It's a Knockout: 2021 Red Bull TKO Full Race Recap

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um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] true champions know this will be a fight to the finish hard-hitting and unforgiving each round will take stamina and strategy not to mention fancy footwork and a good set of gloves true champions go down swinging and no it's not over until there's a knockout time to get in the ring time for tko [Music] for the very first time we are in the heart of the american south in the charming town of saquachi tennessee where all your hard enduro heroes are getting a taste of that famous southern hospitality [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're here in tennessee for the tennessee knockout so saturday we have like a straight rhythm and duracross style prologue i think it'll be good for the crowd a race where they can kind of see everything sunday we will have a hot lap and then three knockout races every single race is unique different and it's got its own special taste obviously the more you the faster you go the better your starting position our roster of serious regulars will go up against the big name north american riders like six-time tko winner cody webb and the defending champ tristan hart who topped the podium in 2020 but manny let mickler is no stranger to this race he took the tko title in 2019 coming off his third red bull romaniac's win in a row put the german rider ahead of billy bolt in the fim standings can he match his red bull tennessee knockout success from two years ago the tko it's uh one of a kind here in tennessee it's a lot different this year with all the euros here so there's like maybe eight or nine guys i think that could possibly win this weekend so it's gonna be action-packed for sure my expectations this weekend um you're definitely having another good race battling with the american home riders could be some intense racing on sunday and field reporter paul bolton is back on his wheels to reveal what's in store so here is tko we're going out on track let's show you guys what's out there attractions mint on the grass the guys will be pushing the front end hard here [Music] into the bush now where's that log green and this baby's gonna be green as well we're up and over happy days slippy ad never used it before those rocks are slippier than an otter's pocket front wheel's all over the show already nearly feet two before through here oh you're now oh well i always crash in these so i might as well keep it up this bit i don't like this bit passenger i'm a passenger i'm back in control [Music] all the way to the finish we're up and that's only one lap let's see how the boys do but the course is so intense the heat hits you like a smack in the face and the rivers are so good but you just make one mistake and you've lost 20 seconds easy and it's going to be all about them little seconds festival vibes and good times abound as tko heavyweights from both sides of the pond gear up for another multi-event hard enduro that's sure to pack a punch [Music] but on the morning of day one it's all about the privateers [Music] hundreds of riders roll over the ragged rocky trail for a chance to compete in the main race yeah buddy it's a beast do it [Music] so as conditions stand now in this part of the track the stones aren't so fixed in the ground that are really rolling around with the top privateers secured for day two it's time for the male and female pros to jump into action at the straight rhythm prologue but there's a problem we are missing some pallets of material you know after kobe it is still difficult to to ship stuff and uh it takes really long to get it out of the customs and now yeah we found a solution and we are really thankful that we have uh husqvarna north america here they helped us a lot you know it's like north america specs are not the same as we are using in europe if we have some luck i hope so that it can fit to these american conditions as well just part of the material arrived so will not be 100 but yeah we try to change it in time we should be able to do it but uh yeah so we're standing here on the start line for the red bull straight rhythm tko this is going to determine the starting order for tomorrow to get things kicked off for tko knockout [Music] with bikes assembled 11 hard enduro world championship riders go up against 11 of the best pre-qualified from north america after a sighting lap and two-timed runs the top 16 move into the bracket race intense head-to-head best of three lap battles [Music] billy bolt takes the first round [Music] so does johnny walker teddy blazuziak and alfredo gomez [Music] cody webb wearing the white loses out to ktm's tristan hart [Music] then manny litton bigler takes a tumble [Applause] and is bested by theo cabaccia losing out on a chance to advance in the semifinals it's bolt versus heart and walker against bledsusiac but in the final bolt and glazuziak battle for prologue supremacy with billy bolt taking the win it was good it was fun nice to be uh nice to be here and racing out long last and uh just a short little short and sweet super injury race but it was definitely definitely still hard work you know the track was good fans were good good times next the top two pro women face off in their own bracket competition shelby turner and louise forsley go head-to-head with turner coming out on top today was awesome i had a good qualifying run yesterday in the hot lap so i had a good row i went out today with just wanted to keep it smooth keep everything together and flow it's been awesome i've enjoyed my time here for sure after a fun fast-paced day of riding the starting order is set for day two at red bull tennessee knockout [Music] the american products always bigger and better it's quite impressive i must say yeah the american paddocks are so sick you know they're like there's big trucks it's like the europe had it but just so much better to have everyone here the top riders in the world i think it's great hopefully it kind of encourages the younger generation of riders here in the states as well they kind of see what they're doing the skills they have and i think it'll just keep progressing the sport here in the states more and more it's what we need it's going to only going to help the sport grow and to have people from different areas able to compete and be part of the championship and also come out and watch the championship it's for sure a good move it's pretty hot manny huh he's really hot you put your boots in and then your knee braces and you put all your motor kit on and you're like oh now it's warm now it's warm and then the worst thing is you put the helmet on and you're like oh it's even warmer the key here i think is just to to not make a mistake the way they're so hot and humid to recover and get going for that short period of race that's the the difficult part the rocks here is so slippery you miss your line by an inch and the front end's going to bounce the other way the dirt is so hard so compact if rains is gonna be very slippery also if it doesn't rain it's gonna be grippy can be a fast race if it's not raining if it rains it's gonna be a hard one there's no rest anywhere you're literally riding on rocks from the start of the race to the finish so it's basically just a hundred percent the full race track i think this year with so many top pros it's gonna be one of a kind in the u.s so should be a big spectator turnout [Applause] it's going to be super intense the weather the style of race the the race track a short but super super intense gnarly race the rocks here are crazy slippery because it's so humid i feel like the rock's wet you're always on edge it's a little uneasy here and i think that's really kind of what beats you down along with the heat and humidity so good morning everybody it is sunday it's all about to really start to kick off the guys are going to go on out and do a hot lap right now and then it's going to be tko1 which is the bigger lap tko2 which is slightly smaller we'll do some more bigger features tko3 is coming right after that which is the final i'm going to be out there chasing them will it rain who knows let's see certainly going to mix things up if it does [Music] winning yesterday man i could choose my starting position for today uh so i picked to start the hot lap clip just to try and uh follow a couple of lines and take a bit of the slime off some of the rocks although i don't think that's actually gonna happen because it's this there's so much of the slime out there ryder's gun it one at a time in 30 second intervals over the one and a half kilometer long track [Music] nice such a nice style in this type of riding johnny the top three competitors from day one billy bolt teddy blazuziak and johnny walker are keeping up their momentum behind them through the boulders tristan hart reminds everyone why he won the tko last year tristan hart looking good nice body position right over the back keeping the front wheel out the hose he nailed it straight over this one right there and making up for unsuccessful straight rhythm runs are cody webb and series leader manny letten bigler [Music] these guys are first-class trained from romaniacs so who'll climb shouldn't be initiated to them right now they're definitely not an issue for billy bolt but lettin bigler is the man of the morning with the best time in the hot lap followed by bolt and heart this sets the starting order for tko race one it's definitely hot and humid so it was only six minutes but it feels like that you rode already for three hours usually hot laps isn't really my strong suit i'm more of a long kind of guy and i got third behind manny and billy so it's pretty good start from me so i'm pretty excited and ready to get going for the next one so the hot lap was super exciting so intense a little taste of what's in store for the final but right now it's tk01 bigger longer sections but not so many hard sections and then it's gonna get ramped up later again [Music] leaving in 30 second intervals riders attacked a 24 kilometer long track in order of the hot lap results in the lead letting mickler negotiates the jagged terrain but he's not alone so billy's closing right in on manny right now you can hear the crowd going wild so the crowd's going wild because lint migla and bolt are already battling heaving his bike over massive boulders the brit makes his move and is closing in on manny further back hart gallops through the same section in third behind him as a young gun 19 year old american ryder leblanc seems to have come out of nowhere and is chasing down the defending champ you all lift it's good [Music] [Applause] [Music] fellow american cody webb is making his presence felt in fifth it's clear he feels at home in the tennessee hills [Applause] [Music] up front bolt continues his speedy assault so i'll be very surprised if billy's time gets beaten because he already pulled a lot len mickler attempts to catch the husqvarna pro but will end up 14 seconds back rolling through the straight rhythm section of the course bolt takes the best time followed by letting bickler and hart [Music] that race was actually a lot longer than i was expecting so i think uh everyone's going to be feeling it pretty good already so um hopefully the pace is a little bit slower in the next one save some energy to go uh full gas on the last one tko2 rows of five top three going through but they're not racing the clock this time they're racing each other in the groups i can't wait to see what happens who's heading to the final let's see [Music] it begins with a dead engine start [Music] groups leave three minutes apart bolt is leading in pack one hart is also at the front of his group [Music] mario roman is trailing the canadian alfredo gomez and tio kabachiev are riding with more urgency trying to get the best times in their respective groups [Music] letting mickler and walker are leading in their packs headed for the first row at the final event two riders from each group won't make the cut and this time because of an unfortunate crash one of them is teddy blazuziak [Music] the rest of the athletes are fiercely grinding through the rocks to make that coveted top line but as bolt rolls over the final obstacles it's clear he lettin bigler hart young and walker will sit first row these are the 15 riders who will compete in the tko final knockout halfway through the fim season this race could be a key turning point especially for series front-runners and good friends letting bickler and bull now if we look at the championship can you tell me who's leading the championship and why that person is you i'm leading a championship yeah i'm leaving the championship right now got a second at the first one i'm in navistone hollydoor then first place at rapper romanix this championship is very special because two weeks ago we were racing for almost 20 hours in five days of competition but now you are racing for three hours or something and the final is only 30 minutes that proves that you have to be ready for all kinds of disciplines and all kinds of formats the championship is tight we have a lot of contender for the volume for the for the win manny's riding so strong at the minute and we're both pushing the limit pretty hard i would say and the fact i think we're good friends and we can train together and stuff like that is only helping both of us push the limit and push the level so if we're working together and we can uh keep each other at the top and just battle amongst ourselves then why not i think me and billy we're for sure we are riding to win and be there in the front but at the end we just want to have a great time and i think that's why we are really close friends and just enjoying what we are doing and we are on kind of on the same line and understood this we kids just love to ride out their bikes and that's pretty much it here it is tennessee knockout final they practiced the track this morning in the hot lap so they all know where they're going but now they're all going together at once i can't wait to see what's going on from a dead engine start they're off manny gets the hole shot they have 30 minutes plus one lap to fight for the title bolt is behind the ktm rider and manages to overtake him early in the race card is hunting them down if riders took it easy in tko2 they're definitely not doing it [Music] now young is trailing in fourth followed by roman and gomez but alfredo makes his move mario coming hot can mario take back over alfredo let's see but the circo rider won't give up [Music] he gets ahead of his fellow spaniard and now he has young in his sights they're all sitting close together [Music] fighting for a place on the podium but they can't keep up with heart in third billy bolt good lead on manny but not enough [Applause] [Music] a minute ahead the race leaders are holding position in the fight for first 10 seconds sounds like billy might have gone time keeps ticking away and the battle for first rages on some billy looks like he just left up the hill and manny got right on the back of him so on lap four we saw billy lose a bit of his lead because he got a bit stuck at the top i don't think he's gonna let that happen this time [Music] [Applause] no no he's out front makes a move and jumps into the lead after the tree [Music] lost the back end on the tree room and now he's straight up this is where he's gonna happen now manny's out in front who knows what's gonna happen is he gonna take it to the finish as the front runners enter the last lap they're neck and neck [Music] [Applause] [Music] manny's got his foot peg stuck under the rock he's got his foot peg stuck under the rock it's an overtake he's here i can't help myself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's billy bowl taking the top spot at red bull tko by only two seconds over a closed line manny litton bigler like a true sportsman bolt goes to check on his training partner tristan hart rounds out the podium didn't fully give up but i almost did you know what i mean i'd never give up but i didn't have much left in the tank to charge backup money after i filled the hill on the on the second last lap but you know it just shows you can never give up in this game like we've been battling so good me and billy like always long and at the beginning he pulled a gap and i think he got a little bit tired at the end so pretty exciting race here [Applause] here are the final results from red bull tko billy bolt is first followed by manny litton bickler and tristan hearts the fim standings are unbelievably tight at the top with let mickler now sitting only one point ahead of bolt and it looks like a battle her third is brewing between young roman and walker next we head back to europe for another new race the hardcore hero challenge in poland only three races left in the fin hard enduro world championship we hope you enjoyed this one i'm troy mantering saying keep the rubber side down [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Motorsports
Views: 78,564
Rating: 4.9423075 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull motorsports, motorsports, motorsports videos, redbull, red bull tko, tennessee knock out, 2021 red bull tko, hard enduro, iridehardenduro, hard enduro race, red bull straight rhythm, prologue, red bull hard enduro, red bull enduro, manuel lettenbichler, enduro racing, graham jarvis, hard enduro highlights, hard enduro skills, hard enduro 2021, extreme enduro, billy bolt, ktm, enduro, dirt bike, enduro life, jonny walker, enduro race 2021, tko, tko 2021
Id: n2UugQtIPVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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