Slow-cooker lamb shanks | RECIPES

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today we are making slow cooker lamb shanks which have to be a winter favorite so we start off with some carrots cause it's a slow cooker recipe you don't have to be too fussy about how finely you chop the carrots because it is in the slow cooker for somewhere between 6 and 8 hours so just 2 carrots and a couple of onions brown onions are fine so just top and tail them the easiest way to take off that first layer of skin is basically to cut them in half and then peel that off for not crying well I do actually I store them in the fridge like a couple of hours before some people I've heard of I used to work in a restaurant and they used to have one of those just old fashioned fan standing next to the perp or person who is peeling a bag of onions a 10 kilo bag of onions that tends to work I don't know about onion goggles so to chop an onion just have it and I tend to just run my knife about 3/4 of the way through and then just cut it crossways and then you'll end up with a fairly fine dice garlic I think you can never have too much garlic in a slow roast because it is cooked for so long it ends up really beautiful in mellow tasting it's not really punchy garlic so about four cloves we've got in this recipe so just giving this a fine chop this recipe has got a bouquet garni here's one of the ingredients and a bouquet garni is basically a little bundle of fresh herbs so we've got some fresh bay leaves here if you didn't have access to fresh bay leaves you could use dried bay leaves that would be perfectly fine some parsley just one or two sprigs just pick it out of the bunch stalks and all so just fold that in half bay leaves on top maybe about three or four times sprigs and then a piece of string kitchen string just hold one end of it and then basically just wind the string around just till it's nice and firm and then just tie it once or twice and that's a bouquet garni and that will infuse such beautiful flavor into the casserole our veggies are done now we come to the star of the show that's lamb shanks so you can see here the butcher has just trimmed off that little knuckle and particularly when you're cooking in a slow cooker it's really quite limited space so I like to ask them just to cut that off and then it allows me to at least cook six lamb shanks in the slow cooker about a 1/2 a cup of flour or there abouts and season it at this stage with some salt and some fresh pepper give that a little mix around so flowery it's basically just rolling the lamb in the flour and then just dusting off the excess and that just helps to create a seal on the lamb and also it will help to thicken the sauce it's a cut that's on the bone and any meat that's on the bone will just give you such superior flavor okay over to the stove so have your flame or your stove set at kind of medium to high and let that pan heat up and then add a couple of tablespoons of oil browning the shanks will create probably the best way to describe it is that you're sealing in the juices so if you were just to pop the lamb shanks in the slow cooker with all the other ingredients it wouldn't be quite as flavorful so by browning the the shanks you're getting beautiful caramelization on the meat and that gives you like a another level of flavor so it's really worth that extra extra step okay there we go that's what we're looking for - really nice color okay I'll shrink so really beautiful and brown so straight into the slow cooker at this stage and just one two when I started to prepare this dish I turned my slow cooker on so just on low so at least it's getting a bit of a head start to warming it up okay so now it's time to brown our vegetables and you can see in the pan I've got just a little bit of residue oil from the lamb and also I've got a little bit of residue flour and I don't want that really to taint the vegetables because it can sometimes blacken so I really want to get rid of that pop the pan back on the heat and just add a little bit of fresh olive oil to the pan and in with the vegetables so we don't need to put this down too much because it does spend so much time in the slow cooker but you just want to start start the onion to soften our liquid that we're going to add next so a cup of wine and a couple of cans of tomatoes just the chopped ones or if they were just peeled ones it doesn't really matter taste and some stock so in goes the wine I always like to put the wine in first and the heat will drive off the alcohol so then you casserole won't end up too whiny you'll just end up with a really rich beautiful flavor so just let that simmer away and stock so lots of different options on the market I've got the tetra Paks stop which is readily available at the supermarkets try and buy the salt reduced because it does tend to add quite a lot of salt to the casserole you could certainly do a beautiful lamb stock but not the same shanks in goes our tomato paste and canned tomatoes so when you're using the slow cooker this is quite an important step is to bring this liquid up to the simmer it just makes it an easier job for the slow cooker to reach the correct temperature and we've got our signature bubbles so being really careful just pour all of that into the cooker Wiki bouquet garni just pop it on the top so my tip for the slow cooker is to wrap the lid in a tea towel and then pop it on nice and firmly and that will help to absorb the condensation and your source will be a lot thicker and more delicious so the lambs done oh the obvious choices mashed potato and that has to be my favorite my Test Kitchen tip from bash potato is to use a ricer instead of the traditional potato masher because you can see those really fine holes in there and you put the steamed or boiled potatoes inside and then basically force it through so you're getting these lovely fine shreds of potato then I love to add either warm milk or cream depending on how rich you would like to make it and some butter of course so - about a kilo of potatoes it's about gosht 3/4 a cup of cream or milk and about 50 grams of butter and that will be a potato mash to die for the most important thing to remember for potato is to season so a little bit of flake salt and some freshly ground pepper and I could happily sit down to just a bowl of mashed potato but we're in luck today we've got our lamb shanks so let's put a nice big generous splodge just on the base of there and we'll have a look at our beautifully tender lamb shanks Wow look at that that meat is falling off the bone I'm pretty excited so you can see how meltingly tender that is that bone is just coming apart so beautifully add some sauce finish this with a little bit of chopped parsley or just pulled parsley don't need to get your chopping board out again that's just gonna give it just a little bit of freshness I like to serve it with broccolini but you could do snow peas fresh or frozen peas pan-fried zucchinis would be absolutely beautiful [Music]
Channel: Women's Weekly Food
Views: 132,998
Rating: 4.8299212 out of 5
Keywords: aww cookbooks food recipes triple tested test kitchen australian women's weekly cookbooks awwfood, womens weekly food, women's weekly food, womensweeklyfood, lamb, shank, slow, cooker
Id: YxfNcCiZHpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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