Is Salt BAD For You? Dr DiNicolantonio, Author of The Salt Fix

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now's the time to tell them hey jump over to dr. Berry's page and watch this because we're gonna talk about some stuff hey dr. what's up brother man I have been busy today how about you you know I've had I had the day off so I did the exact opposite Dave you know I've been jacked up busy at the clinic and I thought I had time to get home and almost wound up being white as it was let me get all my stuff situated here okay hey man how's it going good good how are you good to see Jillian busy but good we're running and gunning but but having a good time so I'm gonna give everybody a minute to jump on if you're watching this on the replay make sure and leave your questions in the comments dr. Dee and I will we'll come back and check this for comments every few days and we'll try to answer all your questions we're probably gonna have a few hundred watching doc and so let me give everybody a moment to jump on and while we're doing that for everybody who's watching on the replay I want you to go ahead and and give us your introduction tell us who you are and why we should care what you say yeah well basically I mean if I'm doing a facebook live with you right away it doesn't matter who I am right we should all care about what's what we're talking about but basically I'm a doctor of pharmacy as well as a cardiovascular research scientist so I've been publishing on nutrition for nearly a decade I've written two books the salt fix and super fuel which is coming out in a month and really you know I've been passionate about nutrition micronutrients publishing evidence-based nutrition and so you know been published over a couple hundred papers and the medical literature so that's kind of what I do which is very impressive guys you may or may not know this but being published a few times it's pretty impressive I've been published in peer-reviewed journals exactly zero times and so I'm I have great oh and respect for dr. tena koe Antonio because of that I mean you you don't just do that you don't trip and fall and get a peer-reviewed published paper you have to work for that and so tell us where you're working at now what you're working on and then we're gonna we're gonna start with salt and then we'll wind up with fat how's that sound sounds great okay yes yeah so basically you know my research is out of the preventive cardiology department at st. Luke's Mid America Heart Institute and then currently I actually just wrapped up my my third book with dr. Fong called the longevity solution so pumped about that absolutely so that's going to be coming out in a few months I would guess may actually you may beautiful you love it and so your first book the salt fix I've recommended to all of my listeners at least 500 times basically every time somebody says yeah but what about salt I just drop a link to your book because I think it's by far the most comprehensive and the most easy to understand treatise on salt that's ever been written in the history of humanity and I'm not joking I'm dead serious about that there have been there are people who have written about salt in the past and done kind of half-assed jobs but I feel like you really just tied everything up and put a big fat pretty bowl on top and so let's dive into salt and I'm gonna be watching the comments for questions guys so I may not get to your question right off the bat but I'm gonna try to keep a kind of a running tally of what the questions are so we can get as many questions answered by the good doctor as possible so salt everybody hey Ben fury everybody knows that salt is bad for you and that you should really try to strictly limit your salt intake so that you don't have a heart attack and you don't have heart disease and heart failure right that's what we were we've been taught for the last what 50 60 years yeah so dive into the salt wherever you think would be the best place to start I've read your book and I recommended it like I said a hundred times and I want everybody to be listening up if you guys know anybody who's worried about salt if you've got a mama or a daddy who still limits their salt it's like oh my doctor told me to cut back on salt because I have high blood pressure or because I have heart failure they need to hear this so you to watch it live or watch it on the replay this is very very important information so jump in doc start wherever you want to and let's talk about salt yeah I mean so I mean even going above and beyond just like where does our nutritional evidence even begin where did it come from and it really all comes back to the 1977 dietary goals and that was the launchpad for the 1980 Dietary Guidelines for all Americans so back in 1977 that's when we got the advice to eat a low saturated fat diet eat a low fat diet eat a low salt diet now the Cochrane Collaboration wasn't even established until 1993 so if you have any type of dietary goals or advice coming out before 1993 you can pretty much guarantee it's not level a grade-a evidence and that's basically what happened and so the the dietary goals told all Americans to consume just three grams of salt which is 1.2 grams of sodium and that's about what the American Heart Association still tells us to do solely based on a few scientific opinions not fact so the main scientists that these dietary goals actually relied upon Senator George McGovern and his committee they were lied on to scientists basically George McNeely and Harold Barbie they published a review paper the year before the goals came out and they relied heavily on these two guys and actually what their paper actually said was two requirements had to be met for someone to actually have a rise in blood pressure eating a normal salt diet one you had to be genetically susceptible to you had to eat a low potassium diet okay in if you didn't have those two requirements Matt you didn't get any significant rise in blood pressure when you ate so unfortunately those those nuances didn't translate into the dietary goals because you know what complicated messages don't make for good Dietary Guidelines and so they needed to keep it simple they removed those to basically important nuances and said everybody should cut their salt intake because based on literally a minority of people who actually have a benefit when the majority of people do not see a reduction in blood pressure when they cut their salt intake and here's the really important part almost everybody has a significant rise in heart rate when they cut their salt intake which is significantly greater than the reduction in blood pressure so when you combine the two blood pressure and heart rate almost everybody is harmed and that's not even getting into the surrogate markers of increases in triglycerides literally not getting enough salt causes insulin resistance which contain obviously to die be he's low salt increases the stress hormones renin aldosterone angiotensin ii which stiffened the arteries literally low cell diets can lead to chronic hypertension and so we fell at the feet of one surrogate marker blood pressure and we forgot about all the other surrogate markers that lowering salt worsens so what about elevated heart rate versus blood elevated blood pressure as a marker for heart disease or as a risk for heart disease yeah so basically when you look at the actual what happens to let's say someone with normal blood pressure and they cut their salt intake they get about a 1% reduction in blood pressure but they actually get about a 5 to 10 percent increase in heart rate so when you multiply heart rate times blood pressure that's what's giving you the overall stress on the heart in the arteries and when you multiply the two it's always significantly worse on a low salt diet so by cutting your salt you might lower your blood pressure a few points but you're gonna raise your resting heart rate which when you do the math actually turns out to be a higher risk factor for for heart disease exactly yeah exactly okay and so someone missed my sarcasm earlier I was kidding about solving bad for you salt is very good for you that's the whole point of this discussion is that human beings crave salt for a reason we we I mean animals will walk miles to find a rock or mud that's that salt rich so they can lick that they don't do that because they just love the taste of salt they do that because sodium and potassium and chloride and all the other minerals found in salt are absolutely vital for your optimal health they're not optional and so when you tell somebody in my opinion to cut your salt intake you might as well be telling them to cut their oxygen intake you you should you're breathing too many times a day you should stop that that's that makes about as much sense as telling a human being you need to you need to eat this miniscule amount of salt each day it's not good for you you should you should get plenty of salt and we're gonna go into detail about that where do we go next doc I'm writing down some questions as you talk yeah so basically I mean you hit the nail right on the head we need to start looking at salt intake as how we look at water intake no one would ever be like you know what you should only consume 2 cups of because drinking more is gonna increase your blood pressure by 1% people would literally look at you and think you're crazy right and so that literally the exact same thing is happening with salt intake your body controls your salt intake there's something called the salt thermostat and it is not just in animals it's literally happens in humans as well and when you don't get enough salt the problem with that is is the way that your body tells you to go search and seek out more salt when you're deficient in it is by hyper activating the reward system in the brain and unfortunately sugar can hijack that when you're on a low salt diet and so can drugs of abuse and so literally studies an animal show if you make an animal deficient in salt you significantly increase the risk of becoming addicted to things that cocaine adderall and potentially even sugar yeah and somebody just asked that question and I was going to get back to salt and addiction when you're on a low salt diet diet you're actually without doubt at increased risk of developing other addictions because that's why the animals walk miles and miles to get to a salt lake is because they have to have salt it's not optional and when you look at a when you look at a basic metabolic panel or a complete metabolic panel and you and you look at how much what the normal range is for sodium and the normal range is for chloride you know we all talk about potassium and magnesium but when you look at how much your how much salt your body wants in your bloodstream at any given time it's it's a no it's to one or two orders of magnitude more it's a hundred you know it's over a hundred points more that your body wants sodium and chloride versus how much potassium and magnesium that it wants and so I just I'm about to put up a YouTube video that I made at lunch today quickly because I was late but I mean so many I it's talking about the addictiveness of junk food and I was watching a few YouTube videos doing some research and so many experts in the field were like oh it's it's very easy to be addicted to sugar and salt and fat in junk food they all want to throw salt in and it's completely different it's like saying oh dude you're addicted to air yeah that's why you're breathing all the time it's like what the hell dude no you have to have air you will die you have to have a certain amount of salt in your bloodstream or you will die like it's not optional at all and so when when an expert tells you oh you're addicted to salt that's for death that's baloney it's right that yes it makes no sense whatsoever yeah and and so here just to kind of compare the two between you you have five grams of glucose or your entire bloodstream you have 16 grams of sodium and so you know when you compare the two when you eat just one apple you're getting twice the amount of glucose in that one Apple then isn't your entire bloodstream when you consume a normal salt diet that's only like 1/4 of the amount of salt in your whole bloodstream so when you look at it between which is the wrong like crystal here it's really sugar that's driving blood pressure and all these other you know heart disease and things like that it's not the other way crystal salt which is an essential mineral right it's it's sugar and its effect on insulin that's actually creating the the fluid overload in your body that leads to elevated blood pressure and many many people and I'll tell you a doc I've had so many people that once they're on a ketogenic diet or some low-carb version of that when their blood sugars come down and their insolence come down they die your Rees get rid of all the fluid and I have to stop one two or three blood pressure medicines because they don't have hypertension anymore once they fix their sugar addiction and get their insulin levels down that fixes it and not in everybody but in so many people they just don't need blood pressure medication anymore because they're running in the 130s over 70s and that makes me very happy when I see that and it verifies what I believe about salt that it's not it's not a nutrient of concern just like the American stop worrying about salt and eating too much so let's talk about amounts how much how much salt should we get for optimal health versus what the American Heart Association says yeah so it's gonna be different in everybody just just like with our how much water you need per day literally you need to be listening to your cell thermostat and your cell cravings more than anything that's honestly probably the best advice I can give and so in the book I kind of cover what all these factors that are depleting us now salt throughout our life you know caffeine and coffee intake is not is much more of a waster of salt than than water we lose about a half a teaspoon of salt just consuming four cups of coffee exercise causes us to obviously loose salt through sweat ketogenic diets and low carb diets we diurese and we lose all this salt and so people who are exercising you're gonna be losing anywhere from a half of a teaspoon to a full teaspoon of salt per hour of exercise so I mean I have dosing tables and the celtics of how much people should be Dupre dosing prior to a workout based on you know the ambient temperature so it really depends on your whole lifestyle factors and disease states but listen to your salt cravings because that's gonna tell you how much you're gonna need in a day absolutely if you're thirsty you should drink if you're hypoxic you should breathe and if you're craving salt you should give in to that craving don't fight that that's your body telling you hey I need this essential mineral I need these elements in order to function properly and so craving salt is not the same thing as craving sugar it's not the same thing as craving processed foods it's completely different okay it's it's good to crave salt that means you get to eat salt at your liberty it's bad to crave cocaine because that means you've got an addiction you go to rehab those are two completely different things the the addiction of with it with a drug of abuse is the same as the addiction people have to process foods and sugars those they they literally light up the same parts of the brain and they tweak the same neurotransmitters your body can hijack that symptom if that system if you're low it's and make you crave it and make you go on a search for it you'll literally be walking miles to lick a salt lake if you don't have enough salt you I mean you will literally turn into a zombie looking for salt because you'll die without it and that's why you're not gonna die if you never eat another gram of sugar you're not gonna die if you never smoked crack again but you will die if you don't have salt in your body and so that's one craving you should give into yeah you know what's interesting too is when you don't get enough salt everybody like everyone loves magnesium which I'm a huge fan I've published a lot on and potassium everybody understands the importance of those two minerals but what the key piece of the puzzle that a lot of people are missing is that salt literally controls your magnesium status and because it does that it controls your potassium and your calcium status and what I mean by that is if you are getting enough salt your body will start pulling sodium from the bone to maintain a normal level and it will also strip magnesium and calcium from the bone at the same time and what that actually ends up doing is the spikes in magnesium and calcium from your low salt diet tricks your body into thinking you have too much magnesium and calcium and you stop absorbing it well and you start kicking more out the second thing that happens is to conserve sodium your body starts sweating out more magnesium and more calcium and the third thing is aldosterone rises and that hormone kicks out more magnesium in the urine so literally the worst thing you can do for your magnesium status is to not get enough salt that's I really want people to understand that yeah that is so important so vital you've got to have your sodium and your your potassium and your your sodium in your chloride or your body's gonna actually leach out and bleed out the magnesium trying to get the sodium and chloride out of your bone to satisfy your body's needs for that that's such an important point tell us doctor what are the symptoms of somebody if somebody does not have enough salt in their body what are the symptoms sure most common symptoms are going to be muscle cramps muscle spasms exercise fatigue and when you go from a seated to a rising position you're gonna be super dizzy and so anyone anyone who has what's called orthostatic hypotension when they rise from that seated to standing position and they feel light-headed that you do not have enough circulating blood volume and that is a super quick sign of salt efficiency yep and so fatigue if you stand up out of a chair quickly you get lightheaded those are classic signs of low fluid status or low volume which leads directly back to yellow sodium and low chloride because your body uses salt that's one of the many things that salt is used for in the bodies to regulate fluid balance and if you don't have enough salt and you're gonna have an improperly regulating fluid balance which could lead to low fluid balance and then you're gonna be lightheaded because that's gonna make you effectively hypotensive or have low blood pressure even though you might not yeah exactly and a lot of people get confused too because they say well you know what my sodium levels are normal so that must mean I've talked about the salt level very good let's talk about that yeah and so you know one of the quickest ways you can shock on a lab if your salt deficient is not necessarily look at the sodium level in your blood but to look at um beat the B UN if you have a normal water intake and you have a high B 1 that means you don't have good renal blood flow or kidney blood flow directly that is directly caused by not having enough salt and in blood circulation and so one of the quick ways you can check on a lab that potentially indicates salt deficiency is an increase in blood urea nitrogen and what about the the BU into creatinine ratio does that give you the same picture or is that more just a fluid status lab yeah as soon as you introduce crap mean that can kind of skew things right you know and so if somebody has an elevated bu in but the Kratt needs normal then that's that's a salt deficiency until proven otherwise that yeah that's that's fair statement nice I like that a lot I like that a lot so if you guys if you're just joining this is dr. James D Nichol Antonio he is a PhD doctor not an MD doctor he is multiple published in peer-reviewed journals he's published so much research that it's ridiculous he is a nerds nerd and that's the ultimate that's the ultimate compliment coming from me yeah right there so let's see we talked about the symptoms of salt we talked about how important it is we talked about how much that you need to get a day what if somebody has heart failure because that that throws a wrench in the gears maybe let's talk about that should somebody with the early stages of heart failure should they limit salt okay there's not a single study that has ever shown that lowering salt intake improves mortality and heart failure in fact every single study shows that it's significant increases all cause mortality so when you have someone with heart failures they're already on probably a thiazide diuretic like hydrochlorothiazide occur Thal dome they're already on a loop diuretic you're already putting them on an ACE inhibitor and aldosterone blocker these are things that are basically ridding the body of and so literally the most common symptom in heart failure patients is low sodium levels in the blood literally about one out of four one out of three heart failure patients have this and so if you don't get enough salt the problem is is it doesn't allow the diuretic to work the diuretic has to get into the kidneys and there's to be good blood flow to the kidneys to do that and so when you up your salt intake it literally improves the kidney function and allows the diuretics to do they need to get the extra fluid out and so what ends up happening in heart failure is you actually have an over attention of fluid compared to salt you need to get rid of the extra fluid not drop the sodium and so how it works is because your heart isn't working well the blood volume is reduced you have reduced blood volume flowing to the kidneys and so that actually stimulates what's called arginine vasopressin so the body's holding on to extra fluid because your heart isn't able to pump the blood around the body well enough and so that's why your your fluid basically loaded and so if you can up the salt intake and allow the diuretic to work better you can get rid of the fluid and maintain a normal salt status perfect I love it and we're getting 100 questions about everybody says they missed how much salt they should eat a day so the the recommendation from the American Heart Association is three grams a day max yeah but I recommend that you get much more salt than that I think in your book you talked about that if you just leave humans to their own devices they want to ingest what five to seven grams a day yeah honestly the normal intake is about yeah three and a half to about six grams of sodium which is about 8 to 10 grams of salt per day and how many teaspoons that would be a day yeah yeah so that'd be like one and a half two you know maybe one in 3/4 teaspoons of salt is what the average person seems to be sitting and that's where all the studies show where we have the lowest risk of death heart disease cardiovascular events is around that amount of salt and more even more important than just how much salt what what types of salt should you consume so every salt isn't the same right processed exactly is bleached it's got anti-caking agents it doesn't have a adine even if they iodized it it's potassium iodide which is not the same thing as real iodine so people on besides how much you should consume I like Redman real salt because it has real iodine and great quantities too so we're supposed to get 150 micrograms of iodine per day and as well at least and if you're eating a sea salt you are getting 0/0 iodine and sea salt guys so if you're using the umbrella girl salt it says that it's iodized but it's got the wrong kind of iodine and I've heard from multiple authorities that a lot of the iodine sublimates out of the salt as it sits on the shelf for months and months or on the ship from China and Seoul umbrella girl salt says it has iodine but it's not any kind of iodine you can use and probably by the time it makes it to your kitchen most of the iodine is sublimated or just it went from a solid to a gas and just left the salt and so my favorite I was gonna ask you what your favorite song is my favorite salt is Redmon's we like other salts for taste but when it comes to the the mineral profile you can't beat Redmon's and I've said this before but Redmon's comes from an ancient sea in Utah and it's buried under 30 feet of clay and so this is the most pristine pollutant free salt that you could possibly find in my opinion I mean yeah you know Himalayan potentially comes from under a mountain but you don't know a lot about how its processed between here and there but Redmon's real salt man it's my favorite I think that you you really can't do better than Redmon's real salt talk about the mineral profile and what you should look for in a salt besides you sodium and chloride yeah so basically so Redmon's will give you a few if your entire daily intake of salt comes from redmond real salt you're going about a hundred and seventy micrograms of iodine compared to if you grab a regular sea salt you'd be lucky to get five micrograms of iodine and in the promised sea salt 2 is our oceans have fifteen trillion tonnes of plastic and this is going to cease all right and so when you're pulling from an ancient ocean like redmond you're not going to have the microplastics and nano plastics as well and then it also has great amounts of calcium you'll get about 40 milligrams of calcium too and it's got um decent amounts of magnesium so yeah it's a definitely a high mineral salt yeah and so everybody's asking about Himalayan unprocessed Himalayan salt is fine but it's gonna be low in iodine it does have other other minerals because it's an unprocessed salt from an ancient sea but it doesn't have any iodine and so if you're gonna use Himalayan you probably need to supplement with something like the lugol's 2% that I talk about all the time one or two drops so that a day is going to give you about a milligram and a half which is way more than the minimum but as doc knows if you've got normal kidney function you can't overdose on iodine any extra that you take you're just gonna urinate it away and the same goes for salt as well and so you'd absolutely want a salt to taste and I think I've been doing this for years doc every time I have a cup of coffee I'll put a pinch of Redmon's in it right now I've actually grown to like my coffee salty but then also I know that every cup of coffee is gonna make me urinate away a little bit of salt so I'm replacing that as I go yeah I started telling people that start salt in their coffee when I started putting I published in mind body green how much salt we lose when we drink coffee and it kind of started trending you know what you know how much salts are you putting on your coffee and it actually does cut the bitterness of coffee another interesting point about iodine is we lose actually tremendous amount in our sweat so besides salt that we lose in sweat we actually lose between 50 and 100 micrograms of iodine per hour of exercise I mean you can literally lose more than the recommended amount that you're supposed to ingest in a day and one to two hours of exercise and pleats they're constantly sliding out salt and iodine and they're never using real salts to replace that iodine they're slowly becoming depleted right and there are parts of the country even back in the 20s and the teens the soil was thought was iodine depleted there was just no iodine in there and there's a it's like the Minnesota Wisconsin Iowa it was called meager bill because everybody there had AG order or a swollen thyroid because the thyroid was having to work so hard because it wasn't enough iodine and now it really doesn't matter because nothing you know almost nobody grows their food locally anymore more muss more and more of us are starting to do that which i think is an excellent thing but a lot of soil is just depleted in iodine typically the further you live from the ocean the less iodine is in the soil and so therefore the less iodine the plants have to take up and so to salt your food to taste with a good sea salt that has iodine in it is vital I think for good health and longevity and increased health span which is what we're all really after where do we need to go next doc what do we need to talk about next when it comes to salt yeah so we can talk about maybe pre loading with salt before workout and you know what are the what are the benefits who should do it etc etc so exercise is when you start exercising your plasma volume goes down by about 10% and so when you preload with salt and water you are basically increasing your plasma volume about 10% so you're literally instead of that fluid going to the muscle and then being depleted in your circulatory system you're preventing that from happening you got the fluid now go into the active muscle but now you're maintaining a normal plasma volume when you're exercising this is super vital so how much should you do basically my book lays it out and a couple nice tables but a quick kind of napkin type of calculation and how I kind of think about it is if you're exercising in an 80 to 89 degrees fahrenheit temperature about a half a teaspoon of salt with about 12 ounces of water about half hour before you do that and in the honesty is gonna work wonders regardless if you're lifting or running doing you know hit high-intensity interval training it's gonna benefit you because when you're if you're lifting weights you still have blood flowing to the muscle you it's gonna help with the pump it's gonna reduce the improve your circulation so you don't have the dizziness that people get especially when they go from like when they're doing squats or they're doing elevated sit ups when you when you boost that plasma volume of salt that doesn't happen anymore you're not gonna get the muscle spasms the muscle cramps and you're gonna be able to workout significantly longer and when I say significantly longer here's what the clinical studies show when you preload with salt and you give yourself about a teaspoon of salt and you're about to work out at about 89 degrees Fahrenheit so fairly hot it allows you to exercise 21 minutes longer before you become fatigued 21 minutes longer I don't know of a single natural substance that can allow someone to work out that much longer before becoming fatigued and what ends up happening how it does this which is really cool is the increase in plasma volume and circulation that fluid cools your body off so they've done core body temperature Studies on people who preloaded with salt you are one degree cooler when you load yourself with salt and so literally you're cooler your heart rate slower you can work out longer I mean what do I mean you can't beat salt for a pre-workout I don't think even steroids would give you an extra 21 minutes per workout that's pretty amazing and so if any of you guys are getting started with your exercise regimen create Priya don't preload don't carb up don't don't carb load before you brine or before you lift salt load it's much better you're gonna get a much better workout a more intense workout and you'll be able to work out longer and for those of you who don't work out yet you still need to eat your salt you need to salt to taste and don't be afraid of salt let's wrap up about the salt dr. and then we're gonna start talking about this new book that I'm so excited about yeah give us a closing paragraph about salt wrap it up and put a bow in it alright so basically you want to eat Redmond real salt a healthy salt you want to basically consume real food salt to taste trust your cell cravings and the book is called the salt pit I've recommended it a hundred times I've read it about three times I've got it on audible and so it's one of the books it's one of my go-to books and I'm like wait a minute I forgot about something and so I'll just I'll listen to a chapter again I love that book and now let's talk about this new book this may be backwards I'm not sure but let's talk about this what's this all about yeah so this is all about you know taking the ketogenic diet and basically upping it a notch this is ketogenic diet 2.0 and so you know I think a lot of people you know are doing some things right on the ketogenic diet but they can do some things a little bit better and so this is really super fuel is all about enhancing your fats what type of fats you should be eating how fat actually controls not just your metabolism but how much muscle you build even your performance so that's that's really what the books about I love it I love it and so tell us a couple of ways that we might be doing keto wrong that you're gonna help us understand in the book super fuel yep so I think um you know one of the easiest ways and when people start stalling on keto like why am I not losing weight I find that a lot of people are potentially adding too many fat bombs to their diet so that would be too much heavy cream in their coffee maybe too much butter are those foods bad absolutely not but some people are adding too much added fats and I think if you can replace some of those added fats with maybe wild salmon or avocado I think some people are gonna see what's had the benefits you can really get by just making a quick swab like that yeah yeah fat's adding a little fat in your coffee is can be very beneficial to help keep you satiated so you're not hungry so you're not reaching for carbs especially if you're doing a time restricted feeding window a little bit of fat and a little bit of salt in your coffee or your Quixote can can be the difference between failure and success but putting more fat is not magical there's nothing magical about putting forward tablespoons of Kerrygold butter and your coffee right and so went back in an earlier part of my Aikido journey doc I would do that I would put a ton of fat I put a combination of different fats and I might have needed that during that stage of my Kido journey but now I'm almost to my ideal body weight I'm trying to maintain I'm trying to you know cut a little bit and so I use a teaspoon of carry gold in my in my coffee per cup and that's it that's all I need and so used to I might literally put three tablespoons of butter in my coffee it's freaking delicious no doubt about it and if you guys are still making gains if you're moving and making positive improvement keep doing what you're doing but if you stole that's when it's time to start thinking about this new book super fuel and saying hey maybe I'm maybe I personally doc I don't think you can eat too much fat and make yourself gain weight at least I haven't seen that happen in clinical practice but you can sure enough slow down your weight loss or you can stall your weight loss if you're using too much fat in the way of keto coffee or in fat bombs and so during one part of your journey you might need those but as you continuing as you make gains and as you try to lose even more you're probably going to start to use the fat just as a very specific tool if you're hungry little fat in the coffee if you're not hungry salt your coffee and move on yep exactly I love it I love it and so is super fuel available now or is it three order or yeah yeah you can pre-order it it'll be available November 13th so November 13th and I got an advance copy so that I can read this thing and then talk it up to the heavens because I think there's a ton of great information in this so it's available for pre-order now on Amazon yeah then absolutely if you guys don't have a copy of the salt fix what are you doing stop turn this off right now and go to Amazon and buy a copy it's on audible it's on Kindle or you can get a paperback or hardback I think yep right yeah that's right Lee alright doctor thank you so much I know you've got some little ones you got to get in the bath and get the bed and we really appreciate you taking the time to join us if you wouldn't mind every day or two if you just pop back in and scroll through and answer a question or two my people love it when you do that and that helps them that helps if they're wanting to connect with you also somebody said that they couldn't like or follow your facebook page yeah there's a problem they got to go to my doctor James cynical Antonio Facebook page they gotta find out the doctor page okay so go to that page and we'll put a link in the show notes so that you'll know which one to go to I'm gonna put a link to super fuel so you can go ahead and preorder that and I'm gonna put another link for the thousandth time to the salt fix because if you don't have that book you need it yeah and let us know I mean maybe we should you know go and do you know another interview on super fuel and the inter sees what fat people should eat if a lot of people want to do that we can maybe connect again on that top absolutely and so yeah maybe when he gets closer to going live we could come back and do a second one of these and just focus on keto 2.0 as you called it I like that a lot because so many people have made great gains with keto and then they stall out and they're like what the heck man I'm doing everything I think I'm doing everything right but why have I stalled on my weight loss or why have I stalled on whatever your health bill may be and I think that's when it's the time comes for books like super fuel and I love it the ketogenic keys to unlock the secrets of good fats bad fats and great health what a subtitle I love it doc thank you so much you guys go follow this guy get this guy's books it's gonna make you have better health a better health span and a longer lifespan thanks for having me Ken hey man I'll see you soon all right yeah later all right later all right guys there you have it if you missed any of the stuff we talked about you know you're welcome to watch this on the replay thank you so much for joining us today if you know any if your your brother your sister your next-door neighbor or is still afraid of salt they need to see this video you can share this on your Facebook page you're welcome to share this in any group that you happen to be a member of on Facebook you can send an email you can send a text message so many people are still afraid of salt and that it's not that it's like oh it's it's sad that they're not able to use salt in their diet no it's actually bad for their health if they're not getting enough salt is a big medical deal if they're not getting enough salt and so please share this and thank you so much for joining me next time I grab a big fancy famous intelligent doctor I'll be sure to drag them on this page and interview them so you guys can learn even more okay this is dr. Barry I'll see you next time
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Keywords: is salt bad for you, is salt good for you, is salt bad for weight loss, should i limit salt, how much salt per day, how much salt on keto, how much salt is too much, how much salt do we need, does salt make you fat, does salt cause high blood pressure, does salt cause bloating, does salt cause insulin spike, does salt cause edema, does salt cause water retention, does salt cause heart disease, does salt cause heart attack, will salt hurt me, can i eat salt, dinicolantonio
Id: 3f8VAK-K1A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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