Victory Christian Center | Sunday Morning Service (09.05.21)

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oh [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] god can't prevail cause i'm singing all that well if he attacks him anyway well i'm fighting while i pray no matter the attack i won't turn back [Music] this means war [Music] this means [Music] cause i'm singing all this squares she attacks in any way while i'm fighting while i pray no matter the attack i want her back [Music] is [Music] the power in my blood [Music] is [Music] [Music] through the storm and the [Music] no matter [Music] is whatever going wrong my war clothes are wrong this world is in a daze but they can't have my praise no matter the attack i won't turn back the scenes [Music] [Music] you know the power in the blind [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my future [Applause] you can't have my breakthrough [Applause] can i please victory is [Music] [Music] one more time lord we bless you we give you pride please hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] ruler yes you are awesome magnify your name jesus hallelujah bless the lord hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes jesus that no one like you lord hallelujah bless your lord hallelujah is you are the god of glory we magnify you today lord we glorify your lord [Music] gloria [Music] [Music] oh sorry [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] is [Music] you're awesome we bless you lord [Music] there is no [Music] that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you are my rights [Music] there is [Music] there is none alive [Music] that is [Music] [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god there is [Music] [Music] of peace that is long to do i give you praise for you [Music] praise you jesus be seated in the presence of the lord karabakh here [Music] let's reverence the spirit of the living god he is lord he is lord he is risen from the dead and he is lord every knee will bow on every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord and he is our healer he has taken our infirmities and borne our sicknesses and with his stripes we are healed [Music] right now i command pain on the top of the shoulder to be healed i curse every germ every virus associated with sickness and disease especially in the chest area and i speak healing and life into your chest into your lungs in jesus name into your heart receive the healing power of god i command the irritation in the eye that's been causing you to blink and blink and blink i command that to stop the cause of it to go away in the name of jesus and i speak peace and calmness to your eye i speak life and health into your elbow that the movement will be free in jesus name and i command the skin irritation in that area as well to go away and the cause of it to be corrected i command your legs to be free to move without pain in the name of jesus healing and in the legs and freedom of movement stiffness goes away tightness goes away in the name of jesus i speak life and health into the back of your leg in the in the calf in the name of jesus be healed i command soreness to go in jesus name i speak life the bottom of your foot the soul of your foot commands your soul to be healed and to be free from irritation agitation in the name of jesus you are loosed from your infirmity in the back of the head uh in the neck area right under the the bottom of the head i command that pain to go on the cause of the pain to be corrected now in jesus name hallelujah let's get he is lord get get that get that song thank you lord jesus he is lord [Music] is [Music] every time [Music] [Music] jesus you are lord over our bodies you are lord over our health you are lord and every name is be below yours you have a name that's been exalted above every name the name of cancer your lord over it and i curse cancer and commanded to die and loose the bodies in the name of jesus the name above all names brings into subjection every other name i command healing alignment proper alignment in the spine in jesus name everything to be straightened out in that area in the name of the lord jesus christ and that pain in the forehead i commanded to go i command the cause of that pain to go in jesus name i rebuked the stress in the name of jesus and command calmness shalom malachim in jesus name receive the healing power of god in the stomach area the digestive area i speak of life and calmness that that gurgling thing that sounds like something's going on in there all the time i command that to stop and the cause of it to be corrected in jesus mighty name you are healed peace be still to that area of your body hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord for opening deaf ears and opening uh and removing the clogginess in the ear in the name of jesus you are healed by the stripes of jesus thank you lord and you're able to bend and touch your toe without pain in the name of jesus christ the lower back is healed in jesus name thank you lord praise your father i command headaches to go go now in the name of jesus spirits of infirmity come out of the head come loose it let it go now in jesus name thank you lord hallelujah praise you jesus if you've experienced the manifestation of healing in your body as we were ministering just now [Music] i'd like for several of you to come and share your testimony and give god the glory you've experienced his lord hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] trees [Music] if you've got tightness in your chest hasn't gone away yet would you stand and wave at me let me know where you are tightness in the chest right there just put your hand on your chest come out yeah yes your chest is loosed in jesus name thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus when that tightness is gone you can wave and let me know thank you lord jesus praise you father thank you father the tightness goes away in the name of jesus christ thank you lord jesus freddie just stand with her until just they'll show you where she is straight straight back straight straight ahead thank you lord jesus what happened to you before you uh started ministering about the shoulder i had leaned out of my husband i said i sure hope she ministered to shoulders i was having challenges lifting my hands during praise and worship and as you were ministering all the stiffness and pain and i could lift it up all the way to god be the glory hallelujah praise the name of the lord what happened to you well this morning you can call down stiffness in the arm in the shoulder area and the elbow area and the stiffness in my leg it's all going in jesus you had all of that i did yes i did all go on in jesus christ hallelujah give him the glory hallelujah hallelujah when i came in this morning my legs were stiff my knees were hurting and i declared sitting over there while we was doing intercessory prayer i was saying lord i'm tired of this every day i'm tired of it and when you call it out this time i said i'm not coming back up here to be prayed for again i am healed in jesus name to god be the glory amen amen hold on to it hallelujah this morning i had a struggle getting my clothes on uh i was in pain all week the back of my legs the calves couldn't hardly move couldn't go up and down the steps my stomach was just in turmoil all week and lower back i couldn't do anything but pray in the spirit but i was determined to get my clothes on this morning and i said lord you get me in the car i'm going to church if i had to sit in the parking lot but i'm going to receive total and complete healing this day and god did just that he did just that i can move my legs freely [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah glory to god hallelujah [Music] oh bless you lord hallelujah don't just love it when god just goes down the line and lists everything that's oh my mama am i glory to god beautiful um so i had irritation in my eye and then when you started talking about it like it just went away well that's what god does hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord i had shortness of breath for quite some time and so you talked about the lungs right off the bat and i praise god i can take a deep breath hallelujah glory to god thank you hey says i've had aggravation in the shoulder now for about three months off and on everything you called out about the shoulder the neck and the lower back i've been experiencing that for a minute so when you call that out i said i'm receiving it all and i do and i i'm free of pain you're moving move around everything you checked it out you bend over and everything do it again hallelujah it's still good hallelujah give him praise hallelujah listen there's there's two more people that need to come two more people that need to come you kind of had it on the inside of you that you you should come okay we got him we got two we got two well we'll take we'll take we'll take the other one you walked by me while i was sitting right there and you said stiffness in the legs pain in the feet and it's gone are you saying i was passing by you when i said that hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah i overdid it with the running and so i hurt my knee and my knee was really really sore couldn't bow down but i bowed down over there but it's still a little painful but now all the pain is gone praise god so i can hallelujah praise god thank you jesus i'm the one with the tension in the forehead and when you said peace shalom it just melted away i just needed to hear that i know about that but i was sitting there with this tension in my forehead and so it's gone hallelujah praise god last one thank you jesus hallelujah so this weekend i was really going through it i couldn't eat sleep or anything my lower back was really hurting in my legs and i was just like if i could just get to church i'll be okay and as soon as you guys started praying and everything i felt supernatural healing in my body no more pain my back everything i can [Laughter] hallelujah i praise you jesus he has risen from the dead [Music] every time [Music] come on let's give me praise [Music] every knee [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on let's give him praise oh we praise you this morning our father thank you for what you've already done thank you for what you are doing thank you for what you will do we give you all of the praise the honor and the glory we adore you we exalt you we worship you we humble ourselves under your mighty hand we humble ourselves in your sight oh thank you for your love thank you for redemption thank you for forgiveness of sins hallelujah thank you for the blood of jesus glory to god you are the lord our god that heals us and you take sickness out of our midst we thank you for it our father hallelujah [Music] holy spirit you are welcome to continue doing what you want to do we yield to the spirit of the living god we yield to the will of god we yield to the universal supreme head of the church the lord jesus himself not our will but your will be done glory to god hallelujah [Music] blessed be your name our father blessed be your name blessed be your name come on lift your voices give me praise hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god [Music] hallelujah [Music] glory to god let's pray for those of you that have challenges on the right side of your body please just come down the right side of your body right up in here area you know i'm sure you can see that just want to pray for you right now just come on down to the front please give me ministers please according to who comes right side of your body move quickly please come on down to the front why are you crying [Music] you told god it wouldn't go away and it needs to go away doesn't it well god the gods god heard you and saw you and had me minister that i'll call that out let me have ministers please thank you so very much hallelujah [Music] thank you lord [Music] the devil sure is a liar wendy it is going to go away jesus already took that so many years ago hallelujah [Music] jesus said in my name cast out devils those of you that's been tormented in your mind some real strong oppression that's been in your life you know just you know both both applies come on down to the front right here please [Music] you can go ahead and start ministering to them now that has to go lay your hand on her size where uh wendy put wherever it is that's got to go the devil told you that's not going to go no it's got to go it's got to go hey make sure i have a gap make sure i have a gap i need to know who's what thank you so very much that's got to go you can sing whatever you like that's got to come out come on stay with her until that pain leaves in the name of jesus kela now cast out devils cast out devils break the oppression of the devil [Music] hurry up and sing if you're going to see [Music] [Music] down there down there [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on lift your hands give me praise wendy hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you sent your word and healed my [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] my you sensed your word and healed my disease [Music] you are the lord my you are the god hallelujah [Music] [Music] see [Music] hallelujah [Music] you are [Music] come on give me praise give me praise come on lift your voices give me praise hallelujah we give you praise glory to god glory to god and those of you that are watching in the name of the lord jesus christ i command every wicked oppressive spirit every spirit in the name of jesus that has been tormenting you to loose you now and let you go in the name of jesus and i command healing in your right ear right side in jesus name the right side of your body let the healing power of god flow right now i send the anointing into your right side of your body in the name of jesus you begin to bend lift your arm whatever because you are loose in the name of jesus i speak peace to your mind peace to your mind torment god in the name of jesus freedom freedom in jesus name father i give you glory for it hallelujah [Music] come on praise god right there in your home thank god for your healing thank god for your freedom in the name of jesus hallelujah go ahead and love on your brothers and your sisters welcome them to churches this morning and we welcome you right here victory christian center thank you for joining us for our sunday morning service we love you so much invite your friends family members loved ones co-workers to join you in church this morning subscribing to our youtube channel god bless you you are healed you are free you are redeemed and if you want to tell us about it call 704-525-8638 once again if you want to tell us about what took place in your body in your mind then i want you to call us at 704-525-8638 because you are loose in the name of jesus thank you lord make sure they put that number on the screen those that i pray for through live streaming 704-525-8638 hallelujah [Music] thank you singer so very much good morning everybody shout your victory hallelujah say it out loud i am redeemed and i say so christ became a curse for me so i can be free i'm free i'm in the kingdom of god's dear son no sickness no disease no poverty no lack in the name of jesus only surplus health peace wealth joy prosperity righteousness authority in the kingdom of god and it's all mine thank god for it hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah i am the redeemed and i say so amen thank you for joining us this morning we love you so much and uh i love you god loves you you're special to uh me and mrs school and we we just value you so very much thank you for being a part of our of our service and a part of this ministry victory christian center amen everybody all right uh let's just pray for our church family and we don't have any specific prayer requests so father in jesus name we lift up our entire church family we we speak healing and health and life to them in jesus name lord we thank you that by jesus stripes we were healed and if we were then we are and we speak life and healing throughout our church family lord in the name of jesus and father those that have traveled and those that are traveling for this holiday we call divine protection around them in jesus name you get them there safely and you bring them home safely in the name of jesus and also that you use them father for your glory wherever they are and god we give you the uh glory for that thank you for your anointing upon them in jesus name amen and and amen all right we're going to cancel men's night tomorrow night being a holiday so please men be aware that no men's night tomorrow night and we're still looking to uh to get house parents we have probably three more international students that are coming to be a part of our school and it can be handled one of two ways if you want to open up your home then we'll be very that's very gracious of you and we'll be glad to talk to you about that and then or we can provide a home through our church through our ministry here for you to live in we're looking for a mature a mature man or a married couple to be house parents so please please please let us know if you would like to talk more about that we'd love to we have to find a place for these three young men that are coming in international students so you can open up your home or we can provide a home for you so sign up at the welcome center if you're willing to to do that or you want to find out more about it church office is closed tomorrow as you should know labor day fun night will be held this friday 7 to 11 for our young people 9 to 18 years of age all right let's have our video announcements please we are so glad you joined us for our service here at victory where we are touching and changing lives for the glory of god please pay attention to the following announcements in the know we'll have a session next friday at 7 30 p.m at campus three this is a members only event there will be a mandatory meeting for anyone employee or volunteer that drives a vehicle or bus for victory christian center church or school on sunday september 19th at 5 30 p.m at campus 3. vccs is hiring for two bus driver positions interested applicants should send their resume to info or fax the school office at 704-391-0494 in order to replenish the stock of our regular food ministry the missions department is asking each member to bring macaroni and cheese this week thank you in advance are you looking for a way to serve god in this ministry well look no further because the church in the city women's shelter needs volunteers on a daily basis we have various shifts for cooks and chaperones that will surely fit your schedule no prior experience is necessary just a love for god and a desire to serve others if you are a member of bcc and would like to sign up please stop by the welcome center after service today to find out how you can be a part of touching and changing lives through this ministry giving online is quick and easy go to click on the give tab on the navigation bar and the header once on that page scroll down and there are instructions to show you how to give now click on the gold give now button and it will take you to the online donation page there you can simply fill in the information and submit your donation if you would like to text to give text 704-253-8770 put in your dollar amount without the dollar sign if this is your first time using this feature you will receive a link click on the link and put in your card information finally wait for a confirmation text thank you for your faithfulness in giving thank you for watching the vcc announcements and don't forget you can find these announcements events and more on the victory christian center church app get it at the google play or apple app store [Music] all right i thought we was going to have a workshop special announcement or something all right that's what i was waiting on but it's okay uh let's see there was something else samaritan purse samaritan purse is hiring for seasonal jobs as we are uh just what three four months away from christmas for this year has gone is that not right i mean we're just about to enter the fourth quarter at the end of this month and it just seems like we just started this year just a few months ago and so samaritan purse now hiring for seasonal jobs you can you can uh let's see they have a website there somewhere how you can contact them anyway you have to contact them it's up there okay yeah okay good so just contact them directly i believe that's everything you ready to give all right if you're in need of an offering envelope if you would just lift your hand at this time please allow our ushers to minister to you now make sure i heard you are you ready to give amen amen amen they say the cheerfulness in giving in non-denominational churches is one of the unique characteristics of the church because in the traditional churches you know as i will know as i was in it for so many many years when it's offering time you don't really hear anything you know except people starting to go into their purse or wallet or something like that uh and and god loves a cheerful giver come on shout about the opportunity to give hallelujah amen i mean you are investing into your future right now you're showing god how much you love him how much you love people amen all right you got your offering envelopes minister freddie allen allen's going to come and exhort us briefly here good morning good morning i want to look at psalms 23 verse 1 and the niv and it says the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing but when it comes to a shepherd you know back in the biblical times and they still do today that shepherd lays down his life for the sheep he protects the sheep he feeds the sheep he guides the sheep he literally takes care of every sheep that's under his authority so is it with the god that we serve however you notice he has a staff that he guides the sheep with so if a sheep is running away he pulls them back in so is it with the word of god if god tells you to give and you refuse to give then he can't really be your shepherd because you're in disobedience he's trying to pull you back in but if you just refuse and you just want to do your own thing then how can he be your shepherd yo good shepherd you have to line up to what god wants you to do and what he has asked of you to do so this morning let's be obedient to our shepherd because i guarantee you if you give you will lack nothing he won't hold not one good thing from you why because you're obedient and he said bring ten percent not five not two but ten percent so let's give to the lord and let's do it with a cheerful heart it's like what else do god need to do to show you how much he loves you he woke you up this morning you're in your right mind he paid your bill when they were all passed due he put food on your table he's giving you favor with every person you need favor with what else do god need to do to show you how much he loves you he wants to be your great shepherd your mighty shepherd your good shepherd so if you're writing after your checks you can make them payable to victory christian center or you can abbreviate by putting bcc okay so those that come down you can feel free to come down at this time and we'll stand and pray father we praise you we worship you we glorify you we magnify your father receive our tithes and our offerings let it be a sweet savior until your nostrils lord we declare and decree that every need we have is met every bill is paid on time in advance we're debt free and we owe no man nothing but love we thank you for surrounding us with your favors with a shield we thank you for going before us making the crooked places straight opening up doors that no man can shut and father we give you all the glory and we give you all the honor for what you're doing what you're going to do and what you will continue to do for your people in jesus name amen come on let's give him praise [Applause] hallelujah we give you praise hallelujah praise honor glory thank you that you bless us going out and bless us coming in and bless us in this city bless us in the field we give you the glory forth our father you bless the work of our hands angels go forth and bring in the promised return according to the law of seedtime and horror soaring and reaping giving and receiving in the name of jesus father we thank you for it in jesus name hallelujah amen shout about it one more time all right you may be seated ushers let's receive the gifts please thank you lord and i think after this ushers we're going to have communion okay [Music] but our needs are already met thank you lord for it are the lord my shepherd i shall not one thank you lord hallelujah to you jesus glory glory to god sing knowing peace knowing peace peace the saints understand and joy and joy the lord's sure that strengthens me on every hand coupled with knowing the almighty god is my father and [Music] knowing all of this i know he's he's met my knees [Music] god's peace understand [Music] that strengthens me on every hand coupled with knowing the almighty god is our father and that he loves me [Music] god [Music] he's provided everything that we need right now [Music] god all of my needs god has god has supplied all of my needs again god has supplied all of my needs gets stronger and safe god has supplies paid every bill god god [Music] [Music] doing all of this [Music] thank you lord thank you lord amen hallelujah amen amen praise god um let's show the special now please the september special at this time ushers if you'll start getting ready for communion tell me if there's a problem so i won't just be waiting someone speak to me please [Music] okay thank you so much okay communion hallelujah all right we'll let uh minister isaac and chapman you guys come in and handle communion please and we'll have our men please come what an awesome opportunity to partake in holy communion it's an awesome time we have an awesome father and holy communion is a time for believers to partake and so if you're a believer then you're welcome to participate even if you're not a member of victory christian center but you must be saved and so before we partake of communion i want to give everyone an opportunity to be in the family of god so if you're out there and you're not saved you're not in right standing with god then i want to offer you that opportunity if you would please raise your hand if you need to be saved you've never given your life to the lord jesus christ anyone out there want to be saved so you can participate in holy communion i'm looking any hands anyone okay i see a hand would you please join me down front please i'm still looking hallelujah the bible tells us that heaven rejoice and we should rejoice when a soul comes into the kingdom hallelujah glory to god hallelujah [Music] i'm excited anyone else while we're waiting [Music] anyone else is there anyone do you need to rededicate your life to the lord jesus christ go ahead minister isaac yes sir if you need to rededicate your life as well you know that you've walked away from your heavenly father he's ready to receive you back into the family so you don't want to partake of communion if you know that you've not been under the shepherdhood of the lord jesus christ so is there anyone amen anyone else hallelujah anyone else salvation or rededication we'll wait on you anyone someone else is coming we'll wait on you anyone else salvation rededication hallelujah [Music] so we don't want to partake of holy communion if we're not right with god because many are sick among us because of that see god takes this seriously so we should take it seriously it's not too late if you're out there and you know you're not saved you know you're not in right standing with god you've left the presence of god the family of god i should say get it right today so you can be a part of god's family and you can also participate in holy communion anyone god is so faithful and so good when you think about the goodness of the lord it should make you just want to cry out to him love him bless him praise him hallelujah [Music] oh how good you are god you are the great i am the alpha and the omega the beginning in the end the only true and living god you're faithful father we love you so as they're finishing with this young man i want to give us a chance to examine ourselves and so i'd ask you to take a moment and go before your father and if there's anything that you need to deal with let's deal with it let's take a moment ushers you guys can stop right now glory father thank you that you cast our sins as far as the east is from the west you're faithful god and you said we confess our sins you'll forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness and so father we thank you that right now as we go into holy communion that we are right before you for you have forgiven us as we've given it to you father and we repent of whatever we need to repent of and we give you all the praise and the glory for it in jesus name amen ushers please [Music] all right [Music] [Music] one day i know it was blood i know it was the blood saving one day when i was lost jesus died on the cross [Music] [Music] jesus died on the cross [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] jesus died on the cross and he gotta front the grave for me he's coming back again he's coming back again he's coming back again he's coming back again for me one day he's coming back again for me we're gonna he's coming back again he's coming back again for me well one day when i was lost jesus christ when i was lost [Music] [Music] now i'm born again i jesus died for me [Music] [Music] glory to god hallelujah it's the time to rejoice yes lord i think but we have a savior yeah his name is jesus i'm glad he's coming back again [Music] do me a favor and sing something of worship let's worship the lord jesus before we partake of communion in just a few minutes so something of worship put your mind on jesus how he died on the cross no man could take his life he willingly laid it down three days later god raised me from the dead he ascended into heaven sat down at the right hand of the father before that he put his blood on the mercy seat satisfying the claims of justice as it were and let's worship him so sing something that's appropriate please [Music] are you going to sing or you all know me by now [Music] holy communion [Music] is [Music] holy communion lord we [Music] sweet [Music] that's what i long to do is what i long to do [Music] lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] the sweet presence of our savior the holy spirit if you would please let's remember that on the same night that he was betrayed jesus took bread and he broke it and gave it to his disciples and he said to them as he says to us this is my body which was broken for you and so as we partake of the bread let's remember the sacrifice that jesus made when his body was broken so if he would peel back that first layer if you haven't done so already you can receive the bread let's break it and partake hallelujah father we thank you thank you for your goodness thank you for the completed work of christ the perfect lamb thank you that because his body was broken ours are healed thank you that the work he did set us free it brings us peace in our minds joy in our spirit father thank you that because of what jesus did we have all things that pertain to life and godliness so i speak divine health over us from the crown of our heads to the souls of our feet the healing anointing of god blowing pouring through every cell joint muscle limb and organ of our bodies thank you father that we stand in health because you've taken sickness and disease away from us because you're the lord god who heals us father we rejoice and we thank you for it with appreciation and praise in jesus name amen amen after they had supped jesus took the cup and he said this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sin it is the blood that cleanses us from all unrighteousness and it's the blood that causes us to stand before god as if we have never sinned a day in our lives so let's receive this with appreciation and praise in our hearts oh father we preach we praise you father we appreciate you father we thank you lord for the shed blood of jesus christ that allows us to be in right standing with you that cleanses us from all sin that allows us to come before your throne and obtain help and mercy in a time of trouble thank you lord god that the blood causes us to reign in life as kings and priests god thank you lord god for all you've done in our lives and we give you the praise for it in jesus name amen if you would please pass your cups down to the center aisle thank you hallelujah amen thank you men thank you singers thank you ministers how long how long go ahead and show it thank you so much it's not a physical life it's not a soulish life it's a spirit life and god is a spirit the word is spirit and they that are born of god sons of god must be led by the spirit the devil has points of contact okay you can go to the little woman around the corner and she'll give you a string just put it on your finger you can go to root work and he'll give you a little bunch of hair a little package of salt okay the devil specializes in points of contact all right and so you better not understand some things about the point of contact living in a natural world makes it difficult to live the spirit life it's something we must decide to do and makes the difference between victory and defeat choose between the three-part message series spiritual contact in a physical world by mrs marling or the four-part message series it's a spirit life by pastor robinson each package includes a copy of charles capps book changing the scene and shaping the unseen digital download packages for each series are also available shop the vcc workshop to start saving today all right those are some important lessons there you might want to revisit or get for the very first time amen well let's stand to our feet give god some praise before we get into the word of god he's worthy [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you for your love for us your mercy and your grace hallelujah father guide us in the truth open up our eyes that we might see and ears to hear god we thank you for it humble ourselves under your mighty hand and in your sight we are what we are by your grace i am what i am by your grace thank you father for truth and thank you for your anointing in the name of jesus for everything that's said and done father we'll continue to give you all of the praise and all of the honor and all of the glories you're the only one worthy of it in jesus name amen and amen all right you may be seated praise god let's continue our lesson on the main purpose of the body of christ we started that on last week the main purpose of the body of christ and the way we find out what our main purpose is is by looking at the head isn't that right and who's the head of the church jesus and so it's through jesus that we find out what the main purpose for his body really is and in first timothy chapter 1 the bible reads in the 15th verse this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance it says that christ jesus came into the world to do what it's right on the screen christ jesus came into the world to do what to save sinners why did he come to save sinners we're talking about the main purpose of the body of christ and we find that out by looking at the head jesus is the head of the church and it says here that christ jesus came into the world to save sinners isn't that what it says and then the bible tells us in luke 19 verse 10 switch over there very quickly for the son of man has come to seek and to save that which is lost notice why he came first john 38 says for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil when jesus first called his disciples when he called the first two he said follow me and i will make you fishers of men that's matthew 4 verse 19. follow me and i will make you fishers of men the body of christ by and large off and on periodically has gotten off track and derailed and they began to follow money they began to follow fame they began to pursue prominence and pursue material possessions they got off track they began to pursue pleasure they began to pursue networking and whatever this world could offer almost like satan saying to jesus i'll give you everything in this world if you just bow down and worship me it seems like sometimes christians are worshiping satan instead of jesus because of their pursuits and it said for this purpose the son of god was manifested to destroy the works of the devil and jesus came to seek and save that which is lost and so to his first disciples that he called james and john or peter and john peter and andrew he says follow me and i'll make you fishers of men and then to the last set he said and that's us as well but to the very last said he says go into all the world and preach the gospel isn't that right he says you go and preach and make disciples of all nations teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i've commanded you and lo i'm with you always even to the end of the world the only thing that was on jesus's mind was souls come on talk to me i'm giving you scriptures is that right or wrong what does john 3 16 say he so loved the world that he did what gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life i'm telling you god's heart it beats for souls he hated what adam and eve did in the garden he hated it it disconnected man from himself from god and god had a plan and he prophesied it in the book of genesis and that plan came to pass god is longing for more men and women and young people to become a part of his family isn't that right and the only way that's going to happen is through his body it's only way you believe that or not we are his ambassadors and that's how it's going to happen now i was going to let's see if i'll review a little bit here we said there's two kinds of evangelism remember that what are they mass evangelism and personal evangelism and it's by personal evangelism that the nations of the earth will be evangelized that's the only way personal evangelism one-on-one one-on-one one-on-one and i said to you last week that the church by and large they're not going to become running into the church they don't want anything by and large to do with the church they're having fun in the world and so we have to go to them one on one in the opportunities and by the opportunities that god affords us is that right so we have to get serious about our assignment we said this that's why the power of acts 1 8 you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be you shall be witnesses unto me all right in acts 4 33 it talks about giving witness of the resurrection to the resurrection that's what it's for the power of god the church was designed we said to be the most powerful powerful force on this planet invincible we also said that jesus defeated satan and handed that victory to us is that right or wrong so let's pick up some things now as we move on jesus in his three and a half years of earthly ministry with 12 men he prepared them to win souls just think with me study matthew mark luke and john he prepared his disciples to win souls that's what was all about and when he left ascended into heaven before he left he left everything in their hands to continue what he began right or wrong evangelists what do they preach it's on the soul it's on the screen why do they preach why do evangelists preach to win souls now notice the apostles they go into nations and god uses them with signs and wonders to bring people into the kingdom of god and they start churches what do they start the churches for for the souls everything is about souls pastors we disciple the church to win souls we don't disciple you to just chase after stuff we decide for you to do the work of the ministry come on talk to me and to understand you are an ambassador of christ and then the prophet by and large among other things he brings the word of god on on a basis to keep us in in line and focus with the purpose of god the ultimate purpose of god is advancing the kingdom winning souls come on talk to me everything is about souls everything is about souls and we have to get that in our thinking the anointing that god gives us is for people the same anointing that was on jesus is on us and it's for the same purpose acts 10 38 you know what it says you can just read it if you like and then in luke chapter 4 he found the place where it was written the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor to heal the broken heart and on and on and on and on and on and that anointing is on us for the same reason to do good heal deliver set free represent jesus bring the gospel to people that's what god desires and that's what we have to start walking into now the church stays alive as long as the fire within us doesn't go out as long as the fire on the inside of us doesn't go out the church stays alive what fire the fire of the holy ghost the anointing of god this church will dry up and every church will dry up when the fire and if the fire ever goes out of us because when the fire goes out you lose your incentive and motivation and purpose and calling and assignment you understand the father of god the spirit of god gives you the zeal and it gives you the desire to walk in the will of god it gives you the ability to walk in the will of god you lose your individual fire anointing zeal for god motivation for god the church dies it dies it dies with the generation that loses the anointing the fire of the zeal why because nobody is going out nobody is laying hands on the sick nobody is representing jesus casting out devils nobody's getting this sick healed nobody is saying hey jesus loves you died on the cross for you shed his blood for you he wants you and his family only jesus can turn your life around and after they get saved you bring them for discipleship you bring them to begin to grow and learn who they are in christ but as long as the church stays a blessed me club you understand what i just said has no fire on the inside of them and the church it not only stagnates it dies it dies this church if you love it if you love it your love for god is first but if you love this church you've got to have fire on the inside when i say the church i'm talking about local and universal i'm talking about the kingdom of god am i making sense look at leviticus chapter 6. genesis exodus what you really know it don't you leviticus chapter 6 and doing a look at the 12th verse and it says this we'll start at verse 8. then the lord spoke to moses saying command aaron and his son saying this is the law of the burnt offering the burnt offering shall be on the earth upon the altar all night until morning and the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it the fire shall be kept what burning the holy ghost on the inside of you is supposed to keep burning should never die out once the fire of god the anointing of god began to wane begin to diminish you'll stop being excited about god about the word of god about church about praying in tongues about worship about fellowship about soul winning you understand that you know why people backslide the fire went out the fire went out that's why you don't see them anymore in churches not just this church but any church they belong to the fire went out and here they were commanded to keep the fire burning all you that are thirsty coming to me jesus said and drinking out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water the waters are to be flowing on the inside of you the fire the anointing ought to be burning on the inside of you come on talk to me it says and the priesthood put on his linen garment and his linen trousers he should put on his body and take up the ashes of the burnt offering which the fire has consumed on the altar and he shall put them beside the altar then he shall take off his garments put on other garments and carry the ashes outside the camp to a clean place and the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it the fire on the altar regardless of what shall be kept burning regardless of what goes on in your life don't ever let it take the fire of god out of you i don't care if it's sickness disease i don't care if it's domestic i don't care if it's financial i don't care what it is it is not supposed to come on the inside of you and dampen the fire kingdom of god is righteousness peace and joy joy joy where in the holy ghost keep the holy ghost alive and strong and burning on the inside people will be so shocked that you can have joy and be so alive and vibrant vibrant in the midst of what you're going through because there's a fire going it tried to go out but i worshiped jesus this morning it tried to go out but i stayed up talking in tongues all last night i'm telling you i tried to go out it's coming against my mind but i just praised god and put on cds and walked around the house singing and glorifying god the fire is going on the inside of me when there's fire you'll want to talk to people about jesus the fire begins to go out you don't want to talk about jesus you lose your desire come on talk to me because that anointing that fire that power is for you to be a witness isn't that what acts 1 8 says the fire on the offense shall be kept burning on it it shall not be put out and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning and lay the burnt offering in order on it and he shall burn on it the fat of the peace offerings a fire shall always be burning yes oh you ought to always have that anointing working on the inside of you come on talk to me should always always the fires shall always be burning on the altar it shall never go out amen the church dies when your fire goes out the church dies when that anointing that life of god the spirit of god on the inside of you it's not stirred up and kindled stirred up stir up the gift of god that's on the inside of you building up yourself on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost charging yourself up he that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself i just don't have the same life i used to have the same excitement well you know what happened right we know what happened right you stop worshiping jesus stop praying in tongues you stop feeding your spirit come on talk to me you start going around the wrong people you start listening to the wrong thing here the word is it shall never go out the fire on the altar my bible tells me in romans 12 i'm to present my body a living sacrifice presented on the altar see full of fire full of the anointing every day all day am i making sense all right so we have to make sure that the church stays alive right and we do that we do that by keeping the rivers of living water flowing the anointing in us is to feel empty jars that anointing in you is not just for you you think that anointing was put on you it wasn't put on jesus for him only it was put on him for other people it was put on him for the loss for the sick the oppressed the demon uh poses that anointing in you and in me is not just for us it's to feel empty jars what did she tell her sons go get some jars bring them in i got one jar one jar prophet elijah just one jar it's full of oil what to do go get some other jars and pour out of that one jar into those empty jar you know there's empty jars out there you know you work next to empty jars you know you got family members that are empty jars come on talk to me people out here we don't know they are empty jars you know what god wants he wants you to pour out of your jar into their jar and notice now as long as there were jars the oil flowed bring some more junk there are no more the oil stopped you want your oil to stop just stop caring about people stop being compassionate stop being loving stop being tenderhearted forget that heaven is israel in heaven is real and people are dying and going to hell every day forget how people are so so out of it emotionally suicidal in despair totally perplexed scared and you got a full jar are you hearing what i'm saying god wants you to pour into their lives and as long as you're pouring the oil keeps flowing once you start thinking about yourself only the oil stops are you here so the anointing is more than just for you it's for the same purpose it was on jesus's life to go about doing good and healing all that repressed of the devil to represent his heavenly father to let people know that god loved them that god his father was real isn't that right that's the same purpose for us now this message is not to discourage anybody but to encourage us to recognize our calling and our purpose it's not to get you to you know like oh you know what i haven't wanted anybody to christ i must not be that it's not to discourage anybody it's just to stir us up and remind us are you hearing this of our calling and our purpose etc and i'll say some things in a few minutes to help us out because we are his ambassadors this is important you might want to take a picture of it god will always say always he'll always have us participate in one of three things always i don't care what your vocation is i don't care what your profession is i don't care what your career is i don't care who you are i don't care anything about those kind of external things he'll always have you participating in one of three things you'll either be you either be planting watering or being used to reap the harvest one plants another waters and god gives the increase doesn't matter who you are what career you have you always as god's ambassadors have the opportunity to participate god will see to it if he doesn't see to it you are a wasted vessel amen that's strong what i just said you're a wasted vessel you're you're really you're no good to god i give you opportunities as a plant and you won't plant i give you opportunities of water and you want water i bring a fish that's ready to be reeled in and you won't reel it in man what good are you to god i don't care what job you have somewhere in your life you'll have one of those three opportunities and when you do man jump on it in it some of you have more opportunities to win people to christ than others for example minister isaac works for home from home so that means most of his day oh right who are you going to witness to unless he's talking to somebody or emailing somebody and he has that ability to plant a seed somewhere but others they're working on jobs they're always in contact with people they don't know come on talk to me mr chapman he's around here pretty much all day i sent him to the hospital business and different things like that but by and large if you're working here in the ministry you're not going to have the same opportunities every day as some other people but it doesn't mean i won't have opportunity because if i don't have opportunity god doesn't love me but he loves me he's going to have me planting watering or reaping one day come on shout out about that somebody tell your neighbor you're important to god the lost out there don't know how important you are to them until you get to them they'll think you're not you're not you're insignificant to them until you get to them and you plant the word of god and you show the love of god then they'll understand how valuable you are that's been working next to them for the last two years but your first for the first time you're witnessing to them are you here you're so valuable tell your neighbor you're so valuable you're absolutely so valuable romans chapter 10 verses 13-15 put that on the screen please romans 10 13-15 and remember you are an ambassador of christ is that right who do you represent christ therefore you're the light of the world you're the salt of the earth you're the city so on the hill and the bible says let your light so shine before men that they can see see see your good works and glorify the father isn't that something that people should be able to see your good works and cause them to say boy you know what the god they're served they they serve he's real boy i'm glad he's he's he's serving god the way he does they see your good works and they glorify the father which is in heaven for whoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved let's keep reading how then shall they call on him and whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard angels not going to come down here and preach not in this dispensation it's on us so we don't preach they don't hear and when it says preaching it doesn't mean from a pulpit how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach unless they are sin have you been sent amen come on have you been sent going to all the world as my father has sent me so sin not you have you been sick you have not chosen me but i chose you that you should go you should what go and bring forth fruit that your fruit should remain that's the word of god no one in this room i don't care what your age is if you are a christian you've been sent to share the word of god and god will give you opportunity to do just that isn't that right lift your hands and thinking for those opportunities he'll do it praise god always understand that awareness is the key wherever we go being aware being alert that's the key all right that's so important let me give you seven reasons why we're to be soul winners this is from the late tl osborne the late t.l osmond was a dynamic outstanding man of god evangelist when his so many nations of the earth 76 nations if i if my memory serves me right and god used him with great signs and wonders notable miracles transforming lies for his glory he said you have to be a soul winner because jesus was he's the head of the church and the bible says be followers of god as dear children isn't that what the bible tells us imitators of god ephesians 5 verse 1 as dear children he was a soul winner so we have to be a soul winner hey zacchaeus come down salvation is coming to your house today soul winner over and over again woman at the well so many other situations because the harvest is great isn't that what jesus said look out there the harvest is ripe it's great it's plenteous because the laborers are few and you don't want to be one of the few i'm sorry you don't want to be one of the ones that are are plenteous and not going you want to be of anything apart of the few but you want to increase that and make it more i have to be a soul win because there's not too many of us out here isn't that what isn't that what jesus said the laborers are few pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest or he will send forth the laborers thrust out laborers into the harvest why because the laborers are few and think about all that jesus has done for us and then we're going to be we're not going to participate jesus said do it he said be a soul winner go out there and preach the gospel to people and then we don't want unbelievers blood on our hands remember ezekiel i talked about why i share some of the things the way i share them and what i share blood's not going to be on my hands see god has you in certain circles he sure wants you to plant in those circles so in those circles water in those circles see and then also because of what we have experienced how many of you have experienced the goodness of god isn't it good to be a christian i'm going to ask it again isn't it good to be a christian i said it the other day at a homegoing celebration i'm so glad i'm a christian it's so good to be a christian to have jesus living on the inside of you by his spirit to know he loves you and forgives you directs you and helps you and heals you and delivers you and gives you favor my god peace of mind so good being a christian the greatest thing in all the world is to be a christian and so we have to do it because of what we experienced and lastly we have to do it because of unfulfilled prophecies when will jesus come back this gospel of the kingdom must be preached to all nations then shall the end come see we got there's work to do still there's prophecies to still be fulfilled and we have to be a part of certain prophecies isn't that right now let me say this to you i don't know if they have it back there i don't think they do but you can write this down the ultimate goal of evangelism is soul winning and then discipleship it's ultimate goal soul winning and then discipleship see you just don't get people saved and just leave them you have to do your best to get them into the church for discipleship or take it upon yourself come on talk to me one-on-one relationship i got you saved i'm going to help you to grow and help you to know jesus christ i mean listen if you if you sleep too close to the edge of the bed if you don't watch you're going to fall out and the person gets saved and just stay right there eventually they're going to fall out we got to help them get in the middle of the bed get more into the bed are you following what i'm saying so you just don't get people saying and say you're saved now glory to god now they're left man well you know and isolation is destructive and the more you isolate yourself from fellowship and church the more opportunity you're giving the devil to destroy your life we weren't we weren't made to be isolated that's why the enemy has come in with this social distancing and staying at home mandated and that's why young people committed suicide and people need counseling and becoming alcoholics because of the mandate that took place don't come out of your house weren't made to live that way that was the devil and it's still the devil and we rebuke the devil and we resist the devil we stand up for our liberties and our freedoms in jesus mighty name isn't it amazing they tell you to do it but they don't do it themselves obama just had however months ago his big old birthday party all those people they didn't wear masks and all those different kinds of things but wear masks put on the mask put on the mask put on a mask they violate their own mandates yeah because they don't believe in it because they know it doesn't do anything it's a controlled thing here we are like little sheep and puppets how many masks to wear today there is not one mask that prevents a virus from getting to your body the virus is too small to get one macron whatever it is and your mass doesn't prevent that small little virus from getting through doesn't prevent it they know it too we need to know it stop looking like you can finish the scene all i know is people all the time come up to me bounce the ghoul that's good remember me pastor good i don't know who you are until you pull it down i mean it's all the way up to here up there man all the way down all the way i'm supposed to know you they're saying right now they're concerned about children being healthy because they can't see facial expressions from friends and peers and teachers and so it's going to affect them psychologically and they're going to go backwards instead of forwards no parent should go along with that type of garbage to stand up against it come on talk to me whether or not you want to or not i'm right but not you want to talk to me or not i'm not saying that arrogantly i'm saying that because the science is out there the knowledge is out there are you here my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge it's not just biblical knowledge either that causes us to be destroyed all right whatever that meant wherever i was going with that now let me give you five additional reasons why we ought to be soul winners one because somebody shared jesus with you aren't you glad they did somebody shared jesus with you somebody loved you enough to take the time and share jesus with you well nobody talked to me i got a tract somebody loved you enough to put the track in the toilet and i say in it i'm talking about in the restroom i'm talking about pre-covet and left it in the telephone booth when he used to have telephone booths how many remember telephone booths shopping carts they said you know restaurants you know you found tracks somebody loved you enough to say i'm gonna leave a track right here and then they prayed over father let somebody walk by there that don't know you and pick up this trap lord don't let it end up in the trash and then you were the answer to that prayer and you picked up that track and you read it and that was a seed and then somebody watered it and god gave the increase shout about that somebody somebody shared jesus with you and you ought to love god enough to share jesus with somebody else number two because hell is real and man you don't want anybody going to hell when the rich man got there he thought about his brothers i don't want my brothers coming here hell is real you're going to heaven and you're going to allow people around you to pass you all of the time friends family members everybody and you because you develop a relationship with you with them rather and you never talk to them about jesus knowing they're going to hell never plant a seed hello certainly because it is the system of salvation it's the system that's why i share it there's no other way there's salvation in no other there's no other name under heaven giving them all men whereby we must be saved we read romans 10 you know 14 15. then you know romans 10 9 and 10 etcetera but it's it's the system john 14 6 number four because it is the evidence of the love of god when you share jesus it's the evidence of god's love having been shared abroad in your heart by the holy ghost right and it's evidence of god's love for those people that you're sharing with and then lastly number five we're sharing jesus because god desires all men to be saved he's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance god wills all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth is what paul said to his son timothy writing there he wills all men to be saved that's everybody those are the people you don't like god wants them saved i don't like a whole lot of people in the political arena right now but i pray for their salvation amen you think i like what happened in afghanistan you think i like who was behind it i don't if you like them you know that's you but i don't like them but i pray for their salvation amen somebody and so god wills all men to be saved so there's no other way there's no other joy that is and that's important there's no other joy like participating in the salvation or rededication of somebody there's no greater joy than that you're getting married isn't that same kind of joy no greater joy to know that you were part of taking somebody out of the kingdom of darkness and putting them into the kingdom of god's dear son no greater joy luke 15 talks about all of the angels is rejoicing in the presence of the angels over a sinner that comes to repentance they rejoice in heaven they rejoice when those two people came up this morning heaven rejoiced there's no greater joy because that's the heart of god the heart of god is souls that's the major purpose of the body of christ is to get people to the kingdom of god now because of john 3 16 and acts 4 12 first timothy 2 5 john 14 6 these are a few ways that god might give us opportunity i'm giving you the few ways in just a moment because of those scriptures i'm going to give you a few ways that god will give you opportunity give us opportunity to plant to water to reap because of those scriptures right there now what are some of those ways number one god will send you to them remember philip great revival going on in the city of samaria and god said hey philip i want you to stop this revival i want you to go over into the desert you know and he's just okay he went and when he got there he didn't really know why he was there but then he goes god speaking to him and says see that cherry go join yourself to that chariot so he ran over there joined himself to the chariot and what what what did he find he found an ethiopian reading about jesus didn't understand it but reading the prophetic word about jesus death burial and resurrection and he asked he asked he asked him who who is the prophet talking about and philip from that scripture in isaiah went on and talked to that ethiopian about jesus and obviously he accepted jesus because when they came to a body body of water he said what hinders me to be baptized i want to be baptized he said you can't if you believe hell yeah i believe they got out of their chair and he baptized philip baptized him but god sent philip to that man you know god wants to send you lift your hands and thank him for sending you come on god send us lord send us andrew in john 141 andrew when he found out who the messiah was he went and found his bro his brother peter i mean he just went peter you know when you get saved you ought to think of somebody i gotta go tell you come on talk to me you get saved they ought to be somebody close to you then you got to say i've got to tell them tell them about this man called jesus isn't that good news and then philip in john 1 45 he went and found whoever it was who did who was it uh what does it say you know what does it say you know i'm just playing with you now he went and found nathaniel nathaniel okay he went and found nathaniel right as soon as he found out about about jesus he went and found nathanael then ananias was sent by the holy spirit through a vision to go to saul later called paul isn't that right so he can lay his hands on him that he might receive the holy ghost in his sight right god will send you to somebody that's why you're led by the spirit of god one of the reasons i'm talking about so he can instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go he can guide you with his eye amen and then secondly god will send people to you cornelius took off various men he didn't go himself and sent men to to uh peter right to go find peter nicodemus came to jesus at night jesus was at that pharisee's house and here comes a woman you know a sinner even the man at the simon says if he knew who he was talking who was doing that to him he wouldn't let her do it he couldn't be a prophet my own words then jesus said simon i got something to ask you you read it yourself in luke chapter seven but that woman sought out jesus are you hear what i'm saying to you john chapter 12 you have some greeks that came to philippines or andrew rather and said sir we would see jesus people have come to you you have to believe god for that father i believe that you will send people to us in jesus name that we might share the good news share the anointing the love of god and we give you glory for it in jesus name and then the third way is that god will give you divine appointments there was a divine appointment the woman at the well jesus went there you know and he you know got he was thirsty and then here comes this woman at the well divine appointment god to give you a divine appointment acts chapter 13 was really a divine appointment luke chapter acts 16 you look at that when they went to the place of prayer and then what happened litta or lydia whatever her name was you know she opened up her heart to god isn't that right divine appointments you can go someplace and if you're sensitive to the lord and perceiving things you realize god just brought this person here just for me they didn't even know it but god orchestrated it in jesus name and that's what we want and then lastly i want to give you this god can single people out to you you can be in the crowd marlon was just telling me yesterday the day before she was listening to something and said hey listen to this or something or she just told me that there was this this man of god at the airport or something and uh at the airport and uh he was minding his business and he looked over there across and saw a lady and god said i want you to go talk to her god singled her single that woman out all those people in the airport god singled her out he went over there went over and just started talking about jesus god loves you do you know jesus whatever and she said that's enough for that that's enough for that that's enough for that and people can only do three things when it comes to jesus right they can either procrastinate they can reject him or they can receive him well one of three things that's all anybody can do with jesus pilate said to the religious folks what shall i do with jesus and i'm saying that to you what are you going to do with jesus i mean really he's been dealing with you about something in your life what are you going to do with jesus you're going to push him out he's been trying to correct something he's been trying to become lord of your life what are you gonna do with jesus pilate said what will i do with jesus they can only do one or three things they can reject him are you rejecting jesus are you rejecting the promptings and ruins of the holy ghost are you rejecting the spirit of god trying to get you out of sin are you rejecting jesus trying to get you closer to him you're rejecting jesus trying to get you to cut off somebody and some things in your life what are you going to do with jesus that's all anybody can do reject him receive him or procrastinate and that's what the woman did that's enough that's enough back off that's enough so he backed off and then when they boarded the plane guess what god set her right next to him isn't that the story god set her right next to him divine appointment god loves people he wants people saved he wants seed sown into their lives he wants something watered are you understanding that and then he gives the increase but what are you going to do with jesus ask your neighbor that right now that's what pilate asks what what do we do with jesus don't say crucify him because that's what they said are you saying crucify him you get in the car you're going to put on secular music and jesus says don't put that i don't want to hear that jesus says i don't want to hear it see i jesus says i don't want to hear it what are you going to do with jesus well jesus you can go get an uber is that what you're going to do you're going to get called lyft because i'm going to listen to what i want to listen to what are they going to do with jesus when he talks about releasing more monies to the kingdom of god and you say well that money is for this that money is for that your money is god's money he's the one that gave it to you anyway you're only supposed to be a steward over it it's always supposed to be accessible to him and available to him and as i taught on my on my uh whoever i good every saturday what's it called anyway power pack i said yesterday the seed that leaves your hand and never leaves your life whatever you release it stays in your life you might not see it back for a year from now but it's going to come back to you cast your bread upon the waters and this shall return after many days so so if god says if god says that money over there that you set aside for this or that i want you to give it amen oh no jesus what are you going to do with jesus then enough said in all four ways the holy spirit is needed and the holy spirit has to be involved in every one of these four aforementioned things zechariah 4 6 not by might nor by power but by my spirit you've got to be led and directed and governed by the spirit of god am i making sense all right we're going to wind this down very quickly now pastor this is how i wrote it pastor what can i do to partner with god don't you want to know that answer give you a few things number one pray for god's compassion in love you know some christians are hard and callous vindictive spiteful hateful only concerned about themselves and yet the bible says of jesus he was moved with compassion he was moved with compassion so what can you do to partner with god start praying for compassion the bible says be kind one to another tender hearted forgiving one another even as god for christ's sake has forgiven you the bible says as you have therefore operated through this opportunity do good unto all men especially those of the household of faith pray for compassion tenderhearted tenderhearted feel something hurt when people hurt the bible says weep with those that weep rejoice with those that rejoice instead of thinking they deserved it no hurt and laugh or rejoice isn't that right with them and then secondly here pray for souls pray for people to come into the kingdom of god it doesn't have to be through you but just pray god you will all men to be saved i pray for the salvation of humanity in the name of jesus i pray for everybody on my job to come to jesus i pray for everybody my family to come to jesus i pray for everybody in my neighborhood to come to jesus start praying for souls send laborers across their path take the blindness off their minds isn't that right second corinthians 4 4 tells us why the gospel is hidden and then number three be prepared how can i be prepared by learning basic salvation scriptures now maybe i can give you some but you you're smart enough you should already know how to research it in your bible you can just go through the book of romans and just circle salvation scriptures it's called the roman road it starts with romans 1 16 and then it goes to romans 3 23 and on and on and on some people don't start with romans 1 16. i like to start there because i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ it's the power of god and the salvation then i understand all men have sinned and come short of the glory of god and then we've gone from there the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord and then you go from there romans 10 9-10 and go on from there are you with me acts 4 12 and john 3 16 and john 1 12 learn salvation scriptures also in preparation you not only learn salvation scriptures but you condense your testimony to two to three minutes learn your testimony that's all you have to do to win souls is just share what jesus did for you how he changed your life and then tell them all you have to do is act on john 1 12 right now all you have to do is act on you know romans 10 9-10 knowing that you cannot save yourself so get your testimony condensed two to three minutes everybody give you two to three minutes all you gotta do is say you got two minutes can i share something with you and just share it all you do is share what you were like what you was like before you met jesus and how how what you did to know jesus and what life is like now isn't that right how many know before jesus we were messed up yeah thank god he's been taking us from glory to glory so be prepared learn basic scriptures condition your testimony etc and then number four be available say god i'm available anytime all of the time i don't care god what i'm doing i am available if you speak to me and put somebody on my heart i am available if you say right now god then it's right now amen that's what we can do to help god out as it were and then lastly not lastly two more follow your spirit for as many as are led by the spirit follow your spirit you have an unction from the holy one and then the last one is support others what do i mean by that there are evangelists in the body of christ you can send money come on talk to me you can send money to support their soul-winning efforts and the anointing on their lives and the breakthroughs that god has given that ministry gift you can support ministries overseas that are changing nations amen through winning amen support and then go out with somebody you know become a part of a of an evangelistic team within the church and just go out every now and then even if you don't go out all of the time every now and then but support amen somebody now we're going to close with two statements number one never compare yourself with other people everyone is different some people have a soul-winning anointing i mean it's just like man they can be anywhere taxi restaurant hotel ball game anywhere it's just like boom i get testimonies from a particular member in our church man they get people saved it seems like like like drinking water or eating man they just they just get saved it's so easy for them i don't have a soul-winning anointing but that doesn't mean god's not going to use me to plant water or reap there will be opportunities somewhere in my life and i must be prepared for that but don't you compare yourself with somebody else and that's what happens sometimes in the body somebody got a soul-winning anointing and they all committed to missions i don't understand how come everybody not like this because everybody's gifts are different their motivational gifts are different their personalities are different come on talk to me so don't compare yourself to somebody who's always getting somebody saved and it seems like you know you only get somebody saved once a year or or listen now you only do planting seeds and you never reel in the fish don't compare yourself to anybody else thank god that you can plant thank god that he'll use you to water come on and god will bring the increase all right so don't compare yourself to anybody else endeavor to make planting and sowing a part of your life okay endeavor to do that planting or sowing a part of your life for example you can always tell people god loves them i mean that's just three words god loves you i mean you can say that when you walk away from them good talking to you god loves you that's sowing you know handing out tracts that's sowing so many you know sometimes all you have to do is say hey if you were to die right now would you go to heaven i mean but just make it a part of you make it a part of your communication your your vocabulary your the lingo that you talk are you understanding that make sewing a part of who you are is what i'm saying all right and god will use you in it and you'll be happy for it you'll be blessed and uh and we enter into these things by the anointing we enter into these things by by being uh perceptive where we can see the clues you know there are certain clues sometimes where god says this is your opening that's your opening that's the clue right there that's the hint you you don't don't miss it that's the open door and then you believe god for the wisdom will walk right on in it amen all right let's stand to our feet i think i'm done with this you know uh lesson here unless the lord wants me to talk about it some more so two two teachings on the most significant the major thing for the body of christ in god's eyes father in the name of jesus we want to please you and honor you and one of the major ways is by continuing your mission your purpose your reason for coming to this earth and so father all of us in this room that know you thank you for the opportunities to plant or sow into water and opportunities that you might afford us to catch the fish to reel the human being in to the kingdom of god we prayed so many times father about being free from timidity and fear and just being a coward lord some people say i'm just an introvert but god that anointing in us god if we'll flow with it it'll shock we'll even shock ourselves by what we will allow the anointing the spirit of god to do so father even for those that consider themselves shy and introvert we thank you for your anointing resting upon them and giving them the boldness at the right time to walk into that opportunity may this church never die and some of it has to do with whether or not we're soul winners lord whether or not we'll bring them in for discipleship there's other reasons but that's the main reason god may the fire never go out in the name of jesus god and we don't want to see really any church die that you've called the man of woman of god to in the name of jesus so thank you for a consciousness and an awareness of the opportunities to talk about jesus lord thank you for the words to say at the right time and how to say it thank you for a great sensitivity to the spirit of god where we can hear you say that's enough back off and here you say okay give them another scripture or just give them an example of something thank you for guiding us in soul winning lord thank you for giving us the privilege of representing you in the earth and being a part of what's dear to your heart may we put down our excuses i'm too busy i'm this i'm that lord forgive us in the name of jesus and god we thank you for being at work in us both the will and the dew of your good pleasure in jesus name amen and amen amen amen amen pray in the holy ghost for about 10 15 seconds or so we see see which direction we might need to take at this time okay get some oil ministers please i don't care how many ministers get oil and just stand in the front here with oil this is what i believe in my spirit just now every christian every member of this church that you really desire now it doesn't mean everybody's going to come down here and if you don't come it doesn't mean you know you don't desire so maybe i need to find a better way that the lord wants me to do this word this um every member here every christian here and uh your your your heart is to begin it still might sound like everybody but anyway your heart is to really begin to walk in this more your heart is to have this stirred up on the inside of you then i want you to come and you all spread out see all this great carpet way down there and way down here just come down let them anoint you with oil about that and i don't know how many people is but i know it would be enough for me to call these ministers that doesn't mean everybody because some of you you have that soul-winning heart already and that compassion and some of you you got that soul-winning anointing others you've been been just a little slothful or intimidated or you know you've missed so many opportunities you can look back in your own life as we all can and all you're going to do is anoint them and just and all you're going to say in essence is father let the fire burn let the fire burn don't let the fire go out in jesus name just go ahead and start praying and after you prayed for you can go on back to your seat we're getting ready to close out in just just about five minutes [Music] let the fire burn let the anointing flow jesus name [Music] let the fire burn god kill it may it never go out may it never go out may this ministry never die [Music] [Music] that's a great song to sing if they all know that [Music] as um [Music] anybody know that singers turn their mics up please [Music] i give myself away so you can use me i give myself away [Music] i give myself away so you can use me [Music] all my dreams [Music] i give myself away [Music] i [Music] i give myself away [Music] [Music] my life is not my own [Music] i give myself i give myself to you my life is [Music] [Music] i [Music] hallelujah yes lord not our will but your will be done god god we surrender all of our plans [Music] you are god we are simply your people the sheep of your pastures to be led by you to represent you to honor you to reflect you to please you [Music] all of our plans god we put in your hands you alter them do with them what you want cut them all up scratch them all whatever you want god redirect us whatever lord your thoughts towards us are thoughts of peace and out of evil to give us a hope a future and expect it in your way is the only way your plan is the only plan you have pre-arranged for us to walk in certain things good works thank you lord jesus name [Music] father i speak the wisdom of god upon my brothers and my sisters i speak perception i speak discernment in the name of jesus that they'll know lord what the when the door has opened lord and what they're supposed to say how they're supposed to say what they're supposed to do in the name of jesus thank you for sending them the people lord sending people to them thank you for divine appointments connections in jesus name thank you for singling out people lord in the midst of a crowd [Music] thank you for the anointing on us to destroy yokes to go about doing good and healing all [Music] that are oppressed of the devil in jesus name and we give you the glory for you sing it one more time my life is not my own i give myself i give myself to you my life my life is not my own to you i belong i give myself i give myself to you remember what he said follow me and i will make you vicious of men seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all the things will be added unto you if you then be risen with christ seek those things that are above where christ sits at the right hand of god set your affection on things above not on things of this earth for your life is head with christ in god thank you lord thank you lord that we pursue the things of the spirit that we set our affection on things above that we seek first the kingdom and your righteousness god redirect our approach pursuits god redirect it where needed in the name of jesus thank you lord all right every head bowed believers praying quietly softly under your breath those of you that have joined us through live streaming we're so honored and there's a number on the screen 704-525-8638 you can please please if you would call that number if you need to give your life to christ if you need to rededicate your life to god if you want to be filled with the holy spirit where all of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water the way jesus described what the bible talks about if you want to be a more effective witness for god if you need a church home and you believe this church is where god wants you to be call that number somebody's ready to answer and talk with you about a relationship with jesus getting back in right standing with god being filled with the holy spirit having a church home and if the line is busy don't give up be persistent be persistent don't give up be determined until you get through we love you thank you for joining us in our service today tonight mr school will be teaching at seven o'clock and we want you to come and tune into that a good word tonight god bless you hold on before before we uh leave if your name is jonathan and you're dealing with an uh alcoholic habit uh god sees you you don't have to keep on doing that and if you just cry out to god for help he will deliver you this is the live stream this is the live stream yeah let's pray for jonathan father god in the name of jesus we lift up jonathan we bring him to you right now spirit of addiction loose him let him go we break your hole over him jesus name get out of his bloodstream we break the desire of alcohol in jesus mighty name you thought it was impossible with god all things are possible cry out to god even now jonathan and my father god confirmed that word with signs following we pray for you jonathan and we love you you called that gnome on the screen 704-525-8638 and let us know hey that was me god set me free in the name of jesus that habit that vice it's broken in jesus mighty name you fill your life with the love of god and with the presence of jesus get into a church that teaches the uncompromised word of god tell that pastor whatever church it is what happened to you and you want help walking with god all right we love you jonathan god bless you tonight at seven o'clock the word of god once again and thank you for being a part of our service today god bless you so much you
Channel: VCC Charlotte
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Id: jyKqv7qAEDY
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Length: 163min 19sec (9799 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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