Making SO MUCH MONEY With Plants?! Tavern Master [E2] | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] oh what's going on everybody's here welcome back to the thirsty slug last episode we uh we checked this out we uh we checked out tavern master i gotta say i'm having a blast with it so i wanna i wanna do a couple more episodes on i wanna get a big huge tavern going i wanna make some money wanna do some things and stuff uh but yeah thank you so much for coming out hope you guys enjoy if you do like subscribe all the fun things if you believe i earned it and also i will link down below to the game if you want to check it out so last episode we unlocked some things we have actually a lot of things to uh to build now i was looking at this area right here and you know what i'm thinking i'm thinking that actually i don't know do we want a patio area i don't know if we want a patio area i want to do some rebuilding here uh because we have a lot of kitchen things we have a lot of kitchen things that we need to get thrown in here so i want to get those in here so we need to actually probably move the kitchen or expand out and i don't know that a patio area is super gonna help help us i mean it might um yeah we're gonna move some things around we're gonna do some stuff we're gonna start off with building and uh yeah doing all that fun stuff so let's get into a build mode here let's get into build um i was thinking that we might need these walls if we're gonna have a patio an outside area because it has the structure on the top so i'm thinking we could throw a floor out there so let's actually start with deleting these and then let's throw these on here like that and then what i want to do is i want to basically um i want to delete this whole wall here and i kind of want to redo some stuff i want to move some stuff around so we're going to put a regular wall back in all of this why did i just do that i have no idea because that just cost me so much more uh we did that now i want to go into here and then i want to move some stuff around so let's see here um the kitchen is probably going to be over here so let's get that there um we also need so that was good there that is good there let's go i feel like that's so cramped you know let's move this out by one let's give them some space to do stuff okay so we have a chopping table that we need to get in here as well uh we need a basin a spice shelf oh a spice shelf that could probably go right there let's just put that in a cauldron hmm so the problem here this is the problem here is i want to have a door probably right in here so let's see let's go into build mode here let's get a door and you know what actually let's do this let's move let's move this stuff again okay so that's all of the kitchen upgrades and i think we're gonna have it like that so we have our kitchen essentially over here um you know i kind of want some like interior walls do we have like any good is this like a good interior wall um see that would be kind of cool but the only problem is we have to have it we would kind of have to have everything fit within one area you know what i mean i don't know if i like that or not what does this look like i wish like i could build stuff without taking my money right now you know what let's do this let's do this hold on let's undo this let's undo that let's make a kitchen area so people have to go in right there so if we through so if we throw this here that would be like our kitchen access okay all right all right hold on so let's back out of here let's go in here let's move some stuff around again um let's do this let's do that so then boom they're like hey kitchen right here you know what i mean they walk into the kitchen right there and then we could put other things so let's have this right here because they always access that like immediately and then let's see we gotta we gotta keep in mind that if we want everything to fit i'm thinking maybe this area right here is all gonna have to be kitchen stuff so maybe that there may be that there that there um and then we could do we could probably do a half wall or like something like this to make it look a little bit fancier you know like the kitchen's back there oh i like that that's actually kind of cool um so there's that and then we should have room for additional stuff if needed oh that's pretty cool i actually really like that i love it actually okay so there's that and then let's go ahead and let's move some of this stuff here so i don't think we're going to want i imagine we kind of want to walk away in here so let's move our table here uh can we get another table in here maybe like that kind of like around the bards if you will actually i feel like the barge should be in the corner okay so i moved everything a little bit here i move these tables closer together because i don't think we need i don't think we need two spaces in between them so tables are a lot closer together uh the bard is right over here and as you can see we open up quite a bit of area i really like this right here this looks super cool um adventure stable over here i think we'll probably throw another adventurous table over here you know how like a little adventurer's area we could probably throw another table in right here maybe something else uh we could also do we also have small table strong tables long tables heavy like we have different types of tables as well so we can get those going um i like what we got going on here i don't have any more money though we are flat broke so we should be good let's go and get that going and let's start the next day uh we're in negative 257. oh my gosh all right let's get people in here we gotta start making some money i like this thing this thing is super cool our little kitchen area i mean it's a little bit bigger than i kind of ideally wanted but i i mean maybe we'll be okay i don't know because we might actually have to throw other stuff in here too so um oh is our menu any different now oh yeah see since we added all of the other stuff we have all kind of mini things now uh let's look at our events here so events typically want the specialty foods so i'm a little hesitant to actually have the specialty foods on the menu like broccoli [Music] of course that's going to help us a lot and if we get another adventures table in here you know what if we plan for a uh we'll just we'll just figure it out if we plan for an event we'll make sure we have the stuff that we need and i want to throw some tables out here and we also need to get our prestige up too because we are average occupancy right now is only 50 so we're not oh it looks like we're getting filled up and our wine is about done come on wine yes all right so now let's go ahead and let's start research on 14 plus guests per day because that doesn't require any uh any rare people and then oh my gosh uh small hotel furniture oh hotel stuff oh that's gonna be super cool what are these light bulbs you get research points by hiring researchers and the staff and you oh researchers okay cool all right uh so hopefully we get the 14 guests per day and then i think we're gonna work on increasing our prestige to get more people here all right our day is over let's see own six decoration surveilling desserts for the whole day prepare bread 17 times serve only main courses for the whole day okay so let's do we can do the decorations no problem obviously decorations probably something we probably need anyways let's go ahead and let's throw a uh let's do a barrel of weapons next to our night area uh barrel scrolls that could be kind of neat maybe like right there and then maybe like a plant or two in here somewhere like maybe stuff one there and there and there that's kind of neat okay and then money-wise we're at 526 now we could instead let me see what was our average occupancy 93.8 so we could actually upgrade our tables to say like a strong table that gives us even that gives us more um prestige that would take us from 20 to 50 per table however they're 300 of pops so you know what let's actually stick with let's stick with simple tables for now and let's just try to get this place loaded i don't really want a table there i don't really want a table here because this is the night area i wonder if i put these against the wall do i have to have the space for them to walk to it you know i don't know go ahead and get seats on this table and then we could also start throwing tables out here and it looks like we could probably put one we could probably put two rows of tables out here all right let's throw one table there seat seat and let's get some lighting out here um let's throw it right oh is that gonna be in the way we'll throw that there okay so we have a new we have a new table outside we have an outside table oh exciting exciting okay let's go start the next day uh start next day oh actually shoot no i should have turned that in before the day darn it oh well it is what it is all right negative 182. yeah i forget that my salaries are paid at the end of the day i need to make sure i have money for them i really should do the upgrades after we start the new day oh we also never bought the wine barrel oh heck yeah let's get some wine in here that'll make us a little bit more money too okay i completely forgot about that research is almost 100 complete and that's goes plus 14 guests per day heck yes okay so now uh unlimited waitresses i think that's gonna be our next thing milk cider and mead holy moly that's a whole bunch of stuff um is there anything else i can select right now you know i'm gonna start this one so we can maybe get the common one done and then we can hit stop and hopefully that doesn't reset it but we're gonna start research on that one and hope for the best okay we didn't make very much money that day because we spent a lot so we're gonna have to basically let the next day do its thing oh broccoli is a vegetable we can buy never mind i was thinking broccoli was like one of the special ones oh dear okay let's go ahead and prepare for a let's see what kind of uh we could do wine tasting we could also do work anniversary we cannot do the executioner's meetup that's so funny executioner's made up uh because we don't have any of that so let's prepare for these so let's do we need 10 cheese and 20 strawberries what do we have currently we have 30 cheese and 42 strawberries okay so let's go and do some more strawberry missions here and then let's see let's go ahead and grab this guy so if i stop this and i start that we need 30. so let's go ahead and get an event that's going to have 30 guess so wine tasting would probably be perfect we'll get that going and then can we plan for the adventures meet up already too let's go ahead and plan for or the work anniversary i'm going plan for that you need to unlock a new recipe strawberry cake oh so they want strawberry cake interesting and we need that strawberry cake right there i literally need one more all right all right making money that's what i like to see oh i can't even store any more uh game store anymore stuff should we grab another cray all the guests for this event have been served you've received 300 gold as a reward wonderful let's grab another uh let's grab another crate throw that there i like to be able to have more than what i need you know what i mean there's a new recipe that we needed i think that was it so now we can actually go ahead and we can plan this guy work anniversary heck yes and then as these people leave we will get unlimited waitresses unlocked and then we'll go ahead and probably do we'll probably do unlimited chefs next because that requires 50 as well it's kind of like a gateway to getting these but then we also need gosh we need gold stuff too to get a new floor it's so funny every table is drinking wine because that's all they're drinking this time so all the tables are like full of golden chalices look at them chug chug chug chug ah elise did you just have five glasses of wine and that's not that much i guess all right our research we got unlimited waitresses now so let's start the research for the unlimited chefs because our next events that's what we're gonna unlock uh we made money that's good do we get this serve only main courses for the whole day heck yes and we can hire another waitress we can get some upgrades going do we need another waitress let's get another waitress in here so let's see holy moly she can carry eight drinks what can carry eight drinks at the same time gains experience twice as fast carries five attracts seven more customers every day you know what i think the seven more customers every day is really nice yeah let's get that oh we could hire another one uh i like the eight drinks let's hire you two okay all right um start the next day and should we get more tables i don't think we need more tables yet do we we haven't had an issue with people waiting yet so oh it looks like we are actually getting close to our capacity 97.5 percent um it might actually be wise us to build some more tables you know what let's start getting some better tables in here and then should we do better seats too there we go okay so there's one more table and i think from now on we'll add tables actually what i should do is i should put the nice tables in here and move the other tables outside we'll do that when everybody leaves oh what is this somebody breaking in oh i just stole one of my kegs a thief just stole a keg looks like a thief just stole one of your barrels make sure to hire a guard so it doesn't happen again what oh my gosh which barrel you stole my you saw my wine barrel didn't you oh my gosh oh wow okay so now we need a guard bert gail johnny or reeves uh sword let's get you you have like you're fully equipped i can't even believe that um okay so now i was actually looking at this i'm not gonna lie we could upgrade our tables to strong tables they still hold the same amount of people however it's 300 and it only adds basically an additional 30 whereas if i just add a bunch of plants two plants is 50 additional prestige and it's only 150 and it increases 1.4 people per day so it's 2.8 for the same price as this so like we need plants like everywhere and just like that look at that our prestige has gone up wait look at look at all our plants look how amazing it is we have so much prestige now 197 guests per day plants are way better that's like the way better option here oh my gosh uh let's complete these complete these uh yeah that was way way better and i bet you we're gonna get more people now per day and i bet you our capacity is going to go up too so now we can get more cheap tables i feel like that's the way to go i mean i guess we can only have so many plants that aren't going to be in the way so our average occupancy is a hundred percent now [Laughter] the plants the plants are the winners oh my gosh that's amazing start the next day oh is today the uh oh yeah today's the day today is the day of the event oh so much prestige do you enjoy the plants please stop take a look at your your luxurious planted fern it is very nice you will love it i promise you will love it [Laughter] it's wonderful we're gonna plan another work anniversary because why not we need 50 guests anyways to get more stuff uh has already been scheduled for the same for some and then ah we can't do that one okay so i guess we're gonna have to do i guess we do mushrooms you need to unlock oh we have to unlock mushroom soup okay let's just do wine then it seems like a good time to go ahead and add some more tables oh we probably should add lights first okay we added more tables to the outside area uh we're we're trying to get our our average occupancy down a little bit here because we got so many people we got so many wonderful plants all guests for this event has been served you've received 400 yay wonderful and a good another day uh average occupancy 100 because we had a party i think uh we're making money that's good so we've got a bunch more tables i think we need more plants though we really need to increase the prestige here um oh hey look at that finish research knock those out wonderful wonderful i think we need this for our next party type so let's start the next day make sure we pay everybody first and let's increase let's increase our prestige again oh actually you know what we need some lights all right and with more plants we got plants there we've got plants here we got a row of plants right when you walk in the door so you can see just how prestigious this place actually is uh we got plants outdoors because when you're outside you need to be surrounded by more plants uh procedures 34-15 261 guests per day let's see if we can max this place out shall we uh we can obviously hire more people now as well let's go ahead and grab our mushrooms and it looks like basically we're going to be doing strawberry and cheese for a while so let's go ahead and send some people out on these oh we don't have enough money yet you need some more money first let's go ahead and schedule our next event too so we've got uh the wine event so we need to make sure we have cheese for that let's go ahead and do another work anniversary event so we need to make sure we have strawberries how is our capacity now 98.5 oh i love it i love it uh how long is it taking stuff to get done prepare food 87.4 seconds holy moly let's get another chef in here um speed wow you're fast attract seven more customers per day gains two bonus for just oh more money or more customers more customers equals more money let's get more customers here is everybody still happy frederick you're not happy anymore he's like i can't serve this many people are you 100 happy now and get up there there we go some barrels in the bar empty on floor one oh no fix that we have so many people the plants the plants are amazing i need another floor we're getting everything done here it's amazing uh we need to get this done we need to get the new floor but we have to have gold people for that oh another bar would be nice too so it looks like our average occupancy for today was a hundred percent as well no anchor customers that's good level up any employee uh we really need to get the second floor here so we need to figure out what we need in order to get gold people in here we also need to get uh this guy finished up probably another bar because i think our our drink serving ratio is getting a little high uh but gold people what do we need for gold i can't even look right now okay so we have to wait start the next day i think we need more tables in here um i think we're gonna go ahead and just put them right in here oh the problem is though our plants might be a little bit in the way right there unless we bring em what if we rotate it yeah honestly we need more tables like i i honestly like i could get one table in here i feel like it's kind of a waste what about a long table all right we threw a long table in here we'll see how this works see if people can get to it i'm curious if people can get to this side right here i don't think they can oh no they can oh they totally can get to it right there they just walk around the plants wait a second if they can get right here does that mean that we can move all these closer together so tomorrow we're gonna do a test because these guys can get in and out right here on the edges of these even though it's like this little area right here like this it's like accounts for area to get in and out of here now does it count for area to get in between so if i have another bench here another bench here can they like get in oh we got a test we gotta test this hey look at that milk cider mead is done uh but we wanna start research on actually we'll actually start research on this and then what does that mean for this bar milk cider meat 1500 oh my gosh okay we refilled them a little bit because i don't actually have enough money for all those look at our bar our bar is becoming amazing i am curious about this whole spacing thing though because we could be losing so much room right now our average occupancy was only 39.5 because that was the that was an event though okay we're gonna try this here let's go and start the next day so we pay everybody first now let's move some tables around and then we're gonna do a test here with this one we're gonna see if people can still get in here because if they can get in here still oh things are about to change you see how many more people we could get in here if this works this could be huge so if people can still fit in here actually we probably should leave a space hold on we should probably leave a space so the waitresses can actually walk down these fast enough to uh yeah that probably would make a little bit more sense yep people can sit in here no problemo now can they fit in this spot right here curious about this spot because there's a plant right here oh they totally just walked around this way okay so like this plant is fine here oh my gosh we can fit so many more people so many more people and so many more plants all right so our day 98.7 occupancy 76 seats i think we can do better i think we can do much better oh we got a thief ha ha that's right get scared okay before anybody sits down i think we can do better here uh oh hey look at that defend against thief once nice oh there's our new recipe so we can do the new thing all right so we're gonna have another test here uh these guys are all mad because i moved tables around when they're coming in but they'll be fine i'm curious to see if everybody's gonna be able to walk right through here yes they can okay so plants actually do not prevent them from walking do the waitresses walk over there because if they do we can fill plants everywhere oh they do okay we know what we're doing now we know what we're doing uh we're gonna let this day play out we need to get some more money uh accumulated here but as you can see we have a lot more space now i would say we made a good amount of money that day we're gonna go ahead let's get these done we're gonna go to the new day then we're gonna add some plants we had we need some seeds and we need some plants we need more plants our prestige is not high enough um it's got it's got to happen start the next day let's do this all right pause we're not gonna touch that because i needed my adventures uh serve 50 rare customers by organizing an event oh super easy okay so all of our tables currently have seats however we're not going to be maxing out anymore because we have a lot more seats so we need a few plants to really spice this place up a little bit you know all right so there's our first row of plants we're gonna go ahead and add more rows here here basically everywhere total occupancy average occupancy 94.4 percent with all of our new tables i don't know if we actually need any more plants or not but we're gonna add more because it's all about the prestige and you know if we don't have a line out the door we're not doing it right i think it's time for some more some more plants so we're at 445 and 348 people per day so now we're at 4845 and 385 people per day even better oh somebody left why uh customer waited on floor too long ordered beer waited bartender frederick started pouring drinking floor one bartender put the drink at the bar took drink to the delivery custer waited over 190 seconds for the drink oh uh where's our waitresses i think we're gonna need some more waitresses here i mean we got the drinks on the bar we can't have people leaving that's money out of our pockets that is not good oh we can't hire anymore because there's not a place for them to go one two five oh oh we need our new bar or we need to we need to actually start we need to start prioritizing people on what they're good at or we could increase our bards yes wait 20 seconds more on this floor yes wait 30 seconds more on this far you know what let's go with 100 feet let's do a three-person band and we'll see how many people actually end up leaving today oh there's quite a few oh there's a lot of people leaving they're not happy whoa there's like so many people leaving i think i broke something i had to have broken something okay nobody's getting the drinks okay you know what maybe the plants i think the plants might have been a bad idea actually i don't even know where is our where's our waitresses at it's almost like they oh okay i don't think these plants are i think these plants are causing issues here because they're not taking any of the drinks off the bar oh yeah okay plants broke it okay i moved the plants off of these ways right here because i think i think the waitresses have to be able to get to the tables a little bit quicker and i think the plants are stopping it so let's hope for the best and go from there uh these drinks need to get taken off these tables yeah i think plants broke it which is so weird because like they're walking right here with these plants and not causing issues i don't know what the deal is see now people are getting served like no problem all right we're gonna let this run i'm gonna i want this to run another day i want to make sure it wasn't it was it was the plants actually because uh if it's not the plants and maybe we actually need to start prioritizing our waitresses according to what they're good at then we can put the plants back and make more money oh we also have a three-person bard now too or a three-person band so people will wait longer so i think it i think it was a little bit i don't know if it's a little bit of both but i think we actually need to prioritize the waitresses because i don't think it's actually the plants i think the plants are fine so what i need to do is i do need to go through and we need to prioritize people for what they're good at because that makes sense i mean you have people that bust the tables you have people that usually deliver your drinks you have people that bring the food all the fun stuff so let's make that happen okay so we re-prioritized everybody um i have one person kind of like kind of in the middle more on so more so on cleaning uh and then a little bit less on drinks of food because they don't have like anything particularly better for food or drinks uh you get a tip for every drink serve so obviously you are a drinks person so we maxed out maximum drinks and i try to equally distribute the carrying and not carrying speed and the tips because we got to make money like let's be real here this person gets five tip for every food served and we increase the tip amount so obviously i don't want you carrying drinks i want you delivering faster and so on and so forth so we're gonna see if this uh helps anything because i can see the bar is now getting a little it's it's staying less full because that was the problem before this bar was completely full uh but now we actually have uh see like the bars full right now we do have people grabbing their drinks okay ah people are leaving all right what's the deal ordered water yeah it's they're taking too long to get to the water i i own i need i need the next bar oh we have another bar oh my gosh okay we're gonna deal with the bar in the next day we're gonna let this run so i can see that we have two waitress spots here and three waitress spots here that's why we can have five so if we do build another bar we can have three more waitresses which is perfect for what we're doing right now because we're pulling so many people in but that is gonna be in the next episode because that's gonna end this one thank you so much for coming out hopefully you enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like if you're new here maybe consider subscribing if you believe i earned it um and yeah we're gonna get rock and roll in the next episode oh i'm so excited we're making we're making bank we're making bank we have a lot of guests um the plants the plants are doing the things oh i love it so uh yes again this is tavern master hopefully you're enjoying if you want to check it out yourself i've linked down below anyways have a one for us today i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 14,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tavern master, tavern master gameplay, z1 gaming, tavern sim, lets play, tavern master game, tavern game
Id: lR2F8oNnt38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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