The BABY Robot Hates My SPECIAL Food! - Vacation Simulator: Back to JOB!

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i can't believe everyone else is still vacationing and i'm here behind the counter working for everybody that is the most disgusting looking liquid i've ever seen it does look like liquid poo there you go this kid is gonna have some kind of crazy cholesterol problem two three four five six seven [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing vacation simulator we're back playing this game with a brand new update it's called vacation simulator back to job because i guess we've been on vacation you have to leave at some point and go back to work let's flick this little switch here gig the world of independent contracting awaits okay independent contracting let's do it oh cool this is the pooling hill man you made it hey what's up yeah i accept the agreement oh wife nda uh-huh and the nda the arbitration agreement oh jesus and the contract determination agreement do you want my kids as well what's going on great job uh how did he do what should we rate him let me know in the comments what you'd rate this guy he's very purple i'm gonna rate him a four stars incorrect there a giggler we only rate five stars okay all right then i just graded myself five stars that's awesome okay i'm gonna grab this cup it's a i love giggler cup what is giggler one star not compatible with my os oh oh okay what about coffee five stars five star coffee what is this thing okay all right then uh do we can we move around okay pineapple smoothie they want a pineapple smoothie how do i even do i don't even have any smoothie stuff pool supplies i just drained the pool with this thing is that a bath bomb maybe i can throw the bath bomb like oh yeah cool we've got some more bath bombs i just need that lady in the face of the bath bomb human labor oh we've got a little station over here we can make some smoothies fruits and vegetables there's a pineapple yeah that's a cute looking i just ate half of it that's a cute looking pineapple right that's one pineapple yeah is this how we do this get a cup put that there this is pretty easy look at me job i'm jobbing pretty good man pineapple smoothie coming right up get this in your circuit hole there you go what do you reckon very good human glad i didn't have to speak to your manager yeah okay no worries karen oh she wants it it's just some chocolate he goes here's a chunky choco that is the best name for a chocolate bar ingredients all of them oh that is so sweet it's just as sweet as you you people are disgusting go and drown yourselves in the pool please she's gonna share her encrypted files that is so good all right uh we need to water our porter shrub i'm gonna water it with mayo because mayonnaise is packed full of nutrients everybody should be watering their plants with mayonnaise why isn't it working why isn't it working hold up hold up there's got to be something here somewhere oh wait oh what is this i just made a bottle plant i can't believe everyone else is still vacationing and i'm here behind the counter working for everybody hey dude yeah look at this cool golf again i have left for my clubs and you'll get me some golf supplies the guy needs a silly hat all right let's get him a hat is this what you're talking about champ you just want this oh oh no a sailor hat oh this is pretty good this is pretty good what do you reckon would actually suit this guy an umbrella hat or the sailor hat what else do we have we've got this kind of just like a boring old beach hat we've got this lady's hat dude this one's actually pretty awesome take this one champion oh that looks good the computer for something maybe you want some new clothes can we get some new clothes i wonder how many of you guys have actually worked out who's on my shirt yet i'll hide your comment if you know who's on my shirt let's make this guy a smoothie that's got to be the best drink for playing golf with okay what do we got oh there's different oh that's cool there's different little stations so you can make pies you can make flapjacks or ice cream okay i'm gonna make this guy a delicious cold smoothie out of various raw meat so let's go for this weird meat patty thing oh just to make it cold we'll use some frozen hot dogs and bacon there you go champ i hope you enjoy your botulism let's go bang grinding now serving sausage bacon hot dog 3-pack smoothie enjoy this one dude it's a good one it's packed with protein you got to make sure you don't get burnt out in the sun all right so the best thing for that is probably strawberry ice cream here put some strawberry ice cream on your face it'll blend in with your complexion there you go they want vanilla ice cream all right i'm sorry take it there we go see you around the face just like a real lifeguard you got a man that's the tiniest little computer screen i've ever seen oh hey human i'm promoting products on my botstagram if you give me some free stuff i'll be sure to post about it from exposure okay all right hang on exposure awesome since the end of capitalism exposure has been the only currency with value uh yeah so give me some stuff okay so you're telling me you want some free stuff and in exchange you'll take some photos of you with the free stuff and it'll probably have no benefit to my company whatsoever no problem all right let's what have we got back here that we can give this person here you go here's a raw meat patty have this one take some photos with this oh i like that okay but i'm gonna need more stuff if i'm going to endorse this resort no problem i don't believe the traffic my posts bring to places like this really really i'll see that when i believe good keep it coming okay this is hilarious little does she know i'm actually making a burger in her hand and the funniest thing about that is she's a vegan here you go it's half all right customer's always right bring it on i need a lettuce and tomato smoothie make it snappy won't you let this gameplay just got auctioned so i need to start the sequel grinder said he needs a tomato and lettuce smoothie this is it's not called a smoothie dude it's called a vegetable shake let's get this thing is that tomato or an apple that's an apple all right tomato there we go blend those two things together get this oh god oh god it's just we just peed all over the place all right hang on hang on a minute that is the most disgusting looking liquid i've ever seen it does look like liquid poo there you go take it well i used to go by barista bot but now everybody calls me moviebot because i'm in the industry i don't care that hot dog on that drink i've got a lot to celebrate this guy's using a movie reel as a scarf all right guy wants a hot dog no worries hey i wonder what happens if we combine this poison mushroom and an apple let's just blend them up bad mushroom apple smoothie let's drink it i just just threw up in that cup okay and we just need to cook up some of these little sausages just put them on here turn the grill on this is called barbecuing for you not look at me acting like australia is the only country that barbecues all right quickly turn it off before you burn them whack that in there you want some ketchup chip of course we don't call it ketchup in australia we call it blood juice get that india oh it's from the studio i must take this uh-huh you take it dude do you see what's your baby dude that's not how this works we're not a daycare maybe please assist in developing my self-directed play algorithm which provides one age-appropriate toy did you just speak like a grown-up it's a little baby bot that's the cutest thing ever okay hang on let's get him an age-appropriate toy oh god i want to crack okay let's get him an age appropriate let's get him this one this one's cuter oops here you go have that toy collected it's about as big as your head how's my baby bottom it's very entering cranky mode please provide one replacement hat you say enter in cranky mode okay we've got to get this baby a hat stat i can this baby would look super cute in a sailor hat this baby is now equipped for outdoor activity i hope baby bot grows up to be as imaginative as you this baby may have been monitored for quality assurance purposes that's the coolest one yet come back baby let's fill the pool with some stuff okay uh little crabby guy sorry dude but you should probably be back in the water anyway let's throw him in the water look how floppy he is i just smacked him into there oops do coconuts go in the pool probably not this one is though yes all right put that in there yeah what else do we have we have a book yes throw that in there i've got that child's dummy i'm going to throw that in there as well more yeah this pillow do you want this in there this might not no you know what keep going okay okay throw some more crap in the pool okay no this is bad that's too many things in the pool can you maybe get rid of all that hey let me try to flush it no one's going to swim with all that we can flush the pool with this thing there we go over there nice that bot is floating it's not even swimming hey i'll have one scoop of vanilla please all right one scoop of vanilla got to get this little kit some ice cream before he gets super mad should we give him some chocolate on it as well i think maybe we should no strawberry vanilla and strawberry yes here you go little champ get that one india just put it put it in your face just settle down settle down six scoops what this kid is gonna have some kind of crazy cholesterol problem two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twel okay there you go buddy super ice cream that's a lot of ice cream sure is can you eat that oh nice look at him smash through it that kid's gonna be on a sugar high for the rest of his life didn't say anything about ice cream pie can i have ice cream pie ice cream pie that's really cool the best ice cream pie would probably be chocolate and strawberry and corn [Laughter] chocolate strawberry corn pie let's go oh yeah it's gonna be a good one it's gonna be a good one you wait oh man this is some master chef gear right here look at that look at the corn on there here you go enjoy oh cool we get to make this guy some waffles waffle time uh it's the waffle waffler oh he wants a waffled pancake that's actually a brilliant idea so you get a pancake and then you turn that into a waffle that'd be so tasty he's had a tendency to over indulge in breakfast creating decadent combinations and cheese between the pancake and waffle should satisfy the conditions do you say cheese all right let's make two of these bad boys we've got two waffle pieces cool now we need to load it up with cheese for some reason waffles and cheese i don't think that that goes we just got to give it to the dude there you go cheese in a waffle let me know in the comments what's the weirdest thing you've ever had on a waffle there you go i've had eggs it was it was actually pretty good if you ever want to find a real job give me a call oh you get me his card job bud museum curated everyone there is on contract that's funny i could have sworn they were hiring full-time sauce challenge let's go count three two okay where's your hot sauce okay all right all right i'm just going to keep going he's so aggressive all right dudes i'm pretty sure i drank like five bottles worth of this stuff you have a turn my name oh i still gotta keep going stuff instagram what do we have to take a photo of they go cheap [Music] what a dude bro oh i can feed the catfish a pumpkin that is so good here you go dude i think the last one was a red puffer fish at least i hope it was a red puffer fish all right where's the puff oh there's a puff of fish or that one all right we need to feed the uh puffer fish get don't like this floaty thing what are they called life life ring oh god oh god i dropped the fish if you go like this it looks like the fish has lips it has a mouth alrighty fish eat a tomato yes he's a red one now yeah date you fish thanks human glad i could get all my fish replaced you're welcome buddy dropping the fish off at the pool oh that is that is gold but let me know what you think about the update in the comments below and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 242,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Vacation Simulator, Job Simulator, Vacation Sim, Vacation Simulator Back to Job, Vacation Sim Back to Job, Vacation Simulator DLC, Simulator games, VR sim game, Download Vacation Simulator DLC, Vacation Simulator VR DLC
Id: 9kbi7BYhvqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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