Jack Hyles Sermon God Is Still On The Throne

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I want to open your Bibles to Daniel channel 3 chapter 3 of Daniel verse number 13 the 13th verse of the third chapter of Daniel I read then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach Meshach and Abednego then they brought these men before the King Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them is it true all Shadrach Meshach and Abednego do not ye serve my God's not worship the golden image was I've set up now if you'd be ready that what time you hear the sound of the cornet the flute the harp the sack but the psaltery and the dulcimer and all kinds of music you fall down and worship the image which I've made well made well but if you were worship not you should be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and boy I like this statement answered and said to the king o Nebuchadnezzar we're not careful to answer the end this matter if it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thy hand O king and here's one of the great verses in the Bible but if not yet known under the old king that we will not serve thy God's nor worship the golden image but thou is set up they said your majesty it just may be that our God's gonna deliver us but if our God doesn't deliver us doesn't make any difference we're not gonna bow down and worship that thing we're not gonna do it I want to talk tonight on the subject God is still on his throne our Heavenly Father what a responsibility this is after all these great men of God have been here it's awfully easy to develop an inferiority complex anyway just just realizing you're on the program with all these great men and yet to carry the responsibility frail human shoulders such as mine for the closing hour is more that I'm able to do especially by myself and so Holy Spirit I cast myself upon you I pray you'd speak through me and to me I want to be a blessing now if I could be a blessing and preach a great sermon I'd like that if I have to choose between the two help me to be a blessing if I could be a blessing and have a clear mind and an eloquent speech I'd like that but if I have to choose between those help me to be a blessing do something real tonight dear God I didn't know that night when I preached on what is man that art mindful of him in 1961 to a small crowd the Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta Georgia I didn't know that the future editor the store of the Lord was sitting out there who knows the future editor the sort of the Lord may be sitting here tonight while the next finish Sunday or the next John Rice I pray tonight you'd reach down and give me one Oh God give me one tonight in Jesus name Amen not only was dr. Hudson sermon a blessing an inspirational motivational but it was therapeutic the merry heart doeth good like a medicine is not a sick person in this room now after that delightful refreshing sermon we heard a while ago I'd like to take you tonight down a little different trail because I feel maybe we ought to have this thought sometime during the conference I wish I could tell you young preachers that everything is gonna be alright in your future ministry I wish I could tell you that but you never have to know the inside of the cell of a jail I wish I could tell you that the government's gonna give you freedom to operate you'll have a great mountain top ministry it may be true but I don't know if that's true but this one thing I do know I know that whatever happens in the future if we feel the cold coldness of the dagger the steel blade of the sword or the dampness of a 20th century mammer teen prison this one thing I do know God is still on his throne now I'm not concerned about about a philosophy or attitude their fundamental people have whereby we equate prosperity as we count prosperity with God's blessings and adversity as we count adversity not with God's blessings young man came to me and come to house Anderson College and he said doc Townsend I guess God must not be in it we've had nothing but trouble ever since we got here I guess God must not be in it he said the Bible said my God will supply all your needs and I said but sir one of your needs is trouble hey if God supplies all of your needs God will have to supply trouble in just a few weeks the house Anderson students and students all across America will go to colleges like ours and in just a few accept they arrived they will start their cowardly retreat homeward all over miracle mlx and the Ole Miss are leaving for moab because of unemployment in Bethlehem John marks are turning back D mice's offer seeking the will of God lots are going to Sodom to follow the well-watered Plains and Jacobs are fleeing to Haran neighbor ahem Czar headed for Egypt and blaming the will of God for their lack of faith I want to serve notice to you tonight that if things do not turn out according to your own appraisal of what's good that does not mean God is not in it God is in it whether it turns out to meet your appraisal of good or bad or not one of those carnal things we do is to equate the will of God with whether or not it turns out as we think it's best one of those tragic things is if the church is going well then God is in it if the church is not going well then God is not in it and I feel led to the even go to a another field if we're well God is in it if we're sick God is not in it if we're a fool God is in it if we're hungry God is not in it if we're employed God is in it if our unemployed God is not in it if we have eaves and life God is in it if we don't have ease in life God is not in it if it turns out like we think it should God is still on his throne and if we think it turns out if we think it should not turn out it is if as God were not only throne then when things take a turn for the better we put our little God back upon his throne again and rejoiced it once again God is only strong the House Anderson college students said to me not long ago said preacher I got a job today is still on his throne nasod sun-god was on his throne when you didn't have a job God was on his throne when Paul was placed in the dampness and darkness of the mammoth een prison God was only strong when the Apostle Paul wrote it there in near blindness in the dungeon of that Roman prison God was on his throne when the Apostle Paul was led to the guillotine and the sharpness and coldness of the guillotine sword severed his head from his body God was on his throne when John the Baptist baptized Jesus hand and the Spirit of God descended like a dove and a voice came out of heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased but God was also on his throne and when John the Baptist was beheaded you know things don't have to turn out like you and I think to Otto turn out for God this still be only throne and things don't have to turn out like you and I ought to think think you ought to turn out for us to stay at our churches you got any idea nowadays if you're hungry let's turn back God is not in it God was still on his throne when John was exiled to Patmos John God was still only strong when david livingstone put his wife to rest he had gone out in the jungles of Africa he'd left his wife back home some terrible scandals were spread about David Livingstone and he sent and got his wife and brought his wife and then soon she was taken in in in terminal death or terminal illness and died and when David Livingstone ladies wife's body in the soil God was still on his throne God was still on his own when an I'm not daddy my daddy stepped over my buddy when I was begging him to stay with mother and me and left the sniffer to live in our house again God was only strong when my mother the next morning went house-to-house begging for a quarter so she could buy her boy something to eat let me tell you something God doesn't have to satisfy your appraisal of gooder to still be on his throne God was on his own when when my mother and dad had their first child a little girl named Loreen she never turned over in bed for seven years she never walked she never talked she laid there she never said mommy she never said daddy for seven years afflicted and paralyzed almost all her body at the age of seven she died and is my mother and dad went out little cemetery and laid Lauren's little seven year old body beneath the Texas sod God was still on his throne God was on his throne when when another little baby was born and named hazel - my mother and my mother reared hazel to be a lovely healthy little seven-year-old girl she got the measles when she was seven years of age and my mother was holding her in her arms and Hazel a different mother and said mother I feel like I'm going up in the air to be with Jesus and she did go up to be with Jesus and died in my mother's arms I served notice on you when my mother held that little body hit her arms that once she'd carried me through bosom and what she had fed with her bosom when the hell that little baby in her arms God was still only thrown and I want to serve notice tonight you preachers having difficulty God is on his throne and you folks who have illness God is on his throne and what you and I think is bad God may think is good and what you and I think is good God may think is bad and we have too many Christians fleeing the will of God on the basis of no job or some job or no food or some food are or unemployment or having it tough let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen as sure as God be God we need as much as we need sunshine we need shadow and as much as we need noon times we need Midnight's and as much as we need the but good we need the bed I was down in in Tampa Florida preaching doctor for the roll off an hour years ago together under a big tent and after the service over for the rafacz frites and I'd followed him I was in the tent by myself 10 seated about 2,000 people nobody was there but me I thought I was alone looked up and saw an old man stoop-shouldered and hair s white has the winter snow walking down the aisle of the sawdust aisle of the tent he said dr. Hiles could I talk to you for a while I said yes sir he said what better still could I pray with you and I said why sure so when else here at the altar this old man he said can I lead in prayer first when I said go ahead nobody never the two of us the old man began to pray here's what he said he said dear Lord I hate baking powder I've never learned that prayer in college and I looked up and I thought the guy going crazy he said I hate baking powder baking powder hey listen to him he said dear Lord I hate flour I hate flour dear Lord I hate shortening hey shortening he said dear Lord I hate saw I hate salt at that time I was just watching him pray and one who's gonna come next and then he listed a whole bunch of stuff like that then the smile of heaven came on his face and he said but Lord put them all together and stir him up and cook him in the oven and I sure do like hot biscuits and I said to myself that's the best exegesis of romans 8:28 I ever heard in my life let me tell you something God doesn't have to satisfy what you think is prosperity just he'll be on his throne God was on his throne when I when my dad fell off a sawhorse in Irving Texas years ago and died the death of a lost sinner unless they repented between the time he fell in the time he hit the floor God was only strong when I stood over my daddy's grave and heard them as they dropped the thudding of dirt upon the casket that contained the body of my dad God was on his throne when John Bunyan's for 12 years in the indepent and rotted with the rats God was on his throne when his little little daughter flying though her precious little girl there's a book about this came to him and said daddy I've got some good news for you daddy I've got some good news for you and John Bunyan said what is it honey she said daddy they say you can come home to be with mommy and me there's that good news daddy and John Bunyan said yes sweetheart it is she said daddy all you've got to do is promise you won't preach on the streets anymore and you can come home with Mama and me you will won't you daddy you will won't you daddy John Bunyan looked at her and said sweetheart if they let me out of jail today I'll preach on the streets tomorrow well John Bunyan rotted in the Bedford jail and he served notice God was still on his throne God was on his throne when and now that I'm jettison left for Burma after that had their first of the baby that little baby soon was taken ill and was laid beneath Burmese oil and when they walked away with broken hearts and an empty crib God was still on his throne and then when a second child came and that child was taken and that little child turned to Burmese dust God was still on his throne and then soon and was taken from the arms and at an hour when Anna and I'm Jensen walked away from his first little baby and second little baby and and Jensen God was still on his throne God was on his throne when I stood where I stand right now in the body of his dear friend desire ahead in my life dr. John rice body rested right beneath this pulpit where I stand now twenty-two hundred times across this nation dr. rice that I sat on the same platform and shared the pulpit together and and when we don't looked at his face I just somehow didn't equate death with John rice but as I walk by and look to this face let me tell you something dr. rice may be gone but God was still only strong God was on his own when this dear pastor and why in this church when this little lady over here heard she had multiple sclerosis and spends her life in a wheelchair that's God he's still on his throne and God is still good God God doesn't have to satisfy us to be good God's garden God's good and God's on his throne job or no job food or no food hell for no health good or no good bad or no bad God is still only strong just a few weeks ago the word came to me that this dear precious pastor's wife not only with multiple cirrhosis but now with cancer and I heard about it and I called and spoke a few words to the pastor I mean not one word of complaint said brother Hiles we're discouraged but we're not defeated we haven't lost our faith let me tell you something when most of us Rochas and cancer doesn't matter God he's still only strong God was still on his home from Bill and Cathy rice heard that little Betty was gonna be deaf high fever gripped her little body and something happened and caused the doctors to say should never hear and they spent all the money they could fly in a head he could find doctor after doctor and finally the word team that little petty would never hear again God was still on his home God was still in his soul when Peter was crucified upside down God was still in his throne when doctor v Roberson heard while he was in the meeting his little daughter joy had died suddenly in duck Robertson drove back home after that meeting I say God was only sewn all we equate the throne of God and the blessings of God with sunshine but the nearest in Swedish blessings I've ever known in my life have come in shadow time and night time and midnight time and a little tired of fundamentalist tucking their tails under their spiritual backs and taking off I'll leave the church cause we're having a tough time God must not be in it the Deacons are caused me some trouble God must not be in it we're having a tough time God must not be in the attendance is down let me tell you something well the attendance is down up because like you don't like your things you're on top roll bottom has nothing to do with whether gods in it or not God was on his room and Herald cyclers little nine-year-old daughter started to cross the highway years ago in Greenville South Carolina a drunken driver came a weaving his way down the highway left his lane went over hit this little nine-year-old girl and she was taken on to heaven at the age of nine God was still only strong God was on his throne when this is Monro Parker dr. Parker's first wife was killed one night in a car wreck by a drunken driver God was on his throne when the plane went down carrying my good friend Lester roll-off I do not know to greater Christians who've ever walked the sins of this country than John rice and Lester Olaf they're gone and I miss them serve notice I their God he's still living and the Holy Spirit is still powerful and this book is still true and God is still on his soul God dishonest was on his song when in the fullness of time mariette brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the end God was on his own when our Lord was rejected Jimeno sorrows acquainted with grief despised and rejected of men God was on his throne when pilot at pilots Hall took the Carib nine tails and laid it across the lovely back of our Lord thirty-nine times that nine will handle held last across the back of our Lord till Isaiah said you could not even tell that his body was that of a human being and when Jesus our Savior dipped his own soul into hell and the father turned his back on his son God was still on his throne God was still on his phone when four hundred and six people walked out a First Baptist Church Hammond in 1960 23 years ago this month God was still on his throne and whether I stay or whether I leave had nothing to do with that versity well I'm so tired of students coming in and said I guess they better go home God God doesn't provide I guess I made a mistake no you didn't make a mistake you yellow-bellied coward you stay where you are God God is good and God if this hide to the starve to death in the will of God then leave live in plenty outside the will of God I tell our house Anderson college students if you've got to turn off your electricity get your kerosene lamp but you stay in the will of God you've got to turn off your heat and get your wood stove you standing will of God you got to eat one meal a day you stay in the will of God God was only strong when for three long years at First Baptist Church of Hammond we couldn't get going God was only strong when they tried to burn our house down one night the next night my little five-year-old son David said dad would you come and sleep with me now went set in the chair beside David's bed and stayed up all week long every night all night long for seven nights then I heard a little voice in the room say daddy could I come in to our seven-year-old daughter Becky came in and laid down in the bed beside David and little Linda who was only two it almost three she said daddy can I come in there too and she came in for seven nights I stayed up all night so my children could sleep because they're afraid afraid of being burned to death or killed by the enemy let me tell you something Wow some of you Rascals are copying the First Baptist Church of Hammond with its baptisms and his conversions and it's Sunday school let me tell you something you know life till you have death you don't have a resurrection can you had a burial you don't have joy till you have tears when you long as you equate adversity with God not being in it you will never know the blessings and joy of Almighty God God is on his throne when you face the wall God was on his strong when Christians huddled in the Coliseum the Lions were turned loose and they sang praise God in their lives were taken and their spirits placed in the presence of Christ God was on his phone and the pilgrims on that first winter had somebody in each home to die and the Mayflower went back the next spring and they're all given a chance to go back to Europe or the England and every one of them said we'll stay with the grave still warm of their own loved ones who died during the other time God was still on his throne hey don't you put God on trial don't you put God on trial God doesn't owe you anything and God doesn't have to make it turn out like you think it ought to turn out you stay where you are listen if God led you where you are you haven't got a check anymore about where you ought to be you don't have to open up the will of God every day if one time God led you where you are then you stay and don't you consider leave and don't you ask God if you're supposed to leave when you unpack your suitcase you say God you know my address you know my phone number now I'm not gonna check with you about where I ought to be till you call me you want a crown with no cross you want a victory with no battle you want a resurrection with no death you want a cure with no illness you want a rainbow with no storm you won't deliverance with no bondage you won't empty tomb with no Calvary you want a quenching with no first thing you want the promised land with no wilderness you want your your ways calm with no storm you want a sunrise with no darkness you want a revelation with no Patmos you want a solution with no problems you want a perseverance with no hardships you won't upper room with no guest 70 and so ever time things go well every time things go well you put your to the god back on his throne no job God's not only strong hey I got a job God's on his throne but I've got to work night God's not only get off your throne but I get a good salary so God's on his throne but I gotta work on Saturdays so God's not only strong real good but so God's on his own but the why so God's not only strong mother law sick too so God's back on his strong but it's 101 degrees not on its own but it got neck so God's back on his throne but the price of gas is too high so God's not honest I Drive a little car get thirty five miles a gallon God's only Son but the road work and God's not only strong I lost my glasses so God's not only strong but I got him back so gods back on his throne I went to a sword conference and gods only stronger I got to go home and gods off his throne hey so God's own his home but the cost $100 so God's not going soon but the check was hot anyhow oh gods back on his throne but they send me a bill so gods not only strong but a God dr. Hudson's autograph gods on his phone but Robertson got away God's not on the soul let me tell you something brother God is always only strong God's only stone it's sunshine and gods on his hole in the clouds gods on his throne at noontime and gods on his phone at midnight gods on his hole in the calm and gods on his own in the storm gods on his own when you're employed and gods on his throne when you're not employed God is always only song and God doesn't measure up to your standard of living you even have the audacity to get bitter I can't comprehend then what bitter at him who gives you the air you breathe what bitter had him who gives you the food you eat what better at him who gives you the loveliness of the rocky mountains like pyramids covered with whipped cream what be better at him who raised the Redwoods of California locked on that assumption of the forest what be better at him who painted the desert with his masterpiece what be better at him who raised their Pines of Carolina black steeples above earthly sanctuary is what be better at him who dropped his own teardrop ten thousand times on Minnesota and formed ten thousand lakes what be better at him who gave His only begotten Son what be better at him who said goodbye to Heaven's darling and an encounter for thirty-three homesick ears what be better at him who had no place to lay his head though foxes had hold and birds had nest the son of man had no place to lay his head be better at him who was expelled from this old synagogue hated by his own people and kicked out of his own City crucified by his own world what fever at him who went to pilots Hall and suffered the agony of the Kenneth ninetails what be better at him who went to her give it up Golgotha carrying the cross on his beaten back what be better at him who took that cross it was nailed to it with hand and nails in his hands and his feet what be better at him whose precious body lay three days and three nights what be better at him who was the King of Kings but had no throne but across had no crown the kind of thorns had no sceptre but a bar and walking stick had no Royal Road but her soldiers over cold had no subjects but a jeering mob saying crucify him Josephus how dare you get better at him I understand that you better thank God that Paul had more than you got he too said I guess God's not in it I got stoned now deacons often get stoned but deacons but preachers during kind of stolen his guest God not in it you better thank God Paul didn't have what you got didn't design every time the Deacons looked at him through photos of the forked tongue the gospel never got into Europe you've never heard the story of Christ you better thank God John Rice didn't say yes God's not in it I walked by that old man's room many a night just a little light was flickering in his room next door to me I've gotten up and I've walked by his room night after night at two and three o'clock in the morning and seen that old man on his knees begging God because he had burdens I've seen him cry of tears that nobody else ever saw him cry because folks see that they thought loved him had betrayed him you better thank God dr. John rice didn't say I said yes God's not in it I guess I better go and postpone or cancel to call off the sword of the Lord we wouldn't be having this conference today you better thank God dr. bill didn't say guess God's not in it got a deaf daughter wouldn't be any bill rice rains tonight you better thank God John Bunyan didn't say I guess God not it wouldn't have any pilgrims progress you better thank God Lee Robertson didn't turn back because of the joy was taken in death wouldn't be any Tennessee temple College you better thank God the pilgrims there had more than you've got when they laid their loved ones to rest that first winter yes God's not in it nothing's turning out right it's cold we haven't got houses that kids are dying and our wires are dying I guess God's not any gas here God said he would supply all my needs yes I know and one of Paul's needs was a ma'am routine prison and one of John's needs was the Isle of tetanus and one of david livingstone needs was to lay his wife and african sauce oil you say if the attendance is up I'll hang in there and give it my best if the attendance is down I'll hang in there and give my best if I get promoted for doing right I'll do it but if I lose my job for doing right I'll still do it oh I like what those people said they said your highness we're not gonna bow down and worship that big image you made now gonna do it now we believe our goal deliver us but if our God doesn't we're not gonna do it in half the star to care disguise on flowery beds of ease while others fight to win the prize and sail through bloody seas now I must fight if I would gain increase my courage Lord I'll bear the tall endure the pain supported by thy word if I find a job I'll stay in college if I don't find a job I'll stay in college the family's well I'll give my all to God and his sickness stalks us all of our lives I'll give my all to God if I can clean up my convention I'll serve God if my convention votes me out I'll serve God I don't know what the future holds I do know this I never thought when I began preaching 37 years ago and I knew rest Lester roll-off he and our young preachers together I recall the day that dr. Lee Robertson came to preach in Texas brother off and I both went to worship Him I can recall standing in line with Lester roll-off with our Bibles open like this waiting for Lee Robertson to sign the fly leaves of our Bibles I know in those days that my good friend would spend some time in jail now I wish I could tell you tonight we're not gonna have some more of that and fortunately it's gonna get worse I wish I don't know but I know this come what may God is still on his floor it may be Cuba it may be that preachers be lined up as they were in Cuba and killed for the crime of preaching him up but God will still be on his throne it may be like Latimer and Ridley or our churches may be padlocked but it's about time that fundamentalists decided we're in here to stay we're just here to stay and we're not gonna push God down God's there all the time and God knows what we need if God feels I need hunger I'll take hunger and believe God's on his throne hoax and Hammond no this is true and I have nothing I have not suffered for Jesus I was praying on Lake Michigan well not only Michigan beside Lake Michigan hi I can only walk about 20 feet out there on the water so I I don't usually do it I was praying beside Lake Michigan where I'd prayed for years regular spot got in the car after a couple of hours of prayer and backed the car out looked up the rearview mirror and a fellow just lifting his rifle to shoot my head just about the time that he pulled the trigger I I swerved the car the bullet went by the car I used to jog about two or three miles every night for went to bed LEM o'clock one night two years ago I was jogging the car full of people came by they cursed me they drove round the block and came by and began to shoot at my feet that's where I learned to dance just a few weeks ago a few months ago now and my folks don't know this is true and some of my folks here tonight I don't think I've told this at home maybe I have but don't think I have a man came selling a fourth rolled in the front right here one night our service he had a pistol loaded and cocked to his finger on the trigger he had his coat off covering that pistol and a sixty five thousand dollar contract in his pocket all my life his plans were to walk down the aisle that night to act like he's gonna be converted when you get to the altar he's gonna take his coat off like that and assassinate dr. Jack Hiles during the sermon God got to move in and the fellow did walk down the aisle took his coat off his pistol and hand it to me and said I want to get saved Hey [Applause] but if the next time the man comes and does not get saved and if the triggers pulled and my life is taken God is still on his throne and I will be looking at him I'm talking to folks who've turned back I'm talking to folks who quit the bus ministry I'm talking to folks who quit your bus route I'm talking to preachers who quit you bus ministry never understood why when financial reversals come first thing you stop is the biggest soul-winning program or arm of the church I've never understood that understood one fella said to me dr. Hiles do you still have the bus this now that the price of gasoline is gone up I said yes sir go we didn't start him because the price of gasoline going down talking to folks tonight who quit and turned back talking to preachers about to quit talking to students that don't think you can go back to college go back go back but you sadist don't think God's in it I'll tell you he may or may not be in it but whether he's in it or not has not one whit to do with whether it turns out like you think it all turn out or not God is still on his throne it's time for God's people to stay with the Hebrew children of all we're not gonna do it it's wrong now go and do it wrong we're not gonna sport your cooperative program it's wrong this is a Hebrew we're not going to send one red cent the Southern Seminary it's wrong wrong we're not gonna not extend one student the southwestern is wrong wrong you say I'm upset about that and I'm not gonna come back tomorrow night I'm not either trol come he'll come death come tribulation come persecution come hunger unemployment come sadness come sorrow come illness come out for cirrhosis come cancer God is still old his throne how our Heavenly Father I pray somehow you'll give us the courage of the prophets of old help us to sing midnight in the prison with Paul and Silas help us to learn to rejoice in persecution help us the right to the mammer teen prison I've learned to be content whatever state I am God forgive us for being cowards forgive us for turning back forgive us for going back to hey ran with Jacob the Moab with animal neck and the Oh may forgive us because we haven't had the courage say God's good whether I'm sick or well whether I'm hungry or full whether I have a job or money employed whether my deacons love me or hate me whether my church is going well or persecution is imminent oh my god tonight help us to say with those Hebrew children come what may we're not gonna bow down and worship that image our God we believe with the liver us but if he does not deliver us we still are not going to do wrong our heads are bowed our eyes are closed you know who you are who needed that sermon you know who you are you know what you quit you know what you've stopped doing that you once did you know that Sunday's class school class you quit because since you took it nothing's gone as you think right you know who you are you know who you are that quit that church because you did not think your things were going right and you equated the will of God with God satisfying your whims of what's right and what's prosperity you know who you are you know who you are this turn back from the college you know who you are that's refused to go to college do you get enough money to pay your first year's tuition you know who you are and you know who you are that has been putting god up-or-down offer on the throne on the basis of how it equates with your idea of prosperity and there are hundreds of people in this room tonight who need to decide that God is on his throne and that God does not have to do what I think and obey my blueprint for life to still be God to still be good and still be on his throne you know who you are you know who you are turn back put your Bible he didn't quit your praying quit just soul-winning well ever since I was just soul winner things haven't turned out right that doesn't mean right you don't know what's right and wrong God knows what's right and wrong God knows what's good for you and bad for you brother just keep on going come what may in the will of God doing the will of God being in the will of God whether you think it's good or not because you don't know whether it's good or not I wonder how many would say brother Hiles that was for me tonight oh that was for me I'm guilty of equating God be in it or God's will with my appraisal of good and bad preacher God is working in my heart right now in a special way about something matter would you pray for me would you lift your hand please all over the building come on come on come on come on upstairs and down come on Choir downstairs balcony come on come on come on keep your hands up you may lower your hands I wonder who else would say brother Hiles I did not raise my hand then but I should have include me when you pray for the Hiles I I stand guilty tonight I stand condemned tonight I'm equating God's goodness with my appraisal of goodness I'm equating God's will with my idea what's good I did not raise my hand then but I should have it I do now pray for me God's working deep in my heart tonight would you lift your hand who else please
Channel: Jack Hyles
Views: 9,136
Rating: 4.8638296 out of 5
Id: gqLtMu1fCms
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Length: 45min 27sec (2727 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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