Bishop S.Y. Younger - "Hoarders"

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on first time chapter 10 verse 22 therefore they inquired of the lord further if the man should yet come dither and the lord answered behold he had hid himself among the stuff and all of god's people said amen you can be seated in the presence of the lord i'm just going to share with you a quick lesson uh this morning on hoarders lessons we learned from from from hoarders uh i fell in love with this show right i fell in love with this show uh that aired in the early 2000s on a e and i think some of the episodes fell on tlc uh where you got to look in the home of individuals who were hoarders i mean people who had stuff stacked all the way to the ceiling to the point they had to try to weave themselves through stacks of books stacks of papers stacks of trash uh and the question is how do people live how do people live like that when i found out that a lot of us been living like that for a very long time surrounded by a whole lot of stuff it has hindered our quality of living it has hindered our mobility and it has even fixed it what we can't invite people in oh i'm preaching really good because we're surrounded tell your neighbor a whole lot of stuff um lessons that we learn from hoarders one thing we need to realize that uh hoarding uh has is in a spectrum right you have people who are you know medium mild and extreme hoarders some of us in this room we got a little taste of uh a little touch of hoarder ordering it in us you know all right i'ma see because y'all looking at me very um as we say in the country very polluted uh high polluted as a matter of fact some of you all got three drawers of walmart bags not one you got three some of y'all got a whole closet and you said you it was hard for you you were late to church today because you couldn't find nothing to wear but you got all them clothes but but a lot of them you can't even fit anymore but you won't give them away because you've been saying for the last five years i'm gonna get in this skirt i'm gonna get in these pair of pants many of us in here we got a little touch of ordering in us uh you that are writing notes and alicia monroe if you're watching online i want you to write this down we hold on to toxic things and toxic people when we don't trust that god has something better for us [Applause] it's really a trust issue tell your neighbor i got trust issues i have trust issues i know we got trust issues with people that's that's candidly clear but the truth is many of us our trust issues with people have spilled over into our relationship with god where it's hard for us to trust god because the only reference we have for relationships is people and man what if the scripture says god is not a man that he should what that that he should lie we hold on to toxic things and toxic toxic people when we don't know or don't trust the fact that god can bring something better to us first samuel chapter 16 verse 1 god asks sam your question how long are you gonna cry over saul whom i've rejected how how long now listen god didn't beat him up for crying god didn't beat him up for grieving he asked them how long i know you're human and something that's god pulled away from you something that god took from you something that god did not affirm something that was rejected you know now it was rejected you didn't know then but you know now how long are you going to grieve over it you hold on to toxic things and toxic people when you feel like you don't deserve better and when you don't feel like god has better all right my next point is we hoard things when we don't have an understanding of seasons oh and nothing wrong look at these look i got i got about four four cartons of milk in the refrigerator yeah yeah yeah yeah i never opened them yeah yeah yeah but when something remains in your life past its expiration date it can cause unnecessary pain listen i know you're mad because it hurts you and it afflicted you but could it be you held on to it past its expiration date could it be that you tried to bring a friendship from high school into your adulthood that was not intended for a lifetime could it be you're still trying to keep a connection and trying to keep alive something that was good for you but only in the season that it was in tell your neighbor let it go yes joshua chapter 1 verse 2 it kind of starts kind of strong it says moses my servant is dead now therefore arise hold on what arise and go over this joy arise and start getting over it many of you your success in this season is going to be connected to your ability to get over it i i know i know some of you all may think my dialogue was a little insensitive because we are accustomed to cradling people's emotions and affirming people's brokenness yes we even connect through our wounds but at some point in my life i want to be connected by my victories at some point in my life i don't want us to just keep on having sad stories and swapping stories undefeated tell her how bad it is and how somebody hurt me and what somebody did to me and how somebody didn't accept me yeah you yeah you you me me too no i want a time in my life where i can get over it move past it because god has to have something better i need somebody to clap their hands and praise god because i'm moving i'm getting over it moses is dead moses served his purpose i thank god for what it did i thank god for what they did but now i'm moving into a new season and my success is going to be connected to my ability to get over it and move past it [Applause] but a hoarder wants to hold on to the infirmities a hoarder wants to hold on to their past because in their their identities become synonymous with their pain and this is why hold up you told me moses is dead and get up and move over but hold on we know who got in the african-american culture uh this is what we say elder friends saying i don't know if white people do this but as soon as somebody die among black folks you know what we always ask oh y'all who got the body like i never hear white folks ask the question look like what does it matter they didn't know we want to know who got the body because it's going to be a whole process you got to have a wake we got to go by your house and we ought to bring chicken and loaves of bread and then help you eat it when we bring it [Applause] and then we're gonna get to your house and we're gonna wait for a few minutes just a few minutes before we it's like yes it's just so sad how did they die so you telling me to get past it and get over it hold on who got the body god says don't worry about it the bible says god buried moses now i know about 50 you have checked out but i want about 50 more of y'all to catch this why did god bury moses because we are hoarders and if we bury something we have the tendency to go back and dig it up come on don't y'all look at me like that yes friday night we laid some stuff at the altar but god had to snatch some things because if he didn't snatch it we have the tendency to go into we get a little lonely moment we get a little hungry we get a little lustful and we try to go back and dig up what god bury i need you to look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor praise god for this one thing unmarked graves i said praise god for unmarked grace i'm talking about situations relationships circumstances that god deleted and you don't know how to recover it if you wanted to hey go away unmarked praise all right 15 minutes and i'm gonna dismiss what i'm learning from lessons from hoarders is just because now listen to this just because something is useful doesn't mean you can use it everything you come across is not something for you to keep you may be the conduit god may be using you as the channel every contract that comes on your table is not yours every opportunity is not yours every deal and bargain is not yours see that's what happens what that's what happens with hoarders they'll go to ollies on and you see it oh my goodness this is a this is a name brand rug and it's usually 800 but look they didn't mark it all the way down but you don't need any more rugs so if just because god exposed it to you it does not mean it's for you to keep it may be for you to call somebody else who has a naked floor you're not saying i'm trying to i'm trying to bring it home it's playing you know come on claude i know you bake cakes but now you got 50 orders that must be done by friday and somebody call you and say can you make a wedding cake instead of stretching yourself and messing up the quality of your product you ought to say well you know i'm not a hoarder i i i'm exposed to the opportunity but it's not mine so i'm going to call sister lakeisha davis at the ramp because she bakes cakes too and when one of us are blessed all of us are blessed and i don't mind being somebody's door i wish i had a witness and i don't mind being the window that god opens up for somebody i don't mind being the person that makes way for somebody else's blessing i wish i had somebody here that's not jealous and you want to see your friends blessed i don't let me tell you i want to roll with blessed people and when i come up everybody that's connected to me go come up look at your neighbor ask him are you rolling with me are you rolling with me i need you to shout for your friendship circle i want you to shout for your friends and your bffs and your prayer partners your business partners because when i get blessed all of us get blessed we're not in competition we're complimenting one another push somebody tell them i'm not in competition with you tell them if i can't do it tell them if i can't use it you can have it oh shout out look at your neighbor tell your neighbor everything that comes in my hands don't belong to me hey come on put your hands on somebody tell them i'll release it to you i everything that god has put on me for you i release it to you corey williams i'll release it to you i got 13 minutes left god just may be using you as the channel you all be seated there is another aspect of of the hoarding epidemic that we don't discuss it's a recent development and i got the 4-1-1 on it it's not a hoarding of clothes it's not a hoarding of food or antiques or what we call figurines whatnots etc in this culture we become a hoarder of people people hoarders this is when we start being a collector of people collecting multiple mentors collecting multiple accountability partners spiritual sisters and friends prayer partners workout partners how many best friends do you really have [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know who your real sisters are i don't know who your real cousins are [Applause] now how how do you know when you're a people hoarder because some of us are just people friendly it doesn't mean well people hoarders but how do you know when you're a people order you are a people hoarder when you don't utilize the people resources that you already have and you feel that the answer is more people that the reason why you haven't accomplished and the reason why you haven't broke through and the reason why you haven't gotten there yet because you you need more people even high for my barber anymore on man y'all know what i'm talking about do you know what i mean when i say hi from your barber have you ever swapped the bombers and you had to dodge your barber until you needed to go back and when you go back they treat you like an ex lover [Music] and the first thing they start talking about is your hairline man they didn't push you back oh y'all know i'm not telling no lie here people hoarders will hold you to themselves they will hold you hostage to their ideas you have to agree with them on everything and anything they're working on you're automatically obligated to every idea and project we're just friends but any idea you get all of a sudden i'm on every board and you never asked me i gotta show up to every oh you know i you know what i feel something in this room i feel it but i feel you know what i feel i feel deliverance because what happens is when god speaks stuff this strong light bulbs start coming on and some of you realize you are a people hoarder and some of you realize you are being hoarded [Applause] any godly relationship don't have to be forced and it shouldn't come with pressure i got enough pressure in my life [Applause] this is when people in your life are cut off has cut everyone else off and you hold them close to you for your own security your people order now in my last nine minutes some of us have disguised our hoarding syndrome under the guise of reuse repurpose and recycle but what happens when the supply is greater than the demand it brings a halt to process it hinders progression this is when it's no longer recycled because now what was and what is is now coexisting at the same time in the same space causing the order never to experience what will be oh let me rewind what happens what happens when the supply when all the stuff you're holding into is greater than what's needed than the demand it halts the process of recycling it hinders progression this is when it's no longer a cycle because now what was and what is is now sharing the same space and now you'll never experience what will be because you got past and present hoarding your present so then what'd the bible say hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 wherefore sin will come past about what a great cloud of witnesses let us left side every way claude i was going to try to preach what you told me to but i got to preach this left out every weight and the sin which just easily beset us so there's some things you hoard it it may not be sin but it's a weight and you can't run effectively now let me tell you if you came to church today and this may be your first time this whole message is because you came no really this whole message is because you came you should be somewhere further than where you are but because you're hoarding things from the past every great opportunity can be scary i mean great opportunities great doors the calling of god the purpose of god can be scary even love can be scary now i know what you're going to tell me now love don't supposed to be scary but let's look at it again though first john 4 18 says there is there is no fear in love but perfect love casted out fear it says there's no fear in love but the truth is there's no fear in love but it doesn't mean there's no fear with love and what does it mean it says perfect love cast out fear that means that love has to mature now i know y'all fell in love and got married but you don't know whether you love them until after you got married it's making a decision daily it's maturing love you don't know whether you come on we were born with our siblings but didn't make us automatically love them it's over time one thing i learned and i'll close with this a lesson from horton is this stuff compromises the structure it does it compromised people's homes were falling down and being condemned and they never knew it because of all the stuff you lose stuff when you're you ultimately lose yourself the bible says that god was raising up a king in israel this man named saul came from the tribe of benjamin looking for his father's donkeys and ran into destiny just just hunch somebody tell them you won't miss it when you're walking in obedience to god you won't miss it looking for his father's donkeys and ran into his destiny and samuel looked at him and says the inheritance of israel is upon you you're going to be king and he anointed him in private he said a sign to you that what i'm saying to you is right when you leave my presence you're going to fall upon a company of people they're going to be carrying stuff a sign to you that what i said to you is real you're going to come out of my presence and fall among prophets and musicians and they're going to prophesy and you will begin to prophesy and you'll be turned into another man so jason he got one confirmation after the other that this is what god wants him to do but this calling is scary this purpose that's being revealed to him is scary and so he gets back among his people and does he tell his family hey i've been called to be the king of israel no he keeps it silent does he tell his father hey i've been anointed by the prophet to be the king of israel no because he's afraid of the responsibility and so after being anointed in private they go through the process of deciding who would be the next king but he already knows and when the lot fell on on the child of benjamin and then it fell on the family of kish they said hold up whoever's supposed to be standing right here is the next king why haven't you been in place what's been keeping you from your god-given place where is him where is saul and the bible says they found him but when they found him he was hiding among the stuff he was up under a whole bunch of newspapers and when you see a hoarder holding on the newspapers is never current news they're hiding under old stories they're hiding over under all the past all the reminders of what they did wrong under all the guilt under all the shame and at a moment where god is calling you king you're still operating under a spirit of being a convict [Applause] you're walking and operating like you're still in trouble with god you're still operating like god is going to punish you any day any moment judgment is going to come on me but let me tell you something saul if god wanted to get you he would have got you while you were doing it if he wanted to destroy you he would have destroyed you before you got here some of us are rejecting the call of god because we're waiting for something bad to happen we're hiding under old news up under up under the stuff where is why the kingdom needs him where is saul and the bible said when they found him he stood up and when he stood up it was a given it's almost though they saw saul for the first time the bible said he stood taller than all the other men scripture never mentioned his height until that moment that he's still taller than all the other men you know what my mother used to get after me all the time she said stand up yeah stand up just like your daddy's people you know anything bad is always my dearest people i i got this bad habit of walking bent over maybe it's some kind of shame i inherited that made me never felt good enough to hold my head up but when you finally stand up you're gonna realize that you're supposed to be here this is this is my destiny to be here i need somebody in this room that you've been bogged down with a whole bunch of stuff for years but you just changed your mind you don't believe god i dare you to stand up and declare this is my place i was destined to be here i've been called to be yes i've been under some stuff yes i got a dirty pass yes i've made some mistakes but i believe that if god brought me to this point it's because he still wants to use me even after everything he knows about me somebody lift up your hands in this place and begin to open up your mouth come on saul come on saul come on saul release the stuff come from under the stuff i know i know what it is i know what it is even as a preacher not to embrace good moments because of stuff people will look at you and think you got everything together but they don't know how much stuff you have to fight through come on you influencers how much stuff do you have to fight through to take one picture i mean how many how many of you in this room that before you walk in a room to talk you have to hype yourself up you have to talk yourself through you have to counsel yourself you have to encourage yourself let me tell you something every day you stay under the stuff it's a day that you're missing out on the purpose that god has in your life hallelujah so this is what we're gonna do we're going to take a picture this week or we're going to post it today i want everybody to go home and find something to get rid of [Music] find something and if you got to keep going back and forth about it that's the one [Music] and i want you to take a picture of it and say i'm letting go of the stuff go ahead and practice right and say i'm letting go of the stuff when people try to bring up old news tell them i'm letting go of this stuff well people want to keep rehearsing what what happened and what you did and what somebody said and what they heard look at them and tell them stay there if you want to but i'm not a hoarder i'm letting go of the stuff [Music] i'm letting it go we're going to post it hold on is calling me i'm letting go of the stuff if you're here today
Channel: Bishop S.Y. Younger
Views: 638
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bishop, shantae, younger, sy, ramp, international, church, OWCI, praise, break, wisdom, keep, going, encouargement, book, tour, prayer, holyghost, pastor, podcast, praying, speaking, one, way, churches, lynchburg, virginia, building, preaching, prophet, prophetic, cogic, cooljc, new, years, eve, message, virtual, it, matters, apostle, apostolic, holiness, jesus, preach, all, hoarders
Id: bfvUXtKyVLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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