It Came From Tumblr #37 [Binge Compilation]

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smooth okay bye all right guys let's be real tumblr is just a competition about who can write the most incoherent sentences for example did you yell according to scientists in October the mitochondria turns into the fright ikonn dream becomes a haunted house of the cell so pet beds won't sale and I had a coupon so guts got a new bed it's very plush he likes it a lot you know that's a weird-looking dog but he's still a cute dog oh it's nice you bought a bed for your croissant the only unproblematic anime boy is Alphonse Elric he's never done a damn thing wrong in his life ever I mean attempted Alchemy's one and only taboo you just wanted to see his mother smile again you heartless monster and what did i do so wrong edward was a little [ __ ] what it's like to be an artist to writer or a musician so let you deal with all your art I stare at it until I hate it me opens a package and sets the box aside my cat this is another perfect example of how memes are just hieroglyphic no one is gonna know what the thing this means one day a big part of the story is lost when it becomes a movie yeah big part of the story is also lost when you cut off ya big circle out of it well Kate is probably dead wrong married you know those lawn mower robots soon vegetarian Roomba how's the annotation in this post that regular rule must consume me is frankly terrifying people who cosplay Deadpool at comic-con also think that can act like Deadpool and it's not very great you may act and dress like Deadpool but you're not in mortal like Deadpool remember this so say a thigh pocket show that awkward moment where you're your own dad and your own son but also kind of your dead mom and wife all at the same time he is the family guy I hate this absolutely Hey the trouble is humans are literally structured to find a wizard today a more plausible explanation than things just happening by accident for no reason how dare a wizard make humans think like this goddamnit here we go again life hacks to get artists a job for you find their Commission pages and give them money wow this act really works it's real I've done it I'm living in a constant state of how dare you assume I know what I'm doing but also don't you dare question me or what I'm doing I have no idea of dude and you can't stop me artists and writers has so much to say about this boast wouldn't even date myself Wow you're standing this must be impossibly high then oh I had it no idea this is about Pokemon when I first read it I just thought that this poor individual was rolling downhill on rollerskates and asking tumblr for help it is time to cleanse you MA with Patrick's doing all these shower thoughts now and his own recordings - yeah weird flex but okay item blur I know the $0.99 is a higher price than $10 because the effort to put $9.99 together is it worth the 1 cent difference if the sharks and the Hurricanes both make it to the Stanley Cup Finals that's the closest setup we could possibly have for a real-world sharknado all the clutter around your house used to be money god I felt that one adulthood is realizing Leonard friends Joey is a great guy lately subjective and Ross is a dick now that's just a straight-up fact at some point you go from censoring yourself around adults to censoring yourself around children I should have taken that ones that flash from the last one pornhub would probably sell more merchandise if their stuff didn't say pornhub on it so I have a solution pH makes it sound like science stuff you know if random strangers through side missions at people in real life unemployment would not be a problem if you never thought nature can be cruel just know one drop of water can travel hundreds of miles fall thousands of feet just to land in your eye when you're in a bad mood every bump on the road feels like a personal attack felt that one of my bones too for every video game there's a guy who made grunting sounds in a recording studio for a day yeah if people said it's okay to be nervous instead of don't be nervous it might actually make things a little easier and finally the majority of us are only here to escape the loneliness of reality wow that one hurt we'll buy a home and this has been yeah Patrick did was stupid flexing already whatever so he's gonna go he's sad now because of reality by tumblr previously on floor cacao antics we aren't going to Taco Bell you have a refrigerator full of clones used to drink and now the saga part one because it was asked for excessively yeah I go to bed okay Charlie it's time for your clone juice Charlie the door is locked you get one taco and that's it jack dammit Charlie get out of the road look if you drink your clone juice I'll take you to the second closest Taco Bell all right okay Charlie you go one it's all what what do you mean you're out all you sell our tacos come on buddy you have to drink more clone juice mom will be home soon you want fine I don't care die like you're the like the seven-week awful one whatever Jack damn it where am I going to get Taco Bell now I don't know why I keep getting that guy tacos well use yours buddy I'll see you next time after all that you're not even gonna eat it you best bread good night good night charlie to be in juvie my head is hurting because I thought about my future 4.3 seconds well you can't get a headache from looking at something that bright this is the most inspiring post I've seen on tumblr I finished seven deadly sins I guess I really I'm gonna have to start watching Nara to know his seven deadly sins a show or have you like finished with all the sins like you know like a checklist who knows like Naruto is like the eighth sin this is the first the eight deadly sins bride envy greed and lust gluttony wrath sloth and Naruto menstrual cycle is near a nightmare amid a fests these team names are heading way too close to home this is literally the plot of blood-borne introducing Wonka spooky nerds for Halloween um they prefer the term goth giant driftwood on the beach at La Push Washington 2010 this made me feel really uneasy the oceans terrifying it's like when a cat brings home a dead bird and drop it at your feet except the ocean it's like I brought you this enormous tree from the depths of Hell enjoy each dot represents 5,000 hogs world geography 1948 Wow there is an untapped infinite hog supply in the ocean each state is lined with an impenetrable wall slide or trapped we lost Canada Mexico to the hogs already god help us all I mean well based on this chart we lost them in 1948 so clearly the countries that exist right now or ghost Canada and ghost Mexico did you know ancient Egyptians were using 20-sided die as early as 200 BCE I can't believe a tentative were [ __ ] nerds imagine ancient Egyptian D&D though you have crossed into the underworld and have encountered Anubis you give him your heart away I roll the bluff you you want to Bluff Anubis you can't Bluff Anubis here's a guy he has a godly sense motive check I want to blow off the scales wait you what you want to bluff the scales yep you know what I'll load Omar oh all right the scales for some reason think your heart is lighter than the feather Anubis is pretty sure your bow skin but you know what Anubis has had a long day Anubis is not going to question the scales you're in I roll the pickpocket Anubis no Lear is 1888 me the first paleontologist to dig up a Triceratops skull whispering softly so let me ask you tumbler did you read colon capital day as an open mouth smile or a smile with teeth oh that's a good boy trademark right there why am I not the protagonist of an amazing story you are there let's call your life shut the [ __ ] up I want to struggle fight demons not struggle with getting out of bed every day but John those are your demons Wow black cats are wonderful because you can stare into the void and not only does the void sit back sometimes it rots up to you happily it begs for pets also the void is allowed at watch chicken would you know the butts made the executive decision that sleep is for cowards that is no longer necessary for my body to function also I no longer give a grill about my mental health so go suck goose it is to my knowledge that I woke up at some point last night posted this and then went back to sleep for all the geese that I have offended I am sorry oh my god this is the best day ever hello fuzzy baby friend Oh God started talking gotta talk bear abort abort abort hey that's rolling a one at a perception check no there should be a show just called a you every single episode a group of the same characters aren't different alternative universe with no explanation as to why it's this Michelle it exists it's called Backyardigans oh my god somebody brought the backyard again fandom from the grave just to prove a point I mean you also could have said community kind of but this this is a good to guys stop arguing over minecraft water they're all unique in their own way Uncas cozy birches uplifting spruce is rustic jungle is interesting acacia dark oak is beautiful how dare you acacia is wrong a video game engines are amazing because they can make it so sunlight filters through leaves casting dozens of little rays and your eyes just like in real life and then you turn around then there's a whole ass horse just swimming in circles in midair Wow Bethesda felt that one or right and they're growing huh I need to be happy Alexa released the serotonin toxin Luciano run program cute - bot exe that program is already in use wait what I heard they're hiding a good night's sleep for a p.m. in area 51 their robot home Billie's why not like are they useful they use pillows we have Astro Boy style hitting guns the public demands to know the truth why not leave them a complete mystery no one will know not even Squidward's house okay so how much of p.m. zoom girls control are you 99% of it yeah what if we bought some Healy's you live in the mountains you move to the auto report booth bunker the old owners are coming can I curse this one time P yeah knock yourself out this [ __ ] is getting really old and you like understand plants like I know they sent signals to each other via a network of brutes kind of like the Internet are you able to pick up on that a lot of times it's just great for us you know break your knees this hyung is hackable your face is like big adorable so like can you acne area 51's can be yours and tell us what's inside I just checked and it's loaded to the brim of Bopha I will sacrifice myself what's boba but these are BEC very good little city you earned yourself a little gold star in the refrigerator I asked if you were planning on going Terminator on us and they're coming technological uprising a subsequent apocalypse but who we all know you wouldn't do that [Music]
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 209,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voice, audio, P.M. Seymour, aphmau, mystreet, comedy, reading, minecraft mystreet, dollastic, discord, twitter, tumblr, social media, posts, reading posts, late night blogging, blogging, family friendly, editing
Id: 1Umx023q_l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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