Red Bull Imagination: First Hits GO OFF During Practice (2021) Ep 2

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[Music] mickey this is hands down the gnarliest dirt bike course ever built there is opportunity to go absolutely nuts [Music] dude i don't know this is like a video game are you kidding me [Applause] [Music] like upside down all cranked up [Music] no service out here what no way is that basketball we found him are you kidding me you made it dude what up axel what are you doing out here on the dirt road i don't know is this kansas right yeah this is kansas what up i'm axel i'm the new guy and i'm pretty scared myself we're gonna go center dirt bikes and uh hopefully not go to flat like this guy did last year pass it off hi i'm dale and i like big air you guys probably don't ride kansas too often dude yeah there's there's nothing around here i don't know where we're at camp counselor biermann here i am all right guys first and foremost thank you all for coming all the riders uh super hyped for this can't wait for you guys to see the course it will be overwhelming at first but we'll walk around we'll break everything down we'll just take our time dude it looks to me like this is a whole different animal than last year that's why it's a little different yeah oh yeah completely different yeah hale's gonna have fun with this i'm baffled there's so much stuff everywhere i don't even know this double looks scary that double looks scary that double looks scary what's this one here that looks pretty far i'm 40. 140 into the quarter pipe yeah makes sense everything's judged with three head judges of twitch steve hogglestein and matto i was wondering like okay three days practice like what do we do like do i really gotta be here and then looking around and get it now it makes sense there's so much you could do and believe me dude like i'm really comfortable but when i got here i was like i just sat up there like like did i bite off more than i could chew is there too much so you just gotta like step on step off you guys have time to reinforce the takeoff it's checking [Laughter] so we've always dreamed of something like this so it's going to be interesting see if i still got it see if i can still send send with the big dogs anybody needs a toe into anything camp counselor bearman's got you guys dude i don't know this is like a video game yeah we don't have this in florida you ready to step outside your comfort zone a little yeah hell yeah what up i'm axel hodges right here 21 red bull imagination all the guys are about to go try the track out course whatever you want to call it for the first time it's kind of scary it's going to be sick [Applause] you went massive you you got it then you just jumped the box yeah yeah you went huge that was sick it's pretty big [Music] that wall rides wild dude pretty cool never done nothing like that so funny there's no way in hell i thought the first one we were hitting would be the wall ride you gotta just get high up on it it's not it's not to be taken lightly no that's for sure right pretty sick and big let's go yeah everyone's feeding off each other for [Music] sick sure you made it look easy like sick it's kind of far for a small jumping decision [Music] oh my god that's the funniest job i've ever had [Music] wow hey i'll go one way you go here you want me to follow you can you follow me follow me oh yeah that was huge did you see that you feel so goofy going over the trees oh that was dope [Music] [Music] are you kidding me yeah i didn't prepare myself great mentally this morning take off to the right but like aim a little left because there's a big deck up top hey go to the left the first time so fun it's just like every jump's the funnest jump ever i don't know and there's like 300 more yeah i know this is it right here right this is it that's what it's all about what i like to drive with my buddies yeah heck yeah man so we're out here day two we're well underway and after yesterday's session i think we're super stoked because uh everyone was safe and it really started this week off with a on a high so let's keep it going and knock off the rest of these off the list [Music] yeah buddy unlocking the moon booter we got all these dudes ramping it up right now [Music] whoa dale you're a little rev happy [Music] day two we are getting real saucy real fast [Music] [Applause] this kid's only 19 right here dude you can't even buy beer the young buck's thrown down dude that's what it's all about man giving these kids an opportunity and they're obviously proving it [Music] i'm the whole timer doing the freestyle tricks out here now which is crazy luckily we got alex hodges over here to do a couple tricks i taught him that trick right there [Music] you see a whip you're like oh that was big i want to go big now keep getting earlier and earlier [Music] that was nuts oh he is gnarly oh i remember when we had this meeting before we were starting small and gonna work our way up and we're jumping the 140 foot double midday day two like come on dude we haven't even hit the small stuff yet nothing for you um i'm blown away at how high and how confident these dudes are after they hit it one time i say we turn uh josh hill loose on this 150-foot step-up oh damn [Applause] nice sides oh i just made it it's a big dog it's not not like it's like a big dog with like a nice like landing that goes like this no you go into a hole [Music] ah it's way scarier following tv i'm telling you phone tv is the scariest way to hit it i'm gonna stay away from that this year [Music] [Applause] that's like going like five or six in a supercross section on steroids you just have this it's insane [Music] [Applause] this is why we ride dirt bikes and uh stoked that tyler's able to put all this together for us [Music] and we got barreman throwing huge turnips to flat [Music] you get so nervous and then you get it done and it feels so good but it's just still it's just so nerve-wracking every time you're looking at something i look forward to this week all year everyone's killing it hitting all these jumps these are gnarly they're no joke if you go short or long they're gonna get injured what can't the man do you can have all that whip stuff that's a fun jump though [Music] dude slide dude gnarly dude [Music] hit it grayson [Music] yeah buddy [Music] [Applause] good job that was scary i tell miss cody i'm fun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it was so ridiculous dude it just looks massive [Applause] [Music] that's it things are happening you can't control it 2021 imagination you have mr boss man himself over here here we'll zoom in a little bit tyler biermann measuring jumps so we're over here we're officially walked over to the k-dubs kingdom side today's the day we uh step into this this is now day three on the course last two days were insane as you can see over here there's all these crazy weird shapes and mounds and there's so many options with me and fights rolled up i'm like i would jump that i'm definitely not jumping that definitely not jumping yeah i'd maybe jump but i'm good you guys are on two strokes you didn't have good mechanics back then either yeah i actually had a good mechanic but i was on a two-stroke we got all the boys out here we're just sitting here breaking this course down we got a measuring tape we're going to tape out all the distances just so we get a better idea what is dirt skate park it's 100 dirt skate park it's quite overwhelming to be honest with you there's so much going on but we're taping everything out i'm pretty sure from what i'm seeing the biggest jump on this is probably going to be the first one we measured at 110. dude we thought gravity games was in like do tour was an early until you show up and you see this because it's like this place is like that but on steroids that's comfort yeah everything looks really big biermann uh definitely knows what's up with building jumps cause the bigger the better and he's not messing around i don't think one jump here has been like less than 90 so far well i mean we're dealing with dirt bike riders and in numbers so it's actually pretty fun to listen i want to just start flipping everything i want to flip like yeah i think all this looks good i thought if twitch was still riding he'd be flipping so i'm going to just carry on that torch and flip all this for sure i already looked at a bunch of on deck i'd slip that i got you it's easy to say when your bike's not here though raha's going to jump in through and break the barrier today he's going to set the bar really high yeah this one's beefy it's all peaked out synchromar style not really room for error on this one 96 feet though it's a good thing you're giving us hey you're giving us guys hope you're giving us old guys hope up here tom keep it going dude i don't know man i don't have any advice at this point i'm trying to survive he's jumping more than i am you prepare for the worst hope for the best right isn't that a saying i was preparing for the worst part game here see and look how good it's going there's jumps everywhere all around me you
Channel: Red Bull Motorsports
Views: 138,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull motorsports, motorsports, motorsports videos, redbull, hard enduro, axell hodges, axell hodges slayground, imagination, motorsport, tyler bereman, red bull imagination 2.0, twitch, video games, course build, insane, freeride, motocross, sessions, skate park, moto moto, bereman, fasthouse, axell hodges crash, axell hodges whip, best whip, colby raha, colby raha real moto, colby raha quarter pipe, x games, dirt bike, wheelie, jump, new video, reality check, inspiration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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