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to grandmother's kitchen I got a good one for you today today I'm starting my holiday series and you don't want to miss it it's going to be fun it's going to be exciting it's going to be simple and it's going to be easy and most of all is going to be delicious okay and I have a special guest here my daughter from Texas she is here visiting me and she's going to help me with the jambalaya Louisiana style hello so this is my baby money baby in Mississippi the baby this is one that's before the baby and Mississippi we call her a knee baby so she is a money baby my knee baby he's a girl and the baby is a girl okay so we're going to start with the jambalaya and here you see all the ingredients needed to make delicious jambalaya southern style so right here we'll first start with the meats and we have a sausage Museums Louisiana style but you can choose whatever kind of sausage you like we used mild for this so that you know the people that will be eating this they really don't like spicy food but if you like to kick it up a notch they also have Louisiana style hot sausage and you can use that then here we have some shrimp we cut the shrimp in half extra large shrimp so that we can kind of double the amount of shrimp for the recipe and then we have here chicken and we use dark meat we use legs and thighs and we seasoned it added onion and boiled it down and then debunked it here you have your vegetables which is diced celery green peppers onions red peppers then we have our herbs here we have some dill fresh dill thyme parsley and bay leaves garlic every recipe needs to have garlic so you have to have some fresh garlic here we have our oh and then we have some shrimp stock and what we did is we took the shells from the shrimp and we boiled them down and we made a stock with it which is going to add a very very powerful powerful flavor to the jambalaya we did the same thing here with the chicken stock we use the chicken that we boiled we use a wire we boil the chicken down with made a broth out of that and we have that here that we'll add in the recipe we have four cups of white jasmine rice you can use any you know parboiled rice or any other type of rice but most recipes I use I use jasmine rice and it comes out very fragrant and delicious then we have our seasonings just going to be your standard you know Creole seasoning or any other type of seasoning you like to use Tony satton is one of my favorites we have our sea salt pepper red pepper um ground red pepper here and paprika if you want to take it from your life yes now what we're going to do we're going to go over to the stove and we're going to use the oil right here this is about a half a cup because we're first things we're going to do is brown the sausage so we're going to take our Dutch oven to the stove and we're going to and so we'll be back and show you what it looks like once we get it started okay guys now we're back and we're at the stove so what we did is we added the half a cup of vegetable oil and now we have the sausage browning so you put that in first because it takes a while to actually um you know Brown and cook the sausage you want to make sure it's very thoroughly cooked through so this looks like it's just about then okay so now what you want to do at this point is we want to start adding in our vegetables I always start with my onions first because I like to let my onions cook for a little bit longer and kind of sweat them out engine first and then if you notice everything is kind of uniformly cut and very nice very small and that's because these a mini chopper plus one of those kitchen gadgets that you can buy it Bed Bath & Beyond or Walmart that could cut your prep time in half we have the aims in here now so let's come up and make sure you get all of them let those cook for a little bit now I'm going to add in the green peppers and this is about a cup and a half of each so I would like to measure it is my mom likes to say a cup and a half or a cup I like to say I use to a loose one bell pepper that is green one red bell pepper and three celery stalks we mix that in there now we'll add the red bell pepper and we have the stove on a medium high heat add in there and can our celery so soon at that celery in there if you want to take that off mom there's a little bit more I'm going to add that southern right here so now I'm just going to give everything a really good shirt and then I'm going to put the lid on and let it cook down for about five minutes so when we return this should be all the vegetables should be touching hi guys okay so we're back and it's been about five minutes and as you can see here we have all of our vegetables you know kind of cut down into the sausage so what we want to do now is we want to just start you know just layering in the ingredients which is essentially layering in the flavors so what we're going to start with first is the garlic we're going to add some garlic in here now stir that in then we're going to add in some of our seasonings so we want to do some pepper and this is really to taste so you know I don't want to say add in you know two tables two teaspoons because you may want more or less but you're not just kind of eyeball it just a pepper and then some salt at the first sea salt and never use iodized salt I'm not going to put too much salt in there just enough to kind of wake up the flavors and help them marry together and because a lot of the ingredients we're putting in here have high sodium so you don't want to overpower your dish with you know with sodium in this too salty we're going to add some dark chili pepper and give it a little kick everyone needs Tony factoring so we get a have some of that in here here that sir I'm going to just finish this off with some paprika smoked paprika is what I prefer to use mostly all the dishes that I make and it gives it a real smoky up flavor that kind of lends to the stuff and then we can do some ground red pepper just a little bit as I stated before the people that we're going to be serving with this dish to don't really like a lot of spicy food so I'm just going to put enough spice to kind of you know add to the flavor but not enough to where it's overpowering the dish so now that I have that stirred in what I want to do now is add in the rice so I like to add my rice in to kind of get it brown kind of brown it in with the UM the oil that's right so if you want to take this one okay stir the rice in just really just kind of folding it in at this stage just trying to get that rice pushed in remember you're not really cooking it you just trying to get some flavor on it trying to get a little brown on it Oh and this is about four cups of rice as you see that rice trying to absorbed all the liquid that was in the pot and that's okay that's what you wanted to do we have brought that we're going to put in at the final stages when we kind of simmer this up and cook it all together okay so then now we're going to add in the chicken and one thing made my mom are talking about when we were prepping for this is we want to make sure we let you guys know that when it comes to any dishes that you make especially when it turns out to be like a one-pot dish or a casserole like such you want to make sure that each ingredient stands alone so when we make the chicken and we put the chicken now we make sure that the seasoning was right and it tasted good on its own so if we didn't add this chicken to the jambalaya we were going to eat it by itself it was still a tasty dish so make sure that each each element of the dish stands along very well cut that out because I'll just move it so you want to make sure that each ingredient and the dish kind of stands alone as far as flavor and all of such all of that stuff okay so now we're going to add in the tomatoes I don't think that we mentioned this um on the beginning of the video and but you do definitely need tomatoes and jambalaya what we do this week we did is we had two cans of diced tomatoes in the sauce mix this in here now the beauty of this Dutch oven is it kind of helps you when you need to kind of stir everything together kind of get down in the bottom of the pot so make sure whatever hot you choose to use make sure it's wide like this and not really not something that's tall like this tall in a cylinder shape you want to kind of have something more round and it helps you really get in there and mix everything up okay so now that we added the tomatoes and we have everything you know really incorporated I'm going to add in the fresh herbs so we have our deal here we're going to do the thyme and the babies and the parsley so now once we mix all this then I'm going to add in the chicken stock and the shrimp stock and then we're going to cover this and let it cook for about 15 minutes we're going to get the rice almost done and then we'll add in the shrimp because we don't want the shrimp to cook too long okay so now I have that going in here let me add in the shrimp stock and chicken stock and slowly mix all the thing what I'm going to do is I'm going to cover it up and let it cook for about 15 minutes I'm going to come back and check it in about 10 minutes to see if I need to add some more broth we'll see you soon okay welcome back guys so what we just did is we let it cook for about 15 minutes I came and checked it at 10 minutes to make sure the broth level was okay if I need to add more broth or not we were fine I didn't need to add any more broth so what I'm going to do now is at the last ingredient which is a shrimp we add the shrimp and last because it doesn't take that long for shrimp to cooking you don't want to overcook the shrimp because it gets really tough and hard so if you take that one so they add the shrimp in here and I'm just going to slowly kind of fold it in and see all the ingredients kind of dancing in the pot right now now we reduce the heat down to a medium blow and now we're just going to basically simmer it out as it cooks for this last fifteen minutes and just kind of come back and check the the liquid level periodically to see if you need to add more stock so we have our reserved chicken stock here that we add as needed based on the level of liquid in the pot now remember this is a party size amount so if the holiday time you're having a party this is the party size amount and also end up in your show if you have some left you can freeze it put it in a container and freeze it later so don't worry about having too much you can always freeze it so I'll jambalaya is finished and this is the way it's supposed to look when it's finished see how the fluffy the rice is and I'm going to show you how to dish it up and how to serve it okay so we'll dish it up in another dish okay alright because we won't serve it in this cast eyes and you know so we'll dish it all up at Holiday time we want to have plenty of good food okay don't be skimpy on the food when you're having a party make sure you have enough food for everyone okay and and you can get dishes that that will that you can stretch you know see you see did you sit you see all the shrimp you see the chicken okay all right okay there you have it and look we're going to garnish it with this is chopped green onions okay it's for garnishes this is the way we're going to serve it okay we go put on our on our table with our other foods yummy yummy yummy very good very good very simple very easy and a lot of fun and everybody's going to love it okay so remember I have a cookbook so you can order my cookbook and get all these easy simple easy step recipes we make it fun we make it easy to make it simple and you'll have it and give several to your friends for the holiday and the directions is right on them on the screen how to order one or a several okay and I'll see you next time happy eating to you let's have a wonderful wonderful holiday you
Channel: Grandma Da'thy's Kitchen
Views: 95,330
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Id: hAaoHcmLPG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2015
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