KTM Australia Adventure Rallye | QLD Ranges 2021

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[Music] well we're here it's been a long two years but we're back for the 2021 ktm australia adventure valley in kennel worth there's a bit of rain but that doesn't matter just means there's not going to be any dust can't wait i know they're going to some iconic queensland venues being rainbow beach and agnes waters you can see lots of new bikes everywhere the new 890r 890 rally hours and the brand new 1290 adventure up everything's in place for a great week [Music] [Applause] so yeah i'm sort of living the dream of it today so it's back back to the good old days of being able to jump on an aeroplane rocking up jumping a brand new bike and go and explore a new area and do some skids and wheelies got this new ktm 1290 super adventure r all ready to go had one kilometer on it when i got here and just today just went and got it set up checked out some of the local areas did a little bit of showing off for the cameras as you do and yeah ready to go for tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was a pretty cool feeling rolling in yesterday and seeing the big orange tents and all the familiar faces hi guys i'm nick selleck from machine and i'm helping out on the ktm australia rally this week with a bit of gps support tech support and i'll also be riding mid-pack during the week helping out with any challenges the riders might have i guess luckily enough this week i've been given the privilege of riding the new ktm 1290 super adventure r and i'm stoked it's a beautiful looking bike so i can't wait to get on it and try it tomorrow and see what that 160 horsepower feels like oh my name's greg pearl and this is shaun reed my little mate and uh between us we've put the uh ktm rally together oh here she is so here's rosie so these are the three stooges that put it together unbelievable these two they are worth their weight in gold these guys are the ones that made the rally happen the ktm adventure rally is back and thanks to you guys i think a big round of applause to everyone who is here after two long years away how many of you guys are first-time rally riders welcome to ktm rally good to see kdm uh putting these rallies together and uh they're a fun experience we've signed another two-year deal uh to stay on board and um looking forward to yeah and only ktm adventure ambassador come on up here mr chris birch you know new zealand obviously we do it the best you guys come very close before covered uh normally averaging about 10 countries a year for riding motorbikes and they got cut quite by 10. thank you again for being a part of our fifth ktm australia adventure rally let's go out and have some fun tomorrow and here we go as they say the best late adventures never go to plan and with day one the rain brought out the best of the iconic kennel worth clay before the afternoon section had to be changed on the fly due to flooding which saw the sweeps through the rainbow beach in the dark all in a day's adventure [Music] looking good you can't work on an empty stomach and uh standing over there the bacon and smells fantastic so you have a creek's killed it thank you all excited bit of rain get the blood pumping very very excited yeah i think i was probably the last one awake this morning and it was about quarter to six and everyone's just rocking ready to go it's yeah good times ahead [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm overheating yeah you're done yeah so we're about 100 k's 120 k's into day one so far in the ktm adventure rally and it's been an awesome mix of terrain so far really surprising how quickly the country can change from little sandy sections we've been running through canopies of uh overgrown track and uh some wide open cattle country so it's been good fun loving it mate so many bikes um ken city last night was awesome the briefing this morning epic everyone just get gearing up ready to go um yeah loving it so good yeah what happened jenny ah i dropped it in the first big mud puddle down the bottom there and then i went into the bushes we've had all of it yeah rain and what it was nice and fine when we got here and then down she comes but now the sun's out again so um i'm glad we didn't put the rain gear on just yet now oh yeah really good [Music] we had to close the easy way because the easy way is too hard the easy way is underwater the hard way is that way but the hard way is now the easy way you're with me that is a california grim reaper because when you get down there you're probably going to see beefa he's going to be real cranky because i reckon he's been there two hours [Music] [Music] down ain't nothing stopping us could not so so we've had a uh we've had a tie shop fit the wrong size tube in the rear of a big adventure bike so it's supposed to be about twice that size and then what's happened when pippins let his tire pressure down a little bit to make the sand a bit more manageable it's just spun on the rim and torn the valve straight out it doesn't hold air real well that way [Music] rivers is that's the um benji it's a funny big river out there isn't it yeah we're going to drop a lure out the back don't worry about all the dinner we'll be right tonight [Music] should i take you for a ride can we push it to the speed of light [Music] who had a good day on day one of the ktm australia adventure as we all know there's nothing more embarrassing than trying to do a wheeling it up completely i put my head down to avoid the shoehow rocks looked up and saw a 890 just off of the bushes that's what i call an adventure today you don't expect what we had today and that's adventuring things turn very quickly but you just can't let it affect you too much boy's working hard at uh unfortunately something's coming off today and a bit of an injury also drowned his bike so it plugs out pumping water out the cylinders and pump the water out the exhaust heaps of fun on the adventure rally and the fun keeps rolling the sun out and a big day of over 400 kilometers rally riders took in small towns of childress and gingen as well as a three chili breakout nicknamed earthberg on their way to agnes waters we're starting day two here at the beautiful rainbow beach the sun is trying to come out it's also trying to rain but that is classic of adventure body it's a big one over 400k agnes waters big gravel roads lots of cattle country lots of great scenery and another fun night at egg waters tavern to look forward rosie i need some horse shoes too two horses yes he blew his shoes tonight the bloody fix them up to agnes waters 1770 and um yeah hopefully we'll get there unscathed today and um i've got my gear bag with me danica i hate going yeah so yeah we're gonna have a fantastic day yesterday was a great day too so hopefully the rain will stay away and we'll uh we'll all keep it upright just keep going adventure ride mode now day two we're ready for action this special guy this guy number one so you see down here number one day one was perfect uh great tracks a little bit wet and cold but other than that fantastic [Music] i could see through all the faces telling me to find my place and i'm so close that i can taste it on my tongue tell the king he's [Music] always be stopped [Music] [Music] the sun [Music] oh that was very close me day two is pretty good the breakouts were awesome swept there was only one uh but yeah we enjoyed that one we made the most out of it it came off i have it on video so it can't be nice sensational they've done a good job and who would have expected dust today so we got dust and mud all in the same spot [Music] [Music] breaking through impossible [Music] [Music] well the motorx air filter cleaning uh service is backed by popular demand in 2021 we're really excited to be back obviously keeping a clean air intake is super important it's often quite overlooked but a simple thing to keep these guys on track we're expecting to clean and oil over 100 filters every day we start out by cleaning the filters with our biodegradable air filter cleaner and then we we let them dry overnight and then in the morning repeat the oiling process and put them back in the bikes ready to go to tackle the day ahead [Music] oh my gosh [Music] yeah you definitely build a bit better friendship than a lot of a latte friendship on a motorbike and an adventure six mates having a ball hi i'm kevin doyle and we do technical service for kdm on these rallies and we keep the bikes going for all the customers if they can ride we get them going again yeah i'm matthew doyle um here with technical services just uh helping and fixing things that go wrong we had a 1190 that first day fell over in the water and drowned it and um it came in late in the year we got it going again that night did an oil change and then ran it and did another oil change and the way it's going oh well the trucks mostly with spare parts clutch brake levers oil change the oil and filters filters are very important because you know when they get dust in them they don't like dust it's valve grinding paste we start at six o'clock in the morning and this has been fairly good because we've been in bed by sort of ten o'clock but when it's when it's a bit harder sometimes it's two o'clock in the morning before we finish one more happy customer yeah it is a long long event you know it's six days so you just got to um also remember that we don't have to be flat out the whole time you can just take it easy it's six days i know that some of you have seen them out on the trail they are doing the breakouts they are absolutely slaying it danica you have a massive smile on your face when you come in at the end of the day and i love that we have a pillion team here at the ktm australia adventure valley danica and glenn thank you very much for being here and the day we've been waiting for day three was all about chromebook tops national park and taking riders past the beautiful betsy bomber site not only is the site a unique and important part of australian history but the bomber loop track and the breakout route to get there with something special [Music] had a good night's sleep and i'm ready to get into it what are you looking forward to today um the bomber the wreck of the bomber at um crumpet tops i reckon that'll be that'd be great i've wanted to see that for a long time and um yeah really looking forward to it ready for it let's go when we come through three weeks ago it was just two tracks like two four drive tracks and grass growing so they've just taken it we've grown this in the last three weeks got a little bit of filming so did you do all that dozer work oh that's the national park doing that you have to thank him for us yeah fantastic we'll move on before you get cranky with us all right i don't happen to have a shotgun in your truck do you know when i go to 303 firefighters just let me do my favor let him go over the top can you just sit there on the back of your truck with your gun uh some bikes kill power get money locked up first you had a crash today and you think he's got a may even have a puncher or something yeah really two mirrors that we've helped him break in three days fry man one birchie zero mommy's nemesis decided i think you probably heard the story and uh he's got a fair target on his back coming from new zealand and being insta-famous and youtube famous so i thought i could overtake him on a hill which i did i'm very confident about that so i thought i'd just pop a wheelie and give him an aussie wheelie and i lost it ended up in the scrub so that was birchie one brian manziero but i've got a regained consciousness and then roosted him and broke his mirror and then today we saw him um jump out the front in a big ditch he actually did a really good job it was something like out of the flintstones he just left the bike stopped and he kept going so um welcome to australia birchy so [Music] [Music] the beautiful betsy ballmer rests in peace in the chromebook tops national park where she crashed in february 1945 and lay undiscovered for nearly 50 years it sounds like something out of a film but it's true beautiful betsy is the remains of a world war ii liberator bomber aircraft which lay hidden and lost in the crumbet tops underbrush until a ranger saw a glint of silver after a back burn and discovered the site in 1994 the aircraft had gone missing in stormy weather on february 26 1945 while on a fat cat run from darwin to brisbane transporting men and supplies as part of a regular flight the stories of beautiful betsy's final flight and of the eight men who lost their lives are available to read throughout the site a tragic story but a special place to visit and remember [Music] so [Music] absolute legend for those who don't know him this is the one and only ryan booth oh man i love that that was this is what we paid to come see this yeah oh no epic day just they're just getting better and better i haven't been on a bike in 10 years or so so it's a nice little reintroduction to riding dirt bikes a lot of fun good support good crew people loving it as the day draws to a close riders head to cania gorge for the overnight stay but not without a few final challenges thrown their way with the setting sun in their eyes and roaming cattle around every bend [Music] another day of chaos comes to an end coming out from the bomber that was a challenge it was a real challenge um stalled and i didn't have a long enough left leg and top day absolutely flat out i loved it terrain was awesome such a change and just had a ball and went down to the bomber section dropped it getting out that was good fun got paid out on mate that's adventure riding you know fantastic day best day yet definitely yet are we still in two pieces done all the breakouts so yeah really happy yeah thanks to the guys that set the course awesome yeah [Music] [Music] is spoiling us tonight i think a massive round of applause for the amazing people at county are gone the ball whatever it was that charged the old mate he said he was only like using a 690 or 890 to get around it but um anyway just be careful it's another great fast flying section and uh we've really hit panel on australia doing the marks out in previous years of riding it you do come across these uh sections where the farmer has put their cattle troughs or their molasses licks and the cows think you're going to feed them and they run towards the road and they run towards you [Music] back to cattle country riders departed past the stunning canyon gorge cliffs and headed south with a relatively short day of just under 300 kilometers plenty of fun with several three chili breakouts and even a bath tunnel [Music] day four oh my goodness kenny gorge was absolutely amazing house for us last night we had a camp over dinner uh the only thing the kookaburra death match outside my tent this morning was a little bit interesting but uh it was awesome glamping here tenth city higher has been outstanding um and it was great great accommodation sun is coming out the mist is lifting day four we're headed to ganda can't wait to get back out on the bike excellent day four feeling really good enjoying it that's my first rally so i must admit that he compliments the kdm for doing a sensational job and all you guys that are supporting him well done set a good brickie billy t doesn't get any better mate 11. [Music] oh [Music] thank you um [Music] um so today we're sort of getting up in those mountain ranges and pretty good altitude and yeah so it's been been actually yeah really really nice like as good as anywhere i've ever written so thankful the great day mate just finished off the air filters ready to uh have a couple of beers now toby price thinks he's the mullet man yeah he's got laughter it's been great like the standard of riders this year has been really good like there's been no stragglers at the tail end it's all flowed really well so gregor you've done every rally that's right not everyone in the world just every single track today was unreal really good really good and following red around on his 390 it's been a highlight i reckon nobody is keeping up with the 890 it um it does lack a bit of suspension and a bit of power but what we don't make up in that we um yeah it's definitely been a great little bike uh i haven't broken it yet which is the main thing um power probably be helpful for me probably rigo's probably more of a bloke to handle power like that british rider that's 920 kilos is probably pretty capable of actually riding it so um probably my weight and my size is probably the limiting factor of riding the bike but 120 kilos put both feet on the scales next time a lot of people have been asking me about today and this week and i've explained it like at paris to dak harvard harder and these guys in the bible whack set up a you know they deserve they deserve a bloody medal they're bloody tops they've done a really good job rob turton i'm from overlander motorbike event support we've been doing this since 1990s and we used to run tours and stuff so we're pretty understanding of just the problems you have doing this type of job we sort of set the truck up to basically do tours but also to be able to do events like this and be able to keep people on the road it's a fairly challenging job and basically if you've got a good crew to work with it's okay um priority is always the kdm boys and lead riders and sweep riders try to get them ready so in the morning they can ever sleep they can get out the door early for the general punter it's basically here to support them they order the tyres they want to run we bring the tyres along and then we fit them when they want to use them some will put a pair on at the start some will put one but basically the whole idea of the of the plan is so they can turn up run their tyres to death and know they've got a new pair of tyres and if the worst thing happens that they ruin one we've got a spare in the truck so pretty much keeps everybody on the road and the system works very very well last night i think we did 30 or 40. it was a fairly big night and i think tonight's going to be another one but at the end of the day it's what we're here for so it's enjoyable my better half annie here who's always on the wheels everyone is takes her as the first point of contact and andy has been doing this for a few years john pace x motorcycle racer superstar superbike grand prix riders come along to help us so part of the team young john started our six foot tall at the start of it i have to say thanks to the two of them because without them i couldn't do it thank you as we said goodbye to the big orange riders continued south for another 300 kilometer day through classic queensland countryside to the unique bunia mountains a spectacular subtropical rainforest forming an isolated section of the great dividing range [Music] today is day five we're at gander heading for bunya mountains another good day ahead of us i think a bit colder this morning though tell you it's a bit hard to get my boots on this morning i'll tell you what it's where it sunk in today i'm feeling i'm feeling it today but i'm still excited two more days to go looking forward to tonight at bunya mountains have been there before there's a whiskey bar so that'll be pretty cool i've bunion mounts today so um yeah we've got two houses booked there one with a pool table so there'll be a pool combat our place what's the price don't know yet we haven't worked that out it won't be me come on now i'm warning all [Music] we've got to make decisions if we want the track to go through there or not on that particular occasion there was cattle in that paddock and it's a corridor so there was only two gates and by the time all the bikes go through they would split the cattle and go through the fences and the cow cocky would not be happy men so we went around the area and got to town narrowed it for me well we leave here at moog and we go through a little aboriginal community called sherbeg then we climb up a bit of a rocky uphill and head towards the jackie peterson dam i'm actually right along the side of the dam so that should be pretty interesting for everyone i think so [Music] all right [Music] somewhere [Applause] [Music] [Music] whatever you know [Applause] so the day's going well it's a nice speedy morning yeah a bit slippery there in spots uh helped a bike up today a nice fast flow and really enjoyed it i just wanted to reunite you with your long-lost twin brother here we'll will the real nick select please stand up put a bit of grey going on the sides i've walked over bigger guys just to get to a fight did you say did you call him yeah any random me you want to go too i'm like nope [Applause] it was muddy it was straight it was losing gravel with sandy it was excellent yeah it was good i like that um the section up the single trail through the top of the hill with just the double wheel runs that was pretty cool that was good nice finish a bit chilly up here though isn't it queen cleaned yeah yeah a lot of dirt today which is great so i'm a fan of the dirt rather than the mixman it was a good ride coming up the mountain but the uh the breakout was fantastic uh i followed the um uh the the pear that with the the girl on the back and they are incredible i nearly took them out incidentally but that was a bit of a mistake i did but i followed them through and when my tires were sliding theirs weren't and i couldn't believe how fast they could go it was wonderful to watch it was a great day day five we're up here in bunya mountains it is queensland and it is cold but uh that's all part of the adventure it's pretty amazing we've been from the ocean to the mountains [Music] there is a fundraiser lunch so this family is putting on mistake saying us for all of you guys for their son gus is 11 years old and he really wants to buy a ktn he told me that is the very very first crash even though he didn't come off the bike very very first crash he's ever had on a motorbike now he would be the only person in this room i'm sure anyone else here never had a crash in a motorbike enjoy every bit of it and if you um if you haven't had a good time showing bloody fault [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and just like that it was day six but as they say they saved the best for last and heading back to where it all began riders were treated to a special property that offered one of the best adventure tracks of the week [Music] hey [Music] first really it's been fantastic a little bit of everything sand mud rock uphills downhill fast and slow so really enjoyed it day six got through day five and skate fell over yesterday in a ditch but uh not too bad and looking forward to the day six and finishing it up it's been good it'd be a bit sad to see the end of it won't it yeah you know it's been a great week it's been run running well as usual so yeah sorry to go home again we'll be back next time love the weather up here love the place we'll certainly come back and we'll certainly do another tour my word she shines and she radiates [Music] the true glow oh so honest more than she knows she decorates to bring out less doubt something more let's talk about now pull it in or fill it out [Music] [Music] did you see now [Music] that is the spirit of the future that is what brings us he's perfect having the best week but how good it like honestly it's so good that you guys are having fun special thing you do for us rosie you keep up happy unbelievable [Music] go go go go go go go go [Music] a stretch of adventure twin track that seems to have been made for ktm adventure bikes creek crossings sand rolling green hills there was no better way to top off the 2021 ktm australia adventure rally queensland ranges [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] what a day we've enlisted a new uh film crew asset his name is born and he's doing all the dirty work and then carrying your bag across going into the river to get the shots that jordy thinks that you're getting [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and this particular creek crossing provided plenty of interesting moments with its smooth sandy bottom and a particularly deep section right at the start the more bikes through the more ruts made there was no shortage of spectators on hand to help out and enjoy the entertainment [Applause] is [Music] you've had a nice ride you didn't have a swim did you no that was good love just love that's all i run on his love oh you did it hold on buddy i just concentrated on drowning we got there just in time for your crew to come through that creek yeah and the wheelies it was so much fun yeah that was perfect me and the big fella were going through before and i could hear him come up beside me and it was a big puddle just a dirty puddle and i wheeled through it and i absolutely smoked him look at him he got him back then he come through the creek at mach 1 and got me back [Laughter] oh that's living i love it so chris burch you're going to have to jump on instagram and check out berkeley so he's a ktm ambassador for the adventure bike there you go you'll have to hit dad up right i'm going to sell those extra cars [Music] enjoy the lovely lunch with these lovely people riding on fantastic tracks what a lovely part of the world we're in this louisville station um the road is absolutely amazing and it's great that they let us come through so we heard that gus wanted to purchase a ktm so we thought what better way to help support that than bring 150 riders through and do a fundraiser lunch for them so we're here and hopefully gus can get his new ktm supporting locals yeah what we like [Music] so [Music] that's right we're all back in one bit not too many dramas lots of fun it's a good game that's a great great six days well done mate thank you thank you really awesome i was only just a tiny little piece of the puzzle rally went really well enjoyed it immensely it's my first rally i think that rosie did a fantastic job organizing 135 blokes it's uh it's a big ass yeah best six days have been a long time it was a dick at olympics [Music] just like one of the highlights of your life okay so do yourself a favor see on the next rally but i cannot believe the effort that you guys have made as riders for supporting this event so i cannot thank you enough you guys riders massive around i'm not sure if anyone really wants this to finish so i reckon let's just go one more day just one more day come on some of the slipperiness i had some of those mud tracks they were they were up there with the best they were you'd come into them off a different color deco into black mud and your tyres didn't have chance tyres couldn't even handle it it was just next level remember a lovely canadian girl in fredbear about what is it 2016. we told you a man simple as that we're not putting arrows up we're on the gas i guess that's it what an amazing event it was amazing to do with you guys and i guess the only thing left to say is where to next year see you all again thank you so much for being a part of the 2021 ktm australia adventure rally queensland rangers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: KTMAustralia
Views: 463,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uKV1xxN3MMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 47sec (3527 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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