Jack Hyles Sermon If I Perish I Perish

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let's have a where are you girls [Applause] thank you dr. house for inviting us here what a great privilege it is to be here tonight and as many of these other men have already expressed their love for dr. house and all that he's done I'll need the Lord and dr. house and brother Roloff knows how much brother house has helped to roll off homes tonight I have 12 ladies with me I always introduce him as the most unusual ladies ensemble in America today because I have with me tonight two car thieves one arsonist one kidnapper two or three drug addicts couple alcoholics and a couple of them from various occupations we won't mention but I should have said they used to be [Applause] somewhere about 14 years ago a little wiry preacher that they thought he was an eccentric rared back one day he said my church today your church tomorrow most of you men sitting in here tonight is these great Hebrews walked across to tomorrow is here for America brother Roloff was a prophet of God that knew what was going to happen in America every day someone calls or I see some of you fellows you say are the Roloffs home still open I want to announce we're still open we're still taking people in God still saving souls and regenerating lives most I want to know is the battle still going on brother house permission like take just a moment and tell you what's happening in our home we're still wide open taking kids in taking girls off the street our ministry is what you folks throw out in the wash water where I'd like to ask you folks if you do something for us next time you get on the street and you see an old prostitute or an old drunk playing on the street would you pick them up and send them to us good short like that witch or try to take care of them win them to Christ tonight brother mrs. Palmer are facing charges against them we have 19 girls and a home down there we call the Palmer home the welfare department heard we had some young girls under the age of 17 so they brought charges against brother mrs. Palmer their daughter was with brother roll-off went in when the plane crashed just recently we've been in a tax battle for the last I know I guess 10 years in the courts and according to the courts we lost the battle we lost our tax exemption we came just recently within two days of the sheriff selling all of our property on the court steps and you folks sent in $76,000 keep our homes together we appealed to everybody and prayed and God's people sent the money in just the other day they sent another bill for another twenty thousand dollars and but the homes are still open several months ago I got a letter from the drug and alcohol administration state of Texas telling me that I had to close the Jubilee home for ladies who are faced $50 a day fine for two years in prison for operating a home without a license we're still open they came in investigators they haven't I guess they could come any day and lock my wife and myself up I don't know him but you might pray about that that they're insisting that the Jubilee home for ladies take a license because they say that we're a drug rehabilitation center we told them we work with sinners all kind of sinners and not just with drug addicts the lighthouse just before we left on this tour the welfare department department brought charges against brother mrs. young in the lighthouse young men they work with men from 17 to 24 these they happen to have a young boy in there at the age 17 the welfare department found out about it and the welfare departments brought charges against them so they'll be going in court brother mrs. palm would be going into court the first a second week of April my wife and I right now are facing the six million dollar lawsuit against us because we we help the young lady but God's hand is still on the ministry and have hadn't been for CLA and they're working with us on the six six million dollar lawsuit plus sale these others I don't know where we be at today brother David Gibbs and his staff been so kind invited us there and worked with us and they're still working with us and these ladies are a testimony of what what you folks have done and by supporting our homes the Lord Jesus Christ was always ministering to those that nobody else wanted and if you had seen these girls a few months ago someone was sitting in jail we get them the probate him to us through the courts we get custody of these some of the ladies they can function normally but God does a wonderful job in their lives we got 36 now that it went through homes or in colleges some I'm here's and who's this guy Bucky Tucker we went out to the college today and Bucky Tucker told us we just graduated or something out there I don't know what it was but some of our kids are here in this college and across America but we want to thank you for inviting inviting us here these young ladies want to sing and tell you what Jesus Christ has done for them girls you say someone someone like this man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law he meditates day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither it what's going to be doing shall prosper you gotta God they're not so they're like a child between drugs away therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous the Lord all the way the righteous the way they shall perish hey I heard my name hi my name is Darlene : 20 years order from Greenville Ohio hi my name is Sally over in 20 years from Joliet Illinois hi I'm Michelle Moore - Askia I'm 29 I'm from Baltimore Maryland hi I'm Debbie bowdish I'm 21 from Sturgis Michigan hi my name is Tammy car ulam 19 years old and I'm from village in Illinois hi my name's Patricia Davis I'm 32 years old and I'm from Butler Missouri hi my name is Marie Kemp I'm 23 and I'm from Allentown Pennsylvania hi my name's Angela Sherman I'm 21 I'm from West Michigan hi my name is Darla - idiom 18 years old from Dublin California hi my name is Tanya - I'm 19 I from our Georgia Corrado hi my name is Danny Smith and plenty yourself from Michigan hi we're done Lauren 19 years old and I'm from spearmint Texas just it all repent in Raleigh oh they decided to throw me away the auctioneer the room was quiet still Jesus if you had know me before I knew him you'd understand why I love you if you know me before I knew him you'd understand my love I was lonely and defeated before I met the Lord I was searching for love in this world I couldn't find just what I needed I was empty inside but then I met Jesus and I found you I know me before I knew him you don't understand why I love him if you end on me before I knew him you'd understand my love you understand my hi my name is Michelle this has got to be one of the biggest privileges I've ever experienced I came to the homes back in December because Satan had completely destroyed my life I was saved at the time but um he had gotten hold of me again after I had accepted Jesus only because I didn't follow God's commandment I didn't read the Bible I didn't separate myself from the world most of all my friends I just my friends went more to me than anything I wasn't meant to be that way I wasn't born a misfit or orphan I had the most loving parents a child could want until this day they're still loving me even though I hurt them so much but I was just like your daughter or your niece or your sister I could have even been born the preacher's daughter I was born good I believe I was born a sinner but I had a good heart and I always searched for God deep down in my heart but it was like I was in a body of prison that wanted to live sin and I couldn't get out of it you know the good in me always wanted to come out and it always knew that there was a better way but my body just controlled my life and I had no control over it I got into drugs PCP cocaine alcohol and rock music and and it never got better it always got worse it got real bad after I got saved because once you know the Lord and you fall away from him I imagine he gets pretty angry he he wants you back and he sees you running and he came after me and I praise the Lord for that I just want to say that the homes have been the best thing that ever could have happened to me I could have gone to a seven thousand dollar-a-month rehab but I knew that wasn't the way that God was the only way the homes have been a blessing the thorns have been a blessing I've just I've just been the Word of God has just been thrown out and impounded in my head and I've been accepting in it it just changes your life and the only regret I have is that I never got to meet Lester roll-off but on praise God I know the man that inspired him thank you make a joyful noise unto the Lord army oh yes sir the Lord the Lord with gladness come boy friends - singing no you that's the Lord he is God unity that hath made us and not we ourselves we are as people and the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto Him and bless His name for the Lord the Lord is good yes mercy if ever I see [Music] [Applause] [Applause] right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi my name is Donna do William 18 years old from Dublin California and I consider this a real privilege that the Lord has allowed me to stand here and testify for him I'd never thought that he'd give me a privilege to testify in so many of his people and it's only by His grace that I'm alive tonight to be able to do it I got saved when I was 14 years old I fell away in sin I didn't know how to read my Bible and pray so I can get close to the Lord and have the victory over sin in my life through Jesus so I fell away and for two years I was running away and being rebellious I ended up pregnant and I pushed my baby up for adoption and then I served the Lord for eight months after that I was really strong and going for the Lord and on fire for him and I got a job working in a box company and I was around rock music every day and people don't talk about getting high every day and just around guys and I started falling and eventually two months later what I was thinking I ended up doing I ended up leaving home again I ended up getting into heavier drugs I got addicted to cocaine over a period of time I ended up snorting at first and then I ended up shooting up and then smoking it and Satan really knows how to just plant a little seed and deceive you I think it's it's something really small when it really grows into something really big I became addicted and by the taught by that time I had got a check for $15,000 security benefits that they had owed me and I spent half of that many on cocaine and I ended up getting into drug dealing with my friends they persuaded me to spend that money I bought weapons and I started selling the drugs to innocent people and my best friend Vera she had gotten hooked on it and I'm still trying to handle that and how I feel inside because of because of my sin I've brought someone else down and she is now hooked on cocaine and I'm praying for her that she'll come out of it and the Lord brought me down solo one night to where either my friends were gonna end up getting rid of me or because they saw I had no more money left they saw they drained everything out of me and either that or I was gonna OD that night I had done so much cocaine that I just didn't know where I was anymore and I cried out to Lord and I said dear God just saved me please get me home to my parents so that I can get right with you and and I asked him to forgive me for my sins and I just said please just get me home and I got home the next day by His grace and my parents prayed with me and they were so overwhelmed and so grateful that the Lord had brought their daughter back to them and my youth pastors called and two hours later he came over and pray with me and he told me about the home and at first I thought no you know I don't want to go away for a year and have to wear no pants for a year and I would have to get up every morning at 5:30 but then after two weeks I prayed about myself I can give a year out of my life to serve you after everything that you've done for me and two weeks later I found myself on a plane going down to the Jubilee home and ever since then I'm so grateful that I've been in the home because I've grown spiritually closer to the Lord when I was 16 I was called to the mission field to be a missionary and now I'm able to serve the Lord with a pure heart and be able to just go on for him and grown up wearing I remember on Ephesians 6 9 all right that's what happened was I didn't look at my I looked away from God and looked at myself and I grew weary because nobody wanted to hear what I had to say but now I'm gonna go stronger on Boulder because I love Jesus Christ and what he's done for me there's a long light road you go they hide the light of day have no fear you know clouds away turn the darkness into dam so I can say is watch you know brawl any years each time you pray so let your boys and happy song turn darkness into day I'm so glad I now can say [Music] [Applause] I'm so glad now can stay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank You BC did a little girl said the lady said she had one regret she never got to know Lester roll-off and I did and you did many of you it's sort of sad that how many people fundamentalist now and never heard dr. John rice never saw him never heard brother Roloff you still serve the same kind of food down there you always did he did that's awfully stuff in the world girls if if you won't tell them I'll send you to McDonald's after the service tonight I didn't mean it did you hear that thunder okay who's uh who's hostess and you these gals what about man who John we keep John the kids here all the time there he is see that these girls get the shop a little bit tomorrow would you please and if they can if they can talk these narrow-minded leaders out into it take them to McDonald's would you like to and get yourself a small hamburgers on dad Wahlberg I'm singing for us use him use him schedule him up go over there to his table use the guy he'll come to your church and and you'll sing for you he'll also tell you about the First Baptist Church all of his life in the church here one of our deacons for thirty years [Music] I speak unto you the things authors will do sir if you recall things only bring us [Music] [Music] [Music] mijo let's turn again in our song books to 344 I'm pressing on the upward way to higher ground number three four four [Music] I'm messin on the upward way [Music] Oh [Music] on the last verse I want to scale [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the harvest has been gathered and all my work is hard when the last mile is traveled and I saw my final song when I'm called to give an answer at Heaven's judgment see then Lancelot of Calvary speed [Music] it writes me town is writer so and horror justice has been shielding me from wrath and judgment as it covers all my scene there's no words that I've accomplished nor my goodness I would be just let the blood of Calvary speak for me there may be some friends who'd witness hence me coward so kind but their voices which seem so feeble that's an awesome time but there's a voice the calls for mercy [Music] the part of Palfrey a core me [Applause] write me down as writers none has been killing me from judgment yes it covers all my say let's go I would mean [Music] for me or me [Music] [Applause] let's turn again in our song books to 332 trust and obey number three three two [Music] on the last first [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you can if you can help us financially we could sure use it there's no way to describe what this meeting cost and if you if you don't if you can't give a dime because welcome as you is you could give a lot of money but if you can help us I wish you would if somebody could make a sizable gift to Pastor school it would help an awful lot out I want to show you something right now I'm not sure what I'm going to show you but I'm gonna show you something and don't misunderstand this I just want to show you what a family we are how many people in this room surrender to preach after one of my sermons here or elsewhere would you stand up please while you're standing with all the graduates of Hyles Anderson College your preachers would you stand up please but while you're standing with those of you who've been to Italy preachers been to at least five passenger schools would you stand please you see what I'm talking about this the family and so I'm just I mean you won't you won't so you won't finance anything better than this you just won't look around I mean we're talking we're talking about hundreds of men standing around they're hundreds of men standing thank you very much I just ask you to consider it that's all just consider it that's how the fellas come please for the offering brother tulip inna the finest young men I know in our youth director will lead us in our prayer please let's pray father we do thank you for this conference and we thank you for its effect on our country and what it's done to help preserve it we thank you for all of those who have come to be with us this week now father we ask that you would you would speak to our hearts and what we should give how we should participate to help preserve this meeting and that it may carry on in the future bless us now you name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] open your Bibles please to the book of Esther the fourth chapter Esther chapter four if yours is a Scofield reference Bible that's page 561 beginning with the thirteenth verse will read responsively through verse sixteen the sixteenth verses the text verse for tonight's message let's stand please for the reading of the word of God once again reading the verses responsibly then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house more than all the Jews for if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed and who knows whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this then Esther bad them returned Mordecai this answer go gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan and fasty for me and neither eat nor drink three days night or day I also in my maidens will fast likewise and so will I go in unto the King which is not according to the law and if I perish I perish let's pray father there cannot be a more important meeting in all the world than just right now speak to our hearts please empower our preacher please in Jesus name Amen I travel town alone no one seemed to care the burden on my weary back had bound me i off come - lame - Jesus how folks were treating and I heard him sorted my feet upon the Calvary Road the cross became so heavy [Music] be faithful weary pilgrim the morning I can see just lift your cross and [Music] or cheese horse he fight a foreign field someday toward being homeboys hind love team hands no less could I repay no greater love highs mortal than for a friend hood these are the words a gently spoon [Music] [Applause] if just a cup of water I place within your hand in just a cup of water he's all that hide [Music] thought he might have to leave he take my glory see I'll take my rose [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] our Heavenly Father over four to six thousand seven hundred times I've stood behind pulpits crossed the land and around the world Beach and thank you for it for the strength the help you've given me through these years it's been a long time since the first doors opened to pastors school the first time and the heap of goods been done and maybe the old nation might have been spared a while but that's not gonna do for tomorrow speak to our hearts tonight do thou in this hour fulfil thy purpose and bless thy simple servant amen give me just a tad more volume please up there I don't want to tell I don't want to say this I don't like to talk about it but I feel like all the set tonight July I stood the speaker this national saw the Lord convention some of you were there and I don't remember anything after I stood up to speak I don't recall the sermon don't remember a thing about it I won't listen to it I won't watch it on tape video I won't even wear the suit over at morning and morning sense don't tend to wear it anymore because it was the suit caused the trouble but three hours I didn't know my own name and I didn't know if would have another pastor scoot or not first thing I thought John stencils here he'll tell you he'll about for this first thing that kept saying John said preacher you lost it and I said did I say anything that would dishonor Christ while I was all out of it did I say anything that dishonor Christ kept saying it over over yet and then second thing that said was my people need me I said out I've sort of gotten them to where do you like to come maybe spoil them a little bit and they need me and then I said to the nurse that came in the room the next thing I said or as I can remember I said who's gonna have pastor school who's gonna stand up and say what young preachers all of America want somebody to say now there are some meetings in this country where speaker after speaker speaks one may say one thing one may say another one may brag on confrontational evangelism which is just another word for old-fashioned soul-winning next to make it up talk about lifestyle evangelism but there's one place wherever rock grew up the hill raised in barnstormin window rattling shingle pulling fundamental preach in American could come and the little guys gonna stand up here in holler what you to holler if you were standing where he's standing it's one place where you Neos can sit and take it for a while but what worse what's gonna happen I said what auditorium was big enough to take care of the family I mean what they're gonna do Esther said she said I I gotta go before the king I'm risking my life she said but you said I'm the only hope for the generation to live they're gonna kill my people she said it just may be the king of listen to me it just maybe he won't all die but she said okay I'm going and if I perish I perish I'd rather perish doing right and live doing wrong I'd rather die at the helm then live afraid so I'm going I'm going I'm going to the king the harelips every dog in the county she said that's in the Hebrew I'm going to the cotton-pickin King that's an X into our make era I came said must listen to what it is Aramaic or Arabian or something but I'm simply saying that she said I'm gonna go I'm going I live the people live if the people die I want to die with him anyway she said if I perish I perish somebody said to me long ago said you can't just pass by maybe it has somebody said your days pass soul-winning has run its course no it hasn't because the Great Commission said go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Son as the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I did you and that simply said teaching individual winners - and lo I am with You alway even unto the end of the world what's he saying he's saying I'm with you even to the end of the world he's saying he's supposed to go even to the end of the world he said you're supposed to win souls even to the end of the world he said you sports a baptized even to the end of the world he says she's supposed to teach them to the soul winners even to the end of the world didn't say go they even that it won't work again doesn't say go soul winning even to this not popular doesn't say go soul winning even that you could grow it in your Sunday school doesn't say go soul winning even to the city ordinances passed against it as a city within five miles where I'm standing right now they call me on the phone and they said you've gone so low in your last time in this city I said no we haven't going next Saturday I was the mayor of the head of the Chamber of Commerce or the I don't know what it says what it's go overhead the biggest guy there and he said if any of your people go soul-winning in our town anymore they'll be put in jail I said you better build a bigger jail I said three thousand folks are coming Saturday he said you said he said you've got to get permission I said we done got it we got permission from the Commission he said well we'll think about it they've been thinking for eight years now I'm saying didn't say even till the city ordinance is passed against it didn't say go and get folks saved and baptized them and trained into the soul-winners even to the theologians critique it it doesn't say even till your did your deacons don't like it they don't make a deacon will keep me from having a soul-winning Church I mean I gotta eat my deacons here right now and they're the best men in a world but they don't make a deacon em tell me not to have a soul-winning Church I just doubled up there the whole board to say it they won't say it because they love me they won't said cuz it won't do no won't do any good either there's some over here and there's some over here there's some out there but I'm simply saying I've got a commission and permission to go soul-winning I'm saying yes I'm forced to do it till the end of the world and I just want to say with Esther tonight thank God for you yes sir I just want to thank God tonight that you said if I perish I perish I'm gonna do what's right if I perish somebody sent for the house if I knew what you say what's gonna happen to me well what difference does it matter what happens to do I mean it's what happens to this that matters I'm at you not too big you're not the big message here it's this that's a big message I mean you want to kill this for you why don't you die for this she said I'm gonna go well Amen Esther wait for me here I come I'm on my way if I perish I perish if standing as I've stood for four to two years causes me to perish I'm just gonna perish I'm not calling you tonight the victory I'm calling you to war I'm not calling you tonight to build a big sunday-school though I want you to I'm calling you tonight to die I'm calling you to stand beside those three me and they're still here a while ago and say we're not gonna take your license I mean that which is inferior has no right to license that which is superior I mean the little leagues didn't license Mickey Mantle and Hammond high school basketball team didn't license the the Washington Redskins we need some preachers tonight to say okay fundamental Civ had it pretty good we built some big churches and we've we've got some good churches and and thank God we have I think fundamentalism tonight is in the best shape she's ever been in but it's time we just closed ranks and said if you want to shoot us just pull the trigger I mean here we are live die as long as we spend for this book and the truth of this book if I perish I perish you know I want to say a few things tonight in first place if my stand on the soul winning causes me to perish I perish you what's wrong with some of you little don't don't act me on I never have cussed in the pulpit yet you came to Pastor school several years ago and you had learned about soul winning and you at home decided to do it and you did it because as a as a church growth method soul winning is not a church girl metrof ever soul winning is the command from headquarters so you at home you started soul winning and yeah and you grew for about three years all of a sudden you stopped growing and so you said I think I'll go out of California there pastor school next time they go build me a few little cell blocks but you stand like we stand you'll already have a cell block waiting for you I mean soul-winning is not a method for church building soul-winning is a command from the general to the privates to say do what I say till the end of the world get back to soul winning but you save the house I'm afraid that I'm afraid I'll lose my church parish running the old buses cause me to perish I perish house-to-house soul-winning cause there's been a parish I'm just gonna perish if knocking on doors causes me to perish I'm just gonna perish if preaching on the street corners causes us me to Paris I'm just gonna perish if old-fashioned altar calls causes me to Paris I'm just gonna perish if old-fashioned mourners benches caused me to Paris I'm just gonna perish if the old-time religion caused in the Paris I'm just gonna perish if your Roman Road causes in appearance I'm just gonna perish if Hellfire and damnation preaches causes in Paris I'm just gonna perish if you old time gospel of God's grace I because for the perish I'm just gonna perish if being scattered abroad everywhere calls me to Paris I'm just gonna perish daily in the temple and every house causes in the parish I'm just gonna perish if reaching the name the hope the crippled the blind the poor calls Barry pears I'm just gonna press Oh Judas getting this thing to the finish good get me it around get over get off get hotter get cold get whether to get without of it I mean soul-winning is God's command it's not your convenience it's God's command it's not your alternative it's God's command well I think I'll try in Italian a possibility for thinking for a while Oh hogwash on possibility thinking they can try and think I'll try a lifestyle evangelism for a while try they don't tie them just never say a word about tie than any more do you people never say we're ever Sunday morning you just drop your time in and hope they'll catch on [Applause] you traitor you've Benedict Arnold you reproach to the ministry you called of God Almighty commissioned by God commanded by the Great Commission of God have dared to look God in the face and say I got better methods than you had when got me Memphis the teacher we just got a commission to tell you that o ye therefore and teach all nations faiths the gospel to every creature there is a parish I'd rather listen I'd rather go under obeying then build a big Church disobey I'll tell you what I have I mean God knows I want this place full and I look in this auditorium every week and wonder how in the world any church could have this many people come to church enough to fill this place and yet ever Sunday night especially we packed this place out and we have extra chairs in the house and so forth but I'm saying this I'm saying if soul-winning causes this church to someday run forty thousand in Sunday school we're gonna keep going soul-winning but if so it makes everybody in Hammond edit us and we rot down to a hundred and fifty in Sunday school bless God we're still going so away if so what it causes us to succeed we'll go soul-winning if so and it caused us to fail we'll go soul-winning if soul-winning packs this building we'll go soul-winning if the church has gotta meet in the choir and these pews all empty we're gonna go so when in fire if I perish I perish with soul-winning oh my soul tonight we shall reach out and grab you preachers for the shoulders and shake you good and hard and say in God's name what's happened to you a parish parish and it tell you my dream for America my dream for America spin for these many years to have enough righteous people in this country so God will spare us and give our kids and grandkids a chance to live in the country like we've enjoyed I wanted to be a pastor school when my grandkids are grown I wanted the churches that are fundamental in soul-winning not neo F and Jenna core even if angelical old-fashioned captain if Captain you captain Ian and Howard spell old-fashioned fundamental hell-raising barnstormin wind errata and single pullin soul-winning evangelistic sin fightin hell hatin fundamental churches in this country so ever been care of everybody in this room someday we'll have a church on every River neighborhood never city every town every village in America that's like this churches right now and I'm looking tonight it to hope for that I'm looking but you tuck your little tail under you and back a count dog say I just don't think I'll do that get in trouble the Deacons were getting in trouble the bigger well the minutes mission is society might not likely well then just let him rub him I'm afraid I'll lose my job then naked honestly God Abraham came to Cobb said to God would you spare sudden I've got a nephew there I love he's like my own son he's my adopted boy I've had him for years please don't don't don't destroy Sodom God said Abraham he said it if you can find 50 righteous people I won't destroy it you know the story down to 40 down to 30 on down to ten righteous people locked goodnight a lot Abraham could not find 50 righteous people in Sodom and God destroyed it ten ten righteous ten righteous people and Sodom would have been spared what does it mean there to righteousness says in the Bible there is first imputed righteousness what the song aquire sang about a while ago I'm in God's color blind we look through the blood and and that's the imputed righteousness not the work with works of righteousness which I have done but by His mercy have he saved us but the washing of regeneration that's the first righteousness and that's so when but there's a second righteousness in the Bible and that's holy living what God was saying to Abraham he said you give me ten people who are born again and living holy lives and I'll spare the city now brother if we don't get back I don't know what the quarter is for the United States I wear this for America I believe with all of my soul God's got a salt covenant he wants to make with our nation and I believe there's a figure written down in the glory land as to how many righteous people will have to have to spare this nation and brother if we space but you heard what the mayor said this morning he said the politician don't have the answer here and believe it but he's right if he believed what he said he'd be here every Sunday morning right here in this chair and I like the guy I like the guy he's a good friend of mine now he's such a good friend I want to tell him you ought to be here all the time answers not in the White House answers no more no mattresses butts in an outhouse is in the White House answers to the church house God didn't say if my Congress moves you're called by my country's name shall pass some laws and bother the churches put the preaches in jail then will I hear from heaven forgive their sin heal their land God's didn't say if the queers will spray it straight I'll save a nation God didn't say if the homosexuals get straight God didn't say if the forces are quit killing babies God didn't say if the lost people will could go on there are rated movies God didn't say a thought I felt isolated bookstores are closed up God didn't say if if the r-rated movies are not placed on your television camera God said if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven forgive their sin and heal the land the answer for our nation tonight is not Hollywood clean up it's for you and I to pray and get our sins forgiven to get enough righteous - righteous people so God will look down and say there's too much salt there I cannot destroy that land he said for the house your fanatic about soul-winning thank you sir yes sir if I perish for soul-winning I perish but there's something else if I perish for my stand on separation I perish you say what do you sir stand on separation same as yours used to be 25 years ago you wore your hair like I wear mine except for this donut in the top don't know SEP then calm your food you were a fool 25 years ago check the pictures of your youth camp and see how your girls dress 25 years ago I haven't changed you've changed I shall not be I shall not be moved I shall not be I shall not be moved just like a tree that's planted by the water I shall not be moved how come you got moved listen 35 years ago not a preacher in this room believed in women wearing pants don't sit there look at me like that Matilde you know what I'm talking about you know what I'm talking about you say you can't build a church the old-fashioned standards that you've got then I parish my stand on the movies cause the perish I perish my stand don't think in Hollywood that came out of hell and it's going back to hell if I stand on that cause the parish I'm just gonna perish I'll not build a big Church at the expense of my standards and convictions of four to two years I'll not do it I'm not betrayed every young preacher boy I've pastored in these 42 years I won't do that I won't call my preacher boys to point their finger at me and say look at the man that trained us to take a stand he's not taking a stand I won't do that then against the dirty rock music cause the parish I parish and if they can you all to throw away your richest Rock cause me to perish I perish if you folks that have so-called Christian radio stations if fighting your Christian rock call every Christian rock is on your station calls me to perish I perish I've been against mixed bathing causes me to perish I perish at the end against women wearing shorts and public calls me to perish I perish one of the best ways in the world not to wear them in public is not have a pair to wear in private your daughters shouldn't see you in shorts your son shouldn't see you in shorts you say from the house do you against mixed bathing norm against mixed nudity you wear your overcoat swimming you can go with you cue them anybody you want to I'm not I won't tell you something in these days brother you just very carefully I've never seen how this is going to embarrass my daughters I don't care if I pair of shopping I got one sitting down here she don't like me to say this but God called me to freak I've never seen one of my daughter's thighs never never since I got old enough to dress themselves I've not seen their thighs this generation of a bunch of perverted men demitted men and the incest that's going on I mean the time has come when you gotta dress modestly inside the house as well as outside to help you say you can't build a big church like it I'm not trying to build a big church I'm to understand for the truth and if I perish I perish oh this is good if being against social drinking caused me to perish I perish if being against dancin cause me to perish I perish I don't care what kind it is whether you wiggling like a snake standing up in a rainstorm or you didn't do in the bowl will but we will wiggle at the dishrag twist or whatever it is that caused me perish I perish if believing that young people who date should not kiss each other til the preacher says you're a husband and wife if that calls has been a parish I parry you say you are outdated come only in the water's fine why don't you decide to be a man of God you sit for the house you feast like that at home I'm home I'm home and I'll tell you something ask these people this is a warm bloke warmed-over sermon they got it first except there's a rough run in because they can take it better than you can I'll walk out those doors their Bible an arm and never walk in this building again to provoke behind this pulpit and not preach the convictions that God Almighty has given my soul if if preaching against the primetime television garbage all rest of the time calls for the perish I perish the preaching against the VCR movie this calls me to perish I perish it prints against the eight-speed old cause of Anna perish I perish and it's time you got rid of your dirty television that's got all the filth and I'm talking about get rid of that garbage on the what do you call it a cable TV get rid of it that caused me to perish I perish if shorten a fight in the show time calls me the perish I perish you're fighting gambling whether it's in a nightclub or a Catholic basement or a lottery and a state convened state legislature if that caused the repairs our parents if being against the dirty soap operas calls me to perish I perish suppose suppose you went home and Monday night you're sitting here in your family with your family and some time knocks on the door you go the doors a good-looking couple good-looking handsome fella he's built like me child of a man and he he's down group anyway he roll off girls be careful now though anyway here's a gorgeous creature there with him with a miniskirt home and he says to you look I want to borrow your bedroom and you say what for he said this this girl and I just met and we want to go up to your bedroom and commit adultery if you don't mind with a depart for a while you'd say what in the world are you talking about you'd say get out of our house you insulted me and while you were saying it you got a couple of pair committing adultery in the bedroom on the screen right now why don't you get religion is out like you're preaching out like you live in either some of you preachers have had strokes already tonight you just imagine yourself preaching like this at home and you're trembling like that some of your wives didn't say any husband don't listen to him don't listen to him don't listen to it get your ball yourself Jesse [Applause] by Paris our parish you say if you please like yes we won't come next year if we don't have a pastor school next year I perish if I perish if if preaching that abortionist murder cause me to perish I perish preaching the drunkards are sinful and not sick caused me to perish I perish the Brits and homosexuals requieres them not gays calls me to perish I perish because I don't think you ought to use the word queer in the pulpit then don't ever do it but you keep your little beacon nose out of my pulpit my folks have seen this gonna hurt you to see it so we go through here every once in a while I just say I want all the people in this church to know that starting right over there all of this here all of this here all of this right here all of this over here they're right over there belongs to me and you keep your nose out of it [Applause] the others of you to holler but you speechless [Applause] I taste something else too you gutless [Applause] you know how these fellas are saying Amen they didn't want somebody to say this to you for a long time now listen we we sat and listened to your fellows criticize us and call us everything from big uns Denair mind into a legalist now you just sit still and you take a little medicine for why you call us bigots we call you footer you called us Legolas me call you compromiser you say you came faced like getting get by with that I'm not trying to get by with it I'm trying to do what's right and I'm Laurin join on this Esther walks and then says if I perish I perish but I'm gonna do I wanna do if if preaching that garbage offs are communist and not a capitalist cause and perish I perish if telling you he's nothing more than a Stalin in wolf's clothing sheep's clothing mr. Gorbachev is not Russia's not changed they're just hungry they're in trouble they got to have America and I wish mr. Reagan would listen to me I I've voted him in mollycoddling net murderer I mean we go to South Africa we won't do business to South Africa because of part-time because the black folks are being persecuted well how about the Christians in Russia about how about the the Christians in Siberia in jail in exile how about them and what is their crime print in this book you say for the house I I think you're rabble rouser you came mighty close to the truth if believing that men should get haircuts and not perms caused me to perish I perish if I were single I've seen some of you guys not ask for a date [Applause] call some of your little darlings they're more feminine-looking in some of it and your some of your wives are [Applause] God's name finds you a barber you say for the house don't you know that that that passed away with a nineteen fifties well no it didn't either you just thought it did Sam heard preaching like that in years what don't fret don't complain to me cuz you've been rubbing the wrong crowd that preaches all over this building just drop by their churches in asunder you'll get it if believing that y'all not to know who are per is and Doni who is and Geraldo is and Tom Selleck is and Johnny Carson is that if if believing that you ought not to turn your box on that kind of garbage calls me to parish I just parish if if saying that I would rather our children never learn to read and write and be illiterate then go to the heathen public school cause has been a perish I perish if saying that I would not recommend anybody to go to a heathen secular University calls me perish I perish if I perish I perish but I'm not gonna preached for four to two years then turned my back on what I preached for 42 years I haven't got time to fill up the roles that I plowed by perish I perish boy I call you to perish with me if I perish I perish if my stand on Christian education causes the perish I perish if my stand on soul-winning if my stand on massarone separation and if my stand on Christian education calls me to perish I perish no we're not gonna have chorus lines in our gymnasium and the basketball game no we're not gonna have bad words in our textbooks with a little sign on it just inside the book that says we don't believe all that's in this book we'll burn the pages there won't be anything in the books out there house under some college or have a Baptist schools if I know about it won't be any curse words in the book no way Jose no way you see you could have sighs and not college I'm not criticizing anybody I'm just tell you what we're gonna do I'm in a fair harelips everything your your lowest in the world I'll be glad we're not gonna do it I mean it's time that we had in our schools what we advertised in our brochures and brother you go to files Anderson College and you'll find out there what we advertised you say well the house how you going to get in there students that's not our goal somebody said that they said I've been reading you ads and the sword of the Lord said you won't get students that way I said you don't understand it we're not trying to your students those ad we're trying to keep folks away we don't want your kind we just believe enough old-fashioned Americans left who ought to be once cool I'm not saying with the only one I understand we are one that believes the old time gospel well you're not gonna meet mr. Ted Kennedy on the platform someday now you just put that in your pipe and smoke it with anything you want to put with it and you can lock it or lump it with anything you want to lump it with one good thing about preaching like this is I won't have to wonder next year what I said this year I shall not be I shall not be moved no sir no sir no sir no we're not gonna have Ted Kennedy speak to our student body to show the other side I've read enough that and I can tell him the other side we're not gonna have his charisma and his charm behind our pulpit at house Anderson College he said I'm sure that you said the other eyes about to come and I'm not coming now you guys let I said it as I am go we don't want your kind if you want these little foot and they're tickling back scratching penny pinch and never nickel dipping sauce open pink tea and lemonade preachers and you gonna send us a bunch of rebels wanna run the school we don't lock that can we want a bunch of Christian soldiers for me in business [Applause] we're not trying to break in enrollment records Madison the other day what you know but this you acid enough I perish I perish no we're not gonna have just the Jackson speak to us real soon no we're not oh you say what are your people think about that kind of preaching I don't know I never ask them we're not gonna have theistic evolutionists come in to show the other side if I do they won't speak they can stand up no that man came from monkeys we're looking at the monkeys you said you saw the crew I don't care what you say I screwed four years born most of you somebody came to house Anderson colleagues of the day and they said it's not a cultured enough I know we've seen that culture stuff it's buttermilk I said there's no difference from us in the University of Indiana at this very moment there Harlan as loud as we ever hollered right now yeah they're playing the national basketball tournament they scream as loud as we do we just scream in different places I mean they scream in the gymnasium we speak in the garden Asia [Applause] no we're not gonna have the other side no we're not gonna have unsaved singers and actors come in to perform on our platform you say you're talking about my school if you have under save actors and singers there I probably am I don't have any in mind but you can fly them with your plan and I'm not criticizing anybody I just simply not gonna have it is that kritis and they're being critical and I believe some of you folks watch schools like that no don't take my picture now you listen to my life you've got time to take this not go back in time this he'll raise in time [Applause] no we're not gonna have any hand-holding on campus no we're not gonna be accredited by the heathen bunch of godless mongers are not gonna tell us we have a right to have House Anderson colleges they roll us in the state office several years ago they said you're gonna have you the law says you have to be accredited by accrediting Association or the State Board of Education we file that in a little round file right beside the desk we're not gonna leave the Allmusic no oh we're not gonna have anybody on Chappell it's not a fundamentalist preacher no we're not gonna have any Orthodox or new evangelical or charismatic no we're not gonna have heroes like OJ Simpson we'll just have heroes like Lee Roberson no we're not gonna have the most popular people or our campus big goons that can drop a ball through a basket I could do that when I was a boy baby I started off that way know a guy that can kick up dead pig blown up made off long across the pasture through some plumbing is not gonna be the hero of house Anderson coming and no we're not going to give any athletic scholarships either so you guys that want to go somewhere because of football we don't want you here unless you get right with God we get scholarship for soul-winning you saw what we gave last night 30 semesters of scholarship what for bus cat bus kids most popular kids at our school are the ones that win the most souls no we're not gonna honor Neos and pseudos and weirdos we're not going to substitute for a fan across Spain I don't care if you like it or not guys I mean I just I just lost a few of you off the Christmas train now I love my favorite Bacchus carry me back to old Virginny I look I love bucking the hills Rob was born I said it this afternoon to the preachers they will sit now in many of our fundamental colleges a queer like Michelangelo is more respected than an evangelist they'll criticize Oliver V greens and Nesta Roelofs and honor a queer let me tell you something a naked statues and they can statute no matter where it is [Applause] you said well the house I've ever heard you like this before you just ever been here before it's all you hear me on the road where I preach right we're written to you folks who can't take it no we're not gonna have niebuhr our pruner but roll off in oliver be green you're not gonna put Mozart in the place of Isaac Watts we're not gonna break the hearts of moms and dads across this nation I'll tell you something else you mums and dads and key I know I'm not trying to advertise our College I'm I'm advertising I'm trying to I'm doing it you send your boys and girls to house understand colors and outlines you will live and die to keep them clean and we're living died to protect them and we're living died and see to it they won't come home and make fun of you someday because you don't have good grammar and we'll see to it when they come here they won't come back home and criticize your music program and we'll see to it they'll love you more than I did in they left home and they'll love to pasture more than check it out check it out and we'll see to it that when you get a house understand college graduates that works for you he will have been soul winning for four years every week or home he goes if I perish I perish you sound send you some students I'm not never perish I perish files Anderson Collins goes under she goes under Hammond Baptist high school goes under she goes under City Baptist High School goes under she goes under and blessed God if the First Baptist Church of Hammond goes under she goes under she won't stay afloat because the preacher pussy-footed she won't do it I've this to the campus few days ago I won't tell you what it is but I want to I've preached there and years gone by you can find better Christian looking kids University of Indiana and you candlenut so-called Christian college campus my heart broke I perish I perish that's what John the Baptist said yeah he said I'm gonna preach what all to preach I don't care for Kings they're compare that to what what preachers preach when the president walks in sometimes shoot the mayor comes here once in a while loses two years growth mr. Bush comes in he can just wear he can just take what we're serving and we don't have cafeteria here it's army chow you just hold out your tray and we just fork it over but perish I perish that's what Daniel said he's our look anywhere I won't do when I pray thank you we'll put you in the lion's den he said if I perish I perish that's what the Hebrew children said when there's something baptism Ansari the hey the American Baptist built that big big image in the tower around the flames of Nura and local minister association worked with him in a PTL Club join them - I'm trying to make everybody mad than that if I can [Applause] if you're not mad yet I'll get you they built that big image and they said you gonna have to bow down and worship this but two or three houses Anderson college students and they said we're not going to they said we'll put you in the fireplace and they said that don't make you no difference we're not gonna do it they said okay we're gonna turn the thermostat up seven times as hot as this now they said we're not gonna do it now wait a minute you say wow they knew God and protect care of them or did they they said be it known unto you O king we will not bow down and worship that image our God will deliver us you might know the next three words but if not they said God's gonna take care of us we think but whether he do or whether he don't we're not going to play with your doll [Applause] sit still Neos pseudos and weird old set still just you preachers that upset right now just pull your hair back so you can see and get your lace hanky out of your purse and wipe your brow [Applause] that's what Lee Roberson said when he said to the Hamilton County Baptist Association we're going to be free we'll vote you out he said if I perish I perish that's what Martin Luther said when in nailed his his thesis on a wall on the door he said if I perish I perish that's what Charles Spurgeon did when he said the London Baptist Association vote away and they got seven people to vote for him they voted him out of the Association he said if I perish I perish he lost his retirement plan to let you that's what John Bunyan said they said you can't preach on the street he said if I perish I perish we'll put you in jail if I perish I perish 12 years he brought it there in the jail jailhouse his little blind daughter came to the jail and said daddy got some good news for you said they said you can go free John Bunyan said what's what's it what does it mean and they're in a Bedford jail the daughter said daddy little blind I've you've all read a heart-rending book you read there like the story of that little blind daughter she said you can go free all you got to do is promise that you won't preach on the streets John Bunyan he she said daddy come home to mama and to us John Bunyan looked at his little plan daughter with tears rolling down her cheeks and he said if I'm let out of jail today I'll preach on the streets tomorrow [Applause] that's what Lester Olaf said I perish I perish that's what he fought his battle about stuck his tongue out of that the Texas welfare department he said do what you will they said we will he said do I'm not turnin I shall not be I shall not be moved that's what Lattimer Ridley did when it burned at the stake that's what Joe Boyd did when he's voted out the Dallas Baptist Association he said if I perish I perish that's what John Rice did when he was a Southern Baptist and and a group came from Bell University and were upset with dr. rice because he placed on the radio that they shouldn't be teaching their godless evolution and they said you're gonna have to quit attacking us or you'll be out he said if I perish I perish that's what Stevens said and he was a deacon heesang will preach the truth of parish appearance that's what the Apostle Paul said at Lystra but parish to parish that's what Peter and John said when commanded not to preach any more in his name they said hey you fellas have you a little congressional hearing and delay and decide whether or not I can preach tomorrow we can preach tomorrow because we're gonna preach anyhow with parish with parents that's what Savonarola said when they burned him at the stake if I perish I perish that's what John Wester said the disc opinions I'm going to be a soul-winning separatist and if I perish I perish that's what Oliver B green said I was preaching one night with him bless his old heart he snuck his old leg like yet up across the pulpit and some ladies out there had twins he said let me tell you something sisters this my pulpit and it's my breeches that I want to split my britches on my pulpit it's none of your business yeah we've whitewashed the sepulcher zuv those that stood and criticized those who are alive that stand like they stood and if most of you had lived in John Wester generation you'd hate it as in science and if you lived in Charles Haddon Spurgeon generation you devoted know that's what Peter Cartwright said when is in Atlanta Georgia preaching too hard in the citywide campaign the preachers had a prayer meeting for him while they were praying for him to ease up on his preach and he snuck in the prayer meeting they didn't know it after that prayed all God help Peter Cartwright ease up he's making all our folks mad oh god help him enough to preach so hard he the Cartwright started praying to their shirts they're surprised he said dear God I've heard all these prayer don't listen to one of them he said if you answer their prayers obvious dead as they are he said if I perish I perish that's what John Huss said was burned at the stake if I perish I perish that's what Myron cedar Holmes said when he told the conservative Baptist Association he is gonna get out of there you have angelical mess he said if I perish I perish that's what J Frank Norris said to the Southern Baptist he was the editor of the Texas Baptist standard which is the biggest Baptist paper in the world pastor of the First Baptist Church of Fort Worth a big Southern Baptist Church and decided not to use their liberal linnert or be a good thing for you to decide put support instead sin University and Wake Forest University it all needs your support they got enough to back of money to make it some of you guys you don't know what funny is for being free is fun but supporting Baylor University put your money in schools where God's Word is believe different word of it they believe in that book if mama taught me with the Word of God this has the very words of God in it calls me the parish I'm just gonna perish if my stand calls me to parish up here that's how Billy Sunday said I perish I perish that's what Bob Jones senior said when he pulled out of the Methodist Church if I perish I perish that's what Paul Ritter said when he left moody church in Chicago because he couldn't reach the poor kids the board wouldn't let him without start the Raider tab when I come over here he's 75 perish I perish that's what I said 33 years ago when I've got voted out the Dallas Baptist Association with Joe Boyd because well I ain't do anything wrong as his fall I said if I perish I perish that's what I said 29 years ago in this church when this church left American Baptist Convention and 406 people walked out I said if I perish I perish and that's what I say tonight do you know what do you know that back yonder about 1954 that the church I pastored in Texas was chosen but the Texas Baptist Convention has the Church of the Year don't just sit there say Oh ouu who is got anemia do you know that I preached one year he spoke one year at the Texas back I wasn't thirty either I was 29 years old I spoke with the Texas Baptist sunday-school convention yeah you set up and take note this ain't no chief guy preaching to you tonight you know I spoke that same year to four thousand people the state training union cognition did you know I spoke that year at the state convention in the Coliseum in San Antonio are you ready for this one did you know that I was asked by dr. King to speak at the Southern Baptist Convention in Kansas City they call me and said he'd been associating with Lester roll-off heaven I thought they were bragging on me I didn't know I said that's right they said this fellow John rious is he had been in your church has he I said yes he had and he's he's gonna have a second coming - I thought you were gonna give me an honorary degree they said this fella Roberson you so Satan with him you see the 3 R's that got me in trouble weren't reading and writing and rithmetic is Robertson rice and roll-off that got me in trouble and they said to me they said you continue your association with these men and you're gone and I said in so many words if I perish I perish if loving centers cause asthma to perish I perish if he's our the bus get the trouble across this platform Monday night to cause you to perish I perish if these little city Baptist kids that were here on Tuesday night calls me to perish I perish these girls right here call to the perish I perish you said brother Hiles some of those are ex crooks well I knew that when I saw ya that's the kind of Jesus Thunder running you know who he appeared to first when he's raising the dead huh president lemons Missionary Society the speaker to ladies meetings no he appeared to one just like he's guys down here yeah oh you wouldn't elect him would you if if if if working these mission men up here calls me to perish I perish if the full work it was a fallen man and the and and the girls that are pregnant out of wedlock and trying to help them and salvage in them calls me perish I just perish I'm not asking you to succeed tonight I'm asking you to perish stand up stand up for Jesus she soldiers of the cross the attire is royal banner it must not suffer loss victory under victory is army surely deliberate force vanquished in christ is lord indeed my job is not to succeed my job is to stand Jesus didn't say having done all break the all-time attendance record he didn't say having done all preach the convention sermon he said having done all after you've done everything you can and there's nothing else you can do bless God you can stand uncle Rollie I remember today we joined hands around that church down in Corpus Christi all those little girls you notice all these girls here not 18 or over you know why because a dirty state government won't let the younger ones come anymore and they're gonna answer to God Almighty for it they don't have the answers I'm in the government and got the answer I mean if a government had the answer the wolf of the land be lying down together tonight and got the answer I mean psychologists haven't got the answer all the good the psychologists do is the talk shows you said what good is that it gets them off the streets for a while father on the talk shows at least they're not ruining somebody's life tonight as I stand right here my college wasn't would not welcome me back behind its puppet College signed my degree I walked on the campus to visit I walked into the president's office I was exposed to the president that college is I am from IDI latina right now he saw me and turned and walked away the president of that College dr. HD Bruce then when I was there he told me himself that I was one of the two best students ever attended that college timtravels the other one he offered me a doctor's degree if I'd come back in it and and if I trim the message and I said I wouldn't trim a message for the whole College he said you the same old Jack aren't you now I'm not welcome on the campus where I got my degree I went back to my home church than that they wouldn't let me praise church where I got ordained license married called preach they would let me preach tonight a college mates her ashamed of me if I perish I perish and I'm s another s I'm asking that not to succeed I want you to succeed and I believe you will somebody's head no the house God's gonna see us through isn't he I mean he saw Shadrach Meshach and Abednego through didn't he he'll see us through talked to John the Baptist about them I'm saying whether it be by life or by death stand I'm asking you to obey I'm asking you to die I've asked you to build soul winning Church I think you should but I ask you to perish I'm asking you to go back home and and reach the poor and get everybody saved you can the rich the guy stumbles across your path witness to him same message to give to the poor same old gospel they'll get these soul winners owners trained I've asked you to go home and get back in the bus ministry I'm asking you tonight heaps of you to get in the battle with us I'm asking you to get in the full time battle some of you lay people I'm asking you you say what God hadn't call me well what are way out if I drove down the street tonight there's a wreck here's a lady thin out there and the man both of them unconscious I stopped and I said God you call me they'll help them this country's going to hell you don't have to have a call to go full-time for God you need a call to Pastor I wouldn't pass with our divine call you'll need that but you can go full-time as a volunteer you say preacher I don't feel led well I feel led for you just go ahead and do it in a half that's the way George truth was called free George the patron remember look hunter church and the church said you called preachy said no I'm not they said yes you are he said I guess I am John rice was right here in this area going to University of Chicago but now Pacific Guard mission should have been going there you know it you know what now you didn't know it then but you know it now but the Roloffs sort of told you but anyway he went Pacific Guard mission one night a drunken bum came in look I have vegetable doctor eyes one into the Lord the Frye's was studying for his doctors degree over here University graduate degree versus Chicago go back the next night that drunk came back had a haircut a bath the shave clean clothes on dr. rassul it was a teacher a twin and you will in college and in Texas and doctor I said my soul this sure beats teaching college English anything be dead but grass that I'm gonna start doing this all time God you don't stop me I've heard him say me their time he said he ain't stopped me yet I mean that's the question where's God going to get the preachers for the next generation huh is he gonna get him the Rotary Club where's God gonna get the preachers but for the next 10 12 15 25 where's it going to get up Masonic Lodge so mote it be where it's gonna get up if he gets him he won't get them at the Southern Baptist Convention where 48% of the people don't even believe the book [Applause] he's not going to get at the National Council of the churches if the next generation has some old-fashioned hell-raising barnstormin winnaretta and shane can pull in soul-winning send fighting Hellfire damnation preachers they're coming out of this room right here for the coming from we don't get them here we won't have them who will do it I told my staff Monday I said I thank God that Ray will have a pastor school I remember when I thought I wouldn't preach again they roll me out of the one hospital took me to another I'm just coming out of it I'm not all the way out of it yet back then there have been totally in it but I saw a girl my house key I think your husbands were there sir I know you were he wasn't there I wouldn't have known I'd better look at her than him anyway I couldn't help but know you were there shoulda matched a matter of visibility I'll never forget the look on that man's face right there now his sister's face killed my house key they looked lost there's the man that listened to God three times a week seen him think clearly I thought of what a matter said I fault my people needed me and I fall of you I thought of you if I perish I perish won't you come perish with me father I pray for our nation tonight that service is all over now all those days of meeting in the staff trying to decide what God wanted for the night it's all behind us now my folks are tired reward their Labor's tonight a man told me just so that they had to went to bed 12:30 got up at 2:30 in two hours sleep and that's what it's been all week for him reward him tonight reach out in the hearts of the preachers tonight help us to be perishing preachers it needs me stand witness horn win if we succeed our faith builds a church of destroys in church now pray tonight hundreds of men in this room give us some reinforcements tonight send in some fresh troops tonight go to basic training get ready for the better I've said so often to our college students this is not a college this is an army this is not a campus this is an army camp these are not dormitories these are barracks and you aren't student you're soldiers give us some reinforcements tonight give us some new inductees I heard you're bad our eyes are closed perish I perish you saw three men tonight walk behind this platform up it and say if I said if I perish I perish what you gonna do what am i a youth fellows at state or not preaching I'm on a parish with you needs be for souls my standards sinners love for sinners Christian education count me in if not perish I perish I'm gonna perish with you I take your challenge tonight I join you I want you just to find a spot to kneel anywhere where you are in the I'll come to the front of the aisle anywhere just find a spot to get on your knees come as far as you can to the altar lay people to come on or as you can to the older you're willing to save tonight I'm a parish Epirus if I die I die come on
Channel: Jack Hyles
Views: 3,164
Rating: 4.8730159 out of 5
Id: t02ht5vHytk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 30sec (6750 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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