Jack Hyles Sermon Four Calls To SoulWinning

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message I'm gonna bring tonight and so I asked to bring a couple of messages and one I just don't even ever don't even know what it's about I've forgotten this means a long ago then two three days ago and I forget quickly as you know it's been two three days ago and I forget quickly as you know it's been two two days ago and I forget quickly as you know and but I this message is not the messages I preach anymore it may be I'm the oldest sermon that I have it's the sermon rolled off to genre is with whom I travel for 22 years decide whom I set on the same platform 22 over 2200 times in conferences like this around America across America and around the world he leaned over and saved dr. house he would you preach and he'd call the title of this sermon tonight it was all the sermons I preached his favorite sermon he asked for it again again and again and again I don't think he wanted this one I think he's trying to avoid some of the others but I am this was the sermon that he you always loved for me to preach I don't think it's my best sermon but I'm gonna grant dr. Grey's request tonight before I give you the message we we've gotten so wacky in so many ways and in one way we've gotten wacky is on this thing about preaching you have got to be called preach just take off and do it I mean you know well dr. John used to say if he witnessed somebody witnessed to him but it was another fella comes up witnessing - - gonna be called talk to the - he said her ten more come up keep on telling them how to be saved he said he end up with a thousand just keep on doing it ole dr. John rice used to say as he said people ask me are you called to preach this I don't know I was up a Pacific Guard mission one time Chicagoan what Amanda Christ is no bomb next night he came back with a huge shine a nice pair of pants and a white shirt and the time he said I thought this dude sure beats English deacons what I was doing he's I decided to this all the time he said God don't with him called him not but I'm gonna preach to you stop me he said God hadn't stopped me yet I mean we're crazy we're wacky I used oh you're on ordination councils some some fellow senators a young man if you can keep from preaching don't do it that's a dumbest thing I ever heard of it in my life I don't want to preach up now how'd you like to preach after that but but now I'm saying that that that we're wacky you know don't blame God because you you're lazy and don't blame God because you won't get hey listen you don't have to be called a full time service just surrender and if God doesn't like it he's he's got tornadoes and hurricanes the earthquake he can stop you just like that and if you're here tonight let me say this we're gonna have to have some preachers and missionaries and assistant pastors and Christian school principals and Christian school teachers if we're going to save this country now if we get him reckon where God's gonna get taken from he's gonna take him from right here he couldn't he's gonna come to meetings like this and he's gonna he's gonna take him the Acts chapter 5 we won't turn to it verse number 20 they tried to extract 4 rather they tried to hush up lecture preachers and the preacher said go ahead and decide whether we can do it or not because when you get through the side and we can do it or not we're gonna do it anyhow in in Chicago area we have hundreds of little cities I'm talking about twenty and thirty and forty thousand population and mayor of one of them call me one day and he said Reverend you talk about it called me Reverend I know they're back slidden immediately he said Reverend he said we your people are bothering our people with your solicitation as we solicit Dayton were sold went in and so I am he said well I want you to know that we've got anybody that comes next week you gotta they got to have a permit i wasa we got that he said they didn't have it with him I said yes it's covered in black Scot Holy Bible King James Version and and and and the mayor the mayor said a revenue city I want to warn you if they come without a permit next Saturday are we putting him in jail I said how big is your Jail I said I'm sending 3,000 soul-winners to your town Saturday you better in large you jail he said well okay but just tell him not to do it too much that's all I mean you may as well tell a dog not to bark cat knocked him yeah a skunk not to stink is the Telos ol winter not to go so well and so they said they said okay we're gonna do it anyhow that we cannot but Speak the things we've seen in heard in acts 16 and 9 the vision came to the Apostle well a man in Macedonia he said come over into Macedonia and help us and Hebrews 12:1 it says wherefore seeing we're compass about was so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin was just so easily beset us there's wrong with patience the race that is set before us in Luke 16 27 a man in Hale looked up to Jesus our Abraham and said send Lazarus that he did his finger in water Coomer tongue he said I can't do that he said there's a gulf between us he's okay would you send him don't tell my five brothers I got five brothers and go testify to them because I don't want them coming down here where I am we cannot but Speak the things we've seen and heard come over into Macedonia and help us accomplish devout was so great a cloud of witnesses send Lazarus that he may tell my five brothers our Heavenly Father I shudder when I come to preach this sermon I tremble and especially tonight I have asked you tonight things and I pray you'd give them to me because therefore you never trophy that you let my feet I want to put it back to your feet if you ever put a crown on my head I know keep it on but just an end I'm gonna take it off and give it to you sure bidness but I need your help tonight do something real in this room very very very real in Jesus name a man when I first came to Hammond 36 years ago this August the 20th there are a few weeks where wealthy downtown church we had millionaires all over the place they don't have any one hundred a hundred heirs now they're all over the place same man I talked to mention this morning invited us out to eat this before that experience and he came and he said he said Reverend I won't talk to you and I said all right he said before you came we had we had a revival every year for maybe a week or two had an evangelist come in we'd get some people saved and he said we'd baptized 40 53 56 to 60 people a year but he said ever since you've been here it's been that way all the time he said it's soul-winning Sunday morning it's soul-winning Sunday night it's soul-winning on Monday it's soul-winning on Tuesday it's soul-winning on Wednesday it's soul-winning on Thursday it's soul-winning on Friday and soul-winning on Saturday he said Reverend the pressures on all the time this multi-millionaire began to tremble and he said Reverend ever since you've been here I've been nervous he said in fact all our people have been nervous how come and I'm representing a bunch of wealthy people and he said that we're nervous he said you made us nervous he said last Sunday morning we sang 53 stanzas of just as I am without one plea he said David five of them Reverend he said fifty three stanzas of just as I am without one plea why can't you be normal that's what I thought about you well ago you're preaching I first time I ever heard Bob gray preach after you left our College I said man we over trained him and then I realized whose sermon it was and I said anyway I I am I'll never forget that sermon I used to preach on father knows best years ago [Applause] in that sermon I told about to selling our church that walks real slow gave me a $40,000 about this guy always hooking up I will who wove our story was right just got the location wrong they said he said Reverend he said we're nervous he said the pressures on he said why can't you be like other preachers he said why is the pressure on all the time I said you come Sunday night and I'll tell you I preached this sermon on Sunday night I told the story he said why are you like you are why are you like the are why can't you in normal like other preachers I said ladies and gentlemen I said the first place something there's a call from within that says I've got to do this all the time all the inside of me there's something burning been burning for years and years and years I've got to emphasize this matter of soul-winning I said people I said a man came to me I didn't call his name they knew who he was and I said he said you're nervous I said you're gonna get more nervous too I said there's a call from within that call came to me when I was a young teenage lad you see I was always a very quiet timid kind of fella a Sukkoth um I was 14 years of age no joke I had still hadn't broke my my habit of sucking the thumb in his 14 years of age I weighed 92 pounds on my 17th birthday I was this shy I flunked public speaking in high school I was the shyest person most of people the church had never heard me say even one little sentence I I just didn't say anything to anybody one Sunday morning after church a deacon named Jessica came up to me on the steps of the church just outside the front door Hillcrest Baptist Church up in Dallas Texas and he said he said that Jack he said would you go soul-winning with me this afternoon I studied her talked I said to Jessie yeah you you you you you you know you know me i iii-vi I did but you ever now you know me I wouldn't know I wouldn't I would I wouldn't know what's saying and Jesse said Jack you won't have to say anything care plexus ecause my soul winning partner and carries on vacation this weekend I've tried to get somebody to go with me I can't find anybody would you just go with me I'll do all the talking and all you have to do is listen well I had my PhD and listening and I said why sure I'll go we got in the car about two o'clock Sunday afternoon drove up to see verse Street either severs or Ramsay Street they're right next to each other in Dallas Texas in the Oak Cliff section just he gets out of the car and we walk to the door is the door of a high school football player named Kenneth Florence introduced to pasture school last year Kenneth Flores a big guy played tackle on the WH Adamson high school football team I weighed 92 pounds he probably weighed a couple of hundred pounds and Jesse Jesse was about 5 foot 5 inches tall a little bitty guy he was a middle-aged little over middle-aged a man and a wonderful wonderful deacon and wonderful Christian and Kenneth came the door he looked down at me and down at Jesse and he said can I help you please and justice said Kenneth Florence my name is Jessica he said this is Jack Hiles I generated all the extraversion I could and said justice said Kenneth Jack here wants to say a few words to you no no Jack didn't just as a liar Jack didn't want to say anything to anybody I don't know what I said yes it told me this if this is not true it's just his fault cause I blacked out justice said I said kick a caribou BB Kenneth look that you are we would you would you or would you come to church tonight and Justice said Kenneth said yes of wood and justice said I said you would and justice said I said Kenneth said yes sir would and justice said I said we are you uh we will come by and get you I'll come by the above we are come out get you that six o'clock six o'clock Aybar just his car went by and got that football player and put him a car scared to death absolutely scared today cause I knew that God had given me a soul I had to win and I didn't know where to start we got to church we set on a second roll from the back right back here second row from the back they don't look back there what in this building dumb-bunny you know what this guy you folks are all playing old idiots that's what you are you're crazy I'm in the last roll but nobody's at home cheese has fallen out of your sandwich the elevator didn't go to the top floor we set back on the second roll from the back everybody look back here right back here that's right that's it and so he'll Chris Baptist Church building seats about a thousand feet seat about a thousand people our Lord preacher said cause I knew I had a soul had to win preacher finish the sermon give invitation I put my arm around Kenneth and looked up at him I said that the BI we are you of me we are there but Kenneth will work that would get would you did that would you would you like to be say it he said yes sir would I said you would he said yes sir would I see you you did but you are the yeah we are you come with me I love you I don't what to you do but but the pastor will we walk down the center aisle that all right there look at it now it said aisle right there that's it we came down the center aisle past Ramirez struck there to alter look at your T's right there and with the Sizemore said Jack what can do for you I said that you do you we are but brother sad what that the kick you miss if you did this can witness the disc in Florence he he he he but we are us really he wants to be say and I went back to sit down and I my hands off like it and said boy of my job my Bible jobs over and the pastor said hold it jack he said Kenneth Jack wants to tell you how to be saying he's a bigger liar in Jessica I knelt right there looky there right there that's right right there where the ugly guys sitting on the end that's right and it up to you're kind of sitting right beside him hello ma'am you're next I'm too nice and we need out right there and I looked up that big ol football player and I said kick it kick it up by baby a bundle yeah we are can i I've never I don't know how to tell you he said don't need to tell me serve hadn't so when everybody to see me every Sunday for months and everyone I'm just told me how to be saved I know what to do I said then do it bless God Kenneth began to pray and he knew what to pray he said dear God I'm a sinner I think here that how'd you all I need to know but somebody loved me and I believe old Jack here loves me and he said and I pray I have mercy on my soul and save me and I now trust Jesus is my Savior and bless your little pea-pickin heart the fireworks ahead and turn loose in my soul I want you to know the sparklers began to Sparkle and the firecrackers went off and roman candles filled the sky and roared a god I jumped up off my knees I said goodnight this guy was going to hell and now he's going to heaven he was going to burn the fires of cormier now he's gonna walk down gold on the streets forever I said bless God I walk back up to my preacher and I said brother Sizemore would it be okay with you if I just did this all the time now long after they poured cold water on the pastor's face woke him up for the shock of somebody wanting to do all the time the next seven days listen to me littles thumb-sucking jackie-boy isles middle introvert 92 pounds Jacky ball hires little Jackie ball house at front public speaking little introverted shy poor Jackie boy Hiles 14 years old before he owned a pair of shoes of his own 14 years old before ever in an egg fourteen years old before he ever in a hamburger didn't see an indoor toilet in the house was 14 years of AIDS little Jackie boy Hiles the next seven days we had a revival 37 people walk the aisle of Hillcrest Baptist Church in those seven days and God said something going in my soul something burning on the inside I've got to be a soul winner I can't help it I've got to lead folks to Christ I can't help it I'm saying there is a call from within and you listen to me well right now that's all the call you need well do you feel called to preach we'll do it Ness God when you get tip if it's okay it's time some of you Rascals we lit a fire to your dreams are making money and you walk inside the pastor's study and say but I just don't feel call to preach I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life we're preaching it how you don't a pastor get you a tenten preach it ten somewhere build your brush harbor when I was a kid preacher I went all over this East Texas area preaching in country on country roads I'd get I'd get me a fella could play the accordion and I'd go all over these I'm talking about Big Spring I'm not big spring Spring Hill I'm talking about a Glade water I'm talking about Big Sandy I'm talking about Carlton I'm talking about Hallsville I'm talking about Waskom I'm talking about Tatum I'm talking about all these little towns around here I'd go out in the woods and build me a brush Arbor and get me a guy could play the accordion I'd go house to house say we're gonna have an accordion recital and preaching tonight and blessed God best for the Box was invented nobody had television set those days and most folks couldn't afford radio and I'd preach to these campaigns around here little ole revival you say who's watching you Jesus is sponsoring that's who and God never struck me with lightning because it wasn't called I'm saying God gave me a car from within America's going to hell while you septons I don't feel the car oh shut up you make me want to throw up and sometimes vomiting and sometimes puke hello black girl in our grade school teacher was telling a story of the Good Samaritan teach us at one time there was a fella went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and all of a sudden the thieves came up and hit again and the guy was there and he was half dead and blood is shooting out of his mouth and out his nose and hidden in the house better half naked and half dead in there he said fella came by walked over looked at him teacher said boys and girls what would you have done little black girl said I'd have thrown out America's going to hell are you trying to figure God wants you to get people saying God doesn't call you surrender volunteer pastor why are you like you are I represent the affluent people of this church hi I'm nervous look at me I'm trembling right now I'm nervous my doctor the other day we have much doctors in our church my doctor came after the service taking the blood pressure he said preacher well you've been preaching lately I'm worried about you he put the little do on my arm took a blood pressure shook his head and said he's normal well how you can preach like yet and they have not have high blood pressures knock I don't have high blood pressure I give high blood pressure I said go check the Deacons blood pressure and see how they're doing [Applause] he said we're nervous you're not liking the preacher why can't you be normal we like your fire me like your priest has been loud we'd like you personally but he said before you came here we had a revival once a year I mean sometimes twice we'd get the advances in here cook that ties a few people and we had folks saved and but he said since you've been here it's soul-winning on Sunday and soul-winning on Monday it's soul winning on Tuesday it's soul winning oh is it it's so wedding on Thursday it's soul winning on Friday it's soul winning on Saturday why can't she be like everybody else we are nervous bunch of people why can't you be normal I said to my people not only is there call from within there's a call from without not only that the Apostles say we cannot but Speak the things we've seen it very it's in here it's in here I said it's in here there's a call from the inside I said not only is there call from within there's a call from without come over into NASA donia and help us come over into Gladewater and help us come over into Marshall and help us come over into Shreveport and help us one reason why I'm here this week we're starting some bus routes from Hammond in Longview I said my people another reason why you're nervous and I'm not normal this is a call from within and there's also a call from without but I believe there's a heaven and hell I believe people that die without God's go to hell I believe people that go to hell burn in hell I believe people that burn in hell burn forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and don't you sit and tell me that you got a husband besides you in the home and land besides you in a bed and set besides you across the table and he's only one heartbeat from burning in hell forever don't you tell me you love him and don't tell me you believe this Bible I'm trying to say there's a call from without come over and help us that call started in my heart life on about 20 miles from here I was called a pastor the Greenshaw Baptist Church helped edge of Marshall Texas I preached the whole year didn't have anybody saves not just their little country colleges church up and ready River County and deer they'll go to Texas my first full-time church was over here about 20 miles where I stand right now after a whole year and I won't go to the story one Sunday night three people got saved I had never seen anybody walking now before three people got saved three all at one time then I said folks I'd read what to do I said these three people are coming for baptism what's your pleasure we had no deacon in a church that over here had a window where it didn't have any additional days old Deacon so over that window and he had spit out the window make a motion beer see for baptism after baptism and a full fellowship with the church had another deacon over here text this one to hit second to move it's only move he made all time I was there I asked it all in favor of receiving these folks after baptism the full fellowship with church say I and all posts no and we voted folks in the church right off the bat we didn't care if they're a communist or not says we're just glad to have them now North you got to have credit references and blood tests and everything else to get in the church but and then we come by to shake your hand those days didn't have big crowds and so what would do we'd put our songbook in her left hand and come by everybody would say what everybody came by to shake hands with the converts we only had two little sections here like this and so the first stroke came and shook hands for the three converts and went around the back came around came back and stood there and kept singing while the second law in the third or the fourth row in the fifth row so everybody shaking hands well we dismissed the service you only had one car there that night everybody else drove tractors or our wagons or came on horseback we're talking back in another dispensation so we I was happy man throws the service I got right over there in the altar about right there and I was having a spell I got a Baptist's head but I got a Pentecostal heart and I was having a spell over there my Baptist said we're sending my Pentecostal Hardeep messages and I said glory to God this one I want to clap my hands and shout and whoa praise the Lord folks outside getting in the wagon on in on the wagons and on the tractors in the horseback in a Model A Ford out there and and and eyes over having an having an old-fashioned camp meeting in heaven a spell I said glory to God well and all of a sudden Wham big old six foot three it's two hundred and thirty five pound fellow named Ossie Pruitt hit me he was a trainer for TP railway he hit me like a ton of brick and I was a little bit of guy with 141 pounds same thing I wait now and it hurts me when you doubt me like that and this train my OC put he hit me he said Reverend he said my daughter Dorothy Hall is sitting back here next the wall back in the back she's crying her eyes out I bet she'd get a safe you'd go talk to her I crawled back here man I went back over there where she was held against the wall and I said I know it's Barbara's daughter Barbara said Dorothy and I said Barbara I said you want to be saved she said oh you preached on hell denied you know they'll want to go to hell and burn forever do ya I said no I don't think so I told Barbara how to be saved she came down the aisle I went on the front porch hey come on back in and the wagons came back here and the horses came back in and and the tractors came back in the Model A Ford came back in and it people came back in and the folks came back in the auditorium I said folks this is Barbara approve it she just got saved I said what's your pleasure I'm sorry deacon over here spit out the wind and said make a motion we receive baptism after baptism a full fellowship the church I second to move we put our songbooks our left hand and saying we shall be gathered the reference all we ever sang for that song and the first stroke came first and the second rule came second and handled a hand book in her left hand and shook hands and we're saying shall we gather at the river first stroke came first in the second row then the third row then the fourth row then the fifth row they all came around to everybody shaking hands with Barbara and they're dismissed the service men I wasn't all continent for people saved glory that God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill toward men and I've dismissed the service folks Wendy going out getting on the tractors and the wagons and horses and one Model A Ford I got this spot over here in this heaven spell number two well we'll draw to God the highest amen hallelujah Wow Wow same fella hit me big eye he say 43 years old he said Reverend my married daughter Dorothy Hall sitting back here on the back row in the middle look at her she's crying her eyes out I bet she'd get saved I said here I go I went back there I said Dorothy you already saved she said my sister's going to hip you think I want to go to hell now I said don't think so and I won Dorothy hauled in Jesus Christ hey one of the front force hey come on back in and the horses came back and the wagons came back and then the tractors came back in the Model A Ford came back in the folks came in I said folks I said this is Dorothy Hall she's Barbara Pruett sister Dorothy just got saved what's your pleasure marek emotions beer c4 baptism after baptism for fellowship the church second to move all in favor say aye we opened our song books to shall be gathered the river and and and what role came first and then the uh and then the uh and then the uh and then the uh and then the uh so everybody come by and shaking hands boy i was heaven time I've dismissed the service folks were not to get on the tractors wagons horses in him oddly forward I got over here had a hole in heaven right over here I got over here now's heaviness spell glory to God well five people save well glory hallelujah whoa Wham same fella hit me from the rear he said Reverend he said Dorothy Hall's husband Sam holes on the front porch he just throw down his cigarette you think that means anything I said means there's got some sense I went back on her on her on her front porch there's old Sam Hall sitting out ten after crying I said Sam did you just throw down your cigarette he said sure he preached on hell nah I got a look at that thing I thought good night that looks mighty hot to me I said you ought to get a say well you said my wife's gonna go to heaven my sister los gonna go to heaven you think I want to go to hell I said don't think so and I won Sam hold of Jesus Christ I said I can and the track just came back in the horses came back in the wagons came back to about 20 miles from here ten mile a Ford came I said folks is Sam hall garthe's husband Barbara's brother-in-law he just got saved what's your pleasure make a motion merci for baptism after baptism in a full fellowship the church Seconal all in favor say aye we put our song books in our left hands and turn to shall we gather thriller and visitor the first so came first and then the and then the and then the and the and the and it came by to shake hands with Sam Hall man you talk about happy we dismissed that service man I live good night I'd make Bob grade look like an Episcopalian in a funeral I got over here to the same spot folks going out to getting their own attractors and wagons and horses and a Model A Ford and I was over here in this same spot having a spell you in my way and having a spell and I said Gordon to God hallelujah wham same fella hit me from the rear he said Reverend think I'll get saved myself before I go home hey come all back in mr. food got saved he became a lay preacher and furnished his life he was a lay preacher he got saved hey come on back in I said folks it's papa bear Barbara and Dorothy's father Sam's father-in-law what's your pleasure make a motion be received for baptism after baptism and full fellowship the church I second to move all favor say aye we open our own books to uh and in the and then the uh and then the uh and then and then and then and then and then we we came about to shake his hand 11:15 that night we dismissed the service my little old wife and I she was still a teenager I got married now seven she was four she's still a teenager Oh what was that bad or good we went down to a country parson his next door to that church on highway 43 you mentioned tonight we get on our knees beside our bed and open got to go loose leaves go for your reference Bible and put our hands on it and said dear God this is what we claim for our life and fry ministry we're not gonna settle for anything less than this ladies and gentlemen it's been 46 years since that night there's not been one single Sunday in 46 years I haven't seen somebody saying there's not been one single Sunday in 46 years I haven't baptized somebody and there's not been one single with seven day period in those 46 years that these lips haven't told the story of salvation as somebody who received Christ as Savior I am trying to say there's a call from the inside and there's a call from the outside now get off you're blessed and insurance and surrender your life full-time well I don't feel called you just did [Applause] my commanding general said go into all the world preach the gospel there wants to have some House Anderson what kind of reason house I'm looking for the will of God for my life I said good I have having a copy of it right here well he said I won't know where to go I said the Bible says go into all the world find your spot somewhere in the world I mean if you supposed to go to Phoenix end up within New York City to Christ it's not gonna hurt God's feelings too bad I'm saying he said where am I supposed to do it do it where you are pastor I'm representing the affluent people of the church we're nervous we've always had revivals once the year sometimes twice a few people say but it said we had morning worship services we stopped that in a hurry and said to Pastor we're nervous look at me I'm shaking right now why can't you be like other preachers like we've had before I like you fine you preach things okay it's too loud but but you're a nice guy we think your audience but preacher why keeps me normal it's soul-winning on Sunday and soul-winning woman soul-winning on Tuesday soul-winning always in soul-winning on Thursday soul-winning on Friday so what he gonna say Lee 52 weeks a year he said Reverend why can't you be like everybody else and I preach that nicka Sunday night I said number one I'm not like everybody else because the call on the inside I've got to do it don't you feel something burning tonight don't you feel the touch of God saying it's time you met didn't this engage your life to serve God full-time don't you hear the call from from without tonight a world that's perishing without God New York City hadn't got a half a dozen decent churches filled now if you haven't got three decent churches I'm saying Los Angeles doesn't have a half a dozen decent churches all across America their cities that are beckoned for the gospel that could have a long few Baptist Temple but there's nobody to go in God's name volunteer tonight there's a call there's a call from within said to my people not only and I like I am because it's called within not only am I like I am because the call without but I said thirdly there's a calm above before seeing we're being compass about with so great a cloud of witnesses aren't you happy when you're watching the edge of night that John the Baptist is looking on you you kids listen this dirty story rock music aren't you pleased when you stop realize the Apostle Paul is looking down on you I said I've got to keep going and as long as I'm pastor of this church in Hammond Indiana we'll go on Sunday and Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and Saturday there's a call from the inside a car from without and there's a call from years ago as pastor in Garland Texas one Sunday morning I always stood out in front sheĆ­ll cams everybody we had didn't have a parking lot they used the shopping center trot across the street everybody parked there came across came in the front door not stand out in shake hands everybody one Sunday morning little short fella 7 to 2 years old I thought - mighty old man just a kid little short fella hair white is Chicago snow back was hump like that that five foot five inches taller six five six maybe he came walking up he said my name is James W more I'm Baptist preacher I've been preaching for 50 years but I had a heart attack I'm not well my family I live from how and my family sitting out here Texas calls a head daughter down here in Texas and and some loved ones here came down here to live and I I came to church Harris all your church and I heard you preach it like it is and he said he's your father here or are you the Reverend well we somebody to say that just one more time I said I'm brother hi house I didn't think you'd be this young he said I will arch on your church been preaching 50 years and I won't cause you no trouble I I just I pulled for you I'll try to help you he joined the church I bought him a platform rocker with little platform rockers and put it over here in the corner in an altar while I preached it go hey man hey man hallelujah amen praise the Lord I'd get off on dancin and movies he said pull over and park there for a while what a man I've never loved a man apart from John rice as much as I love James W more he'd come by every Monday morning 9 o'clock sharp never late never early brother Jack I just came by to tell you about a stupid mistake I made and I was a kid preacher he told me what his mistake was it was always the same one I've made this Sunday bit did it day before but he never told me it's my mistake he told me is his mistake I said you're coming through loud and clear and weird kneel to pray his old white hair and his shaking hand Paul's at the hands and his stooped shoulders and he's unsure walk seriously ill with heart trouble sit over on Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night rocking that rock praise the Lord people of Parker a while that's what this is the Bible preaching preacher on a Sunday morning I noticed brother more wasn't there I looked in his seat was empty at night it was empty Wednesday night it was empty several weeks passed I went by his house knocked on the door nobody was home I tried to find him I couldn't three months passed brother Moore had never come back one Sunday night midnight little after I was awakened with a telephone and a nurse down at Spiegel's Hospital said is this Reverend house I said this is brother Hiles she said we have an old man here that's almost dead he has a heart attack they picked him up on a street corner unconscious he's coming and going there but he he won't live but a few minutes and he has no identification we ask him if he has any relatives he why he can't tell us all he says his cold brother Jack called brother Jack called brother Jack said we knew that you'd like to be called brother's brother Jack you think you'd know him I said is he short yeah in his 70s yeah probably I said white hair yeah I said I know him I put my put my suit on over pajamas and went down to that little room 11 or 12 forgotten which room either room 11 or 12 I walked in there was James W more just about to go to heaven well I knew he was dying so I got my I was a young preacher I got my black suit black tie black shoes black socks and black Bible brother I was ready to go I was gonna say dust to dust and ashes to ashes and we have more fun at our funerals and some of you do in your weddings [Applause] hold James W Linda he's come here bro Jack I'm just about to take a trip but looking forward to it for a long time he sent in just a few minutes I'm gonna see Abraham and Isaac and Paul and John the Baptist and Jesus and Peter and Andrew anything y'all him tell him I said tell him hi he said well Jack I want you to have Bible Conference I'll be looking down from heaven I want you to have and he listed the preachers wanted me to have brother Olaf but Robertson I want you to have a Bible Conference and we planned it together and then the old man reached his hand out and asked me to put mine in his I reached my hand out and put mine and he put his hand like that over mine holding my hands between his he looked up at me and said brother Jack brother Josh keep preaching it don't you tell me to ease up buster [Applause] don't you tell me to drive like something you did heads are I'm saying why did we have it Sunday morning Sunday night Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday I'll tell you why there's a call from here there's a call from out there and there's a call from a fan you want to call to preach I've given you three of them tonight and that's all I call you need what a match tonight to your dreams of that beautiful house a lot of match to your career a lot of match to your medical practice ladder match to your nursing practice Landmaster your legal profession ladder match the aspiration to make a million dollars and surrender your life to serve God full-time and savor the grace of God I've got a call I've got three one from the inside one from the outside one from above the little mama was going to heaven 96 years of age she called me to her bedside Wednesday night September 20th 1984 my mother looked up and said son read me some scriptures about heaven I'll be going there in a few minutes I couldn't read him but I thank God I'd memorized some I quoted my mother Scripture after scripture about heaven she said son let's sing about it we sang together there's a land that is fairer than and by faith we can see it afar for the father waits over the way we sang although they tell me of the home far beyond the sky or they tell me of a home far away oh they tell me of the home where no storm clouds rise oh they tell me of an unclouded day oh the land of the cloudless day all the land of the unclouded day my mother stopped singing she said son can you see him die said see who mama she said he's right there can't you see him son I said who my was she said there's Jesus right there and I said no mama I can't see him I'd bet my last dollar you can't she said there's uncle Harvey innate Jimmy I'll go back saw any Tierra okay roll any doctor there's my firstborn child there's Lorene she died when she was seven she never walked her talked she was a crippled they didn't been all seven years of her life though she a son son she's running she's running she's riding son there she is sons he said there's my second-born child hazel she died from the measles when she was seven my mother said hey Zola rain you never have met you brother have you she said Jack you never have met you two older sisters I want you to meet him old cold bony hands just about to be stilled across her breast she looked up and she said hazel Lorene I want you to meet your brother this is your brother Jack and Jack I want you to meet hazel and Lorene again praise God I preached 15 sermons on heaven last summer we had a spell and a fit would have made this conference look sort of dead I'm telling you what let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen I want to tell you there is a hell and there is a heaven and it's time you live like it don't tell me not to build a soul-winning Church don't tell me not to go sewing in don't tell me not to live for the souls of men don't tell me that I've got a call from the inside I've got a call from the outside and I've got a call from above and bless God I aim to answer that call I don't feel called do it in Hell people dying without God faster why can't you be normal you the strangest things they've been here we used to have revivals get a few people save once a year but however Sunday it's like it used to be in revivals once the air I'm nervous I represent a bunch of nervous wealthy people affluent people we last year fine he changed that tune and later we like you fine head but babe we're nervous why can't you in Orla why is it so little Sunday in soul-winning on Monday and still waiting on Tuesday and soul-winning on Wednesday and soul-winning on Thursday and so winning on Friday and soul-winning on Saturday why can't you be normal I said other people but only am i bent to soul winning because a call from within that came from Kenneth Florence you know would you like that but please be saved it came from Ossie Pruitt think I can save myself before I go home it came from James W more brother Jack he preaching it I said no before there's a call from beneath I'd like to finish the sermon now I don't want to go any farther I've enjoyed the first three points I shall not enjoy this one this is the hardest point of any sermon that I preached there's a call from beneath my daddy was an alcoholic in Dallas Texas he was a bartender for eight years part-time at the hunt saloon right across the street from the Dallas seminary in eight years not one of those students walk across street tell that drunk how to be saved brother if that's Christianity the Pope is a presbyterian I wouldn't give you a time for all those theology professors and Applied Psychology professors and ministerial aspirants said over and study their theology and after World War II helped New Year's Eve 1949 must passenger 20 miles from here little country church I got burden from my daddy got in the car that morning December 31st 1949 drove to Dallas Texas on Swiss Avenue Live Oak Avenue or Swiss my live oak or one block apart across from Dallas seminary walked in my big 235 pounds six foot three inch muscle-bound Eddie was sitting at the bar drunk I walked up Dix loosely school for your Bible about the size of that beside in my hand I walked up and I said daddy I want you to come with me and my daddy cursed me and he said blanky they're blanks all right I don't know I said daddy tomorrow's Sunday New Year's Day 1950 want you to come with me down to East Texas Marshall Texas I want you to hear me preach tomorrow he cursed him senator better so of Branco bomb about the glare so boots I said daddy I weigh 140 pounds under 41 pounds and you weighed 235 you and I are gonna have a ball room brawl right now cuz I'm I'm gonna whip you and take you down there you gonna whip me and not go but we're gonna have a ball right here in front of these people in his bar he agreed to go I sobered him up I don't like to drive down Highway 30 80 80 that's the one I like to drive down that Street my daddy and I drove down Highway 80 is just a few blocks up here New Year's Eve about five o'clock 1949 I sobered him up took him to the watch night service that night last part of the wash night service we boarded buses and when I wrote went around Marshall in Longview in Gladewater in Atlanta Texas and Jefferson Texas and Henderson Texas and sang carols and witnessed I looked over my daddy I said daddy did you ever have this much fun on New Year's Eve before my daddy said son this is a happiest New Year's Eve I've ever spent in my life see my dad left my mom on me and mama reared me alone he was always the neighbourhood wrong next sunday morning next morning I preached January 1st 1950 my dad said little we're second row second me and where you are sir I never prayed so hard in my life my daddy's clutched the Pew and tears wouldn't that roll down his cheeks my one-legged deacon mr. lg Eve's put his arm around my dad and said mr. house don't you want to be saved and my dad said yes I'm gonna be but not this morning that afternoon I took a walk the pasture beside the parsonage down through the pasture pasture and I said daddy under the sea you save than anything in the whole world I told him how to be saved he said son I'm not gonna get saved today but he said I'm gonna go back to Dallas and sell out everything I've got I'm gonna come down to Marshall buy me a little fruit stand a little grocery store becoming some kind my dad lost a grocery store in depression by bankruptcy he said son I'm gonna come down here don't get saved I won't let you baptize me I said that sounds good enough for me he said I promised your son in the spring I'm gonna let your baptized and I'm gonna get saved I can't now I got too many things I got to get get straightened out but he said in the spring I took him back let him out in the corner of Hall Street and San Jacinto no Hall Street and Haskell in Dallas Texas Brian Brian and Hall last thing my daddy said son I let you baptize me at the spring that was January 2nd 1950 morning of May 12 the phone rang a man said my name is Smith is this Reverend Halse I said this is brother Hiles he said your alcohol father just dropped dead of a heart attack all I could hear was I'll let you baptize me in the spring I drove to Dallas the O'Neill funeral home same funeral home very bomb President Kennedy bared him it lit Texas several two or three years passed my sister came to hear me preach one night in Garland Texas I stake my office that night sending a clearly midnight and about 11:30 for somebody's I don't know why I was there I do know now about I didn't know him I was there knocking on the door my sister said Jack would you tell me how to be saved she's been the bursar and head bookkeeper to house Anderson colleges now for 25 years or more there was a started really and I won my only sister to Jesus Christ after you got saved I said early you know why tonight she said because of what you preach dawn she said a few days after daddy died I had a dream I dreamed that an angel came and took me upstairs and a big big huge room she said that room was lined with caskets all up and down the room lined with caskets the angel let me look in the casket number one over here there was a corpse there this arm was folded in the look of peace on his face and beside that was another casket in another corpse or the look of peace on his face I went around that entire room became the last one and the angel said early and you can't look at that one she said in my dream I said at the angel but I want to see the last one oh no she said you can't look at that one she said Jack I saw two hands above the casket they were dead his hands there waving like that I broke away from the angel I rushed up and that his face was writhing in pain and he was saying Sister Sister Sister Sister I love Sister Sister the angel took me and pulled me away I wondered from that night to tonight what today what daddy was trying to tell me she said you preach tonight from Luke chapter 16 and the man in Hale said go tell my five brothers she said Jack I know what daddy was trying to tell me sister come here sister sister that's why I said I'm different and that's why we're nervous all the time you asked me why it's so wedding on Sunday and soul-winning on Monday and soul-winning on Tuesday in soul-winning on Wednesday even soul-winning on Thursday so winning on Friday and soul-winning on Saturday tell you why okay how are you better Kenneth then you this but we are would you don't do you want to save think I'll get saved myself before I go home brother Jack keep keep keep preaching there sister hey sister I love the bus sisters yes sister that's why for 48 years I've been pastoring can I say this to the praise of Jesus nearly 800,000 people have walked the aisles in my churches professing faith in Christ as Savior God can let me preach another 8 years and we have the same number of converse we've had praise God I would have seen a million people walk down the aisles that my church is coming to Christ let me get on my knees let me beg you I'm an old man I preached over fifty five thousand times I'm worried about you I'm worried about my country I'm worried about fundamentalism somebody's got to do it I beg you tonight strike a match to your hopes and dreams say for the grace of Almighty God I'm gonna give my life to serve him full-time till I die a call from within a call from without a call robbed of and a call from beneath kivett member you would bet that you know they could get saved myself before I go home he pictured it sister hey sister that's all you need what you're gonna do about it would you buy your hair's nobody moving nobody leaving every eye closed every hit down I want you to turn to and the sweet by and by there's a land that is fairer than day when I parked her she's gonna play it ask a question tonight don't you think it's time you started meaning business I'm not called do it in half God is looking for volunteers tonight I wonder how many of you would say preacher I'm talking to me teenagers boys I'm talking to ladies and young ladies talking to everybody in this house it's got some time left to live but asking you tonight to fill the ranks I'm asking you tonight to volunteer for the army of the Lord I'm asking you tonight to walk down this aisle and savor the grace of Almighty God I'm giving my life to the full-time service for my savior's I'll preach I'll be a missionary of your Christian school teacher I'll be a principal I'll be an assistant pastor but I'm walking down this aisle tonight and I'm turning my life from this moment forward till I breathe my last breath I hear those calls tonight don't you hear that calls on the inside tonight don't you hear that call from the without don't you hear that call above don't you hear that call from beneath Heavenly Father bless this invitation [Music]
Channel: Jack Hyles
Views: 4,382
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Id: hVl_XH2qKOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 32sec (4052 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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