Victory Christian Center | Sunday Morning Service (8.29.21)

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thank you [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] divine health [Music] there is power in the blood because of his sacrifice hallelujah we bless your name we glory [Music] to you savior you are the lamb of god [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] they crucified him at calvary but he rose in victories [Music] [Applause] he's alive [Music] is [Applause] [Music] he's alive forever he shed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in three days he's coming again he got a hero [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is [Music] and because he's alive we can stand and proclaim who he is there's no other name under heaven that men can be saved by we proclaim that he is god and beside him there is no other there is no other hallelujah cheese there is a name that's a place i can run and be safe there is a name that can heal calmed my storm peace be still i can call on that name that name that name can't be saved [Music] think it's gotta change so i stand and i proclaim there's no greater name no greater name no greater name than jesus no greater name than jesus stay standing [Music] [Music] say peace [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no quite enough [Music] it's the name of jesus let me say it again there is a name that's a place i can run to and be safe there is a name that brings healing [Music] peace be still i can call [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus died [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that name delivers all the name of jesus works speak to the thing in the name of jesus yes [Music] the name of jesus takes presidents [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is a name that's a place some say strong tower some say safe heaven but there is a name that god has given you to take you through everything you could ever face and you can call that mountain that sickness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus the name of jesus christ [Music] to you jesus [Music] [Music] we welcome your presence hallelujah [Music] there's nothing worth more that could ever come close nothing can compare you're our living home [Music] your presence [Music] where my heart becomes free and my shame is [Music] [Music] this place your glory god is [Music] you are welcome [Music] [Applause] your glory god is [Music] your presence [Music] is [Music] the glory of your goodness let us become more aware of your presence let us experience the glory of your goodness let us [Music] [Music] your goodness let us [Music] you are [Music] you're [Music] [Music] my [Music] you're [Music] your presence [Music] your presence [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign right now thank you [Music] i will [Music] is [Music] you can sing with me this is uh all about us [Music] [Music] because hallelujah my god oh my god you are my god [Music] everywhere hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] my treasure you are [Music] [Music] because you're with me [Music] you're with me i will not hear [Music] is [Music] you're me me [Music] my salvation is with me because you're with the great lord is [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah my healer is [Music] [Music] father we give you praise come on lift your voices giving praise worship we worship you we worship you hallelujah glory to god we worship you our father we exalt you our father we magnify your name in this place thank you for your love for us thank you for your goodness thank you for your wonderful works to us thank you for the blood of jesus that was shed for us hallelujah thank you for the blood [Music] redemption in the blood forgiveness in the blood covenant hallelujah in the blood victory in the blood our names being written in the lamb's book of life because of the blood hallelujah the joy of our salvation because of the blood hallelujah father you're welcome in this place we humble ourselves under your mighty hand and in your sight you're welcome in this place not our will but your will be done let the holy spirit guide us let the holy spirit glorify the son of the living god in this place this morning you are the lord our god that heals us and takes sickness out of our midst and we give you glory we welcome as already been stated earlier this morning we welcome the person and ministry the presence of the holy spirit in this place you are the lord our god that heals us take taking sickness out of our midst and we thank you for that be honored be glorified as we humble ourselves under your mighty hands and in your sight in jesus name amen and amen love on your brothers and your sisters let them know you're glad they're in service today [Music] hallelujah and as we're doing that right here we welcome you to our morning service thank you for being a part of our sunday morning service here at victory christmas center call your friends family members etc invite them to come to church with you this morning right here we love you i appreciate you and thank you for joining us today [Music] hallelujah wow that sounds good now hallelujah amen thank you so much singers thank you so very much well good morning everybody thank you for being in service today we love you so very much and appreciate you and god's in love with you isn't that right amen god's in love with you i love you and appreciate your being in service today uh just a very just a few announcements on my end then we'll go to our video announcements number one don't forget that it's an honor to serve jesus t-shirts have been restocked in our workshop please reveal yourselves to those t-shirts uh it's an honor to serve jesus and then uh [Music] jerome beacham passed we mentioned that i believe this past wednesday we have a picture there the arrangements right now will be this coming thursday we don't have the exact time yet thursday at campus three and we'll give you that information wednesday night or you can call the church office tomorrow we should have more details and he loved god with all of his heart mind body soul strength and we we just appreciated his time here with us here at victory christian center house parents are needed we have some international boys that are coming in coming in a little late to attend our school but because of that we're in need of house parents and that's for our boys dorm or housing and married couples or a mature single male can can apply for that position if you're interested please sign up at the courtesy at the welcome center and we will get in touch with you right away and then i need to meet with the heads uh the head of our nursery and our children's organizations that would be chosen ones and world overcomers i'd like to meet with you this evening around 6 40 20 minutes to 7 before sunday night bible class and we can meet at the church office okay in the church office and that's again 6 40 so that's the head of our chosen ones and world overcomers and uh even children's church wherever whomever the lead person is and then the head of our nursery all right let's have our video announcements please [Music] will bless the lord all my soul and lord [Applause] [Music] my name is alex delgra and i'm part of the men's ensemble my name is christian and i'm part of the men's ensemble my name is jason and i'm a part of the men's ensemble i joined the men's ensemble because i love the fellowship i love the sing i love the minister and i love the great group of guys that surrounded me i love the mainstream symbol because it's it's a the uniqueness of greatness we all come together to praise god and uh it's just we fellowship together in oneness and it's just it's just so spiritual to me and i thank god for that i joined the men's ensemble because i just love singing for god and i feel the anointing everywhere we are when we're rehearsing when we're on stage and i'm just thankful to be a part of this men's ensemble now here are a few of our ministries upcoming [Music] part two of the children's summer drama action class will be held today from 4 to 6 p.m in the dome remember you must have attended part 1 to attend part 2. llv vesper service will be held this friday at 7 30 pm at our campus 3 location dress is casual please join us for this time of fellowship and getting alone with god in order to replenish the stock of our food ministry the missions department is in need of the following items canned salmon macaroni and cheese rice juice corn green beans and green peas thank you in advance for your generosity giving online is quick and easy go to click on the give tab on the navigation bar in the header once on that page scroll down and there are instructions to show you how to give now click on the gold give now button and it will take you to the online donation page there you can simply fill in the information and submit your donation if you would like to text to give text 704-253-8770 put in your dollar amount without the dollar sign if this is your first time using this feature you will receive a link click on the link and put in your card information finally wait for a confirmation text thank you for your faithfulness in giving thank you for watching the vcc announcements and don't forget you can find these announcements events and more on the victory christian center church app get it at the google play or apple app store all right we failed to pray for the beecham family so we want to do that also we have a announcement here cynthia reed a member of our church her brother joe brown is scheduled for heart surgery on tuesday so let's pray for both of these requests here father we lift up uh the beechum family lord wanda their daughter lord and other family members in jesus mighty name we thank you for continuing to strengthen them minister to them by the spirit of god give them your grace and father make your presence so real to them in the name of jesus and god we thank you for healing the broken heart and doing what only you can do we lift up joe father who's scheduled for surgery on tuesday heart surgery we put that into your hands we thank you for a successful procedure if it's needed without complications and recovery as well in jesus name and we give you glory for it amen and amen all right you ready to give this morning all right if you're in need of an offering envelope if you would lift your hand at this time please allow our ushers to minister to you just keep your hand raised i see a few hands throughout our auditorium down front here thank you ushers okay minister allen is going to exhort us this morning i want to say thank you for your faithfulness as always in your giving don't forget the hvac they have already started that's why on last wednesday and sunday we were in the other facilities we may be at the youth building again on wednesday night they'll let us know probably tuesday at the latest and then we'll if we're here we'll send a app out an announcement out as quickly as possible and uh and make it known to you so if not if you don't hear from us then we'll be in the youth building on we'll you'll hear from us anyway because we'll want you to know we're in the youth building on on wednesday evening all right minister allen's going to come and exhort us the word of the lord came unto him we came to the gate of city behold the widow was there gathering of sticks and he called her and said fetch me i pray thee a little water and a vessel that i may drink and as she was going to fetch it he called her again and said bring me i pray thee a muscle of bread in thine hand and she said is the lord thy god liveth i have not a cake but a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil and a cruise and behold i'm gathering two sticks that i may go in and dress it for me and my son that we may eat it and die and elijah said unto her fear not go and do as thou has said but make me there of a little cake first and bring it unto me and after make for thee and for thy son for thus saith the lord god of israel the barrel of mill shall not waste neither shall the cruse of oil fail until the day that the lord sendeth rain upon the earth and i hope we all know the end of that story you know uh the lady was blessed for another two years because of her obedience and the the oil didn't fail and the meal didn't end until it was supposed to and uh i i just want to give you a a a few quotes that i got well uh elijah's name means yahweh is my god so i expect to see god deliver in any and all and every situation and and i hope that if god says you you know do this or do that then you expect god to do or perform what he said and he says when he told the widow woman i have he said uh god told him i commanded the widow woman to sustain you you know when god makes a commandment the widow woman was obedient uh to the sacrifice that she made the word of god says obedience is better than sacrifice but sometimes obedience demands sacrifice so you know you ought to be willing to give and he saw the widow woman faithful and that's why he gave her the word uh and and being responsive sometimes uh giving initiates the blessings of god and the miracles of god so by her giving then was that miracle released amen so you know if we want what we see in the word of god then we might want to understand that our obedience demands sacrifice giving is one thing sacrifice is another and i'm saying that when you do it in your heart um a test isn't a test if it's not important what we do for god is important but it's not a test it's the real deal i say this is not a test and uh miracles uh demand us to be responsive so we need god is a miracle-working god god in himself is the nature of the miraculous he himself is the miracle wonder of life and so in all that we give we should expect god to be god and not be limited through our mentality to our our perceptions of god but allow god to do great and mighty things like we see here to where god begins to move miraculous in ways upon our giving because we are willing to believe god amen amen uh if you need to uh fill out uh your checks you can fill them out victory christian center or you can abbreviate it you would like to come down that's fine if that's what you normally do so at that time we can stand father you are the god where there are no impossibilities you are the lord that does exceedingly abundantly above you are the lord that is miraculous above our understanding and it is your heart towards us the good that you are willing to manifest your glory according to the covenant of the blood that speaks of better things in that of abel that the blessings of the lord might be upon your children i thank you lord not only do you rebuke to devour that you call from the north the south the east and the west that the minister and angels of god would come forth and administer the grace of the kingdom even as you open up the windows of heaven pouring out blessings that we have not room enough to receive it and father for it all we thank you we give you praise we give you glory and we thank you for the opportunity to give today in jesus name amen hallelujah let's praise the lord of the harvest glory to god lord of the harvest we give you praise honor and glory for the privilege of giving and to the kingdom of god for the privilege of obeying your word bringing all the tithes into the storehouse that there might be beating your house and we worship you with our gifts and thank you for the promised return in jesus name amen and amen shout about it somebody amen you may be seated ushers please let's receive our gifts hallelujah glory to god we invite you to exalt the name of god with us glory to god we're gonna bless the lord [Music] [Music] say magnify the lord who the son he has redeemed with a sunny heart reading clap your hands rejoice and seek you are the lord of everything everything say i will i will bless the lord bless the lord yes i will bless the lord and all time that's why they said again i will bless the lord bless the lord yes i will bless the lord at all times for the lord of god is great [Music] say i will i will bless the lord bless the lord yes i will bless the lord and all time somebody said again i will not bless the lord yes i will bless the lord at all times say bless the lord bless the lord oh my soul and lord that's within me blessings then come on if you came to bless him come on if you came to lift him up bless the lord oh my soul enough that's within me bless his name come on if you came to bless him come on if you came and lift him up bless the lord oh my soul and not pass within [Music] but i know i can't depend on [Music] [Applause] he's always been the same [Music] i praise him even more he [Music] [Music] [Music] he has done it so i will bless the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah say i will bless the lord i will bless the lord i will bless the lord i will bless you sir i will bless the lord [Music] i will bless the lord will bless the light i will bless the lord i will bless you said i will bless the lord at all times he had done great things for me so i will bless the lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus come on and magnify the law with me come on let's throw this name together hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to your name father thank you hallelujah said i will bless the lord i will bless the lord said i will bless the lord i will bless you at all i will bless the lord said i will bless the lord said i [Music] hallelujah well come on let's give me praise oh we bless you our father we bless you our father oh none like you none to be compared to you none you're equal hallelujah [Applause] oh father we love you today [Music] heavenly father open up our eyes to see in our ears to hear guide us into truth today by the spirit of god and we thank you for that thank you for your anointed word as men that need the anointing and i humble myself unto your mighty hand and in your sight and i thank you for the anointing of god within with immune upon me god is in the truth and we believe for that let jesus be exalted in this place and father for everything that's said and done i covenant with you always to give you all of the praise honor and the glory for it as you though you're the only one worthy of it in the name of jesus thank you lord for thinking through my mind speaking through my lips enabling me to minister your words and to do so accurately and we give you glory for it amen and amen praise god all right you may be seated praise the lord we're going to go in an entirely different direction today a direction that i haven't spoken on in a long long time and we're calling this lesson the major purpose of the body of christ the major purpose of the body of christ and you will know exactly what i am referencing once we get just a little bit into this not very far at all before you just say i got it you know i understand what he's talking about the major purpose of the body of christ now in ephesians chapter 1 and the 22nd verse they'll put that on the screen for us ephesians 1 22. the bible says and he put all things under his feet and gave him meaning jesus to be head over all things to the church all right so it seems to me then and i submit this to you to find out what the major purpose of the church is we have to go to the head is that right or wrong because he's the head of the church which is his body the fullness of all things according to the next verse now in in uh acts chapter 1 in verse 1 the bible says and they'll put that on the screen the former account i made o theophilus of all that jesus began both to do and teach so here you know luke is saying the former account i made to you o theophilus was about all that jesus began both to do and teach so as the head of the church we can go to the head and see what he did and taught right and therefore we can find out what the major purpose is for his body or for the church now in a nutshell we'll get started why did jesus come now let's look at first timothy chapter one and they'll put it on the screen as well i'll just turn to scriptures a little later probably first timothy 1 verse 15 it tells us why jesus came this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance that christ jesus came into the world now we're getting ready to find out why he came he came into the world to do what saved sinners now he's the head of the church and luke said oh theopolis i wrote to you the things that jesus began to do and teach that he came into the world to save sinners of whom i am chief paul says you know what man i'll tell you what i look back on my life and and and i was the chief of all sinners but jesus came to save me in that good church luke 19 10 they had it on the screen and the bible says that jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost and then the bible says in first john 3 8 for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil that's the latter part and the devil has had and still does have so many in captivity spiritual darkness outside of the kingdom of god living a life totally independently of god independent of god and jesus came to destroy that so that's letting us know what our major purpose is right we're here to continue what jesus started and what did he start seeking to save those which are lost and destroying the works of the devil simple enough have you ever noticed that the first group that jesus called to follow him what they were told matthew 4 19 follow me and i'll make you the first group that that that was called to follow him the first thing he told them was follow me and i'll make you fishers of men i'm telling you why i'm here boys and i'm telling you what you're here to do that if you're going to follow me you're to be a fisher of men amen that's your priority that's your responsibility that's your first calling if you're going to follow me also did you notice what he said to the last group that that he spoke to before he left this earth let's look at it in matthew 28 19. you know he said all power is given unto me prior to this both in heaven and earth and he says and you go into all the world the nations you make disciples isn't that right teaching them to observe all things that i've commanded you he says you know and i'm with you always even to the end of the world but the last thing he said was you go in mark 16 we have reference of it again go into all the world and preach the gospel isn't that right on all the world and preach the gospel he that believer that is baptized shall be saved he that believeth now shall be condemned and these signs shall follow those that believe in my name cast out devils etc destroy the works of the devil get them free amen and then acts 1 8 you shall receive power after that the holy ghost will come upon you and you shall be witnesses notice the power is for you to be a witness unto me in jerusalem judea samaria and unto the most parts of the earth jerusalem refers to just putting it in practical terms now you start where you are some people want to get saved and go to africa what about your own neighborhood that's africa that's china that's thailand that's indonesia amen start in jerusalem you get the power to be a witness first where you are then you spread out into judea go out into into a rock hill and go into concord and go into you know fort mill etc are you hearing indian trail into samaria and then until all the other most parts of the earth now samaria who you know they were they were not liked pretty much by the by the jews even though they were part of the jewish family but they were they were disdained are you hearing that but jesus says you go to those that you disdain amen go to those you got problems with amen go to those that you have that you consider an outcast come on talk to me then you go into the other most parts of the earth and so we're wanting you to see that the major purpose of the church is to do what jesus did and that was to seek and to save those that are lost go after the sinners destroying the works of the devil get them out of the kingdom of darkness getting them getting them into the kingdom of god's dear son now there are two kinds of evangelism there's mass evangelism and then there's personal evangelism now the greatest way the human population will be evangelized is by personal evangelism so many people there you know they're they want to go all over the world have these mass meetings but that's not the number one way this human world is going to be rumored race is going to be evangelized it's going to be one-on-one buddy now why is that you might say you know the answer you're smart because you can't get the sinner into the church amen they're not coming to the church until they're saved i'm talking generally speaking i don't care how good the church is how well it's it's put together i don't care you know how how good it looks the center has nothing to do with the church and has no interest in it i don't care who you bring in town they might come if you bring some compromised christian finger but they're not going to come to give their life to christ they're just coming to hear the music but when they get saved then they'll come to church i'm talking generalities here and the church by and large has has done a good job on trying to bring the greatest speakers in and the greatest this and the greatest that and advertise on television go knock door to door and everything trying to invite them to the church and they still don't get people to come by and large just a few might come every now and then why is that the sinner is not interested in your church or mine but when they get saved that's where personal evangelism comes in come on talk to me i'm talking generalities so we have a major responsibility now you've got to agree with me the sinner isn't interested in the church am i right or wrong care less about the church that got their own life their own interests they think it's a crutch and all kinds of things but once they get born again then they are ready to hear about your church and come to church with you so they can learn about their lord and savior jesus christ therefore mass evangelism is not their major way that this city or any other city or state or nation will get saved it's going to be by you by me are you here so we need to stop shirking and shunning our responsibility and stop saying you know well that's just not not my personality and any other excuse that we've come up with over the years because listen you shall receive power and remember the theme of the year not by might nor by power but you don't get the power of god so you can walk in the flesh and depend on your own resources and your own merits and strength and intelligence you get the power of god so he can work in you and through you and by you and for you and make you more than what you are and enable us to do what we thought we couldn't do because it's not working for the holy spirit it's working with the holy spirit are you understand we're called to work with the holy spirit and so it's important that we understand that now you may not agree with what i'm about to say now but i i believe i'm right the state of the church right now demands repentance talking about the universal and the local church there must be repentance for the current condition of the body of christ why because the local church and the body of christ at large has become complacent lazy indifferent content inside-minded i'm okay our church is fine all about us the church is splintered compromised worldly in different coverages etc etc so we have to repent and reset our eyes on our purpose our purpose is soul winning destroying the works of the devil that's the major purpose of the body of christ why did jesus come he's the head he said it right he set the standard he gave the example this is what you do he told the first ones follow me so the last ones go told them basically the same thing he hasn't changed his mind jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever god's not a man that he shall i know the son of man that he should repent if he said it that's what he expects to happen right and so we we need to repent let's let's let's just take a moment and do that here at victory christian center and you can you can bow your head you don't have to you can talk to god on your own under your own breath but put that on the screen you might want to just just just use the same terminology put it on the screen so father in the name of jesus right here at victory christian center we repent that means we change change our mind god we turn away from we repent father in the name of jesus of complacency and any form of contentment god in being inside minded all about ourselves and all about our own church forgive us father for being splintered as a church forgive us in the name of jesus for any form of compromise and worldliness and indifference and covetousness arrogance pride that may have come into this church and may even be in it i'm talking about really in it forgive us father we repent of it i do as the pastor i repent god in the name of jesus may this church return to its major purpose that purpose doesn't change for anybody doesn't matter what the position that a man or woman is called to that still their major purpose is to equip the church to do the work of the ministry winning souls in the name of jesus and we thank you for forgiving us and helping us in jesus name amen and amen say amen everybody now i said this already the power of god acts 1 8 is for service it's for ministry there you go you're good it's to bear witness of the resurrected christ that's what it's for in acts chapter 4 the 33rd verse they can put that on the screen acts 4 33 the bible says acts 4 33 we'll look at that one please and with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the lord jesus and great grace was upon them all and you shall be witnesses unto me witness of what witness that he's alive how do you do that you do that by your life and you do that by signs and wonders and laying hands on the sick and castling out devils and setting people free shout out about it somebody the power is in you to do that look at your hands and say god will use my hands he sure will do that he'll use that so that we can bring witness to the resurrection of the lord jesus christ and that's what we want to do in jesus name the holy spirit the power is the divine capability to produce the proof of the resurrection now some of you may be messing in your head a little bit being messed with in your head john 14 12 says verily verily i send to you he that believes on me the works that i do shall you do also isn't that what he said so so if we're doing the same works that jesus said we're giving proof of his resurrection that he's alive if you're alive you should be doing the same thing you were doing when you were dead when you were uh yeah when you were living on the earth right before you died you should be doing the same thing if you're alive so the holy spirit the power is the divine capability to produce the proof of the resurrection you know what when people out here in the world when they see proof of the resurrection that helps them anyway amen to be open to the gospel of the lord jesus christ and it's so good that you can hear in the marketplace and on your respective jobs and in your homes or in certain settings with family members you can you can hear about their pain or challenges and then you can say i'm going to give proof of the resurrection oh the power is on the inside of me to make this thing happen and then you say can i pray for you let me show you jesus is alive he's going to take that migraine headache right away he's going to take it away from you he's going to straighten out that back pain right now he's a right now god you know he's at once god he's just waiting on us to stop being content and complacent and just inside our own church minded come on talk to me the church is to move from a place of impotency incompetence move from the place of an appearance of godliness to a place of power and potency that's that's what god wants to move from this place of of i can't do it no ability no power i'm not competent i'm not capable i'm inferior i'm a little worm no move from that place to a place of power amen and strength and confidence competence and holiness and whatnot is holiness that's the problem with some people in the world that don't want anything to do with the church because the church is like the world are you understand so they say why why should i why should i go to church why do i why should i want your god and you're living just like me you see we cannot even begin to witness if our lives are not right are you hearing what i'm saying i didn't say perfect because there are no perfect people but but by and large for the most part they can't just blame you for stuff and accuse you of stuff and condemn you for stuff and call you a hypocrite and everything else come on talk to me they're able to say you know i know sister so-and-so is a christian they're able to say i know brothers so-and-so is a christian and they'll even go on to say they're not perfect but i know they're christian and i can listen to her i can listen to him so we have to make sure that there is sanctification and consecration and holiness in our lives come on talk to me don't go to sleep on this good message i'm talking about the major role calling of the body of christ major role is not to come up here and bless each other amen amen all right i think this is good what the lord gave me to share the church was designed to be the most powerful force on earth it was designed to be that invincible that's what jesus meant when he said upon this rock i'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it this is an invincible church because the head of the church is a resurrected christ in him dwells the fullness of the godhead bodily are you hearing i'm saying and so we must understand we cannot be stopped amen it cannot be stopped period not with god in the holy ghost the greater one living on the inside of us matthew 18 18 something like that talks about whatever you buying on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven in other words we got the ability to do it the power to do it we're competent in christ every one of us can lead somebody to christ every one of us can expand the kingdom of god can grow the kingdom god didn't give you a but a power love and of a sound mind he didn't give you a spirit of fear power love and of a sound mind well pastor i came today to hear about authority and to hear about healing and prosperity you get involved in god's business he'll prosper you amen you get involved in god's business he'll heal you he'll bless you because now you're you're you're moving with compassion now you're showing people out in the world that the church cares they care about them that's what they need to see that we care amen somebody people are dying all around you every day all around us people are crying out for god every day they're crying out for hope they don't even know where to begin sometimes and god will send you across their path or you're already working next to them in the same department the same area are you here god's got you there to make a difference spiritually in somebody's life you believe that or not all right now we're limited to the degree that we fail to accept god's promises that's when our limitation begins to set in when we fail to accept his promises and we fail to act on them that's when we start becoming limited the power of god was never intended to be limited the power of god can't be limited out unless we limit it right nor did it stop on the day of pentecost the power of god didn't stop on the day of pentecost it didn't stop with the last apostle that we read about in the bible we're still writing the book of acts we're supposed to be amen you ought to be writing a part of the book of acts that this day for every day i cast out the devil this day i laid my hands on the sick and i saw them recover this day because of that somebody gave their life to christ this day god supernaturally led me into the desert you know like philip leading him to the desert led me to rock hill i had no fault of going to rock hill but in my spirit i felt prompted to go to rock hill didn't know where i was going and then when i got there he said you drive down that street then i drove down that street there was a man on the corner he told me to stop and talk to that man and i got out of my car didn't know what i was going to say but i began the conversation bottom line is he gave his life to christ that's the book of acts don't you want to be a part of the book of acts lift your hands and ask god to help you to be a part of the book of acts come on you write a chapter in the book of acts write a chapter write up write a page write a paragraph glory to god in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord in jesus name i receive that amen you know i i wrote the scriptures down in acts chapter 3 in acts chapter 9 acts chapter 8 acts chapter 13. if you read those stories you see where where the the body of christ couldn't be stopped you read some of those stories in there you see the power of god in operation you see that the devil couldn't do anything remember in acts chapter 13 when this this sorcerer tried to stop paul remember that story tried to stop paul inside then the bible says paul filled with the holy ghost turn to him you devil you're going to be blind for a season of time blindness came on that man you know there's power on the inside you know god is waiting to use you and to speak through you and give you a specific command that imperative direction etc come on talk to me god's power isn't limited he never was intended to be limited in any kind of way look at ephesians 1 verse 19 in the amplified bible i'll turn over there now because i like this verse of scripture in a special way i do ephesians 1 verse 19 the bible says amplified bible and so that you can know now it starts off with paul saying i'm praying for you the spirit of wisdom and revelation will rest upon you in the knowledge of jesus christ the eyes of your understanding being enlightened so that you can know some things right and so now we're starting right here jumping right in here at verse 19 and so that you can know and understand say no and understand god says i want you to know and understand what is the immeasurable and unlimited in surpassing greatness of his power notice now in and for us who believes shout about that somebody notice what's on the inside of you immeasurable power unlimited power power is surpassing greatness the surpassing greatness of his power it's in you and it's for you who believe so it's in me and not only is it in me but it's for me so great is he that's in me than he does in the world i'm bigger on the inside than what i look like on the outside i can do more because of who's in me than what it appears to be able to i can do because of my external features immeasurable power unlimited power unlimited i'm limited but he isn't so he makes me unlimited come on talk to me surpassing greatness of this power that's in you and so we don't have to be afraid of devils we don't have to be afraid of any personality that power is in us it doesn't matter how i rate or how belligerent or how whatever it is in the name of jesus are you following what i'm saying that'll stop devils every time praying in tongues to stop devils and so let's understand our major purpose and let's accept that let's begin to walk it out amen now i like what i'm about to tell you now jesus defeated satan and handed his victory over to us jesus defeated satan and handed his victory jesus victory he handed over us hey listen now those are scriptures i'm going to get to something else a little later but he handed it over to us so colossians 2 15 he spoiled what principles and powers they made us show of them openly tromping over them in it isn't that right that's what jesus is in luke 10 19 the bible talks about behold i give you authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you i give you authority to tread upon what serpents and what scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you can you shout about that somebody no mark 16 i referred to it earlier in my name you cast out devils right then james 4 7 submit yourself to god resist the devil and he'll flee from you and then first peter chapter 5 verses 8 to 9 talks about be sober be vigilant because your adversary has a roaring lion walking about seeking whom he may devour but notice he said don't be concerned about that he just simply said resist him resist him step fastly in the faith amen is that what the bible tells us to do so jesus whipped him and said hey now you walk out my victory so now you are more than conquerors through him that loved us isn't that good news church we can do it is what i'm trying to tell you we can do it we can fulfill our major role in purpose it will not be done by mass meetings it will not be done because i'm on television i have pastors call me sometimes from all over the country and pastors in this area uh pastor what what does the television i'm thinking about going on television you know i think i'll be able to get more people in my church that's not going to get people and you don't grow your church for tel on by television and listen a lot of times the people i'm i'm gonna just put it out here straight a lot of times the people that watch on television they're already members of a church and and so now if they like you what they're gonna do you're gonna get a transplanted member your church is not growing because all you got is another christian hello somebody television is not for growing your church it's for making a deposit into christian's lives some christians might tune in i like that man i like what he's saying yeah but very few of them will ever come to your church by and large if they're not born again hello if they're not born again i didn't say a member of church i said if they're not born again right so we have to understand it's one-on-one evangelism the center is not coming to the church until they're saved generally speaking you'll get one here and there two here and there and you spent all this money flying people in from over the country to have some meeting some evangelistic some and then only get one or two people and yet you spend fifteen thousand dollars on plane fair and hotels and stuff like that are you here now listen to one or two are worth fifteen thousand but i'm saying the minister leaves disappointed oh i thought a whole lot of people was gonna be coming to the meeting that's unsaved not coming to the church until they get saved i'm talking generalities now hello many of you had no real interest genuine interest in the church until you got saved until you got saved i'm seeing many of you and i'm gonna tell you what you have people growing grow up in this church and go out in the world and and never serve god you know why they never got saved they just grew up in the church but they never got saved so when they got out from under mama they don't want to go to church when they get out from under daddy i'm not going to church why because i didn't get saved it's when you get saved that you have an interest in church because the holy ghost draws you to church not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together the bible says well i'm a christian just like you and i don't go to church no you're not a christian just like me you're in a backslidden condition and you're grieving the holy ghost because the holy ghost is going to draw you to church because it's the word of the living god it's the church that jesus established sometimes as christians we agree with these worldly compromising ungodly christians that's at home and you and they say you know i i'm all right i'm good with god i don't need church well you know i understand yeah you you're good yeah yeah no no you're not you ought to tell no you're not good you're borderline hell study it for yourself you don't like what i said study it amen somebody we need to understand i thank god we just repented about 10 minutes ago god has put his mantle on you you are his ambassador you are his representative he does not give you that so you can just come to church and lift your hands and sing and see your brothers and sisters and talk or ask them how they how their week was and how their children are and what's going on in your life and on your job and how's your husband how's your wife he didn't no no no that's all fine and danny to come in here and dance and shout and run but you're supposed to go out here and win somebody to jesus you're supposed to go out here and represent the lord jesus in this earth realm with the power that's on the inside of you come on talk to me that's our major purpose anyway a local church is about growing you right so you can go out and do the work of the ministry even in the church do the work of the ministry right you agree with that all right so jesus defeated satan and handed his victory to us handed him over into our hands i like that he handed satan over into our hands do with him what you want and that good news do any what you want what you're supposed to do is keep him under your feet cast him out and resist him because i've handed him into your hands buddy he doesn't have to rough shout it over your life he doesn't have to run your life he doesn't have to put you in a place of depression and discouragement and despair he doesn't have to mess with your finances he doesn't have to mess with your health he doesn't have to mess with your family come on talk to me i've handed him over into your hands i've given you my victory come on shout about that somebody now that's our that's how we're we're shooting to walk out that's what we're shooting for to walk that out you know and sometimes others walk it out more quickly quickly than others but all of us should get to that point isn't that right in jesus name and i'm still shooting for it i haven't arrived you can live a thousand lifetimes and never really arrive arrive because we keep going from glory to glory and faith to faith amen and that's one reason why and i'm just just say this that's one reason why you have to learn to use your own faith stand on your own spiritual legs you got to you just can't put your spiritual life in somebody else's hands you got to that was jesus said flip them for you for you if they don't want to walk in it you walk in it if they want to if they want to be tormented and oppressed and depressed and suicidal whatever you know and they don't want to receive you to set them free you walk in what you're supposed to walk in you keep the devil obey amen at bay and we're going to do that more and more in jesus name individually and collectively amen now i'm convinced i've always been this way i've been this way for 40 some years i'm convinced that the only way to stop the work of the devil is by the power of god it's not by petitions it's not by picketing it's not by marches and all that kind of stuff that's only going to do a little bit the power of god is what shakes nations the power of god is what transformed cities are you hearing what i'm saying there was a man of god to get his name off my head you know in the 19th century i'm telling man the power of god anointing god was on him so strong till every night club every bar every club shut down shut down shut down because of the power of god because of the glory of god in that city because he brought such a such a impact of the glory of god with the glory of god you can march all you want to in front of an abortion clinic you can sign all kinds of petitions are you hearing what i'm saying but show it with the power of god and see what the difference will be like come on talk to me and i'm not saying don't march if you want to march don't sign petitions i'm not saying any of that i'm saying that i am convinced that the only way to really stop the work of the devil is the power of god amen somebody that's why we have to pray for this nation that's why you pray for loved ones that's all messed up the only thing gonna set them free is the power of god nothing else going to settle free but god's anointing all this stuff that's going on in our nation right now the only thing i'll change it is the divine intervention of the hand of god and we're paving the way for that to happen through our time of prayer standing in the gap making up the hedge that this nation will not be destroyed god said i sought for a man among them so i want to do something for the nation but i don't have anybody letting me in but he's got it here and he's got it in other other believers around this nation and even around the world come on talk to me so i'm not saying that there shouldn't be petitions i'm not saying any of that i'm saying the main way you're going to stop the work of the devil is by the power of almighty god period i've always i believe that way all of these many years i've had people ask me to come and walk and pick it and all that and i said you know that's just pretty much my answer you know and i tell them well that's okay sorry there's power in numbers you'll get people's attention but doesn't necessarily mean it's going to change are you following me let the power of god shake a nation shake a shake a shaker superintendent of school let the power of god shake a principle in school teachers let there be revival in this nation there's a difference between revival and evangelism y'all know that revival you can't revive anything unless they once had it revival means you're bringing back to life something that was once there there was once a move of god in this nation or any standard for god and we're praying for revival petition is not going to bring that revival the power of god does that evangelism is when a person that doesn't know christ is converted or comes to christ you can't revive an unsaved person unsafe person's got to be born again right and so we need revival in our nation and then we need each and every one of us in the body of christ to be a soul win to be god's ambassador amen am i making sense we're talking about the the purpose of the body of christ the main purpose now in uh second corinthians 10 amplified bible please verses three through we're five about the main and really in my opinion the only way to stop the work of the devil amplified for for though we walk live in the flesh we're not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh now you see what the spirit of god says we're not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh using mere human weapons we're not doing that that's not how we're going to conduct warfare the spirit of god is saying through paul to the church of corinth that's not how you're going to fight he says this go on please for the weapons of our warfare are not physical weapons of flesh and blood but they are mighty before god for the overthrow and destruction of stronghold shout out about that somebody their money their money to where you can overthrow the strongholds and bring them down amen then the next verse reads in as much as we refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets us up up against the true knowledge of god and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of christ the messiah the anointed one so we don't we don't deal with earthly fleshy ways trying to stop the devil the devil's not interested in that he's the god of this world anyway right he's got he's got to have something coming at him in the spirit world he's got to have something coming at him from the kingdom of god's dear son he's got he's got to have something coming at him that he recognizes and he recognizes the blood and the name and the word and tongues come on talk to me amen and that's what we have to live in we live in that and and then isaiah 59 verse 19 it talks about you know it it talks about when the spirit of the lord or when the enemy comes against us as a like a flood right rises up like a flood then the spirit of the lord raises up a standard against him now it says when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord now please nobody watching and nobody in here take offense it doesn't say we start marching it doesn't say we start signing petitions even though that's important to governmental people isn't that right how many people believe what is that kind of thing but but it says the spirit of god has to come on the scene when the enemy comes in you don't need anything but the holy ghost to start giving you wisdom and insight and discernment and understanding and leading you on what to do and when to do it and how to do it and what to say and when to say it and how to say it now some people like to put the comma after the word in right when the enemy comes in comma like a flood the spirit of the lord raises up a standard against him either way the spirit of god coming in if we let him he doesn't he doesn't come where he's not invited he's a gentleman that's why the bible tells us don't grieve him and don't quench him isn't that right don't resist him i'm making sense today all right god's power doesn't diminish over time never he's still omnipotent he's still well labeled and he's still the god of heaven and earth what am i saying what you read about in the book of acts he's still ready to do it now he's got that same power it hasn't changed over the centuries or the millennial hasn't changed he's still got power he hasn't diminished in power it doesn't matter how much power he gives to each and every one of us he still retains his own power doesn't lose any of his own power he couldn't be god if he lost power just because he gave it to some of it to us are you hearing that a god doesn't lose power amen hebrews 1 verse 3 amplified bible malachi 3 6 says god changes not that's right now it says here god yeah he is the soul expression meaning jesus here's the soul expression of the glory of god the light being the out ring or radiance of the divine that's who jesus is he's the radiance of the divine he says that on earth he said if you see me you have seen the father the light being the out ring or radiance of the divine and he is the perfect imprint and very image of god's nature notice now upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by his mighty word of power now you say pastor what are you saying he did that in genesis chapter one that we have record of and guess what everything's still functioning out here he hasn't lost any of his power it's still going and let's listen with that being true why are you concerned about your well-being and he is your father and he is your god and he hasn't lost any of his power any of his ability he still knows how has the power to pay your bills listen when you don't have a job still able to heal your body and give you miracles in every area of your life he hasn't lost his power if he lost any of it then all things will start to be starting to come apart if they would start coming apart and all these things starves everything starts falling out of the sky every all the natural laws will begin to go into chaos but he hasn't lost any of his power i'm so glad he hasn't lost any of his power i'm so glad he hasn't lost any of it i don't have to worry about starting to float in the air somewhere he set those laws in motion buddy and they're still in motion now amen somebody and so therefore he has the power to use you he has the power to change you he has the power to change everything negative in your life if you'll look to him and turn to him and put your confidence in him amen he has the power to protect you amen you ought to go to sleep at night you know just with peace in your mind not concerned about being broken into or anything like that you got so many people now don't get me wrong what i'm about to say you got so many people you know getting their permit to carry you know because they're so concerned about what's going on in the world and what might happen in the world i have nothing against your carrying anything as long as you're carrying it legally but i'm just saying make sure your motive is right make sure it's not because of fear it's not because of of torment it's not because of anxiety it's not because of the devil messing with you because my god's got power to stop every murderer every feat right in his tracks when he steps on when he gets close to my property gotta open up his eyes and let him see that big old angel right there he hasn't lost any of his power what he did for me shaq shot wrecking the bet he can do for you what he did for daniel and the lion saying he can do for you what he did for for peter in the prison cell he can do for you come on talk to me give me praise for who he is my god i give you glory hallelujah you have not lost your power lord of god you're my god you are my god you are my father hallelujah amen get your you know learn how to shoot a gun and have no problems with that i'm redundant right now you just better know why you're doing it you know you can get your gun and somebody can be breaking in and you can't get to it fast enough amen but you got the blood of jesus you got the blood of jesus you got the angel you got the line drawn in the spirit the bible says don't be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing your mind let me tell you this i lock my doors at night because it's the right thing to do i don't lock my doors because i'm afraid you understand that's two different things some people got 16 i'm exaggerating 16 alarm systems all right enough say it now let's move on here we're about done in another half hour amen tell you what if i really expounded on what i have we will continue this for the next couple weeks we'll see how far we can go so god's power doesn't diminish over time now write this down god never intended for us to to depend on our own limited abilities or our natural resources you already know that i've referenced that a little earlier but you studied that out in the word of god he never intended for us to rely and depend on on our own limited abilities all of us have limited abilities all of us there's nobody here that's good at everything there's nobody here that knows everything nobody that's why the bible talks about the i can't say to the hand i don't need you we need each other i can't fix anything you know i'm not ashamed to say that i never wanted to learn how to fix anything when i was a little boy i had an uncle uncle tony seven sons and one daughter and he taught his sons how to paint and carpentry work and and and and change out stuff in the car transmission the engine all this stuff like that and i'll be spending the night over there robin don't you want to learn this no sir let me teach you how to do this oh that's okay uncle tony i never wanted to learn and i'm gonna tell you as a little boy i said these words when i say little boy anytime my little as a boy i said these words i will always have the money to pay for uh people to do that stuff for me i didn't even know the power of words was in your tongue i didn't we weren't taught that in the church as i was growing that depth and life is in the power of the tongue you can call things that be not as though they were that a man that snared by the word of his mouth i never learned that a man could eat good by the fruit of his lips but as a boy i said i'll always have money to pay for people to do that stuff for me i went to visit somebody uh minister jackson give me your hand i meant to visit somebody and it was an older lady and i shook her hand good to see man your hands so soft that's exactly what she said your hand's so strong you know what she was saying i didn't do any work any of my life i mean i read between the lines that's what she was saying you didn't do any work did you boy your hands so soft i'm like give me my hand i i don't do that stuff i don't i never wanted to never everybody's different isn't it aren't they everybody's different everybody i don't like driving beyond two or three hours some one guy told me i had to go preach somewhere across the country i'll drive you pastor what i'm not sitting in a car 15 hours oh i love to drive not me see everybody's different i can't say to the hand i don't need you right everybody's different but god never intended for us to depend on our own abilities is what i'm saying i don't know how to fix that stuff but i can call mike can i call you mike for my electrical work ain't that what you told me and you don't lie do you all right see there's people you can call on right hey man ain't that good to know that and i can't i don't depend on my own natural resources either god is my source god is my source i just did a malachi 3 this morning anybody else do a malachi 3 this morning therefore the winners of heaven are opened upon me god pours me out of blessing i don't have room enough to consider i don't have to go chase money i don't have to be concerned about that as much as ecclesiastes 11 or 12 10 11 right cast your bread upon the waters is that right clearly as he left as much as that is a a scripture of of uh a promise and expectancy now i got to say this the right way um i'll say it two different ways that scripture gives me confidence about my tomorrow because i said cast your breads of bread upon the waters and it's your return you'll find it after many days so that means my many days are secure but that's after many days i need it right now i need a right now provider and thank god he gives me my daily bread come on shout about that somebody thank god i can go out there and get manna enough for today thank god he's my shepherd and i shall not want so i don't have to chase money i just have to operate the kingdom and i don't have to be concerned about my own natural resources what my abilities are talents our skill sets are and what how i can make money are you hearing that all right uh let's see i'll i'll find a stomping place in just a moment uh write this down we're to be the representation of who jesus is we have the same holy spirit that he had so we're to be his representation because we have the same spirit that he had ii corinthians 5 20 talks about we are ambassadors for christ as god has you know beseeched us in cr in christ's stead however that words and and then and then in john 20 verse 21 the bible says and jesus said it as my father sent me so send i you and how was jesus sent he was sent with an anointing he was sent with authority he was sent with power he was sent knowing that heaven backed him up he says and as my father sent me i'm sending you heaven backs you up you go out there you don't have to be afraid heaven will back you up heaven will sustain you and keep you and give you wisdom etc etc all right so we'll stop right there okay and what are we sent for we're sent for so many witnesses purposes okay all right let's stand right b get anything out of this today hallelujah amen let's commit to the major purpose of the body of christ we're not supposed to be a blessing club even though you're supposed to get come in here and be blessed isn't that right but we need to commit to soul winning commit to leading people to christ and representing jesus wherever we go so let's let's do that let's uh lift our hands and only if you want to don't don't lift your hands and and say something and you're not serious but i'm saying let's commit ourselves if you want to to our major purpose and that's to be a soul winner and a witness that jesus is alive that's what the power is for but but let me say this too now you can put your hands down let me remind you what i said that there's no sense of doing this if we if you want to live or if we want to live contrary to the word of god i mean why commit to this and then and then our lives are so contrary to the kingdom but if you're ready to do this let's lift our hands to heaven if you're serious about it repeat this after me heavenly father in the name of the lord jesus i come boldly before the throne of grace i ask you to forgive me of my sins for every area of my life that has misrepresented you i desire to be free of those things i desire to walk away from every area of sin from everything that displeases you so i thank you for forgiving me and i thank you for freeing me i will to be free and by the spirit of god i will walk away from what displeases you i commit my life to you i consecrate my life to you for the major purpose of the body of christ and that is to be a soul winner to be a witness that you are alive and by the spirit of god let this be a reality may i take advantage of every opportunity to talk about you to lead somebody to jesus to lay hands on the sick to cast out devils that people might know that the unbeliever might know that the sinner might know that you love them that you care about them that you died on a cross for them so use me my father to be a soul winner and a witness to the resurrection i believe i receive a fresh feeling of the holy spirit you have not lost your power let the rivers flow let the power flow in the name of jesus i commit to being a soul winner in jesus name amen shout about it everybody hallelujah glory to god thank you lord thank you lord father if i said anything that you need to straighten out please straighten out by the spirit of god in the name of jesus as they feed on this word meditate on this word straighten out whatever needs to be straightened out because you know god what i was endeavoring by the spirit of god to convey and to communicate in deposits so thank you for doing just that in the name of jesus we give you glory for it amen and amen all right every head bow believers praying quietly under your breath and for those of you that have been watching my live stream thank you so very much for being a part of this message and letting the message resonate with you and if you've never given your life to the lord jesus christ i'm talking about in here and to our audience if you've never given your life to the lord jesus christ jesus died on a cross for that very reason he took your place he never sinned we were the sinner we deserved the punishment we deserve hell but he took our place he took your place hear me he took your place if you've never given your life to him then i'm asking you right now to pick up whatever you brought with you this morning and come on down to the front acknowledging your need for jesus acknowledging that the fact that in the reality that you cannot save yourself that heaven is a real place hell is a real place and you want to spend eternity with your father and not go to hell and those of you that are watching you call the number on the screen 704-525-8638 there's a prayer partner ready to a person that loves god ready to receive your phone call and talk with you about a personal relationship with jesus christ 704-525-8638 now secondly those are that are watching and right here in the auditorium if you need to rededicate your life to god come back home to jesus you're not in right standing with god your life is not right you just made a declaration hopefully of committing your life and for god to free you from things that displeases him and if you if you if you know that you need to take the step of rededication then i want you to pick up whatever you brought with you come on down to the front right now please so many times you know being doing something publicly it's it it many times seals something it does many times something more powerful and deep in the spirit world 6 3 8 if you 704-525-8638 to rededicate your life to the lord thirdly if you need to be filled with the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in a heavenly language and that's the will of god jesus said it in acts 1 8 the bible talks about it in john chapter 7 and all through the book of acts you see people being filled with the holy spirit and that initial evidence is praying in a heavenly language and so if there's anyone viewing through live streaming or hearing this auditorium and you are a christian and you've never been filled the holy spirit those of you that are watching 704-525-8638 is the number to call those of you in the auditorium please just pick up whatever you brought with you come on down to the front if you need to be filled with the holy spirit lastly if you're here today and viewing and you need a church home you believe this church is where god wants you to be i want you to pick up whatever you brought with you those of you in the auditorium come on down to the front if you believe this church is the will of god for you to become a part of those of you that are viewing the same number if you believe god wants you to become a part of victory christian center they'll talk to you about how to take our new members classes online all right 704-525-8600 i want to say thank you for being with us this this morning seven o'clock tonight mrs gould will be teaching a a solid outstanding word please join us tonight at seven o'clock live streaming again thank you again you
Channel: VCC Charlotte
Views: 2,877
Rating: 4.9175258 out of 5
Id: oAqRm8jjMQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 35sec (7655 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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