"See Satan in 3D" - Minister Chris Jackson | #vcccharlotte

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hallelujah [Music] so we just want to take this opportunity to thank god and to praise him for our freedom y'all know this song it's one of our staples here but we never get tired of praising him for all that he's done for us amen hallelujah [Music] i want to sing a little louder than before [Music] [Music] sing [Music] freedom here we go i want to lift my hands higher than before [Music] wanna hallelujah wider than before hey i've gotta shout out [Music] freedom [Music] no more shackles no more y'all got it i am free that's right let's declare that together sing no more shackles and no more chances [Music] just the voices no more shackles no more chains here we go that's your part no more there's no more [Music] [Applause] [Music] no more shackles no more chains no more shackles no more [Music] sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] god we give you the glory thank you [Music] yes we are free amen because our god gets the first word in the last word he's the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end he's the first and the last and everything in between he is a good god and we bless his name hallelujah that's why we sing you are alpha [Music] and omega [Music] and we worship you our lord for you are worthy to be praised oh god you're worthy for you are fair [Music] you our [Music] let's lift it up together you are alpha [Music] we worship [Music] [Music] that's why we put our trust in you jesus we worship you we worship you [Music] lift his name up today we give them all [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] we worship you [Music] oh god we pray [Music] [Music] we give you our worship today we worship you today [Music] so let's lift up our sound of worship to them let's bless the kingdom of kings and the lord our father god we bless you we honor you today we magnify the name of jesus we examine [Music] we thank you for your love we thank you for your goodness oh father god we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise let's lift it up we give you we give you and we worship you lord we worship [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh father we praise you when we bless you what an awesome god you are oh father we thank you for thinking so much of us that you would raise us up and seat us in heavenly places with with christ jesus we thank you lord that you have made us the head and not the tail above only and not beneath we thank you lord that you've made our enemies our footstool and you've caused our enemies to be at peace with us god you've surrounded us with favor like a shield you've gone before us and made crooked places straight you made a way where there was no way you opened up doors for us that no man could shut you shut doors that no man could open the word of god says promotion comes from you it doesn't come from the south it doesn't come from the east it doesn't come from the west promotion comes from you you are our source you are a good god and we're so grateful and so honored to be called the sons and the daughters of god we thank you lord that greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world we can do all things through christ who strengthens us greater is he that's in us father we thank you lord god that you're greater than inflation you're greater than sickness you're greater than poverty you're greater than anything the enemy can throw our way and we thank you lord god and we don't just rejoice that we have authority over demons we rejoice because our names are written in heaven so father we just thank you so much and we want to take the time right now to pray for all men and women everywhere it's not your will that not one person should perish so father we ask you right now to send laborers across their path father we think that they come across a track we thank you lord god they come across a program whether it be on television on radio social media but we thank you father for sending something across their path that'll get their attention to let them know that jesus christ is the way he is the truth and he is the life and no man can come to the father except through him so we thank you lord god for sending people across the path of those who don't know you so they can hear the good news of the gospel in the name of jesus father we pray for all men and women in authority every king every queen every prime minister every president we pray for our present administration we thank you lord god for a divine encounter we ask you lord for a reversal for everything that has been wrong and detrimental to our country we thank you lord god for placing men and women in office and in congress who want to do the will of you father and serve the people and we thank you lord god for reversing that which is displeasing unto you in jesus name we thank you lord that jesus christ is still lord over these united states of america and father we pray for the ministry gifts the apostle prophet the evangelist the pastor and the teacher we receive them as gifts we thank you lord for fresh anointing upon their lives we ask you lord to strengthen them in their minds strengthen them in their bodies strengthen them in their spirits we ask you lord for meeting every need in their personal lives and in the ministry we think that no weapon foreign against them can prosper and every tongue that rise up against them in judgment it is condemned in jesus name thank you lord god for the nation of israel we call that nation blessed we thank you lord god for the prime minister we ask you to give him wisdom we ask you lord to reverse everything in that nation that is displeasing unto you father but we thank you lord god for your divine protection over that nation we thank you lord god for preserving our relationship with the nation of israel we thank you for protecting its borders and we thank you once again that the united states will forever be an ally to the nation of israel and finally on tonight father we just thank you lord and we don't take it for granted that we have the opportunity to praise you to worship you and to sit under the word of the living god we thank you lord for that and we do not take it lightly we thank you that the spirit of god has free course free reign here in our service we thank you for the angel of the lord being encamped around about us no hurt harm or danger will come near us no plague will come near our dwelling in jesus name father let your name be glorified and all that will be said and all that will be done and as always father god we give you the praise in jesus name amen if you would please greet your neighbor let them know that goddess god is in love with them and then you may be seated hallelujah oh father praise god we love you tonight well while they're greeting one another here we want to welcome you those of you that have joined us through our live streaming we welcome you we thank god for you thank you for being a part of our midweek service god bless you so very much you can invite others to join you tonight by subscribing to our youtube channel god bless you so much father we love you tonight and we thank you for the blood of jesus we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony we thank you father that we have redemption even the forgiveness of sins through his own blood thank you that the blood of jesus still speaks it speaks of better things than that of abel we receive by faith everything that the blood speaks of father in the name of jesus righteousness justification father acquittal we thank you for father victory in the blood and health and life and covenant and peace in the blood and because of the blood of jesus oh father may we never forget the life and the power that's in the blood of jesus and we appropriate it to ourselves this night in faith and we give you glory for it hallelujah shout your picture everybody amen and you may be seated if you're not already praise god thank you singer so very much praise god well good evening everybody thank you for being in service with us tonight a few prayer requests thanks for bringing your attention we mentioned that israel and freda murphy their son-in-law passed and many of you know their daughter jade her husband passed the service will be this coming saturday a family hour at the uh long and son yep the long and some funeral home family hour at 11 from 11 until 12 but then they'll have a private service only at 12 o'clock so if you're not invited to the service at 12 then please just show up and show your love and condolences during the family hour from 11 until 12 and that's at the long and son funeral home on this coming saturday the lord's faulkner member of our church her daughter-in-law passed her oldest son's uh wife passed the service will be held this friday at one o'clock at the salem united methodist church in pageland south carolina again that's this friday one o'clock at the salem united methodist church in pageland south carolina and some sad news relative to our own church family stephanie johnson who joined our church in 1989 she passed on last night and there will be a celebration of life service right here at victory in the dome on next wednesday and family hour you see at 11 in service at 12 o'clock and so we want to lift up uh her family uh tonight so let's pray father we lift up uh lord the johnson family lord her sons and all of the extended family in jesus name we thank you for ministering to them by the spirit of god strengthening them by your might lord in their inner man in the name of jesus thank you for your grace being sufficient for them during this time and thank you for wisdom for every decision that has to be made and father we thank you for stephanie what a great woman of god thank you for her her love for you her time here commitment to you through this ministry and other ways we we just god may we celebrate her life on next wednesday in the name of jesus and father we continue to lift up uh father israel freda murphy lord their daughter jade father and and the children father we thank you for healing the brokenness in jesus name and and uh comforting them and giving them the grace to go forward with their lives you are a very present help in the time of trouble you the god of comfort we put them in your hands that you will minister in a way that only you can do and we bless you jade in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and father we lift up our sister father we lift up sister the lord's faulkner father and the family we we thank you for ministering to them by the spirit of god and lord we give you the glory for that doing what only you can do in jesus mighty name thank you lord for blessing her lord her son god in jesus name and we give you glory amen amen father we lift up all of our church family hallelujah lift your hands up and pray in the holy ghost over the church family thanking god for miracles within our church family oh father we thank you for miracles within our church family miracles of healing and health in jesus mighty name father we lift up beth quakenbush we lift up cynthia crippen father in jesus name rebecca miller sharon scoggins father callie benson any folks and others in jesus name greg freylin dorothy lockhart god we call miracles into their physical bodies and those we don't even know about god we thank you for raising them up by the spirit of the living god we curse every virus we curse every infection we curse cancer cells we curse the life of cancer in the name of jesus we curse tumors and growths and cysts in jesus mighty name we speak miracles from the crown of the head to the souls of the feet god we thank you for doing what only you can do and we give you praise for it come on let's praise god for miracles hallelujah glory to god glory to god hallelujah amen and amen all right let's have our video announcements please at this time what's up victory family i'm maleka sydnor marketing and promotions assistant here at victory christian center and i am so excited to share that our youtube channel recently hit 1 million lifetime views how cool is that that means that 1 million of you guys have tuned into our youtube channel at some point to receive encouragement and the powerful word of god being shared here at victory christian center this milestone has allowed us to touch and change more lives for the glory of god on a weekly basis thank you to everyone that has already subscribed to our growing community and if you haven't subscribed to our online community be sure to join us online at youtube.com vcc charlotte to subscribe and turn on your post notifications today now here are a few of our ministries upcoming events [Music] in the know we'll have a session this friday at 7 30 pm at campus 3. this is a members only event there will be a mandatory meeting for anyone employee or volunteer that drives a vehicle or bus for victory christian center church or school on sunday september 19th at 5 30 pm at campus 3. the young men of valor will be having our next man up day saturday september 25th from 10 a.m to 4 p.m at the victory after school building man up day is open to all young men ages 6 to 12. the day will be filled with fun and action-packed activities all designed to grow your young man in the things of god lunch will be provided parents please sign up your young man at the welcome center through wednesday september 22nd baby dedication will be held sunday september 26 during the morning service all interested participants must be members of bcc to participate please call the church office monday september 20th is the deadline to register gig will be conducting a voter registration campaign on sunday september 26 before and after morning service we will be out at the booth next to the welcome center to assist anyone that is not registered would like to change their registration or affiliation or there to answer any questions the voter registration deadline for municipal elections this year is october 8th so get registered to make your voice known vccs is hiring for two bus driver positions interested applicants should send their resume to info vccskings.com or fax the school office at 704-391-0494 in order to replenish the stock of our regular food ministry the missions department is asking each member to bring jiffy cornbread mixed this week thank you in advance are you looking for a way to serve god in this ministry well look no further because the church in the city women's shelter needs volunteers on a daily basis we have various shifts for cooks and chaperones that will surely fit your schedule no prior experience is necessary just a love for god and a desire to serve others you are a member of vcc and would like to sign up please stop by the welcome center after service today to find out how you can be a part of touching and changing lives through this ministry you can't tell the devil look devil i'm a graduate of you you can't tell the devil devil i want you to know my body mass and how much how much iron i can pump and expect to win because it's a spirit life never substitute a point of contact for the word of god or obedience to the holy spirit in other words somebody said you know send me an offer and i'll send you a blessed wallet and you ain't a tiger and so in order for you to get blessed instead of you bringing your ties and offerings you're gonna get you a blessed wallet or a green handkerchief to put in your wallet don't do that you're getting off into doctrines of devils you're getting off into flowing with the devil in situations like that living in a natural world makes it difficult to live the spirit life it's something we must decide to do and makes the difference between victory and defeat choose between the three-part message series spiritual contact in the physical world by mrs marlinghal or the four-part message series it's a spirit life by pastor robin gore each package includes a copy of charles capps book changing the scene and shaping the unseen digital download packages for each series are also available shop the vcc workshop to start saving today thank you for watching the vcc announcements and don't forget you can find these announcements events and more on the new and improved vcc church app get it in google play or the itunes and amazon app stores today all right we have volleyball games on tomorrow and friday our middle and varsity volleyball teams will be playing tomorrow tomorrow's games start at four o'clock with our middle school followed by our varsity girls at five o'clock so if you can come out and support them tomorrow they'd love to have your support and then on friday tomorrow they'll be playing against hickory christian and then on friday they'll be playing against north hills christian and the game times are a little different i believe no same time four o'clock and five o'clock on friday and then we will have fun night on friday evening after the volleyball games fun night from seven to eleven four nine to eighteen-year-old so support our volleyball teams and then parents please have your young people enjoy fun night friday evening from seven to eleven and don't forget mr school will have in the know on this friday and we have a lot of things to share with you she does anyway a lot of things to share with you hope you'll uh participate be a part of in the know on friday all right you ready to give say what that's right god loves a cheerful giver all right if you're in need of an offering envelope if you would lift your hand this time please allow our ushers to minister to you thanks always for those of you that give online to give you know through your phone etc we appreciate it so very very much and those of you that are still sending in your times and offerings thank you we appreciate it we have minister uh willie thomas that's going to exhort us tonight so minister thomas come on and exhort us in our giving thank you pastor if you would turn with me to luke chapter 6 verses 47 and 48 and i'll get started whatever whoever comes to me and hears my sayings and does them i will show you whom he is like he is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock and when the flood arose when the covet pandemic came and the stream the fear beat upon that beat vehemently against that house and could not shake it for it was founded on the rock and you may ask what what does the tithe have to do with foundation in order to have a faith that pleases god it must you must have a faith founded built upon the rock of his word the tithe is god's answer for our foundation for our financial foundation let me repeat that the tithe is god's plan for our financial foundation now 45 years ago i was standing in faith cme church and i heard an exhortation for the first time in my life about the tithe i and i got a foundation from that and my foundation for all of those years has been leviticus 2730 and essentially it says that all the increase that you get your paycheck your tax re your tax rebate a holy handshake all the increase that you get in your life a tithe of it belongs to god it wasn't a suggestion it wasn't a good idea god says the tithe belongs to the lord and he considers it to be holy now for me when i heard that that was a wrap i you know if i hadn't heard anything else i understood that i was to tithe because it belonged to the lord now have you ever wondered why malachi 3 8 starts with a question will a man rob god well now you know the answer because if you hesitate if you refuse if you neglect to bring your tithe to god's storehouse then you're robbing god but you're not only robbing god you're robbing yourself because if you're not bringing that tithe into god then you tie god's hand for the winners of heaven blessing that he has for you so tonight i encourage you don't be a god robber don't be a thief bring your tithe joyfully to the lord so he can bless you with the windows of heaven the way he has planned to bless your finances amen amen so if you're writing checks tonight you can make them pray over the victory christian center or you can abbreviate by writing vcc if you would seal your envelopes and you're all looking at me so you look like you're ready so you stand to your feet and if you're used to if you come down to the front you may do that now let's give god some praise father we give you praise because you deserve all the praise and the honor and the glory father we we bless your holy name lord god we thank you that you are el shaddai our god that's more than enough father we thank you that you're the god father god to give seed to the sower father god we thank you that you meet every need that we have according to your riches in glory by christ jesus we thank you tonight father jesus our high priest receives our times and offerings and worships you with them father god we thank you that you bless us to be a blessing father god and we can give to every good work and charitable donation as you lead us by your holy spirit so we give you praise father we worship you glorify your name o god hallelujah in jesus name we pray amen if you agree with that shout hallelujah come on let's give god praise hallelujah lord of the harvest we give you praise tonight hallelujah thank you for watching over your word and performing it in our lives blessing us as we go out blessing us as we come in thank you father for making us the head and not the tale thank you lord for the angels going forth and ministering for us the heirs of salvation according to the lord's seedtime and harvest giving and receiving sowing and reaping thank you father that you multiply the seed you increase the fruit of our righteousness we say that we live a debt-free life in the name of jesus we owe no man anything but love we call every need med every bill paid jehovah jireh you are our god our provider else shall should die oh you are more than enough glory to god we believe that we receive you bless us in a way where all people can see that we are called by your name heirs of god join heirs with christ we give you glory for this earth is the is the lord's and the fullness thereof the silver and the gold belongs to you thank you for the wealth of the sinner coming into our hands thank you for the wealth transfer in the name of jesus we believe that we receive and we're blessed to be a blessing father we desire to advance the kingdom of god we desire to bless men and women we desire to help them to know that you are alive and you love them you care about them in jesus mighty name and father we thank you for wisdom for that which you bless us with that we'll know what to do how to do it and when to do it being good stewards over that would you give us in jesus name amen and amen you agree hallelujah amen you may be seated ushers please let's receive our gifts now you know when you praise and worship god and get your mind off of everything else the next time you look at everything else god has been taking care of it already praise is not for god we give it to him it's for us we have to be reminded of god's greatness we have to be reminded of his goodness and when we do that oh man it comes up as a sweet smelling savior to the lord and such peace comes on us so we're gonna uh we're gonna praise the lord a little bit tonight amen [Music] oh father we bless your name today [Music] i say you say you are alpha and omega you are alpha and omega you're the beginning of the year [Music] you're the same yesterday today and forever [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] you are alpha and omega you're the beginning of the year the beginning [Music] [Music] [Music] you're the same yesterday today [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] so we bless your name jesus our eyes are on you come on let's give him praise hallelujah come on he's worthy absolutely worthy hallelujah [Music] glory to god you're worthy of all of our praise oh father may we live by the word of god that says by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to god continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name god may we live a life of continual praise because you are always good to us you're good to us all of the time oh and you we live and move and have our being you are our sufficiency and our ability oh you're a good good father may we give you the praise continually god regardless of what we face regardless of what's going on oh god you are our deliverer and our helper [Music] and may our praise show our trust in you [Music] our dependency upon you father may it let you know that we believe in you god forgive us for discouragement i'm talking about too long not getting back up forgive us for a spirit of depression and despair and heaviness and darkness that we have allowed to overtake us god we walk by faith let us take our eyes off of the natural and put our eyes into the spirit realm where elisha said they that be with us are more than they that be with them the lord is on our side we will not fear what can a man do unto us thank you father oh thank you for releasing us from darkness even right now right now in the name of jesus releasing us from heaviness releasing us from depression in the name of jesus oh god may your anointing destroy the yokes even now in the name of jesus thank you father thank you lord thank you lord let your peace that path of all understanding begin to keep our hearts and minds through christ jesus oh you'll keep us in perfect peace if our minds are stayed on you god you said that we can cast all of our cares upon you because you care for us come unto you all ye that labor and are heavy-laden oh and we can get rest for our souls thank you father thank you for the angels of the lord that and can't round about us accompanying us defending delivering protecting shielding fighting for us strengthening us helping us [Music] ministering to us and for us and even speaking to us when we need it in the name of jesus god we decree that we are on your side we're on the lord's side so thank you for victory in our lives in jesus mighty name oh god and i speak victory into the viewing audience in the name of jesus i release you from a spirit of heaviness and darkness discouragement depression despair anxiety worry in the name of jesus grief even there's somebody grieving that's watching in the name of jesus i break that i break it i break it by the anointing i break it in the name of jesus i break it we sorrow not like others [Music] who have no hope thank you lord healing the heaviness and the brokenness in the name of jesus hallelujah father we thank you for your abundant supply you never run out you never run out you have more than enough for us all thank you lord for meeting our needs may we forever be grateful and give you the glory in the name of jesus thank you lord hallelujah amen and amen you may be seated praise god and thank you singers i sometimes forget y'all still up there i'm sorry i'm sorry thank you you love jesus tonight more than anybody more than anything do you mean that for real you can empty your bank accounts right now and give it to the kingdom of god you can do that right because you love god more than anything isn't that right and more than anybody i have two pastor friends that i met maybe how long ago pastor samuel seven months ago i forget how long they're part of the christian leadership fellowship right and they're from uh south korea and uh we've begun to have a relationship they're they're under a great man of god dr parks who uh travels all over the world who has a dynamic ministry and so they have come up from atlanta from georgia where he pastors i'm just gonna have them say hello you can introduce him and y'all come on up and just say hello and uh so south korea the english language a little broken but we can understand right hello everyone very nice to meet you my name is samuel liu i'm from atlanta georgia i'm a senior president good news atlanta church i'm so thankful to you and because god allowed us meet me together i knew pastor robin gur he is very very calm and very very humble that's why i i'm i like him too much and yeah a lot to us be a friend thank you very much [Applause] hi how are you i'm from mexico [Laughter] yeah many people are confused with me right some people say if i'm a chinese korean but i'm a mexican my wife she does she's from korea my wife you know me and pastor he is my senior pastor too we are working together in atlanta georgia i'm in charge of the hispanic minister and then my name is oswaldo perez many people are very confused with my name some americans tell me where waldo where is waldo i said no my name is oswaldo is you can you can call me as well i think it's much easier for you and then i have the honor to know pastor robbins and i'm very thankful to be here and i can see that you all of you love god very strongly i can feel all the passion here and i'm very thankful to be here with the pastor and god bless you all of you and thank you so much god bless you amen such an honor to uh have your your fellowship and ministry expanded by the spirit of god and so we're humbled to have you here we honor you we thank you so very much most of you know when you see me with this mic at this time in the service i'm not what i'm not speaking minister jackson and i we talked about i don't know three weeks ago no had to be longer than that and uh we're just fellowshipping about some things and he said there was a message on his heart and we began to talk about it and i said you know what that's a good word and so uh tonight minister jackson is going to come and share their word of god with us so let's receive minister jackson come on up here amen love you you got the mic right that's it you're good amen good evening we give god all the glory and we thank him for his faithfulness i truly want to thank god for pastor gu [Music] i tell you i've said it before and i'll keep saying it we've got it real good here we've got a real girl and so we give god all the glory for that thank god for mrs gool amen we've got it real good and so we give god thanks and praise glory and honor for them and for their roles uh in my life and my family's life because i'm telling you it makes all the difference in the world of where you go to church and who your pastor is so we praise god for that i truly want to thank god for my wife my help me my number one faith and i give god all the glory for her because the bible does say if you find a white he he who finds his wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the lord so i thank god i've got a lot of favor in the form of my wife so i thank god for my wonderful beautiful prudent intelligent wise wife amen you can say what you want about your own i'm talking about mine i thank god for my other super number one fan who's often in school right now off in college but praise god you know she's still in my corner too and so we praise god for them so we thank god for an opportunity uh thank god uh pastors given the opportunity to share this word that god had put on my heart it started um this coming from meditating to worry about let's pray first father we give you thanks and praise we glorify your name we praise you for who you are you are the lord my god you are the god whose i am and whom i serve and we give you thanks and praise for this opportunity father i humble myself under your mighty hand thank you father i thank you for your help by the holy spirit thank you for the holy spirit my helper he's with me right now at all times father and we're giving thanks and praise that what's shared tonight father will be by your word in line with your word from your word by the spirit of god to your honor to your glory father we thank you for it in jesus name amen but it started with uh there are four factors to this particular message the first one was going back and re-hearing uh pastors teaching on the believer's authority somebody said the believer's authority i mean strong powerful uh serious he's taught on it before but of course listen to the most uh read recent messages hearing those again and then the second thing pastor has had a couple of folks to do some exhortations and uh share the word of god and and some things they had said or spoken by the spirit of god really kind of struck me my spirit as well and then the lord began to open the scriptures relative uh to some things he was sharing along the same subject that i'll give you in just a moment and then the the kicker as they say uh was a few several weeks back when brother jeremiah shared the testimony about his son when his son was being attacked by the devil his son could see the devil laughing but when his daddy started speaking gibberish i mean speaking in tongues but his son called it gibberish when he started speaking in tongues the devil got mad and left and then not long after that the lord spoke in my spirit that most of the body of christ somebody say most most of the body of christ does not have a proper view of who satan is we take it for granted because you know we have great teaching here but most of the body of christ does not have a proper the proper view of who satan is and so the title of this message is see satan in 3-d somebody say see satan in 3-d you know a lot of you know especially you movie buffs back in the day when 3-d was very popular they're supposed to make things even more clearer and and more alive and that type thing more vivid so we should have a more proper vivid view of who satan really is see satan in 3d so there are some things to keep in mind as we begin to uh see satan in 3d now the first one is that god has no equal god has no equal isaiah 46 god says who who were you lacking me to who will you compare me to who is my equal god asks that question and that's that's the obvious question there's an obvious answer nobody somebody said nobody but too often we put satan up where he doesn't belong he's not on god's level he let me say this here satan opposes god but he is not opposite god there's a difference satan opposes god but he is not opposite god if anything satan who is lucifer you could you know put him on the level of of michael and gabriel that we have of have recorded in the word of god is archangels but he's not on god's level and in fact the bible tells us in isaiah chapter 47 god says i will not give my glory to another so we need to stop putting satan up where he don't belong there's a place where he is and where he belongs and we'll talk about that the second thing is that satan is a liar he's a deceiver he's a distractor and he's a discourager you can just live just a hand a handful of years to realize that the bible says in john chapter 8 verse 44 that jesus said satan is the father of lies there is no truth in him he is the father of lies the third thing is that we cannot resist the devil and assist the devil at the same time now i know we've heard that one right here i think if you come on sunday night you cannot we cannot resist the devil and assist the devil at the same time devil take your hands off my husband i think that man is no good he ain't good for nothing devil take your hands off my children i don't know if them children ever serve god or not they're acting all wild out in the streets and stuff satan take your hands off my butt i tell ya my body is so wracked in pain i tell you sometimes i don't know what to do with this pain in my body it just thinks we got to make up our mind somebody said make up your mind either we're going to resist them or are you going to assist them but the bible tells us in in first peter 5 and 9 resist them steadfast in the faith we have to resist him somebody said steadfast not not get tired after a while say you know it's been so it's been so long i'm just tired of resisting it's been it's been three it's been three days come on it's been three weeks been three months been three years or longer we cannot get tired of resisting the because the bible says resist him steadfast in the faith not in faith no pastor told a message about a year ago about the faith we're in the faith the faith that talks that exalts god the lord jesus and the holy spirit we resist him in the faith the fourth thing to keep in mind is that for now somebody say for now only for now satan seems to survive and to thrive on the ignorance of believers hosea 4 chapter 6 says uh my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge a lack of knowledge second corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 says we are not ignorant of satans of isis some might say ignorant not having knowledge of his devices but satan will allow satan as it were for now seemingly to thrive because of ignorance and then the fifth thing to kind of keep in mind before we look at satan in 3d the fifth thing to keep in mind is that satan he aims to deny us our rights in christ jesus in luke 18 verse verses 1 through 6 the the widow who went to went to the unjust judge she says no i want you to avenge me of my adversary but there's another translation that says my adversary is trying to deny me my rights satan is trying to deny us what's rightfully ours in christ jesus through the through the blood of jesus and so we have to be mindful that he is trying to deny us our rights and he'll he'll uh try to do that legally and illegally you said legally well let me uh as minister thomas shared for the offering exhortation if we fail to bring all the tide and the tithe and offer into the storehouse then we open the door to the devourer the devourer has a legal right somebody's had a legal right to come in to divide because we didn't do our part if we're not tithers so in a sense he has a legal right just think about adam and eve they gave satan a legal right to become the god of this world but thank god he sent jesus to take that back and for those of us who accept christ so satan is no longer he's not our god anymore he's not our father no anymore so that's why i said legally and illegally he just tries to come to steal kill and destroy just try to come in illegally and so those five things we keep in mind as we begin to see satan in 3d the first d is disarmed i said disarmed colossians 2 15 said he spoiled principalities powers made an open show of satan's feet triumphing over him in it he spoiled and i like to put his way he spoiled satan's plans to take us to hell with him that's his plan for every man woman boy and girl to go to hell with him because that's ultimately he's got a destination uh he's got an appointment with the lake of fire and the bible tells us that hell was not made for man it was made for the devil and his angels but thank god jesus spoils satan's plans and all we have to do is follow god's plan somebody say amen and then we have luke 10 19 he says i give before i give you authority over all the power to end me the tread upon all the power to him somebody say all right so if all means all that means that leaves that means nothing is left for the devil he didn't say most just like matthew 28 18 jesus says all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth so once again there's that three-letter word all let's see now i did okay in math and school so all means everything that leaves nothing if i put every all on this side that means nothing's over okay all right so for all means all amen jesus all power is given unto me in heaven or if you go there for now and teach all nations baptize them in the name of the father the son the holy ghost teach them deserve all the things that i've taught you and lord i'm with you even until the end of the world into the end of the age so the first d is he disarmed the devil but most of the body of christ is not aware of this they they once again they see god up here but then they see they see satan up there on the same level as god somebody says not so he was disarmed he was disarmed just think about that this disarm that means he took his weapons whatever he had as a weapon he took it from him another scripture that comes to mind is luke chapter nine and verse one he said he he he has given us a thought power and authority over all devils there's that three-letter word again somebody said oh we have the authority and power over all devils that means satan has no power no weapon we have first peter chapter 5 and verse satan walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he made of our in other words he has no teeth he has no bite i'm going to say that again he has no teeth he has no bite the only time he has teeth is when we give him teeth you said how do we give satan teeth well i tell you i just know how i'm going to make it i tell you you know all these bills stacking up and stuff you know and all this going on i don't know how i'm gonna make it you just gave him some teeth he gonna take a bite out of you come on now don't give him no teeth he walks by azeroth seeking whom he may devour which means he cannot devour at will so don't give satan any teeth all right the second d seeing satan get satan in 3d this the second d is defeated somebody said invaded revelation chapter 12 verses 10 11 says excuse me says the accuser of the brethren is cast down who accuses us before god day and night but we overcome him we overcame him by the blood of a lamb somebody said the blood just about every service you have passed to say from hebrews chapter 12 the blood that speaks better things than that of abel's the blood somebody say the blood the blood gives us legal right the blood gives us victory we defeat satan we overcome him by the blood of a lamb by the word of our testimony anybody got a testimony anybody got a testimony of how the lord set you free and my god testimony how god brought you out of sin brought you out of a whole bunch of mess got a testimony how he delivered you hallelujah the word of our testimony and love that our lives unto death now some people they love their lives but by how well you know what any time we neglect this word you're loving your life because we cannot overcome the devil without the word of god without standing on the word of god amen but some people love their lives so much i don't have time to read my bible oh you know it's it's been so big it's been a busy week so so so since it's been so busy for you the devil said okay well i'm gonna take it easy on them this week uh i'm i'll i'll come back and deal with him next week no in fact he might come to you all the more quicker but when we neglect the word of god neglect the things of god we're living our lives too much and so we're not able to overcome the devil but thank god he is defeated somebody say defeat it colossians chapter 1 verse 13 says we are delivered somebody said deliver it deliver from the kingdom of darkness and translate it into the kingdom of god's dear son and that says in the king james and the new king james we're conveyed into the the son the kingdom of the son of his love amen i said we're in the kingdom anybody else in the kingdom anybody else delivered that means satan is defeated i like what jesus said in luke chapter 10 verse 17 he says i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven like lightning you know you know that as fast you can blink your eye that's pretty quick isn't it that's not fast if not faster that satan fell from heaven i saw that mean in my book that means defeat the bible says in hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 it says jesus destroyed him who had the power of death that is the devil somebody said the devil jesus destroyed him i said jesus destroyed it so if jesus destroyed him he and we already said he has no power because jesus says i have all power so in other words that should be part of the view that we have concerning who satan really is that he is defeated in joshua chapter 10 verse 24 joshua told his captains bring those five kings out of that cave come put your foot on their necks because this is represented by god what god is doing to your enemies so in other words god is telling us he's put our foot on satan's neck my word and of advice to you keep it there somebody said keep it there don't let up keep your foot on satan's neck in jesus name i said in jesus name then romans chapter 16 and verse 20 paul told the folks there in his letter he says and may god brew satan under your feet shortly may god bruise satan under your feet somebody said bruce i remember when i played football in high school my senior year i had a bruised shoulder i guess i was hitting a whole bunch of people anyway i don't know about man i had a bruised shoulder in the natural it felt like something was wrong with my shoulder one thing was just bruised but that bruise felt uh almost as as as bad or terrible as it were as an actual injury bruised a brutal anybody's been bruised before that bruise hurt doesn't it so he god that god's not gonna take it easy he's gonna bruise satan under our feet i like the new king james also it says may god crush satan somebody said crush anybody know what a crush is right i'm not talking about what you folks had on you on your guy nevermind i'm sorry middle i'm sorry about that but crush crush somebody said crush when something's crushed it don't exist anymore basically not not in that that the the form that it was in before so thank god he is crushing satan under our feet amen and then that third d seeing satan in 3d that third d is doomed somebody say doomed revelation chapter 20 verse 10 talks about how satan is going to be cast into the lake of fire and he's going to be he is going to be tormented day and night there's some folks at some point in our lives we may have thought satan was tormenting us day and night oh no no no no no he's gonna experience the real torment day and night in the lake of five read it revelation chapter 20 verse 10 he's going to be tormented day and night now in my book that says doomed that means you have no chance of winning amen now his uh his doom and demise started when he first called himself he was going to exalt himself about above god's throne now his doom and the demise started right then but he has uh he has a destination god has a destination for him for him and that's to be cast in the lake of fire revelation chapter 12 verse 12 he says that uh satan knows he has better time he has better time you know one thing about satan though satan knows and understands that god is not a liar he knows that better than a lot of christians satan already knows he's defeated he already knows he he doesn't have a chance but he knows himself that god is not a liar if god says he is doomed he is doomed if god says we are free we're free we just got to keep saying so i know uh psalm 107 verse 2 says let the redeemer of the lord say so whom he had redeemed from the hand of the enemy but whatever god has said about us we keep saying so we're delivered we say so we're blessed we'll say so amen we say so but satan is doomed he i say zoom so it's important for the body of christ to see satan in 3d that he is disarmed he is defeated and he is doomed we hear that we have that teaching here all the time but i said as i mentioned before the spirit of god says most of the body of christ haven't they have the body has an incorrect view of who satan really is and so the best way to have to be able to see satan in 3d five things we have to have a proper view of who god is amen the bible says well throughout the bible there's all types of scriptures that talks about who god is but definitely in psalm 50 he says he says he is the mighty god he is the almighty god amen in revelation chapter 19 and verse 6. he says it says hallelujah for the lord god omnipotent reigns i said he is the lord god omnipotent and he reigns the devil walks about as a roaring lion making us trying to make people think that he reigns i'm talking about folks in the body of christ but having that proper view of who god is understand that god reigns our god reigns amen we've got to have a proper view of who jesus is the bible says in revelation chapter 19 verse 16 it says on his style and on his vesture it is written king of kings and lord of lords hallelujah he's coming back and there's going to be some folks riding with him come on now i said some folks riding with him but he is forever king of kings and lord of lords the bible tells us in colossians and also in ephesians that his name is above every name that is named and that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus is lord amen so we got to have a proper view of who jesus is we also have to have a proper view of who the holy spirit is that the bible tells us in acts chapter 1 verse 8 we shall receive power after that the holy ghost comes upon us amen but understand that the holy ghost he's not power he's not a dove he's not tongues amen he is the third person of the holy trinity first john chapter 5 verse 7 there are three that bear witness in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost these three are one but unfortunately a great part of the body of christ is also ignorant relative to the person and the ministry of the holy spirit even when you read the book of acts which is when the church began and we're still part of that same church today amen they will always say the holy ghost said the holy ghost said it seemed good to the holy ghost and to us amen and we know that in this church especially for this year it's not by mike nor by power but by my spirit says the lord of hosts so there has to be a proper view of who the holy spirit is amen there's no way that we can win in this life like we should be have to walk out the victory that god has truly given us without the person the ministry the ministry the leadership the guidance of the holy spirit the fourth thing we should uh have a proper view of is of the the word of god and the final authority of the word of god amen the bible tells us in psalm 119 verse 89 it says his word he said the word thy word is forever settled in heaven this word is forever settled amen whatever god says that settles it we don't debate uh debate it we don't be concerned about it whatever god says that settles it somebody say amen first peter chapter 1 verse 23 says the word of god is incorruptible seed there's no problem there's no issue with the word the issue is always with the sword that is planted but there's no problem with the word the word is final authority the bible tells us in proverbs chapter 4 verse 22 he says he says for the word is life to those that find it and health to all their flesh my question is how do you find the word how do you find do you find the word pleasing to your spirit you you find do you find the word uh vital for life or do you find the word when you can't find it riding in your back seat from sunday to sunday oh i'm sorry you got it riding in your front seat okay all right riding around in the front seat looking at charlotte and all of the places going to the mall with you going to the grocery store and that's all you find in the word it's just about to ride in the car with you come on now some folks don't you know no no no maybe you you're looking at the bible on your phone i'm sorry i'm sorry maybe you look at the bible in your phone and maybe that bible in your car no it's just there for decoration i mean it's just there if you need to put your hand on it but how do we find the word do we find the word life-giving do we find the word necessary i said necessary somebody said necessary even the bible talks about and i believe it's in psalms he says i find your words more necessary than my food than natural food i'm putting it in my own words amen how many how many folks uh miss a meal i i i don't expect maybe one finger come to go up most of us don't eat like clockwork the same should be the way the same way if not more for the word of god amen and then the fifth thing that we that'll help us or that we should have a proper view of is who we are as the body of christ matthew chapter 16 verse 18 jesus says he says upon the truth that i am the christ he says i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it amen we have to see ourselves properly as the body of christ and then verse 19 says behold i give you the keys of the kingdom and what you bind on earth is already bound in heaven what you loose on earth is already loosed in heaven now that's an amplified all the other says you know what you buy it on earth is bounded but i like the amplifier it's already about somebody say already it's already bound in heaven what we bind on earth and what we loose on earth is already loosed in heaven we have to see we realize that in mark 16 he said in my name we shall cast our devils we have the name of jesus i said we have the name of jesus we have the weapon above that all weapons the name of jesus and we have to keep using that name keep having that proper view of all these things so that we can continue i know as victory but other people in the body of christ begin to see satan in 3d that he is disarmed defeated and he's doomed and the last thing i'll say here jesus gave us an example in matthew chapter 4 on how to deal with the devil he says it is written it is written it is written so sometimes people get tired of resisting the devil oh i tell you i've been resisting today for a long time where can i stop when he leaves that's what i have in matthew 4 right now he tempted jesus three times after after the third time he left so that's our that's our our example we resist the devil until he leaves amen no exceptions we keep resisting because we know we have the victory we know we have the victory we know we are the redeemed of the lord amen we know that he sent his word he healed us and he delivered us amen we stay with god we keep the proper view of who god is who jesus is who the holy spirit is the final authority of the word of god and who we are as the body of christ and as we do that we're continued to be able to see satan in 3d see him clearly for who he is amen amen god bless you god bless you praise god if you would please stand to your feet we thank god for the reminder that satan is defeated amen faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and god expects us to be doers of the word and not just hear us only amen if you would please bow your heads we're going to give our invitations now minister jackson gave a good word but you know what if you're not born again he was talking about your daddy because jesus told the pharisees you are of your father the devil and so on tonight we want to give you an opportunity to switch fathers so if you viewing us if you're watching us rather via live stream or you're in the audience and you've never made jesus christ the lord of your life we want to give you that opportunity now we want to give you an opportunity to become a bona fide son or daughter of the living god and you do that by asking jesus christ to come into your heart so we want to give that opportunity secondly if at one time you were serving god you're on fire for the lord the things of god and for whatever reason you no longer have that fire i believe pascagoula talked about it last week your fire went out if your fire has gone out and you realize that you are not where you need to be you're out of fellowship with god and you find yourself in what we call a backslidden condition we want to give you the opportunity to rededicate your life to the lord on today thirdly if you need to be filled with the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues jesus said i'm not going to leave you orphans he said i'm going to leave you i have to leave brother so i can send you the holy spirit because he wants to lead you he wants to guide you he wants to show you things to come jesus said that the spirit of god will receive of him and share it with you he also says he wants to give the bible rather also tells you that god wants you to have a prayer language according to first corinthians chapter 14. he wants you to have a prayer language but in order for you to have that you have to receive the holy spirit you have to be filled with the holy spirit lastly if you would like to make victory christian center your church home pastor ghoul is a great pastor he's the only pastor i've known for my 41 years on this earth and he's done a good job i can't speak for you but if you believe that victory christian center is the place that god would have you to be we would love you to come on down to the front and if you're watching this be a live stream and you would like to make victory christian center your home you can just go to vccenter.net click on the connect tab and when you click on that connect tab you click on the new members classes and when you click on the new members classes you'll simply send an email we will receive that email and then we will send you a link that will enable you to take our new members classes which will then enable you to become a member of victory christian center now if you're watching this be a live stream and you want to make jesus christ the lord of your life you want to rededicate your life to the lord or if you want to be filled with the holy spirit we have prayer partners who are standing by and that phone number is 704-525-8 we have trained prayer partners who want to get you born again who wants to help you rededicate your life to the lord who wants to get you filled with the holy spirit yes you can get filled with the holy spirit over the phone and also too we want you to become a member if god is leading you that way to become a member of victory christian center now here in the dome as i look around is there anybody here who like to respond to the invitations please come on down to the front i'm looking around and nobody is moving so i'll now turn the service over to pastor thank you so much do we have any first-time visitors with us tonight we'd love to know who you are i love to shake your hand and say thank you for being with us tonight we have a free gift for you as well as our way of saying thank you for being a part of our service tonight so is there anyone here for the very first time if so won't you please pick up whatever you brought with you and come on down to the front we'll wait about five seconds if anyone is stirring all right i don't see anybody moving what wasn't that i said i told minister jackson i said that's a good word we're going to have to have you share that wasn't that a good word i tell you what we give god all of the glory come on give god some glory for that word hallelujah [Music] now father help us to see satan in 3d disarmed defeated and doomed help us god we need to embrace this not just hear it we need to walk it out god open up our eyes when it when they need to be open to god to remember this word and to to say no you're you're disarmed you're defeated in your doom satan i'm more than a conqueror through him that loves me so we receive the word father and we say we're doers of the word and not hearers only [Music] may this word stay with us god and may it be a part of transforming our walk with you and we believe that we receive that and we thank you for helping us in this by the holy spirit in jesus name amen and amen now next tuesday special prayer for ladies right i mean i say four ladies ladies only and you ladies will be praying for children not necessarily your children but children and young people all right in our nation even around the world we just want missile school put had that in her heart for you ladies to come together and pray for children and youth so don't get in your mind you're coming to pray for your child you're coming to pray for children and youth isn't that good next tuesday evening now the the uh location will be the youth building we mentioned campus three on sunday but we're changing the venue it will be at the youth building next tuesday evening at seven o'clock ladies only all right praying for children and youth so ladies please mark that on your calendar make a special effort to be a part of this special time of prayer all right you'll do that ladies all right let's receive our benediction may the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ let me just say to our viewing audience and please forgive us thank you for joining us tonight our next time for our live streaming will be this friday morning eight o'clock our live telecast it's time to be healed we love to have you join us friday morning at 8 and then on next sunday this coming sunday 10 o'clock right here so thank you for joining us god bless you so very much all right let's you
Channel: VCC Charlotte
Views: 2,232
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Id: 14UUNIkbWEs
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Length: 95min 0sec (5700 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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