It All Matters | Bishop S.Y Younger | Impact 2020

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and all of god's people said amen you could be seated in the presence of the lord uh i want you to really quickly just share this topic with someone in the sanctuary and if you're watching online just type it on the screen tell them it all matters it all matters and so when i'm preparing for this uh conference of course i always want to keep my ear to the lips of god to see what god wants to say to a house or uh to the constituents that will come to a conference or a convention but then i also want to be sensitive to hear what the visionary is seeing and what the visionary is hearing because evidently this pastor prayed about birthing a conference and then the lord really pressed upon him the vision of that conference and so when i started to look at what this conference theme or uh what the conference is labeled it's called impact m impact impact i believe the reason why so many of us in life are frustrated is because we're still trying to answer that age-old question and that question is what am i called to do what am i what am i called to do you know why am i here what is the purpose for my life come on just be honest isn't that the question isn't that what we search after and many of us find ourselves searching after it in such a manner that we search for the answer to that question in all the wrong places we trying to find identity in someone else and that always makes us come up with a an emotional deficit we try to find out who we are by taking on titles and labels only to find out that we don't know who we are outside of it and so we sabotage individuals that have the potential to threaten that who am i and what is my calling and i believe this is very important for us to have this discussion especially in this moment in time this hour that we're living in this church age that we're living in because in this present church culture we have become very title heavy we've become title heavy i i'm thankful for titles because titles and labels help us identify what we're getting right it's it's the label that allows you to be able to identify salt from sugar because it looks the same but it tastes different so titles and labels have a very important uh significance to them the only challenge is when we end up having titles with no substance signs with no contents come on somebody the bible says we would have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof and everyone who pursued to take on these labels they didn't pursue it out of negligence and out of a diabolical desire to be deceiving some people were just hoping that if i accomplish this or if i get this in front of my name or these letters behind my name maybe i will find out who i am maybe maybe if i wear the right outfit maybe if i go to the right church maybe if i get in the right click or the right group i will find out who i am because at the end of the day i'm here but why am i here i've been called but called to what and it's very easy for us to have this dialogue and i emptied it out with spiritual jargon to you and i tell you you've been called to be holy yeah what does that mean hallelujah you've been called to be righteous yeah okay but what does that mean i'm still trying to unpack all of these re all this religious rhetoric without definition sometime you are anointed what does that mean because some of us have made anointing synonymous with style i'm preaching good already and there are some people who feel like they're not anointed because they don't have the style that's labeled anointed but let me tell you something i'm anointed screaming i'm an anointed speaking come on somebody i'm anointed in church clothes and i'm anointed in street clothes you're not sending them in here my anointing is not limited to my style because of my anointing is limited to my style i have limited my community i have limited my accessibility i have limited the people i can minister to so what is my calling and we find we find individuals doing that we're in search there are some people we weren't searching for sin we were just searching for identity we ended up in sin but it wasn't my desire i was looking for some sort of relief from the anguish of looking for me that's exhausting it's exhausting when you're looking for yourself in a community of people who seem like they got it down packed it's exhausting when you feel like being you means you have to be like everybody else it becomes exhausting when you find yourself consistently coming up short not fulfilling the expectation of the people around you and at the end of the day without being somebody's husband without being somebody's wife without being somebody's daddy somebody's preaching somebody's pastor what is my calling what is what is my calling because sometimes we must have a revelation that our calling goes beyond our position if we take that from you what are you called to do well tonight i am not going to settle all of that now that was a wonderful introduction and maybe some of you are sitting on the edge of your seat and you say wow this is the word i finally needed to hear because i've been wondering tonight i'm not going to answer your questions but i'll pray to settle your spirit that you're going to find your calling you're going to find your purpose you're going to find what you're supposed to be doing based upon the assignment that's in front of you did you hear what i said based upon the assignment that's in front of you i want you to speak to somebody to the left to the right i don't know because of socially social distancing if they beside you y'all whatever one got the other one already got so just look at the person uh uh beside you tell them god may not answer all of your questions but he's going to settle your spirit holla at him tell him serve what's in front of you suck what's in front of you because the answer that you want you can't handle no for real just tell me the whole purpose of my life you can't handle that answer job says god what in the world is going on you know we make job out to be some sort of uh fictional character or if he's non-fictional he we romanticize his story as though he was so perfect that he wasn't human but but job said what's going on because job didn't have the book of job to read and if i'm walking up right before god my life don't supposed to look like this you know i'ma hurry up and finish this up real quick did you hear what i said if i'm going to church and paying my tithes there's some stuff i don't supposed to have to go through y'all told me to turn around three times i did it you told me to walk around seven times i did it now why after walking around i'm still facing some of the same dilemmas you told me if i cried out to god i'd be delivered but how is it that i cried i snotted i screamed i hollered and i still got a war that's going on in my members that make me question does this really work job said god what's going on and god answers his question with the question and said where were you where were you when i put stars in the sky i hope i'm not boring y'all with this tonight but this is all god gave me where were you when i set things in motion in other words the answer that you want you can't handle so now i'm stuck in an eli elizabeth place i'm not the place i want to be or i'm pushing to be and i'm not where i used to be so i feel bad to complain and i'm glad that i'm saved but my question is how do i supposed to survive this suspended place this god forsaken place where in order for purpose to be fulfilled the god that sent me in the purpose has to pull back off of me taking a test with no assistance all i can do is hold on to the last thing he said suspended between malachi and matthew now the prophets have scattered they're silent they're quiet and what happens when i'm the prophet and i can't see look at somebody tell them answers answers answers answers and so i'm i want to just have this discussion with you because judah means praise and we are a culture of praises but in order to understand that judah means praise before you speak over me judah we need to unpack his personality because praisers are complicated the more gifted you are the more anointed you are the more talented you are the more prophetic you are the more complicated you are the reason why anointed people are so strange is because we're consistently trying to survive in our seeming life of contradiction you don't know what i'm talking about look at your anointed people in here you don't know what i'm talking about what you mean a semen i'm not a seeming contradiction right really really really how is it that you know everything here in the presence of god in the midst of a worship service when we're doing spiritual karate on each other you know everything but how is it 24 hours from now everything that you thought you knew can come under question in your mind how is it that you are like elisha where you can lay hands on people and they be healed but you have to deal with your own afflictions and look like it doesn't work for you you are the vessel that pours out but you don't get to keep what you pour seem in out that you got a word for everybody else and you're living in the house of bethlehem a house of bread and feel like you're starving and there's no word for you a seeming of seeming contradiction to be so strong but be so weak lord we believe we really do believe but help help you know don't you tell no lie but i want you to look at somebody if it's true for you tell them this word is for me already i believe but helped out my unbelief because the truth is if i be honest with you i'm anointed but i'm i'm semi-crazy i'm judah i'm judah and before you blame and before you criticize me before you criticize me for the decisions that i made you got to know the options that i had i can't believe she did that i can't believe he did that you don't know if you would have did as good as i did with the options that i had judah judah his wife dies his wife dies and he has a friend that says let's go to vegas and you got to be careful who you keep company with when you're going through a challenging season be careful when you're going through marital problems who your counselors are be careful that when you're going through things in your ministry you got to be careful who gives you prophetic advice that's ready to tell you that your season is up and they can't handle your anointing you got to be careful judah goes to vegas uh with a doulamite see something wrong right there with that name and uh when he got there he he met a woman and she was failed didn't really get to see her face because this act was not about her face you got to be mindful saints of god for people who don't want intimacy they just want an experience that goes everything from on a personal one-on-one level even when it comes to church and ministry the bible said in the last days many will forbid to marry what does that mean that mean that people want the experience that comes with marriage without the covenant that comes with marriage and those are people who would say you know you're my youtube pastor right but they will never join your church they won't pay no time they want the benefits y'all not saying nothing without the responsibility so she was veiled and it was okay for him and uh he asked you know he asked her how much how much for for one night and um she you know told him i own some goats and stuff well don't y'all make fun of her at least she put a price on it she was veiled and he said well you know i don't have no no goats in my back pocket but uh you know i'm good for it she said uh no i don't play that i don't i don't do that i gotta i got i gotta have some collateral and um he said well what do you want she said well give me that uh staff that's in your hand and uh he said okay you can hold the stab only issue is that the staff of a patriarch is a symbol of his family's heritage on the staff of a patriarch says this one begot that one that when we got that one so when sh when he handed over his staff he was handing over his family's name his family's legacy for one night he was putting that jeopardy his family's legacy he said okay i'm ready let's go she's like no give me give me that bracelet just let me hold it and he said okay the only issue is that that bracelet is a symbol of of his wealth wow but for one night he gave up his wealth and then the signet all that represents who he is that the seals decrees his power to speak and settle matters the aspect of him that deals with decision making he took it off for one night and so so she got collateral he goes into her and the next day because you know it's always different the next day he doesn't even want to go settle it he sends his friend pay but she's not there judah means praise we've been created to praise but what you decide to praise is your decision somebody shot it all matters so apostle paul says this in philippians chapter four he says um i got a press you know i'm not perfect i'll be honest i'm an apostle i'm not perfect but i got a press it's a consistent intentional motion of trying to get there i want you to ask the person beside you ask them are you still pressing or are you settling all right kanias i'm almost finished read i usually say that i am for real are you still pressing are you settling and sometimes i may stop to catch my breath but that don't mean i'm quitting and it's even hard to have someone to have their discussion with because if i tell you i'm tired you're ready to rebuke me but just because i'm tired don't mean i'm gonna quit the truth is even though i'm an encourager i need a moment even though i'm an intercessor i need a moment paul said it's a press in me it's intentional the older saints used to say you got to press your way and listen what he says i press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling the high calling well that's apostle paul because he definitely has a high calling what i want to say to you tonight and i want you to get this revelation there are no low callings not in christ jesus there i know for real there no lo what is a low calling in christ there are no low callers in christ jesus only high callings well you got you got apostles right and above the apostles are chief apostle and it's the chief apostle and under the chief apostle is the apostle and the board of apostles under the apostles there are archbishops or senior bishops or prelates and under them are diocesan bishops and under the diocesan bishops they're overseers ah don't you wear that color that's a different color it's an overseer under the oversea under the overseers are district elders because the district elders are different than regular elders because the district elders are elder over a district of the elders but an elder is just you're just a regular elder and under the elders there are ministers under the ministers are aspiring ministers because you ain't had your trial sermon yet under that there are missionaries there were white that never been on a mission and then under the missionaries come on some and somewhere down at the bottom you got usher somewhere and that's what we've been told and that's how we see it high calling in low calling when he says there is no low calling in christ jesus it's not like this it's like this we're all serving just in a different place we got to get delivered from this stuff about being over people and get a revelation is about serving people you got to be anointed to be an usher i want you to hear me musicians and you singers and praise team members don't you think it's a different standard for me and a different standard for you if i stand here and gotta pursue holiness you got to pursue holiness too that guitar is your pulpit that drum set is your podium y'all not sending me here that medium desk that media dance is your platform who told you that there was a low calling in christ jesus our church culture has messed us up and we are now frustrated and we feel belittled and we don't feel valuable and now we got to stab each other in the back and we're going to leave and we're going to split the church unless you give me another piece of paper that has proven nothing we don't need another robe color we don't need any more titles it's good so we can say who you are and we can make a separation and know who to go to but what happens when those titles lead us to a dead-end road don't tell me what label i need i need to discover my calling and your calling is right in front of you i said your calling is right in front of you if you ever find your person you'll find your place and if you ever find your place you'll find your destiny but we're skipping over people pushing around people we come to church and shout and go home and we're miserable because we don't have a sense of calling because i don't do what you do that means what i'm doing is not valuable but god told me to tell you before i go to my seat tonight it all matters it all matters the moments you have to hold your peace when you wanted to use your words it all matters the moments you apologize when somebody should have been apologizing to you it all matters the moments you served and they didn't call your name somebody shot it all matters it makes an impact it makes it impact you all be seated and now i'll wrap up the way all i before i go to my seat i'm going to tell you in 1970 uh norman borlaug won the nobel peace prize and the president's award and he should have because he's responsible for finding out how to hybridize corn seeds in horrible conditions like in places in central and south america and africa and because he learned how to create that crop and how to cause it to survive in very tedious climates he was able to save over 2 billion people from dying of starvation over the years so he won the nobel peace prize that he should have well or should he because how did he get there what put norman bulldog in that position the vice president who had been the secretary of agriculture henry wallace who's a vice president to fdr he really should get the credit because norman bullock would have never got there unless henry wallace had put him in that place well what makes henry wallace even want to know anything about agriculture that will make him the secretary of agriculture that will make him one day become the vice president of the united states that puts norman bulldog in position that causes 2 billion to be saved from starvation well henry wallace's daddy when henry was young went back to iowa and got a job at iowa state university as an assistant professor and lord henry wallace was hanging around the lab all the time getting on that nerves so they let henry wallace play around with iowa state's first black student and he would hang out with him as a botanist on the weekend just looking at flowers that man's name was george washington carver george washington called a stirred a passion and a curiosity into henry wallace they would one day become the secretary of agriculture to become the vice president that will put norman bullock in place that would end up saving two billion people from starvation so we should honor george washington carver but how did george washington carver a black man coming out of slavery end up at iowa state university because of moses and susan call susan her susan who actually had papers where they belonged to him susan actually taught him how to read she talked she taught somebody who was supposed to be property and a slave how to read so we honor susan but how did susan do it because her husband let her and did he just let her or was it a desire of his because all we know in history is that raiders came to their farm one night and grabbed a woman who would not let go of her child mary who had a little boy named george and they took them captive end up killing the mother all the way to kansas and moses carver made an agreement with them i'll bring you what i got if you give me the boy on a win tonight he came and handed them his horse and they threw a bag out into the bushes and in that bag was george washington carver a naked black baby and that white man grabbed him and put him on his body and walked back home george washington carver grows up mentors are henry wallace and henry wallace becomes the vice president that hires norman borlaug norman borlaug ends up saving 2 billion people from starvation you can't handle the whole answer but i come to tell you that it all matters for every day you have to do this and the days you have to press to do this the days you have to push yourself to do the days you had to counsel yourself to do this the moments you felt like it was too much on you and you feel like you were gonna snap under the pressure look at somebody tell them it all matters praying for people who look like they don't need prayer being strong for people who don't know how to stand strong for you it matters it matters it matters and it's one thing for us to look at our accomplishments and we see that our accomplishments matter i'm sorry canadians y'all came down here and set up all them guitars and stuff i'm going to go to my seat but it's one thing for us to talk about um you know all of our good things we did right because we feel justified in that you know thank you bishop because i've tried to do what's right and i've been there for everybody and i've been praying and i've been travailing so thank you for encouraging me and letting me know that it matters but there's a flip side to that the stuff you don't want to talk about the stuff that gives you anxiety thinking about if it ever came to light the stuff that you feel like that disqualifies you for being anybody's preacher leaving anybody to worship serving in anybody's church that thing that thing the divorce up the abortion the scandal that the only reason why it's not a scandal because it never hit the fan i can head so i'm looking because this message sounds good for pastor marshall who's been traveling before god and serving all these years it sounds good for pastor aaron mcnair who preached and taught the word consistently in faith but what about me because this message can't be for me because i've done enough stuff in the last 24 months okay all right i've done enough i've done enough in my life that when i try to stand up with any confidence or boldness something else is pointing back at me i'm constantly what david says when i would hold my head up my sins are ever before me well i judah gets the word that his daughter-in-law is pregnant the only problem with it judah judah's daughter-in-law should not be pregnant because all judah's sons that have a bit went with her died and so he says she should not be pregnant because for her to be pregnant mean she slept with somebody else so he said i'm going to her and i'm a killer judah that means praise i'm going to kill her i'm going to kill her as soon as i get to her i'm going to kill her because she's disgraced my family's name she's disgraced my family's legacy she's disgraced my family's wealth i'm gonna kill her and he gets to her and said tamar y'all bring her out in front of the church tamar let's have a meeting about it tabor let's go to dennis and discuss it tamar let's write subliminal messages on facebook about it table come out here and it seems like when he's bringing up the fact of what tamar did and he's accusing her she's not fighting it because she know what she did chloe god see see her sign that you're not repentful is when you start bringing up other people's stuff when you're being confronted yeah because you always look good in comparison to somebody else in your eyes bring out here cause i'm gonna burn her a patriarch of the faith i'm going to burn her because she didn't slept with another man she's brought disgrace to my family he's all i want to do is ask you one question before i set the match she said yes sir who's your baby's daddy she said well whoever stamped this belong to whoever's bracelet this belongs to whoever's ring this belongs to and judah was overwhelmed because he was getting ready to kill somebody for the sin he committed yeah judge tamar she slept with somebody else she was surviving i'm not justifying her decision i just get it you don't get it yeah some of y'all were here you were smoking weed and you know it won't write you just wanted one good night of sleep don't worry i'm gonna call your name out but just don't leave me out here by myself i'm not justifying what you did but i get why you did it because if you've ever been to a place where your mind was racing and you couldn't stop your mind from racing i just want a peace of mind for one moment yes yes i'm trying to communicate with you that i don't see a future in you but i embrace you just for this moment just for relief i'm not trying to justify clean it over i'm just telling you tamar i get it but i want you to know even your mistakes matter because tamar is getting ready to birth something she's in a travail okay i'm gonna stop with this i just want to release this word of prophecy hallelujah if you are near somebody that you've already been close to will you put your hand on their shoulder and tell them i made a mistake but i'm still pregnant oh i still got something on the inside of me i'm still carrying something i failed out but it's not a miscarriage but somebody sleep i'm still praying [Music] father said it was at the time of a hard travail because the question is not if you're still carrying something that's not the question i come to speak to somebody that your presence sees and looks nothing like what god promised you the question is not if you're carrying something the question is what's coming out first did you hear what i said some of you you got too much destiny to let your last mistake cause your demise you got to god says i'm too invested into your destiny to let you quit right here look at somebody tell them it's still going to happen the devil is a liar faithful is he who according to you you'll also do it so tamar tamar's light got spared hallelujah because judah saw his ways and then the bible says she came into a season of a heart travail and i come to tell somebody uh that's been in our season of hard travail just hold out through this season because what you're getting ready to birth is gonna make up for what you lost did you hear what i said what you're getting ready to burp in this season is going to make up for what you lost in this last season and the scripture said that while she was birthing there was a midwife by her that was assisting her and in this season you either need to be around other pregnant people or somebody that knows how to help you give birth i come to tell the midwives in the season that you are necessary you may not be the preacher on the pulpit you may not be the individual that's on the flyer but the ministry of the midwives is necessary i want you to look at somebody tell them i thank you for not quitting on me oh my god because there's a me that the church people know and they celebrate that me but i'm thankful for the people that's behind the scenes that know my inconsistencies that know my flaws that know my struggle but they're still by me holding my hand and telling me to push point to your neighbor and said oh neighbor i thank god for the midwives i know y'all about you now in this generation but i'm thankful for the saints of zion that got around us on the altar and rubbed us on the back and said call him baby call him until it comes i'm so thankful for the people when i tried to sit myself down they wouldn't let me stay down they said get up from there tell your neighbor shout out i thank god for the midwives i thank god for the intercessors i honor my bishop and i thank god for my apostle but i'm thankful for the people who walked by me and picked it up in their spirit that suicide was fully with my mind and they gave me one of those holy ghost hugs and they started rocking me they started pulling on me i thank god for the midwives them that got down and helped me travail as though they were going do it by themselves look at your neighbor and say neighbor whatever you do don't allow me to stop here whatever you do don't let me forth in my destiny i want to do a test in the atmosphere i know you've been shouting for your blessing and i know you've been hollering for your miracle i want to open up your mouth and shout for your friends [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey today devil somebody screamed not today i cancel the spirit of discouragement i cancel the spirit of condemnation you've been thinking about it and contemplating how you can withdraw how you can reside how you can pack up and relocate but i cancel that i scream over this room shall i cancel it you in too deep they got too much invested in matters where you live it matters where you go to church push somebody tell them i cancel that whatever the enemy has been [Applause] i feel like running i feel like leaping now because i thought about just in the last season how close i was to going down how close i was it wasn't the external it was the internal the conflict that was going on in my mind what the devil was telling me you will be happier outside of ministry you'll be more fulfilled without this responsibility but i told the devil i changed my mind i thought about it i looked it up on google i looked at the different cities i could live in but i heard david said where can i go where your presence won't be there if i i might not be in hell and i did and he showed up tell your neighbor to neighbor if you see the devil before i do it come on tell them if you see the devil before i do tell the devil i changed my mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i don't know if i can do this i don't know if i can do this i don't know if i can do this my wife said no no you're going to do this i don't know i don't know if i can do this this is painful this is this is painful i don't know what this is going to cost me let me pull out now i don't want to do this anymore you're not really anointed and called by god until you've tried to send it back i survived the accusation i survived being a widow twice but now i've never been here before see that's the challenge i've never been here before i've had pain before but i've never felt this pain you know i got to answer for everything but i can't do no seminar on this one i can't do no facebook live on this one because i'm at a place where i have no reference point for it i'm birthing without assistance i feel like i'm in it by myself thank you girlfriend but i'm not talking about you where's the backing and the support that i thought i would have when i came into this season it's not i wanted to have babies but not like this i wanted to go walk into the ministry but not like this i wanted to own my own business and i shouted about it when they prophesied about it but not like this not by myself now there's a there's a hard travail there's a back and forth going on that is back and forth that's not in my mind it's in my belly it's down in my spirit and a hand comes out and when this hand comes out the midwife says okay i've seen all this before let me put a red cord who'll help me holy ghost on the wrist of this baby because this baby's the one that's coming out first until 2020 happened well all of your protocol policies and procedures were of non-effect you don't have no reference point for this and and the bible says that hand went back in point to somebody tell them in this season of your life the best thing for you to do is not to think you know it's good just to be open i don't know who god is going to use i don't know what's coming out first i'm just open all i know that something's got to shift screaming somebody tell them something's got to change that's got to break cause i am not going through another year with that pressure on my back i'm not going through another i know i got to go through for a little time but i refuse to go through another year with anxiety dancing on my chest i can't do it but the midwife says you got this and all of a sudden when we think one child is coming out another child for the 30 of you that would praise him and receive it that in the next 14 days god is going to give you a divine surprise [Music] now you better praise him you better i said a divine surprise that's gonna be a divine visitation [Music] something's gonna show up that you won't looking for something you thought was coming out last is coming out first what you thought was gonna take a long time god is gonna do it in a short hey a divine surprise oh i feel like that one maybe i will dance [Applause] tell the people on your road tell them if it don't happen nowhere else it's gonna happen for everybody on this room hallelujah a divine surprise hey you you are the person who celebrates everybody else but what you burst out in this season is gonna set you up for the next three generations you get ready to find out why it was so hard i said you're getting ready to find out why it was so hard cause some of you had to go through and say that what was that about why did i have to deal with that somebody shot a divine surprise there's gonna be a revealing that's going to be a revealing my god [Music] i'm telling you did you hear what i said somebody didn't hear it turn around and look at somebody tell them you're getting ready to find out why this last year was so hard and tell them i'm not even talking about the pandemic i'm talking about your child you're gonna find out why the devil tried to push you off the ledge something is getting ready to pray for somebody praise [Music] [Applause] somebody bless him oh everybody if you watch it online get up off of that sofa and pray get up don't you just watch us get up and dance everybody [Applause] [Applause] will you encourage the people on your road tell them it's going to happen for you tell them god said he's going to release it to you tell them not because you were perfect in it but tell them god is going to do it for you because you kept showing up remember you kept showing up [Applause] everybody that showed up when you didn't feel it put your feet on it [Music] [Applause] i kept showing up with tears in my eyes desiree but i showed up with pain in my body but i showed
Channel: MMCC-Raleigh
Views: 1,728
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: Aaron McNair JR, MMCC-Raleigh, Mt. Moriah Community Church, Place of Impact, Pastor, Overseer, Life Changing Ministries International Fellowship, LCMIF, Preaching, Bible, Christianity, Apostle
Id: tL0g8RApTLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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