ABANDONED Historic Mega Mansion - EVERYTHING Left Behind!!

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[Music] in this episode I'm taking you to the heart of Atlanta Georgia to uncover the secrets of an abandoned historic Mansion this Grand estate has stood for Generations bearing witness to Tales of survival economic disasters and unimaginable tragedies [Music] over the years four families have come and gone each leaving behind invaluable artifacts giving us a window into the lives long forgotten hidden beneath the dust everything remains undisturbed preserving the stories that have rested in silence for many years until today [Music] hey what's up guys welcome back to another episode of Jeremy explores I'm excited to welcome you into my new space here in Los Angeles California this whole thing's been a huge step for the channel I came here to build a team to help bring you more content more consistently stories that deserve to be told of places all around the world that have been long forgotten which brings us to today's exploration join join me on a tour of this historic home that's still full of heirlooms and antiques from the past owners and together let's unfold the incredible story of the Bell Isle [Music] Mansion all right we're approaching this beautiful mansion got Mr Banks here the weather's perfect today in this nice what is it Monday Monday morning unassuming this Mansion is quietly watched over the busy streets from horsedrawn carriages to electric cars I can only imagine the stories hidden Within These Walls I check out this wraparound driveway that goes all the way around the the back of the property and it Loops right here in the front and I can imagine back in the day there was Gardens that were lining both sides of this mansion and we have a fountain this is fancy now it's all [Music] overgrown look at this all this rain water just collected in the the fountain beautiful home such a grand entrance I love like the mouth of this front porch how it's arched like that so [Music] beautiful look look at this how the water has completely eroded this concrete [Music] away our research started with the most recent homeowner a Chinese art dealer who began renovating the property in 2005 only to abandon the project in 2018 for reasons unknown there's very limited records of the fate of this particular owner but this sent us down a research Rabbit Hole where we uncovered the amazing stories of all the people who lived here today countless Asian artifacts still litter the property some of which were already beginning to see wow this is so nice you can tell this house is very detailed I can only imagine what it's going to look like inside but before we do that I want to walk around the back and check out these condos that are built along with this house right over here to the side we can already see them back [Music] there the condos were added to the estate in 1982 each were priced at $300,000 that's equivalent to to $1.1 million [Music] today so there's three condos total two of them are abandoned but one of them actually is still being lived in but we're not going to go into either of those because they're actually caved in completely dilapidated but I will take you around back to show you these condos were definitely built later on but they're of the same exact architectural style as the [Laughter] Mansion here's the back porch porch has definitely seen better days and look at this see stained glass all right guys I think it's now time to go around front and uh make our way inside this beautiful mansion [Music] so in this video I'm going to do things a little differently I've already done a walkthrough of this entire house and it's absolutely incredible so stick around for this entire video because this place gets better and better as we go all right let's begin this exploration so as you can see we're in an upstairs bedroom of this house and guys there's quite a bit of furniture Left Behind incredible incredible antiques in this place this beautiful matching bedroom set this dresser here that goes with it [Music] beautiful this looks uh very French what do you guys think is this French and this room right here it goes off from it it's like a reading room up here maybe perhaps like a a library or something overlooking the uh the front yard of this house it's on a very busy street and look at this you can see the fountain right there below beautiful and you can tell they were doing quite a bit of renovating to this house but it looks like they gave up which we see so common in abandoned houses like this someone buys the property they decide they're going to fix it up and they just abandon the project oh a huge bathroom here and I love this tile it's like gray tile with the with the blue accents it's very 50s looking kind of atomic looking uh vanity [Music] here check this out oh my God and look at this this is absolutely incredible [Music] [Music] I've never seen anything like this in a home before in the United States this is very Japanese these are called shoi doors beautiful and I love how the light comes in from the side and it's so Random to find this in an old Victorian home like this I can only imagine the most recent owner added this remarkable feature a flare of his personality that speaks volumes about what was important to him peace reflection and mental well-being this space is more than just a room it's a personal Retreat crafted from a desire for tranquility and spiritual balance guys what do you call this it's like a meditation room like a tea ceremony room and I imagine someone just sat in that chair perhaps meditated or were on the floor on their knees closed the door and had their own private space to be alone with their thoughts or without their [Music] thoughts and here's the top of the stairs that leads downstairs obviously this house again guys this place is [Music] massive we have a huge bedroom up here I mean the size of this room is this room's got to be at least 40 ft [Music] long ginormous [Music] that back there is a king-size bed and it looks so small in this room these beautiful accent chandeliers up top I love the lighting of this house so many windows I love how open this this building is which is kind of indicative of the era that it was built in a lot of these old houses didn't even have electricity when they originally constructed and this one definitely didn't he used the light that was provided by the Sun an architect Neil Reed had that in mind when he constructed the home in 1913 masterfully harnessing the natural light using thoughtful placement of Windows to brighten the interior Reed was the Golden Boy of Atlanta's blossoming architectural scene designing countless crown jewels across the city Reed's Estates were status symbols coveted by Atlanta's Elite and still are to this day the bellal Mansion is a classic example of some of Reed's best work one of its final masterpieces before he passed away of a brain tumor at just the age of 40 but who was it that could afford such an elegant estate [Applause] when ship Nell was born into a life of prominence in 1885 his father owned the Nell candy company which satisfied the sweet Cravings of atlantans for Generations after earning degrees from the University of Georgia and Yale winship's life changed forever when he met his college sweetheart Mary Cooper windship and Mary's engagement was the Talk of the Town the premier social engagement of 1912 upon the announcement winship's father purchased a parcel of land and called upon Neil Reed to construct the Mansion as the wedding gift the dates were set the invitations were sent when unexpectedly the ceremony was cancelled then the reception records from the time indicate the bride came down with an unknown illness subsequently they decided to have their wedding behind closed doors attended by only two witnesses but Atlanta was left wondering what happened to the power couple until headlines confirmed their worst fears while windship watched helplessly at her bedside for over a year Mary nanell had died with their unborn son she was only 22 years old so basically the Bell Isle Mansion was literally built as a wedding gift where the woman tragically died while carrying a child I cannot imagine the pain windship in the entire family went through during this time over the next 2 years details about wi ship's life became scarce but he dedicated himself to rebuilding the dream of having a family within the walls of his newly built Mansion my best guess is he probably went quiet during a time of such insurmountable grief but then suddenly he reemerges with a new love in 1915 remember when everything was bright and new Atlanta's newspapers were buzzing with excitement when Winship announced his engagement to Jesse mcke in 1915 her adventurous spirit and Beauty had already made her the Talk of the Town together they formed a shared passion for horse jumping driving clubs and speedboats their lives a whirlwind combination of high society Events and Adventure so this all might seem normal by today's standards but but back then you got to understand that this was all new for the time driving clubs with actual cars racing speedboats and then there was the plane not one to sit on the sidelines Jesse Nell became the first female pilot in the history of Atlanta taking lessons alongside her husband windship took the Helm of Nell candy company in 1920 driving it to new heights but his love of Aviation would become the lasting Legacy of the nuny name reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and Wing commander in the Civil Air Patrol later in life he would be credited with establishing many of the air routes Pilots use today over the Skies of Georgia windship and Jesse had many children at the house Neil Reed had built finally realizing the dream Natalie's father had all those years ago yet time brought new owners and new stories to the mansion and we have another massive bedroom up here I love this Arch here and this beautiful Art Deco style Chandelier and a beautiful fireplace also of a kind of art deco design with that slight V going down I really I I hate that they put carpet up here I can only imagine what this place would look like with the original hardwood for exposed but maybe there's a reason why they did that make it more maybe the floor was too damaged and wanted to cover it up and again just these random amazing pieces littered all throughout this house that are just left exposed I say this in a lot of my videos but a lot of these pieces like this over the years they're exposed to moisture humidity sunlight expanding and Contracting from the Heat and unfortunately I think that's what's going on with this piece and again guys this is a huge bedroom and I love the uh like the forier area at the top of the stairs here so the upstairs was pretty cool right well wait till you see what's down downstairs Julius de GI took residence in the Mansion during the opulent 1920s becoming a celebrated socialite in Atlanta his life was filled with lavish parties and Gatherings that made the Mansion a central hub for the city's Elite but tragically his life was cut short by a gruesome automobile accident in 1930 an event that cast a long Shadow over the mansion's future the details of the accident as reported by the Atlanta Journal highlighted a fatal decision that Julius made in a moment of panic leading to his untimely death beneath the wheels of his own car apparently he had jumped out of the vehicle as it was still moving in an attempt to escape the collision and never ably being crushed in the process the irony is that had he just stayed in the car he would have been [Music] fine the mansion's beauty is marred in tragedy julius's untimely passing mirrored the severe loss of the Nell family all those years ago tragic book ends to the first chapter of its history [Music] all right so down this big stairway with these beautiful executive looking handrails [Music] here pretty normal right we got a normal little Corridor little closet Here and Now let's enter into this next portion of the house look at [Music] this isn't this [Music] amazing I've never seen anything like this in any abandoned building I've ever expl Bo this beautiful fountain that used to flow with water and you can tell they started to rework this Fountain someone painted the angel but left the rest of this original but this was my house I would fill this with coins [Applause] [Music] these stained glass window panes even the crown molding that borders the stained glass is all [Music] detailed there's water down damage up above right up there the walls all warped right here so sad such a shame I imagine it would cost a fortune to renovate this place but it would clearly be worth it to save [Music] it this beautiful dining room table yeah this person not only collected art but clearly they collected antiques speaking of which look at this piece there's just rare rare pieces in this house and look at this marble top beautiful this thing is in Immaculate shape very old very old pieces what area do you think this is from to me it looks like a a mixture of like Victorian and our Deco but like I've mentioned before in my videos I'm not too much of an expert on eras when it comes to antiques so any of you guys know let me know in the comments below what area you think this is from antiques for days guys again either marble or Granite it's gorgeous and what era do you think this paint thinner is from let me know in the comments below and of course one of my favorite features of this room is this stained glass back wall I mean look at this this is absolutely incredible who has Stained Glass back wall like this in their home such a rare thing to find this and a house especially these days it's definitely a lot more common in the 1800s early 1900s this home is really interesting to me because it's like it looks like it's a a bunch of different eras all throughout the home and different architectural Styles you can definitely tell this place used to be lived in by someone who loved art and loved color funky designs mix matched architecture Styles and cultures [Music] following Julian's death his wife Alene continued to live in the Mansion maintaining its social status by hosting smaller more intimate Gatherings however the Mansion would soon see a change in ownership and purpose with Alvin Bell Isle a name that would become permanently associated with the property Alvin a notable executive in the transportation industry brought a new era of prosperity to the mansion his prominent roles including that of chairman of the board for yellow cap company marked him as a significant figure in Atlanta's bustling growth in a photograph from the era Alvin is pictured alongside President Franklin D Roosevelt underscoring the mansion's ties to the very fabric of the nation the only thing we have to fear is [Music] before we go into the front I want to walk kind of around the perimeter of all this and look at these these side rooms that are branching off and no telling what's in these boxes it's all Chinese lettering I imagine it's all furn yep it says Shanghai furniture and decoration I cannot imagine what all is in these boxes and they're all full look at this all these pieces [Music] here it's all stuff that was probably purchased to set up all throughout the house and it never made it that far we're looking at a pool table right now this is the underside of one imagine perhaps maybe there was a pool table that was going to be set up in this room at one point or that was set up in this room oh and look at this piece oh my God this is all handcarved it's so beautiful I cannot believe this is just sitting here in this house like this I mean it's only a matter of time before humidity gets to these pieces and ruins them this is a beautiful wardrobe actually this is a very strange style wardrobe too look what are these are these um for hats maybe to hang on and these little hooks right here if anyone knows what this piece is made for let me know in the comments below [Music] looks like back here we have a like a mirror that used to hang hang up or something and what is this H from this hook I don't know this is a strange piece but it's so amazing I've never seen a piece like this looks like we got another bathroom right here they were definitely remodeling this house doing a lot of Renovations it looks like they were trying to tackle it all at once every room seems to have something they were working on it makes you wonder why they didn't just do section by section it seems like it'd be more efficient that way another room completely full of antiques I don't even know where to begin again look at this [Music] one I love this dark looks like Walnut beautiful it looks like there's little shells down here too pull out I love these little drawers so satisfying like all the little shapes like how this one's diagonal wonder what this piece was used for makeup or or jewelry all these little curves you soone just this is all handmade oh and look at this it's incredible I've never seen a piece like this either this is a piece of art but it feels like we're in a museum right now we're like a flea [Music] market wonder what this tag says this desk $1,250 and it was reduced to $975 like I said guys there's expensive pieces in here and it's well worth it I mean look at the look at the design the handcarved designs in it just to think someone made this with their hands such incredible pieces in this house and this beautiful bed frame this gorgeous [Music] guys oh and check this out so this right here is a wall divider look at [Music] this looks very Chinese to me what do you guys think this thing looks very very old again so rare pieces in this house I really hope that someone saves this stuff this might be the most Furniture I've ever seen in a mansion here in the United States we got Mr Banks over here what do you think too so much natural light too lots of natural light that's what I was mentioning earlier this house is so lit up [Music] this beautiful dining room with this massive [Music] table and this is a huge table I mean it sits 10 people I love how this chandelier hangs down low right above the table and guys look at this cabinet back here that used to hold all the China look at the detail in the woodwork [Music] so [Music] beautiful you can tell this thing was specifically made for kitchen wear in the detail up here very kitchen esque beautiful oh check this out the original Skeleton Key still in [Music] it and this matching this matching cabinet over here it goes with it but that skeleton key opens this right here and what's behind door number [Music] one oh an exciting closet I bet we have another riveting closet over here sure [Music] do I love this though I love the very symmetrical closets beautiful [Music] and check out this door how it swings both ways so cool and here is the [Music] kitchen and again looks like they were remodeling this kitchen too look at this tray ceiling up top it was being reworked like I was saying it just looked like they were trying to tackle this entire house all at once rather than taking it section by section this is an interesting choice in cabinet wear this stuff is all brand new you can tell right here where someone broke in at one point someone came and boarded the window and didn't take the time to clean the glass Even This Big Island right here with the granite top such nice pieces in this [Music] house and I don't know what this room over here would have been used for but they definitely used it for storage of more furniture but this is a very interesting room to me I would think the kitchen would be right here but perhaps this was like a pantry area or something or this right here was the original kitchen and look we have two windows right here along this wall two windows back there and two covered up Windows right here in my opinion it would make the most sense that the kitchen's right here what do you guys think let me know in the comments below let's take a look at some of this furniture [Music] look at this [Music] piece and these details this woodwork right here looks sort of Chinese to me looks like a dragon and this beautiful doors all handcarved of course and this beautiful stained glass I wonder if this is the stained glass that was in this piece or if that was added later by the way it's [Music] gorgeous be very careful with these pieces a lot of them are very fragile you can tell someone sanded all this back here to rework it to finish it but they never finished it more pieces antiques upon antiques [Music] guys and what's sad is this really beautiful piece is collecting quite a bit of mildew damage all those mildew spots [Music] a beautiful dresser here what kind of wood do you think this is called is this a bird's eye perhaps or something else love these little speckles in it so many tables so many dining room tables this is a beautiful table too as I'm walking through each room seeing the various furniture all throughout the Mansion I can't help but wonder who owned which piece was it the Atlanta socialite Julius was it the business Mogul Alvin or was it Holocaust Survivor Alex [Music] fixman born in 1928 cloes Poland Alex had a peaceful childhood nurtured by his devoted parents and surrounded by his siblings yet this Serene landscape was abruptly torn apart when the shadows of World War II spread across Europe plunging his world into chaos and Devastation Poland September 1939 the German foe begins its ruthless March of Conquest Poland's 54 million inhabitants crushed scattered and enslaved as the Nazi regime expanded its reach across Europe Alex and his family faced unimaginable Horrors in the early 1940s Alex was forcibly deported to several concentration camps including daau flossenburg and the notorious [Music] aitz these years were marked by brutal hardship and loss Alex witnessed the inhumane treatment and deaths of countless Innocents among the victims were his brother and both his parents as the war neared its end Alex's life took an unforeseen turn just when his fate seemed sealed he was liberated by the French armed forces from a camp in Germany and thus marked the beginning beginning of a new chapter for Alex in May of 1950 Alex immigrated to the United States weighing only 125 lbs at the age of 26 settling in Atlanta he listed his occupation as a hairdresser on his immigration documents a profession that would anchor his new life in America as he rebuilt his life From the Ashes of the past Alex began to invest in real estate and by the early 1970s he acquired the Bell Isle Mansion after living in the Mansion for 8 years slowly nursing it back to Good Health he undertook the ambitious project of extending the Mansion building the condos and ensuring the additions mirrored the original structures Elegance his efforts not only restored the phys iCal splendor but also infused the estate with a renewed Spirit of survival and Resurgence much like his own life Journey As Time passed however both Alex and the Mansion faced the inevitable toll of age his health declined and after a lifetime of unimaginable resilience Alex passed away in 2000 surrounded by the family and friends he cherished within the walls of the remarkable home he had lovingly preserved Alex's wife Diana inherited the B is estate but it wasn't long until she ran into major financial hardship her struggles took her all the way to Georgia Supreme Court fighting to keep the family home after the settlement in 2005 the property changed hands yet again passing to the art dealer who became its most recent owner and soon after the Mansion began to take on yet again the damaged caused by nature and neglect but you see the story of Alex and Bel Isle Mansion is deeply intertwined both marked by periods of greatness and of Sorrow survival and transformation they share a history that that reminds us that the lives of homes and their owners are often mere images reflect in resilience restoration and the inevitable toll time takes on all things who can predict what future lies ahead for this once magnificent estate and although faded the Elegance of this historic place still shines through the layers of dust that settled upon its beauty [Music] all right guys we got one more section of the house and in my opinion it's the best section of the house the entrance [Music] all right here we go already we're greeted with these pocket doors of course they're jammed they're always jammed and look at these beautiful coffered ceilings up top this mid-century furniture these double fireplace amazing lighting like what else do you want for an entrance of a [Music] house like I don't even know where to begin like this room to me is the most overwhelming room of the house it's so open but there's all these small details everywhere this crown molding the windows the floor the fireplace the gold mirror it's all so [Music] Grand and this blue tile on this fireplace it's incredible I like these little little guys right here these little details and this tile down below so [Music] beautiful we have an office area here right here in the front of the [Music] house and I like how these windows the top Windows here accent the front door windows and look how this wood is raw it looks like they um they stripped it down to re to refinish it and just never got around to it nice red executive chair to go with your nice executive desk you can tell this desk has been sitting in the sunlight for a long time it's all faded the wood needs to be refinished it's all dried out and I just noticed these pocket doors here oh and these work finally a set of pocket doors that actually work O So satisfying such smooth action you know what's interesting is these knobs turn turn as if they do anything and this room is interesting it's got like a mixture of mid-century like Victorian Art Deco it's got all kinds of stuff going on in it got these really cool minc andry sofas over here look at this and this table to me also looks Japanese kind of reminds me of the shoin doors that we saw upstairs and I'm about to show you guys my favorite piece of the house here in just a second but before we do that got another matching fireplace oh and look at all this crown molding up top there's just so much to look at in this room so much attention to detail I'm like a kid in a candy shop right now and I love how they placed the ladder right here rather than putting like a piece of artwork here they put a put a ladder here maybe to symbolize their love for starting a project and never finish again and a matching office on this side too but they put carpet in this room more big executive chairs a huge executive desk I mean how much office space do you need and I love the view out on the front porch this Grand front porch love it all right I told you guys I was about to show you my favorite piece of the house so here it is I bet some of you have wondered why I keep walking past this one and not showing it to you but we have arrived look at this beautiful piece these right here are like metal spokes I'm going to be try to be very careful opening this piece I mean it's extremely old and what I think this is let me turn on my light here to show you is it's an old look how these doors [Music] open it's amazing it's an old bar I believe that you put all your cocktail mixers different cups in [Music] here and you serve your guests out of this thing isn't this absolutely incredible it's so cool and I love how these doors open like suicide doors almost they work dependently of each other so neat it definitely needs to be reworked a little bit but this thing would would make for such a great restoration piece look at these details in the wood here these golden details this is absolutely beautiful I've never seen one of these before my absolute favorite piece of this entire [Music] house I can only imagine what this room used to look like with both the fires going at night and the soft glow the fire lighting up the room it had have been beautiful in here there's nothing about this room that I would ever [Music] change all right guys it looks like we've explored this entire mansion and I want to thank you so much for coming along with me on this adventure if you enjoyed this video let me know in the comments below subscribe to my channel for more Explorations like this and as always stay off the beaten path by
Channel: JeremyXplores
Views: 61,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, decay, photography, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned church, abandoned car, abandoned school, abandoned prison, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned factory, abandoned photography, travel, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, documentary, video tour, abandoned nashville, abandoned castle, abandoned chateau, abandoned france, abandoned manor, outbackwilderness, subaru, overlanding, Car camping, jeremyexplores, abandoned time capsule
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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