"It's Time To Be Healed" with Pastor and Mrs. Gool! (09.24.21)

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more than conquerors ministries presents it's time to be healed [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] praise the lord thank you for joining us today for it's time to be healed i'm robin gould pastor victory christian center right here in charlotte marlon my wife is joining us for our telecast today and we say good morning to you and listen it's kind of chilly out there so make sure that you bundle up real well and and uh you know be warm and take your vitamin c and vitamin d as in david and take zinc and all those kinds of things to help your immune system to stay strong because you know we want you healthy god wants you healthy god wants you so healthy until he sent jesus to down the cross just for you taking our sins and our sicknesses upon his body i want you to call us this morning 704-525-8638 that's our prayer line number we have prayer partners standing by ready to receive your prayer request this morning marlon and i will want to we're going to believe god with you for you we want to believe god for healing and miracles in your physical body god wants you absolutely well why did we call this telecast it's time to be healed why because it's time out being sick it's time out being bad written it's time out letting the devil rough shot it over our health when our bodies are the temple of the holy ghost it's time to be healed and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god we have to understand that faith begins where the will of god is known the bible makes it clear that jesus took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses that by his stripes we were healed so that is the will of god now faith can begin in our lives to receive what god has done for us through our lord and savior jesus christ 704-525-8638 call us we want to pray for you and believe god for miracles in your physical body and a turnaround from every negative situation in your life the bible says very clearly john 10 10 the thief comes to steal kill and destroy but jesus said i've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly the will of god is for us to have abundant life 704-525-8638 turn your bibles with us this morning to ii corinthians chapter 5 and the 17th verse therefore if anyone is in christ anyone is in christ are you born again are you a child of god are you a christian have you asked jesus christ into your life if anyone is in christ he is a new creation hallelujah i like that all things have passed away behold all things have become new a new creation a new creation not just renovated you are a new creation listen you are totally new if you are a child of god now why am i harping on that emphasizing that that because as a new creation we ought to understand what belongs to us we ought to understand as a new creation we think differently we talk differently we act differently we have benefits being a new creation you know in first peter chapter 2 the bible says in the ninth verse but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people hallelujah as a new creation i am as a child of god you are god's own special people and do you believe that as god's own special people he's putting sickness and disease on you do you believe it's god's own special people you're supposed to be sick do you believe it's god's own special people you're supposed to put up with what the devil has done in your life you have to remember now the thief comes but to steal kill and destroy so sickness is not of god god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and with power and he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil as god's own special people do you believe that god wants you sick do you believe that condition in your body is the will of god i hope you don't because as god's own special people he came to give you life he redeemed us from the curse of the law that's god's own special people he took our infirmities and he bore our sicknesses and i want you to start thinking like god's own special people i want you to start talking like god's own special people i want you to start acting like you belong to god and and whip the devil and drive sickness and disease right out of your life you understand that you call us a 704-5258 we want to pray with you pray for you and i want to talk a little bit more about this i'm going to turn it over to mrs gould right now mama well praise god and first peter 2 9 it says but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light when god translated us from the kingdom of darkness and put us in the kingdom of light it was going to do things that will cause us to praise him what do people praise god for praise god for the goodness for his goodness and his wonderful works for his mercy and for his grace all right so um it lets us know that we are to expect good things as we have been translated into the kingdom of light we are to expect things that will cause praise to god and by the way i don't want to forget that uh someone had called last week and um and and mentioned that uh i think it was on the 10th that uh they called in for prayer and received healing um i don't i don't know if they had called well i don't know if they called him for prayer they just called in for the praise report but they called in to say that after we prayed that she received healing of her swollen foot so i want to make sure i don't forget that and just want to say thank you for calling and sharing that testimony but that is a part of what god expects to happen to us we're supposed to have testimonies that we will give praise to god for his goodness it says he called us out of darkness into his marvelous light out of darkness into his marvelous light in the kingdom of darkness there is all the evil that's right the thief comes to steal kill and destroy that's what goes on uh by means of the kingdom of darkness when we see stealing killing and destroying in our in our world and in our lives we know that that has been uh brought to us courtesy of the kingdom of darkness but god has translated us into the kingdom of his marvelous light so in in the kingdom of light that's where we see the other heart half of john 10 10. jesus says but i have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly there's a difference between darkness and light okay we have been taken out of darkness and placed into light and keep your thoughts sickness is darkness poverty poverty is darkness and god has called us out of it we want you healed today god wants you healed today and jesus paid the price for it come out of darkness faith this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith darkness yeah go ahead go ahead i'm finished and so in matthew 4 we see how jesus dealt with the devil when the devil came his way and being new creations new creatures in christ jesus new species of being is how it really means in the greek one that never ever existed before see when you get born again i said it earlier you're not renovated you become a new species of being one that never existed before because darkness comes out of your spirit your spirit becomes alive that god for the very first time it becomes alive until you're born again your spirit man is totally dead has no activity with god and so when you're born again you become a new creation of spirit man a spirit man connected to god communicating with god at least the ability to communicate with god the way we should and so in matthew 4 how did jesus handle the devil when the devil came assaulting him and attacking him and tempting him however jesus did it that's how we do it as new creations why because jesus is the head of the church he's our example see he's our elder brother the firstborn among many brothers and when the devil came to jesus to tempt him the bible says in matthew 4 let me turn right over here get my page right it says in verse 1 that he was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was hungry afterwards and the devil came to him the tempter came to him and said if you are the son of god command that these stones become bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god the devil went on to tempt him and jesus said again in verse oh seven jesus said to him it is written again you shall not tempt the lord your god and satan tempted him again and jesus said in verse 10 away with you satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only you shall serve and the devil left him the the devil left him and behold angels came and ministered to jesus how did jesus deal with satan it is written how do you deal with sickness and disease it is written you don't say well i hope it goes away i love god you know maybe god's putting this on me no god is not putting it on you god is not trying to teach you something you're in the kingdom of god's dear son you came out of darkness to proclaim the praises of him who calls you out of darkness and so what you do is you start quoting the word of god you quote it to the devil the devil hear this and quote the word of god what are some things they can quote exodus 15 26 exodus 23 20. i don't know what that says yes i do go ahead okay let me let me just before i before i quote uh some of those scriptures let me just point out that in romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 in the second verse it says for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death i want you to know that the earth works by laws okay and and and so we have to understand that there is a law for the kingdom that we are in and it is the law of the spirit of life in jesus christ and paul says it's made me free from the law of sin and death so that means that everything that sin brought in you know which which is death in one form or another that we are free from that we are not to accept that you know you live you live in a country everybody lives in a uh well most people live in a country i think where there are laws uh that gives them rights and if those if their rights are are taken away then they uh then they go to court and they will reference a particular law okay that that will give them their rights again and so so it is in the kingdom of god there's laws in our kingdom and that we are to operate and to function by and if um if the enemy comes in to try to to put things on us that don't belong on us then we go to the law what's our law the word of god sickness doesn't belong on us okay poverty doesn't belong on us depression doesn't belong on us fear doesn't belong on us you know the bible says god didn't give you a spirit of fear it doesn't belong on you and fear is all over our nation it doesn't belong on you as a new creation as a part of this chosen generation god's special people sickness disease cancer fear depression suicide doesn't belong on you and you got to open up your mouth as a new creation and do exactly what jesus did amen and so um you know so we want to uh make sure that we're living by the word of god so that we get a concept of it being the law of our kingdom and in the word of god it says in exodus 15 26 god says i am the lord who heals you hallelujah exodus 23 25 says and you shall serve the lord your god and he shall bless your bread and your water and i will take sickness away from the midst of you in deuteronomy chapter 7 and verse 15 the lord says i will take away from you all sickness in numbers chapter 23 i believe it's verse 19 it says god is not a man that he should lie or the son of man that he should repent if he said it he will do it if he spoke it he will bring it to pass now let's stop there those are wonderful scriptures but you have to speak them out of your mouth understanding who you are in christ that this is what belongs to you this is who your father says he is to you this is what your father says heavenly father says is your rights are your rights and you have to open up your mouth and say satan in the name of jesus it is written and then you quote scriptures as jesus did jesus knew the word of god we have to know the word of god because listen the word is our is our aggressive spiritual weapon all right above all take this no not above all that's the shield of faith but it says take the sword of the spirit which is the word of god what do you do with the sword you cut up things you right do that to the devil with the word of god amen and then in numbers chapter 23 i was quoting from uh uh verse 19. verse 20 says behold i have received a command to bless he has blessed and i cannot reverse it and we take that uh passage there and match that up with galatians chapter 3 verse 13 it says christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us as it is written curses everyone that hangs on a tree that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles okay so god has blessed us just like he was speaking through the prophet here in the book of numbers relative to the nation of israel he says the prophet says i have received a command of bless he has blessed and i cannot reverse it so the bible tells us that we are blessed through jesus christ amen and when god blesses us that cannot be reversed and so we have to stand our ground when you go to court you go to court with the word of the land the law of the land and you you claim that you stand on that to get your rights okay so it is as a believer as a christian you go to the word of god the law of god and you stand on that to get your whites we can see that everything that belongs to us doesn't automatically come to us that's the reason why we have court systems sometimes people have to fight for their rights so it is in the kingdom of god we are in this world but we are not of this world but while we are in this world jesus says uh in the world you're gonna have trouble but be of good cheer i have overcome the world okay so we are in this world and when trouble comes god expects for us to be overcome us jesus wants us to be overcomers okay and how do we overcome we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony we overcome by the word of god we overcome by standing on the word what god has promised us another a scripture that we can extend on is in isaiah chapter 53 amen verse 5 it says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed psalm 103 uh verse 2 and 3 it says bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases that's psalm 103 verse 2 and 3 lets us know that there are benefits we have benefits bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits and then he goes on to list some of those benefits who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases those are some of the scriptures that you can hold on to amen you have to understand this belongs to you you have to understand whatever you're going through physically is not the will of god it's the will of satan and jesus whipped the devil he spoiled principles and powers and made it so of them openly triumphing over them in it jesus gave us authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt us and how do we exercise that authority primarily by the spoken word you must say i must say it is written and quote what the word of god says you can even take the word of god and remind your father of it father i thank you you said and then quote the word of god and then you say i believe i receive your word so satan you take your hands off god's property that's me in the name of jesus i am the redeemed and i say so he took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses that's the way i have done it ever since i've got a hold of this however many years it's been now i take the word of god i speak it over my body and i decree it to the devil and i say you cannot you cannot put this and keep this on my body in the name of jesus and i thank god for my healing i thank god you see the bible says by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god i thank god for my healing i thank god that i'm a part of his kingdom and i know what belongs to me in that kingdom so i resist and fight everything that is not a part of the kingdom and i do it with the word of god i don't do it in myself i'm nothing without jesus christ it's not by might not by power but it's by the spirit of god that we have our victories by the word of god this is quick and powerful and sharper than any to its word it's life it's life to those that find them health to all their flesh praise god in matthew chapter 8 and verse 17 it says that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaiah the prophet saying he himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses now if he took it then we should not take it he bore it we should not bear it first peter 2 24 says who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed past tense is already done we are to consider it done and we and we go to the court of heaven and we demand our rights when the enemy comes and attacks us we use the word of god you know the bible talks about whatever you bind in heaven on earth is bound in heaven or whatever you loose on earth is loose in heaven um in other words whatever we're binding down here needs to be in in sync with what's going on in heaven whatever we're loosing down here needs to be loose in sync with what's going on in heaven what does that mean that's a legal term it means that you can put a stop to what's going on based on what the law says so you have to bind the devil you can't just bind him or tying up an upper road you bind him with the word of god you command him to stop and you use the word of god you speak the word of god in order for that to happen listen as she's looking at that the bible says amos 3 3 can two walk together except they be agreed why don't we start agreeing with our father whatever our father says let's say yes lord let's start stop arguing with our father let's stop saying well but i feel this or i see this etc let's just agree with god so that god can manifest his will his power his glory in our situations every day because that is the will of god all right oh father in the name of jesus we thank you for your word that lets us know what your will is lets us know what our rights are in your kingdom we thank you for your word and we thank you for manifesting your healing power in the bodies of those who have called in in the name of jesus christ based on the word of god i command sickness and disease to go out of your body if you are a child of god it is your right to be healed you have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light pain go out of the bodies now spirits of infirmity loose the bodies now jesus i command the bowels to be loosed i command pain and sickness and disease and germs and and and bad bacteria to come out of your body now in the name of jesus jesus be healed in jesus name i plead the blood of jesus yes in jesus name oh father thank you thank you for confirming your word with signs following thank you name of the lord jesus christ and father recalled this person out of debt in jesus name and not just out of debt give them favor god with the courts in jesus name and father relative to their marriage her marriage god give them miracles in jesus name amen and amen get born again come to christ rededicate your life to god it's time out playing with the things of god we're in a place in our world your victory only lies in christ i'm telling man you know how messed up things are right now only in christ will we have our peace our victory our strength our joy and our provisions god can do anything for his special people as his special people look to him in faith give your life to christ 704 525 863 get into a good bible teaching preaching church this coming sunday no don't have one come to victory christian center sunday morning 10 o'clock 7 2 2 8 kings ridge drive right here in charlotte well my my church is shut down they don't do any virtual uh teaching or services come to victory christian center or join us through live streaming but this is our answer and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god god bless you today remember until next time you're more than a conqueror through him that loves you [Music] please continue to call our 24-hour prayer line at 704-525 prayer partners are ready to pray with you according to god's word and stand with you in faith for god to meet your need for healing we appreciate the gifts of support from our viewing audience who help us get the good news of god's word to people in need checks should be made payable to more than conquerors ministries or simply mtcm to support the ministry through online giving log on to www.vccenter.net address all correspondence to mtcm po box 240-433 charlotte north carolina 28224 or email us at churchoffice vccenter.net you are invited to join us at the dome located at 7228 kings ridge drive for sunday morning services at 10 o'clock am sunday and wednesday evening services are held at 7 00 p.m services and classes for children and youth are held at the victory youth building on 7224 old pineville road call 704-602-6010 for information about daytime bible classes you can find information about our services and directions to our facilities at www.vccenter.net don't miss the next life-changing telecast and remember it's time to be here [Music] you
Channel: VCC Charlotte
Views: 234
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: sYrNX6ttpAo
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Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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