Gifted But Dangerous | Bishop Shantae Y. Younger

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] praise the lord praise the lord harvest city church today is a great day for you to give god a great god a great praise i want you to do something different today i want you to get on out of your bed i want you to prepare your mind because we have a great god that is showing up on today that has sent a word for the people of god on today so go ahead and hit the share button go ahead and like this go ahead and invite whoever you need to invite into the presence of a holy god we are so excited we have a great treat on today as we're still um praying for pastor bill and his mother he's traveled he's traveling right now so today we have bishop shantae younger who's going to be bringing the word we are so excited to hear what god is going to say through him and i don't know about you guys but i just feel something different about today i feel something different about how god is going to show up and show out on today and i was praying earlier and i said lord what am i supposed to say to your people who are tired of looking on facebook and youtube what am i supposed to say to your people who may have grown weary and well doing what am i supposed to say how do i welcome your people who might be sick of doing the same thing over and over again and what god said was very simple he responded quickly and he said that there's a certain type of preparation that you must do before you enter into the presence of a king i'ma say it one more time he said there's a certain type of preparation that has to take place before you enter into the presence of a king and i don't know um i don't know about anybody else i know that we're not all gathered here today but if i tell the holy spirit to enter into a place he shows up if i tell the king of kings to enter into a place he shows up but the thing that god was trying to reveal is that there's something else that you must do in order to prepare yourself to be before me there's something more that you must do in order to prepare your mind to prepare your spirit to receive the word of god jesus spoke in a parable in the book of matthew chapter 22 where he says he invite the king invited people to a dinner party and he goes far and wide and then the people decided not to show up so he sends his servants out to pick up anybody and everybody off the streets i'm going somewhere we're still in the welcome to pick up anybody and everybody off the streets but the thing that got me was that when the king comes down to the wedding party he sees a man that's not dressed for the equ for the occasion and he says to this man how did you get in here looking like that and for some of y'all what god is saying is how dare you come into my presence into the holies of holies and to the intercourse with the same mindset with the same face that's been tore up because we've been in quarantine he says i'm the same god yesterday today and forevermore although there's been a shift in the atmosphere i've been in the same place so he said if you can't hear me it's because you move if you can't see me it's because you moved i'm where i was yesterday i'm where i was the day before and he says i'll stay in this place so it's time for us to shift our mindsets on this morning it's time for you to prepare your mind to prepare your spirit for what's going to take place on today heavenly father we come to you right now lord god we reference your name once again lord god just as you said to take communion and do this in remembrance of me today we say we do this in remembrance of you we lift up a praise in remembrance of you we can't stand all imaginations that try to exalt itself above the knowledge of christ in remembrance of you today lord fall fresh on the people of god lord god we know that we got weary we know that we've been lazy we know that we don't want to get up out of the bed but today lord god i pray that you just press us lord take us to another dimension in you lord god take us to another place in you we won't show up the same way that we've been showing up but today i get my clothes on i'm closing my right mind i get my attitude together and i say i'm going to give your name all the glory honor and praise we flipped up our pastor bill russell right now lord even as we speak this word we pray that the peace that surpasses all understanding will endow him endow his mother endow his family lord god we sent the word just as the centurion did we send the word of healing in the name of jesus we send the word of peace in the name of jesus that whatsoever we speak god we believe it to be so and we'll sit back and watch you work today we sit back and we watch you work god you did good god i believe your word is true so i'll give your name on the praise i'll give you all the glory who is this king of glory who is this king of glory hallelujah and if you believe that to be so i dare you in your house to lift your voice and give god your best praise give him your best praise give him your best praise you might not have the words to say so speaking of us let the holy spirit interpret the words of your heart this morning let the spirit speak a word for you this morning hallelujah hallelujah we're prepared today oh god we're prepared today oh god we're prepared today oh god hallelujah we're gonna sing a song that says you are good and your mercy endures forever i don't care if you've never gotten up a single day that we've been watching this i dare you today to get out of your bed to clap your hands to stop your feet because we've come to give the name of jesus [Music] let your kingdom be established [Music] [Music] hallelujah how many know his mercy endures forever [Music] is [Music] [Music] forever you are good [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] is oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh real good [Applause] is so foreign so go ahead and get up on your screen i want you to give god [Music] myself [Music] [Music] you've been better than me oh you've been better than me [Music] you are good [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is there is nobody greater than you jesus so we come to sing to you our great god our great redeemer our great sustainer there is nobody greater than you jesus hallelujah worthy jesus [Music] yes [Music] right [Music] we just wanna be with you is that your testimony we just wanna be with you [Music] is [Music] every man let's start right now come on let's do it together we just [Music] just wanna be we just wanna be with you [Music] till you come again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we just want to be [Music] we just wanna be with you we just wanna be with you we just wanna be with you just [Music] so we'll sing hallelujah till you come again cause he's worthy of the highest praise and we'll dance in your friends till you come again come [Music] [Music] until you come [Music] and we'll see we [Music] [Music] we just wanna be [Music] we just wanna be with you [Music] glory [Music] [Music] just [Music] just [Music] today we just come before your presence and thanking you not just for a position but thanking you for a place and lord today we realize that the highest place that we can ever arrive to is at your feet so lord we're open our prayer is simple have your way because you are the king of glory lord we are declared in the scripture as as gates and doors so what we open ourselves up to what you want to say and we open ourselves up to what you want to do do something special in our midst [Music] do something supernatural god we're open but if you do nothing else if you say nothing else what you've already done is enough to cause us to pursue you for a lifetime what you've already said is still yet speaking to us so ultimately we just want to be with you come on all over this room right where you are just lift up your hands and with the fruit of your lips come on worship not just the king but worship the king of kings come on and worship the lord of lords come on with the fruit of your lips you are responsible for the praise that god put in you that's why david says and his praise shall continually be in my mouth come on raise up a sound toward the heavens come on raise up something to the ear of god we just want to be with you because when my mother and my father forsake me then the lord will raise me up i just want to be with you i just want to be with you if it's the highest mountain i just want to be with you if it's the lowest valley i just want to be with you if it's beside a stream i just want to be with you in a crowd or all alone at the end of the day i just want do i have any true worshipers i said you are having a true worshipers that at the end of the day i'm not coming after god because of what's in his hand [Music] just wanna be i know we got to move y'all for just my heart of one says and the kings of glory shall come in but there's a question on the floor and the question is who is [Music] who is this king of glory the lord of hosts he is the king of who is this king of god the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty and battle so you got a responsibility come on right where you are there's no distance in god he can touch you right where you are if you want to know the address of god the address of god is not harvest church or in greece foreign the address of god is not a temple somewhere called the address of god is not just jerusalem the address of god is that he inhabits the praises of his people if you want him to show up come on come on come on [Music] [Music] that i made [Music] [Music] if you've ever known what it is to feel a distance between you and god your understanding says just want to be with you [Music] just want to be with you i'm so glad the psalmist left it on record that the god we serve is not a god that's a far off he's a god that's at hand if you know he's your present help i want you to clap your hands and just start praising him now thank you so much come on praise him right where you are hallelujah if you're in an apartment you ought to praise them so loud that the neighbors think there's a thunderstorm come on we're so blessed to be here we would like to take an opportunity again and welcome you to our sunday service here at harvest city church come on let's clap our hands and thank god here and we're so thankful that the bible says he never leaves us without a witness anytime god got ready to do something great in the earth he raised up a vessel he raised up an individual to be a spokesperson and so we're so thankful that harvest city has not been left without a witness in the earth for such a time as this we thank god for our lead pastor here at our greensboro church harvest city church help me thank god for pastor bill russell yes we love pastor bill we are still recovering in charlottesville virginia as he came and flipped the city of charlottesville upside down on a sunday afternoon blessing us and the ram church international sends its love sentences greetings i'm not a stranger we are family amen we want to thank god not only for pastor bill we want to thank god for all of the support leadership at this church all the ministers and the missionaries come on let's thank god for them who's keeping the church going even in the midst we thank god for our music department who's been serving so well you are essential workers and i just want to leave it on record that the pandemic has not changed the promise whatever god said he was going to do before now i need you to tell your neighbor it's still on the table [Music] hallelujah i said whatever god said he was gonna do i need you to look at somebody tell them the promise has not changed oh you said it like you were over in a library at north carolina a t state university i need you to say it like you meant it i need you to tell them like you've been convinced and persuaded tell them the promise has not changed [Music] the god we serve he's not nervous the god we serve he's not anxious the god we serve is not frantic hallelujah he's the god that speaks the end of the thing before the beginning and i'm so glad that we serve a god that when we see him he's seated on the throne hallelujah that means he has all things in control heaven is his throne and earth is his footstool i got a question who wouldn't serve a god like this hallelujah who wouldn't serve a god like this hallelu we're gonna go really quickly to the word of god today if you would uh join me in the book of second samuel ii samuel whether you have a textual bible or whether you have your smart device go with us the second samuel thank you lord god is so good isn't he ii samuel uh well samuel itself as a book is one of my uh favorite uh books of the bible and today i'll be reading out of chapter 12 and just nine verses in your hearing second samuel chapter 12 verses one through nine for you that are in the sanctuary with us i'm gonna ask you to stand and for you that are watching online we ask you to stand because standing is what we do when a judge comes in the room standing is what we do when the pledge of allegiance or our national anthem is played or we bend our knees either way there is a motion or an action of reverence it means i acknowledge what's going on and in the bible when the word of god was read they would stand as an acknowledgement because what you stand for and what you stand with means you come accountable to it amen so we're going to read second samuel chapter 12 verse 1 through 9 when you have it say i have the bread and the lord sent nathan unto david and came unto him and said unto him there were two men in one city one was rich and one was poor the rich man had many flocks of herds but the poor man had nothing but one little lamb which he had bought and nourished it up and and he grew up together with him and with his children indeed eat of his own meat drink uh of his own cup lay in his bosom and was unto him as a daughter he treated the slam as one of his own children then there came a traveler to the rich man and he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd to dress for the wayfarer man that was coming to him but instead of taking something from his own house he went and took the poor man's lamb dressed it up cooked it and gave it to the traveler verse 5 and david's anger was greatly kindled against the man and he said to nathan as the lord liveth the man that have done this thing he's gonna die and he shall restore the lamb fourfold because he did this thing and because he had no pity and nathan said to david it's you thou art the man thus said the lord god of israel i anointed the king over israel i delivered thee out of the hand of saul and i gave thee thy master's house thy master's wives into that bosom and gave thee the house of israel and of judah and if that had been too little that wasn't enough is what god is saying i would have moreover have given you such a such a thing wherefore has thou despised the commandment of the lord to do evil in this sight thou has killed uriah the hittite with the sword and has taken his wife to be thy wife and has slain him with the sword of the children of ammon and all of god's people said amen you can be seated in the presence of the lord um i want to share this message with you today because i believe um a lot of us have been cursing the quarantine and i get it we're so ready for it to be over but this quarantine and this pandemic is similar to grief if you rush it it's going to end up working against you later i know you want it to be over but instead of trying to rush the quarantine you should be asking god what is it that you're trying to communicate to me in this something has happened where god has interrupted our flow and the question is not is god speaking that's that's never been the question people ask that question does god speak um but that's really that's not a real question for we as believers we we know that god is speaking god is always speaking the book of revelation uh an apocalyptic text that a lot of us try to stay away from because of his symbolic uh and its metaphorical language it says this he that have an ear let him hear what the spirit is saying so that means the spirit is talking the issue is not is god speaking the issue is can we perceive what he's saying because the truth is some of the prophets missed this year didn't they what happened to this conversation at new year's eve service what you know what they they missed it and that does not mean if a prophet missed it or didn't articulate it it does not mean they were false prophet because god does not unless he revealed it to his prophets but he doesn't always reveal all things to all prophets at the same time as a matter of fact some of the old testament prophets missed the church they missed the age of the church because the church is posted in a place where we call prophetic valleys so a lot of them when you're reading the book of daniel i don't want to bore you all with this information but y'all kind of flow with me when you read the book of daniel and some of the old testament prophets they prophesy about the coming of the lord and almost like they go straight to the return of the lord and they kind of miss the church because the church is in that valley between the advent and the second advent the coming of the lord and the return of the lord and so so many of us missed you know this season at this moment but there's something god is speaking to us in this that we can't afford to miss you know no whatever god said is not canceled it's paused and we got to know what we need to unpack that that pause we need to know what the lord is saying i want to speak this message to harvest city church specifically and for you that are watching online because i believe that there's something brewing there is this is this is not the stage of the walls of the church this is not the stage of the windows or the ceiling of the church i still believe that harvest city is still in a stage of the foundation of the church and i never forget bishop kenneth mose in bridgeport connecticut the one to do the war cry don't play it you know well he said to me when they were raising money building the biggest church in bridgeport that some of the church members started getting disgruntled because they said where's the money going we keep raising all this money we've been raising money for the last couple years and every time we go by the the site construction site we see the guys out there but we don't see anything happening and bishop moses told them go over there and when you go this time get on the ground and look at the hole he says because of the size of the structure of the building that means the foundation takes time now if a small building small foundation big building big foundation and the taller you're going to build a structure the deeper the foundation has to be and so i want to speak this message today and it's not intended to be reactive it's intended to be proactive that does not mean that nothing i say today will not uh be intentional for someone that's in the room or where we are right now um but we there are some messages that god will send to us to be prepared for where we're going so we'll know what to look out for i want you to look at the person beside you and share these three words with them and this is my topic today tell them gift it okay y'all got to say it now y'all see it come on say gifted but dangerous gifted but dangerous what does so what does it mean to be gifted to be gifted means to have an ability above normal to produce above average to have a thought pattern above mediocre to have an understanding complicated with ease it means to be gifted by god means to accomplish the extraordinary on an ordinary basis it does not imply or denote that one has a gift uh that you know they're the only gifted people for all of us by god have been given gifts but to be labeled as gifted implies that not only do you possess a gift but what makes you different is that you've actually tapped into it it means you have an awareness of it you know how to exercise it you know how to utilize it and ultimately any given at any given opportunity when you're gifted you know how to put it on display it ain't nothing you got to work up a conjurer you're just gifted today all over christendom we are surrounded by gifted people somebody say gifted people there are hair stylists that can take your head when it looks like it's been in a fight and cause you to walk out looking like a model gifted there are people who can diagnose what's wrong with your car without popping your hood or using a diagnostic machine they could just stoop down and listen or let you tell them what it sounds like and they can tell you what's wrong because they're they're gifted they're athletes even maybe in this room who were born for the game can jump higher than anybody else run faster than others because not because they worked out all the time they're just gifted there are individuals who can so address without using a pattern because they're gifted musicians and singers who have taken little to no lessons but they can play better than people who have been trained in schools of art because they are gifted lecturers actors singers and even preachers who can stand before crowds with their words flowing out of their mouth like honey out of a honeycomb without a stutter or stammer because they are gifted i'm a stutterer so that hate me to be gifted is a beautiful thing to be gifted is a wonderful experience but in all of its beauty and of all of its splendor i came to tell you today that as gifted as you are it can be dangerous what do you mean dangerous preacher because you can be gifted by god and not even know god you can be gifted by god but yet disconnected from god because romans 11 29 says that the callings and the giftings of god are without repentance what does that mean it means they're irrevocable they're not canceled out being used mightily by god doesn't mean you're in good standing with god for we were all born and given gifts by god before we were ever a person we had a purpose that means you were gifted without being a christian you can be gifted without living right you can you can be mean as a snake hateful as a bobcat and still be gifted you don't know nobody like that do you anointed and nasty that's because without an understanding you don't know that your giftedness is for your good but ultimately it's for god's glory the reason why it's easy for us to be deceived is because we are a generation hear me that validates what's right and acceptable by our outward results and expressions of success i'm going to say it again we live in a culture where we perceive that something is right or good based upon results we are a result-oriented culture and generation so this must be right i must be doing good look how much money look how much bread i'm making oh it must be good look how big everything is that means we sometimes mistake an individual's manifestation of gifting as an indication that they are in good standing with god you will be captivated by a woman's beautiful voice even though the song she's singing is stirring up lust in the hearts of men you will mislabel a decision of getting a bigger house as a god move even though now you're working more hours keeping you away from the house you just bought keeping you from the church and the god that gave it to you you will be confused calling a packed house church growth missing the point that the gospel in holiness is not being preached and the people not living it just because people like you huh that cannot be a determining factor that you're in the will of god i'm almost finished every job promotion hear me because y'all gonna be tested are y'all gonna be tested hear me every job promotion is not god ordained every church invitation is not a god assignment just because some another church offered you more money that ain't that doesn't mean automatically it's god hear me every emotionally stimulating preacher does not mean he or she is anointed you can be academically smart and heavily dumb you don't know nobody like that having money having bread having some coins does not mean you always got favor because you can be financially wealthy and spiritually bankrupt hope i'm not boring you with this but i want you to hear me we as believers do not predicate our success on outward forms of success but our validation comes from the fact that inwardly whatever we're doing wherever we are whatever we're producing we're doing it out of obedience to god i need you to look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor true success is obedience to god our obedience to god becomes our validation it's dangerous to be gifted because being gifted comes with attention because you have been gifted with an ability that stands out above others people will be attracted to you and rightly so god has enabled you with the gift that will cause men to be drawn to you but you must remember that these individuals are drawn to you for god's purpose individuals in that vulnerability and in their ignorance will think it's you and in your giftedness you must be careful not to take advantage of people by manipulating abusing controlling and sleeping with them you have the response don't y'all go nowhere don't you go if you watch it online you bet not turn off and go to another praise break you gotta hear this message right here you have the responsibility touch three people don't touch and point to them tell them you have a responsibility you have a responsibility to let them know that i'm just an earthen vessel i'm a cracked pot i'm just a just a vessel they got a treasure on the inside that the excellency will be of god and not of me i want to live to you that all of us believers who are artists all of us people who are anointed preachers and leaders and singers and musicians you do not have fans [Music] i don't care how many facebook friends you have i don't care how many downloads you have i don't care how many t-shirts you have with your logo on it you do not have fans you have supporters you got prayer partners you got people who push you to glorify god you have people who follow you as you follow christ but you do not have fans you must be reminded that jesus is the only star of the show and they are his fans and not yours [Music] you have the responsibility to acknowledge and understand that the people will acknowledge and marvel at your giftedness and your gifting because it's truly the handiwork of god but ultimately ultimately they should see your good works and then glorify the father which is in heaven and that's why here at harvest city you it should be easy for you all to support your leader because your leader is constantly turning you to god it should be easy for you to be a worshiper because he don't stand up here and say worship me every time i come here he's always somewhere in the floor he's somewhere jumping and running because he says at the end of the day god is the only one that needs to be glorified and i can follow somebody like that i can follow somebody that says i'm human but i got a divine anointing i can follow somebody who's humble enough to point us toward jesus we got some preachers in this city they got 10 security guards and you can't touch them you can't even look at them but at the end of the day ain't nobody great but god i need you to look at your neighbor tell your neighbor he's the only wonder the only one you've got to tell them y'all be seated i'm almost finished you got to tell them that i've been crucified with christ and it's not i but it's christ who lives in me because let me tell you something you start taking all of that if you want to you got to keep it up take the glory you got to sustain it i want you to know your gift and that's a wonderful thing but being gifted is dangerous because it comes with attention and applause and if you're not careful harvest hear me if you're not careful you will become addicted hallelujah to the applause and the approval of man instead of the pleasure of god you will start making decisions according to what people think and what people think you should do you allow the approval and the applause of others to be your navigational system and that becomes dangerous why is it dangerous because people are fickle people are shady people are double-minded and they're subject to switch up on you at any given moment hallelujah there's a musician that was at a symphony hall after he played he walked off the stage and the people were just shouting and clapping and screaming shouting encore he got off behind the stage got behind the curtain and said i didn't do good i didn't do i didn't do good and then the stage producer said what are you talking about don't you hear them he said i didn't do listen man i'm serious i didn't do good he said you're crazy don't you hear the applause of the people he said no look at that man on the front row sitting down he's like how are you gonna let one man one man tell you you didn't do good because that one man is not clapping he's because that one man is my teacher some of us we're playing for the wrong person hey we're performing for the hurry we're performing it's okay i would be encouraged and after this message y'all tell me bishop younger that was a really good message i like how y'all put that together i'm not gonna front that isn't i'm a human that's encouraging oh but at the end of the day if you walk out here and roll your eyes and say that was trash i'll be okay as long as the one that taught me the one that called me the one that anointed me says well done hey glory peter god i will i need you to look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor at the end of the day i want to please god hallelujah i may not ever be a big time preacher i may never be a big time artist i may never live in the biggest house i may not make a six-figure income but at the end of the day whether i'm at the white house in the poor house i want to please god i need you to scream at somebody tell him i really want to please him there used to be a time where i was distracted by other stuff but one thing have i desired of the lord that will i seek after and that i may dwell i want to be in his house i want to be in his good favor look at somebody tell him i want to please him i want to please if i want to please him i want to want to please it hallelujah i want to please him if you do it for the crowd mariah if you do it for the crowd you will constantly find yourself bending and compromising your standard to accommodate the ever-changing cheer of the crowd and get the people who are addicted to the applause will only employ people around them that are willing to give them self-gratification only they only have friends around them that say yeah yes you right yeah you right and now it's their fault it's their fault yes they will remove themselves from anyone who will be a reminder of what god actually called them to do from the beginning they become intoxicated because of their ability and the endorsement of those around them causes them to become arrogant above correction above reproof and nobody can rebuke them and nobody can challenge them i remember being in los angeles california several years ago and after landing uh the news went everywhere that whitney houston had just died and cnn started asking the question they start saying where were her friends when she was on drugs but i want to remind you that and you need to understand that a star of her caliber had either fired ignored or distanced herself from anyone who was willing to speak truth to her i want y'all to hear this message because it's going to save your future uh she was gifted but she was so gifted that for her it was dangerous you need to understand that you are not a wonder there's nobody great but god but you ain't the first one that ever came on the same lucifer was gifted according to ezekiel he was perfect in beauty that means he looked better than all of us in here the bible said he was decorated in emeralds and sapphire that means uh his attire was better than anybody's wardrobe he was created with pipes on the inside of him that means he could outsing everybody he was able to walk through stones of fire up and down the mountain of god that means he was more athletically fit than anybody you know lucifer was gifted but he was yet dangerous when you are gifted no matter what god is going to use you for his purpose no matter what you choose to do hear me no matter what you choose to do with your gift god is going to use you ultimately for his playing but you want to make sure that you're used as an instrument of righteousness as an instrument of honor and not dishonor the bible says your gift will make room for you but just make sure when you get in the room that god is in the room with you so no matter what your gifting or your calling is today him it is watching online no matter what it is make sure that you don't get so caught up in the gift that you forget about the giver in other words understand that the greatest gift that you have in your life is the gift of salvation for john 3 and 16 says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have everlasting life i come to tell you today when you read the text we read about a gifted man the bible called david a man after god's own heart as a young boy he killed a band and as a young lad he killed a lion why was he able to do it tell your neighbor he was gifted there came a day when there was a philistine giant that was coming up to find the armies of the lord and while everybody was shaking in their boots here come david asking a question who are you you uncircumcised philistines who defied the people of covenant who comes against the people of israel and he was able to take down a giant how was he able to do it tell your neighbor he was gifted i see david as a musician he's playing the spirits off of saul and he was able to do it because he was gifted as an author and a poet he wrote the 23rd psalms because even as a poet he was gifted as a dancer he danced before the procession in jerusalem because he was gifted as an actor he acted like a crazy man just so he wouldn't get killed by his enemies some of y'all didn't know about that he did it because he was gifted they begin to sing a song they said saul has killed his thousands but david has killed his ten thousands oh because they was gifted he was the king that restored the ark of god back to the people of god but out of all of his ability even david skipped him became dangerous anytime you disconnect yourself from the voice of the lord you're headed to the disaster but i want you to lift up your hands and say oh jesus don't leave me everybody else can walk away but i need you on my journey i don't want to do this dog unless you do it with me i don't want to go in the room unless you go in it with me i don't want to go to the nations unless you're carrying me i i don't want to preach this unless you preach it to me somebody said oh gee y'all been said right harvest shout out jesus i need you lord when i was growing up in the sanctified church they used to sing a congregational song but y'all don't know this song this song didn't come from hill somehow they said lord don't leave me lord don't leave me alone in other words even if it's correcting me keep talking to me come on somebody tell keep talking to me i want to thank you for not letting me get away with nothing there was one time i felt some kind of way about it because i looked at everybody else and looked like they could do what they wanted to do but you always made me apologize you always made me feel convicted but right now when i look at them i see they have something that i don't have they did some stuff that i didn't do because i have something that they don't have it's called conviction i'm gifted but i got convictions i need you to point to your neighbor and say neighbor even in my sin he didn't let me go too far hey or you ought to praise him because even in your sins one day david they got drunk off his own chef and one day there was a knock on the door y'all know the story the bible says when kings when they go to battle david stayed at home and you'll find yourself in sin when you're not on your assignment look at your neighbor and said neighbor i know we're in a pandemic but rebuke that lazy spirit all that netflix you ain't read your bible yet you ain't studied yet you ain't worked on the prophecy they prophesied to you that you were going to write a book and the pendulum had been about four months and you still on page one the devil is a liar you said if i had more time i would pray more you said i had more time i was studying more if i had more time i'd clean out that closet and the stuff is still all over the place i rebuked that lazy spirit get up saga get up sia it's time screaming somebody tell them get on your ass there's something that something's you're gonna never fail into if you would have been in the place that you were assigned to be in there's some things that we would have never succumbed to and we would have been on our assignment but you were so busy talking about balance that you balanced yourself right out of the will of god for some of us who are anointed we can't live on the edge look at somebody tell them no more living on the edge or y'all been said right come on tell somebody no more living on the edge no problem point to yourself and said no more living on the edge some of you are trying to figure out why i keep falling i keep falling and falling i do good for a minute and i keep falling keep out and there was a little boy that asked his mama the same question he said mama every night i keep falling out of the bed she said well this time get all the way in stop sleeping on the edge i come to tell somebody how you're gifted you ain't crazy you know your weakness you ain't crazy you know your flaws you ain't crazy you know your struggle you know what you can handle you know what you can't handle you know who you can hang with you know who you can't hate with somebody shout dangerous he got so intoxicated he got so into he numbed himself so much that what happens is she's seeing vessels in darkness see see it vessels in darkness and the more you stay in darkness the deeper it gets when you start sinning without confessing come on then it starts getting deeper and deeper stronger and stronger huh glory be to god keep it in the shadows soak and grow the bible says david got a woman pregnant shh he was gifted he was so gifted he took another man's wife he was gifted got a pregnant on the first time gifted strategize the plan to have her husband killed gifted quickly married her to cover it up gifted until a knock on the door ano it was a friend that was a prophet now y'all we keep talking about these bffs have you allowed any of them to be a prophet or all y'all got the same problem so since we all smoke weed once every two weeks but because all of us are abstaining except that once a quarter or we're not shocking because they don't they don't live here they just leave at three o'clock in the morning and after a while you and your friends are not challenging each other y'all just swapping stories have you allowed somebody in your life to be a prophet to you look at your neighbor tell your neighbor keep prophets in your life and when i said prophets i'm not talking about somebody got to come up and say oh you know what the lord showed me no no no no no that's i'm not talking about the gift of prophecy or to get the word of knowledge because your friends already know you they already know you you need truth speakers in your life that's what a prophet is a prophet a prophet is so connected to the voice of god and their conviction to god that they have to come against you even if you're going against god's way do you have somebody like that or have you cleared that your circle out of those because anybody who don't agree with you have you labeled them as your hater i'm so listen y'all hear my heart i'm so sick and tired of that kind of rhetoric from the from the pulpit from my facebook statuses i mean just because somebody don't agree with you that don't mean they didn't understand just because somebody don't agree with you they don't mean they're jealous of you you need people in your life to tell you after you tell that story and you tell the whole story and the parts you missed out they know you enough to put that in and they know the way you said it to them it's not the way you said it to them you need somebody you like to say you know you were wrong right no because you act funny toward me sometime and i'm your friend oh no oh i don't know why they got so offended no cause the way you talk you still got a little edgy on you you haven't learned how to operate in the law of kindness what do you have somebody in your life that says you got to stop blaming him girl you got to stop blaming him because it ain't him no no it ain't him you already knew who he was he was fooling with you when he was still with somebody else so how do you now expect him to be a person of integrity you need a true speaker in your life and then you got to be open to the fact that when you bring stuff to them that it might be you because that's what's going to hinder revival in the church is the lack of confrontation and the lack of openness to confrontation because they're going to come times as revival break out in this church and in the ministry that you're at in the ministry that you're a part of or revival or breakout and all of a sudden the enemy will try to stifle the flow of god and if you can't stifle it from the outside he'll try to stifle it from the inside and he'll stifle it through relationships how through relationships because what he wants to do is have us looking cross-eyed at each other and then instead of confronting oh that don't really bother me but it didn't bother you but you didn't told three other people about it how so you got to be open to the fact that it might be you and then this is what and this is let me end with this you gotta utilize the power of repentance i need you to look at your name and say neighbor i'm not here because i did everything right tell them i just knew how to repent hallelujah your last mistake didn't change god's mind okay this is this is why i feel like it becomes unfair because i'm gifted with a gift i didn't ask for that cause for me to be held to a standard other people are not held to can we be honest about that i didn't choose this i didn't ask for it to the point there have been moments if you're really gifted by god and anointed by god there are moments where if you could have you would have gave it back i'm talking about you've resigned inwardly you have created and went through the drafting of a resignation plan because this is too much i don't want the responsibility of leading others i don't want the response i don't always want to be the strong person i want to have a break too i don't want to be the person that everybody in my family leans on who encourages the encourager who prays for the prayer warrior there are moments where i want to be mad and i want to stay mad more than 30 minutes without knowing or doing the right thing and when people tell a lie on you it doesn't always feel good when you can destroy them with the truth and then you know when the lord says binge is his mind said the lord i will repent no weapon formed against you now there are moments you want to say you can try jesus come on there are moments so tonight today or whatever time you're watching this my prayer is to the gifted the reason why i'm talking to the gifted is because you are the ones that are going to usher this next move of guardian when when they wanted to get the glory of god in the city into harvest city they tried to put it on a new cart but the cart couldn't handle it so david said he he looked at the word and he found out how to do it he said it takes those who are gifted those who are chosen the levites they got to carry it on their shoulders oh and that's a weight that is a weight darius that's a weight it sounds good in spiritual terms the glory of god the glory of god but when you're a glory carrier who when you're a glory carrier it disturbs your sleep when you're a glory carrier it gets in your dreams when you are a glory carrier glory be to god it interrupts your plans when you are a glory carrier it causes you to forgive people without them asking for forgiveness when you are a glory carrier you have to speak people who hate who hates your goods when you are a glory carrier you have to have a revelation about where you are and you says although this is painful this is purposeful when you are a glory carrier i come to pray and i want to pray and speak over to those yes what you're carrying you are gifted and it can become dangerous but instead of it being dangerous to you it's time for you to turn that gift around it's time for you to turn it against the armies of the enemy it's time for you to reach up and pull down every stronghold every high place and where we're going to be as a people in this generation that's bringing in this latter rain are going to be people who come empty people who come humble before god because the bible says if you humble yourself before the mighty hand of god he will exalt you in due time i need some people to lift up your hands toward god and tell them you're all i got you all i got him this season lord i am now convinced i am persuaded that what i am doing is something you've called me to do that i would have never chose this for myself so spirit of the living god everywhere in my life there's been an error everywhere in my life where there have been mistakes habitually made over and over i'll ask you in the name of jesus forgive me i'm not above correction lord i'm not above being challenged lord lord i'm open anytime i've walked in rebellion anytime i walked in hardiness any time i walked in arrogance trying to cover up my insecurities lord i ask you to forgive me now i don't want to do anything to hinder the flow of god i don't want to do anything to keep the winds of revival from blowing in my ministry from blowing in my city lord i believe that you have chosen me for such a time as this so lord i pray the prayer of david created me a clean heart and renewed the right spirit in me lord purged me with hyssop that i may be clean wash me that i may be whiter than snow lord the only reason why i'm able to do this is because you put it in me so now lord before i minister to anybody else i'm asking you to minister to me minister to every place and every chamber in me where there's been a breach i'm asking you in the name of jesus every place that there's been a breach in me where the enemy has gained access to my emotions well the enemy has gained access to my thought pattern whether the enemies i got access to my flesh attacking me with the spirit of infirmity attacking me with sleep apnea attacking me lord god with anxiety and depression in the name of jesus i'm asking you to repair the breach lord your word says you'll bring rivers in the desert holler you'll make a way in the wilderness and i'm ask you to make a way in me hallelujah oh god i believe tonight that you're doing something i believe in this hour that you're rearranging me and lord i'm open to it you are the potter and i am the clay i'm ask you to make me over again hallelujah come on somebody pray right now lord make me over i see some areas in my life that need some realignment i see somebody lord i know i'm anointed but lord right now i'm asking you for an oil change i'm asking you for oil change i'm asking you for a fresh touch lord some of us lord forgive us for the laziness forgive us for procrastination forgive us for being distracted moments we supposed to been on our assignment we found ourselves distracted looking at other things looking at other people comparing ourselves finding ourselves stuck because we don't feel like we're enough but tonight but today this moment this hour right now we come submitted we come subject to your word your way and your will and satan just in case you eavesdropping i just want to tell you the last thing you pulled me into did not work i want to just tell you right now i cancel your plot with the plan of god i shut down every voice of influence that's been speaking to my emotions that's been speaking to my mind i cancel it right now i shut it all around my daily vacation i shut it down right now with the power of the holy ghost i silence every diabolical voice every whispering spirit that tells me i'll never overcome it that tells me i never get over it it tells me i never plowed through it but i declare right now that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord but the lord will deliver come on i need somebody to release the arrow of the lord's deliverance come on release the arrow release the oh i feel god really hold up release the hour of the lord's deliverance there's a realignment i hear that in the holy ghost there's a realignment there's a refocusing somebody right now you get your focus back come on just lay hands on your mind you get your focus back there's a prophetic alignment that's taking place in the holy ghost there's a prophetic alignment god is bringing david back to his place hey hallelujah david it's time for you to get the sword back in your hand david it's time for you to get your instrument back in your hand david it's time for you to get your revelation back in your spirit this is bigger than you this is bigger than you i know you've been trying to do your own thing you've been trying to live your own life you've been thinking about how you can exit but this ain't no time to exit it's time to come deeper in hey it's time to come deeper in there's another realm of the spirit that god is getting ready to take you into and right now in the power of the holy ghost i release the gift to be stirred in your belly the gift of the word of wisdom be stirred in your belly we give that the word of knowledge be stirred in your pillow to give the prophets to be stirred in your belly to give the tongues be stirred in your belly to give them interpretation of tongues be stirred in your belly to get the faith be stirred in your belly to get them healed and be stirred in your belly and jesus said believe on me as the scripture have said and out of your belly out of your fellowship flow rivers of living water somebody open up your mouth right now and release the river i don't care if you're the house by yourself open up your mouth and release the river come on in this house come on levi's come on release a sound release come on release the sound because sound travels and as you release the sound it's going into your future and i don't care what kind of side track took place god says right now i'm going to redeem the time plus as i restore you i'm going to restore time russia as i restore you i'm going to restore time time you thought you lost time you thought you wasted time you thought was gone he says i will restore the years that the takeaway and the pogba worm my great army i come to tell you god is speaking to the enemies of your anointing and causing the enemies of your anointing bad relationships and bad cycles to spit the time back just as jonah was in the belly of the well and god spoke to that fish and commanded jungle to come up god is speaking to the belly of your last season and commanded that belly of that fish to spit your life back to speak years back years you lost trapped in cycles years you lost in depression years you laughing anxiety years you lost your insecurity i need to tell you something that maybe you didn't know the devil is alive oh hey shanna i said the devil i gotta go i feel god right yeah i feel it i know we're in a pandemic but i feel a revival service here shut up about it he's restored me he's restored my life [Music] i've been reminded again why he put this in me i've been reminded again why he called me i'm being reminded again of what he told me when i was a child i'm being reminded again the dreams i used to have i'm being reminded again the prophecy that would spoke over me i'm getting reminded again this i recall to my mind therefore i have hope it's because of the lord's mercy that we are not consumed this compassion tells nazis they are new every morning right hey i want y'all to take 15 seconds and open up your mouth and praise god for a fresh start [Music] praise the book [Music] somebody just shake yourself and say shake me up that's what god is doing don't you remember the etch a sketch after you've made so many mistakes all you have to do it that's what's been going on things are not falling apart things are falling in place the shaking is a page turning the shaking is a new season to check did you hear what i said when we come out of this pandemic i didn't say if we come out i said when we come out i said when we come out somebody shout better better oh better i said i want more hollow tonight somebody sounds better somebody shout [Music] i'm coming out better whoa i'm coming out better hey i said i'm coming out better hallelujah when i come out i'm coming out better glory be to god he's restored bro i feel a praise here i feel oh my you ought to praise him just because he hey he gave you a chance to recover don't you realize there's some people that went through what you went through and they never came out of it i'ma say it again i want that to sink in don't you know there was some people who went through what you went through and they never came out of it i'mma say it one more time don't you realize that there are some things you went through from your childhood up to now that some other people went through and they didn't come out like you did that's a reason for you to praise god and i come to prophesy to somebody that will open up their mouth and praise them that this season is it's gonna be the restoration of all things i said this is gonna be a season that's gonna be the restoration of all things [Music] get [Music] as a matter of fact when you come out of this you will have two words you're going to say thank you anything anything you lost in the past is because whatever you were connected to in the past was not according to your future hallelujah to the point you'd be able to look back as david the price said it was good for me that i was afflicted hallelujah i want you to do this real quick everybody who's had to deal with some sort of affliction in this past season whether you're watching online or whether you're in this sanctuary whether it's a physical affliction whether it's an emotional spiritual psychological affliction i want you to write that just lift up your hands and praise god for it i said praise him forth i know that sounds crazy why should i praise god for my affliction bishop you don't know how hard it was you don't know how much i cried huh how many times i felt like i couldn't get myself out of the bed because of this affliction glory be to god but the reason why i told you to praise god for your affliction is because the day is coming well your affliction will only be a testimony hey glory something that you thought you would never get past something you thought you would never get over somebody you thought you would never get over some mistake you thought you would never recover from i come to prophesy and declare to you that your affliction will only be a testimony no longer will you be facing your affliction you'll be looking back at your affliction your affliction will be the testimony to those who god bring you in touch with that says if he did it for me hallelujah he'll do it for you let me finish i'm telling you i feel god i need to know i need to know the 23rd psalm david hallelujah did more than write poems i need to know that that david did more than slay goliath i needed to know that david committed adultery and still yet was called a man after god's own heart well you look at somebody tell them your last mistake didn't change god's mind about you my last mistake didn't i'm so glad that he didn't give me over to the consequences of my past decisions i tell you hallelujah and i want to i want to say uh i know we are we're live and but y'all don't have to turn our camera around but i want to speak to the young lady on the praise team in the very back of the room when the lord talked about today the recovery of all things the lord says to tell her there was some that was something she lost and because she went through a season of law says something she didn't even realize she lost some things uh when the enemy took ground in her in her life even psychologically but the lord says this recovery of all things is going to unleash in you an anointing of creativity it seems like it's been paralyzed it's like it's been stuck but i tell you by the power of the holy ghost god is bringing you so much sober now they've been moments of what you've been intoxicated off of your emotions and your feelings but he's bringing you so much sober now bringing you in a safe place and with truth speakers and maybe in times past you always couldn't handle it it wasn't always open but you're open now you're at a different place now and the reason why you're at this different place because this next season god is bringing you into things are going to happen rapidly no it's going to happen rapidly so because to the point there were times you kept saying god when is it going to happen when is it going to open up when the things are going to fall in place and god says your next season is going to be like oh ho ho it's going to be a season of acceleration so i say to you what mary told the disciples at the wedding of cain of galilee whatever he says do in this season and i hear the lord says tell her make decisions without having to explain herself [Music] whatever decisions god is telling you to make even in your own personal life whatever decision the lord tell you make you don't need to explain it because by the time you try to explain it and unpack it you're gonna get tangled back in it but the lord says because of what's ahead hope the only thing that has slowed you down is there were times you accepted the lie of the enemy that what you lost was the greatest that you could have shot but god says tell her [Music] tell her what i'm getting ready to bring her into is greater than anything she thought she lost i mean i tell you your creativity is getting ready to unlock you get ready to have sight beyond sight hey hey the lord says tell her i'm getting ready to grow up fast in the spirit area where you needed people to lift you up in you're getting ready to lift others up in roma and i know you said i wish and there were mimi's moments you wish you could get passed up quicker god says he took you slowly so you know the past on the old shot and i want you to know god has given you victory in every area of your life every area it's going to be one just like you had a season even in your family where it was one thing after the other god said you get ready to have victory one victory after the other i need three people just to help us start praising god [Music] hey [Music] [Music] go ahead [Music] this [Music] [Music] just tell her he can trust you come on tell her again he can trust you um i want to give you a reference point for what the lord is saying the lord says for me to tell you and this season don't count the money you sold it to other places [Music] uh now let me tell you i tell people i fly a plane in the holy ghost so i always get it right most of the time it's not 50 50. most of the time i get it right because if i'm not this is a really bad place for me to do but i even hear the lord says damn conversations you've had about you know i helped other ministers do this to do that and if i had some of that that i had now i would have put it here because my heart is that if i had it if i had it i would my my church or my pastor would go without anything the law says tell her i can trust her hey don't count the money you put in other places cause that's the place you sow but this is the place that's gonna be a place of harvest that was a sea season but this is gonna be a hard decision this is this is a hard to see my heart praising is so [Music] [Music] y'all better praise them [Music] [Music] anybody my harvesting [Music] i'm gonna get through this [Music] [Music] [Music] hey are you about to find out why the devil discouraged yes [Music] it [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] i recover i recover i recover everything the [Music] way you're watching us online right now you're in the sanctuary you're not saved ready there's somebody to pray with you right now just inbox us right here at harvest city write in the comments i want to be saved if you need special prayer write in the comments i need prayer someone will reach out to you immediately be ready to pray with you we're going to we're going to give unto the lord we're going to sow in this atmosphere because god has brought us into a harvest season and you can't get a harvest unless you got a seed in the ground and there's somebody dancing right now but you know not many days you're not gonna be count seeds you can be counting fruit [Music] i'm telling you what we're sowing today we're sowing into the overflow there's already a harvest that's coming up you hear me that's a harvest that's coming up the bible says it won't be long from now it's going to be a harvest it's going to hit you on your heel it's going to happen so fast it's going to make your head swim i'll come to the cloud of somebody i said like this he's gonna blow your mind i'm telling you i keep saying it not if you come out of the pandemic when you come out of this pandemic things are gonna fall in place i speak to you right now you're not gonna have to hallelujah you're not hey you ain't gotta start not done when we come out of this we're gonna push play because everything it ain't stopped it's just pause everything is gonna be in place so we'll put it on the screen right now all the ways you can give uh to to have your offensive get your seat in the ground all the multiple ways of being displayed right now for you to give your offers you that in the sanctuary you that are watching online you don't you don't want to miss this moment because anytime there's a prophetic atmosphere like this anytime there's a prophetic atmosphere that means the heavens are open and what the bible said in malachi says he says prove me he said try me try me now he'll whip said the lord of hosts if i would not open unto you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing now i want y'all to look at that again he says i'm going to open up windows and pour you out a blessing how many blessings a blessing that means there's one blessing that god said i can put in your lap that you won't have room enough to receive i need you to point to somebody will type it on the screen tell them get ready for the overflow we were all we were on our way to church and there was it was raining and all of a sudden hallelujah there was a notification that came on our phones and said warning flash flood at any time [Music] give me flash floods you got to pay attention thank you again for joining us god so [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Harvest City Church GSO
Views: 569
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Harvest City Church, Greensboro, North Carolina, Jesus, sermon, Church, Christian
Id: jCqsaprJ2t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 44sec (6884 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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