It's Good .. REALLY Good! ► TAVERN MASTER Ep 1 ► New Tycoon/Management Simulation Game 2021

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hey guys welcome to tavern master a game that i think is great i really do i'm going to say something i've never said in eight years of youtube i should go on uh wishlist this on steam there's the link in the video description i think you should go on wish uh wish list this keep an eye on it because at the state it's in now it's fabulous right i think by the time it gets released it's gonna be amazing it's gonna be released on the 16th of november um so yeah wish list it and keep an eye on it so you see what it looks like when it comes out and like how much it is and all that kind of stuff so here is our in right um it's it's going into the tutorial we don't want the tutorial skip the tutorial there we go thank you very much okay so we we start off with an in this is a path this is where people walk past our customers come through here or they would if there was a door so should we start off let's start off by actually completing our in uh this is what the tutorial takes you through so we're gonna start off we'll put a wall in there something seems like a reasonable thing to do have a wall uh and then we'll put in a door there you don't actually get the doors you only get the door frame whether that'll change who knows i have no idea and then now we'll throw in i think a couple of windows because they're free they don't cost anything windows um boom sub windows windows all there and there i think we won't have windows behind the bar and then we'll do a bit of a bit of texturing i think i think outside we'll probably leave it the way it is inside we want the place to look nice don't we of course we do so we'll put some put a bit of wallpaper i'm sure there's going to be tons more of this when the game's actually uh actually released at the moment the decorations are a little bit limited but you'll see you'll see um okay i'm that's not to say that there aren't lots there are i'm confusing you aren't i yeah yeah just keep just go with it it'll be fine i'm gonna put some nice flagstones i think down at this end where the bar is and we'll leave this as uh as just nice wooden floor because it's um because it's kind of nice right we have got 850 gold i'm going to say gold it's probably coppers but i'm going to say gold because i'm just used to saying gold in game so we've got 850 gold to spend um we're going to spend it what are we gonna spend it on i don't know um some stuff let's go into here so decorations i said the decorations limited there's al there is stuff in here right all kinds of banners and shields and curtains and all kinds of stuff paintings um and i'm sure there'll be lots more like lights there's all kinds of different styles of lights but there's only four different styles of lights i think there's going to be a lot more coming along and this is all kinds of special stuff in here right uh we are gonna get some tables and chairs going tables and chairs are not um inconsequential in terms of cost so a table and uh let's say so 70 is going to cost us 170 per table and seats so we'll throw one in there um let's see yeah i think we can probably afford to put in like four four tables and chairs let's throw them you know what i should have just you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna punch it together we'll we'll we'll try and min max what i love about this it doesn't matter whether you want to play it in a relaxed way and just like enjoy the decorating and just play in it or you want to do some min maxing because you can there's so much maxing that you can do uh let's move that over there um yeah you can play the game in lots of different ways i love it i'm seriously addicted to it seriously addicted to it uh yeah i've got the flooring in here okay fine um anything else that we want to do uh no now lighting you can see that where the lighting is uh it's very very clear we've got we've got a light over there and you can see we've got a light here and where the light casts now if i put the seating over here it would say oh it's too dark people won't sit here but it's it's fine the way it is at the moment so we'll go with that right that's um so that's that setup what are we gonna do next right we're going to hire some staff so we need a bartender so hire a bartender now this is where like some of the maxing comes in um so these are their stats and they're not all the same they're pretty similar right um so this guy for example and now the distribution of the stats is is different right but if you look up here this guy can carry three drinks right and he is he can carry a maximum four drinks whereas all the other guys can carry a maximum of three drinks hmm interesting and as they skill up you can allocate points into this so having that extra drink is actually quite a big deal this guy attracts um seven more customers per day i don't think that's worth getting because um there are ways to get attract more customers other than this this guy gains experience two times faster that's actually pretty darned good um this guy's mood decreases 20 slower each day um i think we might go with you because just because of the extra drink capacity um that's actually quite significant so we're going to hire you waitresses same deal um if you've got one there are waitresses who can carry eight drinks we've been unlucky here um i was really hoping we would get one that could carry eight drinks yeah these are all five max oh man uh now oh this is huge here this is kind of the next thing you look for um they get a tip of five gold for every food served that is significant uh you also get that so it's between you two um any other real benefits your speed is basically the same aren't you tips is um tips your tips is one your tips is currently zero not that really matters go on i think we'll take you i think we'll take you because we'll we'll get a tip straight away uh yeah go on you're hired seriously i could spend ages looking at the the different people and figuring out what the what the best person to take is i love that right research what are we going to research well there's only one thing we can research and that's the kitchen we need to serve uh 25 customers to so that we can get a kitchen and then we'll max the kitchen because that's good as well right um okay so um yeah we're we're we're ready to rock and roll so let's set it going here are our staff arriving this is the bar now behind the bar we've only got water at the moment now we do charge for water we don't give it away for free oh no this is special this is the i don't know island spring origin or something uh we'll have a beer barrel which we're going to buy we need 200 uh 200 gold to buy a beer barrel and then we need to fill it we actually haven't got enough money to refill it completely so um hmm yeah it's a bit of a problem yeah it's a little bit of an issue don't have enough money uh you know what if we get out here if you go in normally you get uh you get more options than that you get the option to top it up you know what we'll we'll leave it as is and we'll we'll come back to that yeah yeah i know i'm aware of that okay so uh so let's get going let's let's crank it up and we'll get through our through our first day here come here first our first customer is a nun and she's now you notice that the drink was two right and we got one tip now that's 50 more money from having a waitress who gets uh gets tipped wait till we get the food coming in because she's gonna get a five gold tip for every food she serves so she's gonna be an absolute gold mine right they're all drinking water at the moment because that's all they can drink now can we can we top this up uh you know what we can top it up now hooray good all right so everything is full now we can just uh serve people we can serve them water we can serve them ale and uh water's two gold and ale is four there we go you're drinking your own that cost you four but you look at you look at all those all those one gold tips that she's raking in it's huge and you can see even though he only walks like backwards and forwards here um when you've got multiple waitresses his speed of going backwards and forwards and stuff is kind of critical and having the extra drink that he can carry is um is gonna be massive because it's like if he can carry four drinks instead of three right he's 33 faster that's massive absolutely massive right so we are coming up where we're 12 a.m yep time to kick everybody out get out right at the end of the day the next day doesn't start now you'll see you think you'll be you'll probably you might be like oh i need to hit pause no no it just it just stays at the end of the day until you actually tell it so you've got time to reach the read this day summary as you can see um we we lost 859 gold this is the only thing i don't like about this game and it's something that i don't like about virtually every game that's out there in fact every game i can think of um and that is they don't show you operating costs separately from investments right i want to see what my operating profit was okay yeah i've invested a whole load of things in buying furniture and all the rest of it that shouldn't be like this is simple accounting that should not be included in my operating costs did i make a profit you know on the on the ale that i have and sold and anyway apart from that that's the only thing it's the only negative thing you're gonna hear because i love this i love it right so we um yeah we sold 41 drinks we got 41. look at that so the drinks we sold we made 110 we made 41 from the tips that's huge awesome title seats 16 average occupancy 75 excellent okay now we are not filling our seats we want more people to come in so how we gonna how are we gonna deal with that well uh the best way to do it is well well actually the only way to do really is to uh is to add decorations which will attract more people now at the moment the this this is where there still needs to be more balancing done the plant is by far the best adding one plant will increase my guests per day by 1.4 now that costs 75 gold if you look at anything else um like for example like adding a light um oh that only adds prestige we'll talk about prestige in a bit yeah if we look at like banners banners are 75 but they only increase the uh the the guests by 0.7 right they are 25 prestige these this is 25 percent yes and the plan is just the best thing so um i'm not going to go absolutely crazy with them in maxing but um i'm going to pop in oh i don't have enough cash to put that but that's increased by you know by a little bit as we get more cash and the cash will roll in very very quickly um we'll we'll start dealing with that now we um we've did this exclamation mark let me let me pause it for a second this exclamation mark means one of our people is leveled up and it's our waitress hooray brenner has leveled up right so we can choose do we want her to level up or not because uh leveling up means we have to pay them more well we do that gives us two points to spend so what do we want uh i want cash at the beginning so i'm going to increase her tips now i can increase her movement i can increase how many drinks she carries i'm gonna spend my two first two points on tips she now gets three gold for every drink that she serves and she also has this bonus of five gold for every food served that's just huge how big is it huge now look a nail four for the ale three for the three for the tip water two for two for the drink three for the tip so that's gonna uh that's gonna close the double that might double how much we make right the the bartender's leveled up as well uh what are we gonna do with you i think we'll level you up i'm gonna max you out on the drinks you can carry and then we'll crank you up um speed carrying i think yeah yeah let's do that cool all righty we're rattling along now each day at the beginning like either at the end of the day or the beginning of the day it's a good idea to go into the bar but you can do it anytime and just refill everything so we'll refill everything now because i forgot to do it at the beginning of the day right okay so the money is rattling in our research is almost done and when we can do a kitchen this is just so good right here we go right um congratulations on unlocking the kitchen here's 800 gold bonus so you have enough money to build it uh go to the kitchen shop buy a kitchen counter a shelf a crate hire a chef wait for customers to order food it's that simple right pause we'll go into the build menu now this is again uh min maxing about like how you design your kitchen where you put your kitchen it's awesome i love it i love it right what we're going to do that's not what i wanted i wanted to go into yeah no i am in build right so i want to put a wall i think we're going to have the door there so let's get rid of that we will have this now how am i going to do this i think what i'm going to do gonna have i got this is gonna be an odd shape because i was playing around with like what's the what's the best way to do this i think that's the way we're gonna do it we're gonna put some um which will texture me um i want i want the outside to be different from the inside so i think we'll go with maybe maybe we'll just put this in the kitchen area should we just put that yeah let's just put that in the kitchen area and uh and that one cool that's just slightly different okay floor textures in the kitchen we'll have these nice kitcheny tiles right having done that we'll go to the kitchen shop right so these are the three things you need in the kitchen so the the counter and you can see you see that the at the bottom you've got the little chef's hats insert in circles that's where the chef stands and then the the the waitress will be on the other side so we'll put that in there right now we want the chef to have to move as little as possible so i'm going to put the plate shelf immediately behind him and then the crate i'm also going to put essentially let's rotate it with them with the right mouse key put that there awesome so he should be able to stand there and he's only got to like take one step there and he's got the plates and one step there and he's got the ingredients and that's it beautiful right let's uh let's set up our menu woohoo so this is our menu and uh the objective is to um is to to rank it up uh get it up to five stars the the higher your star rating for your food the uh the better chance that you've got of getting better people that you need to unlock certain research so at the moment we're at an average of zero stars we need to we need to rank that up okay uh what about oh yes we're gonna need to hire a chef what are we going to get um they've got all kinds of bonuses and stuff you can prepare two soups at the same time you can receive oh you received two gold for every main course served uh you're the same oh now you know what the one that i was looking forward to was the guy who gets a bonus for the desserts because at the beginning it's mostly desserts oh that's a shame that's a shame skill for see again i'd like somebody who was um skilled on the desserts really ah well this isn't so good um you you get a bonus so you get um more skill for your main courses which will come in well coming useful later i think i think we're gonna go for fergus or isaac um oh man it's gonna be a while before we get lots of main courses but this is uh i think it's two skill on the soups i think yeah i think i think we're gonna go for fergus because he's good he's he's already got a lot of points in speed uh he's got already got one point in the desserts but he has got the extra couple on there so yeah go on we'll take you i love it i love it here comes our chef and that's where he stands right now what will happen is eventually somebody will order some food now i i can um i i've got a bit of money so i'm gonna spend a bit money oh now one thing i do need to do i need to go to this chest and i need to um order i would like like refill now to refill this it completely is going to cost 180 gold uh you know what let's just get it done boom there we go you do start off with a few ingredients um okay so research we need to assign the next research what are we gonna do well let's see we can add lemonade to uh to our list of drinks that we sell we can get an extra seven guests a day or we can get an extra waitress i am going to head straight for getting an extra waitress because we're going to start ramping the place up so the money at the moment we're we're not getting full occupancy so we want to bump up the guests per day so let's go into here let's go into decorations we'll get some more uh pot plants around the place um [Music] where else i might put uh that's that's all i can do at the moment but we're now we've gone up from like what was it 35 to like 40. so yeah that was that was worth doing go and we'll be adding more tables and we'll be building this out and adding more bars and all kinds of stuff and we can put in stairs and have multiple levels oh yeah and you can have people staying over there there's all kinds of stuff and one thing i love in this special events i'll tell you about that when we get there right we're up to 100 and 790 already michael it's flooding in i didn't do a refill i really need to get into the habit of doing this let's refill all the drinks here we go right we're done start the next day what do we uh what did we do yesterday well it's let's see this is the thing it says we lost 28 but we didn't we made loads of money um yeah but we spent it all on potted plants because apparently we're obsessed with potted plants let's do let's do a little bit more i'm gonna put one more in over there i'm not going to put any over this side now there are other things that we can do and i i i'm not going to get crazy about this so um we've got 98 we could we afford some curtains there is a coat hanger which is kind of sort of nice um give people a place to hang their cloaks or we could put some curtains in we've got 75 we just about do it just about doing it let's put some let's say we've got we've got white curtains we've got blue curtains we've got red curtains we've got purple curtains i think we'll go with we've got some blue curtains obviously obviously my favorite color right there we go let's rattle on oh we got we got monk out with a nun god there'll be gossip there'll be gossip in the village fourteen and eight whoa man money's gonna flood in and as the money floods in we will continue to improve the place so that we get more people coming in now you can see that like putting the curtains in it gives me plus point seven um whereas if i put in a plant it'd be um 0.14 it's like double so but yeah i'll stick with the curtains i'll stick with the curtains i suppose come on uh yeah go go go go go we're on max speed now you do have to pay you do have to pay your people uh each day salaries salaries are 28 at the moment and as they level up they want to be paid more money and what you have to do is to like kind of balance it to keep them keep them happy you can see we're shipping out the food and the way it works is she comes over she shouts out an order to him he gets it ready puts it up there and then she out all right come on brenna can i get this and then she takes it back to the clients and gets paid and we're getting really nice tips at the moment we're making good money awesome oh somebody's leveled up and it is brenna again wow okay yeah we'll level you up now this shows you whether she's happy or not and she's ecstatically happy with what she's been paid apparently um i think we've already maxed out her tips so i think at this point we'll max out how many drinks she can carry yeah let's have you carrying up to five drinks at a time yeah okay good go oh there's uh oh the chef is leveled up i wonder if if he's gonna make um salted chocolate balls god i hope so i know somebody's giggling in the background again all right what are we gonna do let's um let's level up your skill for desserts i think so we'll get some extra cash for the desserts because if you look at the menu right now cherry cake that's a dessert apple pie that's a dessert cream rolls i would think that's a dessert isn't it you'd think now fruit bowl i don't know don't know we'll see well we won't see i don't know i don't know whether it's a certain or not here we go 8 and 15. nice oh somebody else has leveled up oh oh we we've done the research we can get another waitress all right we want who oh look look she could carry seven drinks oh yeah oh yeah um and if you look at all the others all the others have got the same stats but that's seven drinks none of the others can match that so yeah we're hiring you definitely see he gets a he gets a bonus plus one gold per for every drink served um twice the experience is good i'm not gonna say it's not it is but the ability to carry eight drinks is huge so you're hired you're in madeleine madeline and brenner and then we've got edwy behind the bar and fergus in the kitchen what a crew absolute five star crew we've got uh let's go over to the bar let's refill everything make sure everything's um tip top right let's uh get into the yeah do you want to see what it was yeah so there's the day summary we actually made like officially a profit even though we did sell something like buy some more furniture or whatever so yeah but this is why i'd like to see the operating profit separate from the investments so that you can actually see it going up properly each day and tell if you're still making profits or if you if something's going wrong right we'll get you to the next day right research what are we going to research next we're going to research lemonade oh yes because we want to get we want to serve lemonade to people now what we're heading for in the research initially special events special events are brilliant you can um you can queue up special events and there's all kinds of special events oh now we've had our first item level up in the kitchen level it up and now our cream roll our cream rolls cost 18. i think they were were they 14 before could be oh we've had another one level up let's actually see which one it um so the cherry cake the cherry cake is 16. level it up costs 20 now and as you start leveling stuff up oh man the money just piles in uh we need to get more guests coming in so i think let's see what's out what's up what was it so currently we're running at about 70 percent um so i guess we should do we should do more decorations rather than what else what else can we put in decorations wise uh we could do some more curtains couldn't we yeah we can do more curtains let's do let's do three more lots of curtains but you can see the potted plants are just you can't beat the potted plants they're awesome um so apparently i am going to put in some more potty plants because they're just too good to ignore and we'll put in uh we're putting one there okay fine and yeah keep going bring in the cash oh look snow white's just turned up i think that certainly looks like snow white doesn't it wonder wonder what she's gonna have don't have the apple don't have the app now she's she's fine she's having the cherry pie or the cherry cake damn fine cherry cake okay we've got more stuff going on let's look at the menu oh our fruit bowl is leveled up it's going to go up from 10 to 14. good lord that must be damn good fruit uh and our bartender is leveled up hooray uh level you up and what are we gonna do we are gonna level up you know what i'm i think i'm gonna level up i might level up your drinks pouring a little bit there we go okay that's that done keep going we are we are close on the research and then we can add lemonade to the bar it's gonna be so good and the money's piling in so um oh and the research is done right right let's um let's start the research on plus seven guests per day but we're up to 52 now what's that doing to oh look average occupancy 100 now right as soon as as soon as you're getting up like to anywhere close to 100 you want to start adding in more tables and chairs so table let's get a table added in there and we'll have uh oh sitting and seating can we yeah i don't think i could have put another one in now this icon here this tells you there's no light near this so it's a good job i didn't put another another table in because we need to put some lighting in over here now i think we've got candles in at the moment and we're going to go with can i think i might stick with candles and we'll get posh later on so we'll just pop in a candle there and we're good to go awesome sauce uh not enough money to do anything else go back keep going some crates missing ingredients that'll be this i should have topped this up right yes look we're out of wheat and we're out fruit quick top it up now later on you have to get extra storage and stuff it doesn't stay this simple uh the research is done right now we can research special events this is the one once you get special events going money really starts to pour in right how do we do um yeah we did good pretty darn good actually it's not the next day but that's nothing compared to what we'll make when we start doing special events menu what's leveled up it's the bread goes up from 12 to 16. the apple pie goes up from 15 to 19. loving it and we've got 170 gold which means i can now go into here and we can get table simple table uh later on we can get all kinds of posh stuff look it's all gonna look so good uh states we'll stick with the we'll stick with the basic stuff for now we just want bums on seats sell more drinks go and there it is that's the research done whoa just in time for the end of the day okay so um day summary we did great loads of cash in the bank let's refill everything that's that done and we'll refill the crate as well boom okay so we still got almost 500 which is awesome let's go in here uh who's leveled up oh my goodness everybody virtually right we'll get you let's start working on your speed so let's um so this is your speed when you're not carrying and this is speed when you're carrying let's do one into each that's fine and oh now you we want to get your tips up um we'll get tips behave now yeah we'll do we'll get up to our max drinks and we'll do the uh the tips as well then fergus what do we want for fergus we're not doing soups at the moment so i think maybe for now we'll just get we'll get the desserts going yeah there we go awesome right research we have done special events oh special events is so good now when you get this tip go for the wine now why do you want to go for the wine i'll show you we now have this button right so we can go in here and we can schedule special events so we'll schedule something for sunday and look you can regular party wine tasting a work anniversary an executioner's meet-up which is one of my favorites a battle victory celebration pirate gathering viking theme party merlin the wizard invite merlin the wizard and 30 of his guests the prince visiting or the king and queen's feast and obviously for different events you need different levels of prestige you need to sell different things and you get all kinds of different guests and make loads of loads and loads of cash um you get a bonus of 200 gold just for doing this but we need lemonade to be able to show to the party we haven't got the lemonade yet no so we can't we can't schedule that just yet well you know what um we'll we'll start off the next day but we're going to leave it there now if you know what actually if i go into here you know what i could have got the lemonade going couldn't i refill it yeah i could have done it oh you know what that means it means i've got to wait i know i am no it's fine monday regular party it's scheduled we're going to have a party on on monday if you want to see the party see how it turns out we have to come back for the next episode won't you and oh yes there will be a next episode this is going to be a series guys i loved it leave me a comment tell me what you thought about it so far and i'll catch you for the next one peace out [Music] you
Channel: Skye Storme
Views: 166,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tavern master, tavern master gameplay, tavern master game, tavern master lets play, tavern master playthrough, tavern management game, tavern tycoon gameplay, simulation games 2021, new simulator games 2021, new management games 2021, new management games
Id: 9fWmpJBYFKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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