Italian lamb shanks

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with a great hearty dish boy now the Italian style lamb shanks I'm going to serve it with a little gremolata which is basically a parsley lemon and garlic seasoning so we've got some lovely lamb shanks just flour these now flour in helps thicken the sauce up a bit later on and also gives the lamb shanks a lovely cross once them just roll them into the flour don't need too much flour just enough to coat and absorb that excess moisture nice hot pan good amount of oil a couple of tablespoons worth we want to try and get a nice golden-brown color over these lamb shanks it's a Wilder lamb shakes the Browning we're to get on with the braise ingredient put a couple of onions here I'm going to get these nicely diced it doesn't have to be too fun detains food stories a little bit rustic to me so large size no got our garlic okay once again this doesn't have to be too fun because we are going to cook it nice and slow so it's all got to break down now our lamb is pretty well around here I'm going to get these into our braising dish now [Music] I'm using these onion pieces to pick up any of that little bit of brown flour at the bottom or just stop them from burning at this point the onions will naturally release a little bit of moisture into that pan and all just make it really easy to lift all that caramelized stuff off at this stage [Music] so I've garlic soon we're going to cook that for a couple more minutes to get the rawness out of the garlic and in the meantime we're going to get onto our gremolata which is lemon garlic and parsley so I'm going to show you a new method with the lemon now it's to peel the lemon instead of using a microplane using a peeler we leave all the piece behind and we just get dessert now the zest is what we're looking for here it's got all the nice flavors in in there peace is real the bitter flavors are and we can line them up nicely basically do a the French Quarter julienne we are getting a little bit ahead of ourselves by doing the grammar later now because the lamb shanks are going to have to cook for two to three hours but I like to be organized and we can just keep it in a bowl cover it in the fridge and I'll stay nice and fresh for that time [Music] on a lovely sounds I love hearing that that sound to get all that flavor off the bottom of the pan let that come off the boil just to cook up some of that alcohol and we'll get our stock enough models in the meantime I'll get back onto the gremolata so we've got our garlic now we need to chop this really quite fine I don't I'm not going to turn this into a paste and when we keep a little bit of texture to it just so that we can put it over the top of our lamb shank on top so I think that's fine enough well white wines cooked down a little bit or the alcohol thing cooked out in goes our chicken stock and our tomato we're going to bring this up to a boil keep it on to our land pop some rosemary in there and our lands going to go straight into the oven so we'll get a pretty sharp our gremolata finely chopped parsley once again it doesn't have to be too fun straight into the bowl [Music] so that stops almost up to the ball they're gonna put our rosary over our land just hole we going to pull this out after lamb and Rose me that pretty fantastic flavor now I'll stop chip that over your land and you want this to cover the lamb you make if it's not covering it a little bit more stock [Music] so our lamb shakes have been in the oven for about three hours I'll take two to three hours depending on having their larger they are absolutely longer it'll take to cook so these ones super tender now super delicious that's awesome really nice lush rich we're going to get these out you're gentle cuz the meat is very tender at the moment it is going to fall off the bone [Music] now that are coming off this er amazing and don't feel you need to use your hands in my hands a pretty a pretty bulletproof at the moment I've been touching hot things for a long time have the Rose Miss talk to nurse to take them out and I'm going to use much of this source as we can get on there without making too much fun now we're serving this sauce polenta and broccolini and beans you can't forget the gremolata it just turns this dish and something really nice something [Music] and
Channel: Love Food
Views: 136,073
Rating: 4.780488 out of 5
Keywords: lamb, lamb shanks, recipe
Id: YNow9qvO4RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2017
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