It Was Supposed To Be A Relaxing VR Vacation - Vacation Simulator VR

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welcome to the grand opening of vacation island will you make it sound so nice you want me to wave as you hello great job thank you you really nailed the standard human greeting protocol i did now for the fun part okay that was fun i got pictures of donuts on the walls and hopefully chocolate vacation we need to make sure you look relax i am very stressed out i'm glad you noticed that i did come here to take a load off listen i've been bouncing back and forth between job between job between job i haven't found one that really stuck i was really good at all of them but i just i just i i see people come in i did i stress out you know i i need this i need this vacation you can be the you you see in yourself really oh that's good because i just feel like everyone always just bloody hell bloody hell bloody hell what is that i'm like the stuff in nightmares this is perfect let's make it worse oh look smile you're on vacation i don't know how maybe if i give myself some kind of hairstylist or something oh wow there's actually a lot of options here huh hang on let me shave my lips perfect i know how to beauty it's all about pampering oneself and taking care of oneself isn't it that's what it's all about oh please tell me this is toothpaste yay i hate the toothbrush i ate the toothbrush did i may have eaten your toothbrush do not add it onto the bill my god i look delightful i think i'm done i think i'm done looking good human thank you the first steps of accepting myself and realizing that i'm truly worth it take this one-of-a-kind human back storage device thank you and there's a donut inside of it this is the nicest this is the nicest anyone has ever treated me oh the light is a sun hello sunshine welcome to the vacation simulator vacation island resort hang on it wasn't quite perfect i can fix it why is there a poo on my pillow why is there a poo with a star on my pillow bloody hell that's me leaving a complaint it looks like all the destinations are closed right now what they're right there i have another complaint to file somebody left a poo on my pillow and then i accidentally if it found its way into my mouth who are you i figured out a way to measure vacation quantified memory management measure vacation efficiency well i just wanted to relax and then i got one these guys follow me around everywhere is this a vacation or is it work make sure he respects me otherwise i'm slamming his face into a tree okay it didn't work here try this a memory of the time you didn't have enough memories [Music] and that is how you vacation is it i don't like it accept it yay yeah yeah there we are island is open hurray was it not open before i got here business isn't very good i suppose i get to choose which one do i want to go to a beach a forest or a mountain oh this is awfully tough isn't it kind of want to go to a mountain then i also want to go to a forest and if you follow me i'm going to slam your face into a tree stop shutting pressuring me i'm here to relax relaxing is fine i'm here to relax i'll pick one do i pick the beach the forest of the mountain i would like to pick the mountain welcome to vacation mountain okay yeah i get it i'm not sure that measuring vacations was the point but i'm happy we made it to the mountain no i don't i don't know what simulations won't be satisfied how much am i paying for this experience i think we're seeing screen to screen an owl i want it i want the hell there's a camera in your backpack i want to get it out i don't give a damn about no damn camera remember that i want the owl in my pockets [Laughter] it's not a pokemon okay bloody hell i'm getting it okay grab your backpack just tap the button on the camera to snap a photo a little boop on that button and you'll take a picture wonderful now this is vacation is it this is this is the time i told you to go [ __ ] yourself why why did why are there boobs made out of snow careful that was right next to my bug drive i use that to love bugs love bugs what is your problem bugs if they're small you'll smash them plus i don't think there's going to be many bugs up here have you seen how cold it is don't make sweet tender love to bugs you sick perverted freak flying insects what about sex hello top of the morning to you human this is the coolest you can get on vacation island wait a minute so settle in and get your chill on no wait a minute wait a minute you sound familiar aha i knew it is russell crowe okay is the five memories required shut up i guess we found another scanner above a i gotta find the abominable snowboard that sounds interesting i gotta take i gotta find the abominable snowbot and then put a picture there photograph them got it got it got it glasses yeah i continue to look better oh oh there's a little bug that this little muffler flew up oh did you see it and you didn't try to fornicate with it well done well done you're improving but you still did it you still did it though slowly get it oh it's adorable i'm beginning to understand no i'm not that was a joke that was a joke i'm not no i'm not look at it's adorable no don't thank you humans no don't can you find two more oh i could try but i would rather save them come here come home fly away fire away you cute little thing what is this what is this i like it what is it can i break it you are drawn to create human i love seeing the artists find the beauty in the ice block yeah if you want to know more about ice carving give me a wave hello welcome to the ice sculpting station human thank you you can shape this ice to your artistic vision wonderful sculpture is already there yes it's up to you to chip it out or you can carve according to this blueprint blueprints why would i want to carve according to blueprints that's stupid let me just let me just chunk a chunker oh oh that's very good isn't it that that's very very good oh no i broke it i lost it a thing that was important to me is back now don't worry about it now you might be wondering my god what is it my god what is it but it can't hang off the edge that minecraft was it's a tree oh it's a battery of some kind i'm going to go with a tree and if you judge it i've made it i made it and i'm explaining shut up will you fight we'll shut up or i will end you it's a tree if you interrupt me one more time i'm gonna slam your face into it i don't know why my gimmick is slamming faces in the trees today i don't know where that came from i don't know what that is i'm trying to relax i'm sorry judge me incredible i know none of the sides match the blueprints well you said i don't have to do the bloody blue fine i'll do the damn bloody blue princess where's the thing on where's the thing gone trying to relax you tell me oh you don't have to match the blueprints and then suddenly you know then something i do have to match the better the only thing you'll see yellow i'm gonna do i'm gonna do red eyes this time because red eyes signifies anger and pain see it's red there you go is that right is that done matching sides now who needs them i'm much more interested in whatever you're trying here are you because i'm trying to do it and you won't do it judge that none of the sides are making the blueprints how is it not matching the blueprints it looks like the ice is speaking and oh is it four is in four going up is it is that what it is is that what i'm showing you the bloody match and the blueprints you wanted me to work within the lines i can work within the damn lines look there you go it's a wall by front does it mean the front is at the back because i thought the front that was where the front the front when i was looking at the front that's what it would look like i guess that's the front from the back so it's like this is the opposite bloody way that it has the bloody beat doesn't it because bloody has to be that way you think oh this has some variation together no let's just get it done judge me i think you should take another look at the front i'm judging it judge my ice skull correct correctly bloody please oh no i see what was going wrong now i'm sorry i i i'm quick to fly off the handle and i do apologize i've just got a history of anger then i come from a place where everyone really tests my patience you know and then i just i just the the result is anger and i'm here to relax and try to get rid of that you know and he used me it was me wrong all the time i'm so i'm so very sorry i'm trying i'm trying to i'll try and be better okay done judge me finally oh i got a memory uh great is that it then good one i'm finished i'm out of here see you later nothing says winner like fan indoors and asking a stranger to bring you a snowball okay i can go get your snowball i'll rip it one from one of these nipples there you go oh neat bloody hell what are you doing way too cold yes it's cold it's snow you stupid could you bring me some snow that's warmer do you have the brain of a slug or the circuitry of a dish cloth but you know i'm gonna go nipple thing going bloody do this for me and put it on a fire there you go look i'm cooking i'm cooking snow great i'm cooking shockingly that didn't work do you like to knit i'd love to knit a hat for my grandpa but unfortunately i don't have the hands to do it myself so have you just been waiting here the whole time for a human with hands to come along and help you out is that your whole existence you just programmed for that program for ultimately just waiting around and forever disappointed that you can't do the thing you're so close to which you adore seems kind of cruel whoever made you seems kind of cool hey i've got a hat look you can have that i can i like it so you better appreciate this yeah okay so i still don't know what i'm doing you know i'm gonna take my hat back and then forget i ever did this thing what's over here human hi some bots have requests for very specific orders i'm operating on a higher level than simple input output so yeah i'm just not going to do that okay if you want to help wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you want me to do a job i'm here on vacation you fool that's a lovely looking mug isn't it that's quite lovely look at this put that in there like that there you go grind that and make that into a nice super drink there we go hot sweet potato drink mmm tasty do they care what they get probably not they'll they'll bloody they'll make do with them hey so i got your thing here muff son of a son of here's your bloody drink that's not exactly the right food for me what the hell you did you jack ass i i don't know what your bloody i don't know what you're fine bloody hell got it got it i got it here's your other bug you're really helping my bug report i know sure bug report sure do i have to go and ask how to uh how do i because i don't know what their order is just a question mark do i have to go and ask them what they what their order would be and then i don't wanna oh wow can i read the ice poems i would like to read the ice are they're all cold and everything i have to read said book of ice poems it's very important to me if i can i can ice ice is nice in winter ice is also nice in drinks ice skis are not nice who wrote this crap oh yes snow is great i love snow so very much uh-oh avalanche i like that one probably because they died skiing is so red whooshing on the snow so it's really cold in here human i'm no vacation expert but i'm pretty sure uh i don't think we're going to be able to warm the console up by hand have you ever found something with warmth i mean i have warmth let me just rub let me rub myself against you because i'm warm blooded so i am warm there you go let me read you another poem okay it's cold and it's wet if only i had some salt oh no my book froze yes it's hilarious very funny watch where you're wiggling yourself down there what is wrong with your fish okay well i'll go and find something which can warm that up but then i'll come right back okay don't worry about it also you could just get out you could get out at any point i don't know why if you're complaining when it's cold and then you refuse to get out of it that's just to me that just that just seems really stupid but hey hey hey hey hey we're all varying levels of intelligence i just have to be the smartest one around puzzle maker what does that do well i know what it does it makes puzzles doesn't it hello i sold your weaving puzzle human did you all i have to do is introduce myself yes i'm puzzlebot i've worked that out why not try making one for yourself using this machine i would love to that's why i'm here let's hurry up oh i gotta take a photograph oh i could just do that any time can i done perfect boy i'm so wise and intelligent there you go oh that's great oh that is wonderful this is genuinely this is nice puzzles are kind of relaxing sometimes you just sit there and you do a puzzle and you just look outside and it's all cold and inside you feel all cozy and outside there's there's a child that keeps falling over and smooshing his face into the ground because he's he might be a he might he might he might have issues eventually he'll get hypothermia though and then he won't be anyone's problem ever again this is actually the first time i've been relaxed since i've started playing this uh it's generally quite a relaxing experience to do this you know i forgot i was actually recording for a second someone helped that child good god man someone help that child although whatever i mean who am i i'm just a guy trying to save the children i guess look your face is coming together how about that oh how about that oh we're almost done we're almost one more piece my friend i'll mess that up one more piece there's that mess that's that's that's kind of not nothing i got these these around the wrong way but one more piece my friend done you sold it i did it there's nothing better than figuring out a difficult puzzle there is many things better than that let's not get ahead of ourselves here this is fun but there's a lot of things better just ask the woman who has sex with insects outside give me that dang did i do good things when i'm i'm i do good of things that someone's coffee cup wash the bloody coffee cups once in a while do your job or i'm gonna slim nevermind don't tell me to stop throwing so what am i doing i'm throwing snowballs what are you doing telling me that you uh why are you like this because it's fun you tell me not to do something i want to do it even more you know i want to do it even this is very unsafe it's very safe but it's fun for me yes but can you can bloody hit there's a bloody challenge now i can hit that so well i couldn't hit it then but i didn't want to hit it there i did well i didn't either but i got two now so i go to it once then i definitely gonna hit it i just ain't snowball i just hit a snowball bloody hell done or this no i can hit that as well look i'm oh oh wow i am good i've never do not throw snow at this they're not getting it clearly damn it's getting angry and how are you getting angrier now yeah yeah you get angrier now yeah yeah yeah you understand my my frustration when i come here eat snow again i came here to relax and then things hello hey you're not supposed to do that that's why i did it allowed what are you doing this is actually very safe and very cool you wanted to you wanted to not be safe okay let's do some force behind that thank you for the memories i appreciate it oh i need five memories to get to the overlook oh i understand okay i'm sorry i had a moment when i just started falling over suddenly i like to knit a fish let me knit the fish oh i don't touch it oh i needed to fit i needed a fish look at that oh wow okay you wanted a hat for your grandpa didn't you if i just like have your hat and then you don't know because you're stupid and then i just done now it's ready for my grand bart mountain shop bot would you be a dear and bring it to them almost like i'm still working almost like i still got jobs isn't it but let's not think about that because that would bring the stress levels back wouldn't it you'd have a hat whoa this must be from my grandparent bot yes they're always looking out for me uh-huh i need one more memory and then i can go to the overlook and maybe take a picture of the abominable snow what the muff the muff shut up i know how you look for another muff just remain very still gradually find yourself getting closer until the inevitable occurs is mine son of a little son of a sinner what's in here this little ornament says an owl ornament you didn't tell me there's an hour ornament oh that's so much i want it i'm out of that my [ __ ] or my friend don't fly away krusty's gonna grab you and you'll have fun that way we're the robot who likes your kind just a little much to be honest it's creepy those sweet precious memories gobble gobble yum yum yum yum yum give to me the beeps give to me the abominable snow [ __ ] get on this gondola and throw that switch oh i'm gonna get on that gunther right can use a bit more work boom i'm here i'm here i'm here i'm here beep expecting traffic are we there's a poorly fought out system welcome to the overlook thank you we're really high up yeah the summit is even higher just remember it's about the journey why is there ice cream on here i'm not gonna question it that is one big goddamn ladder that's really making me feel funny soon i can do skiing i want to do it oh boy i thought i was gonna actually go flying down the mountain never mind to get my first memory i've got to get a score of 200. i did it final memory 500. oh if i keep going i can get even more well i'm just going to keep going as long as i can then turns out skiing is really really simple stupidly simple hilariously simple if you think there's any kind of challenge to it you're an idiot look at me go i have a naturally very hard time relaxing like i i know it started as a goof but like seriously i do like i'm i i feel like i'm always on edge bollocks i was so close i got that memory and then they're getting the hell out of here now i hear you're ready to scale the lofty heights of buddy hell this is the only place on vacation island where you can go rock climbing that complies with our liability our public relations department our insurance provider see how high you can make it wait what how do i do you have to how do you do it you just just just i go i go there maybe no because they fall down i don't is it the first one you grab you can only go between those things is that how it works because no cause that i can go on there now how does it work i got her i said if really help i would have been why do we fall human sorry that was just that was a batman reference don't think he got past me triangle thing triangle thing triangle thing triangle thing triangle thing triangle thing triangle thing triangle thing with those bits on it there you go and then square thing and then square thing and then square finger circles on it they're wrong circles square that's the square foot i forgot i didn't see the square thing [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm doing pretty good there we go i gotta cross some over a little little bit crosstalk how do i ha ha ha ha there we go it's fine did i do it i did something i did something i think i did it i think i passed all the expectations of me which admittedly were very slim very low very low down very slim what's that the little cube there there you go you did it you're a certified climber yes yeah we don't really actually certify climbers but at least we made a fun man shut up give me the memory so that one is like ah it's like a drug now the only way i can relax is i keep making memories if i don't make sweet precious memories of people around me or robots around me they're not gonna i'm gonna freak out and throw myself down the mountain grab you by the scuffles and then smash your head into a tree shut up oh let's climb that ladder oh that's weird looking sounds like you had quite the clyde yeah it would have been much more efficient if we had just installed an elevator it would have been it's not really an accomplishment if you just skip to the end anyway no peek is complete until you fly your flag go ahead and turn that crank to raise up the flagpole i can do that i mean i haven't found the obama bull guy yet bombing the bull abominable abominable abominable but you know when you say a word you don't know what it seems anything slightly phallic isn't it not representative of how i feel how happy i actually am but never mind poof sunshine here we are hey look at me look at me it's a flag it's a piece of cloth don't be one like one of those people that get us obsessed about flags it's a piece of cloth flags don't mean anything oh don't don't burn the flag don't put there's a [ __ ] about burning a flag because i don't get distracting off topic again hello i've always been a champion at quantity i'm going to rerun the numbers well i guess efficiency bot is busy crunching the numbers he's dead i'll wait here for them to come back i know he's dead you can use that to get that should we call somebody or just push him off the mountain and watch him slide down i've got a leakage of my head i've been gravely wounded no i'm not it's just strawberry syrup never mind hey listen we've had a lovely time i've had some relaxing times but about 95 to 97 not very relaxing at all if you would like to see more of vacation simulator then please do go ahead and kindly let me know and we'll come back seems to me more of this than job simulator which is good i suppose because you enjoyed that as well thanks for watching i'll catch you around and remember if there's not fun ahead then you're probably about to be dead thank you very much to my patreon producers argo the fox joshua garbo clayton idol james cat pink prince after platinum 145 lena elohim off the barbarian aaron paschier morrigan joe leverman king tommy one romeo is alright worthington daddy argent schmidt settled inside a lulu booba back and forth ken coop 10 mr kerry tucker matthew wilhelm david drake on chrissy carver xiv the green alexandro rodriguez textual coast nappy 9977 subjected fuzzy ghosts 20. ethan b and alec mcneill victor 8 as kel zilla joshua cross cat clone jackson jokers sub hi lara wit eye poster sandwich danny sorenson and to a lesser extent sirens in 1974 bottomless 2 bagels tanya lin
Channel: IAmCrusty
Views: 395,449
Rating: 4.926125 out of 5
Keywords: vr, virtual reality, gaming, video game, vr funny moments, virtual reality funny, vacation simulator, job simulator, funny moments, funny, vacation simulator mountain, vacation sim, mountain, vacation simulator gameplay, gameplay, iamcrusty
Id: SUtBdX0KdNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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