Fat Joe | Drink Champs (Full Episode)

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[Music] everybody's got this take a picture of that ah you got it we got smoke I feel real word yeah every time I say said this [ __ ] laughs he got the he can hear me you got the f balls right this [ __ ] dying laughing would a good be how many would assume you see point in Augie what up his DJ he offended his drink chance the new happy hour in the world happy hour studio oh we gotta run that again and then got end up with me because I've been on dream chef so mr. Coast all right know where the goofy wait you know what his DJ event what up is your boy Joe crack the dog and by the way by the way fragile I went to New York the other day and I seen Sean affect us did you ever see his cigar collection he's like a beast with cigars I'm offering you a cigar as it is your birthday I'm only hourly drink cigars when I'm pissy girl I don't drink a cigar save it for the party but that's when I smoke a cigar when I'm that [ __ ] I can't just smoke what Sean pick us is a fraud what let me tell you something this guy if you don't know we destroyed him because he was cheating me with the wine I said it on yourself she said yo you went on the number one show you told [ __ ] my gimmick keep a half a half the bill but I really drink the wine that's why he gave me two give me these cigars with that home Jumma bigger mob since you've asked a pickup to come along Anthony we all got to hang out with them that night it was fun man but um Joe you got this new single out right now yes sir it sounds 1990 now like meaning like it sound that that old-school you know with the vibe to it like you know like like the return it's now but it's now like what made you just keep going and and it's with Dre again yeah well you know I got a project with Dre mmm just cool it Dre but Dre of cooling tray and by the way I don't have an on by now but cooling drink let's make some noise the pool is great I saw that and I looked at my friends yes I got step my friends up now I took me years to watch when they gave me to watch I was like these [ __ ] rich rich right now but it felt so good me and my brothers gave me this card well you know it's such a beautiful day what are you drinking it yo can you open up some wine why are they let that one show that one felt like it was chilled more we're not [ __ ] it up by opening at what this one's better okay cool you know glad to have ya disrespect my ice dome is it so are you set up yet Diego there's no beat there's no man come on man not what you want champagne you gotta have a glass of champagne I'm working hard to it I'm drinking like you did laughs no I'm not gonna drink like that because why didn't you wouldn't that lose my birthday party Yesi drunk and I got my plane already I'm flying up just for your party too much pissy drunk you know but on my birthday and New Year's I'm drunk there's no way around it like are you trying to stop myself for getting drunk too fast you know cuz the party starts at 8 so I'm like damn dirty right you're gonna miss heavy flow if you hang out with this guy no no I got me drunk at 12 noon [Applause] and we black - we black - hahaha we black - happy birthday Ola he also smile rest in peace my girl meet my mana he was a homeless dude live around forest projects and we were whining we'll go find him on the roof we'll find him wherever he was sleeping and we paying five dollars the [ __ ] come to the party he don't even know who birthday it is and he stopped crying this [ __ ] nor he'd be like and then we've got your Miguel come on he goes ok we got a scene as bad as worse you come on let's go I don't see the way you see [Applause] [Applause] so I guess you know where we could keep a club here in case you didn't know um bad joke you know my cousin it's also his birthday Big Papi swing get pasa get what this time with this Cup Winners Cup and um mrs. KUB bet and it's also mr. Lee's birthday believe I see mr. Lee working yeah I see touch this [ __ ] like them like that I usually see that [ __ ] childen I want to show you what's happened to my cousin right now this is what happens do we got a roaming gnome I'm ready go Fannie be no Fanny got me be yeah listen I'm a senior this video so you can put this up there my cousin has been cocaine doubt no is is there to transfer him to the cocaine crew no we gotta stop you don't come back from me you don't want that Hector Comacho flow I was doing it in Islands man come on you know our engineer I'm not going but you know I Internet drive uncle dad no I'll [ __ ] my you know our engineer he did Drive I did you know our engineer um we did a whole episode with Ron Artest and our engineer was so high up cocaine just note there's no oh yeah yeah what the [ __ ] is going on this is Miami no way [Applause] so Joe does it work hip-hop has been very interested these past couple of months so many albums is dropped in so many places things up taking place so much antics there's so much things going on what is written your most surprising moment of these past couple of months whoever's back there yo relax my most surprising moment of these months um I don't know I think we got I think this for real hip hop this is a set of real head Bob let's just find that damn why you trying to do that yeah friend okay you know what I mean by real hip hop I mean you know their economy we listen to music we love lyrical content it's been a hell of a year right you know I'm saying Nora's albums been amazing I'm so proud of them like I listen to the album 12:00 midnight that's the new [ __ ] Wow so 12:00 midnight I'm listening to your album I'm blasting it oh you know your wife think the record about is the record about I go everywhere with her yeah I see it [ __ ] [ __ ] up so how you feel about the success to the album I just actually haven't even paid attention to any like success about it I just wanted to UM you know make a body of work and throw it out there I got a chance to do it I got a chance to get with mass appeal in Bahamas and they you know they rented a big studio and they're out there you know I think they're doing a compilation or something that's appeal retreat I believe like something like that you know working labels they do that is so nice I'm saying I remember you know recording for the firm album they would you know take us to Bearsville or they'll fry us to like Miami when Miami was like that place to be so you know what I'm saying like before is recorded and put before you know to see it come to fruition but um me period I just like I just like the competitiveness I just like that just what's going on everyone is on but you know what I'm gonna tell you Joe there's been so much good material I think like night I think I'll be I think at least 70% of it has been overlooked no because there's too much no I think I think we I think this has been an amazing year vibart for everybody man I mean like you could tell you know when I went to your album release party and like that's the first time in so many years we used to do it like that but people are so proud of what's going on in the hip-hop scene where you got knives you got Raekwon you got the my songs you got a TI buck well you got they know you got bad yo yo Fat Joe you got everybody by the way and that and that's just that that's where the state of hip-hop is right now I'm loving where hip-hop this this is the happiest I've been in a long time I buy a pop in the launch I'm not the happiest ever but this is the happiest I've been in a long time about hip hop you know I can't get over to push your tea album I still love to drink album I still your everything I mean you know every it's been a lot of hot albums man a lot of hot albums job it's still the old Sonny gotta be around me honey was eating my new Sonny was eating a bottle you know my dues Sonny's still sweating profusely oh yeah Sonny Sonny don't wait as soon as I seen Sonny eat the oyster shell oh man that's the first time that's a big punch it wow what a dis that [ __ ] with us like get out of it yeah you know pong was crazy but open the bottles like that really seen point in pork chops and applesauce look I never thought he did it for you pork chops and applesauce and I was like I didn't know that was a thing and everybody was like wait these pork chops and help big buns an icon of course he is it's a it's an amazing thing because now I look back I sit back and I get to reflect back we've been in this game over 20 years and I'm like whoa like we really brought a [ __ ] top 5 icon in this [ __ ] that's one know me some people consider him top 5 do you know what I'm saying some people said I'm number one yeah so what I'm saying to you is like we you know really was with him you know I'm saying a beautiful day so you know what you have one is that a half a million that's a million that's a straight man what a segue is that why don't you just forgive me I don't know I was gonna show you an is well I'm gonna lie you get even living live sober million over a million certainly isn't even clap this is like what this all is not belongs to Queens not no normal [ __ ] do every nine ain't normal but you know what I think you had it did I see 50 cent when I got it after that when it got it I think that after that but you know it's like since I was 14 I've been hustling on the streets just to get fly you know what I'm saying to me success is being fly every day wearing whatever we want smelling I we weren't eating like we weren't and um ain't gonna let nobody just turd that I ain't letting nobody tutor that when the [ __ ] when I got caught for the taxes I remember my [ __ ] accountant came and the first thing he did was look at my house on the wood he was like oh no you got to get out of here I said no you got to get the [ __ ] outta my house [ __ ] I ain't moving you don't be saying cuz [ __ ] you know you get these accountants and he trying to make you cut back and all that I'm like a man I've been rich I've been broke I've been rich I've been broke I've been rich up and broke I don't give a [ __ ] I know you know I'm saying as long as that we eaten we livin we living good you know I'm saying I don't care man I love being fly that's just the bottom line man now now it's your favorite part of the game because it feels like it feels like you're kind of more comfortable dropping singles on the hair and they're like and because you know it's just yester alright what happens is we just gotta adapt to what's going on now I've always been a hustler businessman I'm gonna do what's better for the money right but at the end of the day I love putting out albums and bodies of work like if albums were still selling 100,000 first week and all that [ __ ] we're all would have been rushing to do albums but the truth is you put out a single like do you know all the way up won't stop like it like it won't keep selling and the streaming so I don't think people have gathered the thought of streaming streaming that's open 24 hours a day while we sleeping somebody's playing it and we making money it's that and then a to keep going it ain't about first week sales no more what dreams is about [ __ ] keep listening to and golf a bit something happen I wrote it goes viral and [ __ ] just keep streaming the streaming and streaming them before you know it you like blah blah blah what it made me so much money like I don't it just keep making money thank God for Ghazi who you introduced me to my whole and you know today you know he changed my life with the streaming game so you know it you know I love making novels with Dre album wait two songs away two songs away from a classic two songs away like this [ __ ] is really last time you are the Avett this [ __ ] is really becoming ridiculous and it's because the stay there pop your album being fired nas I won't be in file Bo's most of [ __ ] like um you know all these are jay-z Beyonce I'm all I'm just being fire made us look at our [ __ ] and be like yo I [ __ ] got to be super fired and that's where the games ever as you know as much as success as we got right like us I think everyone has a little bit of pettiness still right of course do you think jay-z dropped his album on the same day as nas on purpose like um I mean this is just industry insider fit that we were hearing now you don't know no you're saying there's no facts not even no facts no thanks this is the no facts it's weird that it dropped the same date let's just give it that you know what it means I well it's a it's an ill coincidence you know what I'm saying but they still but they friends I seen them at the Grammys together everywhere to get what some Beyonce's on the tribe on the behalf no one can [ __ ] her to be hard and they're not all together right that's a joint mean you want to see what the Beehive is just go say something about Vyasa right and oh my god coming they'll be talking about - your mother's mother's mother's mother no I was looking at crazy you know I was like I was looking at on the side though now I wasn't looking at the front door I was there all right let me let me just subliminally say um the big artists perform their MTV Awards this year and this year and they do okay the replay [Applause] only give me the single table so anyway I've seen big artists performed it got like an army right but I've seen them performing an army was there and it was all like um uh the gay and lesbian community hmm you know what I'm saying sounds their army you're saying I could yeah I couldn't believe that I'm looking at it and I'm like wow so all these people who've been telling me this sucked a dick and all this well [ __ ] up on Instagram I'm like yo these [ __ ] you know it's crazy when they get so you know who knows who's crowd or whatever every who's the beehives yeah they crazy if you don't want no smoke with them well we caught smoke record would be I know I caught a lot of smoke when week when we did that last drink traps about a reggaeton they never we never we never settled that we never crazy because we addressed it but it was on our you know it was the first time Joe is gonna be on the revolt overall yes relate to [ __ ] and white people working for us make some noise on [Applause] no they want to get kicked out [Applause] just audio yeah you've been on YouTube with us and now you've now you say what I don't know if we revolt know that I'm the biggest [ __ ] in the game so it's just congratulations to you to have me or they put me into no frills section so so easily I want to describe your party because when you told me at my party you know damn I'm sorry I'm so sorry holy France holy moly guacamole so we had to clear that up right so now what happened exactly we got on would you say you saved me seems slack right cuz I mean we talked about you don't yeah we did but yeah we're gonna do this again no we have to because this is on the this is briefly just do a bridge so whatever was we talked about daddy and he coming up in the Bronx right and always telling me you know you are the leader or whatever the case may be and then you know I was happy for him and then long story short I told the story about how where he blew up he he broke my heart I was so happy for him yeah when I seen him at a reggaeton show that I was with nori the [ __ ] act like he know me he was like and and I was like wow this [ __ ] could be a little bit more more I'm a lawyer but at the same time I try to give him street credibility and say Yoda I think it used to be in this chase now jay-z said he also 50 cent said he awful even [ __ ] pitbull City awesome Fat Joe two houses north so I was trying like not trying to play there's not a lot of people who can cosign that these are people I was trying to get from the coast excitability and then you know they ran with the only thing they could say is like y'all Fat Joe's right and this and that about some [ __ ] in the street 20 years ago to me of you a rat you put [ __ ] in jail exactly you know I'm saying so um I guess they ain't understand the podcasts and the culture right so you know I'm saying all right his fans oh I don't know who the [ __ ] they are you know they they call me 10,000 mama beat shows it was bad mama Mary company Etta this thing is going hard on my [ __ ] but let's move so like that the average artists work we'll see that and see these kind of like threats or something like that and we'll say you know what I'll chill well you had to do a movie of a series of or Netflix she's got to have it part two correct and one of the first things I've seen is when you land you landed in the craziest Hood in Porto Rico they they literally tell you do not go to this hood even to other Puerto Ricans what made you feel that need to go I didn't need to it's just that's that's you felt like that no I went to the Lions in a statement okay somebody's gonna hurt me you might as well come to La Bella hurt me maybe like I'm in the back part like I'm under lap yeah yeah but I'm not I'm not in the front smiling in the welcome to La Bella I'm in the rocks we're [ __ ] and Hector Lavoe was shooting the dopa El Cantante movie they got like you better stay out of it okay no baby could be Pino again some out there and they show me number love I don't even know what to tell you everywhere I went is number love Fat Joe you know Puerto Ricans love Fat Joe I don't know what [ __ ] was thinking right I'm thinking maybe he was like the barbs or the media frenzy you know those knit those [ __ ] no I'm saying right because but did you expect like any to get any like phone calls or any like did you expect it or do you expect exactly the love you got you it do it you expected that climb in one time he was even if you wanted to keep it real with yoga real please know we're super strapped out there what like just in case it [ __ ] wanted to play funny no I'm saying my whole job is always coming on I used to be in LA with the East Coast West Coast beef super strap like I don't play with these people I got to get home I got three kids I got a wife I got a family I'm coming home so that means giving it to everybody we giving it to everybody we coming home that's just the bottom line is for the record it's no beef with like Puerto Rico no beef we go I'm just saying you know you know how you know just wait so no beef report a week with no beef or where they don't love it was just I worship Puerto Rico my grandmother my grandfather from Puerto Rico I'm Puerto Rican and Cuban you know I understand man like I don't even know is there beef like there's no big misunderstanding I went to Spanish barbash not randomly just walked in it was like ah I'm not sure give my a tell you what happened to me I don't know if I told you this story before I might have this famous you know I used to be scared to fly so it wasn't too 10 years after that I ever went and did a show it wasn't to lean back of my career that I went to Puerto Rico to do a show and when I went to Puerto Rico and did a show I went on the radio to do my first interview and do you know what the first question they actually they said yo do you think you black this is the first question Puerto Rico accent you know what the first question well no it's a portable radio they ask me it was no pain no play it wasn't even worth playing it was a statement no pay no play bah bah okay Guyo they said diode a right there was a link a little not stop yeah but that was the first quick I was I was I was hurt right no I'm saying so I told him you know they said now cuz we see you always with the black people with this and I had the same problem when I was in jail no I'm saying that you know the first day this thing that came up in myself because they in the feds you can't get commissary so I don't give a [ __ ] who you is I walked in defense with 5 G's cash in my pocket but you couldn't get it for two weeks I don't care you Bernie Madoff so there's a lot of [ __ ] giving you two bananas Siri you a cop if [ __ ] got love for you the whole line say there was 15 people outside myself 12 was black 3 was Hispanic right so then some Spanish [ __ ] the leader of the Puerto Ricans he comes over um I started calling that [ __ ] Superboy equal right senator did come up with myself as a violation anyway for him coming up he got these holes in his face so you know he's a bad guy you can tell right shut non-op here so he tells me all your fault because for some reason they can't say fight joke they always just say [ __ ] oh yeah no team turn it come in y'all it's a bit long story short he's like yo I see all the black dudes with you and I know you from New York and the Puerto Ricans from New York but over here we stick to our own and it's about Miami in Miami jail right so he was the leader of the Puerto Ricans into Miami jail whatever so I'm listening to this [ __ ] I cannot believe what he's saying to me right so and then he actually calls all the Puerto Ricans his son it's like so me he loitered to say so I'll sit down and say your property let me explain son of you the first thing you need to do is call yourself English or Spanish a lot be at the main course our captain pinochle sent our man to Primos and where you are just sitting there okay yo no soy rapido papa that's number one let your cousins in New York tell you I'm not a rapper number two is I've been running [ __ ] so long that I would have to give you a premiere on the west door of Grammy but for me to come in here for four months and you run me biggest thing in America no it's about first 20 minutes in jail like this would be like the Grammys like it would be the illest [ __ ] I've ever seen on earth like just you [ __ ] look at me he start laughing he's like y'all were just know the body cuz ain't with you and me I'm like I tell my [ __ ] I came in here dolo anyway so you know that's just always been my might so the same thing with the radio in Puerto Rico they was like you know and I was like yo B I represent Puerto Rico in Africa Brazil all over the world here's one thing at one time the reggaeton movement was just in Puerto Rico a little bit of New York in Orlando that's when they asked me to question you understand once I'm like [ __ ] I'm waving that Puerto Rican flag across the world and for the record I helped it and when you said you discovered daddy yankee we was playing around if they actually looked you said you said you did you discover that he and I said he ain't call me sir well you was the first person to put on MTV but now can look at MTV and he's on there and performance a beautiful it's a different time yes so why happens is let's be clear about what's going on they talked about this 20 years ago we just ain't believe it and now it's the time yeah Latinos have become the dominate demographics in America that's right so when you listen to hot 97 or you listen to straight black stations and they playing regular Osito they play in that record it ain't just because they wanna play the record it's just they got mad Latinos requesting it this one listen right now it's merging you like it like that number one hit in America you got reggaeton and English rapping on the same song it's the time one of the first records it's the time in English they know it what it is was ODB condo [Applause] [Music] so you summed up you was ahead of your time I believe so I'm not Jake was named Jay Alvarez yeah do you ever I said yo you so ahead of your time bro you don't mean you was way ahead of your time we was ahead of our time right everybody see when we was playing the game watch is definitely I know what I'm talking about what I was trying to tell you is that we was at overtime the whole hip-hop community so say Magic Johnson he broke a record when he got 1 million dollars for playing one one year million dollars in the Lakers the biggest [ __ ] you ever heard now you got [ __ ] make it 250 million so at that time we was breaking doors for these [ __ ] to come get them 200,000 250 150,000 when we was getting 5 under that room box and doing three shows in one night trying to make 1,500 we was opening the doors we was ahead of our time that's why the decline it is the way it is that's why we kept fighting that hole in now because we want a piece of that 250 we were we you always restitution this is like 40 acres in a mule like you know man we paid the door most of the [ __ ] who paid the door to cook when Jay Z say are the cold crush pain due to the cold crush they didn't get to see this money we seeing this money we still here doing we got to do and on but we opened the door for everybody don't get that [ __ ] up ever in your life so um you know this is what we do but you know guess they've been on the show alumni we're gonna actually just ran the first [ __ ] haven't drinks yes like I didn't make some [ __ ] but listen I just want to actually like random random stuff this happened in the hip-hop right now first hip-hop Porto Rican parade you could blow one of these I brought hip-hop to the Puerto Rican parade god you're big plum first rappers to bring a boxer in the ring Felix Trinidad against you [ __ ] me up now no one remembers we never got to say it I can't [ __ ] it stopping you I'm gonna bring up your top topics oh hey pop topics so right now um kodak black the young homie she's all right is he out um kodak black he just came home right young energetic dude i like him i love what he represents and this room was that he's turning down $100,000 shows because what's the reason Oh huh I don't know what's the reason maybe that's this reason maybe he don't know I don't know oh no no they said there's reason is because you want to make music ya wanna make me well maybe you just want to make music I mean artist is artist you know Prince Michael Jackson everybody Kanye everybody got that what I'm saying coming from jail you do to turn down a hundred thousand baby master plan to make to [ __ ] 200,000 250,000 I remember at one time Big Pun made the same money to jay-z babe and the same thing jay-z turned around and started turning it down and he acts for like $150 nobody ever heard of that it was it was you the man if he was getting 40,000 right he was like yo I'm not moving without 150,000 they came and they gave him the hundred fifty thousand name was I I want two hundred and a private plane and he started giving them two hundred and a private plane so there's some [ __ ] that got a strategy that looks weird to us but they hold out and they get what they want he figures y'all i'ma still make that 100,000 when I put out this masterpiece album I'm gonna be charging [ __ ] 250 and killing them I mean I guess that's his his concept being I'm greedy I'm taking anything I've never got paid $200 a show I'm throwing it out there I've never had a hundred case I ain't gonna lie it was like it was I've like maybe a eighty like what it was it like in the show biggest I ever made it's not Africa I'm gonna say Dubai I say Africa not that story to get kidnapped right but you came back so we got back you don't I mean there's a lot I remember one time I called Flo Rida Flo Rida my brother I love him a def I love what he does with the kids him and I'm freezing over here with the back foot ball tournaments and Nola but I caught Flo Rida because I was doing a Bar Mitzvah and I was getting like 50,000 to do it then [ __ ] was like yo will get Flo Flo Rida 200,000 if we come to the bar mitzvah do you know Flo Rida live across the street from the bar mitzva across the street and I was like yo Flo they want you to come across the street so they can give you 200,000 he's like Joe I love you so much my price is 400 I can't go I said but no Flo Rida look out your window I'm waving it I can't do it my price is my price I'm like Jesus Christ like this thing I must be making tremendous amount of money go across the street two songs 200,000 go [Laughter] I gotta go there because you posted this on your gram this was the blackout 15 years ago the other day was the anniversary of the blackout now what happened on this ledge because you know drinks hands fans ironically are there young people some some some are older but some people probably don't know what the [ __ ] we talk about so I would like you to treat basketball in New York at this time was the biggest thing like you see Dyckman that's how it used to be all the time and um I was anything as the new rocco dyke friends the new worker right so um how would they do safari by the way I was a champion sorry I was the champion for two years in the road and jay-z decided to get a team and come in the rocket I mean I was really offended I was in my feelings because I felt like you know when I went to the Rucker it was almost on his way out and I start bringing all the NBA names so I built a [ __ ] back up right so his team is playing them [ __ ] got LeBron James they got Jamal Crawford big and he high school abroad huh his high school of Biscay LeBron they had the planet Earth with them every game he was bringing Beyonce to all the games at the Rucker Beyonce was sitting in the middle of Harlem [ __ ] was going crazy so we we was bringing everybody to step four Barry Allen Iverson everybody has something was it a little bit of like was a little hey it was wise this [ __ ] coming in my [ __ ] in my Beyonce be filthy rich we got everything in the world why come to my little park with Fat Joe the King to take my [ __ ] so we are saying it was hey it was hey okay hey okay that's not real pretty kids at that time it was local for the cake you know we was like really awesome [ __ ] right so in any case he's winning he's winning you know like Cinderella some [ __ ] rocky they went anyway never guess why he wins the play else we win the playoffs Fat Joe jay-z they playing mmm so we supposed to play the championship on this day and then the blackout it was so hot or whatever the huh Lulu York City had no power there was over thirty forty thousand kids on the street to see the game the parking Lee hold a thousand people this [ __ ] looked like Giants Stadium in the middle of Hall it was the radio was talking about the game every two seconds night and we always go down this crazy I mean 15 years ago what is this forty years ago 2003 2003 2003 huh your math is impeccable no you know you got that you have that money that job so alright let me describe the situation because for those they don't want game power Jesus price sales they don't know what the cow in the summertime in New York City this is one of the biggest events that's happening it's in the daytime to the nighttime bumps with my every NBA player has to come through risk for a right of passage but before their NBA player yeah so jay-z had LeBron James Vince Carter Tracy McGrady um Jamal Kerr he had a bunch of [ __ ] Shaquille O'Neal so at that game he has Shaquille O'Neal LeBron J it was stupid I had comment on this all right nobody ever heard nudists right I had Carmelo Anthony young Carmelo who was like his own rock nation just won the chip - uh Sarah cubes right so Carmelo Anthony I had al Harrington Maurice on a mom for the weekend you know I love Colin I had a Mariscal Amaya I a Stephon Marbury when he was the highest-paid biggest MBA very next step on Marbury I Iverson I have Mike Bibby um Zach Randolph um y'all it was disgusting the clue I had to like I skip to my Lou up we asked it to my look at Kareem RiRi everybody at the end of the day I had all the [ __ ] right so what happened is he had all the makers the blackout happened so what happened was the NBA teams started calling the players for practice practice had to start it was getting late in the summer right so all his players I knew had to go back to their NBA teams my [ __ ] was loyal to me and they stood in New York for the replay there was a every man supposed to happen the next day three days later two days later I had my [ __ ] like everybody was ready sitting in the hotel half them [ __ ] was in the park like I didn't see them I knew that they [ __ ] had to go out of town okay Joe you're going to wait some fast okay so you saying the first game first game was with you but you did we schedule and reschedule k2a next two days later and that's why you said I don't even have to speak about the ruckus because we did about the play didn't even show yeah we was out there for like three hours they ain't come they forfeited they said jay-z had to go to San Tropez or something so I'm like that was hard that was a hard excuse you know yeah that was all if you had Beyonce in our yacht in the middle of San Tropez you would leave - but y'all started the game though was before the blackout no no okay it was gonna okay but when you look at that history that was a God's plan um before the blackout it looked like it looked like it was tension big tents okay I'm ma bi okay look I was a piece of [ __ ] right I ain't gonna lie to you I got a bad guy troublemaker um I was looking for [ __ ] every second of the day you know this was my life at one point before rap and my first eight years of rap I was looking to [ __ ] anybody up no I'm saying and you know it probably would have been real tense in that game man like will you God did it say the biggest favor you ever seen in life not letting the game happen why I'm saying it was it would have took one call it would have took one euro they jerked us you know four [ __ ] it went on the quarters start to [ __ ] so but when do we scheduled just what you know when you be scheduled they leave Italy what we scheduled okay no oh gee Juan showed up and like two of their players John strict and another player I did not see any other players out there Stephon Marbury's in the middle of the court Zak Randall's all my [ __ ] was in the squat Randall everybody was in the court all Jermaine O'Neal was that like yeah boy that's all bully play so but he has Shaquille O'Neal so B to be clear all there's a good probability they would have won if that first game went down that they ass your killer in there nobody can stop so killer takes seven [ __ ] only you know I was mad I want to break your kids legs oh you wanted to break his legs then I called them I told Shaq break his leg I need to understand this uh-huh you call Shaq now this is another day I love she kills once and the biggest [ __ ] you a nobody like you just too small to this [ __ ] now fingers think on earth and I love him and everything but that's how much I was in my feelings at that time so you call how does this go Jojo how this phone call happens if somebody mr. Lee yeah yeah how does this help you caught um you'd call him this other blue I did it on the radio like Shaq was up on the radio talking that black out the only thing that worked was the radio so he was up there Steve Stoute oh gee Juan Shaq he talkin about yo I'm gonna do Fat Joe I heard Fat Joe bringing y'all man I was like yo Shaq man I'm gonna break your legs you walk in that Park no I'm saying but I was on some [ __ ] and I love Shaquille O'Neal worship Him it's just I was I was a bad guy at one time in the game the second game would have happened when you won by forfeit right cuz you say you ain't had to play it Shaquille O'Neal wasn't with them they wasn't one of we would've won right we would have won the second game okay you know what I mean cuz my all my players was there i allen iverson the Steph Steph Marbury in the backcourt with like this everywhere Mike Bibby was the author and this is no secular guy - my [ __ ] had o least Coast all-star team ready to play now if you look up that year everything I'm telling you is the starters of the East Coast all-star team was playing them all I'm at that Park it was it was out of control what we was about to do out there you know I'm saying what Shaquille O'Neal was the most dominant play of this error right now Marbury still has not let it go Instagram like you posted this and you said his heart broke so I love jay-z you said you said I love OG 1 this they brought us together The Blackout brought us together 15 years ago now we got something to talk about we laugh about it and now we are business partners and and we do great with Egypt we love each other so you know I put that up the [ __ ] Marbury went bad you know I'm saying well he's gone now I can't say what he said I don't want to say what he said but he went bad I had to actually and I love Stephon Marbury Bray I love him to death at the delete his arm what he was what he said on it he went too bad so you know jay-z said you could be like Marbury optimize your life for me I'm thinking this is the game no think about Marbury the best Intel fair was Marbury's little nephew that's his cousin right his little cardigan we watched him grow up I used to eat ghetto [ __ ] chicken wings fried rice and chicken wings with this little [ __ ] this [ __ ] was playing for jay-z when he was the hottest young [ __ ] coming out of high school in the city so he was playing for them so step was mad as little nephew his little cousin was he was gonna kill that make it step was gonna drop 50 points on that new [ __ ] be taking him out like him one quarter but we was offended we watched him little [ __ ] grow up he went to play you know for at the time the ops well you know I'm saying so it was it was a lot of built-in anger but 14 years later and Stephon Marbury's such a a legend he got statues and China runs a billion-dollar company out there and all that he had to go that bad on it's the grandma yeah he went bad he went he went there I love stuff though so Joe let me just ask you so cuz you balance this kind of ill you you're probably the only person that what ja Rule friend you went to turmoil with 50 and you're probably the only other person that can be cool with both of them like the way you're cool both oh oh is that the truth I don't know if I'm cool with both for them I don't know if they if they you know I don't know if they both man you know I'm saying because I heard a rumor you're supposed to bring them both out on summer yeah I try to bring them both out of celebrate both her [ __ ] my mother you know they're [ __ ] is like yo [ __ ] you [ __ ] your mother's a lesbian like bad like they went bad so hold on what was your plan bad yeah let me just think I'm just gonna bring out Java with 50 cents are you saying yeah yes but what regular this is gonna perform whatever record they'll be do whatever with my beating of the remix my [ __ ] was your fifth relaxed jaw relax let's do a fairy pop and not only I got curse style but I got super cursed out because I didn't realize that Irv Gotti is like he really got a problem with that situation so herb don't bother nobody he do is Hollywood thing we he called me and call me all type of [ __ ] and I was just like he was like anyone you know we are his up no I call them both because real job check this out okay I'm doing Summer Jam I'm headlining I want you to come on me and rap and I'm bringing 50 cent up yo 50 check this out I'm headlining I really need you to come out with me do your blood your gangster everything and guess what I got ja Rule with us and we gonna come out together okay [ __ ] my mother everything with you if this would happen if nobody getting Christian I'm just a beautiful person but yeah I love everybody get along this is what happened right suppose you record 50 nobody would have fought he wouldn't say yes I suppose you called ja but what would records would you to bring them out together wasn't matter they just would've bottle every minute wish death upon me blow no mine and job what it came out of did his little New Yorker clap back whatever I was going we was just gonna go I'm gonna do clap back you Kennedy did you just say clap back Joe that was terrible directly your let me know many men might be the same exact same [ __ ] they've been dissing each other forever see they got a delusion they're gonna do candies yeah well you got out yeah well you gotta understand they put it on me I argued I have beef with 50 cent for 78 years this [ __ ] is wack dissing each other dissing each other and then everybody wanted this each other more and then this and then you know what's going down when you see each other you know what I'm saying all that it's like played out to me and I love and worship ja Rule and Irv you know what I mean and I know they got to feel a certain way because I'm caught like they they both told me we cringe when you see we see you in pictures with 50 cent you're my friend you're my friend and I am a friend like I got a show vii in Vegas and I'm flying back to New York to go to herbs mom's 80th birthday like these are really my friends I [ __ ] with his John say talk to her every other day like gave my brother's but I'm just not with the smoke I'm not with it and they'll it don't benefit nothing all right me people with 50 cent and him beefing with me don't benefit nothing peace feel so much better than good could we bring you in Cuban link together no you couldn't but I'm glad I told you last summer birdies in church right so if he's really in church I salute him cuz I fear God you know what I'm saying and and that's about it with like $57 I told you I don't want to go in I mean off Cuba late it was bad man yo when you take people and first of all we was all born in Long let's just go to this concept all y'all [ __ ] in here was born butt-naked alone I ain't even know each other right so now we all grew up dirt poor dirt poor welfare projects wiping my ass with toilet paper no a/c sleeping on the floor cuz it's colder you can't tell me about being poor [ __ ] I don't hate the kitchen sink rice with this with that like I've been broke like I don't have pictures of when I was a little kid because we didn't afford a camera that's how I broke Fat Joe was you understand what I'm saying so now I get an opportunity with God bless me and put me in a position to help somebody else and make somebody else a millionaire make him another a star make him a star buy these [ __ ] homes before I own the home I still lived in an apartment when I bought the [ __ ] home and for the [ __ ] to do all that and try to destroy me see so if you look at my Instagram on my birthday all the comments were saying yo these [ __ ] to everything at this [ __ ] everything at the Snicket his best friend's wife was going bad saying you know he robbed he did like they try to destroy me in every way 50 cent was the big bad wolf [ __ ] was 30 platinum smashing everybody I'm the only [ __ ] kept coming back at that [ __ ] go I know the beef you understand so when I when I see the opportunity and and and how generous and the money and everything I did for these people for them to try to just cut my legs you know I'm saying there's one thing to go at a football game watch a football game and see it [ __ ] get hit hard in the football game but you ever see [ __ ] dive at the [ __ ] knees and you know he shot breaking it right he's trying to hurt them yeah they trying to cut his whole life y'all don't understand I had I was coming out hits make it rain on tomorrow's and the day my album come out when you normally go to hot 97 they was on being less talking about your we homelessness [ __ ] [ __ ] on us y'all don't buy a [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] this is that they really was doing this to me I don't understand of you it is a such thing as trolls they were strolling and me now let's say Fat Joe as a man Joseph Cartagena hip hop fan if I was a fan of Big Pun and Fat Joe being the Latino super powers and numb being brothers and the wife a Big Pun said that Fat Joe's a piece of [ __ ] and he's robbing us and this I would never like Fat Joe in my [ __ ] life me being Joseph Cartagena died hit my fan I'd have been [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] him so you understand what I had to go through I had to walk how many people like you and other people that say no he's a great guy Scott's phenomenal gives to the community open businesses computers to the school sent planes to Puerto Rico the man gives everything you understand and people try to destroy me on another level like I don't think y'all understand that because I understand cuz I'm like yo if I was outside of sitting then I'll be like yo this [ __ ] come back so I have to convince the people yo that ain't what it is [ __ ] like I did is it's incredible man who's a big fight it was a big fight you know I had to overcome you know I'm saying and it still bothers me no no that's beautiful man [ __ ] that man and you're still here man you still here still strong now we scoped motive we got the movie coming out on the Kevin Hart joint oh god we got she's gotta have it we just wrapped up season 2 with Spike Lee so you know I was actually my beard is right I was actually uh actually my flight was supposed to be for tomorrow for Angie's barbecues we go to Angie's barbecue and then go to your party what happened was we fell back on the revolt episode so we had that we got a record according to you and recording ja Rule tomorrow oh wow so so I'm just flying up for your party but let me just tell you you know Joe is my brother I love this guy he's like you gotta come to my party I'm like I cool make sure my wife locked out the dates did whatever this is where you want to sit next to Spike Lee or mary j blige diggin or acting like he was doing me the biggest favor [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] we said on my birthday man I'll be taking you're my real brother for my mother yeah that's how we are no we've been friends for 20 years we got [ __ ] [ __ ] in our family is some [ __ ] you can't believe it sometimes I sit there and I look at these [ __ ] know what else we all have that everyone and to tell you something I worship my son I love him to kingdom come he's my boy man but sometimes I'll be sitting there with this thinking he'd be doing some questionable [ __ ] to where I'm looking now I'm just meaning like [ __ ] ain't wit so I be sittin there lookin at this thing I mean like yo you believe this snicker like take James or some know like up to not like Genie a website like this morning my wife had to go to the airport we need [ __ ] to take her cuz my other cars in the shop yo you ask something to do how you gonna have something to do my [ __ ] when she are you [ __ ] serious money God like I'm saying and I love my son everything's for my family I work hard for my family but what kind of [ __ ] they lucky I wasn't up this morning man and he took the next frame out to New York to I was like oh my god what is some [ __ ] up [ __ ] [ __ ] it really is are you like what like are you serious like you bless you bless to raise four young children whether it's for you man yeah and then I don't know how because we have nothing so we try to give our kids everything so we don't understand how and this ain't just my problem it's the problem anybody who feels like y'all ain't have nothing they taking care of kids when they grow up they almost think like they the Fresh Prince of bel-air I'll tell the [ __ ] all the time we are not Sean puffy combs this money run out banz you Roli dog you're looking all right you dip fresh for your mirror all the time but chill you know cuz they got some new [ __ ] I don't know if you know that did dr. Dre son puff son a bunch of them [ __ ] not a ticking privates the kids know it's a new society of the the sons they taking private planes so these is 40,000 30,000 so he's showing me yo dr. Dre son my man y'all puppies son they jump but nothing I'm like you're my [ __ ] hold just no I don't take private planes unless we gotta take one I'm not doing that no more I did that I spent tons of millions of dollars on this [ __ ] we're not doing that [ __ ] so I got it you know this is [ __ ] you know he think is this for you man god bless him they beautiful we love him but like it's a problem let's make some noise for last year my birthday the hurricane hit bad joke came to me and my birthday dinner I said nore we're gonna die she tell you to worship they said no I rented the biggest suite with my wife have to say this right on the beach Oh Joe a baby citizen like y'all was I really trying to stick it out but I really went the next day she was Jim Jones right no that came later what I'm saying I really gotta stick it out I really stood there they check in the hotel they said yeah you're good we almost didn't back away you guys know the plane not impact you waited this a minute ago they obviously you still got that I was just begging for your drugs in the [ __ ] out of here I took the canary make it better we took the dog [Laughter] [Applause] touching and [ __ ] groaning oh so I see maybe we saw that [ __ ] de plana his mother-in-law she got her way on the plane - she dropped them off and she was like let's go and his wife was my dog how was it it was procedure on that plane - and and had the coolest part is - by the way the what the coolest pilots coolest part oh no we just I was just glad to get out of here because I've been to a couple of hurricanes here like hurricane on Katrina I was here or like oh [ __ ] sound like like a [ __ ] is just you know how they do the off the motor secondly like it ain't going away but it's just doing the smoke that's how your windows if you never did one yo you did one ya know your window sound like a [ __ ] doing that on a motor was shot when a hurricane was approaching the way of the video looks do green he he hooked that up at digital I always say about like living in Miami was like you become an automatic weatherman like you're like today like man um Sonny's on my balcony and we're looking like you're like cool look it's about the rain I literally said two minutes we got it you've got to wrap everything up and then two minutes the rain came we stood there then I could look at this [ __ ] and tell you when the rain is coming like everybody that lives in Miami is a [ __ ] weather and [ __ ] special yeah let me chase em Alya you're the wet people live in my girls in Miami [ __ ] on TV today I'm gonna tell you i'ma tell you two minutes two minutes I would never build the house again in my well you killed one from the plantation from scratch yo my [ __ ] let me change some in New York I don't bore cribs put construction people on the window and [ __ ] is working 24 hours a day I built my house in Miami [ __ ] be like I'll go over there nobody's working them like yo what's up by Bosh raining it's a [ __ ] zoo bye bye Milo you won't what you are you better get the [ __ ] out here work these [ __ ] so many times like Miami different man how long it took them to build something why maybe two years as some of these [ __ ] was taking a time they print everything everything was excuse yo it's raining it's too hot for the roof to this and I'm like yo these [ __ ] got excuses I can't do it I'm like I'm like I like to pay like I like to just pay you and get it done leave me alone let's do it I don't like the [ __ ] the back of yo you know many times I went up there I was about to smash the [ __ ] building when you move to the housing plantation where you man years ago man first I had to land and then we built the crib over there from scratch is the most beautiful crib in the world but I love it with the big TS in front door back T I sent and then you know yeah we had the stupid crib and then is just the animals in the night it sounds like this where you live on Metro zoo is oh I swear I swear yo my wife used to call machines when I go with the fog I'm like your song sounded like two H's [ __ ] bombs you hear [ __ ] different animals no but let me just say something sorry to cut you off one thing about Miami is if you're ever just looking around just always like a bird that flies around and you just play this [ __ ] worth 70 million dollars and he was flying around like you ever seen Miami like I grew up my whole time watching that [ __ ] and then I kid you like this burger come by my balcony and I'll be like yo I don't know cocaine cowboy days these dudes had these Tigers choo-choos monkeys and let me tell you something there used to be some raccoons in my crib one [ __ ] I was so strapped I used to watch do you have beef with the raccoon window looking at these thing I'm like yo I'm Achilles [ __ ] man worked up mother I'm a killing [ __ ] come to [ __ ] your garbage up oh yeah and ain't you scared who kicked the window the door the minis is looking at you like not you not you I'm telling you my [ __ ] I had beef with the raccoons everybody get out of it thought I wanted quiet life I went out there Monday I was like yo these [ __ ] D [ __ ] trying to die over here son but way you moved out of Florida no I moved into into a deeper into my sirens that no I got a crib on the water I'm in Ireland Jersey rights that be for the geese you know the geese the geese I don't like none of these people you know they'll come at you like you have beef with the geeks mm-hmm and then you kill one of the Megazine you might as well that's like a hate crime no you hit one of them [ __ ] you done right so what what hasn't been like the biggest difference for working with Roc Nation from like any other management company you ever had shout-out to Desiree it's a birthday today oh god bless you desert abort of the biggest flowers is bigger than this table it was the most she was like yo you something else Linda but it was abundance of fly was the biggest hit you ever see thousands of dollars on these flowers mmm big [ __ ] because she saved my life and she structured me right you know a lot of times the way we thought you did this a lot of times the way we work we thought we was doing it right but they call that [ __ ] homeboy and management and online so you need people so what you got the difference is for all you artists I know you are there's been watching these young boys listen the difference of just having your homeboy managing you that's supposedly smart and somebody who's already in power is there's people trying to get to you that don't know your homeboy it's Colgate it's Corona beer it's May Donald McDonald's and they trying to throw you this check but they don't know your man or they don't want to deal with you man so the best thing was that that opens so many doors me when I was able to do business with so many different people I normally couldn't live because I was 20 years in the game and wasn't doing these deals and now I'm over here doing these deals you know what I'm saying so they opened a lot of doors for me and um it's true it's really about the artists up there to me of course you got to work your end of the bargain and they got a war you got to be poppin for anybody to make a dollar for anyone if you ain't poppin like Chris lighty rest in peace he was the king king but ya know juice pop gonna be lit once you live then he go wait for everybody so you got you gotta understand if you not lit if you're not moving if you're not in demand that you can't really complain that nigga's cuz they can't do nothin for you but once you little [ __ ] can go get that bag [Applause] over here yeah I'm gonna tell you something I don't know if this happens every time right but but twins always on my episode that's right [Applause] episode so what happened people telling you why Joe turn your mic like labels have to look for you you don't go look for a label you know man people think Oh put me on which we put you on one move in order to roadblock you want to be is blown you wanna show them your mixtape has 300 views I'm gonna tell you the worst [ __ ] [ __ ] that are actually killers they decide to rat actually kill is about creating territories is real because not many killers I have to be like you're my man what's up now I'm not dating keep on your Jojo yo I can't help you yo so what's up what you mean you kept your something my day what something already like we got at leading I put my life in danger and I know these [ __ ] is killers but they're the worst rappers I've ever heard in my life it's nothing we can do for you and they've been through their life for real mr. leak congratulations man happy birthday brother I know you like 900 in real life you like 900 cuz cuz you've been 40 since I was 20 when you got him under pressure and some I'll see that if certain cases even less than a song all right the point is that the record industry is the same corny [ __ ] same corny system so what they do they're not signing [ __ ] they're not payin ahran [ __ ] they're not breaking [ __ ] what they doing is they looking at the charts and they look at they say oh [ __ ] there's a little [ __ ] named twin that power 96 is playing them 150 times 99 Jamz is playing them 100 times a week on the street not all the streams and they coming over here then they go and they sign you because you already late the proof is in the pudding that you're gonna spread around the country but the problem I got with that right is after you come from nothing and you make it yourself telling your life story you're putting your heart and the music a [ __ ] come and stand next to you when you get your plaque or your ward like they did some like they some executive some ill [ __ ] we gotta respect some [ __ ] we gotta look up to like they really did something for the culture no [ __ ] you looked at the chart you seen it was hot and [ __ ] Biloxi or Mississippi or Idaho [ __ ] and you went over there you sign a [ __ ] the [ __ ] was gonna blow anyway independently he was streaming off the hook so you go over there and now you're looking like you a superhero like you did something you really a a break the artists that's what you did so all artists out there just know you got to be lit first wherever you front of you from North Carolina get licked it if you for [ __ ] Georgia get lit there and it's gonna sweat out simple as that and it's so [ __ ] up it's because you are so [ __ ] up you don't even have to be lit in your own town you soundcloud rappers know most they've not even letting their own child that's what happens but look cuz I know you got to go or not one I wanna arm but you know I always been proud of you but recently I've been been able to be proud of you every single day so I wake up every morning my favorite sports show in the world first first take and every day on First Take they promoting you September 3rd that you're gonna perform we're gonna break that [ __ ] down Down Yonder I'm gonna be in Paris but you hear that plane is gonna be ugly out there we're gonna welcome them to New York it's our honor to do first take cuz that's everybody's favorite show everyone and um and it's gonna be crazy man I got I got some surprises coming out with me you know I'm saying and we're gonna go out there and rip it down and put on a good show for them this is an honor for me they could have picked anybody that's everybody's favorite show Snoop Dogg would it did you would've did it anybody what it did it but you know cuz there's a lot of people who claim they're the king of New York and listen there could be 15 kings in New York they give me 15 kings in New York but when ESPN First Take a god named Stephen a Smith who's from Hollis Queens Max Kellerman moly and they've hand-picked my friend Fat Joe you can be modest but I'm gonna say that's clearly saying this is one if not the king at least one of them one of them Kings New York because [Applause] because in this case is it's not chess it is checkers and on checkers you can have more than one King I'm one of the Kings in New York no person that's what New York nah nice effect my morning is one of the Kings in New York you know that and a you know it's honor man it's honor there's no way to explain it to you the honor we work real hard for that but you know I'm just glad they picked me and I'm gonna make them happy and we don't make a movie out there you know that the bottom line Thank You Man Matt fat you look good my plane my hotel is booked I'm going out there just for you for your birthday happy three that's your question yes you want to sit next to spike maybe Jay stephenie's Molly let me tell you something yeah I sit next to cheat you get the yo-yo as long as you always lose you okay you're having a good time I'm there to celebrate you know pretty more they'll be hanging out what [Applause] dreamchip tickets check us out next week out order some sit down
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 668,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, hip, hop, music, rap, r&b, fat joe, night school, kevin hart, tiffany haddish, drink champs, full episode, nore, noreaga, dj efn
Id: 4fjlp8JADGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 3sec (4743 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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