Lamb Shanks in Red Wine | Everyday Gourmet S8 EP72

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[Music] now you're not a confident cook but want to cook something really delicious and hearty at home I always recommend starting with a stew particularly something like this which is my lamb in red wine and I'm gonna do mine in a pressure cooker because you get that beautiful slow-cooked finish in no time at all what I'm doing is sealing off my lamb shanks and you want to do this in batches so I've put two in already these are gorgeous organic lamb shanks they've got a lovely sweetness after they're cooked and they're not too large which I like so it's a perfect amount for one person so one shape per person now once I've done the first batch I'll take them out and place them onto a plate and then we'll seal off the next batch this is a critical point when you're making a stew because the caramelization is going to give so much flavor to the sauce so allow it to become really crispy on the outside I'm going to season this with a really interesting spice this is allspice and I'm just sprinkling that over the lamb shanks I like to sprinkle it over the lamb shanks after they've been sealed if I add that spice at the beginning what happens is it burns and it loses all that beautiful perfume so sprinkle it over and I'll turn the second batch of lamb st. give them a few more minutes now while they're cooking we'll get on to the classic mirepoix some onions that I'll just roughly slice you don't have to be too pedantic here but again this is a great way of practicing your knife skills at home right the second batch of lamb shanks are looking great so we'll take them out the pressure cooker and again season it quite generously with that allspice now I'll add a little more oil into the base of the pot and then we'll add our onions so I'll start cooking my onions you turn it down you don't want to be too hot just give them a quick pop we want some caramelization on them just keep an eye on them though we don't want it to burn while they're cooking I'll slice two stalks of celery just to chop and then also two carrots I'll also add them with the onions and then cook them for about eight to ten minutes so they really start to caramelize nicely together [Music] okay these veggies have been cooking nicely you can see we've got some color on them I'll now add some salt alright now I'm going to add some tomato paste this is going to give the sauce a lovely richness so about two tablespoons and before I add any liquid to this you want to cook off this tomato paste you don't want it to have a rule flavor or an acidic flavor so cooking it off is the key he'll only takes a few minutes I'll also add one bulb of garlic I'll cut lengthwise and in it goes along with one sprig of rosemary now lamb and rosemary are synonymous with each other but you can also use other hard herbs such as bay leaves and thyme work really nicely with it is that a top perfect now we can return our lamb shank and just nestle them in between all of those veggies and because they are nice and small they'll fit perfectly cover them up and now we can deglaze with some red wine 500 milliliters of red wine and I always suggest using a full-bodied red wine when you're cooking like a Cabernet Sauvignon or a Shiraz works nicely too now you can see that wine is bubbling away but we need to reduce that by 1/3 just to cook off the rawness of the alcohol then I'll add some stock and you just need enough stock to cover all of these little lamb shanks I'll place the lid on and I'll pressure cook this for 45 minutes as all it needs if you're doing it the traditional way I would recommend popping it into the oven and cook it for about 2 hours at 160 degrees [Music] okay these lamb shanks are cooked it smells delicious in here now for the reveal oh that looks spectacular so be really careful when you take the lamb shanks out of the liquid because they are so soft and I want to show them off on the bone look at that little like big lollipops and we'll place them just on the plate for now so we can reduce our sauce now while they rest there let's just quickly reduce this sauce I'm gonna strain it into this pot just be careful not to splash it everywhere and then we want to just force through all those gorgeous carrots and those onions because again that's going to give us some sweetness look if you don't want to do this stage of course you can serve it with the vegetables but this just gives the presentation that extra special look so that's going to take just a few moments to thicken up and now let's start plating this up some beautiful mashed potatoes with lamb shanks always appropriate so a nice spoonful on one side and you need the mashed potato so it mops up all that beautiful sauce and then we get two forks just to show you how soft this meat is look how it just falls away see how tender it is I think that's why we all have that love affair with these beautiful lamb shanks because they stay so moist throughout the cooking process all right I'm gonna take this one over here and place it on the plate showing off the bone and then this gorgeous as you will just spoon over the top see how it just makes the dish a little more refined a little more elegant after draining it and reducing it and have a look at the gloss on that you know what I love sauce so much I'm going to add three spoonfuls so it looks like a little moat around hoola-hoop shanks and that delicious potatoes that for me is just pure bliss on a cold winter's night this is what I crave [Music]
Channel: everydaygourmettv
Views: 34,332
Rating: 4.8699999 out of 5
Keywords: Everyday Gourmet, Justine Schofield, Channel 10, Cooking, Masterchef, Cleavers, Red meat, certified organic, casserole, hearty, stew, slow cooked, lamb, lamb shanks
Id: Sq0crIRcU1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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