I've Been Here Too Long Pt. 2 // INSANITY (PART II) - Pastor Mike Jr.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] John chapter five and let's start with verse five a man was there who had been ill for 38 years verse 6 when Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition he said to him do you wish to get well we started this new series Sunday and it is off and running entitled insanity and I don't know about you man God just has this funny way of just whispering into my ear so I can kind of keep my hand on the pulse of the body of Christ are those that God has given to me when I say me I don't say that possessively I say that protectively you know I love those that God has assigned to us man and I'm eagerly anticipating what it is that God desires to do in and through us God gave me this word and sanity and when I shot it to you you instantly said that's it that's it I shot at the pastor Henry first then he just takes he just exclamation pointed it it resonated with all of our spirits and for the purpose of this teaching I would like to introduce two definitions the first definition is the one we've all heard insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result now I watched a couple weeks ago when y'all did Bible study and thank you so much man I don't know who gave you permission to sit in my seat I was watching the stream from the house it's not even played this is my seat it says pmj right here right I looked and they were teaching Bible study that he kind of leaned over in my seat but no I mean seriously man I want to say man you guys did a phenomenal job but when I'm here I always want to push you and kind of catch you guys because not only do I want to make sure that during our time with them they get information I also want them to also get a level of transparency something to throw you in the hot seat throw you in the hot seat throw you in the hot seat somebody jump in here and sanity doing the same thing expecting a different result what are some areas of your life where you were on a perpetual treadmill expecting God to do something new well I'll jump in and be transparent I think for me is is spending money mmm but somehow still expecting to be able to save it hmm and sort of being in that perpetual cycle of not being pleased with my savings account balance but yet I'm steady buying clothes and going out - yeah and you know yeah I'm steady just you know buying buying buying and so I think that's insane somebody jump in I think the weight fluctuation you know trying to say imma lose I'm losing pounds I'm reducing and they eating habits don't change and my condition don't change but the same time I'm expecting okay i'ma lose it I'm gonna try to like i'ma just binge and just I'm a fast I'm going too fast and I think for me not being able to put the work in finally excuses not to work out finding excuses to eat the wrong thing making anything a dare celebrate when you know is Cindy so I could have I could have a dessert I think I just I was struggle with that somebody else one more somebody with me just just always having to have this pride to do everything myself and so learning how to delegate learning how to trust people to kind of lift the weight off of me and breaking that cycle always having to wait myself insanity doing the same thing expecting a different result but secondly for this series is the definition that I believe is touching so many hearts it's doing something that makes no sense to man but perfect sense to God that can preach Canaan it makes no sense to man but perfect sense to God open in a church and the midst of a pandemic with no physical bill that makes no sense to man but it's 17 people who said I hear God and many of you don't even realize right now the reason you have to be careful this may be worth putting in the comments stop telling big visions to small people that's critical why pastor might because for many of you God has you in a season where he's showing you things he's releasing downloading DNA and information for you to go to the next level in your life and one of the main concerns I have for you is that when you don't get the affirmation from them you turn on him I'm gonna say that again when you don't get the affirmation from them you turn on him ain't that crazy cuz I can we be honest for a minute all of us want to be affirmed by the people we love that's critical isn't it all of us want to be affirmed as the pastor of this church there a certain term is this past Sunday when I preach I want to hear the people say man you did a good job this week mister you killed that man you were doing well and I want us to understand that for many of us God has us in a season well what he's calling you to do may not make sense to man but it will make perfect sense to God when we found ourselves this past weekend in John chapter 5 let's start with verse 2 now they're in Jerusalem by the Sheep gate a pool which is called in Hebrew what's but they said again Beth Bethesda Beth said Oh tomato tomahto having five Portage's or porches the Hebrew word for Bethsaida means house of mercy but in also in Aramaic it can translates to mean disgrace now that was so cold-blooded and I want to sit there for a minute because I had to research the difference between Hebrew and Aramaic and it sometimes depends on the portion of the region in which you lived so this one word depending on what house you went into meant two different things and this house it meant grace and this house it meant shame and what the Holy Spirit was downloading in my spirit was Michael be careful when you find yourself in too many houses too many different conversations be careful while pmj because what you get in this house may be antithetical to what God gave you in this house somebody jump in there the differ one what is the thin line between the houses and what God is downloading yeah I think one of the other things that we see in that in the different definitions is this this kind of duality between the experiences because even when you look at the people who are there this pool is a place where all the sick people would gather and what would happen is one of the reasons that it was so such a weird place is that the the legend kind of told that what would happen is that as the first person got into the pool they would be healed but everybody else would be left to stay sick and so right there in the same place I think it kind of communicates to how you can have one person two people in the same house but they come out with different things one person sees the grace one sees a shame one embraces one one embraces the other and I think one of the things that we're seeing there is this space of we can be in the right place but if we're not in the right position when the right mind said we might miss it that's critical they jump in now you felt that the place that the quality of our life is not just tied in direct correlation to Who I am but also where I am that God spent six days five days creating an environment before he put man in it because our improvement will always be tied to our environment stopstopstop the principle of the place put that in the comments who's gonna be my assistant tonight I need you to write that the principle of the place that sometimes it's not just who you are but where you are see see many people don't even realize I put it like this when I was training a couple hundred passes out of passes in leaders conference I told them sometimes it's not the oil it's the soil sometimes it's not the oil it's the Sawyer I may not jump like I'm jumping in Birmingham had I been in Detroit so sometimes we got understand it's the principle of the place here's a good question I need you to ask yourself am I in the right place that's critical isn't it am I am I trying to fit into something that I keep hearing God clearly say I don't fit in I don't think you heard what I just say it right there because oftentimes I love it that text says you have all of these people who are sick this looks like a hospital ER waiting room all of these people who are sick there are multitude of sicknesses and illnesses you have the lame you probably have the blind you probably have leprosy you probably have mute you probably have somebody with skin lesions what do they have incoming all of them got an issue and they're waiting this is so cold-blooded on the stirring of the water can you put that in your nose for me the stirring of the water stirring of the water that's critical why look at verse three in these lay a multitude of those who were sick blind lame withered sick blind lame wither I'm putting you guys on the spot let's go to work let's go to work are y'all ready we got a thousand people watching on Facebook alone let's go they came forward tonight let's go to work okay we've been a breakdown all these I want to suggest to you that every category of sickness represents a category of people who are watching right now we're gonna take each one on the fly and break this down into a category because what's the use of them hearing me if they don't see me see the gospel is not just a voice it should also be a mirror did you catch what I just said somebody say sick so sick he said into the microphone sick so let's talk about those who were sick all right so sick I like the word sick because it is a blanket term I don't think you heard what I just said it's a blanket term meaning it doesn't tell me exactly what the sickness is but they have something so let's talk about this what are some things that people are wrestling with right now that we couldn't classify as sick the relational world mmm I think some of us are sick in our relationships because I think when we think about sickness I think about something being being in the body that does not agree with it and so I think one of the things that happens that when there's sickness internally there's always signs or symptoms externally when they're symptom whenever sickness internally we see signs externally and I think when you look at it even just a relational world I think one of the places that we see sickness is in our relationships where we see the external proof that what's happening on the inside ain't really what it needs to be it's not really real it's not really silent and because of that I think we see the outskirts of an outpouring of this unhealthy nature sickness something in the body that does not agree with the body that's critical something in the body that does not agree with the body sickness something in my life that does not agree with the call all my life sickness something in my marriage that does not agree with the principles and the foundation of my marriage sickness something in my finances that don't agree with my finances sickness something in my diet that don't agree with my body sickness something in my church that don't agree with my church I need seven people this may set Instagram on fire may set social media on fire I need 7tl to realize you've been prophesying your own issue and didn't even know it cuz you've been dealing with toxic people and you've been saying to yourself you make me sick and didn't even realize what you were really saying what you would really say it was everything about you I loved but it's something about you that don't agree with Who I am and when I interact with that piece of you that don't agree with me it makes me uncomfortable because disease stop right disease but make it real simple is dis-ease let's break that word down dis-ease anything that makes me uneasy or uncomfortable is a disease that job makes me sick cuz they don't agree with the purpose God put in me I need seven people to just type preacher you're talking to me tonight dis-ease sick that is a blanket turn sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick dealing with kovat right now that's a sickness we can agree right Kolbe it is a sickness but I love how they categorize it you got symptomatic and what asymptomatic now symptomatic means what you have visible signs that you can tangible proof that something is not agreeing with my body a symptomatic means what ain't nothing in your body screaming but it's present see a runny nose is your body saying something wrong a Coast is your body saying something's wrong allergies is your body screaming something wrong the problem with most of the people watching me right now you're asymptomatic spiritually we got too many asymptomatic spiritual people walking around who got pride but since there's no physical side you you contagious and don't even know it I'm preaching to somebody that's why your last relationship didn't work because your ex was asymptomatic they was messy but they had no proof they were a liar and didn't have no symptoms they were a cheater they didn't have no symptoms and did you call it a headache you call pain you cause fillings and could wonder where it came from with people who may not have no outlet side angle screen Michael yeah at any time this Eve somebody say diseases it is something that does not agree I don't want to be asymptomatic one of the greatest traits I have is being able to quickly identify my blind spots did you catch that quickly identify now let's talk about this somebody say disease if you're watching insanity this is not a screen so I need somebody to be my assistant and writing insanity is saying how can I say this y'all help me define this insanity is seeing the signs and ignore them is that a cool working definition and sanity is seeing the signs and ignoring them that's critical sick here's another definition there lay a multitude of those who were sick let's jump up that fly fly jump in there Curtis blind what does it mean to be blind well what it means to be blind in my opinion is the problem staring you right in the face but you're choosing not to see it it's kind of leaning to what you just said and so dealing with knowing that you have an issue that God has clearly pointed out the situation to relationships but you choose because of pride because pride blinds us and so as a result we end up ignoring the very thing God is showing us pushing back Curt I can't take that I'm pushing back I can't I can't go with that because because I like it's one word in your definition I can't agree with and it's choose it's choose I haven't met a blind person who chose to be blind see blindness isn't something you choose to pit you pick blind it is something you don't even realize it's happening a colorblind individual don't know he got on a black in the green sock he doesn't have a choice and what he put on because of his issue black what are some areas eight I'm gonna put y'all on the spot I'm gonna put y'all on the spot I'm finna come we don't let's go to pastor Curt oh this is good what are some areas you think he blind in because he can't tell me what he blind because he can't see it come on jump in there what are some areas that you think he blind in you want me to jump in there I don't think you see you right gifted anointed charismatic can st. can write handsome got all of these great things going and sometimes you just pull it back like I might not be good enough oh it's getting good here ain't it Hollis what are some areas he's blind in helpful I would say something similar I think I don't think Hollis sees himself as the leader that God has called him to me absolutely not I don't agree with that way I don't know yeah I can see I could that's Jeff you a I see I don't say this this baby Jordan I just see too much on somebody else some areas talk to him let's talk to him let's jump in there kotas look at him what areas he's blind in live at Bible study let's go I would I would say at times you can overshoot if that can kind of be a word you've gotten better at it but still there are times because there's this proving nature instill there's an overshooting at times where you try to prove that look God is placing anointing on my life and so before I back down I would exemplify that God has chose me to do what God has called me to be let me show you what's crazy from pastor here he's saying there at times when he doesn't see the leader in them - you saying he probably to bowl at times so why did I get two perspective because you got two eyes and it's possible to have a stigma in one just because everything good on this side don't mean it's always good on this side what's the merriest I'm blind in don't talk to me don't nobody want to talk to me you're not gonna get fired you're not gonna get fired well I'm good then huh well receive I'll tell you I can feel like one of the areas I'm blind in myself I think I'm blind sometimes too I am blind to my limits I feel like sometimes I'm blind to my limits because God has been so good I think he's always good that day that's a heavy statement I think you missed sometimes because God has always made away I jump out there and stuff probably I shouldn't be in cuz I know he's gonna catch me blind let's do what another one lane Wayne what does Lane mean not being able to move when you need to yes yet your mind goodness your mind saying let's go but your body saying no mm you knowing that it's time for you to jump out of something but something keeps you stuck oh I think we see that spiritual hand naturally somebody jump in there like when they called them lame in both feet it was literally a local colloquialism that he had been dropped on his head yeah he was lame in his feet because his head many times there's paralysis by analysis that sometimes we're stuck because of our mindsets the way we can't we think and so when I look at this text you see a man who's paralyzed sitting at a pole who can't move and so it's like this Pool of Bethesda or Bethsaida represents a place or area in your life where you may be stuck let's argue with it let's push let's battle can we battle this gnome just took place I still got a little battle in me so so let's talk about this now cuz Dee said it represents a place that you're stuck I want to push back and say it represents the place where you still hoping because he was brought there in anticipation look at the scripture because the angel the Lord would come down at a certain season into the pool and do it stir the world now we know the Bible does not speak of this tradition nowhere how do we know this Bible does not speak of this tradition because in the NASB version gives you verses 3 and 4 King James gives you verses 3 and 4 when you go nl and message it goes from three to five it omits verse four because it took it out in the latest translations because they could find no proof of this superstition this is critical now I want to challenge you I want to say that he was not just stock D he was replaced at the place of his expectation well that's critical don't burn it okay jump in there so I want to go maybe a little deeper internet because you just you made me think about something that not only is this him being stuck in a place of hope but I want to say that lame maybe you being stuck are placed in a position where you're counting on the wrong thing mm that's good like so he's lame so he's stuck waiting on somebody to do for him what God is saying my relationship with you is supposed to do for you that's good he's waiting on somebody to pick him up and put him in the pool when god I say no if you were trust me I'm gonna be the one to give you this healing this is good he's waiting on an angel to stir the waters I'm gonna push you man a guy man a guy man a god man a guy man a guy I want to push you what if Jesus being the greatest preacher there is all right I want to challenge you right here what if the angel represents the minister because the Bible also says that the word can trouble yes stir up the waters hear me so so so what if the 21st century 21st century representation of this particular man is people coming to church waiting on a pastor to do what only God can do what what what if the point which is why in a part of me I thank God I said God you don't close down the church but the word still going forth because too many people were coming to church expecting me to fix what only God can fix now you want to know the problem yeah I think we got a break to jump in there come on good pmj because if you think about it I don't even know if he was waiting on the water because his response wasn't that he was waiting on the water it was that he was waiting on somebody to help him put him in but everybody else there was sick so he expected other sick people to help him and I think that happens a lot time in church Jesus we all come in here because we all sick in some area of our life we all got Steve SiC but it's like stop depending on sick people to help what I do what only God can do like we all sing like you ain't nobody sick gonna help you get free and they still bound nobody you know it's like you can't expect other sick people to do what only God can do so his response he needed matter of fact he didn't even answer he's talking to the healer and he make excuses for why other people haven't put him in he say listen sir I have nobody to trouble he gave him two excuses first of all he said that he had nobody to put him in second when he said he tried it and it didn't work because he tried to get down but somebody got there before he did he said somebody beat him to the water so a lot of times we're lame or paralyzed for two reasons well it's either because okay we don't feel like nobody got we got the help we need the second reason could be what we tried it and we didn't get there and - do me a favor okay go back go go this will bless me because I was I went up downtown I went to get sunny right so he was saying he need to get that first and so I got to the restaurant I barely got there poor clothes pmj now I got in there and I walked into only took my order brought my food back he said he so I put up my debit card he said now you my last customer tonight he say don't worry about this on the house so I think it's so at that moment when I was look at this TVs preachers I say God say that you may not got there first but when you do get there it's not the house yours much have to go through what they went through is that gonna cost you it cause everybody else so I might not be first but when I get there it's not gonna cost this much let me preach for a minute I need seven people who've been frustrated because it's been taking you a while to walk into your destiny that just type it's on the house that that's the wrong somebody I want to decree and declare pastor I don't have the money say for the down payment when you get there they gonna say paid in full why it's on now how 7 people oughta just air high five somebody and shot his own the houses on the house there's on the house his own that house its own that house listen to what he said there was so much meeting what he's saying he's saying he said there's nobody there to put me in the pool who's the attendance of the sick people so you he was actually so insane he was he has so much insanity that he was actually convinced that's a victim mentality that the brother who blind was gonna stop trying to get his sight to help me get my legs I don't think you heard what I just said I want to free you because somebody right now was dealing with some insanity and you are mad at family members who didn't help you when you didn't even stop to think could they even help themselves I can't believe that it helped me pay this bill they barely can pay their bills a lot of you insanity is expecting from broken people wholeness 22 say that again insanity is expecting from broken people wholeness which is why I'm pushing everybody listening to me to get counseling marital counseling pastor hearing his wife do a phenomenal job at met premarital counseling I would suggest that for everybody because many of you your relationship is insane it's because you're expecting them to be your wife your mama yo healer your shelf and your nurse I can't expect wholeness from broken people insanity insanity insanity and I want you to catch this now because he says I want you to catch this they were waiting on the stirring of the waters that's so critical the stirring of the waters for an angel the Lord went down at certain seasons into the pool and stirred up the water whoever then first after the stirring up of the water stepped in was made wale from whatever disease which he was afflicted now I see problems in that text y'all are men of God we're gonna always go preset by precept line upon line look at that scripture right there it says whoever stepped in was made what well no well you almost say the preacher he was made what wale not whole did you catch that that superstition promise to fix your issue not fix you what do we see when Jesus fix stuff he fix you then he fixes it insanity is praying for God to fix it before I ask God to fix me did you catch that insanity is praying for God to fix it before I ask God to fix me you have a classic case of insanity / Pastor Mike jr. and all of us here at rock city when you spend more time praying about your spouse that you do you you have a classic case of insanity when you spend more time complaining about your job that you do seeking God insanity says fix it sanity says fix me because if God fix me by default by default he gotta fix it this man it was a man there who had been ill this is good for 38 years what does the number 38 mean anybody no 38 let's research that look we got Google let's researches what does the number 38 that's death so cold blood if we break that number down three is the number Trinity the signature of God eight his new beginnings here's a man who's been waiting on a signature for his new beginning here's a man with a check call healing but it ain't been signed yet here's a man on the doorstep of a breakthrough but he don't gotta prove yet here's a brother 3 being a number of Trinity Father Son Holy Ghost Abraham Isaac Jacob the signature of God all right 8 being a number of new beginnings he has been sick waiting on his new beginning but it ain't been signed off yet sick for 38 years we don't know his genealogy we don't know his name we don't necessarily you like that what does it mean the number 38 means deals in reference with slavery or having complete control or dominance over an individual or group thirty-eight so here's a brother who's been ill for 38 waiting on liberation systemic oppression that's critical isn't it waiting we don't know his genealogy we don't know who is mommy and daddy is we don't know his theology if he even believes in Jesus because when we find him he's believing in superstition we don't find him at a revival we find him on a porch that's critical now what do we know about him we know his geography and his pathology his geography he is situated in acculturated at a pool at a porch his pathology this brother is sick what do we see Pastor Mike when Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition he said to him do you wish to get well do you wish it's something in my ear just a little bit Jay do you wish to get well that is so important because the question is this is critical Jesus rose up and I said this this past weekend and we almost had good Church when I said this D I literally said Jesus rose up on the scene looks at this brother and says do you wish to get well nowhere in the text does he ever say this man's name which means I hope your kisses had I been in attendance I would have asked a father brother that's critical ain't it James cuz if he don't put a name on it it mean he's out there for anybody it's out there for anybody he doesn't say Lazarus come forth he does not he says no do you wish Daryl to be made well my dad raised me on four questions I want to ask you today and let's unpack these what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want that is so critical what do you want I think this is so critical and I was tripping over this particular part J of the sermon I was tripping over this particular part of the sermon last night because I was really listening to the sermon kind of seeing some different things that I saw in the text and one thing that kind of touched my spirit that I prayed you guys can receive I believe I kept asking myself why would God ask them do you want to get well and I thought about it I thought about it I see a principal I see a principal you remember that brother who was at the gate right at the gate begging people for money and Peter says to him silver and gold have by 9:00 he should have been asking for way healing but he was so insane that might be next week's message he could even ask for the right stuff what happens when I've been in what I'm in so long I'm no longer seeking he'll miss I'm just trying to make it make a living out of my brokenness they'll say to say that I'm trying to make a living I'm not trying to get out of my issue I'm now making a living off my issues did you catch what I just said you'd be surprised how many people don't want to be helped they won't pity you'd be surprised how many people don't actually want to be better they like people taking care of them I don't want but but the strongest person in the world is the person who don't like asking nobody for help they will get up and do whatever they got to do to make some stuff happen Jesus looks at a brother it's obvious I want to be made whole cuz I'm at this pool we're not necessarily because tradition also teaches us that people would throw coins and beggars throw coins at the sink that might be a popular place for pity you'd be surprised how many people come to church that didn't come for church you'd be surprised how many people showed up on your porch that you might need to go back in X what do you want you can have seasons and you can go through so many years of being in one condition that you can actually lower your expectations of your current reality to where you feel like okay healing is not that's not gonna be my portion but can I at least get something in my cup and I think we can come back stop oh my god he said healing may not be my portion but can I at least get something in my cup keep going keep going hey guys we lower our expectation to where we were we've been for so long we can become addicted to our affliction so we always go to I didn't have a daddy or I didn't have a mama or you know I don't have good credit on my started business but in when you're talking about insane faith insanity it's doing what God told you to do even if it breaks tradition even if you're the first one of your family to do it Jesus Jesus jump in I think we also see the power of a question that this is what I call prophetic questions that sometimes we want God to send someone to send prophetic solutions or prophetic answers when sometimes the greatest thing God can give you is a question that many times we won't answers when answers give you information questions release transformation we if Jesus would would it gave him the answers he would have been teaching him but because he asked him a question he started coaching him teaching pour pours in coaching pools out and many times we look at Jesus asking him this question do you wish to be made well he's literally assessing how much damage has this place done to your faith Jesus Christ do y'all hear what he's sayin d-beam y'all tonight he said he said there's a difference between teaching and coaching teaching and coach and passing might why are you putting all of these amazing gifts around you think about that why are you trying to birth other churches when you ain't got your church we need to be it cuz I realize I got too many people at the pool for just one person did you catch that did you catch that which is why we're gonna start pulling our ljust so much I'm so excited about these morning calls because there are too many teachers and coaches they gotta come forth prophetic questions Adam what thou can these bones live prophetic Moses what's that that's the series go ahead and put that in your nose prophetic questions prophetic questions that's the series this fall we come into that because this is critical what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want that is so critical pastor Curtis as you embark in this journey I'm so proud of you from the depths of my soul I am so proud of you as you embark on this journey you've got to answer this question to die not just me what do you want what do you want one thing I've tried my best to do it past the hollows cuz he gets to see me and see me in a lot of different arenas I try to always be honest with him on what I want what I want too many people lying cuz if you tell God alive then he got a bless the lie if you tell him a lot then he blessed the line then the truth don't happen then oh I got what do you want what do you want well I just want to sing a song and I pray just blessed some people know I want to do that but I also want some money I also want this song to travel the world I won't wanna war I don't want to be so false humble don't say well long as I get there anyway you but no what do you want what do you want well I just want somebody to spend the rest of my life with you gonna get somebody what do you want homework you got to be clear and concise and what you want what do you want I want cities our little cities I want you to go to Montgomery and go to destiny City I want you to go to Tuscaloosa and we praying about changing the name of Tuscaloosa and it's another city I want cities situated and acculturated all over this country I want to be able to give people a platform but also give you something Curtis we could have slapped Rock City on that but every man should at least have something that is he is so I want to be able to say no we just wanna stand boldly on his stream and say didn't even be premarital counseling I need you to call Kerr that's an area he walks in I want to be what do you wont see when you clear on what you want you don't get intimidated by other folks wounds Oh rewind let's go backwards I got to push back James maybe he won't win no I can't do that I can't do that maybe his insanity in asking somebody else - expecting somebody else to put him in the pool was because he was comfortable to realize we didn't want the same stuff what if he sit there and said you know what my legs broke and although he got a call he can call for another six months see insanity is when you start assessing other people's sicknesses I'm teaching tonight insanity is when you start assessing other people's sicknesses and comparing testimonies comparing testimonies well I ain't trying to be fun I know you went through a breakup but I was only together five months that ain't that deep I got divorced no they find my relationship made me more to them than your 20-year marriage y'all miss what I just I need to log off we preaching tonight this might be why the system crash and we couldn't even start a church on time cuz the devil knew somebody was getting out of Sunday night the devil knew somebody was breaking a cycle tonight the devil knew it was some systematic oppression and some generational curses that God was getting ready to break I come to declare that insanity is about to be ripped it off your life and God's about to do exceeding and abundantly somebody just type and say I received that let me wrap this up tonight this is good isn't it for 38 years he says do you want it for questions my father raised me home and it might be good it might be good minute that'd be good to kind of get him on and kind of talk about those four things this is his stick or his this is his go-to message and I want to say this right now because in our family group text this week I got confronted by my family members because I say at these for what four things my dad said and my sister put in the family groom takes my con they're stealing your sermon daddy and everybody some of some Mike's so deep when that's really your sermon so Angelique I want to make sure I make this very clear my dad came up with these four things is that cool that's family mess right there number one what do you want I need you to answer that question number two how bad do you want it how bad do you want it this brother didn't want it bad enough to me he tried and did get there I want to ask you a question I want to ask you a question I always see the Bible vividly I want I see the Bible vividly if that carpet is the pool and I tried this year and didn't make it and I tried the next year and then make it by default if I keep trying I'm closer than where I was so my question now becomes and that's why I wish I was there did he fail then leave here his was crazy it says the angel would come win certain seasons certain times certain season what's fall what month is fall October what moment what month is winter November what month is spring marches what month is summer ok connects all the question he didn't say in the fall y'all never thought about this which means he had to possibly live at that porch waiting on a certain season I don't know when it's gonna happen so I wonder if he went home when we then word got back man you know this Thursday the water got stirred Jimmy got his elbows clean third season insanity is living at a failed place expecting a different result failed place jumping I can see it I think things I wanna think about is the wrestle with comfort that's good because these porches they were covered porches that allowed the sick people to stay out of the Sun while they waited and what if he's sitting under the porch because he's trying to avoid the Sun when maybe passion should have told him why not just stay in the water and so instead of instead of being out of this place where he knows the blessing is coming he stays off at a distance so that he can be more comfortable so that he can be comforted by the other who are others who may be in his condition instead of just saying you know what I'm gonna stay down here so that when the water get started I'm already in it I'm I gotta get to it because if I stay ready I ain't got to get ready and so if he just stays down there maybe he gets it but instead he pulls back and says you know what let me stay up here where it's comfortable and yes I might miss it but at least I'll enjoy it while I miss it makes me think about when it says Hope deferred makes the heart sick and sometimes people misinterpret that is if you've been hoping for a long time hasn't worked out when many times is you placing your hope in the wrong thing or the wrong place could it be that he was hoping for the water to move when he should have been believing for Jesus to stop and sometimes we shout over the moves of God when I've learned how to shout and praise God for when he stopped for the seasons when I was stuck he stopped where I was and met me where I was there was a woman who had been bleeding for 12 long years she thought to herself if I could just touch the hem of His garment she reached out and touched him Jesus stopped and say who touched it there were five thousand-plus me and not including women and children who hadn't eaten anything Jesus stopped and asked the prophetic question how are we gonna feed these people that was a woman and everybody in the city knew she was a hot girl everybody in the city knew to keep you a man away from her she has such a reputation that she even knew about it that when most people would go to the whale to get their water she had to wait till it was hot in the known ago she couldn't go and go at the morning because they were ridiculing so to save embarrassment she had to go at the worst possible time but the worst time to them was the best time because she had no idea he was about to stop I'm crying and Savior say [Music] and while owner the Stockholm Ollie master do not stop don't forget to stop by me man I don't know what you're going through we got so much more we can keep going through but I feel God saying stop right there there are some cycles you got to break off your life perpetual cycles of dis phattest dissatisfaction and dysfunction dr. King said it so brilliantly he said we are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied to a single garment of destiny that whatever impacts you directly impacts me indirectly meaning that if we're in covenant my house can't be broken and don't think leakage is not gonna hit your house that if we're in covenant we can't argue and think it's not gonna impact our spirit in our atmosphere if we're in covenant I can't say God do it for me and I say Lord do it for them I break that I'm assume that it'd be such a good every negative cycle over your life over our lives God you up to something fresh something new god I pray right now that our minds a whole give us the faith the clarity and the focus to press on God I thank you his name Amen
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 16,023
Rating: 4.8976545 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 51sec (2871 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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