Jack Hyles Sermon Sunday's Coming

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days later and I'm delighted to be here at dr. Bobby Robertson my dear friend I love him admire him one of the finest men I've ever met and then of course to be with dr. Curtis Hudson my friend of many years and I'm so glad he's God has preserved his health and I pray for him every day for God let him live a long time and I appreciate the stand that he's taking now I understand I'm in a predicament and I good night I guess this is about the 20th sermon or so this week there's nothing had been covered and I how would you like to be up here preaching the closing message after all that's been said this week and I've been in Vacation Bible School this week I left to 12:30 to fly here got it just before the service because we were in and I'm always in charge of Vacation Bible School so your little dead to me tonight after a Vacation Bible School and thank you for inviting me and thank you for this wonderful crowd and thank you dr. Robertson for your wonderful friendship through these many years hold your Bibles please to Luke chapter 22 Luke chapter 22 I'll start reading reading with verse number 47 Luke chapter 22 verse number 47 you haven't found it by now I would suggest you in your search and just look intelligently at whatever page you happen to be on there and the rest of us will read and nobody will know the difference 47th verse of Luke chapter 22 and while he's yet spake behold a multitude and he that was called Judas one of the twelve went before him then andrew near unto Jesus to kiss him but jesus said unto him Judas petraeus thou the son of man with a kiss when they which were about him saw what would follow they said unto Him Lord shall we smite with the sword and one of them supposed to the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear jesus answered and said suffer ye thus far he touched his ear and healed him then jesus said unto the chief priests and captains of the temple and the elders which were come to him do you come out as against the thief with swords and staves and here's my text when I was daily with you in the temple he stretched forth no hands against me but this is your hour and the power of darkness I called your attention that little lion that ended our scripture reading Jesus talking to those who came to arrest him he said this is your power and the power of Darkness jesus said and it was said of Jesus in John 7:20 his hour was not yet come John an eight and thirty it likewise says his hour was not yet come in John 2:14 - for the Savior said at the marriage in Cana of Galilee 9 hour is not yet come in John 13 and verse 1 it says that Jesus knew that his hour was come in Matthew 26 and 45 it says that his hour is at hand I want to talk to you tonight on that one little line this is your power and the power of darkness our Heavenly Father I find myself feeling inadequate for the occasion so many find me and if stood where I stand so many wonderful hours have transpired in so many blessings have been felt and known but there's a reason for this service and you have a reason for my standing here I did not know that afternoon teaching soul-winning good night 32 years ago I did not know that young man named Curtis Sutton was there and you had that service just for him I did not know in Durham North Carolina years ago the young man was out there named Bobby Roberson would never want to soul and I don't know why I'm here tonight but I will not be here thirty years from now but in heaven I'll find out why I'm here so I pray you to help me to be a very sensitive to your spirit speak to me through me to the hearts of the people in Jesus name Amen Neath the stars of the night walked the savior of light in a garden of do Laden breeze not my will vine be done cried the father's own son as he knelt Neath the old olive trees Neath the old olive trees Neath the old olive trees with the Savior alone on his knees not my will but thine be done cried the father's own son as he knew Neath the old olive trees just a few hours away is Calvary in just a few moments you'll feel the kiss of the trail from the lips of one of the twelve in just a little while he'll be crucified from his lips will come that amazing statement my God my God why hast thou forsaken me but what he's there praying in the garden of the Garden of Gethsemane there comes a band of men the Bible says officers from the chief priests and Pharisees to arrest him as they come to arrest him Jesus makes a startling statement he said this is your hour and the power of darkness this is your hour he said now an hour ends and he said this is your hour Judas one of the twelve soon comes and places the kiss of a trail upon his brow Judas likewise heard the words of the Savior Judas this is your hour and the power of darkness he has taken today to a high priest named anise anise is no longer the officiating high priest but still the most influential of all the priests no doubt anise examines Jesus binds him delivers him to the high priest and his son-in-law Caiaphas this is your hour anise and the power of Darkness this is your hour Caiaphas son-in-law Tyrannis asked Jesus of his doctrine then ask Jesus about his disciples and then one of his officers struck the lovely face of our lord jesus said to enjoy yourself Caiaphas this is your hour this is your hour and the power of darkness but ours in enjoy yourself he then proposed as he had before the death of Jesus Jesus sent to this Caiaphas the second High Priest before whom yet appeared this is your hour and the power of darkness Caiaphas leads him to Pilate Pilate acquitted Jesus of all evil declares him innocent he wants to release him but he wants to be popular more than he wants to release him so he gives orders because he's afraid and rejects the advice of his love his wife my that gives orders that Jesus Miss couraged why he gives those orders I can hear the words echoing through pilots Hall this is your hour Pilate and the power of Darkness he enjoy yourself planet this is your hour but hours in from then the soldiers take him and scourge him with a cat of nine tails 39 times as the soldiers reach out to grab the cat of nine tails and scourge the body of our lovely Lord I hear those words that go again soldiers enjoy yourself have a good time this is your hour and the power of darkness but hours end he's taken from pilots Hall to the Hall of Herod you see Herod wanted to see him perform some kind of a miracle he asked him to do so but Jesus is not an actor a performer so he did not perform the miracle to the disappointment of Herod Herod sends him back to Pilate but who he goes back to Pilate he read I'd like to save the words of Jesus Herod this is your hour you're on top now this is your hour I mean Jesus is on the bottom now this is your hour yes our in the power darkness enjoy pilot enjoy Dennis enjoy Caiaphas enjoy it Herod this is your hour and the hour of the power darkness and then back to Pilate the clamoring prevails Pilate knows better tries to wash his hands of the Savior as if anybody could wash his hands to the blood of the Savior then lets it be crucified and as they stand there and as I look at Anna's and Caiaphas and Pilate and Herod and back to Pilate and I see the soldiers taking the nails and spikes and driving them in the hands and feet of our Lord as I see the crown of thorns bit brought down upon his brow and I see his body lifted up on Golgotha I hear his words echoing through the Garden of Gethsemane this is your hour soldiers enjoy yourself leave it up this is your hour squeeze all the fun you can while you can well this is your hour and the power of darkness but hours in squeeze all the fun you can enjoy trying him and us enjoy trying him Caiaphas enjoy trying in Pilate enjoy trying him arid live it up this is your hour but after a while you're not gonna live it up so enjoy it while you can this is your hour and the power of darkness enjoy betraying him Judas Iscariot enjoy holding those thirty pieces about dirty silver in your hand and as you let them go through your fingers leave it up and enjoy your newfound prosperity because this is your hour you'll be hanged after a while you'll be in hell after a while this is your hour enjoy yourself leave it up what you can this is your hour but hours in enjoy yourself crucify soldiers enjoy yourself lying false witnesses enjoy yourself clamoring frenzied mob this is your hour but it will soon in you say what's gonna end it say exactly what's going to praise God Sunday's coming I mean Sunday's gonna come enjoy your wins tonight enjoy your Thursday enjoy your Thursday night enjoy your Friday enjoy your Friday night enjoy your Saturday enjoy your Saturday night enjoy your walking guard guard around the tomb soldiers enjoy it because Sunday is going to come and when sunday comes your hour is over and his hour began it will soon end because praise God's Sunday's coming enjoy arresting him soldiers in George while you can because Sunday's coming enjoy crucifying him soldiers enjoyed while you can because Sunday's coming he enjoyed guarding him soldiers enjoy looking at that Sepulchre in the stone on the door he'll they rolled away when sunday comes Sunday is going to come enjoy the thirty pieces of silver Judas Iscariot enjoy while you can because Sunday's coming enjoy screaming mob angry mob enjoy your lives false witnesses while you can because Sunday's coming enjoy your gloating self-righteous Pharisees enjoyed while you can this is your hour and the power of darkness but praise God Sunday's coming enjoy you're writing your article scribes enjoy your associated Jewish press scribes enjoy your ABC of the generation of that day and your CBS and enjoy your United Press enjoy leave it up because scribes your articles will mean nothing this is your hour but two hours gonna end on because sunday is going to come Sunday's coming enjoy your happiness Sadducees you who doubt the resurrection from the dead you got a shock come in Sunday morning enjoy Nicole Sundays coming enjoy your freedom Barabbas enjoy while you can because Sundy is coming enjoy your hypocrisy anis you dastardly coward enjoy it because this is your hour but you hours going to end and Sunday is going to come enjoy your power Caiaphas because she won't have it but three days and three nights Sunday is going to come he enjoyed that enjoy the newfound popularity that you helped Pilate as you as you adhere to the commands and cries of an angry mob saying crucify him crucify him enjoy Pilate because in just a few hours Sunday's going to come enjoy you're making fun of him Herod enjoy your fun and you delight as if you're trying to make Jesus a performer performing some miracle for you delight and pleasure enjoy Herod you cowardly traitor you leave it up because Sunday morning he's gonna rise from the dead and Sunday is going to come enjoy yourself queers here's all joy yourself homosexuals enjoy yourself lesbians enjoy your time in the Armed Forces enjoy your gay rights ordinances enjoy your earrings enjoy your gay rights parades enjoy your unisex philosophy enjoy your demonstrations and walk across down the parade have a parade and enjoy yourself and enjoy the way you talk where's enjoyed but I Got News for you Sunday's coming Sunday's coming enjoy yourself baby killers enjoy yourself those are bloody hands and bloody hearts enjoy yourself a million and a half murders a year in America live it up enjoy yourself you ER a hustle it up live it up but I got news for you folks you hussars have belonged to the now organization and the ER a crowd and the unisex crowd I Got News for You Sunday is going to come yeah this is your hour but I hours coming to you know this is your hour and the hour the power of darkness but praise God Sunday is gonna come enjoy yourself Casino crowd selling your souls for a mighty dollar and publicising and supporting our public school via dirty money that comes from gambling enjoy yourselves Catholics with your bingo games I enjoy yourself leave it up casino crowd leave it up gambling crowd leave it up but I've got news for you you're gonna be shocked to death because your hour is going to end this is your hour and the power of darkness but Sunday morning is going to come enjoy yourself rock music crowd enjoy attorney rock concerts enjoy your nudity enjoy your sensuous literature such as words and sensuous a verse in sensuous music enjoy your dull trois singing in your filth and garbage and run leave it up rolling stones stone not cut out without hands they'll have this day before long sunday is going to come enjoy yourself Madonna this is your hour enjoy yourself Prince this is your hour enjoy yourself Michael Jackson this is your hour and enjoy yourself teenagers scattered across this building then every all wrapped up in the rock philosophy and enjoy yourself live it up listen to all of it you can this is your hour and the hour of the power of darkness but praise God morning Sunday morning is going to come enjoy yourself you Heffner change the civilization and destroy destroy our civilization your dirty sex or any enjoy yourself you public school principals and school boards who put sex devices in our public schools and give preventive devices to our children enjoy yourself soap operas edge of night corner of darkness stinking storm tiptoeing tornado enjoy yourself HBO live it up this issue our live it up Showtime live it up move it movie his channel live it out but I Got News for You Hugh Hefner your hours going to end and the gray is going to open and Jesus is going to come and Sunday morning it's going to come hey people of God we're not very popular now make fun of us now how about you in that crowd sees us on Sunday sunday is coming live it up cares Maddox Oh live it up you jabbering tongue talkers enjoy yourself go to your night clubs on Saturday night and talking talking tongues on Sunday this is your hour but Sunday's coming enjoy yourself Robert shooter or Alberta whichever you prefer where your sis again while your friends and talk about you possibility thinking have you little smile and welcome everybody to the Glass House enjoy yourself but I Got News for you this is your hour oh you're popular the worldly crowd loves you and you appear because you even had a pole in your neighborhood before you started your church like mister Hybels did up in Illinois you had a pole and you took that pole and found out what the heathen were awarded brother we took a poll in heaven we had one person vote that was Jesus enjoy yourself mister shooter enjoy yourself this is your hour there Pacific now compromise they are about anybody but I Got News for you how do you somebody's gonna come enjoy yourself sunday is on the way enjoy yourself John MacArthur will you bloodless gospel you'll see that blood when sunday comes and I'm gonna take you myself to the mercy seat in heaven I want to show it to you if Jesus would never rub your nose in it enjoy yourself Sunday is gonna come enjoy yourself Swindall enjoy yourself Dublin sold out to the Catholics in Colorado Springs enjoy yourself for your conviction miss Christianity catering to a pagan world and get your crowds be a compromise and get your crowds but you cover your pussyfooting and ear tickling and give the people what they want but best god this is your hour but you go in for the shock of your life goes on Sunday morning we fund a minister taking over [Applause] enjoy yourself Zondervan with Riaan IV Bible [Applause] you'll only print King James on Sunday enjoy yourself Nelson publishers with the New King James enjoy yourself Southern Baptist convincing with you good news to modern man enjoy yourself this issue our so called Christian bookstores setting out the Word of God for a buck or a dollar enjoy yourselves Bible of the Month Club enjoy yourselves but place God on Sunday morning but all have King James Bibles enjoy yourself universities this is your hour sends you a liberal humanist all of America put him on every radio station ever television channel writing editorial Trevor newspaper educate them enjoy yourself this is your hour and the power of darkness enjoy yourself liberal seminaries with the doubts that you cast on the old-time religion hell old fashioned shouting in its in Toni old-fashioned Christianity and amens and hallelujahs and door to gods and praise the Lord's enjoy yourself enjoy yourself public schools and seminaries prompting the minds of our young people this is your hour leave it up but I've got news for you just as sure as there's a Wednesday and just as sure as there's a Thursday and just as sure as there's a Friday and just as sure as there's a Saturday glory to God Sunday always comes after Saturday Sun is going to come Jesus is going to rise the graves gonna be empty Jesus shall live Jesus shall live Sunday's coming I say Sunday's coming I say Sunday's coming enjoy yourself Hamilton County Baptist Association as you voted Lea Robertson from your your ranks you enjoy yourself this is your hour and the hour of darkness but you gonna be sorry what you did when sunday comes enjoy yourself Tarrant County Baptist Association and many years ago dared to vote out the great John our rice and asked him to quit preaching against the teaching of evolution Baylor University or not be a Southern Baptist enjoy yourself that Dallas Association Texas Baptist who dared to excommunicate their famous J Frank Norris enjoy yourself London Baptist Association that voted out Charles Haddon Spurgeon with only seven votes for dr. Spurgeon enjoy yourself Dallas Baptist Association that voted me out in 1957 leave it up this is your American Baptist this is you our Southern Baptist this is your our National Council of Churches this is your our local Ministerial Association this is your our but let me tell you something suddenly is going to come Sunday's coming enjoy yourself Nebuchadnezzar with your judges your treasures your governors and your counselors as you take put bill that big image on the plains of dura and made a law that everybody had to bow down worship that big doll made of gold place got into a three house Anderson college students and they said be not gonna worship that doll they were northerners shed shed rescue me chesty and Abednego ski pulley now gonna bow down worship that dog they said ok said King said turn the furnace up seven times hotter they've turned the furnace up seven times hotter they put him in the fiery furnace the King came and said by the way the King came and said there's four in there you guys put one too many no we just put three in there you know why son became son became enjoy yourself the rious as you put Daniel the Lions Den with your presidents captains and princes put in there and enjoy but Sunday's gonna come in George state of Texas when you tried to destroy my good friend Lester roll-off enjoy it Southern Baptist Convention him you put Lester roll-off off of your station kwb you in Corpus Christi 50,000 wasps they enjoy yourself because in a few years Lester roll-off owned the station and when the battles over we shall wear a crown yes we shall aircraft yeah we got a crown come Sunday morning enjoy yourself presbytery voting not to ordain glide L moody you're gonna be surprised when sunday comes enjoy yourself Heyman making gallows for Mordecai you gonna be surprised when your next one that's hanging on as galas Sunday is going to come enjoy yourself Bill Clinton [Applause] who's the vice president United States enjoy yourself president Hillary put all your women in office and make a woman on the Supreme Court and put a woman in charge of a as District Attorney General go ahead put on there what's the army - it is go home and cook some brownies for the men live it up mr. Trenton this is your hour but hours and and yours is going to end and Sunday is going to come take courage in battle preacher come to a conference like this and boy you get all worked up and you got to go back and face the demon board when you get back take courage in battle preacher facing a battle of your life back home hang in there you just keep on going black brother Roberson said a while ago those Sunday's gonna come now on Sunday there won't be any deacons take courage cancer patient wondering about the next test take courage dr. Hudson take courage dear lady with breast cancer take courage man with lung cancer take courage discourage one who's facing the test or head of them and waiting the results Hey take courage Jesus is going to come zombie is going to come the grave is going to open the Savior's gonna rain take courage son dis coming take courage brokenhearted parent take courage only with her take courage where a father it's tough now but Sunday he's gonna come here's a goal I read a little story and you read it too and I've used it and you've used it and I've heard you use it and you've heard me use it but I'm gonna use it again with you like it or not little boy a little boy was reading a book his momma said Johnny yes mama come and dry the dishes Johnny said mama I can't but now I'm eating the book I'm right in the middle of it and the villains got to hero down I can't leave me here on the shape he's in right now I've got to stay and finish the book mama said son you're not gonna stay and finish that book you come Washington Drive the dishes for me mom I can't come and go I can't do it I can't I can't I can't come in by the dishes mama I gotta wait and get the hero out of this trouble mother said I said you get it here dry dishes the boy turned over to the by last chapter of the book he skipped the last half of the book but went to the last chapter he found out that the villain didn't win after all he found out that the hero 1 he walked into the kitchen waving the book hai to dry the dishes and said yin-yang old villain you have a lot of fun chapter 12 and you get chapter 25 you in for the shock of your life well the queerest pretty will have it right now and the baby killers pretty well have it right now and the Liberals pretty well have it right now and the Antichrist pretty well have it right now and the compromisers pretty well have it right now and the critics pretty well have it right now and that Hollywood crowd pretty well has it right now and the liberal theologians pretty well have it right now and the liberal politicians pretty well have it right now but I turned over here and read the last chapter I read that Jesus is going to come in the air I read in the last chapter that the dead in Christ are gonna rise I read in the last chapter with anything of the raptured caught up with the Lord in the air I read in the last chapter we were gonna have a judgment seat of Christ I read the last chapter where God's people shall receive rewards for the works they've done has God's people I read in the last chapter how they're gonna take those crowns off and he gives to us and throw them at Jesus feet and say we don't deserve to wear these crowns thou art worthy to see power and glory and honor and that just day I read in the last chapter I read how that Jesus Christ is gonna get married to us and will be as lovely bride without spot and without blemish I read the last chapter now that we're all going to settle white horses and come back to earth with King Jesus in heaven's cavalry invading the earth and put down the Antichrist and put down Soviet Russia and put down the liberal crowd and Jesus shall ascend the royal stairway of Mount Zion and sin the king of kings and Lord of lords and Jesus shall reign where the Sun does his successive journeys run his kingdom shall spread from shore to shore till moon shall wax and wane no more heard the last chapter how that we shall be kings and priests of God and the City of winston-salem still have Bobby Roberson as its mayor and the state of Tennessee will have Curtis Hudson as its governor and the United States will have my wife is president [Applause] but she'll just be a figurehead I'll run the show from behind the scene brother throw your shoulders back stick your chest out ladies our fist time and say well glory to God sunday is gonna come Sunday is gonna come I read in the last chapter have at the end of that Kingdom there's going to be another resurrection and the unsaved people shall stand before God and the books will be open and then and they should be judged out of the books and cast in the torments of Hell forever and ever and ever let them have their day Nev have their hour and then I read in the last chapter how did John saw the holy city coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for a husband I read the last chapter yeah yeah old smutty face you having a pretty good time in Matthew 23 our Luke 23 you having a pretty good time in 1993 but praise God Sunday's coming I said Sunday's coming I said Sunday's coming son is gonna come I read the last chapter pounds of Sunday comes we got a job to do if slim got time to sit around discussing the toenail of the Beast and what it stands for we haven't got time to sit around discussing whatever knee on the tabernacle symbolizes there's a world going to hell a world without God that not independent fundamental Baptist people succumb to the so called deeper life philosophy but let us spend our lives our energy our money our time our effort everything we have realizing there's a hell to shun and it happened again and that Christ is the answer and rest God one Sunday morning it comes you'll be glad that you gave everything the price
Channel: Jack Hyles
Views: 15,302
Rating: 4.7192984 out of 5
Id: ULO2Bwhg_vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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