Gordon Has A MASSIVE Meltdown At Fiesta Sunrise | Kitchen Nightmares

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west nyack new york 30 miles outside of new york city an eclectic town that lies west of the hudson river west nyack is home to vic and yolanda flores who previously owned another mexican restaurant that failed they wanted to try again but didn't have the money so they asked yolanda's daughter patty to use her credit and savings i'm 100 owner on paper but my stepfather vic controls everything all right she listened to me he didn't listen to my daughter he does whatever he wants to do we have to discuss the problems because the problem go on and on i thought this was a big opportunity but from day one it turned out to be a disaster it's so tough i can't chill initially we were busy and then after a while it just the numbers started dwindling is it normally this quiet so i said maybe we should make some changes and he said everything's fine i've been thinking of changing the menu but my husband say people like it for how many people we spend so much time just looking out the window staring at each other it's how many tables are there i don't think you know figuring what can we do to bring people in it's like the blind leading the blind he always thinks that he's right he'll decorate the way he wants to it looks like tijuana threw up in here he has a stuffed chili pepper that he moves around named manuel the most bothers me is that my daughter has ruined her credit i have to go cover a bounce checker of something she has problem in her marriage i i just feel very guilty that i put body in a disposition i never thought it was going to be this bad well i realized it was bad we can't pay our bills i resent my mother um i think she put her husband before me and it's hurtful [Music] i'm just hoping to god that jeff ramsey will help us and um that big will listen to him otherwise our personal lives are going to be changed drastically right there's the sign but grill 303 what the [ __ ] is that maybe i'm too late grill fiesta sunrise oh dear right there how are you very well indeed thank you grill 303 or another yes that's all right okay good yes all right nice to see you nice to meet you i thought it was too late i thought it was the new restaurant already oh well we don't change the the little logo on the front you haven't changed the logo on the front no and it's been like that for how long oh year and a half a year and a half yeah okay right jesus what's that this is a new uh favorites of margarita we have in here so it's complimentary i've been planning to exactly wow yeah so you don't have to buy for drinks you just come up here and well you know when the people they're coming in we try to be you know give us something to appetize her to start it's too strong tequila right let's put some warmth on my balls okay yeah sit down please excellent so that's free right wow look at the size of this place so how many seats have you got there 120 120 120 yes wow how many is booked for lunch two tables okay what would you recommend the combination number one number one come on one tackle you have one taco one burrito and one enchilada okay yeah i'll try one of the fajitas as well okay i'm hoping that chef ramsay kicks wick is back who is that looks like i've got a sticker on my menu just trying to peel it off and it's bugging me [Music] they aren't a mexican cookie what is under there the name of the what name is that it was uh my another restaurant that i used to have fiesta garbane fiesta garibaldi yes so you brought the old menus from the old restaurant into the new restaurant and stuck some sellotape on the attack yes and is that restaurant still open no we're closed and you called it fiesta sunrise as opposed to fiesta garibaldi yes i'm really confused same chef center same ingredients same ingredients you brought the ingredients from the old restaurant into this recipe well you know different we buy in french but before the same fresh means yes [Music] this is your combination okay it's very hard be careful this is the burrito here it's hard to see that looks like someone's been sick on my plate chicken's so dry it tastes like it's been cooked weeks ago the beef excuse me it's impossible to swallow i can see he didn't like it wow how old is the rice it looks like it's left over from christmas uh yesterday yesterday how did you know that i checked in the kitchen check again for me [Music] it looks older than [ __ ] me [Music] absolutely [ __ ] dreadful how's it going he hated the rice why it's old how old is it they're disgusting you know basically taste of [ __ ] i always feel very embarrassed first of all there was the menu and the more important thing that was the food that is gross oh now it's my fault no i'm not just asking you oh no so what the glasses from gary baldy as well we invested a lot of money into this we should have known this [ __ ] a year and a half maybe that's the key when you're coming to fiesta sunrise stop off at the tequila bar get drunk and then enjoy the food you know what i need to listen to me hi how are you thank you how are you both good how are you patty and your husband and wife i'm step daughter okay sorry i thought you said you were partners excuse me what are our partners okay likewise and first name is yolanda yolanda right i was the pre-collector that was delicious sad that was the only thing that i enjoyed um let's go over to the bar have a little chat yes i'm hoping chef ramsay will convince vic that change is good you know i think they're stuck in their ways we should have stepped in a long time ago now it just seems like this is the end of our rope hopefully we can make some type of changes to save this business all three of you paid for the business these two youtube pay for the business and this man runs it he ruins it ruins it runs it runs it runs it or ruins it yeah so far it's [ __ ] ruined yeah did you have anything to do with the old business i didn't no no i did you did so that restaurant failed and then you came to run this one for your wife and your stepdaughter yeah but before you left you grabbed the chicken the men used the glasses no just the menu okay i'm trying to get my head round this if you all own it and he's running it why aren't you involved my opinion is i think he just wanted us to finance him a restaurant i put a lot out here i put my credits my home i borrowed money from my father-in-law it's not important to him it's not important to him to make things right with me what does it take to break even how much do we need to take a week to break even 90 000 a month a month yeah a month so 22 grand a week we do a third of that so you're losing half a million dollars a year what's the debt about 850 850 000 and you've only been open for 18 months right what in the [ __ ] have you been doing now i'm the big guy in here everything is going wrong the beacon and me i will see you later thank you ladies see you later chap vic that's embarrassing right now they're all blaming each other and it's bloody obvious that vic has run the place into the ground but how can the women complain about that if they haven't put the time and effort in this place so personally they're all to [ __ ] blame [Music] this restaurant's run with dysfunctional management and i'm dying to find out how the kitchen actually functions because how is it possible for someone to cook food so bland as that tonight i'm going to find out but i'm not eating again that's for sure [Music] you like zone appetizers okay wow look at the size of this kitchen it's huge ambrosia ambrosia gordon okay in there what's that in there the terrible tree holy crap oh [ __ ] when was the last time this was cleaned out yesterday um what's this the rain the famous rice yeah that's the fresh rice is it oh i gotta serve the old ship yeah what's this one where's that one from yesterday which one's the first one [Music] i was disappointed a big and the cooks it seems like i see this place for the first time [Music] when were these done yesterday yesterday [ __ ] off fake please they weren't done yesterday okay you can ask him his own language and ask him very very quickly when were these cooks also this one for last week of course they're from last week they don't look like they're [ __ ] lunch time do they [Music] these chips are cardboard i have no taste whatsoever okay oh my god look at the fat look why is there so much disgusting fat on there what's wrong with those chips [Music] you take them from the table back into the drawer did you see that they come back from the table and you put them back into the drawer he said he didn't touch it he touched one he said he touched once are you not supposed to exactly we're like a bunch of children that are doing the wrong thing what are these vic yeshua these were fresh chives sell by day five months old where you found that i found them in the [ __ ] fridge smell them vic look let me just show you something what is that i'm getting nervous now talk to me what is this the food would you think that's the fish you're using oh [ __ ] me smell that in there is this today's fish no no the fish that was really scary because it was smelling bad already i just couldn't believe it where's patty have a look at this oh my god look how crispy and curled up it is just touch that oh it's like solidified what's this here that's the steak why is it all wrapped up in tin foil look at the color of it it's oxidized and what's that in there that's pork what have we done to it why is it all stuck in there with blood at the bottom of the tray why is that how old is this stuff yesterday yesterday he said friday look at that oh my god [Music] when's all this from friday he took it out friday oh everything's friday look let me just show you something look how green and slime it is that's from friday look look at that that's from friday look at my fingers friday look look there you go that's from friday how do you say this in spanish this is not healthy no muy saludable thank you what is going on in here a hungry cat would walk away from that i was mortified i felt embarrassed for letting this go on for so long while customers in the dining room continue to eat sub-par food chef ramsay's kitchen investigation intensifies what is going on here what's that the burritos what's that one the chicken of enchiladas oh how oh my god what's that that was the gram beer ground beef half of its [ __ ] fat you idiot it's fatter than you i felt satisfied that finally somebody called him out on his [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what's that the bean oh how it's like a cement mixer are you [ __ ] stupid who's controlling this i am chef you are you are walking disaster now i'm feeling like stupid lift it up the fridge is full of [ __ ] it's it's disgusting i wasn't here on saturday but what were they expecting [ __ ] 10 000 customers for lunch paddy i'm [ __ ] disgusted yolanda that's a joke i understand i don't want people to get sick and i don't want them to spread the word that food is bad here you're overstaffed under worked [ __ ] food i wouldn't trust you running a bath let alone a [ __ ] restaurant you must be out of your tiny mind i don't care for your record i want to take that out there i dare you take it out there go on give it to them yeah there you go with me look at me why wouldn't you take it out there that's embarrassing it's important why are you serving it you don't [ __ ] care why why because you're serving that and trying to charge people money for that that's why you don't care i care you don't care [ __ ] no [ __ ] way [Music] [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen i'm so sorry but we're stopping service shocked by disgrace what is going on here after disgrace how do you say this in spanish this is not healthy after disgrace i want to take that out there chef ramsay had seen enough and took matters into his own hands you don't [ __ ] care ladies and gentlemen i'm so sorry but we're stopping service everything you've had to drink eat so far is all on the house sir that thing in your hands put it down if you've just seen where it's coming from like i have you wouldn't be eating it very sorry close up no pill anywhere i would like the hell you doing you can do that to my customers by the way there's your refried beans on the way out have a look at it oh my god there's a garbage pocket i can believe it and seeing all these people walking out of the rest and it was like this is the end i think they got a dose of reality he walked around like he was untouchable so i was relieved that finally somebody else told him that he was responsible for a lot of this while vic supervises the cleanup chef ramsay spends his time with a woman who is torn between her daughter and her husband what i'm really concerned about is what's happening to your daughter how did it start because something's blurring for me my career was messed up so we use party for a credit until she was clean yeah you've destroyed your daughter's credit because now she has no choice i mean yes you and her are in the [ __ ] my darling i know sometimes i can sleep at night do you love vic i do but it's different now you know no before you came here i see if this doesn't work i don't think you and i could be together anymore who's more important your daughter or your husband my daughter at this point you know i realized that it's not enough really a choice right now the only way to show paddy to how much you care is to get involved yes to help turn this business around now you tell me what to do [Music] another marriage that is affected by fiesta sunrise's debt is patty and dons usually don drops her off to avoid running into vic but on this occasion patty asked him to come in and meet chef ramsay good to see you i want to save the relationship with my husband because he's really angry at me for getting involved and it just seems to be spiraling out of control um obviously paddy explained i'm absolutely furious in terms of the way the kitchen was run the way the place has been abused and i can't believe a guy like vic would try to do so much under your own eyes without even you knowing anything about it are you aware of what's been going on we fight all the time about it yeah he saw it coming and i said no he wouldn't do this he wouldn't do that and he said he's he's not who he appears to be no he's taking advantage of you and your mom you know your mum admitted last night that you had a clean credit record oh my goodness so that got it i got abused that's in the crowd one thing i'm mad at you know money um can always be made and we paid back the credit he just never paid the monthly payment on do you think you can get more involved in terms of support mechanism oh sure when i saw dan my reaction it was like oh this is patricia's husband this is nothing to do in the business hi kev sit down i'm trying to get to the bottom of it vic i'm trying to understand the madness and to how we've been operating when you knew you're borrowing all that money from family why won't you be more honest about where the money was going you know god's not clear now it is but when i asked him are you going to give patty any money no no i don't think so that really doesn't cut it i believe don's trying to stand up for me he feels that big walks all over me you're not going to give my wife any money i paid your mortgage here you jerk off one month i paid fifty thousand dollars you douchebag you don't even have a job i don't have a job what are you doing pal i got a job oh please you're hunting you're fishing this is your job i have downtime i do what i want i pay my bills pal i pay my bills in fact i pay your bills too [Music] awesome what right while patty and don were discussing their financial situation are you aware of what's been going on we fight all the time about it yeah vic joined the conversation sit down accusations were made you don't even have a job and don and vic were at war i don't have a job i pay my bills in fact i pay your bills too [ __ ] wow what what uh sorry you can't start talking about that you can't start telling that you can't this ain't even half this [ __ ] i'm upset my husband really wanted to help and he's probably going to be mad at me for putting him in a situation like this also so in a way i meant i'm here to help this place turn around but to make this work all three of you have to work as a team while the family cools off chef ramsay heads to the kitchen to come up with a game plan to fix the restaurant's biggest problem the food oh my god [Music] what in the [ __ ] is that that is a [ __ ] joke victor right ladies i want us all to get involved in doing something together yeah so i wanted a little fun element you make a burrito you make a burrito you make a burrito and the best one goes on the menu tonight that's what i wanted to do i couldn't do it because of these little [ __ ] here look at them oh my god i'm so sick to my stomach i want to throw up because i had coffee here earlier i don't know if the roach went through my cup i didn't know about this problem either two dishwashers two prep cooks who's cleaning around here do they seriously put food on those plates vic's here seven days a week i don't know how he didn't realize the problems in the kitchen can't you see these i'm trying to move forward i'm trying to get going but every time i put my foot on the ladder i get knocked back did you know this was like this i noticed i noticed but uh i knew it yeah we're gonna have to do something we cannot open i need an exterminator here how can i start in attempting to cook when the place is festered with cockroaches i didn't expect this i don't think it could get worse i don't even know what could make it worse at this point after chef ramsay's dirty discovery he immediately called in an exterminator i have no idea things were that bad bloody hell i'm pulling my hair out now i'm sorry but you're running the place sorry are you so stupid where do i go vic i feel embarrassed with chip around here i don't think that uh we can make it in this restaurant you can't run a [ __ ] russian like that i think i'm not i'm [ __ ] embarrassed you should be [ __ ] embarrassed i'm not putting one foot in that place and that place is [ __ ] clean yes all right now you start getting those guys cleaning yes for some [ __ ] pride do you understand the word pride yes it's not possible does someone have his head so far in his [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] me [Music] i was feeling so depressed because all the pressure that i have right now and in the restaurant and everybody picking everything about me you know he always thought he was right now he finally knows all these mistakes birds are very sorry i don't mean to hurt your feelings and i don't mean to hurt danny's feelings i'm very sorry [Music] after taking time to reassess the situation and allow the exterminator to finish chef ramsay returns more determined than ever we are not giving up to understand we cannot give up tonight we're going to open the place has been cleaned we're prepping up now and in under two hours time we'll be in a position to open up and then we work it together yes sir are you gonna listen yes [Music] due to last night's shutdown chef ramsay was unable to experience a normal dinner service tonight with the old food a thing of the past he can finally observe the staff at work tonight it's all about fresh food everything we prepped this morning we cooked tonight fresh yes yes fresh what is it louder you may be small but you've got a big pair of lungs fresh fresh they speak english they're just being clever by ignoring me yes yeah yeah i know that [Music] what do you guys like to drink the chicken with cheetos with customers in the restaurant chef ramsay is anxious to impress them with something fiesta sunrise has never had fresh food bloody hell get me yolanda please [ __ ] you now yolanda you cook at home don't you yes yeah what's wrong with this absolutely right it's mush we've got four chefs in the line not one of them can cook rice thick cooks don't even know what they're doing i realize how bad it is today i think you should start spending some time in here can you cook rice now yolanda yes sir like a [ __ ] golf ball which it's been a while huh a little hungry with the rice disaster the kitchen is now backed up and the customers are getting restless four chefs on the line yeah it doesn't seem to be happening fast yeah can you speed up a little bit i just wish over here we have to start moving what is these guys doing they don't even know who's who's the leader over there we're finished with our meals and the rest of our table hasn't even received their meals yeah service please pass it over what's those black bits coming from the from the tub on the top of the broiler jesus christ almighty when was the last time the broiler was cleaned the chips that now is they are crazy now and this is like this place is half full what are you gonna do when it's crowded and there's people waiting outside this is unbelievable what the [ __ ] happening when was the broiler cleaned last gentleman if he [ __ ] tells me friday one more time i'll boil him every sunday my [ __ ] ass this is out of control i mean you got food i'm sure that fishy food i've got four chefs that can't cook [ __ ] rice soot all over the food what is going on fun for me you're supposed to put salt on the food not a [ __ ] soot that's a joke you going you gonna just leave here you're not gonna wear it you can't employ these guys one can't [ __ ] clean one can't cook rice i never imagined how bad this restaurant was doing i don't know what else could happen i cannot come to terms with what the [ __ ] happening [Music] on the heels of another dreadful dinner service chef ramsay knows he's running out of time to save this restaurant hard day today what we took tonight couldn't even afford to pay for the staff that's how it is every day tonight is a perfect example that you're digging yourselves a bigger hole we're tightening the noose around our necks i i i i've never been in this situation before i'm now gonna start taking drastic measures we need help that has helped a lot of help i'm going back to new york city now yeah i have got to think of you know an idea board we're screwed [Music] chef ramsay stayed up most of the night in new york city trying to think of something or someone to help salvage fiesta sunrise he returned the next day reinvigorated with a comprehensive plan right good morning good morning come round after last night's dinner service this place needs help definitely i have an expert okay that i've taken care of that's going to be here to help you she has the number one mexican restaurant in manhattan currently she's from mexico and she seriously knows her mexican cuisine say hello please juliette valesteros come and say hello please like this is your lander yeah one of the owners if i got the call from chef ramsey i got very excited i will only do this for him vic the gang it up on you now one two three four against one now you're outnumbered big boy i was pleasantly surprised when chef ramsay introduced julieta because we really need the help with the kitchen in good hands next chef ramsay reveals the work his design team did to modernize the restaurant oh my god come through come through come through now look at it we got rid of the clutter the ugly white banquet chairs have gone look what you can see now when you look down through there it matches perfectly look at the tablecloths oh my god i love it i'm in shack the shutters beautiful all the crap gone off the ceiling the walls have been done this is fun stunning beautiful now you have one beautiful mexican restaurant chef ramsay is unbelievable i can't believe that he worked all night to do all this i used to get dizzy walking in here i used to turn my stomach and now i feel calm and it looks like a place you'd want to stay and hang out and spend some time take it look at it i love my new decoration i love my chairs i love my new place thank you very much i just want you to run it yeah with your wife with your daughter and run it as a team that's all i want i promise to you after this no more mistakes thank you for coming i appreciate it [Music] having updated the look okay chef ramsay moves on to the most significant change in his master plan for saving the restaurant we've brought in an expert for the kitchen we've revamped the dining room and now the most important change that will be significant in turning this business around and that's the menu do you like the new cover no no good because that's what it's not going to be there we go that's what the menu is going to be simple elegant easy to read easy to control and maintain consistent standards ah have a quick look i'm very excited i'm happy beautiful menu read over the menu i'm going to spend some time in the kitchen with juliet yes okay let's come on [Music] in order to ensure a successful relaunch chef julieta stays on top of everything and everyone in the kitchen just crispy enough to be like to have a crunch on your mouth but don't overcook them i honestly never ever expected to be here tonight every launch night what a [ __ ] week the toughest so far so now they have to pull it off they may have the best mexican chef from manhattan but it's up to them now everything's here they've got to do it let's see our meat oh look that's beautiful now that you've got it you run it and i'll be watching the service tonight is crunch time this restaurant has to have a successful service tonight okay anything to say i hope we work together as a team because i want something to be proud of and i'm proud of my family and i'm happy everything has changed good ready ready we're opening in five minutes smile that's good almost inside it's as big as it gets you like a sumo wrestler upside down smile with a contemporary new look and simplified menu the success of fiesta sunrise now rests on the staff i'm excited but i just want everything to go okay so i hope they could pull this off do you want appetizer we're done we're gonna take the guacamole what's good it's for a kid it's for a little girl don't put any peppers they need somebody to be in charge they need guidance but they're willing to learn medium rare yes medium chef this is kind of cold it went in oh come on giulietta what happened they said it's cold calls yeah because it's hanging around okay everything's set up everything's set up so you know this is idiot proof and they still can't execute it it's quite worried come on guys something's burning yeah yeah they burned the nachos they burnt nuts what's going on guys please how the [ __ ] do we burn that shot holy [ __ ] [Music] holy [ __ ] what's this natural flambe after a shaky start the pressure is now on vic you get the restaurant running smoothly this is excellent very good the presentation is beautiful good what do you think about the sunset i like this it has a nice texture thank you oh my god i'm very excited i'm i'm very happy for the first time i see the people they're smiling they're talking good things about the restaurants what's special about the food that's a good piece of chicken i really like the cafe this is delicious thank you very much thank you for the first time since it opened fiesta sunrise is functioning properly but they have one more hurdle to clear before the night can be considered a success i just had a phone call the mayor of niagara coming the mayor yeah the mayor hi yeah great great so he's arriving for dinner tonight great fantastic we had the honor of having our local mayor visit us hi how are you fabulous i was a little nervous because i wanted him to enjoy our new food and recommend it because it's some exposure locally hello senores thank you for coming can i go for some appetizer we'll get one of each appetizer okay oh yeah that'd be good i'm gonna put it all out vic make sure that there's okay make sure it has a jolly time excellent it was excellent food we had a great evening tonight i would absolutely come here again you're welcome with dinner coming to a close and the mayor satisfied fiesta sunrise finally saw a glimmer of hope can you believe we've made it to tonight yeah extraordinary i don't even know where to begin thanking chef ramsay he came to me as a gift because i was really at the end of my role and he brought back happiness between all of us and i can never thank him enough [Music] i honestly never ever ever thought we're gonna make it to tonight you know that everybody had to wake up to get where we are now yes chad i'm vic vic vic vic after all the mistakes you made and all the crap you're telling me tonight [Music] you're great i was impressed with your performance tonight i'll be honest i was nervous the tables all the customers everybody giving a good compliments about the food good i was like so happy for the first time since i arrived i got to see your passion and your hunger to keep this place alive that's what it's going to take and i'd like to say that tonight would not be of any significant improvement without the help of julieta thank you forget that you're welcome we're doing this to give this place a hope we all need to work as a team and as a family gillette thank you personally thank you thank you very much indeed okay go back a week when i arrived i didn't know if i was in the right place the signs with grill 303. i couldn't understand what the hell was going on here i thought i'd drive too late okay come outside now when we walk into the car park yes here's something that each and every one of your customers saw tonight [Music] yes well you did change it so when they park in front of the restaurant they know where they're eating [Music] make sure it stays up there they want to stay over there fiesta sunrise got one more this way oh my god [Music] that's right in front of them all every day 25 000 cars go past this restaurant how could all those people drive by every day for 18 months and you not take advantage of that are you mad i'm happy [Laughter] everybody drove past here tonight saw that that's it i'm not kissing you yeah i don't know okay let's go okay this is my american dream and i think it's going to be one of the best mexican restaurants in town keep it fresh thank you very much thank you you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 9,479,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, Kitchen Nightmares UK, Kitchen Nightmares Officia, Kitchen Nightmares Full Episodes, Kitchen Nightmares Best Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Fridges, Kitchen Nightmares Funniest Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Food, Kitchen Nightmares Argument, Gordon Ramsay Insults, Gordon Ramsay Argument
Id: ZCbQjgcDetA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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