Don't Lose Your Sound (Bishop S.Y Younger)

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see they have on the screen we'll share together in the word of the Lord well you have Exodus chapter 28 I want you to say I have the bread and thou shalt make the robe of ephod all of blue and there shall be a hole in the top of it in the midst thereof it should have a bonding of woven work round about the whole of it as it were the whole of a have Bregan that it be not ripped or rent and beneath upon the hem of it thou shalt make pomegranates a blue and a purple and of scarlet roundabout to him thereof and Bills of gold between them round about a golden bell and then a pomegranate a golden bell and a pomegranate upon the hem of the robe round about and it shall be upon Aaron to minister and his sound shall be heard when he goeth in unto the holy place before the Lord and when he cometh out that he died not I want to read verse 35 again in your hearing and it shall be upon Aaron to minister and his sound shall be heard and all of God's people said amen I want you to shout at the person beside then you can sit down tell them don't lose your sound okay that was practice alright I said really loud you gotta have some sound in here tonight look at somebody else ask them did you hear what I just said tell her don't lose your sound somebody shout hallelujah you could be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to exhaust you tonight with a long dialogue but it's imperative that I have a discussion with you about the language of our present-day church the language why do we say what we say and do what we do because the truth of it especially among the young people sometimes we don't know some of the language that we speak in church is inherited language in other words we say it because we heard it being said that times we do stuff in church we do it because we've seen it done but we don't really have a relationship with it you know we say good spiritual things that we have charismatic Pentecostal lingo I call it that we say like come on magnify the Lord and if I said come on magnify the Lord we automatically start clapping which is nothing wrong with clapping because the Bible told us to clap your hands are you people but what does magnifying God look like it's got to be more than clapping to magnify something means to do it make it launched that means the imminent God omnipresent omnipotent all-powerful God is limited to your ability in your life to make him the size you need him to be magnify him in other words is there some of us in this room we magnify our issues we magnify our problems weaving magnify enemies we said stuff like everybody is against me nobody likes me nobody spoke to me when the truth is that's more working for you than working against you somebody say man to the point some people you hate even asked him how are you doing cuz if you said how you doing you opening up a door the end they'll say well you know my neck has been hurting me and then they'll say well you know my back has been giving me problems and it's a child my knees it becomes a competition who got it the worst you magnifying your issues instead of magnifying your god I want you to ask somebody beside you ask them how big is your God see when your God is small that's why some of you give God small praise you see when you don't know the size of your God when you don't open up the door and praise for your God that mean you only giving him small access but I need everybody in this room that you know you serve a big God open up your mouth and give them a big praise give them oh here we go come on I say give him a big see some of you you ballot open up your mouth because your God is small but if you serve the God of Israel the one the battle-ax the one that is stood in the gap for you I need you to open up your mouth and give a praise this indicative hallelujah hallelujah some of you've been talking about your issues you've been talking about your problems you've been talking about your challenges but I need you to touch three people you got to get the three people tell them talk about your God tired of hearing about what the devil has been doing tired of hearing about how sick your bearded how many bills you got baby we all got bills we all got challenges but I gotta ask you a question is there anything too hard for God I know what the doctor said Oh but the Bible declare that by His stripes we are healed magnify God magnify God and then we talked about the anointing which I think sometime is one of the most misunderstood terminologies and our apostolic church culture anointing because we have made the anointing synonymous with style we called chicken anointed that's a minority chicken if you got on some nice shoes and said I'm some anointed shoes but what really is the anointing the anointing is not how loud you scream because if a preacher doesn't scream loud some people that say well he's not anointed it's not how fancy you sound when you sing because there's some people who are really skilled in singing but they don't have no oil I was trying to help here you can have a lot of information and have no revelation it takes the anointing to flow in Revelation so that God can use your style but your style is not the anointing the anointing is the ability of God in the life of a believer to do what God has called them to do in other words God will never call you to do something that you can do without him look at somebody tell them I need the anointing I don't want to do it on my own I can't accomplish it on my own and it brings me to our conference thing tonight what does being chosen look like chosen many of us in times past we have made the word chosen synonymous with being special and you are special but being chosen has more to do with responsibilities then it has to do with being special growing up in the classical Pentecostal church there were days they'd always told me I couldn't do this and I couldn't do that because I was chosen and there were times I didn't want to be chosen oh don't y'all leave me I here by myself I wanted to do what everybody else was doing I wanted to have I wanted to go to sleepovers cuz see when I was growing up my mother didn't let me go stay over other people's house you know she said you pick up other spirits and I don't know what's going on over there we didn't go to everybody's church because we didn't know what was going on over there I wanted the freedom I wanted the Liberty I wanted the no restrictions but I was constantly reminded that I was somebody say chosen and other words I was being set aside for a particular assignment or set aside for a particular work and anyone who's truly chosen has endured seasons of their lives where they wanted to give it back I don't want to be chosen I don't want to be cold I don't want to be gifted I just want to blend in I need you to look at your neighbor tell your neighbor I didn't choose this I didn't choose it we give ourselves too much credit we talk about how we chose God how we chose church how we wanted the Holy Ghost but if you be honest with me God put this in you people call you so not you so good I don't know how you forgive people once they've done you wrong but let me tell you something once darkness put it in you you got to forgive people sometime when you didn't want to when God has put it in you and you've been chosen by God you will apologize to people who really should be apologizing to you look at your neighbor Taylor God did this to me cuz in my mind I've walked away from the church three times always find myself back in the place I said I was never going back to still singing in the choir still I sit on the awesome or still be encouraged look at your neighbors outside can't quit if I wanted to he put it in me the Bible says he rested me it didn't start when we was 15 oh I need you to push somebody tell them God did this and when you realize God did this you don't have to wait for the committee to approve it will you realize God did this you don't have to wait for cosigner from the crew to give you the love ahead I'm so glad God chose me he chose me before the foundations of the world [Applause] y'all better get with me cuz I'm almost finished look at somebody shout chosen chosen they may not be given house especially y'all be seated a special responsibility there's a yoke that's been put on me there's a weight that's been put on me coz some of y'all see you haven't always been saved since you've been saved Oh y'all look at y'all look at you soompi I have no idea what I'm talking about but some out in here you know what I'm talking about yes you grew up in church but Church ain't always been in here and your hat the Holy Ghost sister been baptized in Jesus name to the altar few more times trying to get it right look at your neighbor tell them I'm still getting it right every time you see me lift in my hair you see me shouting with my chosen this hums I'm still trying to comprehend why me hums I'm still trying to figure out because the truth is I wanted to blend see when I was growing up in church we who was called out and sanctify he left home looking one way but you put other stuff in your book bang come on help me sister thing yeah because you know they always told you you we are among the sanctified we are set apart but there were moments that you didn't want to be what does it mean Israel that you're God's chosen people I have given you our responsibility to show people how to get to me I've I've given you respond in the worst thing you can do when you're chosen it's compare your life to somebody else's life help me Matthew the worst thing you can do when you're chosen is keep looking at what other people are allowed to do in comparison to what you are allowed to do hallelujah it's different what you've made it listen it's different because they don't have the same responsibilities that you have listen I live in hotels I as a matter of fact I only stay in my own bed on average to ten to twelve nights a month I'm a bishop over churches and I travel extensively and because I live in hotels there been many moments where it's been very complex and confusing for me because one night I'm in one city and another night I'm in the next city so that been many times that I've went to those to the hotel door and put my key in and it didn't work and then somebody open the door and said can I help you and I'm like you're in my room they said no this is not your room and just to hear my assistant said Bishop no that was your room number last night and a whole nother City yeah it can become very confusing but something in this hotel accommodation journey has taught me that meant moments Locke couldn't wait to get to my room and when I got into the elevator as soon as the elevator door opened I got off although it wasn't my floor it was the same flowers but it wasn't the same my door opens getting off the elevator it was necessary that I was going higher than what you wanna do because you gotta your feelings is because you're going somebody shot higher higher i'ma show them yes real I want to show them and I'm gonna use you to show them lay hands on yourself I said this is bigger than me so you can't get in your feelings [Music] God says Abraham you're my servant and I want you to take your son the son that I gave you I want you to take him and lay him down as a sacrifice and Abraham says to his servants stay right here because of me and my son are going there to thank you how to worship what because when we talk about worship we talk about singing a slow song what are you talking about worship we tell you I lifted our hands we talk about worship which have a lot of particular melody uh a particular ballot but Abraham says I'm gonna lay down my son before God and that's worship that's why I wanna live to you everybody want to be on the praise team so they can have their own mic and everybody want to have a cute outfit and everybody want to be able to stand on the stage but baby it ain't worship until it cost you something it ain't worship until you have to lay down something you want it something you want for something that God gave you just because you sing the song don't be you're worshiping just because you move your feet just because you cry don't mean you worship it you can't give something that costs you nothing and that's why don't you don't you even worry about tonight those who will sit beside you will sit near you with their arms folded they will never understand your worship because they don't know the price that you had to pay for it let me hear the sound of the true worshipers let me hear let me hear let me hear the sound of the truth I said let me hear the sound of the tooth you have their dorsal pain you have to go through some stuff just today but you still take the church know how to worship by cups know what you haven't you haven't worship God until there's been pain afflicted against your promise the Bible says he calls it worship because worship it's not giving God was convened it's given God what he requires I don't want to bore y'all tonight but I want you to here with him saying that the Holy Ghost because we keep giving God was convenient and we expect him to bless it you you you keep giving God what you want instead of what he requires that you want him to bless it in other you find somebody that you think is cute and then you bring them to churches in that God I want you to bless it did you ask God is that what he wants John I said that I'm in here we bring God our plans and our ideas and what we wanted how we feel and then we won't got to approve it instead of asking God what is it that you want we have worship songs and worship music don't get it twisted those songs are the expression of our worship but they're not worship themselves because it's impossible to sing I surrender all while you hold on the stuff the Bible says that when Joe got the news that all of his children had died in his home had collapsed the Bible says he shaved his head he ripped his garment which was an expression of his humanity but then once the garment was ripped and the head was shaved the worship came out of him he said the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away but blessed be the name of the Lord you haven't worshiped God until you've been disappointed by God now I know some of you Saints in here you may be offended by any potential dialog that someone can be disappointed by god I know you will never articulate that but all of us that haven't walked with God more than one year have went through experiences where we expected God to do something that he did not do oh it didn't get quite and got quieted here you don't tell the whole testimony you talk about how you prayed for somebody you put all on them and how God raised him up but what happened about the person you prayed for and you are known and you expected them to live but they died what did you do after that yes your feelings were hurt yes you were disappointed but in the process of your hands well you did nothing but you tonight that you go through a season of your life what you didn't understand what God has been doing but your trust have lift up your hands right now and release the sound of us I trust you although I can't feel you I trust you although I don't understand you I trust you can trace you I the worshipper in me won't walk away the worshipper hit me won't deny you the worship y'all be sitting to worship huh that's a whole lot about God I don't understand now I know you all are theologians you also understand the doctrines of soteriology you know the debate between arminianism and Calvinism you can break down eschatology whether the tribulation will happen before before the rapture in the midst of the trip there after take place in the midst of the tribulation or whether take place afterwards you understand the doctrines of Baptism and the comparison between Matthew 28:19 Acts chapter 2 verse 38 you understand all of stuff but out of all you know there's still a part of God that you don't understand but what I don't know about God don't make me question him what I don't know God about God makes me worship Him then I says your thoughts are higher Chloe Peter come then mitosis and I'm going to speak to a worshiper in here tonight I the Holy Ghost got me saying this but I want us to pick your worship but tonight yes feeling your way through this season hey Chloe pinnacle you don't understand everything oh you know you're doing this walking toward the voice of God I need you to tell your neighbor I've never been here before in my life before I'm dealing with things I've never had to deal with before but the worshiper in me will you see me washing that's necessary for this season there's no sight that's necessary for the season fall we [Applause] not by sight so I'm gonna show I'm gonna show them I'm gonna show them what worshiping me looks like through you that's why no matter what you're going through you can't afford to go to work bitter because God says I chosen you to show them what worship but worship looks like come here because what happens is we're now living in an entire religious culture but everybody said oh I'm not religious I'm spiritual I'm not religious I'm spiritual I don't do Church I'm spiritual I don't need a preacher I'm spiritual I come to shut down that lie from Satan because it's not godly just because you didn't got a look degree in you look intellectual now and now you know more than the seasoned Saints know you better be careful because it's a slippery slope when you've entertainer god that's not connected to the Bible an experience with God that can't be traced description entirely I'm not religious I'm not religious when the Bible says in the book of James since pure energy it's under file it's serving others and keeping yourself unspotted from the world so while you're saying you're not religious you're gonna get scripture been religious means there is a proper way to approach God and I know this is 2019 but guess what there's still a proper way to approach God you just can't run upon God the way you want to that's the way you must approach God I know he show homeboy I know he's jumpy I bet people says only god can judge me but you need to be reminded he will [Applause] I don't need no preacher I know God for myself the Bible says how can you hear without 100 the chest and shut down on me how can they preach unless they've been sit it is the voice of the preacher that trains you to hear from God let me go to the scripture Samuel Samuel yes Eli I didn't call you Samuel Samuel yes Eli I didn't call you all you know what God is calling you but when God calls Samuel who did he go - he went to Eli because the voice of God sounded like the voice of his spiritual father see our leaders and the sites teach us how to hear from God and there's a way we must approach Most High you are Levites you have that royal priesthood he says come here let me put a garment on you and don't get it twisted God still tells you what to put on now if your fake church is strict now you would have been able to be in church 30 years ago because there were certain colors we couldn't wear I don't know up here in Canada but down down into several colors they told us we couldn't win no no TV there's somebody I've got TV all on your phones man y'all not saying unto me here that was you didn't coming to church without a whole hat on not a hair covering when you folded and put it under your ponytail I'm talking about a whole oh I know yeah I know what you do you fold it a couple of times you were you were a black one sort of blend in with your hair come on somebody and I'm not talking about what you want a church I'm talking about what you want every day to school to work to the grocery store we're very progressive now I'm thankful for the progression but be mindful God is still in the details cuz see when you listen to God nobody will have to give you a set of rules will you open to God hallelujah you know that outfit that you put on and make you start acting a certain kind of way oh don't you okay y'all go get y'all do me like this up in here I'm talking about the one you put on with that snapchat filter you know what I'm talking about up in your actually story just in case your mom ago through it she won't see it [Music] pull a certain kind of attitude out of you or the church to shut down i'ma preach good God when talk about it he says come here let me put a garment on you in the first piece of garment he put on on the Levi was an ephod he said because your worshiper he says I'm gonna put this garment on you and this ephod is not a garment for royalty this this F art is a symbol of servanthood the reason why it's hard for us to embrace worship now it's because everybody wants to lead but nobody wants to lead by example people look at leading as power when leading is actually serving that means the higher God takes you the more servant you ought to be no more people people want title so they can be in control of people people want title so they can slot who they are I'm the missionary so-and-so and I'm over the church Chicken committee let me tell you something you ain't got to be over nothing to serve everything come on the president is you ain't gotta call my name on the day we're all service tell you ever don't forget it don't forget we're all he says before you put on all of this garment remember at the end of the day you are a servant so don't you got to get out of the attitude is I don't owe them people nothin I don't I don't have to answer the whole oh yes you do you owe them people everything because God anointed you for them that's why that's why when you we got put you in a leadership position to serve that mean you got to deal with all their personalities you got to deal with all their attitudes come on you got to deal with all that demons come on you got to deal with them and that family and that cousins I don't know they're not yes let your light so shine before them see people don't people don't to serve they just want power when the higher god take you the more power you release he said put this Empire on I'm not gonna go through the whole garment but just a couple of pieces I want to bring it out bring bring us home in the text he said now lean your head over I want to put this on top of your head it's a miter now now in some of our Pentecostal Apostolic Reformation because we become more liturgical we have taken on the mitre then looks more similar to Catholicism there has a mouth on it with tassels going down the back and we say that's the symbol of the tongues of fire on the day of Pentecost which really the root of it is more like a Babylonian priest if you look it up the Hebrew or the Jewish mitre is like a cloud which symbolizes the glory of God but on the front of the mitre that was a insignia that says holiness unto the Lord he says so listen worshipper you who've been chosen by God you got to wrap your mind in holiness I want you to lay hands on your whole own head and shout holiness because the biggest warfare we deal with is in our minds the enemy tries to get to your ear gates he tries to get to your eye gaze he uses relationships he uses connections to get to your mind that's why you got to be careful of the company you keep because you can go to all this you fruits and lose it right after church because somebody got their fingers in I think right battlin to think right battling to think to think right put it on put holiness on your mind put put holiness in other words you need to be around people who challenge you and holiness don't let your accountability partner be someone who deals with the same stuff you deal with don't let your prayer partner have the same weakness you got cuz after a while all y'all gonna do is keep swapping stories you need somebody gonna challenge you to pray when you don't feel like praying you need somebody gonna challenge you the fast when you don't feel oh come on clap hands clap your hands clap come on this is a good word right here you need somebody to challenge you to go to church when you don't feel like going to church you need somebody just don't tell your bachelor to go back and apologize to your mother instead of people always telling you yeah you right you right you right always right sometime you're wrong I'll eat you to look at somebody and be honest tell them I got some ways about me you got some ways about you because ever since starts in your mind so come here come out my put this imma put this armor on you yes a priest has on I'm gonna put this breastplate on you and on this breastplate is 12 stouts 12 stops and each stone represents somebody it represents a fashion Benjamin Dan net Denis Zebulon it's a god come on each tribe Ephraim I'm Annessa Judah each tribe each stone was represented by a four tribe in other words he says because when you go into the holy place you're not just going by yourself but you're carrying everybody that's connected to you I want to speak to the chosen people the reason why it's such a heaviness and a weight on you it's not all the time because you got issues it's because you're carrying the weight of everybody that's connected to you you're carrying the weight of your siblings that are not safe still got sisters and brothers that don't have the Holy Ghost you still got nieces and nephews to need to come in you still got children that need to be delivered you got arts and uncle's to meet the know they stay after college they bound with trust and when you see they come into the holy place I'm bringing them with me I need about 50 people ain't gotta be everybody but if you gotta wait for your family I need you to lift up your hands and release a sound right there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after Lord God huh call for your family oh I chose you chose you I chose you I chose you [Music] Potter you're not better you're not better than your family don't you get it twisted you're not better than them some of y'all don't even like to go around them cuz some I'm still smoking this stuff but some of you used to smoke it too so I'm used to drinking to act like you always had a cold you didn't have a coat that long I want you to find somebody that's related to you and grab them by the hand and if you ain't got no cousins or no family members here go adopt somebody right quick hold hallelujah look at your neighbor Taylor don't play with this tell him my family is on the line it matches the weight that the priest has to carry every time he went into the holy place because when he went into the holy place he was taken the whole nation with him tell you later I got a burden for my family I know you I don't want to talk about what they doing it did you hear what cousin so-and-so is doing but I'm not okay with going to churches shouting while my family die and go to hell and I want to speak to the young people in this church God is getting ready to raise you to flip your family I know we want to take our every nation but that's a nation in your house they need to be saved I want I want you to look at the people that you're connected to and tell them God chose us tell him out of the whole family God chose us just standing a gap for them now I want you to look at a mr. tonight we're gonna release a sound not for us but for everybody that's connected to us come on shout for your family right now [Music] come on [Music] come on I want you to see God saving up I wanted a c-class take the banner I wanted his feedback filling up with the Holy Ghost I want you to feel for down in the warrior Jesus sake [Music] i'ma tell you I uh I want to be prophetically integral tonight the Lord didn't tell me to prophesy to nobody and tell them he's getting ready to make you a millionaire that's not what the Lord is telling me but what I do hear the Lord said tonight that before the end of this year that's gonna be a reclaiming of the backslider they don't mean nothing to some of y'all some of you got some family members they grew up in church you saw him on the altar you saw him crying you saw him speaking in town but they walked away but I want you to tell somebody give me some room give me some room a real worshipper I want you to get somebody on your mind right now not somebody who's never confessed Jesus for somebody who once was a part of the faith and they walked away now I'm gonna give you 60 seconds to do this now see a real worshiper don't have to wait to fill it see you gotta I gotta feel it no you're not to feel it this is not about feeling this is about faith you have to make a conscious decision over the next 60 seconds I want you to see that person all those people coming back to God if you believe it by faith I want you to step out of this moment and go to that moment because we worship we don't worship in flesh we worship in spirit and in spirit there's no time so what I want you to do over the next 60 seconds I want you to go into the future I see them coming back and I want you to give God the praise that you won't give him then do it right now stop [Music] somebody festive [Music] [Music]
Channel: Church Of The Firstborn Praise Sanctuary
Views: 2,590
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Praise Sanctuary youth conference apostolic ministries church of the first born preaching
Id: PgCslkZHDhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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