pull that off there put this right here so i don't lose the end you never want to lose the end of that wash my hands [Applause] i am going to keep a bucket of water right here so i can continue to wash my hands and because i'm going to do this on stilts i'm actually going to move this cord we're going to plug the light in always make sure you have a nice clear work space when you're working on stilts i'm not recommending doing this on stilts that's just how you do it if you're professional but it doesn't mean you're not professional if you don't some people are so touchy all right and now there's one thing i'm missing here so i've got this bucket that i just rigged up with a bit of tie wire you want to come take a close look at that i just drilled two holes and i rigged this up with tie wire it's been going strong for years this is just a belt from my hanging my hanging pouch for my drywall tools so we're just going to slap this through here pretty rudimentary this is also known as the slot bucket method for obvious reasons but i like it it's a good method um it's pretty light and easy to do so that's one of the reasons i like it it's not super hard on the body unless you you know overload that thing with a 500 foot roll of wet tape that's not the smartest thing okay let's get this on it doesn't have to be too tight it just needs to be on there we go ready to use the slot bucket so i'm going to start with all the butt joints so it's pretty simple find your end slap there's another one slap make sure it's centered slap just tear it all right here's another one slap and you don't have to do the slab it's just fancier it helps it stick up there so you could could be a slowpoke and just go like this oh slapping just out of habit you can just kind of gingerly push the tape on there like a little baby all right any more here nope another one no we taped that one on the other video flat rat one more right here little one right here that was embarrassing okay any more here that looks like all of them so you know you can take the bucket off if you want um i only do that if i have a lot of work to do but no i'm just gonna wash my hands here because i don't like getting all the mud all over my taping tools it's yucky and white so i actually could be using a bigger knife than this six inch because i have a fair bit of mud under this tape i could easily be using an eight inch oh something i didn't even mention in my beginner taping videos i just filmed this start in the middle i'll have to put it in in subtitles but that's just to stop the tape from wrinkling and dragging another little tip you can do hold it down with your pan i like to do this job with a pan not a hawk i think it's definitely a better tool for the job right in the middle and i love this method because the tape's wet it wipes out super easy and quick um it applies quick obviously and sort of maybe trying to do it in the order that i applied it because the mud is drying out right as we speak so if i do it in the reverse order you know wipe out the ones that have been on there with the leaf do you guys get what i'm saying here trying to concentrate and tell you things this is a hard job um basically the longer it's been on the wall the harder it is to wipe out so you want to keep that in mind with picking the order of wiping up the tapes um for anyone interested i will link some form of a super taper in the description below i like this columbia one it's been good to me nothing wrong with the better than ever can add tools either um but you know i just i talked about the ones i own okay there is butt points did we miss any no let's get to those flats all right so same thing slap slap make sure you're centered in the joint ideally that's where the cracks happen snap that faster ben bazooka's faster ben well i i disagree that a banjo is faster you have to reload them way more bazooka is faster yeah and they're so hard to run but if you're just uh you know a homeowner or carpenter or contractor and you've been taping drywall the good old-fashioned way forever i tell you this is night and day faster this is also way easier on the shoulder than a banjo or a bazooka so that is one of the other reasons that i really like it is it's just so much easier on the body the hardest part is just carrying this sloppy bucket full of tape but um it's really not that bad here's that one i hand taped to that last video so i'm running out of tape believe it or not i didn't pull out enough tape for this whole ceiling so you're gonna have to go back to it but i have enough to finish this and maybe there's another joint that's big enough for this whatever let's just get this onto oh balancing let's start right here huh because next we're gonna do some corners i think we'll do the corners with the super taper two maybe we'll make this video a long one huh guys all right let's wipe these out though [Music] all right another thing you want to keep in mind is if you are working on stilts um you don't want big blobs of mud on the floor especially if you are working on a concrete floor that is deck blobs of concrete on a concrete floor ice skates two foot high ice skates okay same thing go back here okay and this is again where i talked about in those other videos some people might want to fill that i'm not gonna it'll be okay i don't really like the backlight the only reason i did it on this one is because it looked so lame you know when all of this was nice and full and then i didn't do it it kind of looked lame to have an empty spot but on this one if you tape the whole job with a super taper those voids are there you know it just is what it is that's how it looks all right and by this point the tape starts to stretch you can see we got good little half inch stretchy in there i always just push like this at the end do that to wipe it down solid very good get back to this that's a wrinkler let's get that sorted out come on come on it's not that pretty that i can live with that it'll be buried under a couple of coats i'm looking good in a couple days hey did you guys notice something who caught my mistake i wiped these out in the wrong order [Applause] so that just shows you that it can sit on the wall for a little bit and it's gonna be okay um this is this doesn't matter so the fact that i can go that far in one white tells me that i have just the right amount of mud under the tape um you know if it's puking out the sides all the time then that means you've got too much mud under the tape so oh oh okay the grossest feeling is like wet mud on your shirt and then ugh i hate that feeling so much nobody said it wasn't messy hand taping's way tight here the ben tidier maybe i don't use it corners so this mud is still a little bit too thick to do um the corners with so we're going to thin it down a little more mud here pretty soupy for corners honestly okay that's good you can see it's really runny right just fall off of there okay and you got a fair bit of mud on here and that may cause me a bit of grief so let's thin it just a bit [Music] so it's gone down just a little bit you can't tell on film really but there's less mud on there and that's super important because if you have too much once you start running down the corner with your tools it'll all spill down the wall if you don't have enough mud on the edge won't feather very well so it's a bit of a fussy business and i don't even know if i've got it exactly right um but from experience i think i have it just where i want it which is about you know a small eighth of mud on the tape and pretty thin and i'm just going to pull out a lot of extra tape here because i don't want to come back to this i don't want to take off the stilts and come back to this i want this done in one shot oh and that is it so it might seem a little wasteful but you know what time is money and i don't want to be jumping up and down on the stilts all day okay what do we have here we have a old blue line corner roller so this is one of these ones it's got you know the four wheels in there this is like a straight up following a bazooka roller it's a blue line usa i don't know got this maybe almost a decade ago we have an adjustable corner thing from northstar i believe northstar tools exists again but they were out of business for a while north star adjust star so it extends really handy like i could actually do these corners from the floor um but i can't get the tape on from the floor so that's why we have to get back on the stilts oh this one's heavy i definitely have enough in here i'm guessing there's gonna be about 20 feet extra that's my guess you know i'm getting like it's like getting a little later in the day and i'm like hungry and rushing and this is like such typical such a typical drywaller state to be in hungary and wanting to get the job done so let's get it done it's quite the reach around there don't go there okay so i'm just gonna start in the corner here and this one you don't really slap so you just kind of delicately you can see the crease right once you put it in here see the crease and so i started right back in the corner there with no x drop or not too little all right so we're creasing it with our hand if you really want to see that crease so that you know that it's going to be in the center there but it's going to be the roller's job to really embed this tape and give it a nice square corner some people do this without the roller and they just have to pass over it with the flusher a few more times um no that's not how i roll i roll with the roller i just tear the tape as close as i can to that corner start it again i don't get too fussed if the tapes are a little long in the corner it'll be okay because you kind of just mash them all together and then do your three ways okay so i definitely i do at least one room at a time when i'm doing corners so i won't be able to do any of the upright corners yet because i am on the stilts oh this gap was a bit big but it'll be okay there's a lot of mud under this tape and it's not a butt joint and it's not on a truss wall so i'm always stepping very gingerly on my stilts here i'm kind of making sure that like i don't run on them i kind of oh the framing in this place is like waves in the ocean what was i even saying i don't run on my stilts yeah i sort of like kind of scope the area out with my foot you know before i really place it and move forward if it taps anything it's like a like a like a walking stick you know that blind focus visually impaired use [Music] i'm getting there all right i'm gonna leave those little ones i just do the bulk ones right now the long ones i'm not even gonna do that one i'll do that one tomorrow after i tape those corner beads because i don't want to get to those today another nice thing about using the corner roller is like there's a little bit of stuff under these and i can scrape it a little better and i maybe should have on this one but so the wet tape goes on that quick set and then the roller goes in it really mashes it all together and it'll be um it'll be a lot more solid after i'm not making sense anymore what i mean is it'll mash it down and it won't be so lumpy under the tape after rolling and flushing that was my lunch container see i told you i see with these things almost there almost there [Music] ah we had just enough tape i mean like i said there's about 20 feet left all right i definitely want this off be careful washing your hands in a bucket when you've got the flusher in there these have sharp edges and i have sliced my hand on them before not fun you know i mean this means there's a little blood in the mud okay the roller one of the best investments i've ever made in terms of quality of my job start in the middle do this one because i'm standing right here already cord so i start with kind of light pressure in the first few rolls and then once it's embedded then it sort of snow plows the mud so it's sort of light pressure and then firms and look at all that extra mud coming up the sides so that is great that is what we want hopefully it's not too much or i'll have to switch to a wider flusher head right now i've got a two and a half inch flusher on there i believe it's an old can-am or it might be a better than everyone not sure but it lasted me a long time as much as i would love to know what a real angle head feels like to glaze with i've never used those um it's not as common here in canada definitely less people use bazookas i think they're a little more common out in ontario and stuff you know a lot of the guys use them on union drywall projects and that was just sort of the way it was done bazookas and glazers are common in america too they are up here i mean one of the best manufacturers of those drywall products is columbia tools and those guys are just down the road in langley they've been around for a while and are well known to produce some of the best stuff out there yeah still never tried them [Applause] all right time to run me the fluffer so i have a feeling that this is going to be too small this little two inch head it's just just a gut feeling but let's start by running it on this one right here so let's see it's not bad actually i think it's just right i would love to get it a little more full but i'm okay with that see how it's a little empty right there and there but it's like nice and full along here so i'm just going to leave it like that i actually should be going this way because i like to hold it right-handed so obviously it doesn't matter which way you go and usually i find in order to really get it looking good you kind of gotta run over it a couple times anyways so one more pass and that's not bad from that corner there and i'm pushing with a pretty good medium pressure yeah that's good they're looking nice and full happy with that not too full but i can live with it i mean i've got to do a lot of work on the bottom of these so i don't even need it to be totally full because they're going to get filled in with my next coat i'm happy with that let's get this one good oh ah i hate it when that happens you hit a wet corner tape we'll take care of that in a bit not a corner the butt joint those are the ones that always do it almost there there we go they want to get a bit too much it likes to just kind of drip down the wall a bit like if you come look at this one you can see that it sort of splattered down the wall a bit you can also lose a little bit of the mud with a gentle tap but if you hit it too hard you'll lose the flusher okay all right let's give that one more you know i almost should have just walked in one direction of the room and then walked in the other direction of the room um you know i guess there's always time to refine your technique let's do that on these ones oh what's that a nail no there's a nail in there need a hammer of some kind a nail from the crown molding hopefully there isn't any more of those okay let's try that walk in one direction and then walk in the other direction i never claimed to have it all figured out you guys always room for improvement okay back the other way i think on the one hand if you did the whole room and then walk back around you might get some hard edges because uh it'll be kind of setting on you might not feather out as nicely but yeah i'm happy with that okay now we need i should have grabbed it four inch knife this that one with the shiny handle yeah there we go four inch knife i always like to start with the four inch knife i have a bit of a system we're doing this part i clean up the three ways with the three clean up the three weights with the four inch so here's knife good example of how messy they get after flushing you see that so we're just gonna pull that and that bump the camera and i'm honestly not that worried about all that extra tape right there at all so i'm gonna do the right hand side the right hand side and i'm gonna put a little bit of extra mud on this part because it just kind of needs it right hand side right hand side look for blobs let's get remember the light right here so i'm going to walk around and i'm going to look for blobs like this wipe them off the wall now is the time and again we're going to get right up in this corner flatten out those crinkles and i'm going to do the right hand side right hand side right hand side and if you've watched my three-way video you might know why i'm doing that in that order there's a reason because when i come to do them again i'm gonna do all the left-hand side [Music] oh that's nasty okay we'll get to that later straighten up those tapes oh that one really got crinkled let's put a bit of mud under there okay right inside right hand side right hand side and these ones i actually still need to take the upright right hand side right um so all right that's it like those corners or tape well then that is how you tape with the super taper that's how i tape with a super taper feel free to let me know how you tape with a super taper i'm sure you couldn't resist and you've done that already anyways thanks for watching vancouver carpenter hopefully you guys got something out of this video um you know kind of had fun making it sure talked a lot so on that note until the next video
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 347,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, tape, taping, tools, fast, repair, mud, crack, hole, wall, best, easy, patch, plaster, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, corner, inside, outside, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, fix, skim, coat, install
Id: sB81c_tV9ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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