Jack Hyles Sermon A Vote For Preaching

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open your Bibles please message I'm gonna preach tonight it'll sound an awful lot like about a 500 a you have heard around the country but before I'm pleased it very long you won't recognize it it's sort of a launching pad is the same place where we've been before and numbers of places around the nation open your Bibles please to Matthew chapter 28 Matthew chapter 28 how our resources 18 through 20 a very famous Great Commission or for those of you who believe in lifestyle evangelism the piddlin Commission in verse 18 of Matthew chapter 28 and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all powers that's pretty good for love power heap of power all power is given in heaven and earth go you therefore that means because of what went before because we got all this power he has it all go ye therefore and teach all nations or evangelize or win souls all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you all the way even at the end of the world now turn over please if you would the book of Acts the book of Acts chapter number one Acts chapter one I'd suggest you conference you uh lifestyle evangelist don't read the book of Acts at all I'm sure I wasted my time there you probably don't already the former treatise have our maid or Theophilus this is dr. Luke talking he wrote another book called Luke he's talking about that book the former treatise of our NATO Theophilus of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach before I pray I want to say this I as you can tell as you can tell I on the horse I'm not hoarse from preaching truth is I haven't preached a sermon since Sunday night I'm hoarse from an infection of some kind that keeps battling on and just a little grade temperature that stopped making me sick at all it's just making me hoarse I don't know where my voice is gonna end up tonight I don't know when it's going to end up a good time from now [Applause] I do not know exactly what key I'll be in but I'll be keying on a lot of people I get through you see you see I'm sort of I'm sort of mad well I'm not mad because people have been unkind to me I'm mad because people have been unkind to that and our mind is just afternoon that took me 30 years to get mad Jesus said God said be slow to anger he didn't say don't get mad he said just don't do it in a hurry in 30 years there's plenty of time to wait and so I'm mad and I want you to hear me out tonight I'm not sure exactly what the voice is gonna be like but I know you're gonna hear whatever it's like for a while our Heavenly Father I heard you inside tonight I hurt because the things that are most precious to me are being forsaken forgotten criticized slandered attacked by those even dare to call themselves fundamentalist I pray tonight you'd fulfill the purpose of God in this hour in Jesus name Amen we great commission says go ye therefore and teach all nations therefore imperatives in the Great Commission first is goal second is teacher evangelized third is baptize fourth is teach them to observe all things whatsoever Jesus had commanded to them he said so four imperatives go get people saved get him baptized and then teach them what Jesus commanded them now in the first chapter of Acts reared a while ago the dr. Luke said the former treatise that's the Gospel of Luke have a maid or Theophilus of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach I have 18 note I have 22 Scofield reference Bible in my office I personally used this go for your reference Bible all the time I used it to study from and for the most part I like this go for your reference Bible mr. Scofield was wrong on some things mr. Scofield was not a Baptist he was the Brethren he was he was wrong arms and things mainly all the doctrine of the church now mr. Scofield says concerning acts 1:1 that the verse is saying that Jesus started something in the Gospels and the Holy Spirit continued in the book of Acts what Jesus started and that is not true the Holy Spirit didn't take up anything that Jesus started the Holy Spirit started it Jesus himself when he preached his first sermon his home synagogue the Bible said he was filled with the Holy Spirit and he himself chose as his text isaiah 61:1 and the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me Jesus did not do what he did in the Gospels he did not do them in his own power is God he did them in the power of the Holy Spirit so he could be our pattern in our example to show us that we could do what he did that's why he could say in John 14:12 verily I say unto you he believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall do because I go to my father he was simply saying that he started something in the Gospels the Holy Spirit started it through Jesus and the Holy Spirit continued that work through his people in the book of Acts now I'll make an issue out of this I want to make three or four statements and it'll offend a few of you but the rest of you don't be offended because you're not offended because I'll give you ample opportunity to get offended later on mr. Scofield is wrong on one issue especially and others are wrong with the coming of the book of Acts there were no changes with the coming a book of Acts there was no new gospel there are those who say that John the Baptist preached one gospel and the Apostle Paul preached another gospel they're wrong dead wrong never has been dat one gospel Adam was saved by grace through faith Abel was saved by grace through faith Moses was saved by grace through faith Noah found grace in the eyes the Lord was saved by grace through faith never has been but one gospel with the coming look of Acts there was no new gospel not only for the coming of the book of Acts was there no new gospel but hang on to your Scofield Bibles title in Hell but the coming the book of Acts there was no new church [Applause] mr. Schofield says the church was started on Pentecost and he's doubly wrong wrong because the church he's talking about doesn't exist he's talking about all believers forming a church there's no such thing as that the word church is the Bible so we're necklace SIA which means a called out assembly all believers have never been called out and all they have they ever assemble so they did not form a church if you didn't have a school for your Bible or lock-ins charts you wouldn't believe that how the second thing mr. Scofield on not only is there no invisible church see here's his here's his reasoning he talks about the local church and then he calls the invisible Church the true church which implies to me you that the local church is not the true Church you know better now mr. Scofield if you talked to me for you wrote this Bible you've got that straight a long time ago I'm not preaching you any heresy I'm preaching Baptist doctrine our Anabaptist forefathers did not believe in the universal Church of the invisible church it comes from the old mother of harlots they'll Papa himself the word Catholic means universal and that universal church doctrines been handed down to the Catholics the Protestants the nondenominational wee Baptist have swallowed it hook line and sinker and as I said the other night it's a very interesting thing that when these invisible church people want to raise some money they always go to the visible churches to raise the money because invisible churches raise invisible money and you can't deposit invisible money hi now there will be a day when all believers will be a church that's when the rapture takes place all believers are called out to meet the Lord in the air and then and then only will we become a call out assembly spoken of in Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 23 which says the General Assembly of the Church of the firstborn assemble in heaven now then and only then will we all believers be a church because then and only then will we become a cult will we become a called out assembly that is a third mistake mr. Scofield makes and this one I think maybe we'll gather a few more enemies as we continue to roll the ball down to Hill not only was there no new gospel with the coming of the book of Acts not only was there no new church was the coming the book of Acts because the local the church was started sometimes in the earthly ministry of Jesus in Matthew chapter 18 it says you've got a problem take you to the church mr. Scofield says run above that says discipline in the future church you can't take a problem to a future church you got to take you to a present Church then in Acts chapter 2 it says they were added to the church you can't add to what ain't there and so when Jesus some time in his earthly ministry before Matthew 18 I think maybe in Matthew 10 he he called out a group of people and assemble them and started what we call the New Testament church now not only was there no new church with the coming of the book of Acts and was there no new gospel for the coming of the book of Acts but there hang on to your Larkin seats now hang on to your your dispensational britches with the coming of the book of Acts there was no new dispensation I said with the coming of the book of Acts there was no new dispensation I don't mind you pitting around with dispensationalism and Astra I'm sure there is some some dispensational teaching in the Bible but for you to talk about like mr. Scofield did that there was one day a distance ation of the law and now a dispensation of grace that Earth's the fire out of my Baptist brains I used to sit and hear preachers talk about the dispensation of law and the dispensation of grace and I have the same idea that you have any of you you have the idea and I had it that there was a day in the Old Testament when men were saved by keeping the law but in a New Testament they're saved by grace if you didn't have a Scofield Bible or Larkins charts you would never in this world come up with any such thing as a dispensation of grace bless your little pea-pickin cotton-pickin heart the dispensation of grace started as soon as man fell in the Garden of Eden and we'll continue under the last man is saved in the Millennium the dispensation of grace always has been always will be God's grace did not began with the coming of Bethlehem God always was saving people by grace through faith and the purpose of the law in the Old Testament is the same purpose of the law in the New Testament to show man that he's exceeding sinful and cannot save himself and cause him to get to Jesus in a hurry now I said with the coming of the book of Acts there was no new gospel I said but the coming of the book of Acts there was no new church I said with the coming look of Acts there was no new dispensation let me explain what I'm saying the Great Commission Jesus said go get him saved get him baptized and then tell them teach them whatsoever I have commanded you now that that last thing I want you to notice Jesus did not say in the Great Commission teach them what I taught you I think we ought to teach the teachings of Christ and there are other places in the Bible that remind us that we should but the Great Commission is not talking about doctrine is talking about soul winning when Jesus said I gather this little crowd of people up in an Alton and he said I want to give you some instructions I want you to go I want you to get people saved I want you to get them baptized but he said when you get those folks baptized I'll not be here so I cannot look at them as I'm looking at you and say to them you go and get folks saved and get folks baptized so since I will not be here to tell them to go and get folks saved and get folks baptized he said I want you to tell them for me to go and get folks save and get folks baptized Jesus is not talking here about your teaching Baptist doctrine or teaching dirty of the believer he's talking about you teaching them to obey the Great Commission of God and get people saved he's saying that I'm supposed to get you saved and get you baptized they're supposed to teach you how to get her saved and get her baptized then you're supposed to teach her how to get him save and get him baptized then yours both teach him how to get her saved and get her baptized then you're supposed to teach her how to get her saved and get her baptized then you're supposed to teach her how to get him saved and get him baptized then you're supposed to teach him how to get him saved and get him baptized then you support teach him how to get him/her save and get her baptized and you're supposed teach her how to get her saved and get her baptized now if you'd understand it I won't go through the whole crowd now you you theologians I think you know so much in notional you listen to me you'd like to think this is talking about doctrine because you don't want to dirty your knuckles out knocking on door [Applause] but Jesus is not talking about doctrine here he's talking about soul winning he's saying go and get him saying and get him baptized and train them to go and get him save then get him that tax about the same thing you said in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 turn to it 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse number 2 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 2 and the things that thou has heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also now there are five generations in this blue verse Paul said faithful witnesses that's number one taught me that's number two Timothy I'm teaching you that's number three Timothy you choose faithful men that's number four you tell those faithful men to teach others also that's number five now what is Paul saying Paul is saying that I received a body of truth I receive that from faithful witnesses now Timothy I've taken that and preserved it and handed it down to you now Timothy you take it from me and you guard it with your life and you hand it down to faithful men and you tell those faithful men to take it from from you to guard it with their lives and hand it down jesus said to the apostles I'm giving you a body of truth you guard it hand it down they did and they took it and guarded it and hand it down and they took it and guarded it and handed it down and they took it and guarded it handed it down and they took it and guarded it and handed it down and they took it and guarded it and handed it down now then it has come to our generation the the body of truth is now in our hands God is saying he wants us to do what every other generation is done and that is to take the body of truth that has been preserved since Jesus himself walked the shores of Galilee and the dusty trails of Judea he said it is our job in the twentieth century to take the same truth and the same body of truth that our Lord preserved had handed down and they preserved and handed down and they preserved and handed down and they preserved and handed down now it's up to you and to me to preserve the old-time religion that Jesus handed down to us I'm sick at my soul of what's going on in what's called fundamentalism I said today I'm not splitting fundamentalism it's done split and we have not gone anywhere we're exactly where they used to be and the crowd that's criticizing us preached what we preached 15 20 years ago now they dare to change the faith once for all delivered the Saints and port their their ecclesiastical fingers at us and say we are splitting fundamentalism I'd like to say to that crowd come on back home [Applause] come on back home we're right for you used to be there are several things that I have guarded for these many years 43 years nearly pastoring churches I want to call your attention several of them those neither heard this term in' when you think I'm through I'll just be starting number one I have guarded for 43 years the same gospel that was handed down to me I never thought I'd see the day when Baptist preachers would not preach the true gospel tonight all across this nation Baptist preachers have succumbed to the heresy of John MacArthur I said the heresy of John MacArthur I said the heresy of John MacArthur and somebody that's got several thousand people to hear him come go across this country has got to alert Baptist that we have false teachers in our mist who are no longer teaching and preaching salvation by grace through faith + nothing folks we're fighting for our lives tonight I mean this is not any vendetta this is not any any any trip I'm on or we're on we're fighting for our lives I mean Baptist preachers are preaching tonight are many inducted they're preaching mr. MacArthur's heresy of lordship salvation that says that you must accept Jesus as your Savior and accept him as your Lord in order to save well bless your heart whatever happened to babes in Christ then whatever happened to growth and grace you will never make Jesus Lord of your life till you awaken his likeness once Jesus Lord of Peters life when he Karstens sworn in to have the faith once Jesus Lord of righteous lost life when he was down inside him well jesus warned of Abraham's life we left the will of God went down to Egypt was Jesus Florida they live election and the OVAs lives when they went down to Moab let me tell you something tonight for one reason and that is you accepted the gift that Jesus has paid for there is no other way there is no other way there is no other way same gospel those preachers that preach with a gun in one hand for Deacons meetings and a Bible in one hand for WM s those old fashioned circuit ridin preachers preaching beneath the stars at night preaching under brush armors under tents a little country churches almost not enough to feed their families those men of God had one message of salvation and that was by grace through faith + nothing now if you don't believe what I'm preaching then be at least honest and quit calling yourself a Baptist preacher you defector you Benedict Arnold take the word Baptist off your church side take the word Baptist off your station ring let the charismatic speech Arminian doctrine let Baptist preached salvation by grace through faith left the knives Reims preach you got to earn it let Baptist preached it's a free gift of God that's the Church of God before clean and Armenian heresy let Baptists people proclaim that Jesus Saves is free of charge he paid for it I accepted pennies mine I'm mad tonight I'm mad I'm sick of it I'll be quiet no longer no way Jose no way I'm not gonna let that Crowder compromisers steal our preacher boys without a fight now go let him do it or I tell you the professors and our schools not going to teach salvation by grace let the school change its name you let one professor in house Anderson college ever even imply that salvation is not by grace through faith I'll guarantee you he'll be selling peaches in Georgia by Monday morning [Applause] yo like just preaching you can Bluff it any way you all love it some of you females sitting out there looking at me like a cow looking a new game don't blame me because you never have been a man before [Applause] you say used to that little rope tenon well no fella you got for a husband you pull him across them [Applause] don't you look at me that way every time you found it be like you and shake your head you had in 15 minutes to my sermon tonight Hey hey buster why don't you look at her and ask her if you can say man [Applause] I'm preaching tonight is the same thing that Baptist folks at Brandeis our founding fathers in New England were drowned and martyred because of the doctrine I'm preaching tonight we're fighting for our lives tonight not only have I received a gospel and for 43 years gari that gospel of my life not only have I handed down the same gospel I received now don't get mad yet there'd be plenty of time for you to get mad after violent if you get mad now you'll kill somebody for over as a lady sitting back not far for me if she smiled her cheeks bleed from the Kraken you listen to me you listen me salvation is free salvation is free God's gift not only hell not only have I regarded that same gospel but there's a certain certain standards handed down to me love garden I remember how's the kid preacher Oh force McLeroy six foot four inches tall had a finger six foot four inches long I remember how I used to preach salvation by grace then I remember all JC Sizemore about five foot six seven inches tall blue short kind of a guy oh he was against everything everything nothing he was far you know you know what you ought to have a good spirit have you ever heard these rascals preach against us I [Applause] was in a motel room turned on the news the news is over James Robison came on he had a guy from over in Europe with haven't seen revival since Moses was a boy and that rascal was making fun of us making fun of us well bless God we make him I'm making fun of him bowel Pastor JC Sizemore I never do a guy priest his strong against sin as he did where 12 ladies in the church caused in trouble he pleased his firm went on the Dirty Dozen [Applause] [Applause] this is tricking some of your culture isn't it I wouldn't give you dime for all you put on culture give me that old-time religion give me that old-time religion give me that old-time and it junk it's good enough our pastor said he said drinking was wrong he meant beer wine martinis whiskey all of it that's what he handed down to me and yet the honest truth is fuller seminary took a poll just a few years ago over 50% of the student body said they also nothing wrong with drinking alcoholic beverage how old pastor used to say dancing was wrong didn't matter where it was square round rectangular octagon block didn't matter if it was ballroom dishrag twist boll weevil wiggle didn't matter what it was Roy so he handed that down to me now bless God for 43 years I've preached it just like my pastor handed it to me and I've handed it down to young preachers and what will be to you if you don't preach it my old pastor used to preach to me the card playing was wrong well he handed that down to me now for these years I have preserved it and I'm handing it down to you my old past used to preach to me that mixed bathing was wrong now Matilda don't get your little feelings upset I was out fisting one day they go six foot four inch police but is there a little wife with him they've been our church Sonny before I still want to thank you for coming she said we're not coming back he didn't say it she said if my wife said that I've been there in ten minutes how'd it go back now course your wife for this said I've done the same thing I said why aren't you coming back oh she said it was unrefined and I said thank you [Applause] she said you said that man had evil thoughts and they saw women stands she said that's not true and I said ma'am which gender are you since when are you qualified to know where the woman's thighs make men think holy thoughts or not she said just ask George I said how about it George [Applause] he said well I said how about it George she said how about it George I said to her I do not know whether women have evil folks if they see me in Stars or not but I said if George can think of the ladies in Greece while he's out bathing on a beach he's either from San Francisco or to go to a doctor [Applause] now you listen to me if next bathing was wrong fifty years ago she's still wrong [Applause] but you say preacher we're from Florida I don't care where you are I don't care if you have Afghanistan Pakistan where are you from brother it is wrong for women to show their son has to the public from if you say for the house few plates like that you won't get a crowd or have you fixed like that no place like death you don't deserve a crowd and before you criticize me I'm preaching exactly what you preached 30 years ago my old pastor said to me we're gonna decide the crowd here my old pastor said to me that women supposed to wear skirts what he said and then we're forced to get haircuts you know we've got some of the cutest little Shirley Temple fellows here I've ever seen [Applause] you guys that go get your hair styled instead of cut I know what you're saying legalist legalist legalist legalist i was preaching a so-called christian school when i finished preaching the first principal came up and publicly from the student body said we don't agree with your position of course he had to his job as at stake those kids might have fired him so he said that's legalism now let me tell you something you don't know any more about the Bible then the fake that getting a haircut is legalism your ass start making an honest living somewhere legalism is when you add anything but graceful faith to God's redemptive plan if this Bible teaches one thing it teaches separation Jesus did did talk about hair Paul did talk about hair and the bible does talk about women's dress as principle said to me you have standards I said so do you he said that you have dress standards I said sodium he said no we don't I said then you'll allow any of these kids to come to school nude tomorrow right he said no I said legalist legalist [Applause] our grandparents were not legalist when they made boys go to the barber shop every two weeks our grandparents were not legalist when they said a woman is honor dressed in modest apparel I'm saying that's what was handed down to me you know talk about old John rice so you don't know that John rice I used to know but he was young preacher hey fixture if I have a meeting in Waxahachie Texas when I was a kid he heard about some of the young folks in the church going to Lovers Lane so one night to call off the meeting dr. rice went to Lovers Lane he announced the next night is going to read the license plate numbers of all of that list and Lovers Lane that before that's kind of preaching we need Oh Oliver B green one night was preaching to me he stuck his leg up black yet on a puppet one lady said oh that's not nice Oh louder green said said sister he said this is my pulpit and these are my britches if I want to split my on my pulpit it's my business for America's dying tonight for some old fashioned Oliver be green Lester roll-off John our rice preaching the last hope the last hope of standards left in America is in the hands of a few of us independent fundamentalist there was a day when you saw charismatic walk down the street you could tell them by their dress look like from Hollywood now and a lot of them are there was a day when you could see a Nazarene walking down the street and tell him by his dress there was a day when you could see a church of God walking down the street and tell him by his dress there was the day you could see her independent fundamental Baptist walking down the street and tell him by his dress if the people in this room to name defier sails on standards and convictions and separation the next generation will have no voices at all to teach the seperation of this book of our forefathers not only has they been handed down to me hey gospel I have reserved handed down to you young preachers not only has there been standards handed down to me that I had preserved handed down young preachers but there has been a soul winning handed down to me soul-winning is fighting for its life I'm so sick of all the substitutes for Solman I was up Maine preaching cute little guy walked up to me he said doctor highest classed your question please he said gaily I said yep do you have a coffee shop ministry in your church aye sir won't evolve already he said a coffee shop ministry I said would you sir I think look get her when I tell him I'm good time to wait for you I said sir what do you mean the coffee shop ministry he said well you get you a room in the church and you paint it with psychedelic colors then you let your boys grow their hair down to the shoulders and then the girls wear blue jeans they said then they get some guitars and then you get some rock music and put religious words to it and then what happens is that's a hippie crowd locking that kind of music and atmosphere and pants on the girls long hair on the boys they come in and you tell him how to get say I said no he said no what I said no we don't have a coffee shop ministry in our church and I said we don't plan to have one you don't have to become gay to win queers [Applause] this is dedicated about three women here tonight [Applause] they would walk out but we'll know who they are [Applause] how do you expect he said to win young people of this age if you don't have a coffee shop then x3 and I said sir I think how many young folks did you have teenagers your church last Sunday he said 40 I said we had more than that in the toilets [Applause] I said last Sunday we had over 4,000 teenagers in our chair ever one of her an old-fashioned leather long barnstormin window randon single feelin hair-raising old-fashioned separatist sermon all of them there you seen these teenagers trotting across this platform tonight and this week you've seen these kids dropping across this platform they're used to this kind of preaching that's why they came it was the same type of methods I'm using tonight that the dirty hippie crowd used to rally the teenagers America to the hippie business it was a crusade now I say let's have a same type Crusade for Jesus [Applause] years ago but I was youngster a deacon named Jessica came to me and asked me if I wanted to go soul-winning with him he handed me yo Roman Road I've got a sneaking suspicion he talked Joe Boyd out of here so one or two old Jessica little short guy he handed to me a certain type of soul-winning ever since that day on a Sunday afternoon but I visited my first unsaved person wanted to Christ that night I have preserved the old Roman Road plan of salvation soul-winning and I've handed that same thing down to you I heard dr. Walt Hanford say the South white Baptist Fellowship I was there and heard him say it he said to Bible is a book of a divine message but it is not a book of divine methods mr. Henn fir'd you're wrong this book not only tells us the message to preach but it tells us how to get it out so and and bless God Saul would invest God Saul would invest God so invest God so God and I'm man you say you shouldn't get mad don't you tell me if somebody rapes your wife you'd make him king for a day he wouldn't be mad I wouldn't give a dime for you they're raping my [Applause] there's a message of redeeming Grace if we don't leave this place and leave this place with a holy desire and compassion for the unsaved people to reach them for Jesus and to go soul-winning and keep on going soul-winning as we've known it won't be alive in 10 years I know people preachers have come to our pastors school please talk about soul-winning they start go home and start it their church begins to grow after about three years have they have a little plateau or leveling off period so the next year they trot out to John MacArthur School to find another way of growth soul-winning is not a way of go soul-winning is not an alternative soul-winning is a command from our general saying you go it's God's command you have no choice in the matter you're either a soul winner you hear me well you're either a soul winner or you are not right with God [Applause] but you say brother Hans I serve on the flower committee God's command this full wedding not only have I received a gospel and kept it and preserved it have it down to those that follow me not only have I received some standards same thing with a Sizemore preached 4550 years ago for the house is preaching in 1990 not only have I received a certain soul-winning command and guarded that thing with my life handed down to those that follow me I've received certain kind of preaching creature I said preaching I don't say exegete I said preaching I didn't say Bible exposition I said preaching you say what is preaching it's teaching to stop holler between sentences finally put the training of our preachers back in the hands of preachers again their young men tonight in this room already decided to go to college next year where you gonna sit at the feet of a dead theologian that doesn't even believe that book is the Word of God who couldn't preach his way out of paper sack and couldn't draw draw flyers in the garbage dump old-fashioned preaching that's what built this country [Applause] here's what we have man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you let me remind you to get my book on possibility faking let me remind you to get my book on a book of Acts and away no way man can preach into one of these things and be a fundamentalist [Applause] let's just put it like it is that's Catholic stuff Asset iske payin stuff that's Lutheran stuff [Applause] hm-hm great Oh [Applause] it's not that way this is the way it is [Applause] [Music] now the nationwide telecast is on the air [Applause] hey praise God Bell hasn't he been wonderful to us I got some good news for you she broke down in life in the woman did [Applause] I've had a really rough day and I want to encourage our Jaguar was being serviced today and I had my car vet is not even personalized yet so you have to drive our car vet today and II know the Jaguar snow tonight and fidos doghouse heater was broken is that right solid plan hey wait a minute hold it cool it I see a doghouse out there I see that doghouse in Jesus name heal that heater darling I have a word of knowledge holy holy she has a word of knowledge a lady a lady named Renee I believe from North Carolina relay that Potts you left cooking don't worry the fire didn't get past your kitchen I have another word of knowledge what's the other one I believe it's a pastor Cunningham I think he's from Canada pastor fat she kept it bounce do you know a big check you just cover it with that love gift you took for hungry people nobody will know the difference that's right get up here you have a gardener and that's what we call Christianity today [Applause] and you sit there and watch that garbage with a our now you listen to me you gotta be on TV preached on TV throw y'all that bedroom scene get you a pulpit scene plates in was handed down to us I know what some of you saying he hadn't come to get this you just thought you didn't come to get this I'm not gonna come back next year that's why I'm plucking your tail feathers this year [Applause] right here helping fellas somebody do something take the sheet off and face it toward the people these chairs came from the old Tabernacle Detroit Michigan back in the 1930s dr. J Frank Norris Denny to go gradian Jack Patterson a few other heretics how long america needs is the kind of preaching that people set on these chairs heard 55 years ago america wasn't built by susie Makuta and her evangelists husband with his lizard shoes and his white suit and his toupee with his cute little wifey whose Jaguar is broken America was built the old-fashioned hair-raising barnstorming level on features not only not only and I'll say this preach he's almost extinct they making fun of yesterday not only has there been a certain gospel handy to me that I have preserved and handed down to those who follow not only has heard any set of standards handed me i preserved and handed down not only has there been so learning handed me i preserved and handed down there has been preaching and there has been a book my mama my mama took that book right there that's my mama's Bible that very book she took when I was a boy read for me 30 minutes every night no no picture taken please I'm preaching I want you to listen I'm not posing I'm preaching after the service is over meet me in handing out pole stripped to the waist for you and my mama took that Bible right there she read that to me 30 minutes every night she held that Bible up like this every night and said son this Bible contains the very words of God the Bible is the Word of God I had to say it three times the Bible is the Word of God say it again the Bible is the Word of God say it again the Bible's Word of God said again one time I was looking through Mama's Bible and I will declare if I didn't see it was a King James world [Applause] so I just decided to preserve the one she handed me I'm not gonna betray my longing tonight read the NIV and next Sunday morning some of you guys are too smart for God every preacher in this room tonight when he went off to college thought he had the Word of God in his hands and you thought that but you met a professor I've got a book here 26 translations of the Bible well it says and this learning by the way let these guys make their translations it keeps them out of trouble they might be out mixer in England they couldn't go so when in the complete text of the King James appears in boldface type other versions are identified at the end of each quotation there's good speed and improved addition American Baptist publication Society the Amplified Bible the Bible in Basic English the new Berkeley version the Jerusalem Bible a New Testament translation of the Bible by Moffitt the new American Bible the new English Bible the emphasis on his Bible the Revised Standard Version of the Bible the revised version the Bible the Living Bible then and you might add he walked through the New King James new Scofield NIV American Standard and Reader's Digest version you want to think about this book [Applause] I asked the book ah [Applause] Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Father that means if I live I've got to heaven every word Bible not an every thought Bible not every sentence Bible whenever word by somebody said you believe in verbal expression I will be on that my Bible said every jot and tittle I believe in tittle expression oh I know what you're saying he's a rut manang I never met mr. rotten never saw mr. rotten never read a book about mr. robaix mr. Rutland never heard of tape by mr. Rutland I'm not a rock but I bless God I'm a mama and you same starting to get good I'm doubting your salvation the old book is under attack tonight the Gideon's American Bible Society why don't we declare war on Bible haters he'll only if I received a gospel and standards and so learning and preaching and a Bible I have received the blood [Applause] same old blood same blood bowel pastor priest not just the blood of the altar but the blood of the mercy not just the blood of the backyard but the blood on the doorpost in the middle not only my mad at mr. MacArthur but I'm mad at you folks that put up with it you say I just don't like your preaching and I don't like your believe in hell only has there been a certain gospel standards soul-winning preaching and book handed down to me there has been a certain reaching of the poor the message of grace that was handed down to me was reaching everybody no matter how poor no matter what color no matter how rich and thats what was handed down to me and that's what you've seen this week at First Baptist Church I came here rich people came to me and said I've had it all time Sam rest people came to me when I came here and said we're not gonna put up with these bus kids and they said it's us or the bus kids I chose the bus kids [Applause] I'd like to resurrect those guys from the dead they were dead before they died but I like the resurrect of the dead I'd like to have the same chance to make a same choice again I'll take the city Baptist kids I'll take the death I'll take the poor public school kids I'll take the bus kids I'll take the Spanish folks I'll take the common man along with the rich man I'm not fighting for myself tonight I'm fighting for those prisoners of the ghettos of Chicago but Chicago has something most cities don't Chicago has an old church out here in Hammond Indiana the gap Tozer Philadelphia don't have one that ghettos of New York City don't have any some fine churches there but I'm saying there if there are literally millions and millions and we're so busy worshipping nobody cares about him but I was long ago so folks out soul-winning came to me said preacher her soul winning today Chicago we're witnessing to our young some young people there was an old couple that was watching very old they began to weep we looked up and saw the old couple weeping and asked them why and they said because many many years ago somebody else came by this house when we were little not trying to fill up a bus we're trying to fill up a wagon drawn by horses they said who was that somebody and they said we don't know their names but the pastor the church was a man named flight L movie I said glory to God almost 100 years after movie there is still a church in Chicago that loves those people if my deacons called a meeting tonight said you give up the best kids or I will fire you I'd go across the parking lot and started a church tomorrow morning one of our deacons years ago call me out there on the front this building wasn't there then the part of us is those days across the street he said pastor I'm sick and tired all these busses I said you gonna get sicker and tireder see he said mr. Moody didn't on buses all over Chicago I said no he didn't they hadn't invented buses no days they ran horse-drawn carriages all over Chicago he said pastor there's all our leaking out of those buses all over the parking lot I said I wonder what leaked all over mr. Moody's parking lot [Applause] he rapped istil actress around his fair circle chest and said but that all stinks mr. Moody's parking lot didn't smell like Chanel number 5 if you don't love the poor you know love Jesus you don't love the poor you're not right with God and if you're not reaching the poor you're not a Bible preacher now only has there been a gospel a set of standards a type of soul-winning certain preaching a book the blood the poor but there has been handed down to me from those who preceded me an informal kind of worship and let me just tell you something you can't be a fundamentalist and sing a sevenfold on me in on Sunday morning [Applause] I mean don't you swap that for old rugged cross there is not one thing in this file about a Sunday morning worship service nothing show me one nother one you got it from the mother of harlots I can see old sister Johnson now back in the 1930s Fernwood Baptist Church every time somebody gets a you should come on screwed that's what was handed down to me that's what I aim to preserve first church I pastor had lady named mrs. Jim Ford there's his Ford had an unsaved husband his name was Jim you caught it just like that name was Jim she Jim was a drunkard every Saturday night miss Ford nine some others to pray me go to church and she called while she prayed and she screamed while she prayed I can hear now all oh jesus oh Jesus please save Jim oh jesus please save Jim oh Jesus please same Jim one Sunday night was Christmas song came on Sunday miss Ford sitting over here next to the aisle she didn't know it but Jim came in late and said back here on the back row Christmas night I got about two-thirds my sermon Oh Jim jumped up and screamed hey Reverend I can't wait no longer he came down the aisle mrs. Ford saw him come she came unscrewed she she went to everybody in the aisle over here this is for weighed about 240 pounds I'll wait 135 she went down an aisle she hugged everybody picked him up saying thank you Jesus for saving Jim thank you Jesus for saving Jen and I saw her coming she got me picked me up like a jar and shook me thank you Jesus for saving Jim thank you Jesus for saving Jim see I have enough of that not as a kid I can't stomach you draw your patron I can't stomach your heart search and give me blessed assurance give me air tell ray give me half the cross give me dwelling in you delenn give me the gospel songs Oh Percy ray asked me to come freaks out Myrtle Mississippi wildest bunch of Indians you ever saw in your life I've never been there I walk to the door back there first he was up on the upright piano he weighed about 300 pounds he was on an upright piano stand enough air friction he is preaching on the rapture he was Jesus he had somebody all planned to blow a trumpet that trumpet sounded and he came from the sky and brother we lifted up toward him Oh Percy got high sitting over here I've never been that for I was young I was just about 33 years old old person came up down the aisle hugging everybody he weighed 300 pounds I weigh 240 he got to me he hooked me he finished tucking me in which the fellow behind me and then he stopped and came back to me and he said I felt something I said so did I [Applause] he said what you feel I said I felt you hugging me he said I felt it I said what did you feel he said you're supposed to preach right now I said you better hug me again check it out see I cut my preaching teeth that way I cut my preaching teeth down to st. Mary's Baptist Church a black church sit down black man I cut my preaching teeth in a black church well we stayed 11:30 every Wednesday night brother if we didn't have a conga line and shout around that place we were back slit I'd be preaching about an hour and a half into the sermon closing my introduction just like I am tonight and old deacon busty but stand up and start swaying from side to side eyes rolling and he give you some theology let me exegete the guys don't roll shoutings counterfeit then mr. Deacon buses neck the whole row is starting to get up side to side then this whole section men said over here women said over here this whole section swaying side to side and Deacon busty was up with an unseen force would go out in an aisle like this and then he starts swaying like that the black man behind here would put his hands on Deacon buses ways and they'd line up around the section over here all of them singing what could I do without the Lord Oh could I do without the Lord and then sister Buster came home scoot over here she'd go to swing from side to side eyes rolling and the ladies that get out and form a conga line many of many of wins tonight 12 o'clock at night kerosene already burned didn't know how many were there because they were black in the night was black I just count the eyes and divide the two [Applause] Minear wins tonight dr. Jack hires the Chancellor of Howells Anderson Collins the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hammond India video ends tonight I've had my hands on the waist that black man in front of me doing the conga line around it sing it what could I do without the Lord [Applause] you you have a little bit of that you never get satisfied with Gloria Patri again you say that same professor said this book one true taught you how to have a service he would know it all fashion meeting to dance I'm saying a certain informality if it is not the old-time religion it is not fundamentalism he's I'm mad at you listen you'd have to get in line there's too many folks don't like me these days you may never get to me in my lifetime and bless God if 3 million don't like me 3 million in 1 it's not gonna cause me to lose any more sleep I'm gonna say this and III don't want to belabor this but the real battle tonight it's far bigger than they make it seen the real battle tonight is over this book the real battle tonight is over the old-time religion the real battle tonight is over standards in separation the real battle tonight is over revival type old-fashioned revival type christianity fundamentalism is passing off the scene i promise you that if a miracle doesn't take place and if you don't take up the standard and lift it high i promise you that in 35 years there won't be a fundamentalism like we have in this conference system it's up to you i'll be gone it's up to you I've done what I can I'm not gonna turn back and quit I aim to be around a while but let's face it Tom alone won't be here a long time but the jo koy won't be here a long time so the house won't be here for a long time many a meeting many a meeting you'll go to and you'll remember tonight who's gonna stand up here then and say what I'm saying tonight you know why you come to pastor school most of you because you want somebody to say to a huge crowd of people what you give your eye teeth to say a blessed God I'm saying it old dr. Hal Buckner here's the goal was on the vision for you know spend his life on the mission field he came back home he's an old man came back home to retire in the last years of his life he stood to speak when he spoke one night he cried and said that who will go to China take my place nobody moved invitation came nobody walked the aisle who will go to China to take my place nobody came came time to close the service Oh dr. Buckner looked out and said I'll go back then I'll go back and go back he did summer 1988 I was preaching at Bob Jones University and I lost my memory I don't recall the sermon for three hours I didn't know my own name my doctor took all kinds of tests checked my heart pounded cold he checked my head found nothing there he said he was almost sure it was hypoxemia low blood sugar I got scared I took this man out to eat I talked to him about the future of the church how to choose my successor I took this man out to eat I talked to him about the future of the church and how to choose my successor I took this man out to eat I talked to him about the future of the church but who'd be my successor I took this man out to eat I talked to him about the future of the church my successor I took him out to eat and him and him were here then Jeff so you were here talk to talk to each of my staff members we talked about some way to choose my successor because I was scared not scared of dying but scared that something was wrong and I could not continue pastoring the church and I wrestle with this thing and I wrestle with it who will be my successor for the one day in the woods I prayed and prayed and prayed for God to help me to know how to choose somebody to take my place I jumped up after praying for three or four hours and I said I know who oughta follow me me [Music] and so I volunteered to succeed myself [Music] you guys have to wait I've asked God to give me ten more years ask God to give me threescore and ten that's what he promised me my brother Joe don't tell god this well when they kept the threescore and ten I'm gonna ask him for another ten he doesn't know that fellas just lets put the jelly down where you can please listen now what you gonna do that what you gonna do try to make some money that's gonna save America and then work your way up in your company that'll save America won't it won't that'll do it what you gonna do you guys you layman what you gonna do huh you gonna you gonna buy a lot of real estate and get wealthy adil help on it let me tell you something every single man in this room tonight who's come to this pastors conference ought to examine himself and say with the grace of God what does God want me to do to save this nation from victory under victory his army shall lead to Christ his royal master and Christ is roared indeed what you gonna do about it what you gonna do that what your preachers gonna do that won't you buy some man medicine got hair on your chest muscle on your arm I want to get some grit in you call leave this place scatter across this country churches in every area looking cranny of this nation dedicate yourself a new tonight o passion soul-winning old-fashioned preaching old-fashioned standards old-fashioned public services the old fashioned gospel those of you they're not preachers surrender to the call of God tonight is calling many of you walk down these aisles and say by the grace of Almighty God I am going to give my life to preserving what's been handed down to me faith of our fathers living still in spite of Dungeon fire him so give me that old-time religion it's good enough it was good for Lester roll-off it was good for Lester roll-off it was good for Lester roll ah it's good enough give me that old-time religion gimme that old-time religion give me that old time and it John I preserve it I'll be 64 in September but I preserved it brother back to roll I adored you you looked a lot like jewel boy looks built without the same wage oh boy bill I'll never forget that day you took me and lured me in the baptismal waters I'll never forget that day that knot of standing up on the Pew is a little lad barefooted but daddy had to come home beat my mama the night before and you said dear God save Jackie boy I stopped to realize that you're praying for a little ghetto bound son of the neighborhood drunkard I've been preaching to her 43 years for the McElroy I preached the same gospel last Sunday morning you handed down to me years ago both sides more if you look at my young people they look a lot like arts just to not one single conviction for the sizemore you handed to be that I've changed but the Jessie cop I'm still doing it just like you taught me and I've tried to hand it down mama look carefully mama it says King James edition and I've handed it down just like you gave it to me I'm a little tired mama I get weary more than I used to I thought about brother Joe so often he's 10 years older than I I don't know how keeps going I'm at a vacation over 20 years I went over 20 years and didn't he missed a Sunday morning at church here Kyle he had pneumonia last fall I get tired I beg you dear Jesus give us some people to take it some people to whom we can hand down before we're gone always handed down to us our Heavenly Father I don't know when I stood to speak how long I could talk how cleared my throat tonight I've taken everything I can take Carl everything I know how to gargle and I want to praise you that you let me preach oh my god tonight move in this place give us men young men men to take what we have received and guarded and guarded for the next generation our heads are bowed God's moving in your heart how many of you men of God you preachers you'd say brother Hiles and some area of my ministry I've drifted I don't preach like I used to preach witness like I used to witness stand like I used to stand Richard I've lost some of my joy I want it back I want it back pray for me I want it back raise your hand preacher raise your hand preacher who else you may lower your hands Oh may God help us to leave this place flaming evangelist do the work to save the country rather blessed this closing moment please bless it with power amen here it is tonight I want you to I want you to hit I want to hand it down to you well I'm gonna be preaching it for a while several years but somebody's gonna start training somebody's got to get ready so tonight if God's touched you to carry the torch come up here and take it God spoken to your heart tonight you're surrendering your life to preach the gospel come right on come on come on come on oh wait come on now come on come on here it is come on come on come on come on come on play something come on come on come on come on come on stand up here beside me come on fever sad me come on up here beside me come on come on who's gonna take you who's gonna carry it come on come on come on come on come on come on God's not through yet come on come on here it is come on come on come on wave you old time religion this coastal come on come on come on that's right that's it come on come on that's it that's it that's it come on that's it come on come on that's it come on come on who's gonna care who's gonna take it I want you to won't you get rich that'll save America work your way up the ladder yeah of your company that'll save America no sir reaching that will save America come on come on come on come on where are you come on come on FC it come on come on come on here it is come and take it that's it come on that's it hit me and come on that's it come on come on that's it come on that's it come on come on come on who's gonna do it let's go do it come on come on God's not through yet come on come on come on we waitin on you we'll be here all night if we have to you there he is come on there he is come on come on there he is come on here they are come on that's right that's it come on come on teenage boy come on young married man come on come on somebody's gonna carry it who'll take it handing it to you who'll take it come on here he comes come on that's right there he comes come on there he comes that's right come on come on come on there he comes come on come on there he is there he is there he is come on there he comes hey there he comes come on come on come on come on up there come on Santa come there he comes there he comes come on come on hey comes here comes here he comes here he comes come on come on come on who's gonna carry it just hand it down to us who's gonna take it you're gonna make money get famous he comes come on come on come on hey it's recruiting the time come on recruiting time the army of Jesus come on hey you know who you are come on come on get out of your seat go you know who you are come on come on up here and there come come come on you know who you are come on we're not through yet Harry yes who that come on we're not through yet come on come on come on come on hey comes come on we got away - you come here so go ahead come on come on come on come on who's gonna carry it who's gonna take it come on come on Bernard strike a match to your dreams burn your plans come on hey comes come on come on come on [Music] there yes come on that's it come on come on you're gonna wait come on come on we're gonna wait for you come on there he comes there he is come on hey come come on choir sing it with an old-time religion sing it choir come on come on there comes come on there it comes come on come on hey man come on come on so you black folks to the conga line come on [Music] [Applause] there they come there they come come on come on come on sing it choir come on come on hey comes come on come on come on come on come on there they come 1 2 3 4 5 [Applause] amen there is [Music] come on come on there it comes come on come on come on there he is come on there it comes hello come on hey comes hey comes a man [Applause] hey lookie there come on there he is there he comes sing it old hay hay comes here comes here he comes there he comes there he comes there he comes come on there it comes come on come on hey there he comes here he come come on come on come on we're waiting for you come on come on come on wait out through yet going out through gone through come on affair come on you know who you are you know who it is God speaking to you know who you are you know who you are come on [Music] I don't wanna warn you hold it oh no onion you're gonna sink it through four times now you know you're out there and you know who you I don't know who you are but you know who you are and God knows who you are and God has spoken to your heart about carrying the message that was handed down to us and we preserve for you we're gonna sing it four times through I want to warn you that's all and some of you there comes our gonna miss the will of God for your life four times that's it it's up to you you come here he comes out here on the front row amen hey his wife is ugly amen four times through choir singing Is It this is it [Music] this is here hurry hurry hurry there he comes there he comes oh that's once he is in there he comes here comes there he comes there he comes there comes here he comes there he comes here he comes amen amen amen baby come on come on come on hey hey thumbs come on come on [Applause] hidden now you guys that are here Lester you can sit down I want to know I want to see the ones I'm talking to here some of you gonna have to go back to your seat with altars not big enough for you this means this fellas it means sacrifice it means preparation it means getting ready it means for some of you ladies out there a lot of tearful nights it means a little house has got to be sold it means you got to trade a car in for one that's cheaper it means a little apartment for four years it means sacrifice but I'll guarantee you you will never lay a thing on the altar for Jesus he didn't more than amply come on you just promised God right now next September you're gonna be an old-fashioned College so we're preparing yourself we can recommend you on yeah of course but but how it means it this does not mean you're gonna preach the rescue mission ever first and third Thursday night this means you're giving your life I was in a service one night oh no I think it was any one Sunday I was in a service that man right there walk the aisle did exactly what you guys have done it's been 47 years ago he's still at it well not I was in a service he was right behind me God called me to preach and I was embarrassed to walk the aisle when Jill walk the aisle triggered his laughter preacher buddy cheered and hollered when I walk the alley but it grunted the little runt of a kid I walked down the aisle and I said brother Sizemore God's called me to preach and he said are you sure it's been almost a half a century well the joke we're still pellets I want you once you do this want you to walk down your home church Sunday so everybody let everybody you can't know about it broadcast it let me get yourself so far out you can't go back I'll obligate yourself to your own integrity just go ahead spread it all around everybody know about it walk the aisle Sunday morning Sunday night one let the people know in your home church what you've done all right I think the Lord used accounted people let's see how many we have how many 146 146 praise God praise God 47 you coming 148 149 149 1:49 there's 150 [Applause] come on now I know there's more of us out here my dad died with the Bible in his hands and prayed for me to become a preacher I'm up here to rededicate my life for the Lord our forefathers have paved the roads for us and now it's time to get on our own shovels and dig the roads far for our kids and for our kids kids this book is word for word and we take it for granted because our fathers can preach you're pretty good but now it's time that we preach it good for our kids can preach it praise the Lord guys I know you guys are up there come on down come on down 150 wanted it here our Heavenly Father I see mission feels tonight I see lonely dark villages I see country booklets and country churches I see evangelists standing behind pulpits reaching your violence I see pastors of large city churches I see these men of God who said tonight God is called and I've answered bless them and use them oh my god so that a long time after many of us old codgers are looking over the battlements of the glory land they'll still be a pastor school somebody will still gather thousands together and we can still feel the old-time way and the old-time power bless these men tonight God use them mightily and make them great men of God amen the big hand while they go back to their seats thank you [Applause] amen amen lift up your hands
Channel: Jack Hyles
Views: 2,884
Rating: 4.768116 out of 5
Id: BkG1xHsLk7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 35sec (6815 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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