Slow roast Greek style leg of lamb

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got a great Greek inspired lamb leg roast for you today this is a great way to serve many people so this one leg will serve 10 people unless you're extremely hungry if you have leftovers ranch dress great on some toast the next day or even in a little wrap with some homicide so we're start by just scoring nice and deep to the lamb this could help speed up the cooking process and also allow that marinade that I'm going to do to get right into it the nice and deep let's put that to the side better make our marinade start with yogurt and we've got some dried oregano and garlic now very important that we use fresh garlic here don't use the prepackaged stuff lemon zest which is off the lemon that we're going to juice in a moment now wouldn't be Greek if we didn't get a good amount of lemon into there normally I just use my hands to juice this lemon but we're gonna go about the lazy way today get into the juicer get a little bit more juice out of it this way anyway lastly one of those great flavors plan is cumin stir all this around now what's going to happen this the acid from this yogurt and the lemon juice is going to get into that land a important part if you get some salt in there now up to you if you want to get some pepper in as well if you like a little bit of spice put a little bit in a little bit and then another really good tip for you is to marinate this in a bag we're going to double up freezer bag here the yogurt in first and now the fun part get your lamb leg in that bag and rub it all around get it into those scoring's that we did and let that yogurt work its wonder tenderizing that me okay let's I this off put this in the fridge now I'm going to come back to it tomorrow and get unit on a lamb leg has been marinating for 24 hours now if you don't have that much time that's fine you can only marinate for hours if that's what you've got we've just transferred it straight into a baking dish get a baking paper underneath this will just stop it from sticking to the bottom we've got some water that we're going to add and this is just going to provide a little bit of steam on the first stages of the cooking so it will help moisten the meat a bit more and help it cook and start to pull off the brown that's for the cover this over get some foil over this I'm going straight into the oven my lambs been out of the oven for 20 minutes now it was in there for about 4 hours in total first three hours it was covered with foil and baking paper last hour I took that off just to give it a good crust on the outside and gave it a base to every 15 minutes or so this will be falling off the bone by now will be delicious and we're going to serve it today you see really simple salad of cucumber tomato a little bit as a tiki great for a dinner party you got ten people do one you got 60 people this six and this be fantastic for the glass servers Auriemma cancer you
Channel: Love Food
Views: 121,757
Rating: 4.821588 out of 5
Keywords: Greek lamb, roast, recipe, Ritchies Stores (Business Operation), Lamb And Mutton (Food), Food (TV Genre), Roasting (Culinary Technique), Cooking
Id: m886CtYEdRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2015
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