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san diego california is one of the top five vacation destinations in the u.s and is home to the keating hotel which lies in the heart of the city's buzzing gaslamp quarter want to stay at the desk this is christos how may be of service hotel is the brainchild of local property developer eddie kane everything about the place is just the way he likes it the keating was my vision i was at the ferrari dealer looking at cars and it kind of just hit me why not have the ferrari of hotels but this 35 room boutique hotel is far from living up to guest expectations oh my gosh eddie pitches this as the ferrari of hotels but it feels like a hospital sterile almost this is all style and no substance i feel like it's a jail like i don't want to take my shoes off ever this is uh not exactly luxury eddie had a sports car design company and sank millions into the interior design but he spent peanuts on things the hotel really needs let's not use this machine for the sheets because it has rust in the back making life a misery for his guests and his staff i have zero resources pretty much everything there is to do here i do it how glamorous is this it's a hell operations here to be honest eddie's constantly adding ideas he's seen elsewhere but that's hurting the hotel and the restaurant i believe our menu is [ __ ] joke it's like four pages long which are all favorites of eddie's but we're not feeding a [ __ ] million different eddies we're feeding different people at the end of the day i am the owner right if there's something i want on the menu just gonna do it yeah i think i pissed them eddie will come in and say i want a chicken parm slider on the menu i had one in new york and i say yes i have stopped being proud of my food the hotel is millions of dollars in debt and struggling to fill the rooms so i have my work cut out for me if i'm gonna get this place back on track we're losing a lot of money it's a nightmare but you should be able to handle that eddie knows he's losing money i just don't think he knows how to fix it i don't have any hope that things will get better if anything works around here it's because of pure dumb luck [Music] there it is they're keating wow looks nice on the outside beautiful jesus is that a dog outside hello how are you good how are you is that a model dog was he real no she's real what's her name smudge oh my god she's ugly looks like a nightclub out there with those ropes hello how are you good to see you there's a lot of red wow i'm christos christos good to see you um what do you do here lifestyle concierge down here at the front desk you'll be advising me for my life are you gonna be you need dinnerization so you organize everything anything you need oh now somebody likes red is that smudged it likes red or no it's both the designer and the owner wow wow wow right upstairs we're on the second floor second floor please perfect thank you right here i'd like to always stop at the car each floor is a different model car who's obsessed with the supercars who is that the owner everybody so right here this is your room wow yes it's so empty more like a garage in the guest room and how much is this tonight 7.59 759 wow that's incredibly expensive what's that thing there that is actually the jacuzzi tub in the middle of the lounge it is in the middle of lounge designed the rooms they took away all the interior walls but without sounding stupid these are car designers correct they are car designers now they're putting jacuzzis in the middle of suites last time i checked a living room was for sitting in not taking a bath how much do these things cost the jacuzzi tub itself is about twenty thousand dollars you don't take bathing cars jesus this is crazy but who wanted all these especially designs that is the owners that's eddie that's eddie yes this is crazy oh [ __ ] the sports car inspired furniture looks cheap and isn't even functional it's different than anything else um different from a nice hotel room oh i don't know about that who knows want to sit here and sort of watch the television and watch the television it works though the sheets how can they also wrinkle well haven't you slept in there what is that we do them in-house when you say we what do you mean you don't do laundry lifestyle means everything your mouthwash it's like gas sockets all broken and smashed down there someone's left their dirty ones there the plastic plants that's outrageous 800 oh my gosh gordon doesn't like anything about the hotel damn it anything else if i have any lifestyle needs i'll call thank you of course so far i'm not impressed with the keaton's pretentious and uncomfortable design but maybe it can redeem itself with the one thing every luxury hotel should have impeccable room service i'm starving come on you're another desk this is crystal's how many people what's a little bit bizarre for me is i'm ordering room service at the front desk there's no direct line down to the kitchen there is no direct line down to the kitchen the communication between the apartments isn't really there so we um take care of everything make sure it happens listen i'm starving um i'll have a tomato soup please and then pizza um barbecue chicken i'm fascinated to see the chicken parmesan sliders i'll have one of those i'll have that as soon as i can bye-bye thank you bye hello hello how are you thank you my pleasure wow is this how it's normally served yes in a to-go box yes you pay 800 a night to stay here and you've got to eat your food out of boxes and plastic containers are we short of soup because it's not even half full that's how they serve it that's why it's that that much yes it's one cup it's like a retirement home is that luxury do you think no not at all what would you rather do sip that out of a cup of course we barely got half a cup um anyway and i'm digging if there's anything else i can do for you just go ahead and let us know okay brilliant darling i'm sorry um you can say that now it's finished thank you my pleasure parmesan slider that's dreadful [Music] now i know why they got the boxes it's a take-away puke box pizza unappetizing in a box especially when you're spending 800 a night this place is obsessed with design but serves room service in plastic containers no wonder they can't fill the rooms that is not my idea of luxury let me tell you that's embarrassing wow how can this place call itself a luxury hotel i need to get some answers from eddie the keating's owner and visionary hey how are you how are you good to see you this place has been your baby in many ways and i'm dying to find out the vision the insight and to why give us a little tour i bought the building back in 2000 that was around 6 million did you go to hotel school no you've never run a business before not a hotel business now wow so i was actually at the ferrari dealer looking at cars and stuff and it kind of hit me why not the ferrari of hotels i'm more concerned what you were smoking at the time than what you're thinking why would you take one of the most high-spec cars anywhere in the world and turn it into a hotel i don't know where he's coming from but it does piss me off i designed the keating to be the perfect hotel for me not for him where should i start the floor it's all scuffed and marked you have a resin floor it needs to be updated i mean everything's just marked to hell it feels cheap um the sheets you can't call yourself a luxury hotel if you don't have beautifully pressed sheets okay what's the idea behind sitting here so when you have guests you know we can sit down and talk but where's the sofa where's the table where's the fun do you know what hurt the most i got soup served in a plastic bowl there's a chicken parmesan slider that tasted like it was cooked three days ago who in the [ __ ] would put a chicken parmesan slider together there's things that don't go in sliders and chicken palm is one of them that was my idea be laughing as if it's funny and you think because you own the place you can put that in a roll and sell it i don't know what he's talking about this place is not bad so i think gordon's comments were complete [ __ ] you're trying to convince me this is your idea of luxury i don't know what to say when was the last time you stayed in the hotel it's been a while you cannot stand there and tell me that there's nothing wrong with this place when you don't even stay in it you bought a building that was your dream but it doesn't feel like a dream experience to a guest nowhere [ __ ] near it i'm at the keating hotel in san diego and i've just met eddie the owner who's completely oblivious to the fact that his supercar inspired hotel is seriously underperforming you're the owner you bought a building that was your dream but it doesn't feel like a dream experience to a guest nowhere [ __ ] near it i desperately want to help you only if you start identifying the problems okay could you uh send that young lady up to clear that dog [ __ ] out there please jesus [Music] trust me eddie is not used to honesty like that right now he looks like a baby that's just had his lollipop stolen how are you who is this guy first thing he does he lays right into me the room service was terrible welcome to my world he opened the bed up and the sheets were all like wrinkled and most hotels have those giant iron in things that the sheets go through there we don't have that i tell eddie the problems that we have but it may be sometimes you tell people something and it goes one side to another i was in shock maybe gordon will get him to wake up i don't know what to say that was very [Music] embarrassing after my meeting with eddie i'm ready to see how this so-called luxury hotel runs on a normal night hi there how are you guys are you a luxury lifestyle no i am actually sandra i'm the gm of the hotel the general manager oh we have mexico have you been here i've been here for six years okay wow so you're here from the beginning wow wow i got a lot to tell you you got a lot to tell me yeah i bet she does because the keating seems to have more complaints than guess our room is not very clean there's a hair in the cheeks as well we turned down our bed and there's what appears to be a bunch of sand the sand what do you think of the right it's like a brothel you've been in a brothel i haven't she's whatever okay wow i can confirm it is like a ruffle is it oh let me check on that right now we've been waiting for 45 minutes you know if it's not up in 10 minutes just chancellor because we'll go to dinner okay okay how can they make a guest wait so long for something that's not even cooked the system for room service here is clearly not working taking the orders at the front desk then passing them to the kitchen is madness i've never seen anything like this before let's go through the kitchen together okay weirdly the hotel's restaurant the merc is in a separate building around the corner can you believe that we're waiting 45 minutes for cheese sport i can't believe it but i'm not surprised she looked pretty pissed off she did look pretty pissed they sounded pissed the three times they called as well wow what is it is it cheeseburger yes where's the [ __ ] cheese is that it that is it how much is that 16.99 i believe you're kidding me i can guarantee someone's going to complain about that hello how are you guarding yeah how are you my name is aaron manager you're the manager yeah nice to meet you um you're the manager of the restaurant yes sir that cheese portion there is barely two little slivers of cheese they waited 45 minutes for us and it's like no one gives a [ __ ] oh i definitely do now that you've told me this is the first time that i've heard of it why would they wait 45 minutes for something that's already i think the process unfortunately is a little bit slow here i think getting up the stairs is a little bit of a challenge why don't you take the call in the kitchen oh in the kitchen itself we can't take that call it's definitely an option but we've always do you think that's faster i think as the hotel takes it it's just as fast so even though the customers are unhappy with the weight that they've had to endure you don't want to do anything for them i didn't know how long the customer was waiting until just now wow okay manager [ __ ] me aaron the restaurant manager isn't taking any responsibility if he worked for me he'd be long gone how [ __ ] weird how'd you rate him out of ten can we go into negatives aaron is the king of excuses as far as being able to kind of weasel his way out of things but i'm not in charge of firing him how are we doing over here guys no wonder the hotel is half empty they can't even get the basics like room service and laundry right maybe sandra the gm can tell me what the hell is going on here right we're having a chance to catch up thank you so all these issues with the laundry where's the laundry done let me show you please [Music] oh here we are so this is the laundry room wow bloody hell you have got your work cut out these are domestic i know these washing machines are designed for small families not a 35 bedroom hotel wow no wonder they struggle your lifestyle concierge come in here throughout their day to do laundry and attend the front desk and take room services we are the this is crazy it is insane it is insane i don't know how we do it sometimes who presses the sheets oh we don't we don't have equipment so you don't press them please can i show you where we are in the pillowcases absolutely absolutely there's somewhere else you seem to know all these problems and you're the general manager but if there's one person who can stop this it's you if the owner well yes i can quit i can leave to another hotel and go where everything is much better it is hell to run this place you're a general manager you're managing nothing i spoke to the owner i said this has to change what's going on gordon is totally right with what he's saying but his eddie beat is so involved in everything that's the problem i have conversations with the owner what works and what doesn't work in the restaurant no matter how many times i say you know what we should not have a book as a menu eddie comes up with whatever he wants but no one's taking responsibility i pulled back my duvet and the sheets were shocking eight hundred dollars a night to stay in something pretty mediocre you should be ashamed i am wishing i am ashamed i gotta get out of here let me get down to the restaurant [Music] for a so-called luxury hotel the keating has been a major disappointment it's like gas the owner's misguided vision you're trying to convince me this is your idea of luxury it's taking its toll on the staff it is hell to run this place hopefully the food in the hotel's restaurant is better than it was in my room how are you doing table of one please hi good evening hey good evening how are you i'm very well on yourself bro well thank you i'm sorry first time my name is david davis so what do you do i am actually the restaurant manager here i thought i just met the restaurant the little i'm the other restaurant manager and the food how did you rate the food out of ten six six i wouldn't serve any of our dishes to my dog chef brian's kind of given up so much has been taken out of brian's hands by eddie that i don't think that he has the passion and the drive to be that great anymore starting off with chicken under a break what does that actually mean it means it's drier than a bone amazing even the manager thinks the food's terrible here and he's not embarrassed to tell me and then the kappa tattoo kevin tubby yeah here we go with chicken central tomatoes mushrooms you like that one no oh [ __ ] really i'm still going to try it so for dessert i'll go for the chocolate pig it's a 10 inch dessert pizza chocolate strawberries bacon how can i resist that thank you ashland thank you the table i'm ringing right now just bring it as it comes okay everything's under fire right what do we have here this is the brick chicken 21 21 brick chicken yeah it looks like someone just shot a brick [Applause] it's so dry yeah i mean really dry that's actually better than usual really yeah chicken under a brick is where it should have stayed because it should have never come out of the kitchen wow pardon my reaching okay this is the cavatappi and chicken okay bland chicken's dry way too much rosemary and just it's [ __ ] at least i've saved room for dessert what you have here is the chocolate pig white and dark chocolate strawberries bacon it's like we've had a crisis with a toilet paper department someone's wiped their ass with my dog i mean it's just i've never seen anything so [ __ ] unappetizing as a dessert in all my life absolutely bacon and chocolate pizza yeah he didn't like any of it not one thing is the chef off tonight no he's in the back he's in the back is he cooking or no so he's here but he's not cooking hmm i would uh really like to meet the uh executive chef chef brian rutherford gordon ramsay how are you let's go somewhere out there shall we i'm lost for words i just yeah i don't know i didn't know where to start um why wouldn't you cook for me why wouldn't you do that it's not a question of me not cooking for you it's do you want to see what you're doing here in improvement because i want this to improve you've been here for how long five years five years but you've been cooking for 30 years 33 years 33 years i didn't see you on the line i didn't see you taste anything i didn't even see you inspire anybody this position is killing me in my soul i've just been doing everything that eddie wanted we have two large menu for the amount of business we do i have 120 items on the menu and we do 50 people a night how much of this am i able to prep on a regular basis to have quality but you're the executive chef on the menu yes i am how do you let that food go out with your name above it um you can't just give up for an almost you know abandoned ship before it sunk i'm at the end of my world you're toast i'm tired but you're you're an experienced guy are you okay look at me look at me you okay are you on medication excuse me can you get me some uh water please quickly can you give me a chair please a chair jesus christ call 9-1-1 please quickly 9-1-1 jesus come here jesus christ urgently what happened a chef's on the floor oh [ __ ] are you okay call 9-1-1 jesus christ jeff just fell collapsed can i have some water please and a cold cloth urgently it's trying to stay alert look at me look at me ryan can you give me a chair please a chair jesus christ call please quickly 9-1-1 jesus come here jesus christ oh my god chef's on the floor jesus christ jeff just felt collapsed just trying to stay alert and drink some water no job is worth this let me tell you [Music] i was with the gentleman we were just standing talking unfortunately he just flaps and banged his head on the back here i am really pissed off at gordon he's stressing everybody out everyone seems to be at their boiling point has he been stressed out for long i mean this put a lot of stress on all of us but me being here yeah but do not dare [ __ ] go anywhere near that i put him in that ambulance let me tell you something 150 items on a [ __ ] menu the size of a [ __ ] shoe box can send that man to an early grave let me tell you it's like he's a dead man walking what he tried to tell me in a five minute conversation is that you've over burdened him because he does whatever you want you pay salary but you're not behind that line you have no catering experience you haven't spent a day in a kitchen i've never seen anything so fragmented okay it's like you're a little magpie a little spoiled [ __ ] magpie that's going around picking up little bits of glitter and running back and getting your army to expedite it for you all that matters right now is that that guy wakes up to mourn feeling better enough is enough for one day yeah thank you for me the most important thing is that he's okay but that guy has the world on his shoulders and tonight proved that what a day yesterday the good news is that brian's out of hospital and they said it was dehydration and anxiety so i'm gonna shoot over to his house keep the cameras outside and hopefully have a chat with him how are you sir come on in i'm so glad to see you know that i'm telling you how are you feeling i'm feeling well we've got immense troubles cannot continue driving yourself into the ground like that eddie he takes advantage of my good nature do you feel well enough to come back to the restaurant today yeah good let's get you back in there and trust me this time it's on your terms not eddies definitely good to see you the restaurant is the beating heart of any good hotel so the keating has no chance without chef brian thankfully just a couple of hours after i saw him brian is back at the hotel after going to the hospital i believe that gordon is totally in my corner saying get back in there get it you got this guy now it's time to get the whole staff together to figure out how to get this hotel back on track thank you all for meet me am i happy to see you or what how are you feeling more importantly i am feeling very good brilliant welcome back thank you let's get everything out on the table because life's too short to fester i'm here to help and i just want to hear it from you guys what's wrong with the keating the resources it's the resources i tell eddie ellis i'm eddie i can't do my job your front reception desk should not be doing laundry let me tell you that the big concern i have is the room service how on earth do we get ourselves in that mess as a food beverage manager yet tell me why it's going via the reception it's determined by you know eddie oh my god don't give me that you're not the owner of the place i tell you what i want and you guys need to implement it why is the menu so big because eddie comes up with ideas i eddie sees things eddie has a lot of friends that come in that would like to see more items on the menu yeah if i go see something i like for somewhere else i tell you guys to implement it but you're not a chef he is and he needs his identity and he needs his voice i do know brian doesn't like to say no to me you have a general manager you have a head chef executive chef you have a front desk manager you shouldn't get involved and i give them ideas you know because i have a vision here and i give them the ideas no no i cannot work with you if you're like this we have the key players there's one little problem we have and unfortunately it's you at this point after last night's dramatic turn of events i finally found the courage to confront eddie the owner now there's one question i have to ask tell me who's the most important person at the keating who is it eddie bryan yeah the most important person at the keating sandra who is it i i gotta say it's eddie yeah i mean i i believe it would be eddie eddie sandra no no the most important person at the keating is the guest and i think it's all been forgotten about and it's more about keeping you eddie happy we have to focus on the guests i'm here to put this place right understand that eddie and sandra just come with me if eddie won't listen to me and he won't listen to his staff maybe he'll listen to the people who could pay the bills around here eddie up until now this hotel has always been about you your dream your vision now it's about the guests i want you to meet some very important people i'm just really worried right now i have no idea what gordon has in the room hello how are you i see uh guests that have been staying at the keating of the last 24 to 48 hours oh no when i see all those guests there i want to run away right now i wanted to give you a unique opportunity to hear some very and i mean very valuable feedback i've also stayed here um and i am frustrated but i'm here to get this place back on the map give me little insights please what do you think of this luxury hotel matter margin i walked into the room and it smelled horrible there was the rest of the jacuzzi no water some of the features in the room were just lower quality like the plastic looked a little bit cheap and old so it doesn't feel comfortable i just feel like this place is designed kind of form over function it was just kind of weird where is one supposed to sit and eat breakfast in their room my husband had to stand up this morning to have his breakfast while i took the only chair and sat at the desk i'm sorry our room service was um we ordered a couple of the small pizzas and they essentially looked like microwave pizzas and then the rotor was wrong so we called the cracks they eventually you know brought up what we actually ordered and then in the morning they charged us for both wow i'm sorry anybody else there was some really high-end stuff and then at the same time there was just simple amenities that were skipped well are you saying there's better at the same price out there yeah eddie your baby your vision um on the back of that feedback i appreciate the feedback i have one question for you all who would return here let's do a show of hands who would come back to the kitchen wow not one person gordon's comment about it's not what i want it's what the guests want wow i'm starting to realize that some of the things he's saying actually are true i really apologize and i am looking forward to having you guys in the future i can tell you will have a different experience eddie yeah and sandra you know i'm not trying to embarrass you but this is for me critical feedback and it's only gonna get better the feedback from the customers was good i'm realizing there's more issues than i thought we had and just being here over the past couple days i'm seeing what they are i think we can definitely fix them and streamline them so the place works a lot more efficiently and all the guests are happy thank you i appreciate it eddie is starting to see how much things have to change for this place to succeed but for the hotel to have a fighting chance of turning a profit i've got to find a way to reignite chef brian's love of cooking let's show the gang what we can do yeah i don't have much passion here anymore i'm hoping that that gordon being here will nurse it back um right first was the roasted beet and burrata salad they've just been seasoned with a little touch of salt pepper and then finished in a little hazelnut vinaigrette scallops i like serving scallops with a nice sear so touch of salt pepper a little bit of vinegar i've just made it sort of citrusy cure sorry i love it when you get excited like that it's energy coming back i absolutely love it i just have a little taste are you okay brian you you're killing me there's two things on the plate the scallops and the onion purees when i'm on the line with gordon the energy level just pops up and now i'm you know i'm standing a little taller and it's exciting nice happy yeah good so nice to see you smiling you know that gordon kind of unlocked the chains that i had allowed to be put on i'm with you every step of the way but you need a voice in here and your voice is on that play let it scream i love eddie but i have to be able to just say this is not going to work this is not to the benefit of the hotel the guests the restaurant or anything you can do it and i know you can do it i needed this to remember what i used to do and that there's no limit to what i can do in the future brian and eddie are both making great strides and tonight my design team will move in and try to get this hotel out of the pits but first there's something i've just got to try i've got a 25 gram bath so i might as well use it does not fail it sounds like a 25 gram bar let me tell you someone's been ripped off right towel please it's been a challenging week at the keating hotel a place that was all style and no substance but its own eddie has finally turned a corner good morning morning how are we good very good excellent it's time to show him and his staff how my design team have transformed the keating into a place people will actually want to stay okay girls let's be honest the keating is a hotel with huge potential right yes but you need to focus your attention and energy to the guests that are staying here yeah come with me let me show you the keating let's go come in welcome come here that is great oh my god it's all opened up wow there's no more dominant red read carefully all those wonderful configurations of your hands welcome to the kitty it's just so beautiful isn't it it's just such an emotional experience you all have a hand in helping the guests feel welcome it's amazing you disappointed the red has gone no no no it's a brand new warm inviting entrance to a hotel ready to see more yeah nice nice nice come into my suite oh my god wow so much nicer oh wow oh my god oh my god i am definitely blown away wow welcome to what i think is a sophisticated comfortable modern sweet yeah let's start off with that jacuzzi if guests would like to take a bath pull the curtains they have a choice that's how you embody luxury the sofas you can sit down you can watch tv three meters away from the screen brian you're gonna quiet on me again jeez we thought we were sleek and cool and now it's beautiful it feels welcoming come through the bedroom please i really like the concept of the made-over suite now it screams the guests you get stuck in a perspective sometimes and you need to take a step back and have someone you know come in and show you and i think that's what gordon's done it's amazing now something really important i've organized a free trial period from a local leaning company use it to your advantage that means the front desk team doesn't need to waste time doing laundry you've got more time to focus on the gas you are a gm you're not a laundry assistant the lifestyle concierge we don't have to worry about laundry so i am happy there's more let's go right excited yes come through we have refreshed the menu okay wow breakfast pizza i've worked with chef bryan to devise a short new menu that will play to his strengths first impressions visually it's very vibrant the presentation's amazing and the good news is two thousand the menu is gone chef what do you think i think that this allows me to speak to the guest and erin i want you as a food and beverage manager to take responsibility of room service own it and no plastic containers i think now we have the proper execution the proper understanding of the menu with limited smaller items we definitely can execute it a lot quicker and now i feel a lot more comfortable and that for me is great news because it means the front desk is no longer looking after room service or do laundry they can concentrate on looking after the guests yes there's one more change we need to do you've been wearing a red chef jacket for far too long you deserve a white one let me tell you put that on thank you enjoy it i certainly will i'm feeling great i'm no longer eddie's chef in the red jacket i'm the chef of the merc bistro in white it's not eddie's favorite color but it is a proper chef's jacket you perform like one you deserve it make it yours thank you well done this is the kind of energy you want to see every day so you know what as long as they're doing their jobs i have no problem with them saying no to me anymore big night tonight it's gonna be a packed restaurant you've got to remember you are all team keating i know you can do it oh absolutely absolutely guests are arriving for the relaunch of the keating hotel and the first impressions are very really nice you positive it oh yeah oh this is beautiful at long last the front desk can focus on welcoming guests how are you welcome i'm cindy pleasure to meet you and the hotel's new white lobby is a great improvement and before it looked like a bus station now it looks like a hotel it looks much more inviting at the restaurant aaron is finally stepping up and taking a new hands-on approach to room service i'm not a plastic container in sight mr hanks right yeah excellent we got room service over here for you the simplified menu has brought brian back to life i want the most gorgeous plates in the world coming up in this window that's good news for the diners so beautiful it's very tender it's like i don't even need this knife this is a joint where you don't need ketchup because it's perfectly seasoned and for the future of eddie and the keating hotel keep it going that's amazing if i had one thing to say to gordon right now is just thanks all right ladies and gentlemen it's our last ticket out i've been really lost here and you've woken me up great job new day new day and reminded me of who i am this place was all about eddie's dream of what a hotel should be like but if you've got the most important person the guest i'm just hoping that eddie can trust his staff and let them work as a team because this is a place i'd love to come back to okay right sandra you are a great general manager don't stop being one okay gordon thank you thank you so much proud to be the general manager of the keaton hotel give me a hug come on well done seriously you can do the twin brothers you can handle the room service easily and my god i mean you bounce back the dead very tempting literally and literally make it yours okay hold on and do not change that jacket okay white suits you you know that and let your team run your business okay i think this experience with gordon was life changing for everyone here what you did to get the team back together i mean i'm telling you no one could have done but this place is on the road and good luck i can't wait to come back it's one of those experiences you'll never forget good job guys sometimes you have to trust me no no no no no no you
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 5,694,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All In The Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay show, celebrity chef restaurant, chef recommendations, cooking show, culinary adventures, culinary excellence, culinary experience, culinary traditions, extravagant hotels, fine dining, hotel services, hotel tour, international cuisine, luxury chef recommendations, luxury food destinations, luxury food experience, luxury travel, restaurant review, travel, unique hotels
Id: dQhc_r6Jbpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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