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welcome back guys for more going medieval and we have a raid coming in the biggest so far oh scary times um this episode is going to be all about undercrofts and zwingers oh yes it is back in medieval times it would not be unusual for um i really shouldn't do this um it really would not be unusual for a woman to get a guy to inspect her undercroft for damp [Music] because it's true it is true um because an undercroft is um it's a storage area in in medieval times it was an underground storage area it's also it's also used um sometimes as a crypt and known for a crypt underneath the church but the real meaning of uh of undercroft is um is underground stair storage area yeah so that that's your undercroft uh and you don't want to dampen your undercroft it's not it's not a good thing so yes um but in response she may say well yes yes you may inspect my undercroft but only only if i can have a look at your finger because a swinger a zinger doesn't have it doesn't have a direct english translation there isn't a word for this in english uh zwinger is a german word and it pertains to uh a castle defense system which is which consists of essentially a long a long open passage um between several gatehouses uh with high walls on either side and um all kinds of nasty defenses like traps and murder holes and yeah basically um yeah so for example if this um i'm going to turn this we're still going to have it essentially like this but i'm going to make this look a bit more like a zinger in fact i may actually develop it into a full blown swinger i may i may have a gatehouse like down at this kind of level um and what then what you would have like say say that we've got a gatehouse down here this is the entrance so the the guys would have to fight through this entrance and then they would come up to say another get so they would come then up here maybe have some ramps they'd come up here be walls on either side uh there'd be some way of getting to those walls from the inner inner keep um and then you'd have another gatehouse that they'd have to fight through and then another passageway a passage going up here i say passage i mean it's just it's just open uh but with walls on either side and then you might have a third or even a fourth gatehouse that they've got to fight through and all the time that they're getting through these gatehouses they're going to be under fire from uh from archers and murder holes and all kinds of stuff going on so there you go and it's um in german it's called zwinger yes so i think that's enough of under crosstalk and fingers for now we are going to be developing our undercroft we are going to be developing asvinga as vinger is going to be getting much bigger [Laughter] right should we um should we get this over with yeah oh and before before we do anything actually before these guys do well your picture perfect's coming back so yeah you know what let's just um let's get everybody over here i think um where where is everybody everybody's all over the place oh they're getting the tree farm done that's awesome right let's grab all of you lot and just come over here and we'll get you set up um what i wanted to do was marguerite you're not margarita anymore oh no get rid of that you're gonna be m yes m you're in the game and when i read this this is om uh so em from from sawn timber lintel frames to trampled cob for thick curved walls m could work them with a strong raw hands f was known to be rough and ready oh yeah just as quick to anger as to launch into boardy tales or rocket songs which she does on discord all the time yes you can't stop her she's always got some bawdy song that she's she wants to rattle along um following the following the plague bastard i am commanded the borrowing of the gates death to the pitiful whales and scrabbling outside she's merciless merciless this woman by shear for of will uh m wim m extinction at bay in only that day and became a legendary leader yeah the what i like about this character for m if you look at her stats my skills um she can cook she can put up her own shelves and put an extension on the house she's basically the perfect woman right um right let's get on and uh and defend this raid i guess right here they come lots of misfires but we're we're we're cutting them down oh here come oswald and godwin and colin he's a dachshund lots of trap misfires man we need to put more traps in we definitely need a lot more traps because most of them are just misfiring but yeah we get look at this it's just a slaughter at this point oh we've got to take down those arches come on guys you can do it wait how many arches are there is there three archers this bummeth bomethaneric oh victory might okay that was quick that was crazy quick uh the poligis settlers came in under attack in the year of our lord summer of 1352. all right yeah all of our people survived poor poor eric he's hobbling off i i'm really tempted to chase him down and kill him but now yeah let him go i'm gonna let him go i'm gonna be nice right right now we can get on with stuff so i suppose the first thing to do is uh uh allow all of this stuff out here there we go okay so where where are we going to start i'm going to start with the undercraft or am i going to start with with our zvinger okay we're going to start off with this finger and this is kind of what i'm throwing in as a as an initial design so let's crank this up so they can get on with it um so the idea is i'm going to mine these um these these corners back a little bit we'll probably at some point expand the moat uh a little bit more as well uh i may i may even like like over time take this like right back so that so we've got a proper height thing here going on yeah you know i seriously i'm i'm really thinking that at some point go away autosay um that i'm going to take this back and have like a proper a proper swinger coming from a gatehouse down here or all up through here this is going to be done like the main gate house okay so um access we're going to have these ramps or with these stairs going up the sides we've got wooden platforms we've got another one going up here there's a door into the tower we've got another stairway going up to the top i'll finish off the corner merlins when when this is actually built because it's a little bit difficult putting them on at the moment so yeah and then i'm going to have a mirror this over here on this side and then we'll eventually we'll um we'll seal this up we'll have a nice double door here and probably uh probably a little bit of a gatehouse kind of thing going on here and that'll be the entrance and then i'm thinking that we're gonna have kind of a curtain wall around the whole place and then we'll have the central keep and we'll have some outbuildings and we'll have some farm buildings and farms going on so yeah there's going to be there's going to be a lot going on uh let's let's speed up the construction i think so um corpse in fact pretty much it well i do want sky to working on the on the growing just because there's a hell of a lot to do yeah scott's going to carry on with that but bex will carry on with the cooking i guess susie's yes susie can join in a d now aidy has got his smithing up to 14 and i would like him to carry on with that but i don't think oh yeah he's got a little bit got a little bit of iron left but not very much we we really need to start an iron mine going and there's a there's a whole bunch of iron over here but i don't want them to have to go all the way outside through the maze all the way out here just to do a bit of mining so i think what i'll do is i'll set um i i don't know i'll build a wooden staircase just down here maybe fill in this little bit here so that we can get out and do that kind of stuff settlers are unconscious settlers are exhausted um this typically happens after you've just had a fight because they haven't had enough sleep but they'll be they're fine they'll be fine they'll get over it here we go it's all getting built now corpse is finishing the stairs right now we have access up here we've got access into the tower this is all turning blue excellent oh now it's all turning orange i don't know why but it'll be fine i think they just need to do that bit of wooden floor there and then all of this will turn turn blue again um i am going to move this into the center that which will put this wooden floor here so um do i want it now i'm going to let them get it done because the last thing i want is for a raid to happen while uh well we're halfway through building this and i can't defend it properly so yeah we'll just we'll let them we'll let them get on with it uh i do want these trees cut down so maybe now who was secondary to sky in terms of cutting plants it was susie okay you know what susie let's make you when when you regain consciousness she's been drinking again that's what it is so she's been on the sauce i think um now i could i could tell somebody to you know what m should i get you just like yeah go on m go go take susie to bed on i didn't stand the way i mean take her to her bedroom and put her to bed is what i meant right how are we getting on oh this is starting to take shape now i am i am styling this in the in the middle middle-aged period where it was common to have a mix of um of stone and wood you would typically have um like the lower part of the castle would be stone walls and then the upper part would be wooden and i think this i think this is starting to look alright yeah so let's say how do i want this middle part to be i want um let's get rid of these merlons here u u u and u we'll get rid of those and we'll extend i'm tempted to have this wooden this wooden floor three wide and then a merlin on either side is what i'm thinking okay progress is progress is good we've got all of this so that's that's going to be our platform where we can shoot down on the invaders while they're while they're coming through this part of the zinger so let's get let's get the towers finished off because they look they look really nice when they're finished off with the corner pieces so uh what do i want i want uh i want a corner merle on pop that in there and then rotate it that way and is that right no that's right there we go and finally that one goes come on there we go oh that's gonna look quite tidy quite tidy oh hello it's the new settler hooray whether it was the third coming seeking a poor sinner to make an example of or some of the zealots was unclear blah blah blah religion torture maybe the usual stuff right um what what do you like what do you like 15 botany oh likes being a marksman likes mining and has a passion for smithing made by all mills we're getting that name changed yeah you're in you're in boom there we go come on in maybe what kind of a name is that mobile i can't even think like that's such a weird name i can't even think of a joke to go with it uh let's put some merlons along here i suppose there we go put some what the hell why won't you go in not enough yeah okay fine you don't got enough resources but i should still be able to put you in okay what whatevs whatevs let's um let's get some more clay going then so we've there's a lot we've got loads of clay we just need to unforbid it i am kind of tempted to actually put um am i you know what am i gonna do that gotta say i'm very very tempted i might i might you know i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna i'm gonna tell them to get rid of that i'm gonna put a door in there and then we're gonna have uh let's say door window we'll put a door in there we'll put a wooden floor there and then we'll have a wooden floor all the way along there yeah i'm just i'm just wondering about this um no you know what no get rid of that get rid of that cancel that there we go and then i'm going to put some merlin this is just pure aesthetics pure aesthetics uh i want clay merlons or if i can find the right rotation that's the right rotation all along the front so okay up to there and up to there and we're going to put them on the sides i suppose so yeah we'll make it look we'll make it try and make it look fancy if we possibly can so we have that there we'll flip this around have that there then i want the corner merlons and you need to be rotated to there and it should be there there we go boom all right that is going to start looking like a bit of a castle i'm really liking this this is really good fun what do i want to do next what do i do i want to do the merlons up here so these are going to be wooden merlins so uh that way and rotate you once and then rotate you once i'm getting the hang of this now i'm getting i'm getting into the flow come on there we go across there then we get the corner melons where are we starting with so we start there come on there rotate once you need to go clockwise is the it's the trick and then it's just rotate once good i gotta find the right spot come on there we go and finally one more rotation okay pause because i've just noticed a major problem do you know what it is have you been screaming at the screen um i'd forgotten to put this in oh man which means that the enemies can walk in and completely bypass our defenses so um i'm gonna throw i'm gonna throw a wooden wall in uh temporarily to try and get them to do it i've set all the jobs to one uh for construction the problem is that everybody's asleep at the moment because it's midnight so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into the schedule uh let's see they're coming in six and a half hours so let's trim back and get them straight to work so let's see um we'll give them we'll give them a couple of hours so that they've had some sleep yeah and then and then it's just going to be work work come on zug zug everybody get to work uh i'm set up the schedules probably for these guys okay well let's do that now there we go awesome source oh man can we get it done because if we don't get it done then yeah we've we're gonna have some issues let's crank this up and see look at them sleeping away as if they hadn't got a care in the world well you've definitely got to care now i tell you what while we're waiting maybe let's have a look at mobile's um oh she's a despicable cotter i don't even know what a cotter is what is the cotter um with a with a field to plow and a cottage to live in mobile laboured hard she's mainly worried about death and taxes you know who this is you know this is amber amber she's a warrior he's amber he's always concerned about things that are going on and um when the world changed amber took to the hills on a rampage okay as it would have crumbled born to privilege born to privilege amber gathered a vile band of ruffians and killed and burned at will that sounds like amber where's my chocolate give me my chocolate now [Laughter] she was exhilarated by chaos amused by desecration and not to be underestimated i tell you what she's got some blooming good stats i think someone literally look where's this 15 um smithing a and she got passion morning martin's six yeah i missed a start uh yeah i mean she's certainly going to be um very useful and perks see she's ruthless amber is extremely candid and doesn't suffer film get falls gladly so where's my chocolate i want my chocolate now give it to me now no no excuses those who can't handle the unvarnished truth tend to stay clear uh chilly she always complains of drafts and chills i want my chocolate hot hot chocolate please deliver it now all right keep going you've got the hour of 15 minutes is anybody going to do this please do it otherwise the enemy could just walk straight in bypass all of our traps well two-thirds of our traps uh the zealots demanded that you relinquish amber immediately no we will not they were authorized to kill well we were authorized to kill you as well so get over it um oh now that's good that's good they're up on the hills over over here and our defenses are over there so it's going to take them a little while to get here is there any chance somebody's actually going to do this let's speed it up no they're going to go and work on the stupid murlons and all the defenses over here before doing this just just it's just staggering it really is please tell me no no they're gonna go over and build this stuff just come and do this it's like one little bit of wood it's not hard it's because this was this was the thing that i've put in last so they're gonna do everything else first oh well they're they're they're kind of i'm in an orange should we attack them i don't know they seem like nice people i mean they haven't hurt me personally yeah but amber's gone to live yeah well she's happy with them they've got chocolate oh oh oh uh picture no don't do that let's um let's start getting a bit of a bit of a defense going i think so picture just come over there is there any chance anybody's actually going to build that damn thing oh no no picture no oh for goodness sake oh they've built it oh fantastic apart from the fact the picture's gonna get killed ah okay picture come over there go she's already wounded come up keep going kick no don't stop keep going she's like she's limping she's wounded she's bleeding but with a bit of luck she's actually gonna make it better so now yeah get yourself up there right let's let's just get everyone as long as they've done that everything else is kind of fine um so uh let's get everybody organized oh i tell you what that needs to be oh dee that needs to be deconstructed oh that's a problem go ah i tell you like if i if i tell you that you can actually do stuff is there any chance that you would just deconstruct that no of course not what are you gonna do you're gonna go and do something stupid and get yourself killed aren't you well that's not happening um in which case oh god this got this this is very complicated uh you go stand over there fine and let's see adi you can go and defend this ramp so you can stand there there we go right so this lock what are you doing up there picture i'd want to die well don't come you're supposed to be there look she's limping she's bleeding i tell you what picture you should just go and convalesce because um yeah this is not good come you know what come down here can you can you come down here yeah good come down here now if i tell you to go on convalesce will you uh because your number one job is to convalesce will you you should oh is she going back to her court now she's gonna go and get some food probably well don't do that here they come it's the monkeys our traps are doing a fabulous job here yeah causing lots and lots of damage it's awesome um i tell you what sky move to there susie move to there and move to there let's have some concentrated fire when they come around the corner yeah i should get them to focus on the arches and i think they are you know they are they are well no except sky because he's an idiot but he's a dillard would you expect shoot him yes the archers are both dead awesome so now we can just focus on these guys and these guys are not all that well hendrick's fairly healthy but the rest not looking good now oh please please what are these lot doing um shadow priest come over to here amber you go over there skye yeah no skye go over there m and she had a priest he's already going over there susie go over oh i don't know go over there go now can you shoot these guys wait because this guy's going to go off and and pillage our camp corpse um are you quick i don't think he's particularly quick though i think he's 306 yeah 306. but yeah we'll try see if you can attack him go oh he's sprinting across he likes to fight he likes to fight corpses now run away okay i'll run away should i go back up the ramp yes go back up the ramp there we go oh here we go that's good i was good i was gonna chase his body he was like right i'm gonna get you oh hello no that's too many up there i'm on my own ah come on corpse you need to you need to you need to get this guy off well we've attracted his attention yeah attack this guy yeah he's off he's off to the camera what the what seriously what the hell is picture doing you're supposed to be convalescing okay well if you're not gonna convalesce you can help out with the fight so shoot him no you've got a bow why are you running over there go there there we go now shoot somebody okay corpse is um corpse is doing pretty good but he's about to get out gunned so let's bring you back over here seriously what is up with these guys why are they not fighting normally they're doing very strange things bex you come down here that fortune oh thank god right let's finish the i'm we're gonna punish these guys can't picture kill him yeah give him a good stabbing crucify them it's a doddle yes they're all dead thank god we made hard work of that all right so what do i want to do i want to select everybody and tell them right you you can have a bit bit of time off now after the battle um yeah i'm going to where are we 17. i'm going to trim i'm going to trim the day back a little bit there we go you can all go do whatever you want you have some leisure time you've got a bed what whatever you want to do um so i took off i took off two hours of sleep didn't i uh yeah they get one yeah they get six hours a night which is plenty far too much frankly for this bunch of slackers there we go so sleep then they can have a couple of hours of anything in the morning so they can go and get some food and pray and you know all that kind of stuff um and then yeah today today the rest day um i should um i should allow all of this loot that we've got um because there are a couple of bows in there so amber can go and get herself a bow which would be awesome what was your what was your marksman again six yeah that'll be fine that'll be fine okay so with that kinda sorted out uh i'm probably gonna leave that as it is for now and we're going to pay a little bit more attention to the undercroft oh yes go away also safe let's go let's go down here because we desperately desperately need more space so how are we going to do this we are going we're not going to do it with that idiot we're going to come over here we're going to get mining that's what we want so we're gonna have a corridor that goes down here and then we're gonna have rooms off that corridor so we want this to be five wide so that could be like that then we're gonna have another room here which is going to be 5 by 10 and we're going to have another room here which is going to be 5 by 10 like that now i am not going to put the the doors will actually go there in the middle but i'm not going to put those in at the moment because i don't want to give them too much work to do because they have still got to go and finish this hooray they're they are getting on with it it's almost it's almost done they've just they've just got to kind of finish off a few merlons a few decorative murlons uh finish off this tower up here i've got to put uh i've got to put a door on there haven't i got to put a door on there i've already got that door done oh no we've got that door done awesome wow impressive so yeah it's almost complete i'm i've got to say i'm very i'm very pleased with how quickly they got all that done um am i going to rip you know what i'm going to i'm going to tell them to knock that down and i'm going to replace it with a clay one because because it looks it looks weird autumn is here autumn blustered in with chris mornings and cooler days it was the season to prepare for winter taylor warm clothing and stocking up on food and supplies of course it is uh but not for us because um we're trying to get this finished so where we got to uh well i can now say that um our proud banners now fly over our castle which is awesome um and i've figured out what the uh what the banner is by the way picture have you yeah the vane family were famous for their parsnip crops oh is that what it is yeah yeah it's um it's the yes they grew tubers that's what they specialized in and so as you can see we have the um we have the parsnip rampant which yes it is no i don't care what you say it's a bloody parsnip right this is the vain family that's their that's their sigil the parsnip rampant downstairs i did spot the the what i did wrong down here um i marked it out to be dug out at this level rather than this level right so i've they dug i think this one and these ones out so i filled them in with um with clay floors so yeah yeah you can see that yeah i've i've just filled them in it's fine and we'll cover it up some wooden floors and pretend that it never happened you won't you'll be in the comments now okay that's right i'd like to tell you that you've grown up um i've lost here it is here it is right so the well the good news is that we can actually start creating some more space down here which my god we need desperately so let's get a wooden floor going across there we will have some more uh weapon racks going on won't we yeah yeah and we'll extend so we'll extend come here we'll extend this uh expand the zone so let's expand it the whole thing that's fine and then on that side we'll have i think i might have weapons weapon racks down the middle but i don't know i want to kind of see what it looks like um maybe so for now for now we'll just have weapon racks on this side so wait weapon racks spin you around which way which way it's the other way it's that way right so we'll just have weapon racks going down there like that we need more we need more clay to get this finished but i'm i'm pretty pleased with how that is looking we're digging out the moat it's all coming together guys if you're enjoying it maybe hit the like button uh if you've got something to say leave me a comment tell me what you think tell me what an idiot i am like you always do and i will catch you for the next one thanks for being here peace out [Music] you
Channel: Skye Storme
Views: 17,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: going medieval, going medieval gameplay, going medieval ep 1, games like rimworld, going medieval lets play, new strategy games 2021, new strategy games, new colony management games, new building games 2021, new building games, new building games pc
Id: mSo-1aSdi_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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