Jack Hyles Sermon Faith That Cannot Be Shaken

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we'll read the verses responsibly the second verse is one of the text vs. will turn yet to another verse after reading this message unless tan please for the reading of God's Word verses 1 through 6 of chapter 2 now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither is the spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that He is God remember ye not that when I was yet with you I told you these things and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time turn now to the book of Hebrews the twelfth chapter hebrews chapter twelve page thirteen oh for the 27th verse we'll read together Hebrews 12 27 we'll read it in unison read with me please ready and this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain and that's pray whom father we have given a good deal of thought to how good you've been to us this past year thank you for all that you've done for all that you have in mind for the coming year thank you for the privilege of being in thy service thank you for this great church thank you for our preacher now we pray for your help your blessing in this hour do what you would be pleased to do and give us yielded hearts and minds in Jesus name Amen I want to speak this morning very tenderly if I can on the subject of faith that cannot be shaken comes from being shaken a faith that cannot be shaken comes from being shaken our Heavenly Father speak to our hearts sweetly encourage our hearts strengthen our spirits and bless this hour together in Jesus name Amen we come to the last morning service of 1989 it would not be difficult for us many people in this room this morning to call 1989 a difficult year a junior activity is being conducted the boys are waiting and swimming on the shores of Lake Michigan one of our junior boys has taken by an undercurrent and his drown his mother and father faithful loyal members of our church blessed us immeasurably as they reveal to us what Christian grace and strength is all about but that little junior boy is not with us today it's easy for us to be shaken young men returning from work after having worked all night driving down the Linwood Dyer Road young man who drives falls asleep at the wheel a serious accident and two of our young men are taken out into eternity would not be difficult for us to have been shaken chairman of our Deacon board for 30 years one of the best men I ever met suddenly is too ill to remain as chairman of our Deacon board and all the sudden he is unable to attend church within a degree of regularity and all of a sudden for the first time in 30 years nearly 30 years he's unable to lead our Deacon board could have been a year for us to have been shaken the assistant chairman of our deacons likewise developed a serious illness he also had to resign almost at the same time that our deacon chairman had resigned the cause of the serious illness he was taken from us this year it would not be difficult for the First Baptist Church of Hammond and its membership to be shaken a lady goes to the doctor for a normal regular checkup she finds she has a growth she did not know she had doctor tells her that it's malignant and she has terminal cancer a baby suddenly begins to lose the focus of his eyes one of our own children here in the church and the doctor says the baby is going blind one of our ladies finds out that she has multiple sclerosis in all Nordic girls I doubt if it's an adult in this room this morning that hasn't had something happened this year that could have shaken you mrs. Isles and I found that our oldest child Becky has a severe case of the disease of lupus and all of us face the realities of life the negatives as well as the positives it's so easy for us to be shaken one night I was driving my mother back home from preaching engagement in southern Illinois this is probably four or five years before mother went to heaven before I went you say this I must explain to those of you who are new the mini mini what we would call heart breaks that my mother endured in her lifetime my mother was the age of nine her mother died she had to quit school on a third grade never went back to school again in order to be the housewife for her father and for her two older of her two brothers and her older sister at the age of nine she was building a fire with which to ball heat water at the age of nine she was cooking at the age of nine she had to put clothes and a little wash popped and and take the spoke that was made at hog killing time and putting the washed pot and stir outside that in that black wash spot with a stick and then she act up to take those clothes out and she had to heat some more water and then she used that water had to keep that with wood underneath the wash pots and then she had to put the clothes back in and rinse those clothes at the age of 9 and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 my mother had to be a housewife normal time which he should have been learning mathematics normal time when she should have been having activities of young people normal time which she should have been a cheerleader in a school maybe my mother was a housewife the age of 18 I think it was my mother married they had a baby named Lorene when Lorene was seven I'm sorry Laurie was born she was born afflicted she was I guess you'd say sort of a child she never talked she never walked she never rolled over and their mother said and mother since spent seven years beside that afflicted child caring for her back in the days when you had no nobody was the doctor much back in those days you didn't have hospitals much in those days nobody was Hospital you got sick you stayed home you died at home and after seven years of that Lorene went to heaven and my mother followed a little cat little hearse out to Babyland and little cemetery north of Italy Texas she placed that little seven-year-old body she then had another baby named hazel when hazel was seven years of old age she had measles they thought she was about over them mother picked her up one day from bed and hazel said mother I feel like I'm going up in the air to be with Jesus and in that moment she went up in the air to be with Jesus and died in my mother's arms my mother took another seven year old girl and placed her beside her first seven-year-old girl in baby land that's all my daddy could take my dad it turned the liquor became an alcoholic they owned a little store diddle it's X's but back in the days when you had little neighborhood stores the own little store little of Texas's and the cause of the depression and my dad's drinking I guess the store they lost the store and everything to him and Daddy moved to Dallas to try to find work and couldn't find work and went farther and farther to drink and became a alcoholic and my mother had to make a living my sister did for for some time that had been living I remember I my sister worked for $10 a week and she brought it home and took care of our family with that my sister bought me my first bicycle she bought me my first baseball glove she bought me the first baseball bat I ever owned and of course I'm an eternally indebted to her I've been I've been paying her back all these years it's cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars all these years I wrote for several years the most expensive bicycle in America I've told her many times I almost wish you'd never bought me that bicycle has been so expensive but anyway I my mother had the work started for fifty cents a day in a public school lunch room she walked two miles to work for many long time to the Trinity Heights school and worked in the lunchroom there and then the Lisbon school and then Margaret Lee Henderson school and and just barely made it in fact for the first 18 years of my life we lived in 19 different places first 18 years of my life I don't guess my mother ever owned a new dress of her own until she was ill I became an adult and no I don't think she ever owned a piece of furniture that was news that I became an adult I then turned to liquor and then the war came and I had to go to the army and and and on and on her life was that way but wait a minute I was driving back from preaching engagement when my mother she'd been with me and I was talking about mother's life and if anybody ever had a life that stressed out with heartache from the time she was nine at the time she was middle-aged it was my mother well I said mother I marvel at the way you've taken everything she always was on top side I never heard my mother complain never did never heard her say I feel bad but they never heard her say that never heard a complaint I've heard my sister gripe all the time for years but never heard my mother complain but anyway I said mother Master question you always seem to take things so well I mean I've seen you without any food in the house and I've seen you with without any house to put through him and how do you take it like this has it ever been a time now listen has there ever a time I said when you were shaken and my mother looked at me and she said son yes she said when Lorene died I was shaken she said my mother died I didn't want to quit school but but but but they didn't is almost destroy me she said when Irene was living I got at least I got to love her and take care of her and she said marine died she said somehow almost what's business I almost lost my faith I said have you ever had the problem since then oh she said no when I made it through Lorene and her death I've had no problem of doubt my faith has not been shaken since then now that's what she was saying what the title of my sermon says this morning a faith that cannot it can come from being shaken hear what I said I see people shaking their heads like this all of the rooms and their people I know their situation and I know they've been through I saw a man shake his head who's been so sick he couldn't work I saw a lady shake her head that was forsaken by her husband she's had two rear children by herself now so folks like that shaking their heads all over the house right you see there's a certain faith that comes when you're shaken that cannot be shaken of faith that cannot be shaken comes from being shaken there's a progression I want you to follow me through the progression number one you're shaken number two you face the choice number three you can go one of two ways number 4 you can trust your judgment or you can trust his judgment and that's the choice you've got to make I mean when will you come' were you and by the way you've been shaking this year a lot of people in this room this morning have been shaken this year I mean I know of a child here has a curable disease a year ago the mom and dad didn't know about it and they've been shaken this year and I pastored the hundreds and hundreds of people in fact maybe several thousands of youth have been shaken this year and so the first thing you gotta face this you've got to face the choice you can go one or two ways you can trust your judgment or you can trust his judgment now that's exactly what my mother fates for Lorene died she had to come the place to where I can't see it I don't understand it it doesn't make sense to me I don't think you've been right but dear god I've got to do one of two things I've got to trust my judgment or I've got to trust your judgment one or the other so first thing the progression you're shaken number two you face the choice number three you can go one or two ways number four you trust your judgment or here's number five you wrestle with it and any folks this morning you're wrestling right now I mean the truth is your faith you you you you're shaken right now your life is shaken you having a pretty tough time looking up and saying god I trust you you had a pretty tough time believing God's fair and honest and Justin and that's a normal thing listen nobody ever had unshakeable faith till first he was shaken and had sometimes of doubts and this morning you were there and you're wrestling with it and by the way number six then it happens to all of us number six you consider ditching it all I've not in all this year given one single moment of considering quitting never never has been an alternative never has not one time all this year have I ever given any consideration of quitting I'm pressing on the upward way new heights I'm gaining every day still praying as I homeward bound north bed let my feet on higher ground or lift me up and let me stand by faith on heaven's table land a higher plane that I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground never one time but Jambi years ago when I passed a little church in the country when I was the man that I thought was the best man in my church turned on me and did what he could to turn others on me I went out in the woods and I said dear God I can't take this I cannot take it now guarantee you every Sunday morning it was a chore for me to walk in the pulpit never Sunday night I didn't want to walk in the pulpit and I looked up to God and I said dear God I don't understand this in about that time about that time the word team that my father had died that drunkards death and as far as I know it gone to hell and I put down the telephone that day and that's it this is it it's not right I'm a preacher and I'm not a great preacher I'm still not but I'm sincere and this is not right I don't understand it it's not fair that is I'm not trying to get people saved than my daddy died an alcoholics death it's not fair I wrestle with that thing for weeks and weeks and weeks but bless God bless God when I was shaken I kept on going that's what you're supposed to do you keep on going you've heard me tell this story I was talking to a man out west and he creature he came to me and he said brother house he's someone who quit the ministry I said why he said my unmarried daughter is pregnant and I said no you can't good he said how can I walk in the pulpit next Sunday morning how can I preach next I said here's how you do it I said the first thing you do Sunday morning you should get up second thing you do is you bathe third thing you do is your dress fourth thing you do is you eat fifth thing you do you get in the car sixth thing you do you come to church seven thing you do you set up there behind the pulpit a thing you do you stand up for the pulpit and you start preaching I said that's the way you do it you just keep on doing it he did several couple years a couple years later I was across his path again that same preacher out west walked up to me and he said please pastor he said up the house he said he won't believe what I want to tell you he said my second teenage daughter's pregnant and not married and I threw my arms around that preachers shoulders and asked that my brother however how you stand it I said how in the world can you walk in the pulpit that Sunday morning after having two daughters pregnant before the marriage he looked at me and he said possessed with a scratch all in tears through tears he said first thing we'll do is get up second him won't do this I'm gonna bathe third thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna dress fourth thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna eat fifth thing I'm gonna get in the car six then we'll drive to church seven thing I'm gonna sit behind the corporate eight thing I'm gonna get up and preach you see what happened his faith was shaken I encouraged his heart and from that faith that were shaken came a faith that was unshakable and that's the way Hey God's being good to you you had a shaking this year God's been good to you God is building in you or giving you the opportunity to have a faith that will neither cannot be shaken and nobody ever has a faith that cannot be shaken unless it's born it being shaken so God is letting us is good to us when God gives us things that shake us so hang in there when you come out if you hang in there and do right you can have a faith that cannot be shaken illustration we love to talk about Joel job said in job 19:25 I'm know Vic my Redeemer liveth he said in job 13 and 15 though he slay me yet will I trust him but I want you to notice that was not said in the first chapter of job I want you to know that was not said in the second chapter of job I want you to know that was not said in the third chapter of Joel it was Joel chapter thirteen before he said though he slay me yet will I trust him he didn't say that when he had lost his wealth he was shaken here to say that he lost his children he was shaken didn't say that when he lost his his wife as loyalty and encouragement he was shaken didn't say that when his friends turned on him it was after all of them where you were shaking job sap I know that my Redeemer liveth when the sin digs over he's gonna be on the throne and he said though he slay me yet but I trust him where did you get that unshakeable faith he got it from being shaken so if you've been shaken this year stand up and say blessed to God God's given me a check listen you got some big battles ahead you better stand stand stand in these little battles I mean it may be one of these days that a sword will come to your neck and said deny Jesus are off come with your head you gonna say Jesus who unless you taken these days you can't tithe you won't stand it they put the note the knife to your neck you can come to church on Sunday night and Wednesday night you won't take it in the nice put your neck I'm saying that everybody in America out in the world in the history of mankind who's had a faith that could not be shaken he was born time in their lives when they were shaken you know that really is what I think is the main reason for college I don't want upset you call his teachers but I doubt the main reason to come to college just to learn where x and y are located I have some serious doubt that the main reason to come to college it's about what year the war of 1812 was fought who's buried in Grant's Tomb I have some doubt but that's why you come to college oh no I don't wanna hurt your teacher student we need you and we got to do that I have some doubt I really say this I really have some down at the reason to come to college this learn Bible if a man's worth his salt as a preacher he's gonna learn his Bible as I go to college you say them to the house wants to use I don't know what to use is you got to come to a place in your life where you you face the wall without any food and you lose your job maybe and everything is going bad you say how can I take it and you're shaken and from that being shaken of faith comes that's the devil can't shake now Turner when you in the real battlegrounds that's what it's all about that's what it's all about God comes today and God shakes your life unemployment disease child is taken husband takes off with another woman something in your life it just seems like you're destroyed and you say how can I face tomorrow and yet what to do you say okay I've got a decision I've got a struggle well I take my word or his well I trust me or him my judgment where is judge and you wrestle with that thing and that's normal what is that wrestling that wrestling is the building of a faith that cannot be shaken and you cut you you go when you don't want to go and you do what you're supposed to do and you don't do what you're supposed to this and you do by rope the things used to enjoy doing you do right because it's right not because you enjoy doing it and you keep on doing it and keep on doing it and keep on doing it and one day through that checking there comes a stronger faith and you come out of it toward the back and look and see if the hind side and you say sure I understand that and the back is time the old shaking comes you say though he slay me yet will I trust him I know that my why because the faith that got the shakin came from having the chicken you ever wonder why a group of shaking disciples to turn the world upside down for God now you look at these guys I mean I look at my assistant pastors my staff members and get discouraged I know how you felt Jesus but think about these guys I mean here the chairman of the board cussed and swore you understand and and went out and they said you belong that shirt oh I'm Methodist said you his follower no would you believe Buddha are you with him who are they that's what the ones that turn the world upside down that's one that was crucified upside down Peter always did things differently he was crucified up sat down Hey who else who are these men that turned the world upside down who were these men that took the gospel and started the gospel that came all the way to the United States of America and best God to the little neighborhood get to a neighborhood in southwest Dallas Texas called Lisbon who are these men one of them didn't believe that Jesus was resurrected he he didn't believe that he doubted who are these men two of them one of the upper places in the kingdom setting about Jesus on the left hand on the right hand who are these men these men were men all of them who forsook him and fled in his darkest hour Patti Smith I'll tell you why because they were shaken they were shaken they woke up one morning and found that the captain was gone and one doubted didn't one in forsake him and fled but bless God they heard this guy when this guy forsook him and fled the chairman of the board he was out fishing and and he was didn't have any clothes on out fishing and his faith was shaken and all of a sudden a man on the shore said you caught anything he said blankety blank blank a play and he said blankety-blank gonna bring a rock I like a little much as much a Saturday if haven't caught a thing and this stranger on the shore said won't you put unit over here he said what do you know about these waters I have made my living here for years my daddy's been in business here for years and we know this we know every part of this of this lake or seed they called it rock me on the back of our head he said but no there he put over there all of a sudden the fish came and they came and they came in they came and this man said oh my soul that's exactly what and threes about a year three three years ago when I met chief hey he said that's my captain and he wasn't shaking anymore and that's why he could face the crucifixion upside down and die for his Lord why did he have a faith that was unshaken I'll tell you why cause he'd been shakin he said God nothing Bad's happened probably not so good he's probably been better to those of you who had something bad to happen you asked that little family who got news their little boy had drowned in Lake Michigan you asked them this morning compare their faith today with what it was 365 years ago how dare t you they have a faith that they that cannot be shaken why because they stood up there sitting the services here and are faithful and serve God and people smile on their face and the joy in their heart and a salt on their lips if they can take that brother the faith that has not been shaken was caused by being shaken you remember the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego I talked about last Sunday night they came to the time when northern Baptist and it's in the fehb National Council of Churches summer club PTO club what together and built this big image on the reigns of Dora they said bow down worship that image or we will cast jinafire furnace they said no sir because we went to house Anderson college and those three houses under some college students Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that's not as bad as do you Allah Allah fear what's with the guys long name be a long one what yeah Philip Antonio Phillip Antonio I mean that's what it is in the in in the Hebrew Hebrew not Shadrach Meshach Abednego its mal Walla Walla Walla 50 Phil Phil Antonio and Oscar was Kowski but but they said no we're not gonna do it we're now gonna do it we've not gonna bow down and the King said okay we'll turn the thermostat up seven times hotter down worship at da I God will deliver us the next three words but if not never shaken do you think Shadrach Meshach and Abednego silver blessed be God we get to suffer for Jesus no they didn't say that they said what's you to say they held our nose and jump there that's the word it's not shaken when you're a John on the Isle of Patmos and you have a faith is not shaken where did you get that you get that paper being shaken back down there when the captain was gone for a while that's what happened to me at the state university my first year in college that's what happened when I whose mother every night stood down and sat down and said the Bible is the Word of God and made me defeated three times and read thirty minutes a night from this Bible all the time I was growing up every night and told me it was the Word of God contained the words of God now with the state university of a one year and brother if I couldn't make it for one year then you not gonna make it for four years when your mama hadn't done hasn't done that and I began to doubt and my faith in this book was shaken I didn't know who to leave my mom or the professor fried aside as early still make an intelligent decision so I looked up to God and I said god I'm gonna find out this book is true or not I'm gonna start right here with the first first verse in Genesis in the beginning God created the heavens of the earth and I'm gonna go over here the last verse of Revelation and and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all amen I read every verse in between those two verses on my knees I mean online knees every single verse every single word every single dig at and they got in the Bible I never met all my knees when I got up off of my knees I raised the Bible towards heaven and shouted mama was right mama was right mama was right and time doubted this book from that day to this my faith in this book is unshakable where'd it come from it came because I was shaken this year you've been shaken you had a choice you've had a choice to trust God or trust yourself and this morning you many of you have that choice this morning numbers of you have thought about quitting on God God I've heard this so much for the house we're gonna go back home well go on back home don't clutter this place up with a bunch of yellow-bellied quitters we don't go back home God led us here and look what he's let happen never don't on you that God led you here so it could happen wherever I young min last night I called him it lost his church young man graduate of our College young man grew up in this church lost his church men met that's not behind his back punch a yellow coward men behind his back he lost his church last night listen to me I called him on the phone he was on top side he was on top side now Chandra I've said to you young preacher boys it's a jungle out there pardon it's a jungle out here I'm out there it's a jungle out here if you can't take it when you're a shaking in school you won't take it with an unshaken faith where now Johnny you get on the battlefield if you can't take it in boot camp you won't take it from the enemy shooting at you you can't take 17 weeks of basic training you can't take you can't take World War two you can't take the term on the shooting at you and the Japanese dumping bombs on you and warfare your buddies dying it's your side you can't take it then is it can't take you to school God said I want you to go to school what for did he say why so out under you can watch a bunch of folks can do like the 12 apostles did 11 of them did you can go out and change the world and turn the world upside down and ever faith that nobody can shake you can die in India like Thomas did could ever doubt it again because he doubted once before and when he was shaken he believed that he had a faith that was unshakable Peter never didn't have the Lord again bye he was shaken and because he was shaken his faith was increased and in carries that it was unshakable don't turn on God don't get discouraged with God you come to the casket and look at your child all that could die of him and you say with Joel though he slay me yet will I trust him you keep on going just keep on going I guess the time in my life I came the nearest the shaking since I first thought daddy had died without God was 12 weeks ago tomorrow when I was sitting in a motel room just you just got over pneumoniae my first speaking engagement after three weeks of pneumonia 15 minutes before preached to call Becky she was crying and she said daddy I've got lupus I just found out today but Izzie's that as worst will kill you and edit its best in her condition will give you a miserable life physically and I put the phone down in my room and I said dear God I don't mind it myself I got faced down on Maui you're my face in that room and I said god I don't know what you're trying to do well I'm not gonna quit a nice got up and I spoke loudly though he slay me yet will I trust him there are tough year for some of you it's tough right now you face burdens you thought you'd never face heartaches you thought you'd never feel hang in there keep on doing what's right don't turn back shall I turn back into the world no no Bo not high not high shall I turn back into the world oh no not high don't turn back keep on keep on your bus route keep on your soul-winning keep your Sunday School class stay in the choir keep on coming to church Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night keep on tithing keep on praying keep on tithing keep on reading your Bible keep on tithing you can't do all of those keep on tithing just keep on doing what you're supposed to do I'll tell you what I'll do next year God will help me I'll come here by Sunday morning and try to give you strength I'll come back on Sunday night and try to encourage your soul I'll do the best I can to give you some things to laugh at when you can't laugh when you're outside those doors I'll do what I can in the next year have a place here a little refuge where you can come and find others having it just as tough as you are you know when I was in the paratroopers I didn't want to jump and nobody with me wanted to jump but we didn't want to tell anybody that we didn't want to jump so we all jump because we thought all the rest of more to jump we did what was the only one didn't want to jump in if one of us ever said I don't want to jump with all but stayed in the plane we come here and we find people beside us have the same burdens heartaches and facing the same time and you're shaken but keep all and don't stop don't quit don't die let's go get better and don't get decision while you're shakin one of these days our Chandra major battle in a world war for you you will face the big battle I would not be behind this book at this moment that beacon hadn't turned on me forty years ago I would not be behind this pulpit this morning if I hadn't had to face my denomination and turn my back on my denomination in my college in my background the course of the worldly schools and the godless way they were living whatever faith I have that's unshakeable this morning it's come from being shaken and God is giving you the opportunity today don't blow it don't blow it don't do it keep on trusting here when you cannot see why he does what he does God will give you a faith one of these days that cannot be shaken night need an iron is unusual I have been shaken but my faith has not been shaken and I stand before you as your preacher after 30 years plus a pastoring this church and I stand before you after an unusual year to say to you I have been shaken but my faith has not been shaken and I had more faith in my God today than I've ever had in my life I love this book more than ever loved it in my life I am drawn I fellowship with my god more than Iran Jordan my fellowship with my god and brother you'll have to drag me out of this pulpit I've said so often I may get the place to where I have a stroke and I walk in the pub and please like this but you got to pull me out why I'm not gonna quit no sir no this book and the god of this book cannot be shaken where'd it come from congratulations if you're facing sometimes this morning when you've been shaken some doubts come in your mind some wonders come in your mind it doesn't seem that God's been fair to you this year congratulations congratulations I'm looking little lady this morning down here on the front whose son had one the most miserable years a man can have but there she is on the front and there she is everything every Saturday at soul winning in the foster Club and there she keeps on going and soda I'm talking this morning somewhere to a man who is one of our security guards goes to college his son his son was killed just a few years ago and student in our school and getting your master's degree in theology you don't get that kind of faith but taking homiletics learning how to preach great sermons there's only one where you get it being shaken being shaken if you want a faith tell up the shakin it'll have to come by being chicken would you bow your heads please you
Channel: Jack Hyles
Views: 8,846
Rating: 4.8153844 out of 5
Id: z9nzxHHCOgs
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Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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