A Christian Response to COVID-19 Part 1 "STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN"

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maganda magazine young lahat nah nah no no denying by live streaming Octopussy pastor Jerome Ramos and lead pastor and soli Deo Gloria Christian Church data posted about city philippines the system before the Lord in prayer Owen Owen maraming salamat saying upon Napolitan be aya Gracia NAFA me PO a PNA agony on broadcast little poem Salatin in your power even in the midst upon a situation Dominion because of Kobe at 19 thank you so much Lord for your great love and mercy because you're using technology so that we could continue to worship you continue to hear your word we pray O God for your blessed spirit to move kamilla spores are canis I share your world open and seletun appel will not just be human words but they will be thoughts and ideas and words coming from your blessed spirit to touch our hearts so that we may be conformed to your purposes and your likeness of God banging on how Avenue pampas on Inglot nononono that Natick in ignominy Poncelet anion at paneling in Puna mean too long and young Melissa I mean an animal destruction so that we may be able to fully hear your message so that our lives may truly be transformed lord thank you so much for your goodness thank you for extending our lives for another day thank you O God that this is the day that you have made and we truly are thankful and rejoice in it salamat PO panino and this is our prayer in Jesus name Amen and amen so again maganda Makapuu same lahat lion PO a March 15 the top of a Mesa Davao City Philippines it upon winning bases that I am live streaming and recording it upon message cannot oh here in a room at our school the tapas ahuna subdivision to address attendees the regular attendees of our worship Sunday worship gatherings who are now watching me by computer cell phone or smart TV angle and Puneet oh I died a decision Poornima elders nong SDG church to temporarily suspend our sunday worship service in order to support the efforts of the davao city government to suppress the spread of kovat 19 last Tuesday March 10 World Health Organization declared the outbreak of kovat 19 a pandemic on Thursday night president Duterte ordered a community quarantine which he himself called a lockdown of the entire metro manila starting today hong kong's April 14 yesterday the Department of Health announced 34 new infections of corona virus which is the most number of new cases in a single day so far bringing the tally to 98 also yesterday the governor of Cebu signed an executive order prohibiting the entry of domestic passengers arriving in Cebu by air travel from Clarke Legaspi Cagayan de Oro and dumaguete all these events have disturbed our normal lives people scrambled to go to the provinces before the lockdown in Metro Manila panic buying intensified government officials are confused as to the implementation of the guidelines daily wage earners and non-regular workers lost their jobs classes suspended graduation in moving ceremonies cancelled religious gatherings reconfigured everyone is now stuck in their God their gadgets televisions or radios waiting for the latest updates regarding events connected to this pandemic never in my life have I experienced such a time when this many people are affected in every aspect of their lives and I'm sure many are wondering what the world is coming to an abandoned er a someone on either end of the world Naboo let me give you what I understand about the teaching of Jesus Christ regarding the last days and here is just a peek as to where I think this pandemic belongs in the program of God atonement holding manaro if you have a your Bibles with you turn to Matthew chapter 24 verses 1 up to 31 Matthew 24 verses 1 up to 31 this passage begins by saying Jesus left the temple and was going away when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple it upon tyne net on an earthly ministry and adding polynomials the temple was one of the most impressive structures in the world it was made of massive blocks of stone with portions covered with gold plates that reflected the Morning Sun Napa hadn't done Panna Juanita Nanaki kita even from a far distance but jesus answered them you see all of these don't you truly I say to you there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down at Omaha Salatin and I think polynomials were literally fulfilled in AD 70 when Titus the Roman general led his army to destroy the city of Jerusalem and burned the temple the heat from the fires were so intense that the stones crumbled and the ruins were were thrown down into the Kidron Valley so na RA literally unseen a beanie Jesus Christ that every stone will be once one there will be left not one stone upon another and they will be thrown down yin and yang Meng array and verse 3 as he sat on the Mount of Olives it a young young window that is directly opposite the temple to the east and this place gives the best view parama heat among Jerusalem and perhaps the the disciples of the Lord Jesus imagined that the destruction of the temple had something to do with the end of the age and the coming of Christ to establish his kingdom here on earth and so sibelius adversity the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age hindi 'no imagine namana disciples and acting upon analysis that he would first die then resurrect and then ascent to heaven and take a long time in the future before coming back again and so finally when the company na insu's he explained the series of science and events that indicate his second coming and the end of the age now if Apogee Tousignant uncertain income sequence of events among GRA bugaboo Malik and adding polynomials let me begin at the first thing sabadie toward the beginning of the birth pains which we will see in verses for up to eight Sabido and jesus answered them see that no one leads you astray for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and they will lead many astray and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not alarmed for this must take place but the end is not yet so d toss in a subpoena adding panino on nama catherine among of false teachers manga false christs muhammad cleanest allah and cristo mcclain young singer sabine on Penguin's pnina Sousa John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me a vanilla yawn I fulfilled sofyan but these are false teachers as unseen Sabine and hanging on and in addition to that Sabine upon Iran we will be hearing of wars we will know the of wars whatever kind of war that may be physical warfare trade wars between China or us or whatever domina Wars I married an ignorant but Jesus Christ said what Caillou Makelele don't be alarmed hindi po and cata Poussin verse 7 foreign nation will rise against nation Kingdom against Kingdom and that Dagny there will be famines and earthquakes in various places human Lindell denarii deters adding look at particularly D to put some in the now human Linden Daenerys a but among Bahuguna mendoza-martinez Houghton and maram is the big one ito a Kazama Dita's a Cinna Sabine Ampang he notices the manga re in different places in Luke chapter 21 verse 11 GU stolen Edinburg sabi dumped on and on there will be great earthquakes and in various places famines and pestilences specifically in a paddock dr. Luke 21 young Salatin pestilences and in the vines expository dictionary an alligator on an epic Sabine and pestilence comes from a Greek word which means any deadly infectious malady at petty nothing Mesabi night on pandemic it on outbreak night on and COBIT 19 could be part of the pestilence esna Cinna Sabine Impala noises I said it could be eight imaginary renege not in Amana bolita to vizag era to cosa earthquakes tokens of pestilences could be part Newton's in a subpoena Jesus now in verse eight all these are but the beginning of the birth pains now let me just clarify this Mara minimal famines nanang area among earthquakes and conflicts Nikita not in inaba bolita and not in Ababa sonnet in some history books Nenana read it was a month on it all pero no se not beanie Jesus Christ these are but the beginning of the birth pains maybe unpin Apogee tandem pnina masseuse is that this is these are going there are going to be there's going to be an intensified earth quick famines Wars among GRA just before 8:00 on Great Tribulation since Abaddon Salatin and panino on this is the reason why we cannot be sure hindi chaya sagrado is copied 19 already part of what scripture says naman GRE in the very last days or the very few more years before Jesus Christ comes we are not sure he denies a Grado but it could be now so that's the first thing perot something happening on this is just the beginning of the birth pains but secondly mark it on Adam there's going to be persecution of believers that will continue until Christ's second coming sabina verse 9 then so pocket opposite amana birth pains that are then they will deliver you up the tribulation and put you to death and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake and then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another and many false prophets will arise and lead many astray and because lawlessness will be increased the love of many will grow cold but the one who endures to the end hangang Samet oppose will be saved and this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come so amp in a pocket rito a macaroon and persecution ama Topanga and manga mononym palette aya during this very period and it will continue on until the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ kaien Sabine and Polonius they must endure to the end knocking upon a now according to Scripture believers will go through the tribulation period they will be persecuted they will be put to death they will be hated by all nations for Christ's sake all who claim to be Christians will be tested but there will be many who will fall away Lyla Baskin seen on manga too tall at Indy too tall but the genuine will keep on evangelizing they will keep on making disciples because the Lord Jesus Christ promised that he will with them always still the end of the age Sabina Matthew chapter 28 verses 19 up to 20 go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and behold I am with you always to the end of the age similan open Henao and I see Jesus Christ ascended rose again from the grave before he ascended back to the Father he gathered his disciples and gave these words to them a tampon Ocwen and panino in Susa vanilla i am going to be with you always as you declare the gospel as you make disciples to the end of the age indecent nominee Jesus I will be with you until seven years before my second coming or whatever Sabena till the end of the age she will be with them so this is the second thing to make it a natin persecution of believers will continue until Christ's second coming the third stage that we see here the sign just before the Great Tribulation Marin's in asabi and panino says 'no sign among a array during that severe tribulation that will happen to the world look at verses 15 up to 20 sabina so when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet daniel standing in the Holy Place let the reader understand then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains let the one who is on the housetop not go down to take what is in his house and let the one who is in the field not turn back to take his cloak and alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath so empanada Torito on a Marron sign the Maneri before the Great Tribulation since applicant because verse 21 says for them but cata post-natal abomination of desolation naina predicts a book of Daniel namsan an anti Christ I papa mismo don't say temple na Marie reconstruct during the last days subunits of verse 21 for then there will be a Great Tribulation such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now no and never will be so I see here that this is going to be the sign that will indicate Itano antenna powered not in Great Tribulation other sees as the last three-and-a-half years before Jesus Christ returns Shannon Great Tribulation and now we come to the Great Tribulation section because of verses 21 up to 28 sabado on again for then there will be a Great Tribulation such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now no and never will be and if those days had not been cut short no human being would be saved but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short then if anyone says to you look here is the Christ or there he is do not believe it for false Christ's and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders so as to lead astray if possible even the elect so I have told you beforehand so if they say to you look he is in the wilderness do not go out if they say look he is in the inner rooms do not believe it for as the Lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west so will be the coming of the Son of Man wherever the corpse is there the vultures will gather so Dita's a fine Nathan a great tribulation there will be such difficulty that will happen NASA nabina pnina mrs. kunen DP Newton apena I click it on time natok voila matera someone doing it oh and during this time also Lila bus and Antichrist Lila bus and false prophet Gaga one amana Milagro and people are going to think it on a seguro you Messiah because of the miracles Nathaniel gagawin Kali what Canon but Jesus Christ said don't believe it because no you don't need to inform other people regarding the coming of the Christ in the kunafa Ilana Sabby honeyBun tahoe because it says here just as lightning comes from east and shines as far as to the west so will be the sign so will be the coming of the Son of Man I think what this is saying is Katalin and did black magic eaten a lot in the motel on us have been I don't get luck because everyone's gonna see it similarly we do not have to announce the coming of Jesus Christ because everyone's gonna see it so anytime you hear someone say I am the Christ kaylynn an epic eight upon us a television at in the Alumni bonamana tahun bahagia Moondoggie talk they are false Christ's that is not yet the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ now next stage that we see here but gotta post it on Great Tribulation which by the way I believe it on Pina Pok itís a revelation chapter eight up to 18 Jonathan modie Geeta I don't battalion Amana events that will happen in the Great Tribulation the next stage that we will see here is that the sign just before the coming of Christ Meryem signs Allah etan na ma la llamada Monica elegan malapit na malapa combo Molly companion on Sabine and verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun will be darkened the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken in diliman and moon do not in a Moff experience none no trouble Conde but in an ionic bond kalinihta an ethos in a subpoena sanatana banging on in a parallel passage in Luke 21 verses 25 up to 26 Nacala gay and there will be signs in Sun and Moon and stars and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves so diabeetus among erring autonomous signs in the heavens but the unto big did some and oh I'm an epic one man a de segura mcaren and Napa coloman at tsunamis or whatever roaring of the sea and the waves and an effect neato people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming underworld detener Pelican Atlanta Oh Makka pakka NASA Ben what is happening Mahima pnina so sovereign power because it says for the powers of the heavens will be shaken and I believe that that is going to be the sign just before the second coming of Christ because next stage it on an enum Second Coming verse 30 of Matthew chapter 24 then but not opposite ominous signs not what then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory Jahna mock about math I began it on second coming of Christ now I also believe that this is going to happen next according to verse 31 and he the Lord Jesus Christ will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call and they will gather his elect from the four winds and from one end of heaven and the earth now not everyone is going to agree with me regarding my view but I think that this is what the Lord is saying here this is going to be what others would call the rapture of the church leadership first thessalonians chapter 4 verses 16 and 17 Gannet analogous for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command and the voice of an archangel with the sound of the trumpet remember in Matthew chapter 24 31 the Lord will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call and 1st Thessalonians 4 talks about with the sound of the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive who are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds and meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the Lord praise God so it don't see NASA be limping on now the Lord Jesus continues after giving us those the a tone sequence of events in Matthew 24:36 up to 39 we read but concerning that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven nor the son but the father only for as where the days of Noah so will be the coming of the Son of Man for as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day when Noah entered the Ark and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all so will be the coming of the Son of Man now my view regarding this is that to let no man Hungarian as I said we don't know if this is already the birth pains that Jesus Christ is talking about an epic Sabean marring Milaap it Nambu male companion on but because no one knows the Hiligaynon many are Ito throughout history so no one is certain people are still trying to rearrange on vanillin mana weddings maneuver long delay indeed lightly the Sepang ared the Safavid people are still planning or a postponed and not in impotent an athenian among bands pop elite and an athenian adding picket and people are still thinking as normal people would make wanting delay may contain disruption in Moblin attain parameter purposed in incognito as i said people do not know and because of that people many are not going to be prepared because they don't realize nama lapid nama lapid Nepal and bommali company non-wedding nandonet io suparna horny on but because no one is certain Vina Katya can see no man this is why I believe the reason this is the reason why Jesus Christ says but concerning that day and are and that does not necessarily mean 24 hour day or 60 minute are it could mean that period of time when all of this will suddenly come upon the world this Great Tribulation and this this happening in the heavens and then the coming of Jesus cry it will come so fast and many people are not going to be ready and so the call of Jesus Christ is be ready when this happens actually my dear friends this is not the message that I really want to share with you I just want to contextualize everything that's happening I want to help everyone maybe as I said people are wondering is this now the end of the world I am Not sure but what I want to say this Oana what I want to say is this whether this is already the time where Christ says that this is the beginning of the birth pains whether it is this or not whether we are just talking of a few more years before the coming of Jesus Christ or not I want to focus on what do we need to do in order to respond to this situation as Christians how do we respond to these so-called pestilences that scripture tells us about how do we respond to Kobe 19 because it does appear that things are going to get worse in the coming days moment in the automa is gaga in the next few weeks lalala 809 lalala and so here are my words of encouragement to all of you particularly those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in his word three words stop look and listen stop look and listen I begin with the word stop what I mean is pause the meeting not in it on pestilence at all assume effect nika's adding boo hi to pause to stop job 37 verses 6 to 7 in the net Bible says for to the snow God says fall to earth and to the torrential rains pour down and then verse 7 it adds he causes everyone to stop working so that all people may know his work in the new American Bible the revised version it says he shuts up all humankind indoors so that all people may know his work young unlocking effect Natan copied 19 album Apollo a nap where's ax not to miguel santillana trabajo majority of the people Alma Powell in up where's ax to be inside their homes because of social distancing one enjoys human Appa or Mayor own mayor own announcement and adding president aina locked down or whatever it's called dieter Symetra Manila and perhaps eventually it will happen to all of the LG use here in our country and when that happens what will be the effect people are going to stay at home and they are not going to be able to go about their normal activities pero ananda pat manga win what will happen by then is people will stop people will pause and then that will give them the opportunity to recognize what God is doing Sabine on some forty six eight to ten come behold the works of the Lord how he has brought desolations on the earth he makes Wars cease to the end of the earth he breaks the bow and shatters the spear he burns the chariots with fire look at the power of God conn-young Pattie Gillian young nanny Eyring problemas Hong Kong with just this coronavirus 10 on us a burrito he brought desolations on the earth he makes were seized at the end of the earth he could stop it any time that he would want and subida the server sent a new DARPA and going pagana Gary and last night or two Latin novella Jesus says job 37 six and seven some 46 verse 10 says be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the nation's I will be exalted in the earth math I began satin NATO where God brings us to a stop where God causes us to boss saina papa getting that in sabihin attend please do not just spend all of your time watching Netflix or playing online games or worse go to porn sites and waste your time or watch YouTube star YouTube the whole day or the whole week know you can do what you could should do is pause stop and take time take time to behold what God is doing that is the first thing stop stop next is look look when I say look I mean look up pray this is the time for us to pray Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 & 7 says do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus eunbi keep an opinion and donning mengapa not about what they are anxious they are fearful regarding their future Muhammad an opponent robado behind the Combahee Tomatina I think Amma Magana Baha and diming BA and Danny Kanata Putin and this is where prayer comes in the Apostle Paul says do not be anxious about anything anything what are you afraid of what are you anxious about is that included into anything if it is then you could pray for it and God says God will give you peace James chapter 1 verse 5 says if anyone of you lacks wisdom and damning monitamon oh god go vanilla even among a government there's nothing the alum how do we implement the announcement of the president and it says if anyone of you lacks wisdom let him ask God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given to him there are father's right now and mothers who are very concerned they don't know what should I do diabeetus a result an atone pandemic natal and so here the promise of a lord is ask for wisdom ask God talk to the Lord James chapter 5 verses 13 up to 18 still connected to prayer is any one of you suffering let him pray is anyone cheerful let him sing praise is anyone among you sick let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins he will be forgiven therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working so this could be a time for us to pray for one another to pray for the sick not necessarily going there because here SAP on Texaco and they laid hands when they poured anointing oil upon the sick that was their particular context but even from a distance we could pray for one another by the time man along in panino NJ smoker you didn't say I think imatinib Salmonella OD tossa lugar NATO at Sanremo protection and salam o lhasa pakka hawa Vitas a socket NATO we could pray and for those who are already sick remember semana Bonita even those infected by Kobe 19 Moran my partner Nakata recover they could still get healed not necessarily not in the Kazakh direction path ie in Depot so we could still pray for them Matthew chapter 7 verses 7 to 11 says ask and it will begin given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you for everyone who asks receives and the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks it will be opened or which one of you if his son asks for bread will give him a stone or if he asks for a fresh fish will he give him a serpent if you then who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will the Heavenly Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him pray look up at oh man I'm not a pimp I'm not a man along in Sybilla to conquer an Amana path ie neshama i magnin aha kaity mandolin in your car Paganini enough in an angle and goose on youngin eaten pecan we became a personalized own human are not nothing Mesa ate me how are you my compassion tire because of our love for them and son burrito masa man a Navajo Nakagawa upon how much more our Heavenly Father was good who is loving who is gracious who is merciful he is more than willing to reach down to you and meet your need but you have to pray you have to humble yourself before God and say lord have mercy upon me I need you Oh God Kalinin mera naam pakka boom bah bah nothing mana puso prayer someone of verses in the bassinet and will give us peace prayer will give us wisdom prayer will give us healing if it is according to God's will prayer will give us everything else that we need finances job or whatever company known among provide Satan if we humble ourselves before him and then finally listen listen stop look and now listen and what do I mean by this listen to God listen to God's voice how by meditating upon his word 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 says all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good word man I began callahan Athena Salatin upon you injustice we must listen to God by reading his word by meditating upon his word some 19 verses 7 to 11 says the law of the Lord is perfect reviving the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple the precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes the fear of the Lord is clean enduring forever the rules of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired are they than gold even much fine gold sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb moreover by them is your servant warrant and in keeping them there is great reward what about it Martha began and he can gain sockin what are what may be some of the lessons that God is teaching us from COBIT 19 and other pestilences whatever may happen in Dina Tina Lemkin it Alamitos Dina 10 LM come after a while may sue salute penang de patata pose Vanessa Metro Manila Nina kata-kata Newland the big one or maybe here in Davao City in the midst of all of this Dita podomatic a unit on Bala a cell in donor who knows no one no one really knows except God what do we do in the midst of all of that as I said whether these are indications of elegant Bob banging on or not these are the things that I see that we should do this are the lessons I believe that God is teaching us first lesson it Owen Tina Turin and Co bead 19 and other pestilences number one pestilences remind us that the remind us of the mortality of man and the uncertainty of life it reminds us of the mortality of man and the uncertainty of life tae-young lahat i Mahina waylynn melaka satin geithner and pina kapow ER full cebu mundo whether you are the president of the nation we are whether you are the wealthiest of the world he went upon area and you if it is your time to go in the Mahayana Waffen and bahama to extend your life life is so uncertain some nine verses 19 and 20 says arise O Lord let not man prevail let the nation's be judged before you put them in fear o Lord that the nation's know that they are but men atomic economy that not on an anger is attained it is a reminder to all of us that we are but men it on fear nanoram dominate in satan Puzo is God's Way of telling us indica you met upon the kamalahasan become a control in Okinawa Hassan you need me Luke chapter 12 verses 16 up to 20 you remember this beautiful power parable from the Lord Jesus Christ Sabeena the land of a rich man produced plentifully and he thought to himself what shall I do for I have nowhere to store my crops and he said I'll do this I'll tear down my barns and build larger ones and there I will store all my grain in my goods and I'll say to my soul soul you have ample goods laid up for many years relax eat drink be merry but God said to him fool this night your soul is required of you and the things you have prepared whose will they be when Holohan kapenga Rehan voila Atia kana a tonal harmony Toma enjoy more anytime God we'll tell your soul today you are going to meet me you are creator that's why James chapter 4 13 to 16 also adds come now DK o you who say today or tomorrow we will go into such-and-such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring what is your life for you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes instead you ought to say if the Lord wills we will live and do this or that as it is you boast in your arrogance all such boasting is evil yo monotone Segura Don Segura Dona Sal Hoffman panel Implanon yamatoot open human Alexa sobbing gagawin koto de anima giggling successful of a sub business ko gaga ha Honda Yamaha Capone Donna was a Latin look at the Gaston Ponton Natalia you don't even know what's going to happen to us an hour from now a minute from now Hindi not in Allen and so God says we ought to say if it is the Lord's will so that is the first thing that the Lord is telling us we should hear God telling us this is a pestilence and Rosa forbid 19 this is a reminder from the Lord of our mortality and the uncertainty of life number two pestilences point us to the existence of God now Papa keetongu he enjoys some 46 verse eight says come behold the works of the Lord how he has brought desolations on the earth Sabina Isaiah 45 verse 7 i form the light and create darkness I make well-being and create calamity i am the lord who does all these things sabine and amos chapter 3 verse 6 is a trumpet blown in a city and the people are not afraid disaster come to a city unless the Lord has done it Sabine Romans chapter 1 verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men so La Veta in Impa Paquita that God is alive there is a God who rules in the heavens there is a God who brings pestilences and calamities Garlin thus upon ye non-hindi toggling said demonio Garlin in the soprano and jaws Edina Guanyin open and mana tau I to Miguel assalamu allah and recognize there is a God in the heavens who rules all things India Hong in the apotheosis in the album pnina on metal monogatari now on ruler and universe there is another one who rules the whole universe so these things point us to the existence of God number three pestilences are God's mysterious ways to accomplish his purposes in the book of Acts we read chap in chapter 27 see Paul together with others he was a prisoner at that time nasha I demands Omaha barcode dementia forgotten and what happened a storm came classy classy no problem and manga Risa get nanan Cara got on and it ended in a shipwreck who knows what happened in the hearts of those who were exposed to Paul at that time Paul was a model of strong faith in the Lord he had faith that God was in control of all things independently one exact in common on purpose Tampa in on the spinach and the liniment go in and pnina Mahara tinglin Scylla car God's Evangeline Pato - Mohan but the Lord redirected their ways and then finally they ended up in an in an in the island of Malta and in Malta Paul made a personal message at guma wing Paul met a a leader a wealthy man I'm sure the beginning and mincing I'm banging on doors and exposed to the people there who knows although it's not given to us in detail parama airing company Nonna Caminos through the Apostle Paul in order to share the word to the people who were living in that Island so didn't attend makita Anderson gum allowed Hindi monotony Lamborghini aghanim Pawnee Nando's Yamaha bag you eat or not Dominic mundo asserting shocking Bohai OD tossa Pilipinas why who knows calamities at Omaha kilometre Donato i'ma are in genomic and just in order to disrupt our plans it will young providential wayna banging on in order to lead us to accomplish his will to Latin America Apostle Paul Muharram a monopolist and gusto mo trabajo de lugar NATO moment on and abroad magar Elsa Gannon and then all of these things happened earning re well Anna Hindi Nana to low human apply no not in sodding boo high but maybe some of us were praying lord give me wisdom Anna bangle going Co should I leave my family should I go to the States should I go to Japan should I go to to this or that place should I study there or not and all of these things happened and then we see Lord subhanAllah Inco but in a mysterious way God moved Hindi not inulin Mauryan Alana and Laney Geithner at Onan and Gary Dupree not no purpose Lord maybe it'll take so many years more until we see couple Aine Arion at opal am planning on pnina and isa Boyko also in connection with that it is also possible God is doing something in the heavenly places Cotulla Remembered in America Joe in the book of Job we find Satan coming to God and saying Lord Colin Amanda coziness embody no pouring it on Co Cosima balcony and protects protection Agena wasa an invoice Pangolin mullet on look at what job's gonna do he's going to curse you and so God allowed Satan to attack Joe Penna tie Antonia manga Anna no voila and phenomena possessions in an instant and then the cassava Chanin todo todo from the top of his head to the soles of his feet it was terrible Monica I began yamaha maha bua unison lop eaten yum Canyon influence a community novella du matin company Amana so-called friends accusing him kaien and AR en SE hace eco Amos Amma maybe in Otago on gasoline and seduced along the upon ingestion and so many things that made life really terrible for job butt job never gave a peak continued to trust in the Lord human paint his integrity he did not understand what was happening to him but he never denied the Lord but continued to submit himself to him now what happened not paya Angelo no burrito not Parma and Joe's do we know that without the book of Job without the explanation just before the details known access a furnace job we would never have found out melania is Avalon eaten and so maybe this is what's happening right now there are things God is doing 90 not in an attic it does someone do it on my own but we will just continue to put our trust in God the Lord has given the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord we will say we job those words we will just continue to trust in him so that is the third thing that we should hear God telling us regarding these calamities that at Ovid 19 or whatever pestilence there may be these are God's mysterious ways to accomplish his purposes number 4 pestilences are God's merciful call for all to repent it upon awakening Pannonia stomoxys evaluating maha Solana you remembered in Luke chapter 13 1 to 9 there were some present at that time very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices and he answered them do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered in this way no I tell you but unless you repent you will all likewise perish or those eighteen on whom the power in Siloam fell and killed them do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem no I tell you but unless you repent you will all likewise perish me rhondella one incident and Megara dito some kuruma do mal not remain Nancy Pilate open a tiny magnetic sacrifice at you do Gunilla in a hollow sacrificial non mangawhai oh that is unthinkable to Jews not dagoon and power mahalo sudoku none higher and so people thought seguro there are worse sinners that's why that happened to them and then another incident that Jesus mentioned here about an accident that happened hindi neena hassan not natumba own power of the Silwan and killed the people and Jesus asked again the question under cEPAL Agana are they were sinners and the rest of offenders in Jerusalem but Jesus Christ said no Sabina but unless you repent Hindi tone and Yara say no hindi turning arasaka mechanical distention a union in Jericho but even though learn the lesson that God is telling you you need to repent this must be a reminder to us back in the tine exist SI Baja Peraza hand in Tainan pang images that is a gracious call of God for us to repent keyonna it on par about me Jesus happiness versus 6 up to 9 and he told this parable a man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came seeking fruit on it and found none and he said to the vine dresser look for 3 years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and I find none cut it down why should it use up the ground and he answered him sir let it alone this year also until I dig around it and put on manure then if it should bear fruit next year well and good but if not you can cut it down I believe that here is the father saying I have been expecting fruit in the life of this person at Wellington er a while and godliness while unrighteousness why long faith cut it down / - Lina but Jesus went to him and says kombucha sir or father let him alone this year this is an extension of God's grace what Munna I will dig around it I will put on matured manure the Lord is going to bring all circumstances to come upon the life of that person in order to stir him up to realize his sin to recognize his need of God to repent and to put his trust in Jesus Christ and if still after all of these things from God these negative Providence's from the Lord don't work then Sabine on panino and then cut it down so when we have these calamities when we have these pestilences this is God's extension with grace Pegeen decapitate anoonan banging on indica poppet i wa la cabeza piernas wake up on my own merit upon him again right now a Kuwaiti nama and pine and surfeit Attica way NASA hospital my own but you still have an opportunity to repent do it because all of these things happen for a purpose the Lord is calling upon you and upon all to repent of their sin because if we do not repent it on Kalima Nadab but nothing marine Ignis in a subpoena banging on pestilences our previews of god's future Schmidt come Hindi putana Phoenix upon Union atomic ERISA Satan etymon an anger yet apotheke in Palin nan Callaghan Melinda Medusa may be beginning pnina and Samana Tom repelled the Sonia listen to Amos chapter 4 beginning in verse 6 up to verse 12 I gave you cleanness of teeth in all of your cities milanesa heap in the salah salem behind and lack of bread in all your places yet you did not return to me declares the Lord I also withheld the rain from you when there were yet three months to the harvest I would send rain on one city and sent no rain on another city one field would have rain and the field on which it did not rain would wither so two or three cities would wander to another city or drink water and would not be satisfied yet you would not return to me declares the Lord I struck you with blight and mild you your many gardens and your vineyards your fig trees and your olive trees the locusts devoured yet you did not return to me declares the Lord I sent among you a pestilence after the manner of Egypt I killed your young man with a sword and carried away your horses I made the stench of your camp go up into your nostrils yet you did not return to me declares the Lord I offered through some of you as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and you were as a brand plots out of the burning yet you did not return to me declares a Lord and therefore thus I will do to you O Israel because I will do this to you prepare to meet your God o Israel come hot Netanya reciting polygit will not lead us to repentance God is telling us prepare to meet your God the Ratigan time ebu Boston images lahat finding garlic Nizam window neato hindi pay Antipas bug in Deccan axis is a humic a salon and deacon and palette I have increased oh come Nalu suit and more and Great Tribulation at the Coen amadai before that time but do not forget God is going to resurrect your body and with with a body that is immortal he is going to throw your soul and your resurrected body in hell and you will experience torture forever torture and torment forever no Alan kotappa same tightness and minuto la pagina in the EVP I am going on and so do not forget that all of these things that are happening right now a type attic inland and garlic naan you know and just if we do not repent we will experience worse economy another thing we need to hear anissina Sabine and Pauline induce these special insists are gods means to bring his children to spiritual maturity Connie cow is an man an Impala tie a nice tampon you know in the snake away luma go nice tampon you know committing more I don't suppose you meet Oh para su una casa onion salad admah grow spiritually James Wan due to forces count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effects that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing Sabine on 1st Peter 1 6 to 7 in this you rejoice though now for a little while if necessary you have been grieved by various trials so that the tested genuineness of your faith more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ Oh Peron Peron ginto nummy Harlem impurities malakas l-alamin a boy hangang de Mouton otama impurities not opera matin girl Newton beautifying and into a consummate Iran Ellen I am poor on Minto and that is what the Lord is allowing people to go through right now Amana believers they allow it upon automa excesses the mohena tend to be lost so that we will be pure in the sight of God so that our faith in the Lord will be strong so that our obedience will be quick sobbing Hannah Sam 119 verses 67 and 71 before I was afflicted I went astray but now I keep your word sabe number 71 it's good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn your statutes Toninho Sahana to toe Casa latina banging on but the thing namana Baguio at discipline and on panino on atomic upon her Natoma I began will be the time for us to manifest our love for our neighbor instead of being a time to be selfish to be panicking and thinking of ourselves mock panic buying mug in bachmann per ton kirtanam on a delight at nominal alcohol at noncom i know i know to ensure nascent on in the time of busan and dining man upon the violin because of this instead of doing that let us now as believers exercise love sobbing in a second Corinthians 8:1 to five I want you to know brothers about the grace that has been given among the churches of Macedonia for in a severe test of affliction although mahir upsala their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part for the game according to their need means as I can testify and beyond their means of their own accord begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints and this not as we expected but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us salmon an Impala taya knit on time not oh this is how we grow spiritually in the midst of all of this difficulty while everyone is grabbing buying taking things for themselves for self-preservation believers even those who lack should have the heart of generosity to help those who are more needy than they are at own time that time ago grow it in time appetite on attend we believe in God we love our neighbors we love God and we love our neighbors as we love ourselves this is also the time for us to submit to government alumno Athens have been in Romans 13:1 to for let every person be subject to the governing authorities where there is no authority except from God and those that exist have been instituted by God therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God is appointed and those who resist will incur judgment for rulers are not a terror to good conduct but too bad would you have no fear of the one within Authority then do what is good and you will receive his approval for he is God's servant for your good laugh I began I really believe God is using government God is using the Department of help God is using World Health Organization but this time with all of their studies with all of their researches in order to bring information to the people so that they will know what to do and the government is given the Lord that authority to rule a nation for their good and this is a time for us to obey this is not the time for our institutions for organizations just to think inwardly and think of ourselves this is what we need to do this is what we've been doing throughout the years and so because of that we we do not submit we do not help the government Kanagawa no gobierno Lahontan important in order to stop the spread or at least a boggle model a unpack spread it on outbreak Natonal copied 19 and yet there are institutions or organizations or groups who still insist it all along and go it not in I've been doing the piped in aluminum could be wrong not realizing and a gigging the pasilla Nantucket Cerullo nothing compared no danila nary realized Schoen on a big impact leta semana health care providers not in a knight-errant on taranta but do man I don't wanna miss it but Humana may appendicitis may ordinary Osman a felon on yo spittle on Appa hindi neelam Attica so DAF Kalinina nahin atoll Muhammad attending Kazan and a peg to annum Corbett 19 and they will be overwhelmed their we're not helping them and so I see that this is a time where need to submit bugs in a bin and gobierno social distancing we need to follow pox in a bin and go beyond onna a big hill muna human a services that's why we have this we should not insist and say endow with we've always done it this way no one can stop us this these days are special days and we need to help our community as a manifestation of our love but one more thing in order to grow this is also another opportunity for us to take more seriously the call of Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations I believe people today are more willing to hear the gospel you talk to a taxi driver is anxious share the gospel to that person share the gospel to your neighbor share the gospel to your classmates your teachers to many people they're more willing today to hear the hope that is found in Christ alone when they hear of people dying but cut do mommy by tomorrow mom the Indy column how it will escalate who knows a million say Mohammed I we don't know Hangang ion will happen that in discovering gummit this will cause people to fear and to be anxious but this is also an opportunity for us to share the gospel with them and say Jesus there is hope there is Christ there is a name that is greater than corona virus one who is crowned with many crowns and his name is the Lord Jesus Christ and every person every name is going to kneel down and submit to the name of Jesus Christ and that includes whatever sickness and want Piniella known they will submit to the name of Jesus Christ and one day the Lord Jesus will put everything right and he will fix all these troublesome and distorted things that we see in this world he will establish his kingdom and he will rule forever more so this is the time for us to hear that this is a time to grow spiritually and finally pestilences remind Christians to find their greatest treasure and joy in Christ he is everything in Philippians chapter 3 verse 8 Paul said indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish in order that I may gain Christ but in the new Canyon example determine adeana and Pedrosa in 2nd Corinthians 11 verses 23 up to 27 Sabena are the servants of Christ I am a better one I'm talking like a madman and then it analyst anaconda Nannan with far greater labors far more imprisonments with countless beatings and often near death five times I received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one three times I was beaten with rods once I was stoned three times I was shipwrecked a night and a day I was adrift at sea on frequent journeys in danger from rivers danger from robbers danger from my own people danger from Gentiles danger in the city danger in the wilderness danger at sea danger from false brothers in toil and hardship through many a sleepless night in hunger and thirst often without food in clothes in cold and exposure look at this list he didn't have anything crabby and persecution gusto Papa Sonia manga panini Rangoon aguas onion in DeLand monitamon the human circumstances surrounding him there were calamities and yet he would say I've suffered the loss of all things no problem in order that I may gain Christ the attitude of Paul is no different from the attitude of the psalmist in Psalm 73 verses 25 and 26 who said whom have I in heaven but you and there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you my flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever and so this is what God is telling us in the midst of all of this pandemic the Lord is reminding all believers all Christians to find their greatest treasure and joy in Jesus Christ so let me wrap up this exhortation today the world is filled with confusion with fear with anxiety panic many are wondering is the world about to end as I said I'm not sure I don't exactly know God's timetable in the scovia 19 pandemic could this be the beginning of the birth pains or the first half of the Tribulation Period maybe maybe not but whatever it is our response should not be to panic or to respond in anxiety and great fear what we should do is stop look and listen kovita 19 should cause us to stop and pause be still and know that He is God COBIT 19 should bring us to our knees and look up to God in prayer kovat 19 should prompt us to listen to God's voice through his word and if you meditate on his word and listen carefully you will realize your frailty and the uncertainty of life you will recognize the existence of God you will realize that God in a mysterious way is accomplishing his purposes you will heed God's call to repent of your sin and if you do not repent you will be warned that pestilences are a preview of God's final judgment if you're a believer you will be challenged to mature spiritually and you will be reminded to find your greatest treasure security peace joy and everything else in Christ alone stop look and listen cinema a vegan and a not in it oh well impatient mugging attack uppity negro ceratin and punning on apply' pune toñito citing Mabuhay let us come before the Lord in prayer Oh God we thank you and we praise you because you are seated in the highest heavens and you do what pleases you you are the Lord of the universe you are the one who brings blessings you are the one who causes your son to rise both on the evil and on the good you send rain both on the just and on the unjust you're king of kings and Lord of lords you're the sovereign God you're all-powerful you are all-knowing but at the same time you're the God of mercy grace forgiveness thank you that you are our Heavenly Father o God our Father hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven Oh God because you are the source of all good things we pray have mercy upon us Sabeena Picenum Selita a few father's evil as you are know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will the Heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him and so father we pray for good things have mercy upon us Lord filumena Papa Nino on human autonomy on effect Ohana na Hawaiian Nitin coronavirus disease lord have mercy upon them help them to look to you and Lord bring healing Noah pomace marami Papa Omaha recover molasses socket NATO beam upon Allah in nomina anatomica makhana namkeen ama and items ahead not even a thought meta hood all the word again touch their hearts to look to you and to trust in you when a pre-poo naam in unmanned a doctor man a nurse's manga health care providers little time Nepal Nepal again marring pagane pagoda arab nájera pasilla Metapod in abacus Allah Imahara and Habano Mahina and Connellan resistencia at pecan ubusuna Baba's and Potomac turn a toll on loop upon lalala and situation and aiming bonza lord have mercy upon these people the Lumina Papa nunamaker insulin and lakas NAWAPA I invent Donna got it on vaccine agawid para por Dios copied 19 NATO pin a panel on in Puna minima expert on a GU McGowan and hot number an open-back research at McCarl open my in Benton and commode oh lord please have mercy sana na po salad on modeling pan ho I'm a disco brunette o achos Bonnie no on Dena Dena DeLong in Poonam in a monotone the petticoat dial MA allen salon on trabajo Laguna Sumitra Manila Youngman Erewhon lemon banging on Camille's Padma vanilla began you Poonam wisdom and I mean gobierno at Amana LG use mana government leaders open Milan man come Papa no Cossack azulon it upon situation a minion chiming bayon at lordy get Papa selahattin on it open a panel on in amman and mana unbelievers will recognize non boo hey Neela Sam and Oh neato a pan and alley and lemon at Indy salami Hawick Nambu hey Neela kailangan Ellen and Jose Navarro and ebong hey Leo accumulate namib Alicia by an amine semana para neato at maraming mockery nick name addendum Bonita now see crystalline Antonia on Picasa non-wacom a tiny crystal barrio I am perfect sacrifice nama Glick toss Simon Mahakala Lua and we pray Lord that many would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and be saved Lord inna de la in Puna Mahna Mahna Mahna non pelota Camilla's Pocoyo opens upon Ito in bestowing selfish Scylla to Luna young mod Paquita Solanum pag-ibig Senor at Savannah Lanka help the church of god to be your instrument of peace your instrument of blessing to the community at panino and through your church can you PO I'm a little happy salamat PO coming banging on some gonnago annual you are moving in a mysterious way we don't fully understand but it man GRE and latin a little but lord - let me joke we continue to just trust in you whatever may happen kinda hone in on behind I mean we will continue to love you we will continue to believe in you and to trust you and to obey you Lord panel on in Puna mean let your will be done in this world maraming salamat humming pani lunges lord thank you for what you are already doing and will continue to do for all of these we ask and pray through Jesus Our Blessed Savior amen and amen maganda maha bua animal hat maraming salamat PO Sen young panna know that bikini god bless you all
Channel: ShepherdsCallTv
Views: 10,878
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Id: SlkmYpCes1s
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Length: 75min 46sec (4546 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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