THE BOYS Season 4 Episode 8 Theories Explained

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well the time is nearly upon us to bid farewell to the boys for another few years the finale of The Boys season 4 is only a couple of days away and as predicted it still feels like there's a lot that needs to be wrapped up or left on the edge seeing as though this season felt like its main purpose was setting up the final season I don't think we're actually going to get that much closure because the things that are at stake are so huge and will definitely Ripple into the next season with a train potentially dying Newman potentially dying singer potentially dying soup virus pandemic being released and homelander rounding up opposition to put in interment camps the state of the world in the boys Universe has never been so hostile so with that I thought I'd give my theories and predictions on what I think is going to happen to most of the main characters in the finale so let's get into it here is the boy season 4 episode 8 theories explained just to let you know this video will contain spoilers butcher at the end of episode 7 we saw that after butcher watched Hors Ryan stood up for what he believed in and went against V and his father when butcher stood up he dropped to the ground and passed out as he did this Joe Kesler who we now know represents the Dark Side of butcher's mind was sitting there smiling I think this means that in the finale we're going to see the Dark Side of butcher Joe Kesler tends to come out when butcher is in a blacked out State like we saw with what happened to Ezekiel so I feel we're going to be seeing butcher quite literally fighting with himself whilst Kesler has the main hold over him Kesler wants the pandemic to be out there and for the entirety of the soup species to be eradicated but butcher in his dying times wants to take a softer approach and only take out those that he needs to which is Newman and homelander this is because he wants to fulfill Becca's dying wish and keep Ryan safe and not essentially become another version of homelander this means that we may actually get to see what butcher's powers are in the season finale it's been long on the horizon and we've been wanting to know exactly what they are so the season finale is the perfect opportunity for that to happen if kesla does take over in the moment that we left butcher does that mean the people in the bar could end up being killed maybe but I think we're going to see butcher pretty much going against the boys in this episode as Kesler is going to try and fuel his own motives whilst the kind of butcher is buried within this could ultimately have a knock-on effect too there's a lot of theories going around about how the virus could be the very thing that kills the parasite that's eating away a butcher and it could cure him so with the selfishness that kesla has it could in turn save butcher it's a theory that's out there but I don't really know how plausible it actually is we know that Frenchie is working on the virus so that the boys can utilize it on Newman but it does feel like butcher might take matters into his own hands as we enter the season finale I think the stakes will have to be at the highest that they've been at and homelander and butcher's arcs will mirror one another so I feel like the virus pandemic might end up becoming a thing that gets released homelander homelander is feeling betrayed by everybody that he once trusted and he's been left with a group of people that are sub in his eyes he was betrayed by atain and being the leak betrayed by Sister sage in not telling him all of the details of her plan and also betrayed by his son Ryan for speaking out against V the only people that he's now left with are the deepen black noir who failed in taking out the boys and also firecracker who's pretty useless she lacks any real intelligence when it comes to working on a plan that's going to be going in the right direction this is ultimately made homelander a ticking Time Bomb surrounded by yes people and nobody's going to be able to do anything about it anymore we've essentially been watching Homeland a spiral out of control piece by piece in this season of the show whether that be him yearning for his son's love trying to remove the humanity that's within him the embarrassing moments of him being upstaged by Newman when asked basic questions on politics end Ag and replaceability being something that's been sitting within his mind so all of that mixed with the Betrayal just like what we could see in butcher's Ark it might lead homelander to take matters into his own hands which is something which would be extremely destructive there was a hint toward war in the speech that he gave and with nobody now there to say anything it feels like things could get bloody we know that the assassination attempt on Bob singer is going to be taking place in the finale is that's what will ultimately allow soup Supremacy to become a thing because Newman will take over and go from being vice president to president and will pass through homelanders laws that he wants to get in place the laws that will give most of the powers to the soups with Ryan expressing his love for his mother and also butcher in the vault broadcast the very thing that homelander would not have wanted to have been said I think we're going to see a clear divide forming between homelander and Ryan all Ryan has wanted throughout the season is a father that's there for him and despite homelander promising that he hasn't stepped up and been the dad that Ryan needed most homelander tried to shape him into a version of himself but he failed Ryan's in touch with the human side and homelander wants to kill his human side so it was always going to be a disaster and was never truly going to work Ryan could become the boy's most powerful weapon especially considering the virus won't work on homelander this will probably lead Ryan to maybe join the side of the boys as we Embark onto the final season of the show I think Ryan will be the very thing which will bring butcher back from the hold that kesla has on him a train a train's Redemption Arc is on the cusp of being complete we know that he managed to get himself and his family to safety following it being revealed that he was the leag however the speech that he gave to mother's milk in episode 7 is something that I think is going to be telling of what at Train's going to do at train said to mother's milk that homelander in all of the problems were going to impact the world and there would be no safe space to hide so I think at train is probably going to listen to his own words and will end up returning to fight alongside the boys I reckon with homelander probably going on a destructive Rampage against the boys we could see at train return and he'll ultimately sacrifice himself in order to save them homelander has this whole thing about wanting to kill huy so it would be rather poetic if a train died saving the person whose life he originally destroyed in the very first moment of the very first episode of the first season of the show it would be be rather poetic and it's a romanticized way for the character to go out but I think his end is most definitely upon us and it would be a fitting way for him to go they obviously had their moment of reconciliation when huy accepted his apology but I think this would be a lot better plus his family would see him for the hero that he actually was Starlight so Starlight was kidnapped by the shape shifter in the previous episode and she was being held captive in what looked like an abandoned warehouse of some kind The Shape Shifter took the laptop which had the files on Newman being a super and also everything that occurred at Red River orphanage so I wonder if following what happened in the conversation with Newman and sister sage in episode 6 of the show where they realized that they were on the same page as one another I wonder if they've been working together behind the scenes because it was Sister Sage you got the shape shifter involved in homelanders plan the files are important because that's the leverage that's being held over Newman and without that it pretty much means that she's free to do as she pleases and can kill any member of the boys without worrying about repercussions although that's a positive for Newman I wonder if the power and freedom that it will give her will be the very thing that causes her undoing she's a threat to the boys and they're already going after her but as well as that homelander might view her as a threat because of the status and power that she's going to hold with the idea of him being replaced not sitting well with him he could look to kill her it would go against his plan but like I said earlier he's a ticking time bomb and is acting on emotions not logic starlight's identity crisis has been the center of her story and I feel we could see her finally get her powers back in this episode of the show she essentially needs them to be able to break free as her life is probably going to be on the line I thought she'd be going down a route of Darkness but it doesn't seem like that's going to be the case originally I thought we'd see Starlight fighting with firecracker and maybe killing her but I now think that would go against the entire Journey that starlight's been on so although firecracker may want the fight I don't think Starlight will sister Sage sister sage has been the Puppet Master behind the scenes of this season of the show orchestrating every move and knowing exactly what was going to happen there was a line in the previous episode when homelander got rid of her where she said you said you'd listen to me the way she said it it seemed like it could be a weakness of hers it tied back into what she said to Newman about how when she was younger she found a cure for her grandmother's Illness but nobody listened to her and ultimately her grandmother died in pain so there seems to be a deep rooted trauma there with being ignored when she feels as though she's right I wonder if herself and Newman have their own plan cooked up which is going to go against homelanders did AG deliberately want to be fired by homelander did she view him in the same way that she viewed those people who didn't listen to her many years ago and want him to get rid of her it could be the case but I definitely think there's going to be a twist with sister Sage she's too important of a character to not have some importance in the finale I think the final episode will conclude with there not only being a divide amongst the starlighter and homelander supporters like in the first episode but I believe there'll also be a divide within the boys due to butcher most probably going all in on releasing the virus and creating a pandemic and also the seven with sister sage and Newman cooking up their own plan and homelander imploding and causing mass chaos I think singer will be killed and the 25th Amendment will be activated which will see Newman sitting in power but at the same time I think the virus could also be released too so the state of the world will be in complete chaos there were a ton of different directions that the season finale could go in but these are the main things that I think we could see happening in the finale so there you have it the boys season 4 episode 8 theories explain kind
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Keywords: The Boys, The Boys Season 4, The Boys Season 4 Episode 8, The Boys Season 4 Episode 8 Trailer, The Boys Season 4 Episode 8 Preview, The Boys Season 4 Episode 8 Promo, The Boys Season 4 Episode 8 Trailer Explained, The Boys Season 4 Episode 8 Trailer Reaction, The Boys Season 4 Episode 8 Explained, The Boys Season 4 Trailer, The Boys Season 4 Review, The Boys Season 4 Reaction, The Boys Season 4 Ending Explained, The Boys Season 4 Episode 8 Theories, The Boys On Prime
Id: ud79x6U53Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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