Abestone Hard Enduro Full Recap | 2021 Hard Enduro World Championship

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[Music] [Music] when they're um foreign [Music] [Applause] nothing stays the same sometimes change is necessary this series has transformed it's emerged from 2020 as the bold new f.i.m hard enduro world championship this brand new competition is home to the first official race of the season a wild weekend of powerful highs and punishing lows the familiar faces are all ready to ride some in unfamiliar gear because sometimes change is necessary to rise up make your mark and win [Applause] welcome to avi stoney hard enduro [Music] get ready to go full gas there's definitely a sense of change and renewal in the air here in beautiful abattoni italy at the brand's new abba stone heart enduro nestled in the heart of tuscany these imposing densely forested mountains are teaming with die hard pro and amateur riders who have come to take part in this epic event [Music] organized by italian extreme enduro champion michaela boci and his team avastone is a weekend of wicked riding a classic enduro qualifier on saturday will set the stage for the following day's three-hour hard enduro where the top 50 riders will battle through a furious 26 kilometer super final manual letting bickler graeme jarvis billy bolt wade young mario roman and alfredo gomez are back in familiar gear to compete against those who have made moves to new teams like johnny walker and teddy blizzuziak the top pros aren't alone out there johnny's found a bit of a smoother line to this point keep it rolling bro to help guide us through the madness and show how the race unfolds is our intrepid field reporter paul bolton we're so excited to be back in the high mountains for some real hard enduro check out where we are let's look at this setting the stakes are high as abastone will offer the first official fim points of the season and it's all because of what happened at round one in portugal riders were ready to rock porto portugal's prized extreme xl lagaris albeit a less crowded and more controlled version of the competition due to complications the format had to change on the fly from the usual epic hard enduro to a scaled back three heat enduro cross the flooded finals saw some riders struggle in the swamp while others took a major mud bath manny let mickler handle the course with ease while graham jarvis did surprisingly well on a track that took him out of his comfort zone but it was billy bolt using his strong super enduro skills who took the title uh yeah we made the best out of the situation we were in three pretty good races i think everyone everyone's enjoyed it in the end to go it wasn't the hard enduro the pros were hoping for but that's all about to change as we kick off the first day of racing in abattoni italy hi i'm paul bolton i'm going to take you around the extreme test at abbas stoneheart enduro it's friday morning let's get on with it so here we go [Music] straight into a river [Music] wasn't expecting that wow it is an extreme test ties down why do i always have a crash track still fairly new lots of concentration to be out there oh wrong way bolton inside line to the finish [Music] that was abestoni extremetest and let me tell you he's extremely tired now it's time for the pros to tackle this short track all looking for the fastest time out of the gates first is manny leitenbichler he's followed seconds later by graeme jarvis then alfredo gomez wade young billy bolt and johnny walker let mickler leads the pack into the forest soon after the pros hit a massive rock garden jarvis loves this kind of terrain taking smart lines over the jagged boulders gomez [Music] and italy's own sunny gauchia climb cautiously on his heels they head back into the dense woods walker is making good time on the gnarly dirt trail lenten michler launches in the lead towards the finish but it's billy bolt with the fastest time at the extreme test bolt finishes in two minutes 16 seconds followed by lettin mickler jarvis walker young and the rest the starting order is set for saturday's classic enduro qualifier now let's dive deeper into what this race is all about rolling rolling rolling rolling keep rolling rolling all right can we get a clap i can do that you know that was like my main job and he's taking it off me i like doing that we're in italy in avatona for the abisone hotenduro and it's the first time now this year that we're gonna fight for points the location's fantastic on a ski resort you know quite high up we are between 1 500 and 2000 meters where it's challenging for our performance no one raced here i wrote here before it's it's completely new so it's like a level playing field a little bit more nurse because you don't know what to expect so you kind of want to get you have a look around coming to a race that never been done before adds a little bit more pressure i'm michaela bozzi and i'm normally a rider but this time i take out the helmets and i want to take arden duro here in italy this mountain to ride is special and we have some great hard enduro staff there is a place called michaela ministrone it's a rock garden but it's not a normal garden because it's going half [Music] and they've got to go all the way up there to the top serious what are we looking at for the next three days obviously today is the first day sorry bro we have three days of racing the first day is just kind of like a real small prologue just to get a start in order for the second day of racing which is three special tests uh your best one is going to count as your time which you're going to take forward which will get the start in order for sunday it's quite important to get a good time as that will determine our gap also where we start after sante is right the guy who's the first in the finish he's he's going to be the winner that's the cool thing about this format the race starts at the bottom of the ski lift straight into ravine a little bit tricky not too much warming up but straight into the gnarly stuff it will have some rocky section at the beginning we will get difficult river it should have been there this is no joke guys it's cool to get an actual race going it's been quite a while for me i've not raced for a long time i'm very excited to see where where i am where everyone is at the level of all the guys yeah i'm a little bit nervous but it's always good to be back race i think everyone in a pedagogy feel the motivation is super high the battles should be pretty good i guess i am 100 motivated feeling super confident and i will do my best a new day has dawned on this italian mountain valley at avastone heart enduro so we're here for a very early start it's saturday morning it's the qualifying so we have three tests today um which goes to the other side of the mountain and then we have a liaison back here it's like 150 160 rides and i think the second time we go through it'll be a little bit more rockier so i think the first lap is going to be the fastest and this qualifier will decide the day three starting order where the top 50 riders head to the liqui-moly super final always better i think to start with a clean truck especially here when it's super technical and it's actually pretty grippy i don't think it's going to change too much with ryder so i'm happy to stop first time to make it quick and make it count bolt is first to gallop over the obstacles followed seconds later by len bichler jarvis walker and young bolt rockets up the dirt trail and into the boulder ridden forest where bledsooziak punishes his suspension italy sunny gaugia blasts out of the trees making excellent time on home turf bolt is charging up front and doesn't slow down through the finish taking the best time on this short track letting bickler only ten seconds back followed by bledsoetsyack godzia walker and young now for lap two where bolt and lettin bickler are still in the lead through the woods walker [Music] and bledsouziak are in a fight for third sitting further back jarvis is still fast but usually waits for the hard enduro to rise and shine [Music] but his husqvarna teammate is on fire just ask pogba so we've got billy bolt come in here he is looking smooth sitting down standing up where he can going to carry a bit onto this straight the brit crosses the finish line besting his lap one result still 10 seconds back is letting biggler followed by blazuziak and walker who finish hundreds of a second apart jarvis sitting in seventh has decided not to try to better his lap two time the second run was better we changed the bike a little bit and should be in the top ten i'm not gonna go for the third round i'm gonna save me energy for tomorrow in the final lap lettin bickler is still trailing a hard charging billy bolt walker is looking to break away from those hundredths of a second bladzuziak has on him but gets taken down by some boulders south africa's wade young and travis teasdale are coming on strong improving on their first two laps but up front bolt is racing like there's no tomorrow putting in his third and best time of the day each one got faster the day went on i guess i just you know learned the track and meant i could stay off the brakes more than i was expecting feeling good and looking forward to going tomorrow my dad went actually pretty good i'm pretty happy still second yesterday second today second so i think it's a good starting position for tomorrow here are the final results of the qualifier times are extremely tight at the top there's a big battle brewing as always at the fim hard enduro world championship the highest goal is the fm world title and i think it's really cool to have in our sport now and it makes makes racing even more interesting being a world champion is something that we all dream of you know as uh as kids think it's the ultimate goal you know to be this the world champ it's the next evolution of the sport to have it an official fim championship and it shows how far the sports come and how it's grown and being recognised around the world we're already doing a really good job as a sport at growing pretty fast and now to be with the fin it's only going to add more credibility to the sport [Music] it's amazing how it's gone over the years and obviously i've basically raised extreme enduro since it started not as long as graham obviously but i've done it quite a few years we've been there at the the forefront of it for the last eight or ten years yeah it's cool to think hopefully i've inspired some people to ride and get into the sport especially the older guys as well they realize they can still compete and get in get into it i think i helped it a little bit to to develop the sport i want to show that harlender is a cool sport and it's a cool community in harendro we have a really nice atmosphere with with us providers with the amateur riders everyone's welcome in the paddock you know young riders all riders we're all kind of amongst each other such a friendly atmosphere that's pretty unique to the sport i'm definitely proud to be a part of it [Music] that must be cool when young fans come up to you and already ask for signatures these are little fans that now get into the same sport that you really love yeah 100 you know i have like uh you know i i remember being them you know when now is the other way around it's really rewarding you know the when it comes to like being an athlete for sure when i go back home south africa there's a lot of up and young coming kids that i see at the races they're super passionate about it and got into it because of us top south africans riding it's awesome it's i think i'll appreciate it in a few more years when i see them coming up [Music] to inspire people it's um especially young young riders or it can be also a 45 year old guy you know who's like ah it looks pretty cool i would maybe gonna start racing hard and do it i think that's a cool thing because at our races everyone can also race and i think that makes it just so unique it's so special to be inspiration for the for the kids like the pros in the past world to me [Music] there's a calm before the storm as the sun comes up on the third and final day of racing at abastone heart enduro coming to a race that never been done before adds a little bit more pressure a little bit more nurse because you don't know what to expect it's completely new so it's like a level playing field good morning everybody welcome we are in abatton for the abba stone fim hard enduro world championship it's the fin hard enduro world championship it's sunday we're gonna go racing [Music] billy one thing that hopefully isn't in slo-mo is your racing today how do you feel yeah feeling good ready to go but i think it's going to be some close race and it's really technical it's going to be a tough race i think uh more difficult than what we think the pace is going to be quite high and we're all very close together so it will be a tough battle so we're going to jump straight into a riverbed so it's gonna be i think already super challenging and really hard for your body [Music] so what's in store for the guys today immediately off the mark we've got a steep downhill into a big uphill could be a little bit of traffic there but moving on from there is the longest river possibly in the series it's gonna take him some time then it gets really tricky and then we flip over to the other side of the mountain and then it's all going to get carnage ridge rides it's going to be one of the hardest races of the season the weather's good looks like no rain can't wait to get done it's go time bolt blasts off followed by lettin bickler for blue zuziak and walker it's a battle from the jump [Music] one after the other they continue into a cloud of dust billy leads manny up a steep rocky incline followed by johnny [Music] taddy struggles and goes back for another attempt as the rest of the pack bottlenecks right off the bat it's clear there will be a fierce fight for first bolt and letting biggler jockey for position a back and forth between two bike titans then lettin bigler gets the upper hand further back the fight for third is on walker lezouziak and gomez jarvis is no stranger to rock gardens like this and right now he's climbing his way closer to the pack leaders avastone is proving to be as challenging as expected for many competitors but it's also offering mesmerizing riding through this scenic landscape it's just an echo in my life [Music] alive 40 minutes into the race len mickler leads into the service point here it's all about strategy to fuel or not to fuel manny chooses to not lose time and keeps rolling billy comes in shortly after and decides he needs the gas they already have a decent gap over the rest of the pack walker and blazuziak enter minutes apart gomez and jarvis ride in close together the silent assassin chooses not to refuel and overtakes the spaniard will this strategy pay off the battle for first continues as riders enter the most brutal section of the track the menacing minestrone letton michler is able to extend his lead on bolt who struggles for traction so first and second to through johnny walker is here next billy's right up at the top manny is coming all the way back down here and this is also very tricky as well after the leaders conquered the boulders the rest of the pack take their turn garbage has just turned up for the party walker let's jack jarvis and gomez are close together as they grind their way upward later the amateurs get chewed up in the rocks [Music] an hour into the race and letting bickler is still holding the lead but bolt is only 10 seconds behind him as they begin the second loop let mickler leads into the river section but bolt zigzags through the rocks then punches it and overtakes the german pro coming on strong from behind is graham jarvis proving once again why he's a hard enduro legend he's been able to climb his way past the pack from a 9th place start and now he's fighting johnny walker for third who will come out on top manny's second place at this point can he catch billy who looks like he's sending it to the finish at the finish line the fans await the arrival of their heroes and it's billy bolt burning down the mountain through the enduro cross course and over the finish line to take the title shortly after an excited manny let mickler comes in second [Music] [Applause] but who will round out the podium 13 minutes pass the anticipation mounts and it's graham jarvis taking third place at abba stone hard enduro yeah pretty intense from the start manny caught up and we had a few battles three passes really really happy to come home over the line first i'm a little bit bummed yeah for sure but i think was still a really good start into the season i was struggling first lap it was straight into the river and i just got bit a bit pumped up i felt more tired on the on the first lap than the second so i'm ready for another lap here are the avastone heart enduro final results billy bolt is on top followed by manny lettenbichler and graham jarvis and here are the first official fim hard enduro world championship standings 20 points for bolt in first 17 for letting bickler in second and 15 for jarvis in third that's it from abba stone heart enduro we now leave you with the best action from this outstanding race [Music] [Music] next up we're headed to round three at the infamous red bull romaniacs i'm troy mannering saying keep the rubber side down you
Channel: Red Bull Motorsports
Views: 194,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abestone hard enduro, action sports, billy bolt, enduro bike, enduro race, enduro racing, graham jarvis, hard enduro, hard enduro 2021, hard enduro highlights, hard enduro race, jonny walker, ktm, manuel lettenbichler, motorsports, motorsports videos, red bull, red bull motorsports, red bull romaniacs 2021, redbull, romaniacs 2021, wess 2021
Id: 7ZFNCukY7uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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