Into The Dust 4 (Full Movie)

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[Music] so freaking raunchy out there i mean it's cool and unusual punishment [Music] traps everything sucks my hands are failing [Music] the baja 1000 the longest non-stop cross-country race in the world iron man class that means by yourself no teammates only a handful of people have ever finished it our first iron man attempt 2016 tanner finished i hurt my neck at mile 200 and toughed it out to mile 600 before i tapped out [Music] 2017 tanner affected by a peanut allergy made it to mile 607. [ __ ] me buddy you're not injured are you i ran out of gas lost seven hours and continued and made it to mile 831 before tapping out [Music] each time i was with my son but this time i was alone we had set a goal to be the first father and son to finish he had done his part i had failed twice [Music] and had unfinished business with 806 miles of beautiful yet hostile desert [Music] i'm not a quitter am i [Music] i said i would do this i promised [Music] we set a goal we'd both finish he did it am i unable too old not tough enough [Music] [Music] since tanner decided to race an ironman class and i decided to do it too it's been three years and it's been in my head every day for three years you know i don't quit so i've got to finish this race and if i don't finish i have to go back again and if i don't finish i have to go back again and again and again i cannot let the desert beat me [Music] i knew my body was going to be the major physical limitation and if i was gonna do this i had to start preparing for that one day a year ahead of time typically i'll work out two or three days in a row and take a recovery day i'm always either working or recovering and recovery i learned is very important you can't just work out six or seven days a week because your body needs time to rebuild and that rebuilding time is just as important as the workout time [Music] we rode here at our motocross track as we have done for years to train for the race and that's great for building riding skills but i needed to train for endurance so i ran far and i bicycled far and tanner and i entered spartan races so i could get my body pushing for hours and hours and hours i woke up at 2 10 a.m 20 minutes before my alarm went off who can sleep before this i feel good as good as i'm ever gonna feel i'm not gonna feel any better one section at a time come see my friends the moment of reckoning was finally here either i was gonna finish or something bad was gonna happen maybe both i rolled up to the staging at the starting line with 10 other iron man competitors i was a baja veteran now i knew how it worked the emotion had a story behind it the last two years fear makes the wolf bigger i let go of that story i was calmer than before adrenaline is your enemy especially in the iron man class [Music] i decided the best chance of me finishing the baja 1000 iron man was to enter all four races of the season i would get more experience get smarter learn more things and the first race was the san felipe 250 which was 320 miles it was a tough race the terrain around san felipe is the most whooped out of any terrain in baja when i rolled into the finish line i realized this is the first time i had ever seen a finish line in baja in 2015 when tanner and i were a team we won the sportsman class he's the one that finished and ever since then i hadn't seen a finish line myself so it was a great feeling and one that i really wanted more of that's when i met victor abitia he was my chase truck driver he knew baja motorcycles and people the type of support i'm providing for larry and larry's team is a little bit of everything i think i'm a jack of all trades i help with the planning i help with the crew i'm making sure everything gets done i'm here to help larry finish the race we became great friends needed all he could to take care of me in every circumstance we'd be together for the entire season the next race was the baja 500 and tanner and i had entered together we both finished and tanner and i made history as the first father and son to ever finish the baja 500 on motorcycles in the iron man class and at age 54 i was the oldest finisher of the baja 500 iron man i had torn my meniscus and the only thing i could think about was could i race you know would i get better in time and would i lose my physical fitness by not being able to work out luckily the longest gap between races was from the baja 500 in june to the tijuana challenge in september so i was able to have surgery and get better so i went to the tijuana challenge not knowing how my knee would be and it turns out that wasn't my biggest problem barbed wire around my rear wheel was but i got through and i finished there was only two iron man riders that finished all three races of the season so far and i was one of them and i found myself sitting in second place in the championship points i looked at the other iron man competitors at the starting line pike numbers beginning with a seven you had to be a superhero crazy or naive to sign up for this sometimes a little of each you're gonna suffer and your chances of finishing were not good what we all wanted was to push to the absolute edge of our physical and mental limits and see what we could really do there was jose carrasco francisco septien beau hawkins and a woman liz karsh many were rooting for her including me you all ready i think so as ready as i'm gonna be i decided i would not compete against anyone i'd help them there was only one person i was competing against and he was sitting on my bike the pro team started first and just as colton udall on the 1x bike was about to get the green flag he comes walking back looking for help i'd always use red flashing lights on my back so i can be seen at night but this year they were required they wouldn't let colton go because he didn't have one i had two on my back so i gave him one all right put it back and we'll flip it after all the planning and pondering and preparation the time was now i didn't have to worry about what to prepare next i didn't have to worry about eating well or getting stronger all i had to do now is ride and find my next pit and don't run out of gas like last year i passed liz early but based on previous races i knew i'd probably see her again [Music] guys we're going straight through that crossing [Music] larry took off at 4 30 this morning it was supposed to be arrived according the program 5 50 am [Music] at the beginning of the race bikes and atvs were clustered together on the course the atvs and faster riders on teams would be coming by me making dust in the night but i was iron man and i had a plan i had a rule don't ride into the dust and hit something and crash out sometimes you get away with it but i needed to finish and one mistake and a year of hard effort could be lost [Music] you can't see anything two bites right ahead of me making dust this should be a 55 mile an hour road i can't see so i'm doing 40. my hands are freezing it's got to be 35 degrees out here my hands are freezing my cheeks my face freezing my hands were going numb it was hard to operate the levers they were my biggest concern right now is [Music] come on son come on son [Music] i can say i have a special bond with each of my support team members being a part of larry's team is very special we've gotten to be friends from the first race the challenge is sequel for all of us to try to get him to finish and we're going to get him there my great friends kevin koval and bobby miles were here again to do everything they could to get me across the finish line we're the friends chase team so whatever he needs that's what we do bobby does full body massages [Music] that's what he wants that's what we give him [Music] you're 11 minutes ahead of schedule right now i was freezing man oh my god my hands actually i couldn't feel my hands were you able to hold the radiator no but i couldn't let go of the bike that's right these guys taking chances going into the dust you can't see nothing and they go right by me like zero visibility they're driving into it one dude ran right into a giant bush i'm not doing that in 2016 we made it exactly 600 miles last year he made it a little bit over 800 miles if we repeat what he did last year he can finish it out and i think he can do it [Music] look good overall he's 11 minutes ahead of schedule he's going to hit a section right now going to vaya trinidad it's fast rocky silty so it has a little bit of everything [Music] we needed three chase vehicles to be sure they could see me at all of our planned stops along the bottom of the course there were sections where i would go faster than the chase vehicles and beat them to the next stop by having multiple chase vehicles they could leapfrog each other and make sure i had coverage everywhere i needed it dude i was on the toilet since two o'clock this morning the different kind of baja bug yeah not the good kind hey watch out don't go in the road come here liz larry should be coming up [Music] [Music] how's your shoulder starting to hurt your next pit is 22 miles you're gonna pit before you see us my crew reminded me where the next pit was as we had planned one missed gas pit as i learned last year and i can be out of the race our motto was a perfect plan perfectly and calmly executed we said it over and over again a perfect plan perfectly and calmly executed he seems way better than last bit i think he got his groove on so now we have the whole team together so big happy family i'm always doing math in my helmet you know when i was at mile 100 with 706 miles to go all right i'm like 1 8 done you know so i'm saying hey good feeling good 1 8 a ton [Music] [Applause] for me [Music] let's come by yeah yeah how long ago about five ten minutes bronze reported you're at 31.02 miles an hour average you're 10 minutes ahead of schedule right now okay that's what i want 10 10 you were supposed to be here at 10 20. we did a pre-run for this race from that he developed a whole game plan times he's going to arrive if he's going to need a goggle change if he's going to need a jacket if he wants his lights on okay so i did check i did bob pitt and i did here so i'm good here yeah everything's good the amount of preparation that he has and the amount of dedication that he does for whatever task he has at hand is perfect it's down to the minute [Music] [Music] so there are thousands of intersections on the course even with pre-running and having a gps you still take a wrong fork now and then oh man i got picked through the desert to get back to the line boulders rocks cactus ravines washouts you're on your own [Music] look at all these books oh my god damn believe me this is where the trophy trucks make up mega time on me they'll be going four times my speed through here now i know what someone hates you you can send you on the san felipe look pretty brutal a group of veterans put a team together warrior built and entered the sportsman class and here's this guy giovanni perez missing the end of his arm riding a dirt bike it was one of the most inspiring things i'd ever [Music] we're seen here at 11 35 it's 1108 right now tonight is horrible yeah when you can't see with the trucks keep coming so i got to be way ahead you know so that the night when you're slow it's okay you know yeah and then once the sun comes up i'm good as long as i'm past 600 really good [Music] 23 minutes ahead of schedule [Music] [Music] like that rocks you okay that's what i was saying you got to be careful then there's a guy laying there with a broken larry's doing really good right now he's 29 minutes ahead on the toughest section of the course where he thought he was going to be slower i think he was actually faster than pre-run so that right there is a sign of what the man can do that's what happens when a hurricane passes through baja you lose roads so this is the highway now the next thing i had to do is head south down 35 miles of the puerto cito's highway the problem is the highway was missing a big rainstorm had come and the water washed out the brand new highway in six sections including one that was 10 miles long detour do you think it's a good idea to take it yes the desert landscape is a wonder to behold at unpredictable intervals the sand would change the rocks would change and the vegetation would change and so with the course you'd be dodging coconut-sized rocks scattered in deep sand for a few minutes and then be on a washboarded hard dirt road then you'd be in sweeping rutted turns for a few minutes then hit a patch of still like riding through flour at various depths [Music] [Music] a gracias [Music] the tiny seaside town of gonzaga bay was my next chase stop it would be quick because i was being chased dude you are kicking it i'm gonna get a burrito and clean the goggles and i'm gone i'm trying to get to 400 in front of the truck the race truck started six hours after the motorcycles some were delayed after a terrible accident at the start trophy trucks didn't get let until 11 o'clock they should be here at dark once they got here it was a whole different race i'd say goodbye to clear air and hello to danger and blindness and even deeper silt and ruts and chop get it bro [Music] when you're trying to achieve something big you have to break it down into doable parts i cannot finish the race right now i could do my best to get to mile 389 before dark that's almost halfway home damn see this sand is so tricky it's so soft the front wheel washes out man takes so much energy when you gotta lift the bike like that the core snake down from ensenada along the east coast and now it would begin to cross over to the west coast and back up the pacific ocean side to make a big sneaky oblong loop back to the starting line which would now be the finish line i only hoped i could see it so oh that was close that looks like that on my face [Music] i got to mile 380 and the sun was just going down and i'm happy to see my team they're happy to see me but it's the start of the longest stretch where i wouldn't see my chase truck 100 miles and this was going to be the hardest part of the course anybody know how far the trucks are no reliable information on that we heard that on radio like 300 there was sketchy information as to where the first trophy truck was someone said it was 90 miles behind me so i calculated that i could get to 415 before he did so as far as i was concerned i was racing to 450. i just got to go around the silt if i could see it and then get up the hill climb at 4 15 then i'm good we got silt and then rocket how do you play yours now okay my emotions were mixed at that point i mean i was doing great so that boosted me but i knew that i had 13 hours of darkness and trophy trucks and cold and dust to deal with starting right now i got 100 miles guys it should be gone for five hours depending on the life aggravation all right so we have 35 miles to go to that hill clock i might get past the still before the trucks come that would be awesome [Music] thank you [Music] one mile into it i go down oh my god the locals told me to go left because the silt was too deep on the main line but it was chewed up too and got me off course oh my god okay rocks oh no wind not good that's the first trophy truck [Music] larry left about 15 minutes ago so trophy trucks are right behind him now it's gonna be a little dangerous for him but he'll make it through he's used to this [Music] well there goes the first truck the first racing truck comes by me they weren't an hour behind me at all and now he's throwing all the silts in the air then here comes the next truck and the next one and it's a parade of racing trucks you're trying to finish a race and you can't even see the next few minutes would be a preview of most of the night [Music] [Music] i really can't see anything big difference from an hour ago huh that truck went by a long time ago and there's dust here i'm in a race can you believe this this is not a matter of courage or physical output you know there's that too this is just getting visual information to your brain i'm going like two miles an hour oh god we're waiting for larry at 480. the first ironman went by several hours ago liz just went by and then the guy that was leading early on jose carrasco he broke down in the silt and then they sent a guy running the course to go pick him up another guy we just heard word that he's got a broken collarbone but we don't know who that is yet so that's where we're at right now as he keeps the wheels rolling will be good [Music] oh god man it's fantastic 29 miles an hour dirty so you persevere of course gives you a gift remember what arturo said smooth just keep it going larry no mistakes let's get through it [Music] hey buddy buddy i've ever done in my life we heard that's the worst shelter there's ever been a boss oh yeah oh in 40 years tell me one thing yep how am i compared to my plan you're right on right you're at 10 35 you're perfect that was the most horrible thing i've ever done on a motorcycle it's really hard the silt is so bad out there trucks go by you if there's no wind and it's it just hangs there where did the truck catch it right right now yeah [Music] listen everybody this is the thing to finish this race i have to have a good night so i did a hundred miles of the worst crap that god ever made in the first half of the night and i have time for a 45 minute rest the second half of the night i have to go through that 60 miles that's going to be just the same crap so so i got to get 60 and 60 more by time sun comes up and then i'm right on plan let's do it i was frozen i couldn't feel my hands but victor had the van heated up to 85 degrees and kevin slung a hammock with a pillow in the back of the van hello blanket it was more than welcome so yeah get some rest get your energy back and we'll wake you up in a half hour [Music] he's officially going to bed so bike's working perfectly he's working perfectly so it's just a matter of time impressive [Music] i had planned on 45 minutes of sleep but it took me 45 minutes just to stop shivering and i got no sleep at all it was rough a guy that's been raising baja for 40 years said it was the toughest silt he's ever seen in his life you're in the low areas in the silt and the guy comes by you and dust you if you would just wait there you'd be waiting forever we were almost 20 hours in now and having my friends there with their help and support and their smiles and their encouragement meant everything to me you guys are the best love you guys bigger three hours i rolled out of the pit at 4 80 at 11 35 pm i wanted to believe the worst was over but i knew it wasn't the silt was incredible it was the worst i'd ever seen you'd be going along a harder packed section and then you see these deep ruts form in front of you and you'd sort of dive in there not knowing how deep the silt was and it would come over your front fender it was up to the seat almost in places and it was higher than the foot peg so you had to lift your boots up and hold your knees up for hundreds of yards and you're going two or three miles an hour feels like a mortar skiing with my boots it's just a nightmare oh my god my abs are killing me this challenge comes at a heavy price i was paying it right now perhaps it's hard to understand but this was what i came for when your needle's on empty that's when you find out who you are and what you're really capable of that's ridiculous my ropes are full of oh sounds like it's over up there my bike is going pretty good i think i tweaked my life so they went down a word take care i hope the guy that i left on the ground is like hypothermic right now because he told me he was going to keep moving liz karsh the iron woman in front of me came out to the road and couldn't find her pit truck so she stopped at ours she was really having a tough time as i was it took her 10 hours to go 160 miles [Music] [Music] there's people upside down left and right buggy stuck there's a guy in our class 747 who i came across taking a photo on and i saw him on the freaking ground resting on his elbow dude are you okay with your fault he's like no he's like still is a nightmare and i've been having tip over some kind of resting right now and i was like well you need to keep moving and have lights on because if a trophy truck takes this slime you're dead so get up and uh i feel bad like i had to keep on moving myself but i told knight seven so i hope he's okay just getting away we should find it's up here i know so we stopped here and then we found it up there and we've been waiting for like three hours i thank you very much i'll go get a nut and i just want uh make sure that i found you guys [Music] 2 30 in the morning it's a little bit below 40 degrees outside it's cold and we're just standing here the riders are probably freezing it is crazy cold i remember thinking to myself this is nuts for anybody to expect a motorcycle to go through this silt is just completely unreasonable these are the best riders in the world one of them who had won the race a couple years earlier he didn't finish and another one who was a champion he left his bike there in the sill i mean it's bad i hate silk i hate it but i know i can deal with it i've never gone through so much still getting practice honestly i'm getting better at it [Music] making progress i didn't mind getting beat up a little well when you're not making progress [Music] the silt was so deep buggies and race trucks were getting stuck in it and there'd be a buggy behind a buggy behind a buggy all stuck and they'd be jacking them up and putting a board underneath the rear tire and going again to go three feet just to get stuck again [Music] at one point it must have taken me 25 minutes to go one mile i thought how am i ever going to finish this race this way but i knew this was where the race was made survive the night and the worst and keep it moving forward if you want any chance at all there was no whining it was do it or quit the chase stop at mile 538 was a big milestone for me it marked the end of this horrible still i was so worried because in a half an hour i went like two miles i was like this is impossible so it's non-stop for like 25 miles this stopped here she couldn't find her truck she said that last section was 100 times worse than this section before you're now we're 45 minutes behind right now oh my god it's 3 17. you've been planning on being here at 126. [Music] he took a tumble so his shifter got him me stuck we're going to readjust the lever for his clutch change the filter oil the chain and get him going in 50 miles i'd lost an hour and 45 minutes off my planned race time now i was in danger of not finishing in a time limit i came into the truck and i told bobby i'm fighting for it man took everything i had to get through that last section [Music] it's like a new bike [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's so freaking raunchy out there i mean it's cruel and unusual punishment [Music] everything sucks my hands are failing i was really in pain and i passed liz at the last baja pit and here she was rolling in right next to us [Music] [Music] we gotta make this quick i gotta average 21.5 including stops do you start racing patients [Laughter] [Music] we just saw larry he was just sitting resting about to have a meal and uh kevin comes up to him and he's like are you ready to start racing now and he literally his eyes lit up he left the sandwich got on the bike and started heading down north so we'll see what happens i wrote for my life smooth is fast true but right now fast was fast and that's what i needed it was me against me i had come too far to lose this battle the sun came up and i knew the terrain i had been on it before i was very comfortable with it and i knew it was fast and i said i am going to make up some time i was riding better than i had in the entire race even at the beginning of the race and the pain in my hands and my arms and my shoulders that didn't matter all i could think about was the black and white checkered flag pulling me forward like a magnet [Music] all right so what's the math now jazz back on that bike what's the map trust me it's 7 41 right now you're sold from here at 5 24. you were two hours and uh 17 minutes behind at the last stop 14 minute stop here i'm not taking no 14 minute break nope three more pits we're headed to ensenada yeah sorry bro we're gonna push it next few stops save the cupcake from here [Applause] [Music] i have no idea where it was coming from it's as if all the energy was being pulled from every other bodily function and used to ride the miles were going by quicker now and i didn't even have the energy to do math in my helmet anymore i just rode as fast as i could [Music] [Music] [Music] every time i came in to see my truck i was less and less behind my schedule it's nine o'clock you took off at 422 424 it's hard to tell 19.42 miles an hour you need to be doing it you're averaging 30. when you come out of here larry there's a long uphill still bed over there [Music] up that hill and you're home free three years i had come so far and was so close i was 69 miles out on fumes i was 32 and a half hours in now i had been in pain for 24 hours my butt was raw my upper back and shoulders ached my traps were screaming my legs everything hurt and yet it didn't [Music] i talked in my helmet i talked to my mom and my dad who had both been gone i talked to my daughters and i talked to tanner they couldn't hear me but i talked to them anyway i was getting faster and making up more time but i knew baja wasn't going to give me anything i had to take it [Music] [Music] do you have gasolina anybody gasolina [Music] let's say average of 20. so that's three hours it's here at 11. i'd say 11 40 one more hour i think we just feel him we got to push him man that's gotta we can't do it dnf we're just gonna feel him and go i'm just gonna give him like three fourths of gas i was looking for the gas pit at mile 680 681 came and went no pit 682 just destilation now i was seriously worried did i miss the pit [Music] gazalena i was worried [Music] okay thank you [Music] it's getting close he's put so much in this whole year all the hard sweat equity and tears he's put into this man he deserves to win that second place championship he deserves it right [Music] should be here in five minutes in a mile every two minutes we're closed finally three there's this dust right there guys [Music] [Music] bro come on picked up 20 minutes you're 20 minutes ahead of liz there's nobody in front of you to catch 19 miles an hour put you there an hour ahead of time i feel good man you look good man i'm that section was hard you didn't come all this way to do it again next year right hell no smooth is fast when you get on the flat road you can crank it up crank it up okay we need you across that finish line before 4 20. okay no dnf here bro so drink that as fast as you can and get back on that thing and roll you didn't run five races that dnf no no you got it listen you get frankie frankie okay that's all you need well oil machine everybody doing their part now we gotta race the finish to actually watch him cross him all right so it's it's on him it's on him from now on oh we're beating him we are there's there's no option we're getting there it might break some loss [Music] pedal to the metal for a little bit whatever you've come in [Music] my last chase truck stop was in ojos and i met javier and oscar there and oscar looked at me and he said remember this is very important for your life [Music] i was making a spiritual crossing i wound through the brush up the hills and down into the valleys i dared to switch backs and flaunted my machine ever closer the danger of this adventure was worth a thousand days of ease and comfort i had lived this before i had finished the race in my bed many times now there was rushing air and vibration under me this was glory not for another hour but for this hour it's a long way long tough way just keep going you can't give up i had trained harder than ever ran farther than ever worked out harder than ever i did everything i could to prepare for this race and now i'm closing in on the finish [Music] my muscles and joints were lubricated by the magnetism of a checkered flag and knowing my team and 1 000 people scattered across the globe would be waiting for me at the finish line [Music] iron man is the toughest thing you can do in baja racing it's very very very tough you have to rely on your people but more than anything you have to rely on yourself because you're the one putting the bike all the way across than anything is mental toughness and being able to endure a lot of pain and past that point where you think you can't do any more and keep on going for 18 hours more the dark night of my soul gasoline and whiplash and needles and spikes heat and cold and dust blood and tears mistakes and pain and the weather man [Music] the will and determination of a man to get to the finish line there's nothing more than that it's quite an accomplishment to do this it's not for everyone you'll have to be really strong will and not give up you're going to just be tired tired like you've never been you know [Music] we're like a boxing guy in the middle of the ring you know when the green flag or the bell ring you need give the best effort [Music] faces and hearts last turn [Music] [Applause] love and honor i promise [Music] [Music] they put the baja 1000 finisher metal around my neck on the strap that said iron man [Applause] this is my uh third attempt at the bottom of a thousand ironman i don't quit so today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're enjoying these into the dust stories join over 20 000 others and sign up for my short message of the day at think daily messages are about living a successful fulfilling high performance life it's free and i pledge to never share your email address with anyone for business people you can also get think daily for business people a second message each weekday at thank you for [Music] watching chloe and all people who never give up [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Larry Janesky
Views: 113,691
Rating: 4.9582734 out of 5
Keywords: Business, Business Coach, Success, Larry Janesky, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Baja 1000, Baja 1000 Ironman, Motocross, Liz Karcz, 714x, Off Road Racing, Documentary, Desert Racing, Tanner Janesky, Score International, Baja Ironman, Mexico, Moto, motorcycle racing, Chris Haines, Dirt bike, Trophy Truck, Race Crash, Motorsport, Baja Racing, Inspiring Story, Extreme Sports, Enduro, off-road motorsport race, Baja Mil, Race Accidents, Janesky Racing, Inspirational True Story
Id: cXRjFIsLP3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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