Let´s talk about tank sizes

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hi I'm Charlie no space explorers we get an email from somebody asking me about text sizes and what the recommendation is for various classes where you want to go if you want to go more technically more recreational and so on so as this question comes up quite often I thought we were going to talk about it so the workhorse of dr started diving or technically life in general is for sure the double twelve the more interesting point in my opinion is to make people understand the relation between the weight of the thames of the volume because a lot of people still think double twelve was another twelve and that in fact is not the case so for me the standard double twelve is fourteen point four kilos that's a tank I use a lot and I know exactly was that dry soon was that on the garment was my standard steel backplate and this tank I need that amount of weight in fact I don't need weight at all so when I go somewhere now and I get a double twelve let's say was thirteen point five kilograms i know that i roughly need around two kilograms of weight additional weight to be comfortable again so you should know your numbers again the number of your septic tanks and how much weight you need to be comfortable as that and then you can adjust so now when you know use the tanks is okay we set amount of weight in fresh water and you go to saltwater you know you have to add a little bit if you go somewhere you get uh some tanks from somebody I mean that's the nice thing of the system right I mean it's the same set of doubles same manifold bands boats distance of the balls so you can take basically everything but then you don't have to jump from the boat and swim back and ask for more weights because you know up front so coming back to tank sizes the double 12 is great um and I would say it's great for the average person so if you're very short or very tall it might be a little bit different so the height of the tanks on your back is defined by the reach ability so when you have the tanks on your back the manifold knob should be somewhere between your shoulder and your ears so that's at the point where you can easily reach them right so even if it's a little bit hard on dry land because the tanks are pushing down when you're horizontal it will be easy so if I take on a w12 the double twelve is roughly here so it's basically sitting on my butt it makes it very nice and comfortable to be in good trim so when you let's say our two meter in ten let's take it to the extreme the total twelve ends somewhere like here which makes it very uncomfortable same as when I'm diving an ugly tent for example so when you're very short let's say shorter than 160 they may end up somewhere here which again makes it very uncomfortable so again this is only a rule of thumb for the average person so if you like 160 try a double ten it might be the perfect tank for you if you two meters something yeah I mean it's getting a little bit tough to find longer ones but at least you may be able to realize where an eventually trim problem comes from so bigger tanks like from 18 w 20 double 15 arm basically the same thing of course double 15 is a little bit short so if I have a choice I would always prefer like a double 18 double 20 is really really big so I'm close to 190 so even for me it's if I have a choice I take a double 18 very comfortable and the proportions of the tanks are quite nice so the question is always do you go on the biggest set of doubles or do you want to add a bottom stage so roughly when you follow for our million cows populations in the 60 meter range you come to a point where you need a full set of w12 as minimum gas so now either you have to take bottom stage as an addition or you have to go to bigger tanks from a from an economic point of view the bottom stage usually is the smallest solution especially if you're not fighting a lot that deep so in all honesty I don't even have a double 80 not only 28 ago because I don't use it if I go really deep and I would use these tanks I use a rebreather and otherwise it's still easier to carry a bunch of stages and handle them and gives you more opportunities as well talking about smaller tanks as a sector attainment hmm still the proportions are not ideal if you're very short it might be a good solution you have to give it a try a very popular tanks is table 7 which I never really understood because I mean from the volume it's comparable to a 15 singer obviously the double 7 is nice on the back because it doesn't roll as much as a heavy singer tanks doing but at the same time they're really really short if I'm carrying it over 70 in something like here so all the weight is on the shoulders when you are Asansol you always have feeling they push you down so you compensate you end up you know in a 45 degree angle so it takes a lot more effort and a lot more body tension to maintain positive good trim so I do not really recommend them I mean there can be a substitute for somebody doing pure recreational diving you doesn't want to handle the 15 for example but it's not really nice what becomes really popular at the moment is the hot eight point five liter vomitings um which I run about the size of a double 12 from the length but they are considerably shorter so more like a double seven I personally but please it is that personal um I think they're um ugly and totally out of our of proportions but a lot of people like it and so if you are let's say average size and the w12 is too heavy or it's too much gas for you you just want to do recreational diving or not that deep technical stuff and the double 12s basically too much gas for you it might be a solution give it a try have a look at them I personally don't like him but that doesn't mean anything everything else like a double 8 for example is simply wrong because 8 liter tanks really short dollars it's like these short fat 12 liter single things it's the same same nonsense it's it's a horrible timing it will always be very hard for you to maintain trim so as a rule of thumb when you take a tank on your back you put it on your harness you put it on the ball for the position where you can easily reach it check out where the the bottom of the tank is it should be roughly underneath your belt so it should reach your pot if it ends considerably higher it will always be hard for you to maintain a good trim points all right um I hope that helped a little bit and follow us on Facebook check out our YouTube channel and hope to see you soon bye you
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 20,424
Rating: 4.7864079 out of 5
Keywords: ise, innerspace explorers, achim schlöffel, achim schloeffel, technical diving, double tanks, dir, doing it right, scuba tanks, scuba diving, dive bottle, tank size
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2016
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