Prophecy Update | August 2021

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good to see everybody you guys ready to roll a little uh little prophecy update august version uh august man time goes by fast well um what i'd like to do you know it's it's one of the hardest things for me as you guys could probably guess i think for if if anybody were in my shoes uh if you're a prophecy buff there's so many things you can talk about um you know and you you really could talk about uh you know any any number of topics for weeks uh and what have you um but uh i i've decided on these you know once a month times not to try to tackle the whole world uh i have i've tried that a few times uh it didn't work so good and all the stuff that's going on but i'm learning to take little bite-sized chunks you know and talk about certain things and everybody's got their favorite topics and some not so favorite but um there's one that i've been noticing that's kind of floating under the radar and i use that military term because that's really what i want to talk about tonight i even dressed for in honor of our military armed services kidding sort of but um but uh uh i i do want to talk to you about um some of some of the things that are going on as far as weapons and wars and we're going to kind of make that a little bit of our topic this evening you say yay that sounds really encouraging but when you talk about the end of the world there's a lot of things that could be discouraging but again like we just prayed the goal is to point us to the hope of christ heaven eternal life uh salvation that's really the the thing that prophecy should drive us to so that's just a reminder so anyway let's let's get to it won't you uh why don't you grab your bible uh and turn with me to matthew uh matthew 24. often times i like to start here on prophecy updates because jesus had a lot to say about um about the end times when the disciples said hey what about the end of the world what's going on with that and jesus talked for several pages in the red letters but in matthew 24 we come to kind of the the beginning of what i want to really talk about it says here in matthew 24 verses 6 through 8 it says this it says and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet or nation and remember that word is ethnos you might have maybe better translated it should say for ethnicity shall rise against ethnicity that's that's literally the translation there and kingdom which is more what we might say you know nations with rulers over them uh and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places all these are the beginning of sorrows um the beginning of sorrows the the word there again is kind of an important word that means um you know that that birth pain some call this sort of that exponential curve how things will ramp up until the end things will continue to ramp up until the coming of the messiah but all of this stuff is the beginning it's it's when you start seeing this stuff this is the sign that the end is near and and the tribulation period is coming the rapture of the church this is really what jesus is teaching us here in uh matthew 24. um now the the thing that i want to kind of focus on because we could talk about the earthquakes and diverse places pestilences which could be uh if you look at the original greek language it's it's um very much could include disease and plagues like you know coronavirus type stuff uh we can talk about that uh but um but the wars and rumors of wars are kind of an interesting thing to me uh when jesus talks about this and what does that mean it's not just that there will be wars there's been wars throughout all of history for the most part there's only it's funny if you study world history there's only been a few hundred years of peace in the whole world in all the world's history like it's amazing how there's been no peace uh from as far back as recorded history uh for the most part um but we surely do see wars but the rumors of wars it means people are talking of wars and talking about different kinds of wars that are uh yet to come and that's that's really what jesus is saying one of the characteristics by the way of the tribulation period is war and weapons uh weapons and warfare is is what kind of that tribulation period is going to be full of there's going to be battles and by the way it's going to be both spiritual warfare and conventional warfare in the tribulation period where demonic entities will be involved as well as military powers and it's going to just be a dark and pretty ugly time the tribulation period it's going to be worse than any other time uh than the whole history of the world that's what jesus said so it's a time that's coming now praise the lord i believe we're not going to be here when that happens but one thing i i lately have been reminding people because i've kind of got this notion and i've even heard some of those that are sort of anti-rapture of the church or pre-trib they're sort of anti-pre-trib rapture view one of the arguments they they make is they say well you guys that believe in pre-trib rapture you're just trying to escape trouble and i always jokingly say well yeah of course i am jesus said pray that you be counted worthy to escape all these things so yes i'm an escapist uh i'm a regular hondini uh when it comes to escaping the tribulation but but um but at the same time i'll be the first one to to mention things could get a lot worse before the rapture of the church even though it's not the tribulation it could be worse than the holocaust it could be worse than world war one before the rapture of the church the bible doesn't say it's going to get better before the rapture of the church it does say things are going to ramp up the rapture of the church is going to happen then the worst time in all of the history of the world will happen and that's where we won't be there we'll be taken up to be with the lord but i say that because some people that are pre-tribbers they kind of act like well we're going to bypass all trouble and all difficulties and i wouldn't say that's really the way we view it um you know what happened to corey ten boom you know in her family in the holocaust are we any less likely to be persecuted or hurt than them the answer is no we that could happen to us and i i see persecution to the church that could happen overnight here in america we're starting to see it here they're definitely seeing it in canada have you been following the i think the last i checked it was 64 churches that have been burned to the ground churches and synagogues in canada and they're arresting pastors you know as they're driving down the road and they'll pull them over and then rest them and throw them in the ditch cuff them and and haul them off to jail so you know you know canada sometimes is a little bit of an indicator of sometimes of the world view that's coming more south here into america but the point is it could get a lot worse before uh the rapture of the church so just a reminder that should we get guns and bunkers and store up our you know mres and cheerios and stuff i don't believe that's the answer i really don't um and i want to show you why i don't believe that's the answer because the kind of weaponry that's going to be available to those that hate us are you gonna be able to defend yourself with your you know mossberg 500 or your uh you know your glock or whatever you think you're gonna like how long will people really last if it gets the way the bible says it's to be in the in days i i think it's it's a little weird that people think that you know you eat your guns and your cheerios in a bunker and then and then in those times when your neighbor comes and knocks on your door and says can i have some food boom you're going to blow them away because they're going to get is that a christian sort of is that what christians are supposed to like like what if people want your food in that time where things get really bad um the bible says you're kind of supposed to give the shirt off your back to people and go the extra mile and be loving i don't see how the whole guns and bunker thing is though is the answer at all um uh don't get me wrong i'm not a pacifist uh i do believe in protecting your family and stuff like that don't don't get me wrong um but i but i do think that there's kind of this funny world view out there like we christians are gonna storm the world and take over with with our guns and our glory and our flags and stuff like that uh i don't think so uh that's not the way the biblical narrative goes so if that disappoints some of you guys be disappointed read your bible i think we're following a little bit of a a world view that really doesn't line up with biblical prophecy and it's kind of a strange thing that i'm saying right now but this idea of wars and rumors of wars the fighting and stuff like that we have to be really careful about that and kind of the right thinking about the wars and the rumors of wars and things like that so one of the characteristics of the tribulation period is weapons and warfare as it turns out the antichrist who's coming to rule during the seven year period called the tribulation does anybody remember what is he going to worship he's actually going to worship something is it going to be an idol in the temple no is it going to be himself kind of but not really he's going to glorify glorify himself as god so kind of worshiping himself but there's something else he's going to worship and you want to take a stab at it huh what'd you say yes weapons he's going to worship weapons let's let's check it out i'll just give you a sneak preview we're starting daniel this week that's going to be fun but it says there and the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god and shall speak marvelous things against the god of gods this is all stuff the antichrist is going to do and he shall by the way is this hard to even imagine today i mean this is what every hollywood star does today uh glorifying themselves as god in hollywood and thinking they're all that so this isn't that big of a stretch and it says he shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished which we'll talk all about what this all means when we get to daniel 11 in a few weeks for that is determined shall be done neither shall he regard the god of his fathers nor the desire of women nor regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all but in his estate he shall honor the god of forces and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold and silver and precious things and pleasant things he's going to use all his money his gold and silver and wealth to worship and honor the god of forces interesting word the word forces some of your bibles there in daniel 11. some of the some of your bibles show the word forces as the word munitions uh military weapon weapons ammunition equipment and um and you know storing up of those things so the antichrist is going to have a sort of his own little god of weaponry that he's going to worship uh as it turns out kind of interesting so the word forces munitions as it turns out also revelation the book of revelation talks about this the warfare and weapons in revelation 13 verses 6 through 7 and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against god to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven and it was given unto him to make war with the saints and overcome them and power was given over him given him over all kindreds tongues and nations man he's going to have power over everyone in the earth that's what this antichrist is ultimately going to do that's one of his goals is to have power over everyone um question what what would you say to a person that says hey the saints are in the tribulation that's us and i believe we're not going to be in the tribulation so who are the saints in the tribulation well it's actually don't forget there's two main groups that you could categorize as saints during the tribulation and by the way you're either a saint or you're an ain't just a reminder um you know you're either saved or you're not um but but this idea of the saint it's two different people first of all there's a group called the tribulation saints that i like to refer to and i believe there's going to be many people who come to know christ during the tribulation period hopefully some of your unbelieving family members that listen to you guys and maybe you've you know linked a prophecy update to them and sent it to them that i go brother there's that crazy prophecy guy again you know um but when the rapture of the church happens i think some of our family members who just are in disbelief today they'll go wait what was that um and if they don't take our youtube channel down then they can uh upload that during the tribulation uh until there's electricity and they're starving and all that other stuff but but it's going to be a horrible time to be alive but there will be those that will come to know christ and i believe the evidence in revelation 6 through 19 is there's going to be a ton of people who come to know christ during the tribulation period now some people say and i always say this with caution because um some people kind of have this outfit well brett we'll see then if you get raptured and you guys are taken i'll be a you know a cross-wearing jesus loving bible-believing christian because i'll know it's true then but one thing you got to remember you can either be a christian now and either just die and go to heaven or be raptured and go to heaven or you can be a christian then and believe but it will cost you your head the saints in the the tribulation period the the tribulation saints they will not take the mark of the beast that's coming and because of that this one who controls every kindred tongue and nation he will kill and the bible talks about how it'll be by the chopping off of one's head who does that anymore oh the middle east oh that's in parts of uh what about the french and the bastille and all the stuff the madame guillotine i mean that's something that's coming back uh the guillotine um but that's going to happen in the tribulation period it says it's not a way to get ahead during that time well anyway sorry trying to lighten the mood a little bit you guys all look a little worried um so so to uh to make war with the saints uh if it's if it's you know hard for you to be a christian now do you really think you're gonna be able to be a christian when it's gonna cost you your life in the tribulation period i wouldn't want to play that game or gamble that it's better to be saved today is the day of salvation so don't forget that but it seems that the bible's telling us that the coming world leader antichrist is going to be into future weapons like no other he's going to invest all kinds of money into weaponry now that's been going on for a long long time some of you are old enough to remember the cold war and the arms race you know the the various you know seasons where we were uh sure that we were gonna mutually uh destroy the world five times over with nuclear weapons and what have you um but but it's interesting because that hasn't happened we haven't destroyed the world with nuclear weapons we know that nuclear weapons will be used again as bible students and i'll show you that perhaps why here in a second but what's interesting is after the nuclear you know atomic bombs of you know hiroshima hiroshima and nagasaki world war ii after those were detonated you know um one would think well there's no more weapons to make i mean once you make a weapon like that and we've we've fine-tuned it since world war ii if you can only imagine we've made we've made conventional bombs like remember the moab bomb that trump dropped where was that in syria at the beginning of his administration they called it the moab moa mother of all bombs and that was just a conventional that was on a nuclear bomb that bomb was about as big as a blast as the bomb of hiroshima that was just a conventional bomb like we've made nuclear weapons go quite a bit bigger like hugely bigger if you study that you'll be shocked what a nuclear weapon can do today compared to the little bb gun of world war ii's nuclear weapon it was a whole different deal so you think okay then the arms race and arms development is stopped but as it turns out this mutually assured destruction it's it's basically a political sort of truth it's a philosophy that you know everybody that's got nuclear weapons well if you blow them up they'll blow you up so we better not use those nobody's gonna use it um unless they're it's their last like if if you're gonna if you're gonna go down you're gonna go down with everybody else it's that kind of mentality and there are some nations that would do that for example iran iran that's why everybody's freaked out about the iranians getting a bomb because i mean the pakistani people have nuclear weapons israel's nuclear weapons you know china north korea for crying out loud like people have nuclear weapons all over the world nations do so why the big deal with iran well iran they have a world view it's their eschatological view their end times view of is of their muslim faith including the 12th imam and their coming of their islamic sort of you know prophet or messiah as you as you might call it it includes total destruction mass destruction both of iranian people and the rest of the world so the nuclear detonation is for them fulfilling its ushering in their mahdi uh the 12th imam that's why everybody if you know their their their you know religious worldview um you realize that's why everybody's kind of freaked out that the iranians will get the bomb even the iranians are freaked out if they get the bomb because it's really this um you know islamic uh leadership in iran that's really the crazy people many of the iranian people are very normal smart people but it's the religious craziness that leads that country that's going to blow up everybody to kingdom come literally but all that to say that's why everybody's kind of freaked out about the iranians getting the nuclear weapon we might talk a little bit more about that here in a second but the idea here of this verse in revelation 13 6-7 um the thing i wanted you to see here is that's what he's going to do is this coming world leader is going to make war with the saints the tribulation saints those people that are saved during the tribulation that's the first group the second group that we might call saints as well are the jews themselves as the jews will have their eyes opened and they will see that jesus is the messiah and he's definitely going to make war against the jews especially after that abomination of desolation which is going to happen halfway through the tribulation where this antichrist is going to stand in the temple in jerusalem and you know demand to be worshipped jesus talked about it in matthew 24 and daniel talked about it the abomination of desolation in daniel 9 and a few other places as well but he's going to make war against the jews and against those that are the tribulation saints the believers during the tribulation period so you say okay brett got it but what does that have to do with the rest of munitions and weapons and if we've already got nuclear weapons that can blow the world to kingdom come what new weapons why does that matter well nobody wants to use the nuclear weapons because of mutually assured destruction so what are we doing now well we're trying to create new weaponry that i think is interesting because many of the new things that they're coming up with fits the biblical narrative of the end times and and things that will happen and i want to show you some of that stuff so um weapons that have changed everything over time there's there's quite a story uh about that i love history and um and and the history of weapons is kind of fascinating but some argue that one of the biggest inventions of weapon you might be shocked it's just the good old-fashioned english longbow changed warfare uh completely um you know the english law in the 12th century the english longbow was invented that was um you know uh there were very few medieval you know weapons that were for firing but this this the english longbow is the very first thing that really legitimately did some huge damage when it came to the bow and arrow thing um the six book six foot uh piece of you would they would use um uh to bend uh the draw weight was between 80 and 150 pounds uh you uh you uh archery people no that's a pretty good little tug especially when you're doing it over and over again in battle uh you know think about trying to fire that you know hours on end just as fast you can pull your your arrows out you know that'd be a little bit of work out um by the way there's some interesting history on that where they would the guys would start being able to fire over 300 yards in battle with the arrow but by the end of the thing they were just trying to get their arrows to fly like a hundred yards because they were just so exhausted they could they couldn't really draw the bow uh fully uh even their better uh arch archers but these heavy war arrows were able to penetrate all but the very best steel plate armor of that medieval period um so that was a big that was a big invention changed the the way war was fought really um the next big invention was gunpowder um uh used uh the use of gunpowder uh was it was actually interestingly enough gunpowder was invented before the bow and arrow um it just they didn't know how to use it uh and they figured out they even tried putting gunpowder in arrows and you know to make it sort of be fiery arrows and stuff but as it turns out um gunpowder uh during the tang dynasty around 850 a.d is when it was uh invented but you know you'd mix 75 parts salt uh salt peter with 15 parts charcoal and 10 part sulfur bada-bing you got a little firecracker there that you could use but that little document there is the oldest recipe for gunpowder that they have on the earth which is kind of interesting but you know once they started using gunpowder in cannons that was when it started to really change warfare uh by the way there's a debate on where the first cannon was fired with gunpowder or or you know gunpowder fired gun uh there's a debate some people say somewhere in china but most people say it was right north of jerusalem is where the first gunpowder weapon which makes sense the city of peace uh not so peaceful that would follow uh through and we could talk about all the other ones but when nuclear weapons were invented that changed the whole course and nature of warfare now here's the world war ii conventional fighting like nobody's business but as soon as we blew up those two nuclear weapons that was the end of the war everybody was like okay we're done it just changed everything radically the modern age of weapons of mass destruction began there's been a few other scary weapons like you know chemical weapons that have been sort of outlawed by the world but still people use them like up in syria there there was some chemical weapons horrifyingly used there in uh in syria but um you know this killing 200 000 people in in hiroshima and nagasaki that was that was that was pretty crazy now it's interesting because the bible tells us about weapons that will be used in the end times that have the same characteristics of nuclear uh weaponry um and you just have to you know put it on bible language you know these guys these prophets are saying okay everything was on fire and it was fervent heat and but but some of the perhaps most descriptive uh things that the prophets use are talking about the after effects of these weapons like like zachariah chapter 14 he talks about this and most scholars say yeah this this is what happens in a the people that are closest to the radio activity zechariah 14 talking about the the end times in the last battle this shall be the plague wherewith the lord shall smite all the people that have fought against jerusalem their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet and their eyes shall consume away in their holes and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth you know some of the you know tran translations talk about how their eyes will melt out of their sockets and their tongues will roll up in their mouth and turn black that's exactly what happens uh to the people who've been very close to that radioactivity with their skin burning off like it's a horrifying uh imagery i'm sure zechariah is like what did i just see when he saw the vision of this nuclear detonation uh it had to freak him out by the way you'll hear like oppenheimer and some of these people that were involved with the creating of the nuclear weapon they were all really freaked out about what they were inventing and you know there's all movies that are about these people who are apprehensive saying we're scientists and we're we're creating a weapon that's gonna you know kill you know hundreds of thousands of people with one weapon um and you'd hear them quoting these bible verses uh saying man what are we doing you know we're we're getting ready for the apocalypse and we're the ones like there were scientists that were really having a uh you know stressed out time with their own personal conscience because of some of these scriptures not just zechariah 14 12 but also revelation 16 verses 8 through 11 says and um it says and the fourth angel poured out his vile upon the sun and power was given to him to scorch men with fire and men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of god isn't that amazing the um the very thing that they should be doing is repenting but instead they're going to blaspheme the name of god which have power over these plagues and they repented not to give him glory and the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast and his kingdom was full of darkness and they nod their tongues for pain and blasphemed the god of heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of their deeds breth this is like the most depressing prophecy update you've ever done we were hoping to talk about fun stuff uh well this this is what's going to happen this is what the bible says um and and you say well what is this going to accomplish for me tonight well it you know what it does to me pardon the pun but it lights a fire under me um it makes me want to share the gospel with everyone i see and everyone i know that they don't have to be a part of this and they're not that they be like us not appointed unto wrath but to obtain salvation through jesus christ man uh you know so so um you know after speaking words of warning concerning this time of tribulation jesus he sort of climaxed his remarks there uh in in matthew 24 with a pronounced marked uh significance i think that might relate to this now how we humanity we're just going to destroy each other completely with our weapons and that's what jesus says in matthew 24 22 he says except those days should be shortened there should be no flesh saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened the lord's going to shorten it how's he going to shortly he's going to shorten it to seven years if it was longer than seven years all of humanity would destroy itself so that answers an interesting question by the way you know some of our uh global warming people and you know they're saying uh humans are going to destroy ourselves some of the real radicals are like that's what needs to happen we need to destroy humanity and let the earth you know flourish i don't see the future in that uh for humanity really but but as it turns out the bible says we're not going to see humanity totally destroyed there will be some left uh and the reason we know is the lord's gonna shorten the days because if he let him go uh humanity would destroy itself that's that's what the bible says the bible teaches this so um we could have never understood these words you know of jesus really until the dawn of the nuclear age when we got nuclear weapons some thought that atomic weapons would be the end of the arms race because of mutually discerned destruction now what we've learned to do is develop weapons that are more exacting and more single purposed and so that starts to beg the question what are the weapons going to be used by the antichrist and what's going to happen in the in the end times and there's a lot of things here but let's talk about where weapon technology is going and it's it's it's quite a bit different than gunpowder and arrows and stuff like that let's talk about quantum computer technology this is an interesting uh part of what everybody that knows uh military arms races and stuff like that they're calling this the the biggest arms race of all right now whoever gets the quantum computer technology up to speed and functioning in the way that they need it to which they're close right on the cusp of of tackling this quantum computer technology as it turns out they're going to have a huge huge edge over the other nations when it comes to military technology as it turns out so you know you might say uh what's what's a quantum computer this is actually ibm's quantum computer and it looks like something almost like a tesla or like old school but actually it's very very high tech classical computers um some of you guys know this um classical computers uh you know code uh information in a binary code you guys probably got that in computer programming 101 when you're in school um zeros and ones that's that's how information is kept and and it's just you know how fast can a computer process zeros and ones is how fast the computer is and and uh we've got some pretty fast computers but you have to understand that's just binary on or off zero or one kind of thing what is a quantum computer it uses the same kind of thing except instead of a binary code quantum computers encode information in qubits qubits as it turns out represented by the directional spin of an electron or the polarization of a photon so unlike you know classical computer bits zeros and ones quantum mechanics allow qubits to exist in both states simultaneously so instead of representing either a one or zero the qubit can represent both simultaneously linking qubits together very via quantum and uh they call it quantum quantum entanglement this means quantum computers here's here's the punch line content computers have the potential to exponentially exceed the computing power of most of our most powerful classical super computers it makes them look slow uh the quantum computer is going to be uh so much more fast than these uh conventional computers a few hundred qubits this is this is for you computer geeks this this is kind of amazing a few hundred qubits can represent more states than there are atoms in the whole universe this this starts to make your brain short circuit of what a quantum computer the potential of what it can do now why is this important why should we care about quantum computing um you know so such a computer would be so powerful that it could instantly break the most of sophisticated encryption methods of of the classical computer error like uh encrypted systems will be easily broken into by quantum computers imagine the military advantage of a nation that would hold over its competitors if it developed quantum computing ahead of all others and would have an overwhelming advantage over others because of its access to the whole world of computers and also weapons some analysts say that whoever wins the race of quantum computer will have the potential uh to have a revolutionary advantage in both economic and military sectors over their competitors without even getting into the potential for quantum computers to hack virtually the entire internet which they're saying these will and can and they're right on the cusp of this they're saying it'll also uh cause all kinds of trouble for things like radar did you know you know like our stealth uh fighters and bombers and stuff pretty cool technology um and i remember when that first came out i remember i was thinking oh that's awesome you know but they're expensive and we've we've put a lot into those but they're saying with with things like stealth quantum computers will make a computer so fast right now they you know they they don't have the speed to keep up with the the kind of i'm not using the right language i should get some of your military guys to come explain this but basically it's a quantum computer exposes all stealth technology that we have today um because the computer is fast enough to do it that's one of the weaknesses of the conventional computers right now so you say brad i don't know if i've ever really heard about this well you can check out what the world if you look it up it's not hard to find the jerusalem post is worried because israel is they're not even considered in the race for quantum computer technology but they're trying to be and israel has a way of catching up uh where is israel in u.s china quantum supremacy race that's where the big race is between the united states and uh and china who gets quantum computing the fastest uh wins and that that's what a lot of scientists a lot of military experts are saying we should be keeping an eye on that race uh it's an arms race even though it's a computer race the u.s and china according to the um mit technology review u.s and china are in a quantum arms race that will transform warfare like these are the these are the kinds of um you know technologies that's out there now um let me just give you one example of technology today that's changing uh ever so quickly um and and and forget quantum technologies just for a second this will come into play with what we're talking about but um let's let's move to this technology that we're seeing today is anybody interested in drone technology um drones are interesting um i think that a lot of people go oh drones are awesome well what are they a lot of people know oh they take pictures and you can buy one and fly around and get a 4k video you can it's pretty awesome did anybody watch the olympics did you guys see the drones how many guys saw the drones in the olympics raise your hand oh all three of you watched the olympics i i've noticed nobody's watching the olympics this time well my favorite part of the olympics was the wrestler girl who gave glory to god after she won my second so did you see that lady she was awesome she looked huge and i was like wow she's scary and then she talked and she's like a 13 year old girl like it was but she's just joyful and she loved her country and like it was just it was just refreshing to see somebody actually loved and she knew how to represent america but also uh christian it was really cool but um the second coolest thing of the olympics was this in the opening ceremony um what are you looking at there well this as it turns out is 1800 drones uh flying over the stadium there and um and they're all flying in formation and and this is kind of cool because this is this is a new thing it's a it's a new technology um where they take all these drones and they're controlled by computers it takes quite a bit of computer processing to control these but this was a ball that they had flying over the stadium in part of the opening ceremonies and then as it kind of transformed you're like wow this is amazing like they have such control so each one of these little dots of light is just a drone with a light on it and and uh and they can control the color of the lights and stuff like that um but notice how it can fly in formation and then it made you know the globe and and it just as you watch the olympic opening certainly it almost seemed like a celestial body you know flying over the the thing there which is pretty cool that was cool but as it turns out this is really child's play this was just the japanese doing some stuff that they have laying around the russians have have perfected this and one of the russian videos where they actually uh have broken world records with this they've got their drones flying around doing this stuff now this is what you gotta kind of see is um this this one was i think 2400 drones uh this display uh in russia each drone is is a is about the size of a little bigger than a football um and it flies with its little you know propellers just like normal drones but um this is the little show that they saw over uh moscow when they did this they and they wanted to show how their technology is going to usher in world peace and they had this beautiful dove flying with their drones and people like oh lovely drones you know it's so awesome and all this stuff um but as it turns out um you know while we're all getting all teary-eyed about how beautiful these little drones are do you realize the same technology that allows these drones to fly in perfect formation can can be well we're endearingly looking at us like oh how lovely but actually the technical term for this is they're calling it drone swarms and the reason they're calling it drone swarms is because they could so easily militarize these 2 400 zones uh drones hey you want to see what a high school kid did six years ago with with some with a with uh some radio shack he spent 59 dollars at radio shack and he built this this is six years ago this kid did this he built a little drone that was flying around he mounted a glock to it and he could fire and hit the target bullseye every time um and he did this with with a with a high school kid uh with radio shack um so can you imagine um 2400 and this is just a guy with some duct tape and zip ties and and you know a gun and stuff um can you imagine what like say the russians are doing with their 2400 drones they're doing more than just putting little light bulbs on their drones uh can you imagine a swarm of drones uh coming uh did you know you can go on amazon today and buy this if you want it you can buy a drone that shoots fire it's a flame throwing drone who knows when you need to go burn up some weeds out in the backyard if you don't want to get too close all you have to do is buy this drone that shoots fire it's up for sale today you can get it i don't know how much you have to pay for but but um you know can you imagine you know uh what what this would do it looks like as a terrorist weapon or what have you um the the drones today are super high tech and they're they're changing kind of the way the way things are done but all that to say um you know the daily star says u.s air force developing remote controlled bird-like micro drones with flapping wings um have you seen these micro drones some of them are like as small as like a mosquito um these these little tiny drones um now you say well what in the world could they be using these little tiny drones for oh if you actually read about these you'll be horrified when you realize what these little micro drones could do and they're so tiny they fly around a room and nobody even knows they're there like it's like a little tiny mosquito flying around the room it's about the same and it's just kind of like a little you know those cards that pop up like pop-up cards or those old children's books that's how these are made they cut them out of a piece of paper and then they pop out and fold them and then wire a little electrode and pretty soon they flap their little wings and they can fly around now now you say well brett that that's technology that's not used yet oh but they're working hard and furious and they can they're talking about using it for search and rescue they're talking about reconnaissance and flying these little things to see what's going on in pipes and and in houses and military application is uh it's kind of amazing what they're talking about with drones but um as it turns out now they're working on technology that um that basically is how do you launch you know 2400 drones um there there's some interesting technology out there where like they've got you can drive in your truck and there's like a little it's basically a grenade launcher that launches your drone while you're driving and within uh within you know a half a second the drone wings pop out and it's flying along with your truck and it follows you wherever you go and you've got kind of an external camera and stuff like that so they're trying to figure out how to do these drones while traveling at high speeds there there is the technology now where they can shoot these big missiles that basically pop out and then all these hundreds of drones pop out of it uh um and it's it's kind of amazing technology um and so they're now basically uh having these you know these swarms of drones that are going to be capable um the micro drones the drone drone swarms they're militarizing uh this erratically and so so these these are all drones like like this is from a movie but it's all possible now where they launch out of these rocket launchers all the drones and the drone swarms do their thing and they can have weapons they can have incendiary devices um they can have get poisonous gas like there's all kinds of crazy things that the technology is talking about it's talking about drone swarms so that missiles would have to fly through them and it would actually end up cutting the path of the missile out but these these launching from high-speed vehicles that's that's the technology they're working on today um now you might say okay brent so what drones are but i don't know about you know it seems like a bad movie you know what i mean like an old movie where you're attacked by an army of drones um do you realize that that technology by the way that was like f i don't know what they were were they f-15s shooting drones out of the backside as they were flying and then the drones would go and do their thing their operations so the technology is kind of amazing now when you read the biblical account of battle and what have you you look at ezekiel chapter 38 now remember we were talking about the gog magog invasion and i was talking about the storm that's coming uh there's a bit of language here that's kind of interesting in that verse ezekiel 38 9 thou shalt ascend speaking of russia and her you know confederate nations that are going to go against israel will come like a storm thou shall be like a cloud to cover the land thou and all thy bands and many people with thee if you can see the olympics or the russians over moscow with their 2400 drones all flying in perfect formation as a beautiful light show could you see with quantum computer technology and the processing power to control a swarm of drones in real time with high speed uh we're getting there like it's getting to be something that is going to be kind of legitimate and the thing i see in this verse is i wonder if the the ezekiel saw this cloud covering the land maybe he was seeing some you know modern technology that's what you have to do with these biblical prophets talking about modern day warfare because they didn't have the word drone or you know quadcopter or you know they they use words like locusts and storms and clouds covering the land and stuff like that but there's many places in the bible that it kind of seems that we're talking about uh drones now drones are already as you know if you're in the military drones are already totally in use um in fact did you see just was it last week the iranians iran attacks are finally you know shining a spotlight on its deadly drones the iranians as it turns out have quite the drone technology um they've they've stolen a lot of our drone technology and used it and kind of made it their own um the jerusalem post though did this article um what was that yesterday i think um about the iranian drones because of the attack the iranian attack on the ship off the coast of oman has uh has had a you know an effect of basically the world saying wow the iranians have a lot of drones that can do damage um they call them kamikaze drones because what the iranians are doing is flying these drones into ships with um you know explosives on board with the drone uh just a few days ago iran struck an oil tanker with connections to israel near oman on friday killing two crew members on board it was the first deadly attack in its in the continuing maritime war between wars and has led jerusalem to accuse tehran of sowing violence and destruction the jews in jerusalem were saying uh we got to do something about these iranians and their drones the two crew members killed in the attack uh on the mercer street that was the name of the ship uh were a romanian captain and a british security officer officer um on that ship now um according to israel tv7 they um they they showed some of these iranian drones and hezbollah you know firing rockets um you know at israel i don't know if you saw this um that was actually today i love how prophecy updates i don't have to look very far you know but today hezbollah up in lebanon hezbollah quiz time who are the hezbollah funded by iran hezbollah hamas hezbollah in the north hamas in the south in the gaza hezbollah up in syria and lebanon um well hezbollah fired rockets at israel um us warns iran over nuclear talks uh stalemate the the tension is is thick in the world right now with iran but um these these rockets um interesting what happened uh this is some of the footage from today uh in in northern israel and in lebanon um they fired these rockets and again israel's iron dome uh shot down most of the rockets um risi meanwhile the new uh leader of iran was talking you know and giving a speech and all that at the united nations about how the sanctions need to be lifted off of iran meanwhile his proxies are firing these this is iron dome shooting down those rockets some of the rockets the israelis let fall through and hit the ground because they were headed for nothing but fields and so they let those because it's very expensive for the israelis to shoot down these rockets but this all happened today more rockets firing at the israelis um but the israelis are concerned because you know these rockets that are being fired today across the border there of lebanon and israel they're fairly low-tech and israel can can this is one of the dro the rockets that hit the ground and burned uh field area there but um but you know the jews can't just keep iron doming it forever and the iranians they're um you know their weapons are getting more and more sophisticated uh there have been interactions between the israelis and the iranian drones now in all fairness the israelis have drones too and they believe many of the attacks the mysterious attacks there in uh iran against all the nuclear sites all those mysterious explosions some believe the israelis have figured out a way to uh you know basically uh you know drone it up and wipe out their nuclear facilities um with all that said israel's not gonna let this keep they're not gonna just let keep you know people firing and let these drones get more high-tech so newsweek yesterday israel ready to attack iran as defense minister says we need to take military action um israel's defense minister benny gantz um you know he said that his country is ready to attack and there's and he's arguing for a global response that the islamic republic is posing a huge threat to the whole world and he said we're at a point where we need to make it would take military action against iran take the the world uh pardon me the world needs to take action against iran now um this is interesting if you know the gog magog scenario that we talked about a few weeks ago and uh iran being part of the russian confederation with turkey uh in the gog magog of ezekiel 38 39. um one of the articles uh their jerusalem post articles gantz says iran has 10 weeks from breakout to a nuclear weapon do you think the israelis know what uh state the nuclear weapon development for iranian what it is i think the mossad is deep within iran and they know exactly what's going on it's interesting that gantz would say this that they're only 10 weeks out the iranians this is this is something for us as christians to keep an eye on the weapon technology could be some of the things that spark the gog magog invasion which could spark the isaiah 17 damascus destruction which could spark the rapture of the church and the tribulation period are you guys with me on that these are all signs of the times that kind of matter you know so gantz went on to say as the defense minister of israel he said iran has violated all the guidelines set in the jcpoa nuclear agreement and is only around 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon therefore it is time to act the world must apply economic sanctions and take operative action against the iran revolutionary guard corps so you know the iranians their their biggest most successful weapon right now that they're using is drone technology um they are sort of hurting their their pl their jets are outdated some of their weapons are outdated they do have some modern technology from the russians that they've bought but largely it's their drone technology that some people are worried about right up until the iranians get the nuclear weapon that's where people are saying we got to put our foot down so this is where quantum computing by the way all this stuff will make radar and everything like all that stuff becomes obsolete with quantum computers and drone technology could be you know fast forwarded in in their abilities and stuff like that with quantum computing just just so you know along with the next little weaponry is robot technology don't want to get too bogged down in this one but um you know it almost seems like a joke because there's been so many goofy movies made and stuff like that and you see these robots now and stuff and and probably the the worst robot technology is perversion of humanity the whole sex robots that they're coming up with today they're lifelike and all that it's just creepy weird people doing weird things sinful stuff you know the bible says in the last days the man's imagination to do evil is going to ramp up we're totally seeing that but as it turns out as far as robot technology this almost looks like a joke but if you if you actually follow it russia this futurism article august 4th just a few days ago russia our killer robots don't need any pesky international laws this is what they're the russians are saying because people are seeing what russia's developing in these robots this is actually this might look like a joke but this is actually a picture of one of these robots that the russians are developing and um they there there's enough concern where people like if they really develop these they can do things that will not be fair with the geneva conventions and rules of engagement and stuff like that but the russians are saying our robots aren't under those rules like that's what they're saying right now um that's an interesting bit of of struggle and challenge so basically you know this idea of the russian killer robots united nation delegates are currently meeting to debate possible regulations controlling autonomous killer robots but russia is not wanting any part of it the russian delegate representing a country their country has already developed and deployed military robots in real world conflicts remain steadfast and global community doesn't need any new rules or regulations to govern the use of killer robots the telegraph reports russia is pitted against much of the rest of the international community who are calling for rules to keep humans in charge of the decision to open fire highlighting the main anxieties and ethical conundrums surrounding autonomous weaponry and the wrestlers are like yeah whatever we're not going to listen to you on that so that's just something to uh dream about at night it's these future robots that are coming and it might seem like a joke but the un and others are actually a little bit nervous what about space technology this is always something that we kind of keep our finger on the pulse can you imagine if suddenly all our satellites were just decommissioned like what would that do if you think about our satellites not working all of a sudden um you're like well i could go without cable tv or you know direct tv for a while well you have to understand there's a lot more that would fail if satellite technology was taken down bloomberg did an article just recently in july pentagon sees china's offensive space technology on the march the pentagon is concerned because china is sort of secretively working on their space technology and meanwhile the biden administration thinks you know the trump administration starting up of a space force they kind of liken it unto a joke uh they think it's a joke the space force uh you know that's the way they kind of laugh about it meanwhile china's building a space force that is basically designed to be able to take out anything in space especially satellites and if all of our satellites are able to be vulnerable that's going to cause all kinds of trouble so the point that i'm making is all of this um weaponry and stuff and we can talk about more weapons there's a lot more to talk about there but um the thing that we have to kind of consider is with the development of these weapons we see the biblical narrative and the possibility for some of the stuff that the bible talks about it's just it's just so easy to imagine now the kinds of wars the kinds of bloodshed the kinds of destruction the united states and the world is ready to destroy itself and and you know it can happen in very short order um our weapons uh you know i think somewhere along the way when we all saw the cold war end we all kind of know good we're all safe now but the truth is we've still continued to develop weapons that are quite scary and uh are going to be part of the apocalyptic story i think i really do believe that now you say well what do we do with this um uh should we freak out or be afraid um i don't believe first of all fear should ever be the christian's mantra uh we we should be people of confidence not in ourselves and not in our military we are confident in the lord we're able to put our trust in the lord i love peter you know peter talks about this stuff in second peter chapter three he he doesn't pull any punches uh when he talks about the destruction of everything check this out he says in second peter three he says seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved destroyed what manner of persons ought you to be in all freaked outness no in fear and trepidation no guns storing and building bunkers and storing up cheerios no what manner of persons ought you to be in all holy conversation and godliness looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of god what does it mean you know looking for the thing is some people say you guys at anthony creek are into prophecy updates and and there's sort of this thing and there's a lot of churches you know 20 years ago they were all excited about the you know left behind series and and stuff like that but a lot of churches are like oh we've outgrown that sort of thing you guys are believing the rapture and bible prophecy and all that stuff whatever you know and and there's this real you know uh sort of condescending attitude toward people who still talk about bible prophecy um and and i think that's a big mistake um bible prophecy by the way if you study all the great revivals of um of history like like literal revivals where people were accepting christ on massive levels each one of the great whether you're talking azusa street or the jesus movement of the 60s whatever revival you want to talk about there was always the element of the rapture of the church and an end times theology part of those revivals there's something about talking about what the bible says about the end times that wakes people up and it makes them want to follow jesus um i think that's kind of a cool part of this and i think you're poorer if you dismiss bible prophecy as that's not for today it's already happened it's all figurative whatever they say the rapture is not even in the bible they say stuff like that and it's really sad because meanwhile their christianity they're wondering why people are leaving their churches and it feels dead and they're trying to puff air into their their doctrine and their theology i would say the oxygen you're missing is one-fourth of the bible one-fourth of the bible at least that's a conservative estimate if you're thumbing through the bible and you're numbering all the things that deal with bible prophecy one-fourth at least of the bible's prophecy so for people to not study bible prophecy they're not looking to see that's what it says here in our verse here it says what man are you out to be in all holy conversation god looking for that's what you're supposed to be doing we're supposed to be looking for the coming of the lord jesus said watch be ready be vigilant be sober over and over for thessalonians 4 and 5 matthew 24 luke 21 mark 15. like there's all these scriptures where over and over we're told to watch be ready be waiting be vigilant but the church largely today is sleeping when it comes to prophecy um and and there's a whole group of people oh i can't believe people like how lindsay from the 60s or whatever i admit hal's a little bit funny character but he brought a lot of understanding to the book of revelation for a lot of people back in the 60s um and uh and it's kind of an interesting thing that people are sort of you know stubbing their nose at bible prophecy today even though we're supposed to be looking for and what does it mean to be hastening unto it says looking for and hastening unto that's king james way of saying and praying for the the speed of the lord's return to come quickly it's like saying oh lord come quickly that's hastening until the day when the day of the lord comes we should all be saying oh lord come quickly we should have that attitude that the early church had when they walked around saying maranatha which means oh come quickly like that was that was what they said to each other i wonder if we should bring that back oh may the lord come soon you know when you hear bad things um you know to just remind each other that you know the lord the lord's coming he's going to fix this and we're going to be able to trust the lord the rapture of the church is something we can really look forward to and and we can rejoice together in so we're supposed to look for that and hasten them too that means to speed up and pray for the lord to speed up this um do you remember before it says this in second peter 3 by the way um it starts the discussion off it says in the last days will be people they'll say where's the promise of his coming you know you've been saying that forever yeah and and is the lord a slacker remember that scripture and the bible says the lord is not slack concerning his coming but he's long-suffering that is the lord is being patient the rapture of the church hasn't happened because the lord is long long suffering and he's patient and he wants to and he said he says there just before what i just read he says oh i would that none should perish but that all would come to repentance that's the heart of the lord so when we say oh lord come quickly we realize that he's got his timing and we do want his timing but we know that the answer for this world is for him to come so we're looking for hasting unto the coming of the day of the lord of god where wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness okay now we we did some jumping through time there in that last section the dissolving of this earth and heavens as we know it today is at the end of the millennial kingdom where the lord then will create a new heaven and a new earth that's what that's talking about um and that's where righteousness will be dwelling forever but then he goes back to the church the church us and he says wherefore beloved that's us seeing that you look for such things what are we doing looking for it remember seeing you look for such things be diligent okay so we're supposed to look for haste it into and be diligent in what diligent that you may be found in him of him in peace without spot and blameless man some of the operative words i think here in this verse i'd love for us to really kind of internalize them this is what you and i are supposed to be doing in light of the fact that we're living close to the end we're to look for hasten unto look for be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless you know what i'm seeing today in the church i see the church becoming unpeaceful never in all my years of ministry have i seen more division and sort of even anger and vitriol church against church and it's not just really you know essential doctrinal issues i i know that we do argue about essential doctrines within the church you know if a church claims to be a church and they don't believe that jesus is god they're not a real church and we're supposed to call them out and pastors are supposed to watch and warn for the false doctrines but there are the the other doctrines that are not the essential doctors but they're secondary second-tier doctrines um that that we get all arguing about and people get upset about and then there's things that aren't even really doctoral issues at all do you wear a mask or not do you close your building or do you keep it open and the church is just angry um it's so funny i saw this when we went through what we did and you guys know you know he creek we opened early and we kept it open we got into all kinds of threats from the state of oregon but it's amazing i got equal mail email social media uh both people saying um you know you guys you guys caved and you you are cowed down to kate brown and you closed your church and we got all kinds of angry emails and letters and phone calls you guys caved which we kind of didn't but they said that those there were some wacko people that said that then there were some other wacko people that said um you guys are killing people you're murderers when you open your church doors you're murdering people when you walk in without a mask and there's people there you're literally killing people they're also echo there's wackoness on all sides um but here's the question is this the essential doctrine of the christian faith well i'm not sure it really is there are things we feel strongly about but you know what we're trying to do is say you know what let's forget about um all of us being wacko because guess what i'm wacko you're wacko we're all wacko that's just the truth of the matter we're people we're sinful messed up people so what are we supposed to do well um i would like to to say that one of the things we should be working toward in these last days is being at peace it says here be diligent to be found of him in peace without spot and blameless wouldn't that be great if anything creepers if we said we believe because we're living in the last days this is not a time to be messing around and being angry at each other and getting upset about non-essential things but we should love one another they'll know you're to my disciples by your love one for another not your political correct statements and what you feel about coronavirus and all this stuff i've just seen some real anger in the church and real division churches have closed people have left and marched from church to one church to another and we're seeing a lot of that and some of it's legitimate as churches are derailing against you know some of the essential doctrines i get that but here peter says this is what we're supposed to do now he goes on later in the same chapter uh he says this and i'm wrapping this up he says you therefore beloved seeing you know these things before you know that the end is near that that we're living in the last days be beware lest you also being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ to him be glory both now and forever amen what else are we supposed to do i love this don't be led away astray with the error of the wicked don't be doing the things the wicked people are doing another thing that i see the church we we sort of rationalize sinful things ah everybody does it today so it's really not that bad man we should be in these days hungering and thirsting after righteousness you know doing what god wants us to do not dabbling with sin not playing around with sinful stuff but but just be steadfast grow in grace i see us growing in legalism and anger and vitriol grow in grace don't you love when jesus walked the world even though he did kind of hammer the religious people marveled at jesus's gracious words don't you love that jesus words were just so gracious they always marvel oh man he's so gracious um and in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ that's what we're supposed to grow in grow in grace grow in the knowledge of jesus don't be tangled up with the wicked also there in galatians you know i think paul agrees with peter you know and i think they were thinking the same way when when paul says in galatians 6 10 he says um as we therefore opportunity have opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them that are of the household of faith right now i'm seeing a lot of people you know talking about churches and what that other church did and what they're talking about and doing and i wonder if maybe this is just division that is so unnecessary um let's be careful there are things that we need to talk about when the church does things for example when you hear us talk about how the church is becoming sort of woke you have to ask is this a biblical worldview and so we do have to judge things by the scripture um of course we've done whole studies on that um but but at the same time we need to do that in love and talk about these things with people in love and therefore as we have let us do good to most men no all men especially those of the household of faith we should remember that other churches and other people are part of the household of faith um i i listened to a recent podcast i can't say that i recommend it i agree with 50 of it and the other part of it i don't think is even really all accurate but have you guys heard about the rise and the fall of mars hill podcast it's about a church's fall up in seattle and mark driscoll the pastor and it's this kind of big thing it's it's like it's amazing they do like i think they're six part series so far but it's kind of painful because they're basically exposing the underbelly of some of the mistakes a church made and a pastor made um up in seattle and he did make some you know bad decisions and stuff like that and did stuff that i mean everybody was kind of shocked by of course but at the same time i see kind of the the church be becoming very good at tearing each other apart right it's like in the old days remember who wasn't it was it chuck gerard that say no i think it's chuck george maybe who's saying that song back and say the christians are the ones who shoot they're wounded you know we go around oh you're a sinner boom you know we kill our own you know uh we shouldn't be doing that we shouldn't be airing dirty laundry especially from six years ago or whenever that seven years ago when that happened um now they're doing in the name christianity today is doing in the name of well we we need to watch out for this and and we do we there's things to learn but i'm noticing there's kind of a thing and and it kind of contributes to a trend right now did you know there's a trend saying big churches are evil if you're part of a mega church you're pretty much evil and here's what i've you know one thing i i've been over the years i'm a person that doesn't really change that much i'm doing the same thing i was doing you know even before athena creek started like i'm really kind of doing the same thing and we went from a little tiny church of 20 uh to a giant church and so people you know it's so funny because they they're they're some people are condoning the small church and they're saying the big churches out to lunch other people's like no the big church has resources it can do great things and the tiny i i just think it's just all of these fads and fashions that come and go remember the seeker-friendly movement everybody was into that uh people were into the toronto blessing movement and then bethel movement and and then the jesus movement even in the 60s and movements and all this stuff comes and goes over the years um and and here's the thing i've noticed people get really upset and angry at each other within the church i wonder i wonder if we need to be a little more careful with each other by the way i can make a huge argument of why the small church is the way to go i could argue that easily there's some great great things about a small church and you know um i can't even say if i were not a pastor when i go to a small church or a big church i'm not even sure i know the answer to that um i see the pitfalls of a big church i see the pitfalls of a small church we'll bret these big mega church pastors they have too much power um well yeah there's some bad models of abuse of power and not having accountability in a governing elder team i've seen that that's happened in big churches but guess what that also happened in small churches i'm like there's scandals both in big churches and small churches and there's ugly stuff no matter where you look because there's people as it turns out the church is full of sinners it shouldn't be a shock to us but but be cautious and this is something of the of the end times that i'm worried about is this you know smiting our brother you know kind of thing and not being kind to those who are of the household of faith um you know i think the lord uses all different kinds of things he uses very flawed things like ather creek aether greek's a flawed thing but the lord uses us praise the lord people are getting saved and baptized he's a very flawed pastor thank the lord that he uses the weak and the foolish because i qualify but but here's the thing let's be careful in this in this climate where it's really hip and cool to be mean let me just end with one final scripture and i'd like you to turn there final scripture back to matthew if you're maybe some you're still in matthew 24. um but where did jesus land this whole discussion about the end of the world in matthew 24 i find it interesting because it's kind of where we're landing tonight and when we talk about the you know weapons of today but in matthew chapter 24 verse 44 he also sort of answers the question so what do we do with all this end times stuff he says in verse 44 therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh isn't it interesting that much of the church is not looking for the coming of christ right now because they don't even really believe it's literal or you know or you know rapture or second coming or or a literal kingdom or any of that so a lot of the church is not there they don't think it's the hour when he comes i think it is the hour um the day or the hour we don't know but it really could be verse 45 who then is faithful a faithful and wise servant whom his lord hath made ruler over his household to give them meat and due season blessed is that servant whom his lord when he comes shall find so doing man when the boss shows up what are you going to be doing are you the faithful servant who's working and doing what god wants you to do faithfully that's what we should be working at the faithful servant um verse 47 verily i said to you that he shall make him ruler over all his goods um that's by the way what the faithful gets to do we get to rule and reign with christ in the millennial kingdom but you got the bad guy coming up verse 48 but and if that evil servant shall say in his heart my lord delays his coming you know those people that second peter oh the lord delays is coming you guys you know they scoff and mock well that's the evil servant according to jesus the lord delays his coming verse 49 and he shall begin to smite his fellow servants and eat and drink with the drunken you know being worldly not being a godly christian but mixing up with the world being mean to their fellow servants the christians and it says the lord of that servant verse 50 shall come in the day when he looketh not for him and in an hour that he is not aware of and shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth brother are you saying that people that aren't waiting for the coming of the lord are going to hell because they're going to go to weeping and wailing and teeth i'm not saying that all i know is this makes me nervous enough to not want to be part of that group wouldn't you agree are they going to hell well it looks like it here but i don't know i'm not sure i understand this fully but i do know that the wicked servant that's going around punching his brother and drinking and partying with the world and not looking for the lord jesus says some pretty radical stuff here i worry that some of these people might be those people that are calling themselves christians but really aren't churches that say they're part of the church but they don't even really believe in the deity of christ and the inerrancy of scripture and they're going around acting like they know what christianity is but isn't it funny how many so-called churches are going around bashing real christians that's what's happening today they're going around oh you guys believe you guys are you know homophobes and and you're this and that like it's amazing what these you know you know new uh liberal christianity uh progressive christianity churches are claiming about the faithful it's kind of happening today and they're going around you know partying down and doing worldly things and not and they're bashing their brother but instead i want to be the i want to be the first guy i want to be the faithful servant that's ready and when the lord comes when the rapture of the church happens i want him to find me not partying down with the world doing a bunch of sinful stuff but but but being busy about the work of the kingdom serving the lord with all my heart that's what we all should be wanting to do loving our brothers being gracious to one another supporting the church even though they might be a little different than us in some of the non-essentials we can support and encourage and build up don't be part of that movement that i sense is coming where i see a lot of people jumping on the bash each other bandwagon that just might be a sign of the times in and of itself one of the prophecies is there's going to be the brother smiting his brother and a lack of love the love of many will will you know fall short and and be over don't let that happen loving serving walking with the lord that's what you do that's what we're called to do in a day where i think destruction is coming with weapons and all that we instead of weaponizing ourselves with real weapons we we weapon ourselves with love and kindness and serving the lord amen amen amen lord as we pack it up tonight we see the signs of the times and so many things in the world that are stirring up and readying for some of those final battles and the destruction that we read about in the scriptures lord the weapons now are scary and how precise and technological they are but lord we're so thankful that you're greater than all these things and that we can put our trust in you and i pray lord that tonight instead of getting all engaged in the debate of this or that lord i pray that first of all we'd be loving lord even if we speak with the tongues of men and angels if we have not love we're just nothing so we want to be a people that are loving and kind serving you with all of our heart mind soul and strength that when you come you find us doing the work that you've called us to do so help us with that lord bless these your people uh tonight as we've taken this time to go through some of these scriptures we thank you lord in jesus name amen you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 258,353
Rating: 4.8376656 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 20sec (4700 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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