Jeezy | Drink Champs (Full Episode)

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[Music] boy in our email right now we're gonna come to HD who's that Titan subscription we I'm tired old man you can catch us early over there titled calm for / drink champs six days off let's go and we might get your deal if you say you got to cut my toenails don't do it one love what a good be hoping this would assume be this is your boy and ort what up is DJ defending his dream tears you happy hour Lancer and right now we have a repeat offender of drink champs the brother came here he gave us his all he so he's back and this has been a sweet thing because every time I googled his name every good thing is saying this is his last album hey come on say so now he's saying that this is my last one it's one of my best ones but it's my last one he's the hustler he's an ambition airiest I don't even know we're making that missionary yes it gives you ambition he makes Hustler's happy he make Street [ __ ] happy when when when Street me to see him win they feel like they win it I feel like I'm winning this man is dead head to the test of times and he's saying he's gonna power out in case you didn't know who I'll talk about we talk about the incredible The Hustler you don't my buddy Jesus [Applause] now GZ I gotta go straight to it when I'm going I'm going I'm Google it then I'm like um because I'm I feel like I would tie it to right yeah that boy hit me up I feel I retired from the [ __ ] like meaning like I eat in stores like anymore yeah it does man this is harm that's just horrible man stores bring I hate in store so that's what I kind of attire from like doing inch doors I don't I don't really drop apples no more so when you say I wanna I wanna bum wrap my head around it completely so when you say we're tired that's it musically you tombow yeah man for me you know we're gonna just do this with nori then we gonna have a whole nother conversation about this but I will say this um you know I just recently required you know got all my messes back I was first informed was before never further right we had to get the business right right you know I'm saying cuz I when I talked about the port I was you know Boston I ain't never worked for nobody right you know I didn't really see it like cut grass in the neighborhood okay watermelons [ __ ] like that you know how my uncle put semen in the [ __ ] wheelbarrow but you know I'm saying when I got into the game it was different because it was like I really took a deal cuz I don't want to go to the penitentiary ahead of time you know I needed to weigh out that was me too you know I was a parole so I I got silent contract if my father at the time kept looking at me like yeah you're a rapper like like my father like he believed me but yeah I'm sorry due to the deal because I'll be trying to Bourget that know that was good for me though money I like it for me it was like it was not never you're not saying I get my mom McRib you know that he was old ladies getting indicted and it was surreal it was like [ __ ] I had this chance to be also I had a lot of responsibility so you know my business was good and but it could have been great cuz I just think my momentum was up just imagine if I would be like nah I ain't taking no deals still put out a record my first sound was recorded before I even signed the papers I'm saying I had talked motivation in the can it was done well one thing I didn't have when it was old so they're going to Def Jam right inside me Oleta was it different once la we left because yeah oh yeah like I mean just a game period because I know from the beginning like oh you Landon and LA we you know you picking up how they read in a Lambo and they telling you to do whatever whatever you doing to stop you know sad and like it hit all of us like what you know like for me when I was at Def Jam leo who suicide me and then they all left it was crazy cause Leo was trying to sign me to dreams it was a 300 nah he was was he an Atlantic no he was a Def Jam first demo because you tried to sign me at an Atlanta didn't try to am I right so that's uh one said I'm like wow you know so I'm sitting with Leo so Atlantic Def Jam who's like four labels on the table right let's sit down Leon I'm just sitting down I'm just looking at I'm like I'm not signing these papers this [ __ ] look at me and say yo gz [ __ ] sound with me if he might come with you or smack him like a [ __ ] like a like a ho see this vol a okay okay but it was like way la it was genuine because it felt like a nice start on the face he understood a lot of silence please everybody o'clock that's the piece of fish do it kid because he was seeing what I was doing in the club you know saying like cuz I'm gonna be ours [ __ ] nobody's Lambos if Ferraris is [ __ ] you know just kickin it and that was my thing got a big ass change with Jeezy old you know needs to roll me out baby I was a big one big diamond you've been cuz I was just spending all my money on change and it calls what I was trying to get on uh and I used to go to the strip club and that's how I was to get my buzz on his crazy cuz I just ran into magic burning on the beach I mean kicked it with him was just chopping it up like I was talking about old days man take me stone Magic City you know I saw I really got on there's like Shakira he's come to magic and I was going to magic when I was younger so I understood how I work so when I started to work the music it was just like gonna take care of girls you know saying you makes it a DJ straight and you wear all you eat where every time you got in your jury box alright you know I'm saying you're going to [ __ ] up a hundred thousand dollars every night so they know your name and that was my that was my that was my it's not normal [ __ ] though jeez dentling yeah you know we just go through the hundred thousands like this is like that's all [ __ ] don't do that I think I said okay okay okay you think about what you think about on music especially back Dean's like Testament y'all was doing our sin but you just thought me as of me as a millions of dollars right you know I'm saying I don't even understand the work and like [ __ ] just showed up and the money was there alright so that's all we was working towards and I had me going legal base yeah and I was like with me it was like I'm not going to jail alright you know I'm not going on 20 years I'm you know that [ __ ] ain't getting me when I'm saying like I won't even be effective you know sit behind but I have my mind thing like whoa play sounds oh no this is awesome he knows the difference whistles this one's clearly this one was freely you know say let me boss to pace for you the GZ no strain because let me just tell you something something that I said um recently recently it was like the God knows yes showers of God lies he was like he was like you know some brother is like you know God have no witness stop I don't feel like it's the time for you to stop but he's far as music as far as music nothing yeah and no I don't feel like it I mean it for me though like I'm gonna keep it a bug like I just really wanted to get my mom by my business you know understand I ain't gonna be working for nobody hmm so to me require my getting my Master's back and giving my [ __ ] set up the way I wanted it first because I went under pressure I was first and foremost in you know we could talk if his life changed but if not you know sometimes like uh like person to change said this one time to change said man when he was coming out he was like man I want it Busta Rhymes to get out the way damn and he's gonna he literally said they said I wanted Buster Mars get out the way because he was a tall skinny minimum bust he was tall and skinny and with Dresden he was tall and skinny with dress so I remember him saying that and obviously that was the wrong thing to say but what I'm saying is sometimes when you make it everywhere like do you do continue to keep going or do you go to other ventures like you know saying like oh like eventually right eventually the fans will get right they'll get so used to you that they are they don't appreciate you as much you know I'm saying like that yeah I believe this album that you drop it right now it could be better than the first one Yeah right but the fact is they gonna be like oh geez II supposed to make a good out that's kind of [ __ ] up like you make music that when you make them using this is like up like you ever you ever that's right he's always crazy the [ __ ] cube told me a long time boots like me Ice Cube right I was doing a record with a man who's in the studio he's like yo he's like yo you gotta stand like this game it's different you gonna go you're gonna lose fans you might gain him over game but you gonna lose fans but he was telling me never lose yourself me it's just like you know saying a lot of people don't know that you know music is my talent because I understand it like I understand how to type how to connect with people I always been that dude not even when I was growing up all the older cats would tell me they've been this not often emerges [ __ ] ain't no you can't do it because I just I saw my mind works so always processed [ __ ] mess tells my my wound up that's a lot of people don't think I know I'm saying that's I'm gonna think so for me is just like I knew that I had to do music to do business you film saying because music is my talent but business is my passion you from saying because I'm a hustle that I understand like I read Trap House and I did all this [ __ ] I didn't get caught later now when I say you ever seen a narco in the booth I mean that's I got a heart like all the [ __ ] popular us connect all times and so for me it's no different if you start off doing something this illegal whatever it is and you make it through the ranks that means you know you you you you taught your way through it so for me I was just thinking my way through the beer to do business so it's likely he told me that I was already in the mind frame and I get it it's no problem because I'm gonna do other [ __ ] too like I'm not gonna let nobody box me in and tell me like I can only just be a great artist my daughter would never wake up and just take that song from the world's like I might as well stop there being a great brother you know I'm saying a great son you know I'm sorry great a great coz and that was it I was like now I can do anything it's my life so when I even got into music I was already thinking the things that I want to do i sat down with whole I went to the magic show with whole city was just like yo yo [ __ ] is crazy it's already show magic or so and then Rocawear answers yeah everyone this raucous it was crazy and it was crazy because well me and he'll he's like yo let's take a walk I'm just walking through the magic so everybody was like Young Jeezy and every champion I'm just like what the [ __ ] he's like yo we love you man I was just like okay I was like nah we wanna you name it it's me oh he's like we want to tell you no thank you for you know putting money in everybody pockets and looking out for everybody I'm like [ __ ] I do that all right I know that but what I didn't understand was they were selling the Snowman shirt oh sorry were you going these people boobs and they stack to the moon and then buying them in bulk market at the time oh no no Oh Greg Street told me to but I was like yo man trying to sell records on myself you know the rest like somebody tried to you know still green you said about this [ __ ] so for me you know saying that was my first indication when I went back home I was like you know I think I want to do this and so he put me with the Russians there was running there was doing well I could rock away at the time and I came up with um with a USD eight which is my line at the time so I knows my first like real business venture and I remember the rest in college like yo you know it says crazy the government shut us down and we're not gonna be able to uh you know do your brand in our that time I had already had product pressed up and everything and I was like what's the problem he said the government put a cease and desist on USDA so I'm sitting in Miami I'm like at the crib like [ __ ] so he's like what we gonna do something give me 20 minutes I'll call you back I called him back I said yo this is what we gonna do we're gonna change it to 87 32 he's like okay but what does that mean I said look back in the day if you didn't want nobody to know what she was doing if you pay somebody you would use it you delivering the letters then you swap them out so that's how I did that and I was like my first like successful business venture and I saw I was making money well I was stupid I was like you I like this you don't say and a lot of people didn't know that I was you know make it move because it just looks smooth if you've ever said that was like that was like my first indication I hold up I can I can really do business outside of you don't do this but it went back to work you were saying it was just like I'm not gonna let just one thing I did great define me you know I'm saying I'm putting this position so I could do anything you've been saying so it's just like my brother's breakfast no clothing whatever it is if I'm happy about it and I'm passionate about it I'm looking to write huh using Giggy promoters to like yeah that was another thing you know I just really I wanted to rock with you cuz I wanted to understand you know what it was he was doing because if you really look at in the group not only to successful people was him and drink well easy but he paid me but yeah of course but if you look at dream you know Dre hit a lick in my eyes you know saying no this or that Theatre link Superman I respect you cuz King got out here and grinded and cubes still the man of the people you know say you still he said his big three sick yeah you know I think it would be cute vision everything he was doing but I was picking up game for him so I really would he called me he's like yo ask somebody was gonna do the movie they backed out can you do it I ain't never acted in my life I'm like reading the shittim it's like you know I cook this is my first time ever seeing the script in my life and I was there and it was on on our site I was in LA he said can you pull up to the set I pulled up and I was doing a movie an hour right I wanted to game them because I'm saying I just wanted to understand how he worked so I just kind of you know stuck around and I stopped seeing but it also taught me a lot of [ __ ] - because it's like cue there's a real life you know I'm saying it but he's still productive that's my thing is just like you don't care be selling breakfast t-shirts socks whatever is you if you're being productive you productive bro I like like like you know like you know thing is I realized like even drug dealers like you know you don't say like I said it's a journaling like once you make up like me I used to come outside can we get enough money for the day and then most of the time I will go inside after I've made enough money for the day but a lot of times I don't make it enough money for day and act like I did right and I want to stay outside because I was addicted to the adrenaline hip-hop is the closest thing to being like that we're doing like when you drop an album it's a certain thing that artists feel like you know what I'm talking about you know exactly what are you cause it's like sometimes I want to think am i addicted more to the money or I might did it to be a busy you know it's like it's like Mitch maybe you let again okay I know I'm saying that but you know a couple casting shoulders like there's so many ways to diversify that [ __ ] or even yourself out something somebody brought you today I was talking to Davies I was just like I'm really happy for Lauri why cuz he flipped it Wow you flipped you still in the culture you still you still sipping champagne and right doing [ __ ] yeah and you still got your hands on it yes you gotta come to see you but you're in Spanish that's right okay that's what it's about why I say it's like when you was on the blocking in one products load up you gotta find some that's it you might not even know that about it exactly but you got to do the research and not get it you're getting the groove is that you back I think I think the takeaway from cube and even ice-t is that you get to a place where you're an artist you love to make music but you don't rely on the music you might you want to how you want to do it but see that's the thing bro like I told him I was cold with Duggan out the gate I ain't never said [ __ ] about being a rapper that's what I was doing I would do that [ __ ] from a pulpit but I'll do that [ __ ] in the Church of the hood all day and yeah I getting a dollar that's what I am like if you ever know anybody to know me I don't give a [ __ ] what they do it i'ma sit down be like man you could do that better right matter of fact let me tell you anything I don't give a [ __ ] if it's a book that's what if it's a quote if it's some knowledge imma give it to you got want to see you in that's how I get my fulfillment like I it's not about the man I can get money when I can't get another I can get money when I can't you know [ __ ] my that's what I am I'm a hustler but give me a game then people understand what I learned to me is the fulfillment because when they come and go is paper right you know saying you've been in a situation when you stack up half a million dollars it hiding somewhere in the rain [ __ ] it up and you go get it in and [ __ ] sludge ladies it's [ __ ] up you got to get back on your feet you can't let that determine you know where you are at that moment can't determine the rest of your life cause people had that [ __ ] and go crazy so eating with Fame or having you know momentum as being an artist is like if it ain't the same no more life that don't mean you not as great as you but but don't lie you care about the artistry cuz you got lyrics but see that's the thing but I ain't never I if you pay attention to my my rhythm I talk when I got something to say I ain't chasing it like that you drums am like I gotta keep it like I ain't going in the booth like I'm not the kid about Jason but if it's inherent no but listen to anything I never say I never wouldn't a movie but like you're just the hardest [ __ ] ever I'm about to kill this thing on this verse like I don't care brothers and say what I feel cuz that's what I spill at the moment and that's then if people like it they like it but it's like I'm not chasing this is not do I want it to be I want my execution to be great cuz I'm good at it cuz if I put some together my marketing plan is me I want to see it you can't leave on up at the end yeah I mean I by the way if I'm more hustling around the block I'm in East old [ __ ] right working with I owe this to me you know if I make sure the work is good but if somebody down the block it got it for a cheaper price you know is whoever didn't wanna shout away but I'm still working you know I could tell like you was just like raised right the gray Street like the way you show love to Master P yeah you show love the IceCube the way you show love to pop daddy it's like like that was one of the things that stood out when I was a sort of trouble like I actually heard pop talking yeah and it's like it's like so many people don't look up today to the today to people who did did it for them like how did you develop check me out how many before when I grew up like listening to Pete you know I'm saying and watching what they was doing like I was going to the to the tape store every Tuesday because then it was like dropping to three joints somebody said P and through some I pop my best appeal getting honest with recipe droppin the hook he would drop into thing but what I liked about master Peter Moses I saw top he was hustling yeah he knew how to you know invited package it and make superstars but that was his niche do you have something like like you know puff they did the same thing and that's another thing to me because I feel like you know puff adder is running music you if you look at his run now you can see that that's really who he was that was that was just you know a stepping stone but yeah you know exactly you understand it but um and you see these cats and they do it but you gotta know what anyone do a lot of [ __ ] like Pete went through a lot of [ __ ] right he went through sometimes well you know [ __ ] wasn't all good he had to figured out same as puff you know for me I respect that I respect the longevity you know I'm saying respect you know it ain't as strong as who stay in this [ __ ] the longest you know I'm saying cuz this is like you got cast it's been in the streets but they come and they go and it's like then the reggaeton hell yeah you don't say any kind of deal but it's just like get the other day you know you could be hot but you know I'm going by legacy meter you know I'm coming again because he'll write and got two years bronze over yeah that's like the streets know you could be in the street to see somebody come up in that's really I've never actually tend them like the town oh alright next up is Oh another [ __ ] come up you notice a so you watch the cycle by the way is crazy was talking my megacity I swear I've seen for a decade at least two decades of watching different cats run that whole thing like coming near all the ice all the cars all the girls all the money he going somebody else there like he going he's going four years ago so I respect the cats to have jeopardy you know I'm saying they come in they stick in and one thing about I really rock with a puff he knows how to get me closer together to make moves you know this yeah like oh this is me again wanna [ __ ] [ __ ] with the world you know this is what my partner just left me you know I'm saying on my voicemail I want y'all to hit it now I had to sit for a minute and I was just like you want to do with it and I heard the the the the joint I put it on I was like yo this just made me feel away so then I was sitting out I was listening to it and I was like you know I know I'm a fan of narcos you know just like yo music now this is some whole world oh yeah we could even find the languages oh yeah cool yeah you know say one of my homegirls was playing what day and I was like yo what the [ __ ] is that and I end up just listening to the scene Kevin you know I put this [ __ ] together and he lobs out in LA and I was talking to one of the guys work with me and I was like yo who did the narcos trailing he told me I was like go find him I wanna do my [ __ ] Wow maybe when it done my said but think about that yeah I like it from the hood you know I'm saying I really went through the ranks and then you get in a position where you can make that [ __ ] happen they talking about this this [ __ ] is about Pablo Escobar's life you know Felix grounds like all he's broke and then you get to be with the people that actually put this [ __ ] together make it real that's what it's about to me like the money's gonna come bro like right like this this [ __ ] knows no that's what in this one goes back to Mookie efficient with whether you say you have bars or not you care about the art that's the point yeah trying to say you know I care I care about the the the the the package in the work I tell people I look at all but to me is just like the effort is put into it because it's almost like I'm not going to say I got one record this [ __ ] jamming i'ma put some 10 songs around and put our mouth like every song I'm actually going in gotta be yeah you know why tell you jeez I'm sorry to cut you off is the reason why is your now the og right like but I'm gonna taste really a guy ain't in there is a new bar gangster you know what I mean by status why hip-hop now you like you you know so I see these young dudes saying let it loo you jay-z like did you see that yeah I respected for two for two reasons I was greatly before cuz they made their own way a lot of these kids um going independent which is smaller some I wish I could've did in the beginning but then it felt like that's what yeah but but but then is the way they came in the game to you feeling like you know even for me when I came to the game I left the door unlocked like I gave [ __ ] my formula you know you have SoundCloud yeah I gave things mine for me like this is what you're gonna do as far as like you know putting the mixtapes out you don't say it being consistent with certain producers and that was the formula so if you're in the streets in the streets changed in it it's not the same like the the the integrity is not the same so you got to find something else to do quite naturally people gonna go with the money's that right you from Z and the money and the monies and music your Samsung is like they creating this this [ __ ] but it's just like it ain't really the art it's a hustle now so you get a record and you can go around you don't say you know half the year and pick up whatever you that's better than standing on the Block risking your life and your freedom or how you you don't say it's awesome so that's the part I respect because just like if you take something you make it to you make a joke hustle there was you know somebody else's you know art if you will because movies trying to be in the game you know New York didn't even play on music from same idea I don't like when [ __ ] when it's like this stop it okay go say it was just like it was I gotta stay I got it I gotta say you was one of them do not know you talk about later download luckily some on he's in he's at that point where he was starting a new store though yeah yeah I know for always for a you a concert be the album again yeah I got all this so it was so healed me cuz I was doing like chopping down [ __ ] and um a car brother brought me that record in the studio boom yeah and head hook corner big one you know I wasn't even gonna put that on 101 Wow he got meat Wow now I'm got lead he just was going to the songs there was only let's make some noise is like yeah it's like I produced it is crazy cuz that night I remember I was recording I did like three records and uh secured came by the studio at the booth bought me the record I did the first verse and was going all going to the club was going to visit and uh you know we got in the cars we left with the vision party said we came back to the studio and like secures like play me what you did tonight so I played him like a couple of records and I got it I said I've did this one but I ain't finished yet cuz I really don't like it my plate so survivor he just gave me like [ __ ] if you don't finish that [ __ ] so I went into boof and I finish that's how the song got done you know I'm saying I wasn't even gonna use it I gotta keep it a book I wasn't that's crazy cuz I was all like tripod I get your mind right all that time because that was that that's what was working for me right and the whole thing was you know you didn't want to be I just felt like that was going to commercial route you know his answer was almost like yeah but I wasn't gonna use a recommend but it's crazy because I never had a fan of Africa in my life mmm and today right you're a con big app yeah you know I said but I didn't I didn't realize how far and they like a larry flynt I had weights like you know that in there next month when you in Atlanta you sitting there and you are making music and people you know around the weight level you sit in the hood and you know in the club's you're not looking to rest of the world and I'm saying so that's it took me across the world I didn't even I mean before it happened it was it was you know his instantaneous like and in the video that was the one who did it pay the for theme right yeah that's how came up with that on the home on my tour bus man and I'm just like your cuz I love that movie you know I was in that movie - I was wondering if it was crazy because I reached out to cameras outside - can make it sounds like your [ __ ] camera you see the silly Wow and he came to an hour south south - um BBB Lisa Greene single and I hold the [ __ ] coming through the set meets time to the said yeah I heard that it was crazy it was fun like I never seen nothing like that like it was Brooklyn Harlem now you had that you had the city oh yeah it's great you've had the city he was one of the first south people that people fully related to people we understood especially the hustlers you know I'm saying um I just heard you say meet and that was another thing that stood out to me in the trailer was um was you it was like you know four years it kind of seemed like he was like being the hustler like what I mean by that and being the street guy like you everyone knew you was from BMF but it's kind of like you stood like a way because I don't know but this is like the first time I kind of like seeing you like full-fledged claiming like in front your fans and front well I wouldn't even say claim it just like a lot of people don't know like me me and dude was like real friends you fell saying we say dude took my meat meat yet like Zippo whose real friends like mijo you know like that's just who we were but you know you know keeping a buck you know just what it is it's like a lot of things went on that people don't understand and a lot of [ __ ] had to do a lot of my legacy felons as far as who I am as a person even with my music is like some [ __ ] you can't walk away from we said a legend of the Snowman I feel like it almost been disrespectful you know I'm saying not the T to at least insert that in it because if you look at the trailer that's all the [ __ ] that I really went through to become Who I am today and it's just like how do you disregard that the journey yeah that's the part of the journey like I can't and I saw what it did for hip-hop because it's like it's my man and I'm saying I'm making music and you know he's a fan I wanna play he loved my [ __ ] you know saying everybody know that and you know right when I got all he got in this [ __ ] all right so it's just like now I'm on I'm gonna say placed at you limit takes it's gone it's like not as might do but it's like a lot of people don't know um like fans you know you got to stick to the g-code ain't [ __ ] you just talk about like finally your arms like it ain't it ain't nobody's business but it but it was part of my my legacy you fellas saying as far as who I am and I never bear to get away from man so I feel like my last sound you know I'm saying I just wanted to bring all things full circle like and it's like people will see that [ __ ] but not the [ __ ] two bedroom trailer I lived in with my whole family in the in the joint no I'm saying that I bought for my mother for $3500 that's the real dress well holy stay but you know I want to put different pieces of what made me meet you don't say it completely yeah yes don't you ever think well hold on you know what you move to a lighter situation yeah that's better um this is the first time I actually felt Trump's tweets hang on live a part of me was my felt in a good way yeah like what but if used if you wasn't locked up no of course but come on the way he was flipping it was crazy I had a friend he's a little gangster wouldn't you know a little bit about use it wasn't gangs but to me um that's that's a trigger would mmm cuz you don't really know if you're doing it just to get get a commit cos eatin I think watching what kill you did say african-american my [ __ ] don't do another always going on domestically right understand like like if I'm sane no you ASAP Rocky of course you would say it's the the the the most powerful man in the free world he's would've been on Air Force One Flew homeboy back on that [ __ ] Wow yeah but it shows you that the most powerful supposes we hold up people to clap for that somebody say something me and that I might head once you know what I'm saying yesterday I don't want things to go get mr. Murphy I think that's a poet a powerful person in the world in the free world uh-huh he calls the government of this country right and they don't do [ __ ] it shows you that our most powerful person in the free world isn't a problem wait I don't wanna stand she just say he call sweetie yeah hold me pick up his call we know that it could have a lot to do with relationships of course nothing like real ones you comes in Zoe type of person in trouble I'd be wrong and I gonna [ __ ] with you simply good thing every I don't want to plug a couple of pounds of the times trying to seem like a hey that's how you maybe if you really want to do so put a co2 to sin hero was it yeah you buy you can buy the kid back it works out okay cool you know I'm say have a big gangster daddy you know somebody it was like a low-level what I heard him say like he gonna get Larry who round like man that's that's that's hard you know Chicago would have loved invent time on time on what you said that that's what Kanye greed he met with Trump that's what he said he's gonna be inside you didn't say that I didn't know that yeah he said that we just got to say that was his only go right but for him to even be thinking like that you know I'm saying that's that's a real you know that's that's a that's a legend in the right but you know he can be one of the guys that come back and kind of help out a lot of the [ __ ] that's going on in Chicago because he's very few did put on with the city with Kanye right now if you call in a studio with him right now he got a Mac a hat on yeah we're gonna burn that mother ain't got the album I want Kanye to be fully clear I fully support you in Yeezys I even buy the ones I think this ugly come on you know wow like I'm 41 you know Sam I'd be 42 this year so I want to keep up so I find a stick I'm gonna [ __ ] it the joystick ugh yeah I was 19 so hey I'm still waiting for his world yeah I still do but listen I admit that I'll go Gracie sometimes you know for me then I'll change my hair looking for grades I'm like what equity is the wedding by so you know sometimes he'll sometimes the older you are some time and it's good it's actually good to be out of sometimes you know right now in the ratchet part of every city yeah they're having a hot girl summer or city boy summer yes so it's a city boys is doing some [ __ ] and they haven't points this is real [ __ ] there have been points in the game it's like a game but it's like real like they're doing them on this that coaches you each other you about yeah [ __ ] like I've seen so I see a girl oh this [ __ ] is crazy to see these four girls they came and they say all I need some hinnies and plan B all I need is Indians to plan B and all I need is a need and a plan B listen this is actually hot is terrible with know what they saying this they want to drink some handing I get what this is a whole movement on some no it's a real movement we have been go look Instagram Instagram this these wild girls they took Bochy post you Pig until you have a [Music] [ __ ] up arrow right now like this thing just a whole bunch of girls this their plan is to just go out there [ __ ] I have a creep switching it on the door we live in the wow this was like for real my Duke so let me play this for you let me play this for you because this one feel what you feel when you hit it I'm on TV [Music] [Music] [Applause] what you hear when you hear that dump I hear [ __ ] that was trying to get out the hill at him price through head [ __ ] you know all type of ceiling with land poles for RVs like you came into the hangar but a lot of people don't understand I was really one foot in one foot out I was in a studio and I basically made password studio in my traps and when I was working right now I was still going to the fish throwing duffle bags over you know saying or anything so it was just like a lot of people didn't know like it wasn't that I was in real time you walk into vocal booth for two three million dollars sitting there we won't blow on it you know saying so it's just it's just a different mindset ain't you talking about somebody with having nightmares you know about the penitential PS dealing say yeah cuz you just you know you in it and you don't know if you're gonna make it so that guy right there it was one foot in one foot out and that that's the guy that would they would tell you he wasn't a rapidly he was just trying to figure this [ __ ] out you felt saying but as you get older you started making the sole survivors and he started having his you know things saved because they go from that guy that was doing shows in clubs with you know for 500 people so survivor guy was doing [ __ ] no [ __ ] uh what's the [ __ ] they do for Summer Jam Oh up Summer Jam Oh giant stated yeah yeah that's 60,000 people huh so that was that was the difference after hand I'm so glad you film saying so big like that's what change but it's just like now you got a different clientele so now you're instead of being in the streets where you dealing with Street [ __ ] and you just get on that ship now you getting [ __ ] from fans they want music and it won't good music so now you you know giving them good music so now you got a right to go get us and in these different songs because now they got a taste up and this is what they want female Kelly yeah what the difference is to me you know that's in my heart like that's a lot like right now the day she popped over here right now I'm gonna be that guy he films and that's that's that's who I am to the core now Wow who vowed to be that's what keep me grounded you don't say that's why I can go in the hood or go you know in the ballroom is still be Who I am and he had the confidence I got cuz I know where I came from but at the same time though I was going cuz that guy didn't want to stay where he was at he was like it [ __ ] up out of here you know cuz he's just all he kept seeing was his homeboys getting killed and you know saying people going to jail but it wasn't like and they were going to jail for a city boy so it was real so for me I was just really trying to get out and a lot of that music I was doing I was I was working mmm I was getting money I was industries I was still [ __ ] and then no with gang members and you know that was my reality like 50 people are living in my house you don't say it but it can't guy you know I got Kia now they can't be a McRib it don't work like that you know example at the same time they know they they call me all the time you doing straight never know somebody guy hitting hurt or whatever but they know who I am to the core cuz we've been a real [ __ ] and I always been on the front line he's I'm saying like I always been with whatever our movement was at the time being on that like I'm from the beginning there was like you know for the gang culture Oh was it the first time we actually got to see like Atlanta right claiming Crips all cleaned or whatever I'm gonna tell you what happened so I came up when when I got out um when I got out the last time I got out one of my partners which was one of my good friends you know he took me to the Tim to the Mac but I won't do to get money you know I'm saying me okay in Macon Georgia yeah what I wanna do to give and when I first got there got on the block I was looking around and it was gang culture if I'm saying but it was just like you know if you're gonna be over here you gotta be well that wouldn't happen I'll and I know how well what happened you know anybody that at all it was not happening it was just up there yeah I cuz they because the cast from Pele was their summer vacation Ice Cube summer vacation in addition you could take out my outfit braised Jheri curls Dickie soups Chuck Taylors there was in the work yeah but not it was gangbang but I'm saying that's how they move the work yeah forget it was gang banging so for me you know I'm a natural born leader drops like [ __ ] I get that part I'm with you whatever we gotta do and you don't say never gonna do it but um let's get some money and they like what you mean I was like give me two days I'll be back I'm left when I came back and then who had never seen nothing like that ever you know I'm saying like I showed them how to get money right but at the same time I understood the culture as far as the gang [ __ ] but this is my family now these are people that make its own straight erryday taken care of I'm standing on [ __ ] RT so for whatever so as all this going on you know saying and I'm back and focus my family in Atlanta you know I'm saying so as I figure my [ __ ] out you know I'm damn near in in coast with a whole city you've I'm saying so I homeboys there was red rags that didn't even come on that side of the town but I worked that [ __ ] out cuz I'm not you gotta get money like if you go to Harvard and I go to [ __ ] Stanford only we can't get money you gotta figure that part out alright so I figured that part with that [ __ ] you know they really trusted me so when I went back to Atlanta to get back on the music [ __ ] I brought 312 buses of people from my neighborhood to Atlanta and bought three houses right beside each other and put them on the house and that's how I was moving so when the metal first started seeing like Crips and [ __ ] it wasn't me other people got all even other artists was like okay we don't wear this because that size people rock so didn't really even know there was a swing Rhea Rhea you know saying no disrespect you you know to to return to the railroad but it was winning race because they saw them on blue shows and they maybe saw it on TV right on this is crazy boy because it was never known that [ __ ] up there and I and I used to go out and my homeboys like my crew date they never like they're not like cast it was in the fashion so they were really still wearing Dickies Chuck Taylors on the overlay everywhere we went right anybody know when I was coming through any city oh five or six or seven no they you know first to tour buses pulled up that's what it was my whole neighborhood cuz I'm sitting upright with me and I think everybody was living in my house I've come downstairs mother [ __ ] girls going off to see you soon [ __ ] in two [ __ ] old mistake because they've said Howard not to beat BMF did you have to be crypt to or not see that's a lot of thing that people to understand like we're doing right he just brought people together okay but one thing I respect about him when I always respect he bought somebody illis like when I when I watched Laura Coles and I see the Felix uh guy who put everything together never mind me my god because you talk about the most dangerous people in Mexico he said him at the table and say this we were gonna do now I'm not saying that's what he did technically right but what I saw Brian was love people from New York people from the air people's neck buzz Chris GD is by slower and we together you know I'm saying so he was able to bring the love and make you know people love each other and that's what I respected you know I'm saying when you hear all this 50 cent right that's actually um executive producer not producing the be enough to be a merry time like what was the first thing that pops up in your mom I miss you you know as long as my do eating in he gig in his [ __ ] or whatever he bought but you don't feel like you if you wanted me to be a part or saying like every game but like me like you know a lot came with that bro you know so I love my [ __ ] man that's gonna be forever you know I'm saying but a lot came with that everybody ain't gonna be happy you don't saying I know people personally I don't want to be responsible for that you know I'm saying I know I mean I know it's your supervisor you don't say I don't know nothin to be like funny on me but they're doing business like you don't do business with your friends he comes in let's my god support him if he asked me to pop up do whatever but it's just like I went through a lot with that you know saying he did too and then to the point where people thought we was at odds and it was like nothing he just incarcerated alright you don't sound like if you don't say it but at the same time I go see him we talk all right but like anybody else this this this this incarcerated like you just never know what's going through somebody's head and you never know who they talking to so I let him fall to him family I love them that's my brother's gonna always do my brother then we've had talks with his momma had to get on the phone blah you do get her to fall to target in his love that's my brother I had Thanksgiving with these butyl with his mother in his stepdad before people even knew what was really going on with in ministry already family so we got when he got when he went through his [ __ ] you know I had to respect that because at the end of the day for me I know he's a good dude but then I also know the game how the game go and anybody to know that game know that you know those things those type of things happen I think with me a lot of people looked at my [ __ ] was being successful as if you know I did something wrong but that would never the case you know that's not everybody I just say you know like um a lot of times when you become successful it's like it's like a seven different demons right like a seven different things and you can't control all seven right like the thing about it is like you could get five you maybe if you're lucky you get six but it's always going to be one person or one thing or one situation that you're not going to be able to satisfy and you're always gonna look like the when you become famous because it's easier to blame you not to say and their situation is you're saying right but there's so many different scenarios when a person don't make it other person don't do whatever it's like yo my man he put me on like you know like I'm not lying your situation no no it was [ __ ] with me mentally for year I I didn't really have a clear head into the recession hmm cuz I was still doing with [ __ ] until him with too much - I never said so I didn't have a clear head to realize I was the artist alright I was in a position that I can do what I do into the recession because all the whole time I was going through survivors remorse you don't saying because it was just like I would see [ __ ] and I'm like damn man like the same person say you love me yo jr. I was like weird but not in a bad way is because I was trying to you know quote-unquote keep a solid then I had to realize like I got keeping solid with myself cuz I got people just really following and loving what I'm doing so I gotta make sure that I'm on my [ __ ] you know I'm progressing because these people really love me for who I am you know I'm saying so I had to kind of just come to grips with and my home had told me that like my homie told me that before he went to the pen he's like yo he's like you smart you got that dog yeah I can see how you move how you think he says gonna come to you it's gonna come to time of your life where it's gonna comment on your life where people are gonna say you changed but this is really who you are and this is what you're working towards you know I'm saying so it's like that's my path you know I'm saying this get in it and it's your vision so people might not understand what you're going but it's just like if I were to miss it in [ __ ] when I was in the hood and stayed in the hood i stimulus I was doing so talking you know I am one of my uncle's man I tried to sell him one of my mix CDs back in the day huh I was like yo borrowing my CDs on $10 he's like [ __ ] [ __ ] that see - give me some of that we know you got I feel when I go back to my family events and I pull up in the [ __ ] you know a [ __ ] [ __ ] family yeah I got a driver and I said say make it like what's that well yeah because he didn't believe you know I'm saying and that's driving steel his fears on me and I kept going but look at it now it's just like with anybody else they're gonna tell you you know I'm saying like you ain't keepin a solid you ain't doing the right but Dan who's just sitting keeping the side of me like what I had to learn about this game is different levels of real my G like people will see it take brutal keep aside diddly ain't going keep remember they femme oh you know I'm saying go home keep your ribs a brother hey mama you know I'm saying but they keep drilling [ __ ] in the club cuz they say your pseudonym is big knock somebody at all and then he tell everybody not everybody down Buch every oh by the way I've been on a full of this [ __ ] for [ __ ] like on site I swear to god I'll get my car anybody right say I usually must hit him valet I used to be so I'm gonna get off right bill six months later [ __ ] turn on me I'm like what the [ __ ] am i risking my freedom you know say everything I worked for the club oh yeah I got scared I ain't even be an extra I'm just saying that's that's how I had to learn yeah just like you can't goes away everybody I bought his word by myself I gotta be responsible for all my actions and I can't do things for people that I know they won't do for me you know saying hey included like you know look at myself as if I'm wrong for pursuing what it is that I started out to pursue now let's think about all the people were you from did I used to hang out with him he was cool with and everybody loved nori when you know what what what what yeah so you say you know I'm gonna go do this I got kids I got a family unless I got a wife like I wanna hang out so ho ho yeah yeah [ __ ] wanna be drinking Tropicana's and all that cuz cuz I seen you come to guys you know say I'll see we can wait let's see what your middle is that yeah and I'm gonna applaud that because that's what you want to go you know I used to be far apart makan you I feel guilty for not being able to take our 10 people are ten people and then I started to realize that that's a day when I started realize I took six then I started without two before then I started to realize I'm only taking people that want to be here right because the person you know the greedy should I have ever experienced was bringing a person overseas and bringing a person to all this experience and a person that being thankful this is being like well you know what you're supposed to bring me they feel entitled like I was like entitled alright I had a [ __ ] tell me one time I was like yo man I want to know like what do you want to do you wanna go to school I'm do it like I said no I'm here for moral support even on the song called fake bro I own been to some chick to kick everybody Suzie and Fanny I'm standing by myself I couldn't believe it me as smart as I am like you I know that I think they could treat me you don't say but in a real way but that made me a man broke a head like I learned you can do whatever you want for people dog if you go down you're gonna be stuck holding the bag you've won saying this is real night you got you got a responsibility to keep and I was stuck holding the bag because I was trying to take care of people but what I learned was you know I didn't put I tried to put people in position by pacifying them you film saying but when I should have been trying to you know I try to teach them a trade I try to film in a position to win but that ain't what they wanted and that's that whole thing about taking that walk it's where you had it you don't saying what you want to go there's some people I want just going ahead if I hit them right now it's marked over Terry hell no but if you want to be like yeah I'm a rock which he'll be chopping up on the way maybe we come up with some you know that's it you don't say but when she get real nobody won't do that from saying like I know if it's ten miles 15 miles a real one who sealed fishing don't be like [ __ ] I walk with you drive you don't say maybe we see someone away we figured out but if somebody who don't see you're busy will walk with you far enough to say you know what that's too far me turn around and I'm back but then you you as a man you gotta keep going so I had to learn that the hard way you bugs and I like that keep going up I keep going people on paper so let's talk about his boys another never gonna happen again no no why not I'm a I only sell from one album what I did and I really did it for I really did it for the footer for the group because at a time like I'll never forget puff called me and I was going to Magic City alright and he called me he was like uh he was like yo go sign the contract I'm like you don't go to Magic City I said no guns right so he wanted me to sign the contract and said and send it back through kinko but how did the group start with it it was them telling you oh that's how it started and puff puff call me okay so I said your contract I want you to be in the group only did one song done boys right but at the time you know my mixtape was was was going he wanted me in the group right so he's like y'all go to King sign the paper send it back to King on Kinkos yeah I'm like y'all Borders médecins you [ __ ] ups of paper I'm not gonna do that and um that's how it started then he came down we talked some more and he's like I was like yo puff I rock with you man I'll do one album I wrote the number down I gave me a number that's not do one album he said cool then I had to go back and talk to la Reed because at the time I had just signed to Def Jam right you don't think I must have been crazy to clear all that for ya he did it cuz you know at the time it was really cool you don't say and um yeah yeah and you know la Reed was cool with me doing a 1-1 record deal with him and then I pushed Doug motivation start motivation back a month to do this project to put it out before that motivation and I did that but I already did that for them man cuz it was like gee Jody um Duke like working with them first my game up too cuz I thought you kind of keep in mind like dog wasn't a rapper the first time I did a song with them [ __ ] tree daddy was in the studio Jazze PHA a whole bunch of people and I was doing the force said dumb boys now I'm in the street do I got Ferrari outside Normandy all these rappers and they going they're not gonna burst out 10-15 minutes and it took me like two hours just to put my patterns together and I'm like [ __ ] so tricking Ottoman they're like oh three [ __ ] you know I'm second to his song so it takes me a while especially back then because I really didn't know how to record like eazy-e on so I had to figure it out you know but you was writing your own [ __ ] though yeah different from easy right but I did the verse and when I started doing the first line with trig laughing I noticed you're hitting tell my son's [ __ ] I've been potassium leaving the room and everybody left and I was like and I was in I was in the the the control room the engineer by myself and then I say oh I think I got it now so I went making in I did it and what I would do was like when I did my verses after I did my ad-libs I walk out in the hallway ahem turned all the way up so I can feel it you know I'm saying and I remember it took like two hours I walked outside in the hallway and they turned the [ __ ] up and I just remember if it's taking too long to lock up bring it back you see [ __ ] like you up saying you see a trick on me haul ass in there by in the hallway and it is going crazy like y'all [ __ ] [ __ ] it's great I'm just looking like hey daddy knows that but it first it was like acting like you know like the boys sits up but they didn't understand how you know I put my records together that's your process right but I was in a rapper he does he got like I didn't know I'm gonna lie I don't believe you in that part because you are rapper yeah and you are Louis's also but what I'm saying is look was I was somebody try and get out of street I am it don't matter why you got there but you are being like you're like real Somali people will respect you like come on man you know I'm like if I want to do something to do it that's how I live my life brother god I love the challenge you know saying I love being put it you know my back against wall this is who I am so when I had to show up and show out that's what it was but I had learned sitting around the studio paying certain people for like beasts and not using them just to watch what the lingo was bring it back I take that take you know I'm saying that's to put an like I didn't know that [ __ ] he wasn't a studio rapper nah but not to say that he wasn't I was great at writing I was great at spitting boy when it came to like actually laying it down letters okay you don't have to be a technical in the studios of question I always went that I actually horseshit Oh Buster had four well Busta Rhymes across had a very cool conglomerate it was not like the number one I was tearing New York City up I don't know by the rest of the country at the time because I was just stationed in New York it was him Jadakiss and you right then the actual video drops and his him Jadakiss and little Wayne well what happened there I didn't like I think it was diverse man you know like yell verse it was some way with diverse out I remember it nobody ever wrote a so you gotta get it done this that's part one of them time I got a Rica's bus ain't been number two solid [ __ ] Nicene demise just like yo [ __ ] you'll [ __ ] with me cuz it but I'm gonna be real man at one time I was in my head a lot you know I'm saying like I just you know I you know not thinking this Harless I'm just like personal above about [ __ ] and I think that was one of the times I was in my head cuz I'm having me a couple of time like recipes showed a low light when resolving me to do that record I was in my ear I was like why can't do it cuz I got this coming out I'm just like when I said it is needed Wow so I gotta get rid that's one the time I was in my head you know what yeah because some so many people were like well rollin like sometimes I I'm sure buster will appreciate that because as artists we appreciate when an artist reached out to another artist because I respect you because I don't want to have an artist of my record that I don't respect well so most people we automatically think that if you do the thing you automatically do the video I mean assume you do the record you actually do the video so it's good like to hear our person like like you humble yourself but like you know what I might've just resumed my head but now that's so dope to me like when you when you when you win it you first start north you kind of just react but as you come into your own and you see things and patterns and [ __ ] and you start learning how the game workers I would have never thought they said I did ten years ago would be affected me as much as it being now I'm saying like it's like even worse you can be [ __ ] like that cuz you just see somebody be like yo it is you it is nonetheless [ __ ] you did it to him you saw me in the club you damn bit prettier me Oh but I've learned to be more you know be more you know conscious about what I say about what I do to people that you know that that I [ __ ] with or people that you know [ __ ] with me you know I'm saying because you know it's been time when people ask me to do things and depending on what I had going on I might have not done it because I was thinking about my next move but then start being around people like puffs and that's why I [ __ ] with them he's like no me I help everybody yeah you knows they can't be somebody I'll be right now I'm gonna do it and I was just like okay explain to me how that works and once I started learning about how karma works in I'm sorry it's your but when I started realized this is me it's common works both ways Conner's really it works both ways so if you do like it be styles I just do stuff before a [ __ ] I just be like I don't know this thing I can't pay me back right but that's not what I'm doing it for right I'm doing it for me because I know that this shit's gonna come back to me and it's time right I have no idea but like I'm lettin [ __ ] money and I look do anything but bring up money I just gotta take it right angle with this was so sometimes but you know where that is it's good karma no yeah because even if that person isn't appreciated it comes back you know saying ah so I stuffed up know that Karma's Latoya bring a brother this I you know your life is broke up in three steps like you you you um you you get out on the front line you learn you have to survive it was like an attack I love this [ __ ] they went on with me the figures you know I was I was surviving being like I would do whatever I had to do so if that means you know right you know you come on Street Road like [ __ ] is either you or me and it ain't gonna be me it's gonna be you yawns answers like you you survive it so I didn't realize you know I'm just trying to get out of the streets and you know take care of my family and put myself in a better position so a lot of my street or ethics came with me so in the streets is you know [ __ ] is cut through you know I'm sayin so you have to be on the defense so it ain't nothing to like you ever seen he greased I can walk away for some in 30 seconds yes my mind state you know [ __ ] it's like whatever you know I'm saying so that was my mind state what a lot of things were going on because I was really trying to figure [ __ ] out and I had no body to be like yo this is what it is because I'm looking at it from the way I see it so it wasn't no big homies which I start [ __ ] with [ __ ] I hold and different people like that well I'm saying all that to say like the respect you get yeah but what I'm saying all that stays like between that time a lot of things transpired where I was in my head if I'm saying like I was really going through real [ __ ] you know I'm saying it was just like my decisions you know were people that I came in contact with they remember that so they don't know who I've grown to be and what I've learned they just know when the last time they saw you that's why they blow yeah we want you to be the old no you don't want me to be that guy tomorrow hug [ __ ] want Kanye to be the old Kanye we streaming on title now younger check us at title calm okay I like that bling okay not just pie oh yes that often on mass appeal and audio that is not shout out to puffy we on the ball to say who YouTube how that all these entrepreneurs right you don't make me go slap my right now okay listen affordable price so what is this a fault so fingers while okay that's what I meant to raise the trap okay that's crazy now I'm gonna take the earbuds we're taking I was there okay that exam as a speaker that's yeah okay quota if you can charge your phone on a bit take this out as well this actually come with like a road show to the camera [Applause] oh nice you got a full screen on the box [Music] [Applause] they gonna part with the TZ phone figures it's all very big this big figures Wireless it's the same home again I think it comes along screen TV for your crib I gots a SIM card Oh [Music] three tents mom we love you know a little touchdown okay we'll make this drink chance for we're gonna make the call is call happy I am for us you know the thing is this right you know drink champs we start you to use up with us when we started out you know sometimes you know me you don't mean like we this is this is live action you know what you're gonna feel like been hip-hop we spent so much years and this is with no disrespect to these brands but you know blowing up all a Ralph Lauren I'm growing up and all these other brands let me not even going to her but the thing is why don't we own everything well that's what you know it's crazy like I see it now but um you know a lot of cats on a neon [ __ ] and you see um you know these black designers they're coming up and even with figures he's a decent inventor he's his brother okay yo your brother you know I'm saying he how did you develop this um know he you know we just leaked they partnered okay I just like you know just its intellect and he's a genius mmm you know understand more things to come um but that's the support we got to give each other that's right no zambese right that's what it's about and I think a lot of times we get caught up in you know what we can buy to make us feel richer but if what I've learned in my whole duration of my life was I was already rich I was Richard I am now back then alright because if my integrity was more soundly it wasn't look a little suspect well look it's not I'm just like you know that CBD flower dangling but what I'm saying I'm saying on indistinct buddy I'm saying all I can say is like we bought a lot of [ __ ] because of what it represents you know saying and we get caught up in you know support now I'm like good I know you do not not own sick since that happened yeah I'm a didn't I really wasn't into it anyway but when that happened it's like you know it's certain things you just gotta stand on you know I'm saying like it wouldn't call you directly or like no I just you know to the other day and I heard tip in my head is my brother man like good it's great I remember like tip came in the studio one time I was in past when I was telling you that I was on you know one foot in one foot out you know I was working on trapper died and he came to patchwork was just like a famous studio in Atlanta and he came in he walked in he told me to come through she came through he looked around you know I got the the lounge going I got my homies gonna count money I got money in the vocal booth you know anything he came he stood around do his holdup thing you know I'm saying prob about two million in the studio mmm until go let me talk to you for a minute so you want me in the bathroom I'm like [ __ ] you know I'm saying [ __ ] he's like yo you know you can't do both right you know I'm saying you gotta make a choice if I you're not gonna you're not gonna get away with both of these and something something's gonna fall yeah he's like you talented you got talent your nose and like you can pull this off and um in my mind you don't say I made it this isn't right then in there everybody told me when I was in the streets I just do my the way I didn't even call nobody for my money I made a decision right I went cold turkey you know saying the craziest thing I ever did in my life cuz I'd lottery to my dad but he was right cuz I wouldn't go walk away mmm like that you know Sam but him telling me that and I was already thinking that it just really made me go like you gonna have to make a decision now or deal with the consequences later and I made a decision and I walked away and I threw my phone away and everything I had I gave my people day money that I told him I was done but I walked away I was there like it was the best worth decision of my life cuz boy whatever new cause was dropping it out coming forward but you'd have to look at your on so long boy I thought you and tip was gonna have beef and I'll tell you why okay is because up New Yorkers both attributed y'all to the trap girls like you know I'm saying like because we didn't call it traffic right I mean you know which track was to us in New York was actual money but so I actually got a record I just wanna throw this out there yeah yeah yeah I said oh there's laundrymat track keep deluding Iraq Iraq see the world of world see Iraq so that's the nice 37 to let you know I might beat up [ __ ] damn visit rapper strong it out there [Applause] what but let me go back to the point I was trying to make fun because Austin New York like oh when they spoke to the Houston language we identified both we all right so when we really know who was gonna claim it the track king over that whatever but what happened was y'all became like friends at home yes my sir like that I think I think that the difference was like he I can be also New York you out a bit yeah I'm happy in big y'all have I kind of look at it like Jay and puff no they never happy that's a good point you know like he's got money makes a thing but for me I was more on the motivation me too that's that's who I was that's who I still in so to me I just wanted my music did you know touch the hearts of um women me and the children you feel I'm saying so that's what I was doing like I didn't even understand the whole trap [ __ ] like I can call chop add a drop of dye because I was like you don't hustle you in a week the own say so it wasn't like I was going and saying you know I'm the I'm the king of the trade like when I was running around and doing [ __ ] and I dropped the trap of that DVD and I might go to somebody trap house and be doing [ __ ] and I'll just be like when I walk in they want to trample down the screen looks like [ __ ] you just see me like what ya'll watching it for they're like [ __ ] this is motivation I'm just like oh so that's what I was you don't saying the whole trap element of it I did I didn't get that into you know people associated it with the sound you films there and I'm just like okay this so so it's no different from saying snap music cause music you know I'm saying all samples you know I mean they just associated with the sound you know I'm saying but to me trout was a real way of life yeah I mean to us trap was drunk good right like you know I'm saying like ah like I said we just had knives on here and now since they pity me of that like like well you do nice old drugs are not you new that he was around that drug-dealing element he said to me nas one of those type of people like his storytelling skills you know what his opus on no despair now is almost like the Danny Glover kid you know I'm saying if I've watched the ATL show a couple of times did he uh did he got on Netflix but he from the town the Fox's effects yeah many from the town but that's how he's seen it hmm so he's able to tell a story different than the people that sit in the pot it's just like nods like you know he from New York singular in food is yeah right so he was there he saw a glass box his storytelling made us it made it vivid for us hmm cuz he he was the yeah he what eight from Queens but you understand what I don't understand you can stand outside and - me - I'll sit on the stoop and tell you what the world is for me it was like the adversity that's my high you know exam so it's like I like to fight back in good shape you know sound just all always been a rebel so just like well you got put in situations like how do I get out of this I pick my way through it I get this [ __ ] done when I started putting into my music and people was telling me oh I listen to what you said and this happened I was like oh [ __ ] so ain't no different from Tony Roberts a Tony Robbins a nice guy Bob product is the same thing you're just telling them what you've been through his motivation but you ever did a record with somebody and felt like they got the best of you hold up cuz I think I think if good record is a good record but I gotta listen to the fans he's been times that I did I felt like it sounded I felt like there were my night in the studio I can't say that okay like my voice went right okay my delivery was a little off okay I mean but that's when I started noticing that [ __ ] and just be doing it just to do it I just doing when I feel it hmm when I'm in my best you know I'm saying cuz I could do that you know reckon you're gonna say I don't I don't know I mean you can name more did you tell us a few you felt like it I can tell you but no I mean because that you know you're Ross got like the most up in the air with all what holds like sometimes people say you got the better of us will hold and sometimes hope so they say that it's better and all the girls are waiting from now because anybody who say first is a verse right so does it anytime you ever felt like you wasn't a hundred percent confident what you did and the record came up I can't name one off the top my head but yeah it's happy sighs heavily it's like [ __ ] it's been outside what you sit back you go like you know down I smoke too much weed and I am lazy I'll tell you one of Mars where we tell you once for like Styles P cheating right how'd you know know violated joint listening so they so they don't they give me to be their last minute now the don't break it overall just saying he asked me a question I asked myself how do you how do you know I just felt like you've heard my work and then he bases often is what I didn't know leaves on the wreck it I didn't know nothing like I know anything no art they just gave me the ready and then you just had you known as me on Styles don't shine each other out right like that's not on that record on that rug because like I just laid a verse and I left but not thinking someone else is gonna be on it right so what about your verses you know you gotta have is some verses I just know like that [ __ ] cat it uh uh so good I couldn't wait to tear that up I even write it I was like turn off he's how you feeling oh it's like it's like anything else more like you have good days where have bad days like basketball player on the court you know saying go get troubled oh very night it's like podcasting and when I heard that um I always felt like damn this wasn't a head up tequila you felt brother Styles got ahead of you on that one yeah I've done that's what I'm with me like when I hear that sometimes under that corner boy was it it's uh it's call come through where I pause it's called comfortable I just remember that [ __ ] up that you act super two-step because I have no idea [Music] [Applause] I just like to bring you a good tip is that still what happens okay trying to put it together but schedules schedules was like crazy then I would come back he'd be out of the country then I gotta cut you come back but like we could find the time like you know I'm always down [ __ ] bro alright yeah okay I got one more question about again you you you don't Hurricane Katrina you gave your house to people oh no I'm nice dumpling also don't ya like I don't get some people stay man it's a steel crib yeah looking you're quick quick yeah you [Applause] [ __ ] with you right I'm probably just started to cry be honest but I said Jesus man we can't thank you enough listen but we do have to say this one thing okay we've had a hundred and see several artists right 69 69 excuse me the only artists that did take pictures with the crew is Young Jeezy we got to change that today's do it we're gonna change that today the people okay so our crowd is based on who the people loved so all these people here they are here to take a projection because you know say there's a drink chapter dishing from Puff Daddy tonight 250 to whatever there they go back to some dumb [ __ ] but it's gonna be five minutes in theirs okay but Jeezy let me just say something best of luck to you Devils with the figures yes in the right avianna yeah defines few right I think so next week your weenie we talked about this you know the people the people people the people are invested in youngji own residence man baby yeah let you let's go man I've invested in them so it was worse yes we had we want people from drink chance people from small chance people from everywhere you go out here and support people here they have to come back to us he came here because he knows what it is we do bring I love now he's in three chance of Lum na next time be coming you're gonna have a chain for [Music]
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 779,639
Rating: 4.7222862 out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, hip, hop, music, rap, r&b, Drink Champs, Jeezy, N.O.R.E, Noreaga, DJ EFN, Def Jam, Boyz N Da Hood, Tidal, Mass Appeal
Id: OapopgXWnBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 0sec (5220 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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