Marvel's Big Week - Deadpool, Agatha, and Captain America

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are we back is Marvel maybe I don't know maybe Marvel's back and listen it's very early to say this because these three things that I'm going to be talking about could all be huge flops whatever and we are still coming off of X-Men 97 a thing everybody liked and we all thought is great uh but there are a lot of things this week specifically about Marvel uh that showed up that I think are promising first thing uh Deadpool and Wolverine they're doing like first 30 minute screenings which is something that's interesting I've never seen a movie do that specifically uh I imagine it's because of spoilers and stuff everything coming out of them is very positive and also apparently they have shown like most of what you've seen in the trailer is just like a taste of what's in this actual movie so I'm really excited for that like the people that have seen it have said it's really good uh it just looks like a lot of fun crowd-pleasing movie I think people are going to enjoy a lot of people I know are going to pretty excited about it which is good probably make some money which is nice I'm sure Disney after inside out and this like that that'll be a good thing for them but just overall it's nice that Deadpool and Wolverine sold itself as kind of an endgame level event movie and it does kind of feel like that it doesn't feel quite as like important as endgame but that does feel like a movie that's going to be a big exciting event and I think those are great I like these event movies uh I wish you know all movies could be event movies in their own way but at least with Marvel like the the formula uh does rely on some of these movies feeling big and this movie I'd say does does feel that way this week we also got the first trailer for Agatha all along the show that is coming out in September uh starring kathern Han and heart Stoppers Joe lock and plenty of other actors people like Aubrey Plaza I would say is a big one uh I think this looks promising I don't have too much to say about this one only because I don't think we get a lot from the trailer besides just that it has the same kind of sense of humor as W division which I think is good I will go down say w division is like the best show Marvel has made I don't know if it's my favorite I really did like She-Hulk but I think that W division season 1 was so good and the production value everything about that was so well done that I'm just fine with more of that it does kind of seem like they're doing something similar here to what they do with W division where you see in the beginning of this trailer Katherine Han shows up as a cop investigating a murder in West View and that is all a ruse or something like that you get a little bit of that from auy Plaza's character but you do also get a sense that like kathern Hunt's character is living in a fake reality created by Wanda and oh look it's a television show it's May of East Town and that one cop says wo like people from Philadelphia people with the Delo accent like very similar to May of East Town and I am hoping that that's something we're able to carry over from W division this idea of taking individual episodes or maybe just you know vignettes in episodes but really stylizing them to seem like something else like it seems like she's going to the witches Road and maybe you know one bit of the witches road is Wizard R Oz and one bit feels like Hocus Pocus and one bit feels like Charmed or something I don't know but I think that uh Mar vound bit I'd say is fun I like that Joe lock don't have a huge opinion on for Billy uh I know people on the some people on the internet are a little upset I think he's a great casting uh we'll see what the performance of Billy like how that you know relates to Comic Billy but I don't know I think over the course of the last like couple of years I think been more okay with like doing things very differently from the comics just as long as they're good and fun like obviously this is a huge departure for Agatha Harkness and I think this is like an act of the Harkness that we all really like I like Katherine HJ is so good uh we don't have too much information about who all the other characters are I think I'm fine with that honestly I don't even know if Joe lock has been confirmed as Billy but like that's definitely who that is and one of the things I really excited for is it seems like a all along because of its release schedule is going to drop at least an episode or something round Halloween and I think one of the things we lost when episodic television turned into you know streaming shows that all get released at once is the everybody watching the same thing at the same time holiday themed episode so I think this almost seems like a spooky holiday themed show and I think that's great I I loved werewolf by night and I'm happy that Marvel is doing more with that and now I'm thinking like they probably would have put this out earlier if it wasn't a Halloween thing like if this was just more generic I bet it would have been in February cuz it seems like it's been done for a while and they shot it a while ago and it doesn't seem like they're holding it back for like re-shoot it just does feel like a timing thing but overall I'm happy with it I think it looks cool and then we got Captain America Brave New World trailer so this was supposed to drop on Thursday and it didn't uh and by supposed to people said it was going to and then it didn't and then it dropped on Friday so this is the first day of it existing and I think it looks pretty fun I'm surprised by how into it I was considering how low my expectations were because of the news that this movie had to be reshot a bunch and certain characters weren't quite working certain characters may have been completely written out of the movie so like I think I expected it to be I don't know a little Messier and listen you could take a bad movie and turn it into a good trailer this has happened many times before we have all been fooled but I do think that you can also take a good M it's hard to take a good movie and turn it into a bad trailer right like getting a good trailer is at least kind of a good sign if nothing else it does feel like this movie has a little bit of style which is something that people frequently complain about with the Marvel Cinematic Universe like I think that it does seem to be going for the very serious like meruan candidate Espionage Thriller what everyone liked so much about Winter Soldier I hope that that is something that they're able to maintain because I think if you look at Captain America and the Winter Soldier the series it is pretty serious like there's a little bit of like you know Bucky would do a dumb thing and cap would be like you're an idiot Bucky haha and then laugh at him but like for the most part I think that show took itself very seriously the way that people wanted a show in the MCU to take itself seriously and I think at that point people were tired of all the quips and stuff like that same year the plan was to have black widow come out which did have plenty of silliness and quips so I think Captain America and the Winter Soldier had the right balance and I think if they're able to bring that into this movie play this movie pretty straight this would be a lot of fun I think the Captain America costume looks good I'm happy to see Julio Torres happy to see finally from the from the Happy Meal toys it's Ruth everyone's favorite character I I you know I think it's so stupid and the whole thing's dumb it's dumb that this character was like a member of like the Israeli Special Forces and then was like a Hulk character it's not even you know a good friend of Captain America or specifically of the Falcon so bringing her in here is like why this character specifically especially now because of how people feel about isra and Palestine they seem to have wiped as much of the Israel stuff from this character as possible which is just leaving us with like I I don't know a black widow named Ruth who's kind of mysterious and I guess if you really know who you're looking for you could tell this is supposed to be the Sabra character but I don't know if you want to boycott this movie that's fine I'm not super interested in boycotting it because Marvel doesn't seem to be like defiantly standing by Sabra it does feel like they're like shoot she's already in here all right we have to change your name in this scene change your name in this scene But like after all the things they're already re shooting I understand why they don't want to you know go use CGI to cut this character out of every scene speaking Happy Meal toys no diamond back in this trailer which I think is fine uh I like rose salzer though I'm hoping she plays a good you know role seems like the serpent society's role has been minimized generally uh I think General Ross looks great president Ross whatever we're doing with him the Red Hulk that tiny shot of the Red Hulk looked cool I like the political aspect uh we didn't see much of the leader there were maybe two shots of the leader apparently he is maybe the guy with that hat on in one scene from behind and then maybe the guy taking the picture if you're really like you know if if you're zeroing in you're like we're going to find the leader in this you could maybe find him then you've got a character played by John Carlos Zito is apparently going to be GW Bridge according to rumors who is another like Nick Fury type character I think that's fun I like that he seems to be playing it as kind of an agent of chaos he's got a bunch of guns and weapons and he just shows up and makes life difficult for everybody I'm happy that Jean Carlos bizo just seems to be having fun I'm glad he gets to do this you know like did the effects look perfect not really I think there's definitely some stuff they got to iron out uh do I think that the story is that clear as clear as you need this movie comes out in February and it is July so we got plenty of time I don't think they need to have a trailer where every character sits down and goes hey this is the thing we all want you want it for this you want it for this reason I'm going to go like we don't need to spell the whole movie out here but I do think that we got a sense for what the story was there were rumors the Tate the dreaming celestial sitting in the ocean is going to be part of it it seems like he will uh there's a couple of shots that have teit in the background I love the look at Captain America flying around I think that's fun one thing that I think some people were saying got a little bit of traction on Twitter was that it's like oh man the Red Hulk is a Hulk and he's smart usually like he's got the intelligence of Thunderbolt Ross at the time that he has hulked up how is Anthony Mackey who doesn't even have the super soldier formula going to fight this guy can't even take a hit from him it's like well first of all he's got the wings the fancy viban Wings give him a lot of like you know protection um also he can fly that's really handy for fighting a Hulk because Hulk can't fly and you zip around and in and out of stuff you know it's really hard for that Hulk to get you if you are the Falcon and it also I guess feels like a thing where people just say stuff on the internet like say it this quickly why how is he even going to beat him how are you going to beat the Red Hulk and it's like I listen I understand having this impulse but if you read the comments Red Hulk has a very specific weakness that normal Hulk does not and if Captain America can figure that out he can exploit that to beat the Red Hulk I'll say what it is and I don't know if this is going to come up in the movie if it's going to be specifically you know how this character works but traditionally the Red Hulk has a kind of like is a nuclear reactor of energy uh as he gets angrier he gets stronger but he also gets hotter and as he gets hotter and hotter and hotter he can overheat and cause like a meltdown where he would you know lose all his Hulk power and revert back to normal General R State like the way that you as a non- Hulk who can't just punch him beat the Red Hulk is by a not powering him up with radiation which is something Sam's not going to do like that's the problem Red Hulk is strong against like a green Hulk because he can suck the gamma radiation out of you but you can't really do that with a character who is just flying around in a bird suit so don't don't power him up but just get him really angry fly around make him exert himself a lot like jumping trying to follow you and eventually he'll burn himself out and be beatable like that is in a comic how you would beat the Red Hulk and also just like I don't know I think it's kind of cool cuz Captain America in these movies like first movie Captain America Steve Rogers like fights the Red Skull just beats him there's very little like oh is he going to beat the Red Skull it's it's pretty simple you winner soldier I would say fighting against Bucky those are those are good fights like those fights are really great um but it doesn't seem like an insurmountable challenge uh for Captain America uh as characters on his level and I would say Civil War is similar like the stakes in Civil War are not is Captain America you know going to be able to beat Iron Man it's like what's going to happen when one beats the other it's like how is this relationship going to be destroyed forever so with this it's like no a lot of it's just can he beat him like is this character able to beat a Hulk and I think that's kind of compelling I think that that makes it fun and also like Stanley said this he you know he gets these questions all the time like who winning a or got them cuz he is an rip Stanley he is dead uh but back when he was alive he he said this like people ask him who's going to win in this fight between you know Spider-Man and the Human Torch and stanle basically like I don't know whoever I want to win because I'm writing the comic book so I'll figure out something hopefully it's a good answer like it's fun and you guys enjoy reading it or watching it or whatever but like it's not these people aren't real you can do whatever you want and I think that they're going to come up with a pretty I think like I'm sure this came up in the raiter room when they were working on this someone was like wait a second this is a Hulk though right like they usually fight like Thanos and stuff so what's and then the person who was working on was like well no you see I have a I have a very clever idea and what we're going to do is and then they kind of planned it out I don't know I don't think they just like kind of you know Drew these names out of a hat and we're like all right well Red Hulk needs to fight Captain America sorry cap listen this movie could be and there could be a bad answer to that question but as far as like saying like oh he's cooked he's definitely going to lose it's like I don't know man it's the movie I'm sure they'll figure out something for them to do what else in here was good Carl lum's back it seems to be some sort of Manchurian Candidate character that's cool I do think Harrison Ford is good in this like I think Harrison Ford for all of his you know we love to make jokes about Harrison Ford sleepwalking through performances mostly because like a lot of the time he does he it's not because he's bad in the movies he's in at least not that I can remember it's that he hates doing press and a lot of this seems not fun for him especially like when you're you know doing a cameo in Star Wars Episode 9 that like nobody's excited for but like he shows up and just shows up for a day and then has to go in a press circuit and answer questions about Indiana Jones fighting Han Solo and his head explodes like I think it's very funny that you have this humongous Mega star who just does not want to talk about any of his movies but realistically like I think this performance is probably going to be pretty good he's great at being a kagin and I think you know seeing him jump around in the The Big Red Hulk body with this harison Ford face is going to be pretty funny I am slightly bummed that he doesn't have the mustache but yeah nobody's perfect yeah overall I think this was good I think this was a good week for Marvel even though none of the things actually came out and I'm not talking about Comics at all they're waiting for dazzler soon strong guy is going to be in the dazzler comic we're very excited about that but uh in terms of Deadpool early reviews saying that it is a lot of fun Agatha in the house of heartness or whatever having a fun trailer that I enjoyed getting me excited about that show which is coming out in a couple of months and then Captain America Brave New World having a trailer that honestly looked a lot better than I expected for a movie that had to be reshot a bazillion times so like maybe maybe it'll be good you know maybe it'll be a lot of fun and then after that it's like Fantastic 4 Thunderbolts we've got a lot of really interesting Marvel projects Daredevil born again like it's going to be a big year next year is going to be a big year for Marvel I think Deadpool Agatha obviously those are important but like Fantastic 4 is huge and Captain America movie is huge like yes they should just start calling it Avengers but whatever it does seem like it really is a Captain America movie uh which is nice I guess listen I'm been rambling you guys thank you for watching uh it's a lot a lot of stuff happened this week so we got to talk about all of it also you know I don't know they made a twisters movie I haven't seen it yet so thank you for watching liking subscribing sharing following all that stuff I will see you next time stay safe
Channel: The Nando Cut
Views: 2,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XcB5LqxbBVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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