Jack Hyles Preaching: Shame on Us

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thank you thank you very much thank you [Applause] [Music] all right maybe we don't clean this off I'm here wish for rice at our place but we don't straw I don't be seated thank you very much I don't I don't mind the candy being thrown I hate for for confetti to be thrown especially the little teeny pieces because it gets down clean my hairs and I wash my hair once a week and I paralyze it with hairspray and I don't comb it I sculpture it and [Music] and that stuff finds his way down here stays down in there and you got that little round stuff on your scalp shining through all the time what a joy it is to be with my good friend dr. Bob gray if all it ever happened it house under some college those were dr. Bob grades I graduated to be worth all of the 22 years going on 23 we're on our 23rd year now and what a dear friend what a wonderful creature water defender of the faith and what a compromiser [Applause] I'm talking about this worldly stuff over here on the wall and but we have Bibles on our walls [Applause] I'm glad to be with dr. bill burr my dear friend one of the most charming men I ever met and also a member of First Baptist Church of Hammond of course I'm glad to do it doctor Tom knew you're like an underlying everything that dr. gray said about the friendship of dr. Tom needle that it's 8:25 so I'm gonna get with it cause I've got three hours to work yeah I got to do and same same people hardly a man to be sleeping didn't thirty minutes and dr. gray take I'm I'm purchasing this song book cuz I'm gonna mutilate it before I get through and this nice songbook I can do anything I want to with it now [Applause] so let's see by some other stuff around here to open your Bibles please doesn't matter where it's all good if you have a King James Bible here if you don't open your songbook it's more more inspired than the Bible you have and first Corinthians first Corinthians chapter number 15 the gospel chapter brother Neal ruined me busted everybody in the mouth called him levy on a Christ Charles Stanley the false prophet blood everywhere battlefield strong with dead bodies then he says love at a time he got that far I wasn't in the mood love at all I wanna I wanted to kill I won't love I'm worried about him I never do him to love before I never first Corinthians chapter 15 verse number 1 moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you now so what we're gonna have right now is the gospel which also you have received and wherein you stand by which also you're saved if you keep in memory what I have preached unto you unless ye have believed in vain for I delivered unto you that for you first of all that which I also received that's that by the way that's all you're supposed to do you're not supposed to change it just deliver it that's all I mean what our forefathers give us we just we just tote it down the road a little bit that's all we don't forget we don't change you to rearrange it we just we just carry it frye delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried and here's the lost part of the gospel and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and he was seen of Cephas then of the twelve I want to remind you that the resurrection of Christ is as much a part of the gospel as the death of Christ I'll never when I will go soul-winning I'll never present the gospel without getting Jesus out of the grave and that's that's as much a part and I'm afraid sometimes we talk about the death of Christ and he died for our sins and we leave him right there in the grave and then down in verse number number 34 please awake to righteousness and sin not and here's my text tonight for some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to your shame I will speak tonight on the subject shame on us shame on us I'm gonna ask you not to take notes I'd like for you if you would just to look right this way I don't like to look at the top of your head now that I've seen your faces go ahead and take no but if you would put your pens and papers up I'd appreciate it while you got a good-looking man here take advantage of it and stare at dr. gray picks you Sunday I'd suggest you take notes now on I want to talk to you on the subject shame on you our Heavenly Father bless our message tonight what a message what a gospel what a truth what a book I pray you help me as I speak about it tonight and help us to be sorry and repentant because some have not the knowledge of God in Jesus name Amen 1st Corinthians 15 tells us what the gospel is what is the gospel the gospel is imputation imputation what in the world is imputation it's necessary and probably the most necessary thing for our reconciliation with God it means that I'm a sinner another way so are you far worse than I but it means number one that I'm a sinner it means that my sins have been recorded I'll just write my name up here my sins have been recorded it means first I'm a sinner it means secondly my sins have been recorded if you're not saving tonight ever stinking the sin you ever committed he's written rot down smack-dab in the middle of God's book you got to do something about that you got to get that thing cleared are you lost you can join up a church you can be baptized to get webbed feet you can confess your sin ever even the Pope Mother Teresa the Marilyn Monroe but you'll die and go to hell if you don't get get those sins cared for what is imputation first I am a sinner and second my sins have been recorded God has recorded my sins in his book third there's a price on my sin I'm a sinner my sins are recorded and there's a price on my sin the wages of sin is death and that's all of death not just physical death that's first there and second death which means physical death and the revelation 20:11 through 15 says the second death is the lake of fire now imputation means this it means that God because I trusted him that Gunnar's little boy not quite 11 years of age barefoot son of the neighborhood drunk appear in the ghettos of South West Dallas walking out of this survey or the or the building on a Sunday night across a little bridge like thing over a ravine to an outdoor service for Honda the building I knelt there and said these words dear God if you will take barefoot boy in the ghettos of Southwest Dallas whose daddy is the neighborhood drunk I'll take you as my savior at that moment if you tition set in what is that a petition in the first place it means that I just quote this scripture for you blessed is the man whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered under whom the Lord will not impute sin what is the gospel the gospel is imputation what is it mutation it means that God has his hazard as has removed all of my sins from his book all of my sins have been removed from the book of God that's what it means it means something else it means not only as God removed all of my sins from his book it means that God will not record a sin against me my past sins have been removed and my future sins will not be recorded now I may paint some kind of physical price for it but I'll never stand judgment because it for my sins past present or future because on Calvary Jesus stood judgment for me when I trusted him God gave me the glorious gospel mutation sins past sins covered remove future says my Bible says blessed is the man whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered under whom the Lord will not impute sin psalm 32 and romans chapter 4 that means god will not write my sins down devil says hey old Jack Minter that's saying write it down God said uh-uh uh-uh no no blessed is the man my past sins are removed from the book God is gone gone gone gone yes my sins are gone you know our soul is free in my hearts our song bared the deepest sea that's good enough for me Ashley eternally please God my sins are gone go away go away roll away every burden of my heart rolled away ever sin had to go beat the crimson flow thrown away roll away thrown away ever burden of my heart rolled away I'm saying this wonderful glorious amazing gospel is the gospel of imputation what is imputation imitation means he has taken that are covered my past sins remove my past sins from the record it means he will not record any future sins against me hey but it means something else it means he has taken Heaven's a pen and quill and recorded under my name the personal righteousness of Jesus Christ that's what the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 10 for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves under the righteousness of God I say this wonderful amazing marvelous gospel is the gospel of imputation my past sinned remove my future sins not recorded and the righteousness of Jesus is owned by record in heaven tonight [Music] hey turn it off mix this on is that it I caught it just like it I hate anything won't obey me tell it that you still would you [Applause] an amazing verse in Romans 8:33 who shall lay anything to the charge of God's delay there's my record right there and God said who's gonna lay anything to the charge of God's elect hold the Southern Baptist of like the Latian thinks am I in charge of my missed elect but God said nobody's gonna do it the American Baptist luckily some things the charge in my charge but a Bible says God won't let him do it I mean they'd be the case manic crowd satanic the that crowd would certainly like to lay something against my record but my Bible said God he said leave that book alone don't you lay anything to the charge of God's elect what is the gospel this wonderful gospel the gospel is imputation second the gospel is justification now what is justification God's our sins for the bench of the judgment of heaven and God sets there's the judge of all the universe and God calls my name Jack Fraser Hiles and God said okay let me look at the book Here I am gonna judge you and God said don't see anything here oh yes Anu - I see the righteousness of Jesus Christ according to God's record and God did not forgive just forgive me and God did not just pardon me but God looked at my records and out declared your bore never have sinned at all I mean God has has removed all of my fantasies he won't record my future says he's put the righteousness of Jesus Christ on my record and then God hate he gives his verdict in heaven and sit and hear ye hear ye court assemble the case jack piled verses the devil let me look at his record let me find the sins he's got there on his record let me look and see I don't see a sin on his record and God stands up and says there is the verdict Jack has sinned what a gospel God said I'm taking away all those past sins I will not record those future sins I've recorded the righteous inner Jesus Christ and then God said I as the judge of all the universe I don't declare him just pardon I don't declare him just forgiven I declare him he sand in my sight what is this wonderful gospel this wonderful gospel is imputation it is justification thirdly it is propitiation what in the world is propitiation I don't know but I'll think of something in write quickly it's the act of propitiating I guess it's done mainly by propitiate errs it's done in a propitiatory way what is propitiation it is God being satisfied God sets ends on the throne and God says I must be appeased and Jesus says I'll go to Calvary and God incarnate comes the world is a perfect life he was the head he was the sick races they had cast out Devils calls are dumb to speak in the death to hear and the blind to see in the dead to live and bless his little children and ever since one time and after you go lives for 33 years without one branch of blood against his record not one thing did he ever say that was wrong to say not one thing did he ever hear that was wrong to hear not one place to the other go that was wrong to go not one thing did he do that it was wrong to do and the perfect Lamb of God after being inspected by the heavenly father for thirty-three years goes to caldron and on Calvary he pays my sin then and after 72 hours from Wednesday afternoon distri o'clock to Saturday morning up from the grave he rose but am I trying for his foes he rose a victim the dark for me he lives forever with this Saints terrain God said your your past sins are covered your future sins will not be recorded you're justified as if you'd never stand and then propitiation means that God is satisfied and God has it declared me justified he looks at the book and says well I'm satisfied now I'm a piece now and God said case pose case dismissed court adjourned [Applause] the case is closed not open for reinfection gospel that says remove future sins not recording righteousness of Jesus Christ recorded just the thought as if I had never seen God's appease cases full court's adjourned for a gospel what is the gospel the gospel is imputation what is the gospel the gospel is justification what is the gospel the gospel is propitiation what is the gospel oh hang on to your cotton-picking see the gospel is sanctification the word sanctification means to set apart then when I got saved there on man he's a little barefooted boy God performed the miracle of imputation my past sins blotted out my future sins he won't record the righteousness of Jesus Christ recorded I'm just as if just just as if I'd never sinned the judge has declared me not innocent not only innocent not only forgiven not only pardoned but as if I'd never committed a sin at all and then he was satisfied and said the case is closed and the case dismissed and the court adjourned but that isn't all he as that moment sanctified me which means he set me apart for heaven here's what he did let me use your here sound with you God said okay you trust me just Savior okay you're included now you're justified and your your officiated hand and how then you trusted you and that all this happened just like that or you say this makes it awful awful or complicated not for me I just trust in here that's all I've just flipped the switch of faith and all of this begin to take place and so God's okay but now then son all your past sins or a move ciao yep and any use somebody else [Applause] he's put these three boys don't get happy [Applause] well you pass in some in your move yeah and I'll not record any future says that's right and Jesus record is on your record well when I get through for you shout you folks respond not take all the leadership I'm doing the preaching here I'll set what they don't cushion back here and I declare you at the courts of heaven justice if you've never sinned and I'm a piece now and satisfied and the case is disclosed case dismissed and court's adjourned now God did something else God took me over here and set me down in a little place over here like that and said now you sit right there until I call you to heaven one of these days and God said don't you touch him you leave in there and don't you touch him you leave in there and you start touching him you touch him I'll handle all three of you and body God the impotence of Almighty God said you stay there so I take you this thing you folks haven't left yet go home tired looking at you this thing of sanctification is used concerning our Lord Jesus Christ before there was ever a world God looked down and saw that man was going to sin and God made a plan for by man to be redeemed and justified and that plan was Jesus to go to Calvary and God sent Jesus apart and said Jesus you're sanctified for Calvary now you listen to me that man over there has got just as much a chance of losing his salvation as Jesus did of not going to Calvary Jesus was set apart for Calvary and he had to go to calibrate and all the demons in hell couldn't keep me from going to Calvin and that same work of sanctification that was done to Jesus Christ when God said I your go ahead that's why the Bible says he was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world why you going back over here under sale day and you're out of what are you done I don't want you to get lost again beside your being over there helps he looks at this side of the platform a great deal God said to the son of God you you're you're destined to Calvary he was a lamb slain before the foundation of the world and when you got saved my brother tell me you got saved my brother and sister God not only and performed the great doctor dictation past sins removed future sins not recorded righteousness of Jesus Christ recording justified just like you had never sinned gods are pleased and satisfied case closed case dismissed and quarter-turn but God put you over here and said you will stay here in your salvation do I get ready to call you home oh you little pusillanimous pin you people and talk about losing your salvation [Applause] water salvation what a salvation what is the gospel the gospel is imputation what is the gospel my past sins are removed my future sins he will not record he recorded God - the righteousness of Jesus Christ declared me as if I had never sinned was satisfied to go close the book and the case was closed in court dismissed and then God set me apart and said I'm gonna take you to heaven and let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen I'm just as much in heaven tonight I'm just as much going to heaven tonight as if I just died and gone now you listen to me you listen to me John the Baptist has this much a change of falling out of heaven cuz I do a falling out of salvation sanctified set apart and what God sets apart just like he said his whole son has the lamb before the foundation of the world he set me apart for heaven all the demons and hell can't keep me from going there [Applause] what is this gospel this gospel is imputation this gospel is justification this gospel is profession this gospel is sanctification and this gospel is regeneration what is regeneration the word the key word there's jeans God's redeemed me I was born of my mom and that is jeans but I've been born of a heavenly father's genes and and first Peter 1:23 says it's incredible Bible said we're not born of corruptible seed what does that mean we're not born the NIV we're not born a couple seen once at me were not born of the New King James we're not born a couple seed well we're not born of a new school for you we're not more the Purple Sage we are a board of incorruptible seed everybody who's ever lived everybody who's ever lived has been porn a child of Adam on a given Sunday morning in America down the aisle of an old-fashioned Hill raisin barnstorming winter rather than shingle pulling the fundamental Hellfire damnation church like this there walks down here how someone to say yes to Jesus Christ he's heard the message of this incorruptible see he can say born again that same moment somebody goes down the aisle of a church so-called that uses the corruptible seen uses the American Standard or the NIV or the revised version and they took it born-again you say can you get born again of corruptible seed oh yes but not in the same family jesus said in John 8:44 ye are of your father the devil talking to religious people Matthew 13:38 says the tears are the children of the wicked one that means when you get walked down the aisle and get religion you're born again but you're born in the devil's family because you've been born of corruptible seed but hallelujah I've been born of incorruptible seed been redeemed yeah that'd be a good song since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed I would Rory in my saviors name that's the gospel the gospel is imputation the gospel is justification the gospel is propitiation the gospel is sanctification the gospel is regeneration and then this wonderful gospel is likewise glorification no wonder the Apostle Paul in Hebrews 2 3 called it so great salvation how great so great well how great don't know how grace just so great I said to my wife this morning I love you so much she said how much as how you expect me to do you can't measure my love for you I kissed her so much to know there's so much I don't know how weight this salvation is I just know it's so great her salvation [Applause] so greatly before there was ever a world God looked down and saw that I would be a sinner that should be a sinner so great that God decided to let his son go to Calvary so great that God gave us a book telling us that son was going to come in that book Jesus is the main character of every book in the Bible in Genesis he's the promised seed in Exodus he's the Passover lamb in Leviticus he's the scapegoat in numbers he's the brazen serpent Deuteronomy he's the great lawgiver in Joshua he's prophet priest and King in judges he's the judge of all the universe in roof he's the kinsman redeemer in Samuel he's the author of kings in Kings he's king of kings and Lord of lords in chronicles he's the great historian in Ezra he's revealed of the temple in the amaya he's rebuilding the wall in Esther he's the savior the Jewish people in Joel he's a friendless ticket closer than a brother in Psalms he's the song of the ages in proverbs he's the truth he's a steez he's the great preacher Song of Solomon he's the wonderful lover Isaiah he's wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father the Prince of Peace in Jeremiah he's the weeping prophet he'll annotations he's the street preacher in Ezekiel he's the rebuild of the Millennial temple in Daniel he just don't come out without hands in Hosea he's a spurned but forgiving lover the minor prophets he's won the one coming in battle of Judah in Matthew he's the coming king in mark he's a suffering servant in Luke he's the son of man in John he's the son of God it acts he's the power of the church in Romans he's the dynamite of the gospel in Corinthians he's restored the carnal nature in Galatians he's the rent Vail Ephesians he's the heavenly one in Philippians he's our sufficiency in Colossians he's the shadow great shadow the still coming in been body and infest audience he's our coming King in Timothy's our great appearing God in Titus he's Our Blessed hope in Hebrews he's best of all in James he's the fuller of the law in Peter he's Rock of Ages cleft for me let me hide myself in thee in John he's the assurance of my salvation Jude he's the one who's able to keep me from falling and visit me faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy in Revelation he's the one sent on a white horse to come back just a piece of Kingdom on earth where Jesus shall reign we're the Sun that is successive journeys Ron this kingdom spread from shore to shore the moon shall wax and wane the war how great is his salvation so great in the fullness of time Mary brought forth her firstborn son wrapped in his swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger how great was this salvation so great that Shepherds watching their flocks by night we wrapped it by heavenly choir that's saying glory to God in the highest on earth peace goodwill toward men how great is this salvation so great that Shepherds came to worship Him and why is the important gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh how great is this salvation so great for thirty-three years he lived a sinless perfect play under scrutinise ation of mankind in heaven in her earth hello hon hell and how great was this salvation so great he was wrong the tribe how great is this salvation so great he was falsely accused how great is this salvation so great he was beaten with the katadyn tales you couldn't even tell that his body was that of a human being at all I read is a salvation so great that the king of kings had no throne but across had no crowned with a crown of thorns he had no sceptre but a walking stick and he had no royal robe but a soldier's overcoat and he had no subjects for the cheering mob saying cuz if I am crucified him crucify him how great was his salvation so great the father turned his back on the Son and the son cried my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Jesus let me answer then he forsook you for me for me for me how great was this salvation so grateful ate his body in Joseph's Tomb how great was his salvation so great death could not keep in the grave could not hold him Satan could not conquer him he rose triumphantly after three days and three nights how great was this salvation so grady ascended back to the Father and tonight he's at the right hand of father my lawyer my advocate my intercessor my go between my mediator back my days man pleading my case at the right hand of the Father how great is this salvation so great is gonna come back any minute mountain mother's gonna rise from the dead her preacher boys gonna hold her hand and be caught up to heaven meet the Lord in the air hybrid is the salvation so great we're gonna be there at the marriage of the Lamb and get married to Jesus as our bridegroom how great is this salvation so great he'll give us rewards and crowns we'll take our crowns off and hurled it Jesus feet and say we're not worried if he's crowned you gave us the power you gave us the victory you're the Conqueror you wear these crowns how great is that salvation so great we're all gonna settle on white horses and come back to the earth with Jesus how great is this salvation so great that Jesus shall reign on earth for a thousand years I'll be governor of Indiana you'll be mayor of Longview you'll be in charge of the school board and Longview you'll be held the City Council you'll be the garbage collector [Applause] how great is this salvation so great that Jesus said we'll look up and see the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and what's the same what's the shame the shame is some have not the knowledge of God some know nothing about imputation this whole sin curse world knows nothing about justification this old sin cursed world knows nothing about propitiation this old sin cursed world knows nothing about what could happen just like they'd say yes to Jesus Christ and trusting Catholics don't know highs in Milford Ohio preaching setting the Ramada Inn Lobby I saw a Catholic so-called priest over there I walked over and said sir I think to ask your question he said yes last year event of the talk is that right he said yes I am I said I want to go to heaven and I died could you tell me how to go to heaven but he said you got to do good I got my pen and paper out and I said what good have I got to do he said a lot of good I said name it quickly I might earn eternal life since think I don't want to go to hell I want to go to heaven but he said you got to confess your sins I said which ones tell me what I got to confess but he said you got to do a bunch of ordinances I said which one but he said I'm not sure I said why don't you just admit it you are fake you are an imposter you're a false prophet and you're sending fault I'm saying the Catholics don't know tears Maddox don't know you can watch those programs bugger millennium they'll never tell you how to be saved they don't know Methodist don't know they don't have a Bible disc opinions don't know peasant tears don't know Mormons don't know chill witnesses don't know Church of God Christ don't doesn't know livers don't know Jews don't know Protestants don't know John MacArthur doesn't know he's next up on lordship salvation he doesn t know what the blood is losers don't know Southern Baptist may know but to keep it a secret [Applause] [Music] 2/3 of the people in this world have never heard the name Jesus Christ even in a curse word while we sit here and shout well we should praise God tonight I rejoice I was out in the woods of the day and had a spell and running around in circles but round three deer were following me he's out running around in circles four legged can I tell you when I stop and realize that my sin to remove from the book he will not record any sins in the future the righteousness of Jesus Christ his in under my name on the records of heaven and God looked at the book and declared me in the courts of heaven as if I'd never sinned and satisfied Jesus and he said case dismissed and the court adjourned and then he said okay I'll set him aside for heaven haha praise God irritation and and justification and propitiation and God sent me apart sanctification praise God I realize regeneration I just want to have a spell and go here and hunt over joy let God praise the Lord hey salvation I said for our salvation [Applause] and yet here we sit and some have not the knowledge of God and the Apostle Paul says I speak this to your shame my father alcoholic was a bartender and a drunk for eight years right across the street from Dallas Theological Seminary on Live Oak in Dallas Texas eight years not one time to one of those Greek professors walked across the street and tell my daddy how to go to heaven not one time did those theological students walk across the street and tell the old drunk over there are the drunks over there about the gospel of Jesus Christ brother if that's New Testament Christianity I'm the Pope in Rome what does it good salvation is if nobody knows about it and there you sit tonight with your sins removed God will not in future future sins the righteousness of Jesus Christ recorded on your record justified in the sight of home are you God God's appease case dismissed court the court adjourned and you been set apart from heaven and yet you sit there and watch that box and you sit there and never tell anybody about the Savior let me tell you something it's so wonderful my father live right across the street for church that believes the Bible eight years not one time there's soul whenever cross the street to tell him about this gospel not one time than a deacon deacons are too busy running the church business not one time they're a deacon across the street to tell my daddy this wonderful customer not one time did the pastor or staff member walk across the street 1957 I went Chicago to preach dr. Bob Jones senior dr. G B Vic and dr. John rice Chicago broke my heart it absolutely broke my heart I sit there and watch those big apartment houses I watched the poverty and I watched those little children with no yard to play in I saw hunger I saw filth I sit in my car and wept tears streaming down my cheeks and I said this is the city of Dwight Moody this is the city of bitter Sunday oratory Paul Rader this city has more gospel history than any city in America and now look at it preachers down there at that conference laugh and making fun of me because I tell them they oughta go soul-winning I wouldn't give you a dime I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for any child of God who possesses this wonderful gospel and doesn't share it with somebody let's talk about Jesus the king of kings is he Lord of lords supreme throughout eternity the great I am the way the truth the life the door hey let's talk about Jesus more and more I went back to Texas 1957 July if it said put on top of my prayer list pray for God to send somebody to Chicago every day for two years I prayed for God to send somebody to that city to reach that city little did I know that I'd be the answer to my own prayer now for 35 years I've been pastoring members around thirty sixth year in the Great Chicago area of all the people in Chicago one person out of every 14 people in the Great Chicago area has walked down the aisle to the First Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana professing Christ as Savior over three-quarters of a million people I cannot win Chicago but I can tell shakkaho what a gospel what a savior what a truth what our salvation and yet some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to the shame of every person here who's out of soul-winner and the shame of those of us are playing the job of sewing I speak this to our shame our Heavenly Father you
Channel: Jack Hyles
Views: 6,369
Rating: 4.7313433 out of 5
Keywords: Jack Hyles, Jack Hyles Preaching, Jack Hyles Sermons, Jack Hyles First Baptist Church
Id: b5MCxOBxQW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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